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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 7: Paint Me a Picture

  • A Robin Hood-style burglar hits the town, stealing personality traits and physical features and redistributing them. 27
  • An inexperienced witch accidentally makes the men in town become uncontrollably attracted to each other for each other for a night. 5
  • A strange force calls a group of young jocks into the forest, sending them back jacked, eager and submissive. 30
  • An accident at the light houses causes people hit with the beam to swap bodies. 12
  • 2020-02-13
  • —2020-02-17
  • 74 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 7: Paint Me a Picture', 'choices': [{'text': 'A Robin Hood-style burglar hits the town, stealing personality traits and physical features and redistributing them. ', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'An inexperienced witch accidentally makes the men in town become uncontrollably attracted to each other for each other for a night. ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'A strange force calls a group of young jocks into the forest, sending them back jacked, eager and submissive.', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'An accident at the light houses causes people hit with the beam to swap bodies. ', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 17, 17, 0, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 13, 19, 11, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 74}


Thom wasn’t a great painter.  On his own, he wasn’t even a good one.  He’d taken all the classes, read all the books, watched all the tutorials he could find, but the best he could come up with were a few passable landscapes of the Kingsbury coast.  It didn’t seem to matter how hard he tried; he could never get the crystal clear images in his head to manifest on the canvas.  

He wanted to capture more than static images.  He liked the ocean and the rolling forests surrounding his quaint little town well enough, but his paintings of them were flat lifeless.  In his head they buzzed with all manner of activity, both real and imagined, and he wanted to fill the shadowed forests and vast ocean with the fantastic creations pounding at his skull for release.  Whenever he made it into the city Thom would wander the museum for hours, wishing more than anything that he could bring someone’s essence to the surface, or make the scenes jump out of the frames.  Thom had always prided himself on his imagination and his ability to see the uniqueness and potential in people, and he wanted to share that with the world if only he could make the connection between his brain and his hands.  He wanted his paintings to tell a story.  

After so many frustrations and failures he’d been ready to give up and accept defeat until his chance meeting with the stranger.  All he could remember about the man was his eyes, and the way they shone like abalone shells as he showed Thom the box of paints.  He said all the frustrated painter needed was the right tools, and he’d be more than happy to let him have the small vials of iron-smelling liquid that never seemed to run out, no matter how often Thom used them. 

And he used them often.  From that first meeting, Thom found himself gifted with a new talent.  He could paint faster and more accurately than anyone, rapidly filling his small studio space with gorgeous works of art.  His once-lifeless landscapes were now vibrant, the trees seeming to move in an unseen breeze while the surf rolled off the canvas.  

But his real gift was in the way he could paint people.  With as active an imagination as his, Thom preferred to paint them as he saw them in his mind’s eye more than how they appeared in reality, though when he was finished it was impossible to tell the difference.  It was these unique paintings that lined his gallery walls and drew in the crowds of gawking locals and tourists alike.  When people first entered they didn’t know what to make of the portrait of a ripped hunk sporting a pair of D-Cup breasts, or the short, caveman-like figure with the face of an angel, or the pair of stocky men who seemed to be sharing a single body.  

After the viewer became acclimated to the bizarre portraits, they made their way to the back of the gallery where Thom combined his talents.  Now, his landscapes were peppered with the same kind of unique individuals.  He had a beach scene, complete with a pair of lean, ripped surfers who looked like All American Boys Next Door resting against their boards until you reached their flat bikini bottoms, while a particularly popular boat scene featured a grizzled captain encountering a thin, waifish water nymph.  The fact that the small, spritely figure had originally been the beefy, weathered captain, and the older looking man had actually been his younger deckhand, was unknown to everyone but Thom, but they wouldn’t have believed him even if they’d told him.  

That’s how it went with everyone in his paintings.  Once they’d changed, no matter how subtle or dramatic the transformation, the world adapted to the new versions.  There would be brief moments of panic, but by the time the paint was dry there was no convincing anyone that they’d ever been any different.  Even Thom had difficulty remembering what his subjects originally looked like, which helped keep his guilt at bay.  In his mind they were simply becoming what they should have been all along, and that wasn’t something he should ever feel bad about.  

