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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 11: For Sale

  • Option 1 19
  • Option 2 26
  • Option 3 10
  • Option 4 6
  • 2020-04-12
  • —2020-04-15
  • 61 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 11: For Sale', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 15, 16, 0, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 12, 17, 12, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 61}


***** Voting options are at the end of the story! *****

Chet had his work cut out for him.  The crumbling old Victorian would have been a hard sell even if it was in better shape, but given its current condition it would take a planetary alignment of the right buyer with enough money who wanted to take on a massive project.  “Fixer upper” didn’t even begin to describe it.  Sitting up on an isolated hill the old house had one of the better ocean views and overlooked the historic district of downtown Kingsbury.  Unfortunately, it also had a roof full of holes, a century-old furnace, and a damp, dark cave underneath that was more of a nightmare than a functional basement.  The house had been in the Pitman family since it was built, and Chet doubted if any of the subsequent descendants had so much as lifted a finger to keep the place up.  The yard was, and always had been, an overgrown mess, and the house itself had been in a steady decline since the final nail was pounded in place.  The fact that it was still standing at all was a miracle.  

Chet had never given much credence to what he heard about the Pitman family over the years.  He’d gone to elementary school with a pair of the Pitman siblings, a brother and sister, but the thin, pale children had been quiet and reclusive.  They’d always kept to themselves and never paid much attention to the rest of the students, even when they were the frequent targets of bullies.  Chet had seen the looks they gave each other, like they were in on a joke that no one else knew.  The siblings had stopped attending by the time he reached high school, and Chet had mostly forgotten about them until the house was his to sell.  

He heard the things people said about the family, that they were old Salem refugees and would practice dark rituals and sacrifices in the forests at night.  When Chet was young his classmates would all dare each other to go knock on the Pitman door and run away, though he didn’t remember anyone actually going through with it.  The house was in bad shape even back then, its brooding atmosphere made all the more ominous by the complete lack of lights coming from the windows at night.  None of the elder Pitmans were ever seen in town, and Chet didn’t know what became of the Pitman kids, but it seemed they were the last of the line.  The house was being sold by a trust, and given how much it had decayed in the twenty years since he’d known the siblings, he had no idea how long it had been sitting abandoned.  

Now, inspecting the house’s odd interior, Chet was starting to wonder how much of what he’d heard had just been rumor after all.  He’d been to the house several times to at least give it an attempt at staging, and every time he was left more unnerved than the last.  Most of the furniture had been removed save for a few antique mirrors and fixtures, and Chet couldn’t even begin to imagine how the house had been set up.  The architecture was unlike anything he’d ever seen before and was completely out of style with the Victorian exterior.  Rooms were oddly placed and had unnecessary angles, some felt excessively large while others were small and cramped, and some rooms connected to each other, ignoring the hallways that ran like back alleys between them.  It was a maze, and Chet had no idea how he was going to convince anyone to buy it when he could barely convince himself that the figures he kept seeing in his peripheral vision were just his imagination playing tricks on him.  

It wasn’t a situation he was used to as the handsome brunette prided himself on his ability to move even the most dilapidated of houses.  He was Chet Carlysle, and CC Realty was the most respected real estate name in town.  Normally if he was backed into a corner all he had to do was flash his charming smile and show off a bit of his fit body to seal the deal.  Some tight chinos to accentuate his solid bubble, a fitted shirt with the top few buttons left open to tease his sculpted pecs, and a bit of playful flirting were usually enough to get a potential buyer’s signature.  Chet kept his appearance as immaculate as the homes he staged.  His wavy, chocolate hair was always perfectly styled, his sharp cheekbones and lantern jaw had just enough stubble on them to look masculine but not unkempt, and he was always outfitted in clothes that highlighted his chiseled, athletic frame.  Chet never got tired of seeing his enviable face on signs and ads all over town, loving how he still looked like someone in his early twenties as opposed to his early thirties.  He was determined to keep it that way for as long as possible.  

If selling the Pitman house didn’t take ten years off his life, that is.  “What. A. Mess,” he sighed to himself, giving his reflection another going over in the dusty mirror.  The brass-framed monstrosity hung in the foyer, standing nearly as tall as Chet’s six-foot frame.  The tarnished metal was ovular in shape, with what looked like a large octopus head sitting at the top whose tentacles gripped the dirty pane in the center.  Chet thought the mirror was hideous, almost hating to even look at himself in it, but he couldn’t deny that it was unique.  And buyers loved an ocean theme.  

