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“Uh-uh.  No way, dude.  I still haven’t forgotten the last time you talked me into trying that ‘supplement’ that left me hard for two days,” Shane said, crossing his arms over his bare chest and nodding down at his mesh shorts.  “I’m not trying to walk around the gym with my dick on display again.”

“Like anyone could’ve seen the little guy anyway.”  Kent’s laugh was cut off when Shane’s muscled arm shot out and slammed into his beefy shoulder, but the burly brunette still grinned at the memory of his blushing roommate scampering in with his tented gym shorts.  “Hey man, it happened to me too, remember?  You can’t tell me that didn’t at least feel good.”  

Shane threw up his hands, running them through his short blonde hair in frustration.  “Good?!  It was humiliating!  My dick was like a leaky faucet.  I came if I fucking blinked too hard.  I could hardly jerk off for a week without blowing after a single pump.”  

“And how is that any different than normal?”  Kent reached out and slid his fingers beneath the exposed waist of his friend’s briefs, pulling them and the shorts open to expose Shane’s girthy package.  “I’m surprised you’re not hard right now.”  

Shane blushed and spun away, his impressive abs flexing as he flinched out of Kent’s grip.  “You are such a weirdo,” he spat, laughing despite himself.  “Just ‘cause you don’t mind walking around bare ass whenever you can doesn’t mean everyone wants to.”  

“I don’t see why not,” Kent said, shrugging as he looked down at his bare, tapering torso.  Like Shane, the athletic young man was clad only in a pair of small cotton shorts, though if it was up to him he’d have considerably less on.  Unlike his more uptight roommate, the brawny brunette had no reservations about strutting around the apartment with his tanned body on full display.  The shorts were a compromise they’d struck after multiple occurrences of Shane bringing both friends and potential hookups back to the apartment, only to be greeted by the naked jock.  With his lantern jaw, prominent cheekbones and charming smile in addition to his well-built frame, Shane understood why Kent would feel that he had nothing to be ashamed of; he just didn’t share that same outlook.  The blonde jock was every bit as fit and handsome, but even after a few years of living together he had yet to be infected by his friend’s carefree exhibitionism.  

“Why can’t you just use protein powder and creatine like everyone else,” Shane asked, eyeing the prickly fruit on the counter.  His friend’s athletic build was no accident, and the health-obsessed Kent was always on the hunt for new ways to improve his already striking physique.  He’d made this latest discovery at the local farmer’s market, though he couldn’t remember what the old lady had called it or where it was from.  She’d told him it would boost his metabolism and performance, and that it would further refine his athletic body, making him “irresistible”.  It was magic, she’d said.  

To Shane it was just ugly.  It looked similar to a durian, with a tough orange skin covered in protruding spikes, while the flesh inside was a bright, vibrant pink and a sweet, heavy aroma, like a peach dipped in honey, wafted up from the dripping shell.  He didn’t think his friend actually believed in magic, but Kent was a soft enough touch that he would’ve bought one no matter what.  

Kent scooped the hot pink fruit into the blender and shrugged.  “You don’t have to try it, just thought I’d offer,” he said, the glass pitcher becoming almost iridescent as the blender screamed to life, whirling its neon contents to a viscous liquid.  

“Fiiiiiine,” Shane sighed, rolling his eyes.  “If you’re gonna get all pouty I’ll try it.”  

Kent grinned, a set of glasses already on the counter.  He knew exactly how to work his friend, so the outcome of the argument was never up for debate in his mind.  “Damn!  This is actually really good,” he said after taking a tentative sip as he handed Shane’s glass over.  “Holy shit...how have I never heard of this before?”  He promptly downed the rest in a single gulp, wiping the pink juice from his chin.  

Shane sniffed at his glass, took a test sip, then swigged the rest as quickly as his friend.  “Whoa...okay, yeah, I’m on board,” he laughed, looking at the pink lacing left in his empty glass.  “How many of those did you get?”  

“Just the one.  She only had a couple left,” he said, showing off his shredded abs and thick biceps as he leaned back and tapped the remnants of the pitcher into his mouth.  

“I can see why.  Let’s hit it early this weekend before she sells out,” Shane said, looking disappointed as he set his empty glass in the sink.  