Like the pair he’d brought into the forest along the coast at the edge of town.  His Water Nymph piece was so popular that he decided to do a follow up with a Wood Nymph, and the pair of strapping models had quickly responded to his ad.  With their perfect, youthful faces and striated, muscular bodies, they were an artist’s dream.  But Thom wasn’t concerned with their current looks as much as he was with their impending ones.  That wasn’t obvious as he sized them up and had them strip down, placing a large maple leaf on the crotch of the embarrassed brunette who’d volunteered for the Nymph role.  Thom couldn’t wait to introduce them to the new versions of themselves. 


The two stood facing each other, trying not to think about how close their dangling hoses were to making contact.  Kai did his best to meet the weird little artist’s desired expression, trying to look both scared and excited as he stared at his friend, his hands clasped against his chiseled pecs while Noah had one hand on his shoulder and another on his waist in a gesture of pulling him closer.  The tanned brunette felt ridiculous with his meaty package spilling out from behind the tiny leaf, but he did his best not to let it show.  

This was far from the strangest situation he and Noah had ever been in.  The two sculpted studs had been posed and dressed up in all manner of compromising positions and outfits in the course of their modeling career.  They drew the line at actual sex, but they’d both spent more time than they’d like to think about with the other’s musky member inches from their face, or digging into their solid rear, or draped across another portion of their naked body.  They’d kissed.  They’d held each other in embraces that were passionate and tender.  They’d pawed hungrily at the other’s body.  They’d looked absolutely ready to give into lust at any moment, the whole time trying not to crack a smile.  

They had to keep a sense of humor about it.  As a pair of straight men, it would have become very awkward very quickly if they couldn’t laugh about one of them throwing a bone while they stood locked in each other’s embrace, or joke about who was the better kisser after posing with their mouths pressed together.  A lot of the guys they knew wouldn’t take this kind of gig, but Noah and Kai were all too happy to get naked with each other if it meant a bigger check.  Neither of them had any reason to be shy about their body, and these sessions paid more than most.  If becoming intimately familiar with another man’s body was the price they had to pay, so be it.  They could at least rest easy knowing that other man was just as gorgeous as they were themselves.  Given the option Kai would have preferred to pose with a beautiful, big-chested blonde, as would his friend, but if he had to get naked with a guy at least Noah was a handsome one.  

“You two are doing great,” Thom said as he circled the pair with his camera and searched for the best point of view.  “This is going to be one of my best pieces yet...I can already tell.”  

“I bet you say that to all the little nymphs,” Noah laughed, instinctively flexing his round, muscled globes when Thom passed behind.  

Kai wanted nothing more than to reach down and flick the end of his friend’s thick snake, but he knew better than to break the pose.  “Dude, do you not see my balls hanging out of this leaf?  Who you callin’ little?” 

“Sorry, I meant ‘sexy’ nymphs,” Noah purred, the hand on Kai’s waist slipping around just enough to pinch the other man’s solid rear.  

“I fuckin’ hate you,” the tanned stud laughed.  “Could you please be a professional and stay still?  The man is trying to work.”

Thom stopped circling and settled on a position that gave a view of the sparkling ocean through the dense tangle of trees behind the two men.  “I think this is the spot,” he said, nodding to himself as he pulled his paints and easel over.  “Do you two need a break?”  

Kai shrugged his broad shoulders and shook his head.  “I’m good if my handsy partner is.”  

“You just drive me wild, baby...I can’t help it,” The dark skinned adonis whined, smirking at his embarrassed friend.  

“I’m going to remember this next time I’m on top,” Kai grumbled.    

Noah winked and pursed his lips.  “Don’t tease!” 

The blushing brunette let his adoring expression slip, his body language shifting to make it look like the two were about to start wrestling, not kissing.  “Keep it up.  See what happ…” 

Kai was cut off when Thom cleared his throat.  “Are we ready to get started?”  

“Yep, sorry,” Kai said, settling back into his submissive pose as he glared at his grinning friend.  He wasn’t actually mad, he’d have done the same thing in Noah’s shoes, but his pride was wounded.  Being called a nymph was bad enough, and the handsome young stud bristled internally at the idea of anyone “taking” him, especially another man.  

He searched his friend’s face as they settled into the pose, wondering what Noah was thinking about.  Normally his own mind wandered during these sessions, drifting off to anything that took his thoughts off the fact that they were naked in each other’s arms, but Kai was extra focused that morning.  As he stood and stared at Noah with his timid eyes, he started to fixate on the other man’s handsome features.  Kai began tracing his gaze along his friend’s strong jaw and razor cheek bones, and around the soft, full lips that sat below a distinguished nose that drew attention to Noah’s piercing eyes and smooth brow.  He’d always known how good looking his friend was on a logical level, but he’d never felt it in his gut before.  