He pulled out his phone to check the time, his eyes darting back to the mirror when he thought he saw a tall, thin figure move behind him  “Hello?” he called, straining his ears for the sounds of creaking floorboards or moving feet but hearing nothing.  “Mister Townsend?  Is that you,” he asked, forcing his voice to remain casual even as his heart started pounding.  This wasn’t an ambiguous shadow he thought he’d seen, but a clearly detailed outline.  He’d been able to make out the person’s towering height, pale skin, lanky arms, and dark, anachronistic clothing.  He’d even met their gaze, the dull yellow eyes fixing him with a predatory stare before vanishing.  

Just as Chet decided that it might be best to wait for his appointment outside on the crumbling porch, he saw someone pulling up the driveway.  He breathed a sigh of relief when the man climbed out, his broad, brawny frame making the sleek sports car look small by comparison.  Chet had spoken with him on the phone but they’d yet to meet in person, and he sized the man up as he approached, appreciating his well-kept appearance.  The man looked slightly older, with a thick, solid build straining against his deceptively simple outfit of jeans and a t-shirt, both of which probably cost more than most people in Kingsbury made in a week.  His jet black hair was cropped short to draw attention away from his receding hairline, giving his distinguished features an intimidating edge.  

Chet was impressed.  “Mr. Townsend, hi,” he said, reaching out to shake the other man’s hand as he entered.  

The man grinned as he swallowed Chet’s hand in his meaty grip.  “This is certainly formal,” he said, looking the fit brunette up and down.  “Call me Rob.”  

Chet did his best to hide the sudden thrill that shot through him as Rob squeezed his hand.  Up close, he could see the wiry fur coating the older man’s beefy arms, and the tuft of hair sticking out as Rob’s sunglasses pulled the neck of his shirt down and rested in the valley between his plump pecs.  He swallowed hard and reluctantly pulled his hand free, trying to get a grip on his confusingly frazzled nerves.  “So this is the house,” he said, watching Rob stare at his ass in the mirror when he turned and waved an arm around the foyer.  Instead of immediately spinning to face the older man once more, he let him look, giving the solid bubble a quick flex.  “Do you want me to show you around, or do you want to walk the place on your own for a bit?”  

“I didn’t come out here to be by myself, so why don’t you give me the tour,” Rob said, his grin blossoming into a condescending smile.  

“Uh, su...sure,” Chet stammered, confused by everything that was happening.  He didn’t understand Rob’s comment, or why his cock was suddenly aching at the man’s air of superiority.  It wasn’t the first time he’d encountered a buyer who was full of themselves, but it was the first time he’d been turned on by one, especially coming from another man.  “So, clearly, the house needs some work...but it’s got a ton of po...potential,” he stuttered, swallowing a gasp when Rob stepped up close behind.  Though they were the same height, the older man’s beefy frame felt huge and powerful looming just inches from his own.  “And the...the architecture is definitely unique, but most of these walls aren’t load bearing, so you can...can…” Chet trailed off when Rob closed the gap and wrapped his thick arms around his tight waist.  He knew his first instinct should have been to pull away, but instead he leaned into the embrace, letting the older man’s hands slowly drift up and down his tapering torso.  

“Please, go on,” Rob said, his lips brushing against Chet’s ear.  

“Sorry...I’m a little out of it…” Chet said as he cleared his throat, glad that Rob couldn’t see the way he was blushing.  “What was I…?  Oh, right...the walls.  They’re not load bearing, so you can knock most of them down for a more open floor plan,” the flustered brunette continued, as if it was perfectly normal to be giving his sales pitch while wrapped in a pair of burly arms.  His brain was sending frantic alarm bells, but his body was responding in the opposite direction, leaving Chet more turned on than he’d felt in months.  When Rob’s hands drifted towards his waist, instead of stopping them, he put his own hands on top and guided them along.  

“Oh, how interesting” Rob said, his tone clearly mocking the younger man.  “What happens if we open this up?”  

Chet gasped, his face going a deeper shade of red when Rob started kneading his rigid cock through his pants.  He tried to force himself to pull away, but his body was rooted in place as Rob slowly undid his zipper, bright jolts of pleasure shooting through him while his cock was fished free.  Chet was mortified as he looked down at his long, thick pole sticking out of his pants, unable to do anything other than stare.  

“Much better.”  Rob laughed at Chet’s quiet whimper when he gave the impressive organ a slow stroke.  He ground his own solid bulge against the younger man’s tight bubble, his strong fingers popping the top half of Chet’s shirt open.  “Please, continue.  Don’t let me stop you,” he said, pumping his hips to motion the younger man forward.  