Kent leaned back against the counter, a smug grin on his face.  The shirtless stud’s burly triceps popped from the pose as he fixed Shane with an expectant look.  ““Sooooo I was right, then?” 

Shane shook his head and held up a hand.  “Uh-uh.  Not yet,” he laughed.  “You’re off to a strong start, I’ll give you that much, but it’s too soon to call it.  I’m heading to the gym, so we’ll see if it lives up to what you promised.”  

“You’ll see.  You’re gonna thank me!” Kent called after Shane as his friend grabbed his gym bag and headed out the door. 

It didn’t take long for the young jock to think that his friend might be right after all.  As much as he hated to admit it, Shane felt fantastic.  The sweating stud couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such a good workout.  He’d been tossing the weights around with ease, his body brimming with energy and refusing to tire.  He’d been able to push himself well past the point where his arms and legs usually gave in, and where he normally worked up a modest sweat, the burly blonde had powered through rep after rep until his tank-top was soaked and his shorts clung to his strong thighs like a second skin.  It was bad enough to force the young hunk into stripping out of his shirt, something he’d normally never do, but at the moment he didn’t give it a second thought.  It was late, and the only other person in the gym was a wiry, middle-aged man using the cardio equipment, so Shane peeled out of the damp tank-top, stuffed it into the waistband of his shorts, and kept going.  When he finally called it a night and strutted into the locker room, it was more out of boredom than physical exhaustion.  He’d already been there for almost two hours, and while he felt like he could easily keep going, a restlessness was starting to creep in.  

Shane flexed and gave himself a once over in the mirror, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of his pumped, ample muscle, and the way his clinging shorts showed off his granite bubble and impressive bulge.  The fit blonde wasn’t overly vain, but he knew he looked good and wasn’t above enjoying that fact every now and then.  Since he was alone in the locker room, he didn’t think twice about stripping down and heading for the showers.  Normally he would have waited until he was back at home, but he was drenched with sweat, and there was a small part of himself that liked the idea of someone seeing him in all his post-workout glory.  He cranked the shower on and closed his eyes, floating on a sea of endorphins. 

“Hey man...good work out there.”  

Shane opened his eyes and saw the older man who’d been using the cardio equipment saunter into the showers and take up a spot a few spaces to his left.  “Thanks,” he grinned, flexing his prominent pecs as he took in the stranger’s lean, shredded build.  Though he wasn’t as bulky or as built as the young blonde, the older man’s olive frame was a map of tight definition, all covered in a light dusting of the same jet black hair that was in the process of fleeing from his scalp.  The man’s face was just as sharp and taut as the rest of his body, his thin lips offset by a prominent nose and razor cheekbones.  Shane gave him a once-over the way all guys in the locker room did, but he was confused by the way his eyes kept wanting to drift back down to the man’s long, thin cock instead of looking away.  The dangling organ was like a magnet.  

“See something you like?”  

“Oh!  Uh, shit, sorry, I…” Shane felt his face go crimson when the man called him out on his conspicuous staring. He started to stammer out an apology but froze when he noticed the way his hands were slowly drifting across his chest and down his abs, his own fat cock standing rigid and proud in the other man’s direction.  

“Sorry?  What for?  I’m sure as hell not,” the man laughed, tilting his head and slowly looking Shane up and down as the confused stud continued groping himself.  “I saw that look you gave me when you took your shirt off.  I wondered if you were putting on a show for me the way you kept staring...guess I was right.”  

Shane felt dizzy as he frantically replayed the workout in his head, suddenly remembering that he actually had been staring at the older man.  At the time it didn’t register as anything out of the ordinary, but now the young jock realized that he’d been openly ogling the other man, purposefully flexing and posing whenever the stranger looked his way.  Now, he was standing naked and hard in front of him, his heart frantic with excitement while he flexed and pawed at himself.  

“It’s my lucky night...” The man sighed and stepped forward, one hand reaching for his own twitching cock while the other landed on Shane’s sculpted stomach.  The confused blonde gasped as lightning bolts of pleasure shot from the man’s fingers.  He knew he should pull away, but instead he stepped closer until the wiry hair on the stranger’s pecs brushed against his own smooth mounds.  “You ARE excited,” the the older man laughed as he grabbed both of their cocks and pressed them together, a steady stream already starting to ooze from Shane’s fat log.  “It’s alright...I remember what it was like at that age.”  

