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Tom still wasn’t used to waking up in a pile of his naked friends.  After the events of the last several days, especially his tiny, shrunken cock and inflated rear, he felt like it should stop surprising him.  The towering brunette already had to listen to his deep voice grow soft and light, the words it spoke becoming equally foreign as his speech was peppered with “likes” and “honeys” and “oh my god”, all accompanied by flamboyant new mannerisms.  His burly arms were constantly in motion while he spoke, and his rugged face was a shifting mass of exaggerated expression as he rolled his eyes and pursed his lips and winked and giggled.  After all that, waking up draped across Austin with Gavin’s cock softening inside him, or with his face buried in Brody’s armpit shouldn’t have even registered.  But he loved it.  

He didn’t at first, especially when it was just him and his clothes that had changed.  In a matter of days, Tom’s jeans, t-shirts, boxer briefs, and gym gear had all been consumed in a neon explosion.  The drab wardrobe had been entirely replaced, with the new emphasis being on bright and revealing.  Instead of his boxer briefs, Tom had a drawer full of jocks, thongs and bikinis covered in all manner of prints, ranging from playful hearts and lollipops, to dayglo solids, and even sheer lace.  What had been a drawer full of black and grey was now pink and colorful, practically glowing every time he opened his dresser.  

The clothes that covered his altered underwear were no better.  He no longer owned a single shirt with sleeves, and while Tom didn’t mind showing off his hulking arms, with his chiseled triceps and massive biceps, he would have preferred that the rest of his torso remain at least mostly covered.  Instead, his shirts now cut off just below his plump, bulging pecs, accentuating their size while leaving his abs entirely exposed.  The few remaining shirts that actually reached below his navel were no better as they were now missing most of their sides and gave everyone an unobstructed view of the sculpted frame underneath.  

Coupled with his altered pants and shorts, this left Tom with no way to cover up his embarrassing underwear.  His formerly baggy jeans and loose chinos were now tight and fitted, clinging to his meaty thighs and plump rear like a second, colorful skin.  The shorts were even worse, with most having been cut off in daisy-duke fashion, and the few pairs that were still intact didn’t travel much farther down his powerful quads.  His gym gear was even more jarring as tiny, paper thin running shorts and ridiculously tiny mesh had replaced his formerly long, baggy basketball shorts.  

The end result was that none of Tom’s sculpted, brawny body was left to the imagination.  Even while clothed his broad shoulders, piston arms, plump pecs, and ripped abs were always on display in some form or another, and his formerly girthy bulge, now a petite lump, was constantly outlined regardless of what he put on his lower half.  Even the humiliating underwear was on display, as Tom constantly sported either a prominent whale tail, the clearly outlined straps of a jock, or the bright strip of elastic at the top of his bikinis.  There was nothing he could do to cover himself, but the worst part was that he didn’t even want to anymore.  Tom had never been shy about his impressive body, but where before he liked to hang out shirtless in a pair of gym shorts, now the hulking jock had to force himself to wear anything at all.  

He still didn’t know who loved the new arrangement more, himself or the guys he used to bully, but with the changes he was starting to notice around campus he wasn’t sure it would matter for much longer.  He’d thought Gavin, Brody and Austin had just been caught up due to proximity, but the more they messed around with other guys, the more Tom started to notice changing wardrobes and behaviors popping up all over the place.  

It had all started with his ex, Charissa.  Tom didn’t even think of her as his “ex” since, in his mind at least, they’d never been dating, just fucking.  It was the perfect arrangement.  She was every bit as beautiful as he was handsome, and the gorgeous redhead could do things to Tom’s eight inch beast that made the big man groan.  She’d had a nimble, athletic body that was firm and solid everywhere except where it counted, namely at her round, supple ass and large, swinging breasts.  With their model-caliber looks and envious bodies, the two of them made a stunning pair and turned heads whenever they were together.  

Tom still didn’t understand why Charissa had gotten so upset.  The burly jock thought she should take it as a compliment that he wanted to show off the naked pictures he’d taken of her.  All he wanted was for everyone to see how beautiful she was, he’d argued.  He even told her she could show people the dick pics he’d sent if it would make her feel better, but she wasn’t interested.  In retrospect, Tom knew he could have handled it better.  She was good looking, he’d told her, but at his level he could snag someone just as pretty with no effort.  If she wanted to act all crazy she could fuck right off, he’d yelled.  He didn’t need all this drama when he was just trying to get his dick wet.  

