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“Ohhh...fuck...this was worth...every...penny…” 

Ryan hated the way he groaned when the man clutched at the hair on his widened back, just as he hated how good it felt to have his unwanted bulk shake and bounce in time with the young stud’s pounding, his mammoth cock slapping uselessly against his gut and winging strands of sticky fluid as the monstrous organ oozed continuously.  

Though his excessive growth had included a significant amount of muscle, there was a soft, supple layer on top of it all that was in constant motion with each thrust, never letting the formerly chiseled man forget how his body had been warped and altered.  A few weeks ago he looked much like the rich young punk currently fucking his brains out, if not better.  He’d been smooth and sculpted, his handsome, pretty-boy face sitting on a tapering, athletic frame.  Now there was nothing smooth or sculpted about him.  He’d become thick and beefy, with a midsection that expanded out in a prominent muscle gut instead of pinching in at his tiny waist.  His arms and pecs, his ass, thighs, and cock; everything had inflated, leaving his once-athletic frame wide and meaty.  The dense layer of hair that had sprouted along with the growth only accentuated his ample new bulk and made his unaltered face even more of a jarring contrast against his rugged build.  

“You fuckin’....like that, pretty boy?” the man grunted, reaching around to grip Ryan’s furry shelf of a chest and pull him upright.  “Bet you love….havin’ some...smooth dick in that...fat ass…” 

Ryan whimpered as the man’s hands slid down and began rubbing through the carpet on his protruding gut, loving the sensation of the arrogant stud’s smooth, sculpted pecs pressing into his hairy back.  It was an adjustment he was still trying to come to terms with.  Just as horrifying as the changes to his appearance, his behavior had been warped beyond his wildest imaginings, making him a slave to his body’s lustful new impulses.  He was mortified at the handsome brunette’s condescending tone and at having his inflated ass called fat.  There was still a part of Ryan that wanted to turn around and use his new bulk to put the smug little prick through a wall, but he couldn’t.  Not only was the other man right, he absolutely did love it, there was a switch in his brain that kept him submissive to the client’s wishes.  All of the guys who worked there had it.  So instead of picking the man up with one arm and throwing him across the room, Ryan could only whimper and moan while his body lit up like a christmas tree.  

“I know I’m...blowin’ your mind...right now...but I asked you...a question…” the man spat, tweaking each of Ryan’s inflated, nubby nipples.  “Let me hear you...say it…” 

“I...I looouuuhh...love it…” Ryan stammered, clutching at the man’s hands as they kneaded his chest.  The familiarity of the man’s condescending tone only made matters worse as Ryan was painfully aware of all the times he’d run his mouth in similar fashion.  Before all this, when he’d been the chiseled jock fucking his way from one side of campus to the other, Ryan hadn’t always been the most considerate partner.  Now, as the one on the receiving end, he was horrified at the way the humiliation only made his fattened cock throb harder.  “I luuuhh...love that….smooth dick in my...fah...fat ass…” he grunted, his eyes going wide as he felt the pressure reach the breaking point.  He could hear the man laughing over the sound of his wailing moan at the way his expanded body shook as he spasmed in his arms.  Ryan was too overwhelmed by his own explosion to register when the man unloaded inside him, but based on the waterfall running down his hairy thighs he knew he had another satisfied customer.  

“Whooooo...you guys really are somethin’ else,” the man sighed as he climbed off the bed and stretched.  Ryan rolled over on his back, his softening monster leaking up onto his stomach as it flopped over a thigh, and tried not to stare too longingly at the man’s perfect physique and normal cock.  Ryan still felt a pang of jealousy as he looked at the smooth, defined muscle and he wondered how much of his new eagerness was just him trying to get close to what he’d lost.  Even now there was a part of him that wanted to hop off the bed and drop to his knees so he could bury his face between the smooth thighs and get his hands on the man’s granite, perky cheeks all over again.  