Chet shook his head, trying, and failing, to force his hands to put himself away.  He did his best not to think about the fact that he was walking around a strange house with a strange man with his dick on display, but the constant bobbing and wagging from the eager organ made it impossible to ignore.  He was starting to forget why they were even there in the first place.  The more he thought about Rob and how oddy excited he was to get his hands on the older man’s beefy frame, the less important selling the house became.  “The...the kitchen can easily be uuuuhhh...updated and oooohh….opened up for moooohh….more space…” he said, his speech punctuated by groans whenever Rob would reach down and tug on his oozing member.  The older man was busying his other hand with Chet’s smooth, sculpted pecs, tweaking and pinching the athletic stud’s tiny nipples.  

“Sounds lovely,” Rob said, untucking Chet’s shirt and popping the rest of the buttons.  He gave an impressed whistle as he stroked the washboard abs, slowly working his hands up to pull the shirt from the addled hunk’s broad shoulders.  Chet shivered as the shirt fell free, gritting his teeth from the anticipation when Rob reached back around and undid the button of his pants.  Instead of pulling them down the older man left them in place, exposing just a patch of Chet’s small red briefs as the younger man’s muscled thighs held the tight chinos in place.  “What’s the basement like,” Rob asked, slipping a hand into the back of the younger man’s underwear and giving one of the solid globes a squeeze.  

Chet gasped, his head falling back on his shoulders.  “It’s...ready for some work,” he purred, his eyes going wide when he heard the words leaving his mouth.  

Rob laughed and pulled his hand free.  “Good thing I like a project,” he said, his deep voice rumbling against Chet’s exposed back.  “So what’s upstairs?”  

“Let’s go ta...take a look,” Chet stammered, his head spinning as he led them back through the labyrinth of rooms to the wide staircase in the foyer.  He only made it a few steps ahead of Rob before he felt the other man’s hands on his waist, tugging his pants down.  He stepped free of them, his perky bubble wagging at face height with the older man in the process.  Before he could take another step the back of his briefs were pulled down, exposing his dimpled cheeks.  He blushed at his loud groan when Rob began squeezing and kneading them, and he had to grip the banister for support when he felt the older man’s tongue wedge itself between them.  “MMMMMHHHMMMMmmm...oh...oh fuck…” he whimpered, his handsome face a mask of stunned ecstasy.  He’d never had his ass played with in such a manner before, and he’d never even imagined a scenario where he’d be eaten out, especially by another man on the stairs of a strange house, but the sensations were as blissful as they were humiliating.  “Rob...what’s...what’re we…” 

The burly man pulled his face away but left Chet’s bottom exposed.  “Sorry...got a little eager on that project.  You probably want to finish showing me the place.”  

Chet blinked and nodded in a daze, his confusion only outweighed by the frustration he felt at the older man’s clothed state.  He was desperate to get Rob naked, and he was willing to do whatever it took.  If that meant stumbling up the stairs with his briefs still pulled below his round cheeks and his hard, leaking cock leading the way, then that’s what he’d do. “Up...up here we have the bed...bedrooms.  The architecture gets a bit strange...the angles between the walls and the ceiling are uni...uniiiiiiiiique…!”  Chet went up on his toes when Rob’s hand found its way to his ass again, a pair of wide fingers worming their way inside his virgin hole.  He reached back and clutched at the older man’s solid stomach, waddling down the hall as Rob pushed him onward.  “Fuu...fuck...Rob...I can...can’t…” he whined, his chiseled arm flexing as he ran a desperate hand through his wavy brown locks.  His handsome features were pained, his eyes desperate.  

“Guess we can just pick one, right?  Not like anyone else is using them,” Rob laughed, digging his fingers in deeper as he pushed Chet into the nearest bedroom.  The space was empty, the walls forming a trapezoid instead of the standard rectangle found in most houses, and as he fell back against Rob, Chet saw that even the ceiling joined the walls at an angle instead of sitting flush.  “Gotta admit...this whole ‘real estate agent’ thing was cuter than I thought it’d be.  Points for the setting, too.  This is the weirdest place I’ve ever hooked up in.”  Chet was too overcome to process what Rob was saying.  The older man’s fingers had found a sweet spot, and he was having a hard enough time staying upright.  “Alright, alright,” Rob laughed at Chet’s pathetic whimpers.  “Let’s start having some real fun.”  

“OOOHHHHHHHHH!”  Chet howled when the older man added another finger as he guided him to the worn, weathered floor.  Instead of landing on his knees, the younger man was flat on his back with his athletic legs in the air, giving Rob unobstructed access.  The part of him that was still Chet Carlysle, prominent real estate agent, screamed at him to stop as he writhed and moaned, his cock oozing a growing puddle onto his abs.  But the new Chet, the eager, desperate hunk, only felt disappointment when Rob pulled his hand free.  