Instead of yelling back she’d simply smiled and shook her head.  Charissa had looked at him the way she’d look at a snarling puppy as she stroked his short, chocolate hair, saying that she hoped he’d learn to “let the Goddess in himself acknowledge the Goddess in others.”  Charrisa’s refusal to sink to his level had only served to make Tom angrier, and he’d told her to take her hippy bullshit and get out.  That had been their last interaction, and the arrogant stud was already well on his way to forgetting about her a few days later when he’d awoken to his changing wardrobe.  


The underwear was first.  Tom still remembered his confusion, and the rush of fury when he’d rolled out of bed and opened his drawer on the technicolor nightmare. 

“What the fuck is this?!” he growled, his face turning crimson from a mix of anger and embarrassment as he pulled out ridiculous pair after ridiculous pair.  None of it was remotely familiar, or close to what he’d ever even dream of wearing.  “Those mother fuckers,” he spat, immediately assuming his three friends were playing a joke on him.  They knew he was a heavy sleeper, so it would have been no problem for them to sneak into his room at night and make the swap.  The fact that he was naked, not in a pair of boxer briefs like he usually slept in, didn’t register as he clutched a pair of powder blue bikini briefs covered in smiling, cartoon rainbows, and stormed across the hall.  

“Very fucking funny, asshole,” he roared, holding out the tiny pair of underwear.  

“Wha…?  Dude...what fuckin’ time is it?” Brody muttered sleepily, not sharing Tom’s habit of getting up early to go to the gym.  The groggy blonde rolled over and blinked up at the taller man, rubbing the sleep from his face.  “Fuck is your problem, man?  It’s not even seven yet,” he grumbled as he propped himself up on his sturdy arms.  They weren’t nearly as large as Tom’s, none of the other guys’ were, but the chiseled guns still popped with an impressive amount of muscle.  

“My problem?  This is my problem!” Tom waved the tiny briefs in front of Brody as if it should have been obvious.  “Where’s my shit?”  

Brody raised an eyebrow as he stared up at the naked adonis.  “How the fuck should I know?  It’s not like any of us are gonna borrow your panties, dude.  That shit looks cute on you, but it’s not really anyone else’s speed, you know?”  

The genuine look of confusion on his friend’s face, coupled with Brody’s sincere, sleepy tone, stopped Tom in his tracks.  He felt his anger fade as he looked down and finally registered that he was standing naked in his friend’s room, his meaty package swaying in front of the other man’s face, but instead of the embarrassment that the discovery should have brought, all he felt was a strange fascination with the way the blonde’s prominent pecs flexed as he held himself up on his elbows.  

“Maybe Gavin took a pair to impress Ashley...she’s into that kinky shit...but it’s not like he’s gonna lose ‘em,” Brody continued.  “No reason to freak out.”  

“I…” Tom didn’t know what to say.  He knew there wasn’t any other possible alternative, but the thought that his friends suddenly swapped out his underwear seemed ludicrous.  “...well...you know...just ask first, alright?” he huffed.  

Brody laughed and shook his head, pushing the covers down to reveal a pair of plaid boxers that rode tantalizingly low beneath his washboard abs.  “Bro, I promise, if I ever want to swap these out for any of...that...I’ll be sure to ask.  Can I fucking go back to sleep now?”  

Tom had to pry his eyes from Brody’s trim hips.  “Uh...tha...thanks,” he stammered, painfully aware of the way his bare, meaty cheeks shifted as he turned and lumbered out of his friend’s room.  

His head was spinning.  He couldn’t figure out why he was starting to second guess whether he actually owned the tiny underwear any more than he could figure out why he’d been so captivated by Brody’s lean, athletic frame.  He’d seen it plenty over the years, but Tom had always viewed it in relation to his own, lording his bigger build over the tapering blonde.  Now, he didn’t want to think about how it made him feel as he slid the strange briefs up, or the slight fluttering in his stomach when he looked at his reflection and thought about how Brody referred to the bright underwear as looking “cute” on him.  It wasn’t the word Tom would have used, but looking at the way the revealing briefs lifted and accentuated his hefty bulge while drawing attention to the roundness of his solid globes, he had to admit they looked good.  He didn’t love the bright blue or the smiling rainbows, but he didn’t even think about swapping them out for another pair as he pulled on his baggy shorts and a muscle shirt and grabbed his gym bag.  