“Did you need anything else?”  Ryan asked as he sat up and reluctantly lurched off the bed.  Some clients paid for a single session, while others paid for a whole day, night, or even longer.  Some just wanted to get off, but others wanted a more involved interaction.  In just his few weeks Ryan had done everything from strip teases to bondage.  He’d been fucked over and over, had fucked a handful of men with his beastly new organ, had spent the night cuddling, had given baths, had every size and shape of cock in his mouth, and had been the subject of countless humiliating photos.  When Nick first told him he’d be popular, the tiny-dicked muscle man hadn’t been lying.  Ryan had only been with his current client, who hadn’t even told him his name, for a few hours, and he still wasn’t sure if he was hoping to stay or be dismissed.  

“Nah, I think I’m good,” the man said, flashing his smug, handsome grin as he looked Ryan up and down.  “Just send someone in to change the sheets...you kinda made a mess there, champ.”  The man paused and bent to pick up the red jockstrap he’d requested Ryan show up in. “You don’t mind walking back like that, do you?  I wanna keep this,” he said, taking a deep inhale from the red pouch.  

“Of course,” Ryan nodded.  “And I’ll send someone in right away.”  The man was already ignoring him and looking at his phone, so Ryan said nothing else as he gave the handsome hunk one last look before turning and using the service exit, hating himself for how much he wanted to stay.  The service exits let him and the other guys come and go from the rooms without using the guest areas, and he stopped at a small panel in the wall to punch in a code.  “A-17 needs fresh sheets,” he said, as if it was a regular service call. 

There was a pause before a tinny voice responded.  “That you, Ryan?  Oof...probably need a whole new bed if you were in there,” the man laughed.  

Ryan didn’t find it nearly as funny.  The man’s joke only made the former jock painfully aware that he was standing naked in public with another man’s cum drying down the backs of his enlarged thighs.  The copious hair only made the sensation more noticeable as his trunk-like legs shifted and rubbed together, the former gap between them a thing of the past.  “Just bring the sheets,” he sighed before lumbering the rest of the way to the staff quarters.  All he wanted was to take a shower and to try and force the image of the brunette’s smooth, perfect body from his mind so he could stop dwelling on what he’d never have again.  

“So how’d that go for you?”  

Ryan blushed at the squeaky voice, still not used to being so constantly on display.  Even though he knew Dylan would be just as exposed as he was, the former ladies man hadn’t rediscovered his usual confidence when it came to his beefy new body.  He still felt like a freak, something that his short new friend was all too familiar with.  “Not bad.  Quick,” he said, smiling at the pint-size stud as Dylan scampered down the hall behind him.  He stopped so the tiny hunk’s short, muscled legs could catch up and tried not to stare at the swinging log that was the little man’s enormous cock.  For the most part, Dylan had the kind of body Ryan had just been longing for.  He was smooth, chiseled and lean, with a lantern jaw, an All-American face, and a head of short, chocolate brown hair.  He was the kind of guy Ryan used to hang around and compete with for girls, except for Dylan’s three foot height, helium voice, and pendulous, oversized cock.  

“You sound disappointed about that last part,” Dylan said, grinning up at Ryan with a raised eyebrow.  He laughed when the beefy man blushed and ran a small hand along the sticky trail running down Ryan’s thigh.  “Dude, it’s okay.  You can think they’re hot, even if they’re assholes.  I meah, fuck, look at me.”  He spread his sculpted arms and nodded down at his own sticky torso.  Where Ryan had a few trails, the diminutive stud was nearly covered from head to toe.  “I just got a shower from a group of businessmen, but damn if some of those daddies weren’t jacked,” he sighed.  “You’re still new...you’ll get used to it.”  

Ryan shook his head and winced as he ran a hand over his furry gut.  “I don’t know if I want to.”  

Dylan gave a short laugh and shrugged.  “Fuck, I feel that...but what choice do we have?  You know why they picked us.  Where am I gonna go like this?”  