Kai lowered his eyes, drinking in the rest of Noah’s ripped, chocolate frame.  His hand still clasped to his prominent pecs, he felt his heart start to beat faster as he fought the urge to press himself against his friend’s equally sculpted chest, to let his hands dance along Noah’s ripped washboard as he fully gave in to the embrace they mimicked.  

He blushed when he lifted his eyes and saw that Noah had caught him staring.  Looking up at his friend, Kai was confused by the fear in the sculpted man’s eyes until it finally registered that he shouldn’t be looking up at Noah in the first place.  The two stood an even six foot.  Just moments ago he’d been staring the other man directly in the eye, but now he was looking at his friend’s strong chin.  

The confused stud tried to pull away as a wave of dizziness washed over him, but his body refused to cooperate.  He was frozen in place.  He couldn’t even scream as, not only was his mouth locked shut, his vocal chords wouldn’t so much as vibrate to let him whimper.  The look of fear in Noah’s eyes told him his friend was in the same predicament, leaving him with no other option than to stare in horror as his perspective continued to lower.  

That horror grew when Kai began to notice how large Noah’s hands felt on his shoulder and waist.  Mustering a supreme effort, the frozen hunk managed to lower his eyes enough to get at least a partial view of himself, his frozen state the only thing keeping his legs from giving out at what he saw.  His ripped, perfect body wasn’t just losing height; it was losing muscle as well.  Already his heaping pecs had receded to a pair of small, dwindling mounds, the formerly-thick arms folded against them now looking barely toned.  Below that atrocity his shredded eight-pack had become a ghostly outline, but the true horror was in the way the leaf covered more and more of his rapidly shrinking member.  

The changes continued before his terrified eyes, his golden tan fading until he was left with a pale, porcelain complexion that seemed to accentuate his slender new frame.  His head now nipple-level with Noah, Kai was at least relieved that his height had appeared to level off, but the rest of his once-impressive body was continuing to whither.  The muscle he’d worked so hard to build had vanished entirely, leaving his softened, supple new body with nothing but the faintest hint of definition beneath the maple leaf that now obscured the entirety of what had been his girthy package.  

When he finally lifted his eyes, Kai fulfilled the rest of the scared-but-lustful expression he was supposed to be wearing.  While he’d been staring at himself his friend had been undergoing changes of his own, and where his body had shrunk, Noah’s had grown.  While Kai’s formerly athletic body now looked like he’d never set foot in a gym, his friend looked like he lived there.  But instead of building a tapering, precision-sculpted frame, Noah’s smooth, dark skin was stretched over a body that was pure bulk.  His shoulders were heavy and round with lumpy muscle, framing in a massive slab of a chest that had doubled in size, and where once the handsome stud’s pecs had served to accentuate the way his waist drew inwards, now the plump, mountainous mounds rested on a thick muscle gut.  From what he could see of the other man’s tree-trunk thighs, Kai could tell that the growth had been equally dramatic at his friend’s lower half, with a pair of large, fat cakes barely visible around Noah’s widened waist, and a thick, inflated log of a cock that stood rigid and eager in his direction.  Where his pride and joy had dwindled, Noah’s fat monster looked at least ten inches long and twice as thick as it had been, causing his mouth to confusingly water.  

As dramatic as the changes to Noah’s body were, Kai found his attention focused on his friend’s face.  It had filled out in time with the rest of his new bulk, taking his appearance from pretty to rugged.  His jaw was still chiseled, but it had widened to a masculine lantern to offset his less-prominent cheekbones as a layer of scrubby stubble broke out across the increasingly weathered skin.  As Kai stared in lustful terror, he watched his friend go from a primped model to someone who actually looked like they spent most of their time outside, hunting for a nymph.  

The shrunken man gasped at the thought as movement returned to both of them, but before he could question anything that was happening he was fully swallowed in Noah’s embrace.  A thrill shot through him as he felt his lithe new frame pressing against the other man’s brick wall of a body, and he lifted his head reflexively when Noah bent down to plant a long, passionate kiss.  