By the time Tom was finishing his workout, he’d forgotten all about what he had on.  The strange underwear was incredibly comfortable, and though he was self conscious of the new lump in the front of his shorts from the way the briefs thrust his package forward, the sizeable bulge also brought a sense of smug pride.  It wasn’t until he was stripping down in the bustling locker room that the embarrassment came back.  The morning was a popular time as a lot of the guys on campus liked to get a pump in before class, which meant plenty of heads turned as soon as Tom dropped his shorts and revealed the bright, tiny briefs.  The towering hunk felt his stomach drop as he was quickly reminded of what he was wearing.  He tried to act casual as he felt the numerous eyes lingering on him, his world turning on its head.  

Normally he liked showing off in the locker room.  With his naturally tall, six-foot-four height and chiseled build, Tom was used to being at the top of the food chain.  He was well aware whenever other guys stole competitive glances, just as he was aware of the few who tried to be subtle as they snuck lustful stares.  As long as they weren’t overt about it, the handsome brunette was happy to let them look.  But at the moment, there was nothing covert about the way they looked at him.  These weren’t other jocks sizing him up in relation to their own bodies, or even thirsty guys subtly enjoying the view.  These were hungry stares that didn’t even try to hide his status as a piece of meat.  

Tom didn’t know what was worse, staying in the underwear or stripping bare while everyone watched.  He eventually settled on the latter, doing his best not to think about the impromptu show he was putting on as he peeled out of the bikinis and headed for the showers.  He was almost there by the time he realized he hadn’t wrapped the towel around his waist the way he’d intended but had instead sauntered entirely exposed across the busy room.  He nodded at the pair of fit young men on either side of him as he stepped up to one of the open shower heads on the hissing poles, but instead of the usual morning small talk there was a hush over the steamy room as everyone seemed to be too busy watching him to do anything else.  

He hurried through his shower, remembering to throw the towel around his trim waist as he wound his way through the growing crowd back to his locker, intending to quickly throw on a fresh pair of underwear but freezing when he saw what was inside.  “What the fuck is this…” he muttered, his face going red as he pulled out the tiny pink thong.  Tom couldn’t believe that he’d ever miss the rainbow covered briefs, but as he stared at a pink pouch covered in bright, crimson lips, the muscled hunk would gladly have taken the tiny bikinis.  

Which made his surprise all the more evident when Tom found the thong sliding up his legs.  He winced as he felt the string slip between his meaty globes and watched the pouch thrust his package forward, but instead of putting his jeans on like he’d intended, Tom grabbed his morning kit and casually sauntered over to the busy sinks.  He screamed at himself internally as he took his time fixing his hair and brushing his teeth, helplessly aware of the way the pink string drew everyone’s attention to his solid, exposed cheeks as he stood with his back to the room.  He wanted to lash out, to yell at everyone to stop staring as he watched their hungry faces in the mirror, but whenever he did make eye contact with one of them all he managed was to give a coy smile.  

Things weren’t much better once he actually managed to put his clothes on.  He squirmed constantly at the unfamiliar sensation of the rough denim on his bare ass, and all day long he caught more and more of his male classmates looking in his direction.  Even more confusing, instead of staring at the hot girls in his classes the way he usually did, Tom found his eyes meeting the other men’s until they didn’t even drift in the women’s direction.  

The addled stud didn’t know what to think.  He was confused and horny and embarrassed, but more than anything he just wanted to get out of his confining clothes.  By the time his afternoon classes ended he was ready to tear them off, the fabric feeling like sandpaper against his skin.  He didn’t even wait until he was in his room once he’d made it back to the house.  As soon as he was through the door he kicked his shoes off, peeled out of his t-shirt, and had his jeans around his ankles before he noticed Gavin and Austin’s shirtless frames sprawled out on the couch playing a videogame.  He froze, realizing he’d just burst through the door and stripped down to a ridiculous thong in the middle of the living room in front of his two friends.  

If the shirtless duo was surprised, they didn’t let it show.  “Hey man,” Austin said, barely looking away from the screen.  Tom felt a stab of envy as he looked at the stocky, auburn-haired jock in his usual outfit of gym shorts and nothing else.  It was the sort of thing the big man knew he should be wearing, or at the very least a pair of thin cotton shorts like Gavin.  

