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This is another one that was up on the Instagram. Of possible interest to some of you, this is Aizen Myo’o, the Lust Tinted Wisdom King. Venerated by Japan’s esoteric Buddhist sects as king of love, lust, and desire, patron of erotic love and sexuality. He is King of Lust because he helps control it, explore it, and transform it into transcendent love and spiritual enlightenment. Aizen Myo’o is venerated by those in the LGBTQ community, and anyone for whom sex is a business, including sex shop owners and those working with any form of pornography or erotica.

Weirdly enough, this guy didn’t cross my path until after I started the Patreon page and really started dedicating more time to the writing. I’m not Buddhist and know next to nothing about most Eastern traditions, so it’s serendipitous that I learned about him in the first place. Found this little plastic statue from a vintage shop in Japan (on Etsy, not in person, unfortunately), and the other is from the Tokyo National Museum.


Derek Lee

Well now....seems perfect that he should show up in one of your stories at some point!!


All sorts of potential there! He seems pretty obscure, so I like to spread the word to anyone who might be interested in that sort of thing. I know there are a lot of creative folks and other writers in this crowd. I just love that he has this super intimidating appearance because he loves so hard it’s burning him up.