All Shane could do was whimper, his eyes going wide as the man worked both of them.  He knew someone could walk in on them at any moment, but that didn’t stop his hands from clutching the other man’s perky, furry little bubble while the stranger bucked his hips and ground their cocks against each other.  Something about the way the man rolled his hips made Shane ache with a strange new hunger until the whimpering jock was squirming and shifting his weight from one meaty leg to the other.  “Oh fuck...oh fuck…” he gasped, unable to pinpoint where the throbbing pressure was coming from until one of the older man’s hands slipped between the valley of his muscled globes.  “HHHHMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHH!”  

The older man clamped a hand over Shane’s mouth to muffle the blonde’s ecstatic howl, a smug grin on his face.  “Easy now...don’t want us to get caught, do you?” he asked as he grabbed Shane by the waist and spun him around.  “I gotta be honest...I’ve let guys like you blow me before, but I’ve never actually fucked another guy.  Something about you, though…” 

Shane’s heart was beating out of his chest as the man clamped his mouth shut and lined himself up.  He wanted to protest what the man said about “guys like him”, but the part of Shane that knew he should pull away, that they shouldn’t be doing any of this, was drowned out by the thunderous roar of his strange new lust.  The thought of getting fucked by a man should have been repellent, but the sensation of the stranger’s cock brushing against his hungry hole nearly pushed him over the edge by itself.  He didn’t want to pull away; he wanted to throw his hips back and impale himself on the frustratingly teasing organ.  It didn’t matter that he could have picked the man up with one meaty arm, or that the stranger was at least twice his age; he’d never wanted, or needed, another person more.   When the man finally wormed his way inside, Shane nearly wept tears of joy.  He grunted against the hand covering his mouth and clutched at the slick tiles, his own cock an afterthought as he fell in synch with the older man’s pumping.  It was magnificent and like nothing he’d ever felt before.   

It was also happening too fast.  Shane’s addled mind was too busy struggling with the fact that he was being fucked by another man in public and loving every second of it in the first place to try and understand why or how any of it was possible.  He knew on a logical level that it should have been painful.  The man’s long cock should have felt like a tree trunk splitting his virgin hole in two, but Shane’s eager rear fit the blissful organ like a glove, leaving the grunting stud to focus on how much he enjoyed the sensations of his muscles bouncing in time with the man’s forceful pounding.  He could feel his slab of a chest rocking up and down while his ample cheeks rippled like the surface of a pond, the stranger’s wiry hairs scratching against his broad back only magnifying the mind-melting pleasure.  

Though he’d fucked more women than he could remember in his young life, Shane had never once stopped to think about what it would feel like to be on the receiving end.  He’d joked about it with other guys and used it as a threat or insult, but he never could have imagined how good it would feel.  When the man slowed to deep, long thrusts, he loved it just as much as the jarring, jackhammer stabs.  The only thing he regretted was that he couldn’t see the stranger’s face while the other man worked him over.  He relished the man’s hot breath on his neck, and the quiet, arrogant grunting in his ear, blushing bashfully when he thought about what his strapping from must look like slammed against the wall as it was ridden by the toned, smaller man.  Shane’s untouched cock had already exploded once, but his girthy beast was already well on the way to a second eruption mere moments later.  When the man finally blasted inside him Shane had cum two more times, and the overly virile stud felt like he could have kept going.  

“Whhhhoooooooo...shit, kid,” the man laughed, giving Shane’s nipple a squeeze as he pulled out and caught his breath.  “You give a guy a hell of a workout.”  

“Th...thanks,” Shane stammered, shivering at the copious liquid running down his thigh.  He blinked at the stranger in a daze, his confusing lust only slightly lessened by their romp.  

The man smiled and shook his head at Shane’s hungry expression.  “Sorry stud...I gotta get home before my wife starts to wonder.  Maybe we can do this again sometime...what’s your name?  I’m Tony.”  

“Shane,” he said, surprised by the disappointment he felt when the man slapped him on the ass and left him in the showers.  A part of him wanted to follow, but now that the initial punch was fading, the full magnitude of what just happened was starting to register.  


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