The wiry, dark-haired man paused the game and fixed Tom with his bright blue eyes.  “Dude, Brody said you were pissed this morning?  Something about me taking your underwear?”  He gave Tom’s barely covered bulk a slow look up and down before nodding at his own smaller, defined build.  “I didn’t take anything, man.  I’ve got a booty, but I know I can’t pull that off like you can.”  

The bigger man hated the way he just stood and let his friends stare, trying to think about anything other than how good the scrubby hair coating Gavin’s toned pecs looked.  “Oh, uh, yeah, I don’t know what that was.  I found ‘em,” Tom stammered.  “I’ll have to apologize when Brody gets home.”  

The pair on the couch exchanged a grin.  “I’m sure he’ll love that,” Austin laughed.  “But shouldn’t you make up for falsely accusing Gavin?”  

Tom’s heart started racing.  He bristled at Austin’s condescending tone, but at the same time he was all too aware that everyone in the room had just watched his thick cock twitch.  He could feel his proud organ pulsing to life, regretting its size for the first time as the pouch tented and his heavy balls spilled free.  “What’d you have in mind?” he purred, walking around the couch to stand in front of his friends instead of darting for his room.  

Gavin cocked his head and grinned as he reached up and slipped the tented pouch to the side, letting Tom’s thick cock spring free.  “Lips, huh?” he said, toying with the pink fabric.  

That was all Tom needed to hear.  His body on autopilot, the big man dropped to his knees and had Gavin’s shorts pulled down in a flash.  His face was buried between the other man’s hairy thighs, his friend’s cock hardening in his mouth, before Tom had any idea what he was doing.  Even then, despite knowing he should be horrified and disgusted, all the kneeling adonis could do was bob his head and work his tongue around Gavin’s smaller cock while a wave of contented bliss washed over him.  The sense of satisfaction was so overwhelming that Tom didn’t even try and resist when his other hand drifted up and began kneading Austin’s package through the stocky stud’s shorts.  

Tom heard his friend’s laugh as Austin lifted himself up just enough to pull his shorts down so that he could start stroking the other man’s stout pole while sucking away on Gavin’s.  He heard the videogame burst back to life behind him, and he was fully aware that he was clad only in a thong in their living room, blowing Gavin while jerking off Austin, yet it never occurred to him to stop.  

It never even occurred to him to want to.  It was a jarring contrast in his brain as Tom still saw himself as the alpha of the house.  He was the biggest and the strongest and got the most tail, but already those thoughts were starting to twist.  Tom may have been the biggest, physically, but he was far from an alpha, and while he technically saw the most action, the towering hunk gave much more than he received.  

He was trying to piece it all together in his addled brain when Gavin came without warning, causing him to sputter and choke as the copious release ran down his wide chin.  Far from being angry, Tom loved the sensation of the warm fluid dripping down onto his pecs as he quickly switched over to Austin and swallowed the other man’s wider cock.  

“Whhoooooo,” Austin groaned, pumping his hips to slide the fat organ deeper into Tom’s slick mouth.  “I mean...I wasn’t mad about anything...but I’m not...complaining…” he laughed, his attention still focused on the game while Tom sucked away.  The slobbering stud dimly remembered a party they’d recently had, and the pair of girls who’d taken turns blowing all of them like he’d just done to his friends.  The kneeling stud wasn’t sure how to feel about his taking over of that role, and his confusion made the pit in his stomach grow.  

Tom should have been horrified by all of it.  He should have been mortified at his bright little thong and the way he’d pranced around the locker room.  He should have been disgusted at the way Gavin’s salty fluid ran down his dimpled chin, and he shouldn’t have been relishing every whiff of his friends’ musky equipment while his own untouched cock was ready to pop.  His behavior should have been unthinkable.  It shouldn’t have seemed so terrifyingly normal.  He was ready when Austin came.  He felt his friend start to tense and opened his throat, guzzling down every last drop like he was throwing back a shot at the bar.  

“Fuuuuuuck, man,” Austin laughed, letting his head drop back against the couch.  “You need to apologize to Gavin more often.”  

“Are you saying I need to be a bad boy?” the cum-covered jock purred.  Tom was so caught off guard by what he said that he didn’t immediately notice how it sounded.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Maybe next time you can give me a spanking,” he said, his heart racing at the softened tone.  The pitch of his voice hadn’t become higher, but the normally deep rumble had lost its resonance, coming out light and delicate instead of bassy and booming.  “Do I...like, sound weird to you?”  

