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Clay knew something was wrong the moment he opened his eyes.  He found himself nose-to-nose with Seth, the other man’s thick, muscled arm draped heavily across his chest.  Their faces were so close that their lips brushed together, a sensation that sent a confusing pulse through the exposed cock pressing against the dark-skinned man’s ripped stomach.  He could feel an equally bare, equally hard beast wedged against his own bare torso, as well as someone else’s warm breath on the back of his neck.  

The groggy blonde already knew the thick cock wedged into the valley of his ample rear belonged to Duncan before he even turned his head.  The slumbering stud’s furry pecs pressed against his back, and he had an arm and a leg thrown over Clay like he was using the athletic blonde as a body pillow.  

Instead of bolting out of the naked pile of, Clay remained frozen in place, afraid to move.  If he actually was with Seth and Duncan it meant that it all hadn’t just been a dream.  And if it hadn’t been a dream, it meant that everything about their lives would be very different moving forward.  

“Oh...oh god…” he gave a quiet gasp when he lowered his eyes to Seth’s chest and saw the mammoth slabs of muscle that were the slumbering hunk’s pecs.  He didn’t need to look at his own to know they’d be the same, just like he didn’t need to look at his ass or Duncan’s cock to know that both had doubled in size.  

Clay squirmed, hating how good the sleeping brunette’s beastly organ felt gripped between his inflated globes.  He hated how content he was to be swallowed in the pair’s enlarged arms, or to have their meaty new thighs tangled together.  He knew on a logical level that waking up naked in bed with two strange men, regardless of how attractive they were, should have been nauseating, not comforting.  It didn’t matter that just about any woman in the tri-county area would have been thrilled to change places with any of them.  He wasn’t a woman, and he felt betrayed by a body that was acting like one.  

The fact that they weren’t actually friends should have made things more awkward.  They all knew each other from around campus, each being at the top of their respective social circles.  Seth, with his disarming charm and chiseled, chocolate frame dominated just about every athletic team on campus, while Duncan was a fixture at the university’s fitness center.  The shredded brunette didn’t go for team sports, preferring instead to heft weights and admire his handsome reflection in the wall of mirrors.  Clay sat somewhere in between, playing rec-league and spending time at the gym as a way to pick up as many women as his disarming smile and sculpted arms could reel in.  

It was that last interest that put the three of them on each other’s radar.  They didn’t compete on the field or in the gym, but in bedrooms all over town.  It was a constant battle to see whose name was on the most lips, and like any professional competitors they bore a mutual respect for each other.  Given what they’d learned the night before, Clay understood why they all heard the call.  

“Mmm…” Seth stirred, tightening his grip on Clay and instinctively planting a few sleepy kisses on the lips that hovered close to his own.  “Wait...the fuck am I…” he blinked rapidly, his eyes going wide as they struggled to focus on the blonde’s stubbled face.  “Clay?  Fuck, man, why are we…we…” He trailed off, slowly registering the tangle of naked limbs and the fact that he’d only barely pulled his face away.  He lifted his head and looked over Clay’s shoulder at Duncan, realization dawning in his eyes.  “Does...does that mean it really...SHIT!”  

Seth yelped when he looked down and saw the jutting shelf of oversized muscle that should have been his toned pecs.  The shock was enough to force him out of Clay’s arms and off the bed, giving both of them an unobstructed view of his warped, impossible frame.  Like in what they thought had been a dream, the young jock’s body had gone from tapering and athletic to something bordering on a caricature.  His shoulders had widened in time with his pecs, the growth spilling over the round cannonballs and down his thickened, inflated arms.  Whether his waist had actually grown smaller or just seemed that way because of the extra mass, his torso now pinched inwards as an exaggerated “V” before exploding back out at the huge, gravity defying globes that had formerly been a tight bubble.  And capping it all off was the long, rigid girder of a cock that stuck out from between his meaty quads like a third forearm, with an equally prominent set of balls wedged underneath.  

Despite sharing in Seth’s horror since he knew his own body had been warped in similar fashion, Clay’s cock throbbed at the sight of the curvy, dark-skinned Adonis.  He’d always known that Seth was handsome, but now he was overwhelmed, feeling a stomach-fluttering weakness as he stared.  He instinctively pressed back against Duncan with his muscled bubble and shivered when the sleeping hunk started pumping his hips reflexively.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” Seth stammered, his massive arms inflating as he clutched at his short, dark hair.  “It was all real.  All of it.  That means we...we…” Seth’s jaw dropped when he looked down at the bed and saw Clay’s altered frame, his throbbing cock jumping in response.  “You...you guys too…” 