“We can get rid of these now, I think,” Rob said, tugging Chet’s tiny red briefs free.  He tossed them aside, but didn’t get the chance to pick up where he left off before the younger man was on him.  “Okay then” he laughed, stroking Chet’s hair as the handsome stud frantically tore at his denim.  

Chet couldn’t stop himself.  He’d shot up onto his knees and had Rob’s pants open, the older man’s fat, wide cock slapping him in the face when he tugged the jeans and boxer briefs down.  Without pausing to think about what he was doing, Chet swallowed Rob to his hilt, filling his nostrils with the older man’s musky scent as his nose brushed through the soft patch of hair.  Despite knowing he’d never had another man’s cock in his mouth, Chet surprised himself by how natural it all felt.  Instead of feeling foreign, the sensation of a cock gliding against his tongue, a pair of heavy balls squeezed in his hand, seemed almost commonplace.  It wasn’t odd; it was comforting.  On his knees, his face buried between a man’s hairy thighs, there was nowhere else he’d rather be.  

“Goddamn you taste good” he sighed when he finally pulled his lips away.  He gazed longingly up at Rob as he ran his tongue along the underside of the older man’s shaft, his leaking cock pulsing at the sight.  A quiet voice in his head was telling him that this wasn’t right, but he not only ignored it, he actually laughed when he thought about himself as a real estate agent.  The only property Chet sold was himself.  

“You’re not so bad either,” Rob said as he peeled out of his tight t-shirt to reveal his furry, barrel torso.  “I understand why you’re so popular.”  

“Only the best for my clients,” Chet purred, settling onto his back and batting his eyes up at Rob.  He gave his own leaking cock a few strokes, letting the older man get a full look at his chiseled, perfect body.  “Still feel like working on that project?”  

Rob answered by draping himself on top of Chet and working his tongue down the other man’s smooth chest.  He gave the rigid club a few licks, but the lengthy organ wasn’t his goal.  Gripping Chet’s solid thighs, he hefted the younger man’s legs onto his shoulders and pulled him roughly onto his waiting cock.  

“HHHMNNNNNGGG!”  Chet groaned, his back arching.  “The...there it is…” he sighed, grinning up at Rob as the older man started thrusting.  He didn’t know why he’d been so confused earlier, or where the strange thoughts that this was all wrong had come from.  He advertised all over town, in bathroom stalls and by word of mouth.  Pictures of his naked, sculpted body were spread across every hookup app he could find for the sole purpose of leading guys like Rob to him.  Deciding to meet in the abandoned house had been a last minute decision, but the creepy atmosphere only added to the excitement.  Chet had already fucked in just about every spot in town except for this one, and now he could check the supposedly cursed Pitman house off his list.  He reached up and kneaded Rob’s furry, prominent pecs, his own chest bouncing from the rough pounding he was receiving.  “Sh...shit...big guy...you’re...a machine…” he grunted.  

“That’s a compliment coming from someone like you,” Rob laughed, jamming in deep.  

Instead of being embarrassed at the implied promiscuity, Chet felt a rush of pride.  He worked hard on his looks, and there was no shame in spreading that gift to everyone.  At least, everyone who could pay.  He watched Rob’s expression grow tense and braced himself for the explosion, letting out a quiet gasp as the copious eruption filled his insides.  The older man’s hand was around his cock before he’d finished spraying, pushing Chet over the edge along with him.  

Rob dropped the younger man’s legs and fell onto the floor next to him, running a finger through the cum trailing down Chet’s abs.  “You know, I wonder if this place is actually for sale...Kingsbury hasn’t had a brothel for a long time.  I’d be happy to invest.”  

Chet laughed and nestled against Rob’s chest, but he was already considering it.  Besides, the house had real potential.  


Voting Options


Patreon has a word limit for the poll options that can make describing them a bit tricky, so I thought this time around  we could try putting the options here and then you can just vote on the number you like best.  We’ll try this and see if it works!

Option 1: A man sick of being bullied by a pair of arrogant lifeguards curses them with permanent flotation devices, causing their asses to grow to enormous proportions. 

Option 2: An experimental lens at the lighthouse can see into other realities and causes people hit with the beam to become different versions of themselves.  

Option 3: On a hike through the woods, a man finds a fossil that lets him manipulate time, bringing it to a stop or causing people to grow older or younger.  

Option 4: Men around town start flocking to a local fisherman who pulled a strange creature out of the ocean, eager to do whatever he tells them.  



Option 1 but includes cock and balls as assets, not just tits and ass.


I thought about that, but decided to just stick with the butts. That feels more like an anchor than a floatation device, but it did give me an idea for the next round of options!


There appears to be a minor typo in Option 1 - "Asses (Ass - plural)" is spelled "Assess".... (which led me and seemly others to initially typo-read that as "Assets" ;)