Austin and Gavin exchanged a confused glance as they put themselves away.  “No weirder than normal,” Gavin laughed, his own deep voice condescending as he reached down and tousled Tom’s hair.  “You okay, big guy?  You’ve got a look on your face.”  

Tom wanted to scream.  He desperately wanted someone to tell him what was happening and why everyone was acting like everything was as it should be.  What remained the thong-clad hulk’s old self wanted to jump to his feet and flip the couch as his friends sat on it.  Their smug grins and cocky attitudes were as infuriating as they were humiliating, and the brawny former alpha was all too happy to remind them exactly why he’d always been seen as the top dog in the house.  “Ye...yeah, I’m fine,” he stammered softly instead as he climbed to his feet, his fury turning to despair at the sound of his giggle when Austin gave his solid cheeks a slap.  

“Wanna get us a couple beers since you’re up, babe?” Austin asked, his attention focused back on the game.  Tom stared down at the two men he towered over, and at the long, thick cock that dwarfed both of the organs he’d just had in his mouth, wishing he felt even a fraction of the superiority his granite body should have afforded him.  

“Sure!” he said cheerfully, surprising himself.  He should have told them to fuck off, but not only had he just blown his friends, now he was waiting on them.  He stuffed himself away as best he could and fetched the beers, his tented thong bouncing wildly as he raced up the stairs after handing them off.

The addled stud slammed the door and stared at his reflection with wide, shell-shocked eyes.  “What the fuck is even, like, happening to me?!” he cried, clearing his throat again and again.  He couldn’t shake the softened tone or his altered vocabulary, and when he tried desperately to mimic the way he should have sounded he just came across like a woman or a child imitating a masculine voice.  “This totally isn’t possible!” he whined, a meaty thigh and his muscled rear shaking when he stomped a foot in frustration.  “I’m not some fucking...fag…oh god...” Tom trailed off when he noticed the pile of small, bright clothes on his bed.  He’d left a pair of jeans and a t-shirt laying there earlier that morning, but now all he saw were a pair of ridiculously small mesh shorts and a cutoff tank-top.  

“No...no no no…” he whimpered as he shot across the room and tore his closet open to reveal a wardrobe that had been altered like his boxer briefs.   “Omigod!  I, like, sooooo can’t wear this!” he gasped, pulling out cutoff shorts and sleeveless crop tops that were as bright as his unwanted underwear.  What had been a closet full of black and grey was now a neon nightmare, custom tailored to show off as much of his sculpted frame as possible.  “I mean...where are my fucking clothes?!”  he chirped, his face going red when he realized just how much his hands were waving around while he talked.  He grabbed a shirt to keep them busy but regretted it as soon as he pulled the bright yellow top on.  The area around the neck didn’t even reach his shoulders and the bottom stopped just below his plump pecs, exposing most of the muscled mounds whenever he so much as slightly raised one of his beefy arms.  

Things only got worse.  Instead of hiding in his room, Tom spent the rest of the afternoon and evening casually hanging around the house in nothing but the pointless scrap of a shirt and a fresh, mermaid green g-string.  He’d tried to give voice to his frantic concerns for hours but eventually gave up when it was clear that his struggles were in vain.  Whenever he opened his mouth, which the big man was horrified to find himself doing incessantly, all that came out was his ditzy new airhead speech in his softened tone.  Tom was mortified to see the rapid shift in his status, slipping from the de facto ruler of the house to someone who was humored and tolerated because he was all too happy to get the other guys off.  

As promised, Tom was on Brody as soon as the young blonde walked through the door, his humiliation compounded by the fact that his friend wasn’t alone.  But instead of letting that stop him, Tom repeated his earlier performance and extended the apology to Derek, blowing the wiry ginger once he was done sucking Brody’s long, thin hose dry.  He’d met the lean redhead before but had never given him much thought beyond writing him off as one of Brody’s scrawny friends.  Now, Tom’s stomach fluttered as he bobbed his face between Derek’s toned thighs, no longer giving the other man’s confusing acceptance of his bizarre behavior a second thought.  He knew that Derek should have found his actions just as alarming as he did himself.  Everyone on campus was familiar with both Tom and his social status, so there wasn’t a single person who should have ever expected the handsome ladies man to throw the door open in nothing but a thong and start eagerly blowing a pair of men.  But, no matter how much Tom wished otherwise, everyone simply accepted the new version of himself with no questions asked.  As embarrassing as it would have been, Tom would have been thrilled for at least one person to call him out on his strange new looks and behavior because that would have meant there was hope.  If at least one other person knew that something was wrong he could cling to that knowledge like a humiliating life preserver instead of drowning in this terrifying new reality, but as the day came to a close it was becoming clear that he was on his own.  