“I know,” Clay said, finally finding his voice.  He took a deep breath and gave in, the preview of Seth’s body only slightly dulling his shock at the sight of his tanned muscle tits.  “I don’t know how it happened, but it did.  Unless we’re still asleep?  Maybe this is all just a dreeEEEEE!”  Clay howled when Duncan tightened his grip without warning and popped his hips, slipping inside with one smooth motion.  Instead of trying to pull away he pushed back and reached up to cling to the other man’s hand as Duncan sleepily clutched at his enlarged pecs.  “Guuh..guh...goddamn…” he grunted, his jaw falling open as wave after wave of bliss rocked his warped body.  He knew that the other man’s enlarged club should have been splitting him open, that his until-recently-virgin hole shouldn’t have so easily and eagerly opened wide, but his body was taking the sleepy stud as if he was a perfect fit.  There was a part of Clay that screamed at him to pull away, that he shouldn’t be getting fucked by another man while yet another watched.  He could hear his whimpers and could see the lustful look in Seth’s eyes as he rocked and writhed against Duncan, but he didn’t want to pull away.  More than anything he wanted Seth to get back in bed and join in.  

“HHmmm...yeah...feel so good…” Duncan groaned, slowly stirring.  “Fuckin’ love how tight you are...gonna ride...that...all...niiiIIIIIUUUHHH!”  The grunting brunette’s eyes shot open as he came, the mask of ecstasy on his face twisting with confusion as he saw exactly who he was pumping in to and who was watching it happen.  “Dude!  Who the fuck are...Clay?  Seth?  What arrrrrrrOOH FUCK!” The spurting stud pulled out and shot off the bed like Clay was on fire as he saw their twisted bodies.  “It can’t be real, man!  It can’t!” he moaned, his face going red when he remembered that this wasn’t the first time Clay had been at the end of his inflated dick, just as he’d also taken a turn riding the other two himself.  

“It...iiiissssss…” Clay hissed, one hand tweaking an enlarged nipple while the other pumped on his fat cock.  It had become so wide he couldn’t close his hand around it, but all that mattered in the moment was finishing what Duncan had started.  When he came a few moments later, he wished the idea of jerking off in front of the other two while the stammering brunette’s cum trickled out of his ass wouldn’t have felt so alarmingly normal.  Even the plump, inflated pecs he toyed with felt perfectly natural, and it took a conscious effort to tell himself the bulbous mounds of tanned flesh weren’t how they’d always been.  

Seth rubbed his face, leaving it buried in his hands as his groggy brain tried to catch up with what was happening.  “It all still feels like a dream, right?  What the fuck were we even doing out in those woods last night?”  

Duncan shook his head, his eyes wide as he stared at his disproportionate new build in the mirror.  “I don’t know, man.  I was on my way home from the gym and there was this voice in my head that was...I dunno...calling me?  I tried to ignore it.  I actually thought I was still driving home, but then all of a sudden I’m pulling up to the tree line and I see you standing there.”  He turned away from the mirror, his skin pale under the wiry coating of hair.  “Did you guys hear him too?”  

“I heard...something,” Clay said, finally lurching off the bed.  He stumbled from his altered center of gravity as he staggered over to the other two and inspected what they’d somehow become.  He could still remember what their naked bodies had looked like just hours before when they’d been lean, tapering and chiseled.  Now they looked like caricatures.  “I didn’t know what it was at the time.  It didn’t sound like a person, but I knew it was calling my name.  I didn’t want to go...those woods freak me out, especially at night, but…” 

“Who’s the “Buried King”?” Duncan interrupted, his brow furrowed in thought as the name came to him.  The words hit the trio like a thunderclap.  The fog clinging to their memories lifted as soon as he said the words, bringing to vivid life the hours they’d spent in wild abandon.  Seth heard his deep moans echoing through the midnight forest as he leaned against a tree with Clay hammering into him while Duncan was on the ground, frantically slurping away at his oozing cock.  Then there was a shift and it was the stunning blonde on all fours, with Seth pumping away into his tight bubble while Duncan’s wide cock filled Clay’s mouth.  Another jump had Duncan howling and writhing between the other two as he was split wide by both of them at once.  They remembered their bodies changing the whole time, and the stranger’s flat, hollow voice droning over the entire scene.  His shape and features were hard to make out, but none of them would ever forget the way his unblinking eyes shone in the darkness.  

“What’d that guy call us?  He said we’d be something from now on.”  Seth finally lowered his hands, a look of surprise on his face as he saw Clay’s arms wrapped around him from behind.  The blonde was holding him tight, his head on his shoulder while his hands slowly drifted across his tight stomach, but it felt so natural that Seth hadn’t even noticed.  