Though they could move, Kai still felt like a passenger in his altered body as he wrapped his supple, shortened legs around Noah’s widened midsection when his friend lifted him off the ground.  He clutched and clawed at his friend’s plump pecs, the bark of a nearby tree scratching roughly at his back when Noah slammed him against it.  The pain barely registered.  Kai was so consumed by the new sensations shooting through his shrunken body that there wasn’t room for much else.  He could even barely feel the horror he knew he should at the way his oozing little nub of a cock rubbed against Noah’s solid ‘roid gut, or how massive his friend’s hands felt as they squeezed an ass that felt far too round and soft.  

Kai could hear the way his whimpers and moans sounded higher and lighter than they should, a fact that was magnified when Noah lowered them to the ground and his friend’s fat club slipped inside.  

“OHHHHHHHHHUuuuuuuhhhHHHHH!” Kai shrieked, his softened voice cracking as his dainty hands clutched at the coiled muscles of Noah’s broad back.  A part of him was still aware of how wrong their situation was, but that part was quiet and distant compared to the roar of bliss coursing through him.  He arched his back and squirmed, rocking in time as best he could with Noah’s thrusting while his friend stared at him with a look of such adoration that it nearly made him cum on the spot.  

“Fuckin’ sexy little nymph,” Noah growled, licking at Kai’s slender new neck while he plunged in and out.  Their contrasting bodies fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, their movements smooth and easy as if they’d done this hundreds of times before.  

“No...Noah...dude...we...weeeEEEE…” Kai broke off in a groan when Noah buried deep and swiveled his hips.  

“Dude?” the bigger man laughed, planting a series of quick kisses all over Kai’s face.  “Since when are you so butch?”  

“I…” Kai didn’t know what to say.  It had felt wrong leaving his mouth, especially with his new voice, and thinking about saying it again felt even worse.  

“I kinda like it,” Noah laughed, slowing his thrusting.  “Say it again.”  

“Du...dude…” Kai chirped quietly, feeling more embarrassed at what should have been a commonly used word than at having his dainty new body fucked.  

“MMM…” Noah groaned, giving a quick pop of his hips.  “Yeah...definitely like it.  Say it again.”  

“Dude...duuuuuuuuude!”  Kai howled when Noah started slamming with full force, his shrunken body vibrating with each ecstatic impact.  He tried to think about how their lives and bodies should have been, but it all seemed so wrong.  “Due...dude...dude...dddDDUUUUUUUUUUDE!” he screamed, his tiny cock spurting pitifully when Noah erupted inside him.  He loved the way his friend’s body tensed between his soft, wrapped legs, and the look of pure desire on the bigger man’s face.  

“Whooooooo…” Noah whistled, leaning in for a long, rough kiss.  “That was…” 

“Impressive.”  They both froze at Thom’s voice, as if they’d forgotten the other man was still there.  Kai squirmed out from under Noah’s bulky new body and scrambled to his feet, feeling embarrassed by his actions but not by the few-inch nub and barely visible balls where his meaty equipment should have been.  

“Oh god, we’re so sorry,” he said, his expressive new body language feeling as natural as his heightened voice.  

“I guess we, uh, got carried away,” Noah said, his deepened voice sounding sheepish.  

“Not at all,” Thom said with a dismissive wave as he stepped back and eyed his painting.  “You two were perfect.  Want to take a look?”  

“Damn, baby!  We look good!” Noah laughed as he wrapped his arms around Kai from behind.  A bit of the old jock surged to the pale little man’s surface when he saw his the platinum white hair that had replaced his brunette mop, and the delicate, androgynous features that his masculine looks had softened into.  

It was a brief, futile attempt as the old Kai quickly faded while the new one settled into his friend’s towering embrace.  The scene on the canvas was impeccably rendered, his lithe body seeming to glow as he stood gazing up at the burly hunk who’d come to find him in his woodland sanctuary.  Without a single word it conveyed everything.  “Wow.  Thom, you weren’t kidding.  This is going to look great in your gallery,” Kai said, the pair’s backstory playing out in his head as he gawked at the painting.  He was so busy imagining the meeting of the hunter and the nymph that he didn’t bother to stop and think about the other backstory playing out in his head, but he didn’t need to.  His life with Noah was perfectly normal, and he was glad he’d let his burly lover talk him into posing for the painting.  

Thom whispered a quiet thanks to the stranger with the shining eyes as he closed his box of paints.  “It’s all about having the right tools.”  



Pardon the terrible wording in the one option. You can't go back and edit the poll questions without deleting the whole thing and re-posting.


The lighthouse idea sounds hilarious!