By the next morning, even Tom had to fight to tell himself that anything was wrong.  As he flitted around the house in nothing but a pink and blue pastel jock, making breakfast for his friends before heading to the gym, the brawny hunk wondered why he’d been so stressed out the day before.  It wasn’t until he was walking out the door in a pair of tiny, sheer jogging shorts and a mesh, dayglo orange crop top that a stab of fear punched through his giddy haze.  He looked down at himself, and at the jock that was clearly visible beneath the straining shorts, his mostly-bare frame going crimson as he thought about how exposed he was.  He knew he should head back in the house to change, but at the same time he knew there was nothing better waiting for him.  From what he’d seen, his current outfit was one of his more modest getups.  

Tom wished that whatever was happening would just make up its mind and either take him fully or let him go, as he was already exhausted and dizzy from the constant whiplash of embarrassment.  One moment he’d be going through what he thought was his normal workout routine, and then the old Tom would surface and he’d find himself bending and posing seductively for a group of staring men.  Everything would seem exactly as it should be, and then he’d hear his altered voice giggling and feel his stomach flutter as he brushed up against the fit young man “spotting” him.  Tom felt more and more like a passenger in his own body as he watched himself and his altered body language in the gym’s mirrors, his back arched and his hands constantly in motion while he spoke.  

When he headed for the locker room and casually stripped down to his bright little jock, Tom wished more than ever that he could just fade away.  Everyone in the gym had already seen it as his shorts had officially become see through once he’d started sweating, leaving his round, solid globes fully on display, but he was still horrified by the way he knowingly flaunted it for the staring crowd.  That horror grew when, still fully aware of all the eyes on him, Tom finally registered the change to his seemingly less-prominent bulge.  

Though he wanted to scream, none of Tom’s fear showed as he pulled the jock down and stepped free, giving the entire locker room a full view of his shrunken equipment.  Instead of hanging like a thick banana the stout little organ only poked out a few inches, with a set of balls that had gone from heavy and full to tight and petite.  It was a package that would have looked small on anyone, but on his tall, broad frame it was all the more ridiculous.  

And he couldn’t even hide it.  Tom wanted to flee in terror, but instead he pranced around the locker room like nothing was wrong.  He lingered in the sauna and took his time in the showers, wincing internally as he lathered up and swallowed the entirety of his diminished equipment in one meaty hand.  As he scrubbed himself clean, Tom tried to tell himself that nothing else seemed out of place.  He refused to accept that his ass had seemed larger and softer than it should.  Even when he strutted back over to his locker and slipped on a pair of tropical-print bikini briefs, he told himself that his ass was just spilling out because they were so small.  He applied that same logic when he pulled on the denim cut offs and felt his cheeks pop out the bottom, trying to focus instead on how flat and empty the front of the shorts looked.  

After a few hours there was no denying the growth.  Like with his clothes and behavior the day before, as the day went on Tom was helpless to stop his carefully built body from changing.  As he made his way from class to class Tom could feel his gait shifting to accommodate the additional mass piling up on his backside.  There was an extra shaking and bouncing with each step, and it seemed that every time he saw his reflection in a window he looked more and more out of proportion.  The tight waist that was on display below his cropped muscle shirt looked even more tapering than usual as it was now wedged between the shelf of muscle that was his chest and the wide, expansive pillows that made up his rear.  And as his revealing clothes stretched and strained around his inflating rear it only drew more attention to what he lacked elsewhere, showing the entire world that the formerly hung stud was now anything but.  

By the time he made it back to the house after class, Tom didn’t know what to think.  He was horrified and humiliated but more than anything, as was becoming his constant desire, he just wanted to get the confining clothes off.  But unlike the day before, the bottom-heavy hunk confusingly hoped he wouldn’t be the only one home.  Far from wanting to hide his shifting mass, Tom was eager to let his friends see it.  Despite his fear he was still painfully horny, to the point where he didn’t care how strange his actions were as long as they brought him the release he desperately needed.  