“The King’s Court.”  Clay’s voice was flat as he tried to figure out why he still had his arms wrapped around Seth’s waist even though he knew he should pull away.  

Duncan nodded, his stubble-covered cheeks blushing at the memory.  “That’s right...what’d he say we were supposed to do?  Serve the King by...oh...oh fuck that…” he spat, crossing his arms.  “No way.”  

“You really think we have a choice?  Look at us, man,” Seth said, just as confused as to why he was leaning into Clay’s embrace while he motioned to the three of them and to their reflection in the mirror.  Standing next to each other, the similarities were jarring.  They each still had their individual features - Seth with his deep, chocolate brown skin and chiseled face, Clay with his smooth, tanned muscle and symmetrical features, and Duncan with his olive complexion and dark, wiry hair beneath his boy-next-door face - but their builds were exactly the same.  They stood the same six-foot height, they had the same broad shoulders, the same oversized bulk, and the same hulking clubs between their legs.  “We’re like fuckin’ triplets!”  

“We’re freaks!” Duncan cried, shaking his head as he looked around the unfamiliar room.  “I don’t even know where the fuck I am!  Where...where are my clothes? I...I can’t…” 

“My place,” Seth said.  “I don’t know how we got back here, but I don’t think our clothes made it, man.  There are some basketball shorts in the dresser that’ll probably…” 

The hairy Adonis winced as he grabbed a pair of shorts and slid them on, the baggy fabric clinging to his sturdy thighs and rotund backside like a second skin.  His long, fattened cock was outlined so clearly it might as well have been visible, but he didn’t let that stop him as he turned and stumbled for the door, hating the way his ass shook and his pecs bounced with each step.  “I gotta go...this is too much...I…” 

“Dude, wait!  We have to figure this out!” Clay called after him, but the panicked man was already out the door.  

Duncan tried not to think about what he must look like, racing barefoot across town and spilling out of his borrowed shorts.  He tried not to think about anything, focusing instead on keeping his altered body under control.  Each heavy step sent jarring ripples through his unwanted bulk that shot darts of pleasure to his insatiable cock which had already begun to throb from constantly rubbing against the tight fabric.  It was as if his body’s sensitivity had been warped like the rest of him.  Even the salty breeze brushing through the hair on his bulging chest and beefy arms sent a shiver through him.  He could even feel all the eyes landing on him as heads turned, and he had to fight the urge to stop and let them stare.  There was a voice in his head telling him to head to the wharf, or to the gym, or to the Harbor Inn; any location where there’d be men he could serve like his King.  

He ignored the voice, barely, and made it to his apartment instead.  His furry chest heaved from his frantic flight across town as he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall by the door.  “Okay...okay...we can...I can figure this out…everything’s fine...” he panted.

“Dunc?  You okay, man?”  

Duncan froze at the sound of Will’s voice calling from his bedroom.  In his desperation to get home he hadn’t stopped to consider what he’d do once he got there.  The small living room seemed to stretch on forever as he looked across to his bedroom door, hoping he could make it inside before Will saw him.  He only made it a step.  

“Rough night?  You sound freaked ouUUOH FUCK!”  Will’s eyes went, his jaw dropping as the shirtless redhead saw his altered friend.  “Dunc?  Is that really...the fuck, dude?!  What happened?!”  

Duncan stood frozen in place, his heart racing as he stared at his friend.  He’d lived with Will for a couple years, and despite his friend’s reluctance to ever put a shirt on, the sight of the other man’s bare, chiseled torso had never made Duncan’s stomach flutter before.  He’d always thought of himself as the superior one of the pair since even before the bizarre transformation Will wasn’t as built, opting for definition over bulk.  Now, Duncan felt anything but superior as his friend gawked and tentatively crossed the room.  

“Dude...how?  I just saw you yesterday and you weren’t like...this…” Will stammered, looking his friend slowly up and down.  

“I...I don’t know…” Duncan said, so overwhelmed by his friend’s presence that he could barely muster the words.  

The lean ginger whistled and shook his head, his look of surprise slowly transitioning to a smug grin.  “Well let me get a look at the new you,” he said with a short laugh.  

Duncan wanted to ask his friend why he wasn’t just as panicked, or at least why he was laughing at him, but he couldn’t do anything other than stand and squirm under Will’s piercing gaze.  He knew he should be bolting into his room and slamming the door, not fighting to keep his eyes from constantly staring at the thick lump in the front of his friend’s shorts.  

“I mean, what?  These weren’t big enough before?”  Will laughed at Duncan’s sharp gasp when he reached out and squeezed his friend’s inflated pecs.  “Ohh...you like that?” he asked, giving another squeeze.  