Ryan’s meaty hands balled into impotent fists.  “But...I don’t care what we signed...they can’t actually do this to us!”  Since waking up, the former jock learned exactly why he’d been hired.  It wasn’t just his genetic predisposition to the treatments, but his overall lack of connections.  The Resort had done an extensive background check and was well aware that Ryan didn’t have any friends or family that would come looking for him.  None of them did, which added another layer of confusion to the surreal experience.  Horrifying circumstances aside, Ryan had already grown to enjoy the other guys’ company.  They’d all been twisted by the same trap, and the solidarity he felt with his new friends was as foreign a sensation as having another man inside him.  He was starting to love how it felt waking up with Nick’s heavy arm draped across him while the other man’s shrunken cock dug into his burly side, and he loved the sound of Dylan’s squeaky voice and the sight of his adorably muscled little body.  He may not have come to terms with himself yet, but Ryan had no problem accepting Tony’s ridiculously plump rear or the sight of Mike’s jock body strutting around in his flat-fronted panties.  

“Bro.  They can and they did,” Dylan said, hefting his oversized cock for emphasis.  “Can’t change any of that.  Only question now is what do we do about it?  I could freak out and be miserable or I can try and enjoy the fun parts.  I mean, we technically ARE getting paid and guys do get out of here when their contracts are up to keep the variety flowing...and something tells me this is going to be easier to deal with in here than out in the real world.”  

Ryan had been trying not to think about that last part.  He knew guys didn’t stick around the Resort forever, but the fact that none of them had come after the place once they were out made him question what state they were in upon their exit.  It was clear the Resort could tamper with their heads, so Ryan wasn’t sure he’d even remember any of this once his time was up.  “Lucky us,” he sighed as they reached the tiled showers.  He was relieved that it was just the two of them since his thick cock had already started throbbing as they’d walked, the sight of Dylan’s ripped, compact frame revving him up all over again.  Ryan was used to open showers in locker rooms, but scrubbing down with his aching rod on display was still an adjustment.  He cranked the shorter man’s shower to life since Dylan couldn’t reach and winced as he stepped under his own stream.  The water coursing through his ample hair made him feel like a wet dog, to the point where he would almost be willing to trade places with the shortened man just to be rid of it.

“It’s all a matter of perspective,” Dylan said as he finished scrubbing his sculpted pecs clean.  He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the rigid pole pointing almost directly at his face.  “From where I’m standing it could be worse.”  

“HHNN…!”  Ryan jerked and gasped when the other man’s small hand reached out and gripped his cock.  His first instinct was to pull away since they were standing out in the open, but it was an impulse his body ignored.  He closed his eyes, focusing instead on trying to hold back the explosive pressure that was already mounting.  He could still fuck for hours but his stamina had been changed significantly, swapping out his staying power with the ability to cum over and over.  His clients inevitably loved it, but it left the inflated stud constantly on edge.  He was trying to force some control over the process but it was a losing battle, especially when he felt Dylan’s tongue flick against the underside of his wide shaft.  “FFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, his body shaking as he spasmed helplessly.  

“See?  Not so bad,” Dylan laughed, giving one of Ryan’s plump cheeks a swat.  

“Still breaking in the new guy, eh?”  

Ryan blushed, his eyes shooting open at the sound of Tony’s deep voice from outside the room.  After everything he’d already done with the bottom-heavy hulk he knew he didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about, but it was an annoyingly persistent reflex.  He shut the shower off and grabbed a towel, his semi-hard cock pulsing at the sight of the muscular stud’s beachball cheeks spilling out of his ridiculously small briefs.  

Tony flexed his piston arms behind his head and gave the jiggling globes a shake, laughing at Ryan’s transfixed stare.  “We can play later, stud.  Nick sent me to find you...looks like you’re not the new kid anymore.”  