“What. A. Day.” he sighed dramatically as he kicked his bright sneakers off and immediately began unbuttoning his shorts.  He breathed a fear-tinged sigh of relief when he tugged the straining denim down his sturdy thighs, wincing at the sight of his shrunken bulge and at the sensation of his heavy cakes bouncing free.  

“Hey hon!”

Tom’s heart started racing at the sound of Austin’s voice calling from the other room.  Like his own, his friend’s normally deep rumble sounded lighter than it should, and he’d never once heard the stocky jock use the word “hon” in all the time he’d known him.  Momentarily forgetting about his own predicament, Tom dropped his bag and stuck his head around the corner, his eyes going wide at the sight of Austin’s burly frame clad in nothing but a pink lace g-string. 

He felt like he was going crazy.  Austin had always been a strict boxers guy, so to see his friend’s broad, hairy frame, thick bulge, and meaty rear in nothing but the sheer panties was more than Tom’s brain could handle.   It was bad enough that his own clothes, behavior and body were changing, and to see the same thing starting to happen to his friends was overwhelming.  “Uh...h...hey,” he finally stammered.  

Austin turned to face him, his solid arm flexing as he rested a balled fist against his hip.  He looked down at his prominent package, visible through the sheer underwear, and back up at Tom with a raised eyebrow.  “What’s that look for?  Don’t like ‘em?” 

The big man swallowed hard, his shrunken cock throbbing as his brain raced to catch up with his body.  “Omigod, no, they’re adorable,” he said, his eyes glued to Austin’s now-larger bulge.  “I’m totally jealous.”  

The shorter man grinned as he stepped forward and tugged on the front of Tom’s bikinis.  “We can always trade if you want,” he purred, lifting his head to give the big man a quick kiss.  

Tom responded by wrapping his arms around Austin and leaning into the kiss.  The old Tom surfaced just enough to register that he was kissing another man for the first time, but instead of disgust, all he could think about was how soft and full Austin’s lips felt, and how much he enjoyed the sensation of his friend’s hairy pecs rubbing against him.  Tom reached down and squeezed his friend’s plump cheeks as Austin did the same to his inflated bubble, his shrunken cock feeling tiny as it ground against the other man’s twitching club.  

If the stocky jock felt any of Tom’s confusion it didn’t show as he dropped to his knees.  Like his larger friend the day before, Austin seemed perfectly at ease with his actions as he swallowed all of Tom’s tiny four inches.  “OHHHHhhhhhh...babe…” he groaned, wishing he could have felt the appropriate amount of terror at the sight of his shrunken organ as he squirmed in Austin’s grip.  He still couldn’t believe how much his inflated rear squished and gave against his friend’s strong fingers, but he was just as surprised at how good it felt, and Tom began to wonder if his shrunken equipment really mattered as a deep, throbbing pressure built with each squeeze. 

“I thought I heard you come in.”  Tom didn’t know if his gasp was a result of Austin’s tongue or the sight of Gavin on the stairs.  Like the stocky stud going to town on Tom’s little cock, Gavin was clearly undergoing a transition of his own.  The lean, dark-haired jock was wearing a bodysuit that appeared to be made out of the same material as Austin’s underwear, the pink, sheer singlet accentuating Gavin’s defined frame.  Like the rest of them his voice had a higher register, and Tom could already see the new, hip-swinging saunter to his friend’s walk as Gavin came down the stairs.  

“So how was YOUR day?”  A pair of muscled arms slipped around Tom’s waist before the big man could fully process the changes to Gavin.  He knew the light, fey voice belonged to Brody even before he looked over his shoulder, but he was still surprised to see the sculpted blonde wearing nothing but a turquoise thong.  “Ours was, like, super weird,” he sighed, grinding his stuffed pouch against Tom’s plump cheeks.  

“Wei...weird...how?” Tom stammered, his body on fire as he squirmed between his two friends.  

Gavin joined the group, tracing a hand along Tom’s broad shoulder.  “I don’t know,” he shrugged.  “Just, like, weird.”  

Austin took a break from his oral assault and sat back on his legs.  “Yeah...do we, I dunno, look strange or anything,” he asked, nodding to the other three.  

Tom wanted to shout at the top of his lungs that yes, they all looked strange.  They all sounded strange and they were all acting strange.  He wanted to scream that they were all a bunch of men, that they should have been a house full of straight jocks, not a group of queers prancing around in their panties.  He wanted to ask if they’d had the same experiences he’d had at the gym, or with each other, and to point out his fattened ass and shrunken cock, but whatever the forces were that kept him from talking about himself were also keeping him from saying anything about the others.  “You just look hot to me,” he giggled, toying with the straps of Gavin’s bodysuit.  