Duncan was mortified as he felt himself nod.  “Ye...yeah,” he gasped, feeling any shred of control quickly slipping away.  He didn’t know why his laidback friend was suddenly taunting and toying with him, but he was more concerned with how much he liked it.  

“And what’s going on back here,” Will asked, circling around behind and pulling down the back of Duncan’s shorts to let the fleshy globes spill free.  “Jeeeeee-sus,” he sighed, kneading each of the ample cheeks.  “You walk in the door with a set of tits like that and an ass like this...fuck, man, I’d ask if you had a pussy now too, but…” Will grinned as he slid back around to face Duncan and pushed the front of the shorts down, his friend’s gargantuan rod springing free.  “That just feels excessive.”  

Duncan could only whimper.  He didn’t know how to process having the body he was so proud of turned against him.  The confidence he normally felt strutting around naked was gone entirely as all of his best features, his chest, his arms, his dick, and his ass, were now like neon signs advertising his new position as nothing but a piece of meat to the world.  He was humiliated to hear Will refer to his jutting shelf of muscle as his “tits”, and he was painfully aware of how uselessly large his cock had become as it loomed in front of the smaller man.  He should have been furious, but all he felt was an encompassing need to do whatever Will wanted him to.  

“Guess I shouldn’t be too surprised,” Will said as he continued his slow circling of Duncan.  “I mean, you DO spend all your time around sweaty dudes at the gym.  All that bragging you did about how much ass you got had to be a cover for something.”  He gave Duncan’s inflated cakes a bounce, laughing as the other man instinctively pressed them back against his hand.  “Huh...maybe you did get a pussy after all.”  

“OOHHH!”  Duncan hated the sound of his whining voice as much as his friend’s laughter when Will pressed a pair of fingers against his aching hole.  

“This is too good!  Look at yourself, bro.  Big, studly Duncan, the guy who’s fucked every girl in town, letting me finger him.  Fuck, dude, you’re practically begging for it.  Is that what you want?”  

Duncan tried to hold his answer back, which only made it erupt from his mouth with more force.  “YES!” he grunted, hating how true it was.  He knew Will’s strange behavior towards him was a result of whatever had happened to them out in the forest, just as he knew it was the kind of behavior he’d see in most men going forward.  The man with the shining eyes had told them what was in store, but he’d refused to accept it.  

“And what will you give me?”  

“Anything!  What...whatever you want!” Duncan pleaded when Will pulled his hand away.  

“This is gonna be fun,” the smug ginger said, plunging his fingers inside.  

Duncan only heard the start of his ecstatic howl before the room shifted, his apartment melting away into a dark, damp cave.  A sourceless, sickly green light cast long shadows across the rough stone walls, obscuring the intricate carvings as they disappeared into the dark void that was the far end of the cave.  Duncan couldn’t make out what the inky blackness held, but he could feel its presence rattling him down to his bones.  The being that lurked unseen at the far end felt massive, far larger than the small cave could ever hope to contain, and though he couldn’t see it, Duncan knew the Buried King’s single, blazing eye was on him as he writhed and whimpered.  Will had swapped the probing fingers for his rigid, sizeable pole, and Duncan gradually became aware that his shaking body was the source of the illumination.  

It suddenly made sense.  He now understood what it meant to serve his King, and the true honor the position held.  He had flashes of men throughout the centuries in his exact position, the very best specimens that the clans and covens had to offer as sacrifices to feed their buried Lord, not with their own bodies, but as conduits.  Duncan hadn’t been cursed with a freakish body; he’d been given a gift and a purpose.  Through his Court the Buried King would feed, growing stronger and stronger with each act of their devotion until he was strong enough to break his shackles and rise once more.  

“MMMMMMPHHHHMMMMNNNNGG!”  The cave vanished and Duncan found himself back in his apartment, his bellowing grunts muffled by Will’s briefs that had been shoved in his mouth.  His massive cock was unloading as Will did the same inside him.   

The toned redhead slowed his hammering thrusts and gave Duncan’s pecs a final squeeze before pulling out and letting the other man slump to his knees.  “I love that you’re a screamer, bro, but the neighbors are gonna start to complain,” he panted as he grinned down at Duncan.  “Wait, wait, wait….hold that pose…” Duncan knew he should have been horrified when Will scampered back with his phone and took several pictures of his curvy body on its knees, his monster cock slowly softening while he kept gnawing on the other man’s briefs, but all he could think about was how much he loved the musky flavor.  

While Will busied himself with texting out the picture, Ducan didn’t bother to cover himself or spit the underwear out when he heard the knock at the door a few minutes later.  He could already feel Seth and Clay on the other side as if the two were in the room with him.  It was time for the Court to serve their King.  


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