Ryan blinked and forced his eyes away.  “Wait...we got someone else?”  

The twerking meathead nodded and reached down to tousle Dylan’s damp hair.  “Sure did.  Ramping up for the summer crowds.  Gonna be a bunch’a new faces around here soon.  Our newest member is going through the process now...Nick thinks you might be able to relate based on what he’s seeing.”  

Ryan didn’t know what to say, or what help he could possibly offer to someone new.  He still hadn’t wrapped his head around his own situation, and he certainly didn’t think he was in a position to walk another person through it.  He also wasn’t sure he wanted to witness someone else going through the process, but even as he debated with himself he was walking down the hall towards the man’s room.  

“There you are!” Nick said, hopping up from his seat and throwing a granite arm around Ryan’s hairy shoulders.  The towering meathead was clad in a bright, nearly non-existent thong that highlighted his petite bulge, but Ryan’s attention was focused on the whimpering man on the bed.  “This is Greg.  Greg, this is Ryan.  He’s new here too.  Looks like you guys might have some stuff in common.”  

“Uh...hey,” Ryan said, trying to keep his expression neutral as he stared at the man’s changing form.  He’d lived through it himself, but he still wasn’t prepared to actually watch it happen.  He could actually see the patches of chestnut hair growing thicker on the terrified brunette’s pecs and abs as his athletic body contracted.  Given the slow pace Ryan didn’t think Greg was on his way to Dylan’s size, but it was obvious the newcomer had lost several inches already.  He appeared to be exchanging height for extra bulk, though unlike his own beefy expansion, Ryan could still see the chiseled definition on the young man’s increasingly-stocky body, and the hair wasn’t as pervasive as the carpet he’d sprouted.  Greg’s prominent pecs were covered, and there was a dense line running down the center of his wide, ripped stomach that exploded around his fat cock and meaty thighs, but it didn’t spread up over his shoulders or down his back.  It also didn’t seem to want to stay on the young man’s head.  Like Ryan, Greg had a handsome, youthful face, but the prone man seemed to age as his thick head of hair thinned, with male-pattern baldness setting in and his sharp features blunting slightly to match his burly new build.  Instead of the tall, smooth jock he’d entered as, Greg would be leaving as a thick, stocky bulldog.  

“Ple...please...what’s happening…” Greg grunted, his eyes darting back and forth between Nick’s tiny package and Ryan’s aching monster.  

“You didn’t read the fine print either, did you?” Ryan said as gently as he could.  He reached over and swallowed Nick’s package in a meaty hand, obscuring the small pouch.  “Don’t let Nick freak you out...he likes to show off the little guy as soon as he can.  Scared the hell out of me, too.”  Ryan gave a short laugh and shook his head, nodding towards Greg’s rigid cock.  The oozing organ was still average length, but it had grown plump and wide, as had the churning balls underneath.  “Yours isn’t getting any smaller.  Real thick, though,” Ryan said, giving the throbbing rod a squeeze.  Even his giant hand could barely wrap around the whole thing as he felt Greg shudder at his touch, the young man’s eyes going wide.  

Ryan felt a stab of guilt at the way his own cock ached as he studied Greg’s changing features.  The shortened jock’s appearance wasn’t as jarring as his own pretty boy head on his brutish frame, but the contrast was still there.  Greg still had bright, youthful eyes below his receding hairline, and his lips were still full and soft below his flattened nose.  He still had his high, sharp cheekbones, but they were covered in a dense layer of stubble and offset by his widened jaw, leaving him with an appearance that was both youthful and almost exaggeratedly masculine.  

“I already explained how this place works,” Nick said, pushing his hips against Ryan’s hand instead of pulling away.  

“But...but this isn’t what I signed up for…” Greg stammered, clearing his throat at the sound of his deepened voice.  

“Shit.  That’s hot,” Nick laughed, running a hand through the hair on Ryan’s meaty chest.  “Papa Bear and Little Daddy.  You guys are gonna kill it.”  