“Guess it’s nothing,” Brody sighed from behind as he began kissing Tom’s neck.  He looked over his friend’s shoulder and down at Austin as the kneeling man began licking at Tom’s little cock again.  “I mean, Austin’s, like, doing what Austin does best.”

The stocky man pulled his mouth away, giving Tom’s cock a long, slow lick.  “Bitch don’t be jealous...I’ll do you next.”  

“Nah, you can get Gavin.  I’ve got another idea,” Brody said, tweaking Tom’s nipples before dropping to his knees.  

“HHHHOOUUUuuuuhhh!”  Tom howled and went up on his toes when the handsome blonde spread his supple new cheeks and began licking around his tight hole, nearly knocking Austin over in the process.  “So...sorry babe…” he gasped.  

Austin just grinned and shook his head as he looked over at Gavin.  “Guess it’s you and me, then.”  

The dark-haired man nodded over at Brody and Tom as he pulled Austin to his feet.  “I like their idea,” he said, running his hands along the shorter man’s bulging, hairy pecs and down the trail bisecting his abs to grip the stocky pole that had sprung from the g-string.

Tom watched in confused amazement as Austin and Gavin began kissing, the sight of his formerly straight friends making out seeming as jarring as when he’d done it himself.  Still, his cock throbbed as Austin almost delicately slipped the straps of Gavin’s lace suit over his broad shoulders, slowly working the fabric down until the lean stud’s long cock burst free and batted against his friends.  

“Ohhhh, now there’s a man with a plan,” Brody said as he climbed to his feet and pushed Tom toward the back of the couch.  “We can share,” he winked, nodding for Gavin to take up the other spot.  

“Why haven’t we, like, thought of this before,” Gavin said, his voice an excited chirp as he bent over next to Tom.  

“Have we?  I, like, don’t even know anymore.”  Austin rolled his eyes as he stepped out of his own pink lace and rubbed his cock between the shallow valley of Gavin’s perky bubble.  “Fuck I love this view,” he sighed, giving one of Tom’s significantly larger globes a slap.  

“Right?” Brody laughed, slapping the other one.  “Just let me know when you want to switch.”  

Tom couldn’t believe how excited he was.  He knew he was bent over the back of the couch about to be tag-teamed by his two friends, but he couldn’t even muster a token sense of dread.  Like everything else, the growing, aching need coming from his eager hole felt as normal as the idea of Brody and Austin being the ones to relieve it.  Instead of wanting to shove the other men away, all Tom could think about was who would feel better.  

He decided it was a draw.  His whimpers competing with Gavin’s next to him, Tom loved the sensation of both men equally.  Brody’s cock was longer but thinner, and the chiseled blonde had a jackrabbit technique that caused his ample rear to ripple blissfully like the surface of a pond.  This was contrasted against Austin’s shorter, wider club and the slow, rhythmic way the stocky stud rolled his hips to hit all the right spots.  Paired with Gavin’s lips pressed against his own in a deep, passionate kiss while their bodies shook from the pounding, and Tom was in heaven.  

In that moment he didn’t care about the pitiful way his little cock spurted, or the way his oversized rear jiggled and bounced.  He didn’t care about his femme voice and mannerisms or his revealing wardrobe.  He didn’t care that something impossible had happened to him and that his friends had been caught in its wake, turning their straight-guy-bachelor-pad into something else entirely.  

He paused at the thought, suddenly hearing Charrisa’s voice in his head.  He remembered the last thing she’d said to him, about the Goddess in him acknowledging the Goddess in others.  For one fleeting moment he understood what was happening to them and why, but the knowledge was blasted away when Brody came, filling his insides with a potent explosion.  

“Oooohhhhhhh, shit,” the blonde sighed, giving a few, final pumps of his hips as he stroked Tom’s broad back.  “You sorta drifted off there...you, like, still with me baby?”  

Tom blinked and shook his head, feeling like he was forgetting something important as he watched Gavin’s face twist into a mask of ecstasy when his equally-pummeled friend came.  The big man wiggled his hips against Brody’s lap, his friend’s cum waterfalling down his meaty thighs as he looked back over a shoulder and grinned.  “Uh-huh!  Like, where else would I rather be?”  


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