Ryan rubbed Greg’s stomach, giving him a sympathetic smile as the stocky man gasped and squirmed at his touch.  “I know this is a lot to take in.  When I showed up I looked a lot like I’m guessing you used to, then I woke up with my body turning into this,” he said, gesturing down at himself.  “Dude...I honestly thought it was the end of the world, and I know this will sound crazy to you right now, but it’s really not.”  

“Fuuu...oh fuck...why does that feel so…” Greg whimpered, a steady stream oozing from his fat cock as Ryan stroked his abs.  

Ryan let his hand drift down to a hairy thigh, his fingers just below Greg’s inflated balls.  “Right?  Call it a perk.”  

The hairy giant was all too familiar with the confused look on the balding young man’s face.  “But I’m not...not…” 

“I don’t think any of us were when we got here...you get over that pretty quick,” Ryan shrugged, feeling his own anxieties lessen as he spoke.  He thought it was just lip service to calm Greg down, but he was starting to realize he actually meant what he said.  “Look...I’m not going to lie.  You’re going to be super embarrassed for a bit and feel like you shouldn’t actually be doing what you’re doing, but at the same time it’s going to feel fuckin’ great,” he said, running a finger along Greg’s slick shaft.  “It’s a lot easier if you focus on that last part.  Trust me...once you meet the other guys you’ll see that no one’s judging anyone.  Not much to be embarrassed about around here.  It’s actually kind of freeing when you think about it.”  Ryan laughed at Greg’s pained, panting expression and shook his head.  “And you probably heard maybe half that, right?  It’s cool...we can go over it all again when this is done.  You want me to stop or keep going,” Ryan asked, wrapping his hand fully around Greg’s girthy beast.  

“Kee...keep going…” Greg whimpered, his jaw dropping as the process finally finished and he lifted his head.  He dug his shortened fingers into the bed, his meaty new rear flexing as he bucked his wide cock instinctively into Ryan’s hand.  “Oh god...oh god...I’m so fuckin’ hairy…” he stammered, the familiar mix of lust and terror washing over his face as he gawked at the stubby wine bottle that was his cock oozing in Ryan’s grip.  “DID I GET SHORTER?!  WHAT THE FUCK?!” he roared, surprising himself at the way his deep voice echoed off the cinder block walls.   

“Only a little,” Nick said calmly, sitting on the edge of the bed and running a hand through Greg’s thinning hair.  

“But...but...wait...is my hair...what the fuck happened to my hair,” the whimpering man spat as he felt Nick’s palm against bare scalp.  

“It just moved around.”  The brawny bodybuilder reached down and kneaded Greg’s furry mounds, lacing his fingers through the hair and tweaking the tiny nipples.  

The combined sensation was enough to push the stocky man over.  “Ffffffuuuuuuuucck...”  Greg grunted and spasmed between the pair, his ample, chiseled muscle going tense as he erupted in volcanic fashion.  

“Good job, stud,” Nick laughed, his kneading turning to gentle stroking as he patted Greg’s heaving pecs.  The addled man looked overwhelmed as he blinked up at the two strange men who’d just gotten him off, a feeling that Ryan remembered all too well.  

“This is the hardest part,” Ryan said as he pulled Greg upright on the bed and watched the man wince at the way his inflated package squished between meaty legs that no longer reached the floor.  Ryan’s assumption that Greg wouldn’t reach Dylan’s size was correct, but the hairy stud couldn’t have been taller than 5’6” at most.  “Best thing to do is rip that bandaid right off, though.  And I’m speaking from experience.  Come on...let’s give you a look at the new Greg and go meet the others so we can finish your orientation.”  



It appeared briefly last Monday because I forgot that I had scheduled it ahead of time and accidentally posted two stories last week. I deleted it shortly after, but you may have caught it during that window or received a notification about it.