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*** This was started as a vignette about a year (or more?) ago, but it has been cleaned up and now has a real ending.  Enjoy! ***

“Tied up?  Damn...that’s a new one,” Nate sighed, squirming against the bed as his brawny arms and meaty legs were fastened to the frame.  He’d stripped down to his boxer briefs and Amber had already tied the blindfold in place around his head.  Now all he had to do was settle back and wait for her to get to work.  “You playin’ hard to get?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.  “Uh...Amber?  You there?”  He pulled lightly at the bonds, testing their strength.  At 6’4” and 280 pounds of burly muscle he was confident he could break free if he needed to.  He took a deep breath, his broad chest rising and falling slowly, and told himself to relax.  “That’s alright...I can wait.”  

“You don’t really have a choice, do you?”  

Nate bristled at the unfamiliar, male voice.  “Uh, sorry dude, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I didn’t sign up for a threesome with another guy.”  He started straining harder against the bonds, his hard-earned muscle inflating with the effort.  

“I can see why Amber would be into you,” the man said.  “She always did have a weak spot for you big ones.”  

“Hey!  Don’t fuckin’ touch me!”  Nate started thrashing, slamming the frame into the wall, when he felt a rough, masculine hand slide across his pecs and drift down his solid abs.  

“Not much going on down here, though…but that’s usually how it is with you meatheads, right?”  

Nate’s body went crimson with fury when he felt the man pull open the waist of his boxer briefs and slip a hand inside.  “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you, asshole!  Get your hand outta there!”  He arched his back up off the bed in a writhing fit but only succeeded in grinding his cock further into the stranger’s palm.  The last time he’d had a man’s hand that wasn’t his own had been at the doctor’s, and he wasn’t looking to repeat the experience. 

“Why so uptight?  Amber told me you were looking for something new,” the man purred, kneading and tugging on the bigger man’s twitching organ.  “Seems like this feels good.”  

“I swear to fuckin’ god if you don’t let go of me right now…” Nate growled, hating his inability to keep from getting hard.  His five inches was already rigid in the man’s hand despite his rage.  “Hey!  Fuck you!  Don’t take those off!”  He started thrashing again when he felt his boxer briefs being pulled down entirely, stopping at the loud ripping sound as they were torn free.  

“You’re not the only one with muscle,” the man said.  He reached down and kneaded Nate’s balls, letting his hand slip underneath to press a few fingers against the bound man’s tight hole.  

“No!  Get your goddamn hand away from me!  Amber!  It’s not funny anymore!  Call off your dude!”   

The man’s tone was flat, his hand unmoving.  “Correct.  It’s not funny.”   

Nate’s thick frame was slick with sweat as he struggled continuously against his bonds.  He told himself sooner or later something would have to give, he only hoped it wouldn’t be his increasingly aching cock.  “Huuunn...Hey!  Don’t…” His exposed body flushed with embarrassment at his unintentional groan when the man’s fingers increased their pressure against his clenched opening.  “Man, listen, I don’t know what you were told but this isn’t what I signed up for.”  

“I’m sure it’s not,” the man sighed.  

“Look, man, I’m not playin’...” Nate jerked his head when he felt hands against it, but stopped when he realized the blindfold was simply being removed.  He blinked against the bright light and found himself glaring up at a lean stranger.  The man looked to be about his age but only a third of his size, with a tight frame clad in a small black t-shirt and matching skinny jeans.  His skin was pale and he had short, raven hair with a face that was sharp and angular, nothing like Nate had expected.  With his vision obscured he’d thought of the man as radiating strength and power but now, seeing his lithe, wiry captor only increased his fury.  “When I get off this bed I’m gonna break you in fuckin’ half, man,” he growled.  

“What’s stopping you?  You’re not tied up anymore.”  

“Wha..?”  Nate looked up at his wrists and saw that the bonds had been removed, but when he tried to sit up he found his arms still locked in place.  “...the fuck?  What is this?!”  He craned his neck and saw that his legs were equally unbound, but like his arms they were still spread eagle, locked in place.  His meaty chest rising and falling faster than ever in his panic, Nate’s eyes burned with fury up at the man.  “Who the hell are you?”     

“Oh, right, introductions,” the man laughed.  “I’m Dennis.  Amber’s husband.”  

Nate struggled to keep his expression flat.  “Hey man, she didn’t tell me she was maaaaaaggghhhh!”  White hot pain lanced through his skull before he could finish the sentence.  His vision blurred, and when it cleared Dennis was gently stroking the side of his face.  

“I can see why she was into you.  You’re quite a lot of man, mostly,” he smiled, his eyes darting to Nate’s still throbbing five inches.  “Not bad looking either.”  Dennis’s finger traced along Nate’s strong jaw and around the edges of the bound man’s plump lips.  

“What...was that…” the brawny man finally managed, blinking, wide-eyed when the pain subsided.  Having been a football player in his younger days, Nate felt like he’d just taken a full tackle straight to his head. 

“That was you losing about ten IQ points,” Dennis said, his tone casual.  “I wouldn’t recommend lying to me.”  

Nate struggled to process what he just heard.  He kept squirming and straining against the invisible bonds, growing weaker from the constant, futile effort.  His ample muscle had been pushed to the limit and fear was creeping in.  He was realizing just how little control he had, a sensation he wasn’t at all used to.  “Dennis, man, listen...really, I’m sorry,” Nate stammered, forcing a smile.  If he couldn’t force his way out, he’d try charm instead.  “This wasn’t a thing...I mean...Amber and I...we haven’t been dooaaaaagnnnggghhh!”  Nate nearly passed out from the bolt of blinding pain, feeling like someone had pressed a live wire against the back of his skull.  “GGGuuunnn…” he moaned, his chest heaving.  

“Ten more down.  You know the average IQ is a hundred, right?  You’re a smart guy...or you were, anyway,” Dennis laughed.  “Let’s assume you were a bit better than most to start...you’re still getting dangerously close to that below average range.  Don’t go too crazy on wasting what’s left.”  

Nate reeled on the bed, telling himself it was the pain that made it hard to follow what Dennis was saying.  He was starting to feel like he was drunk.  “What do you want?  How are you doing this?!”  

“That’s a long story,” the lean man said, rolling his eyes.  “I’m not exactly from around here, but you don’t need to worry about that.  What you do need to worry about is how you picked the wroooong woman to have an affair with.”  

Nate lifted his head and stared over his sweat-covered pecs as Dennis moved to the foot of the bed.  “Why aren’t you mad at her?!”  

“I’m not happy, trust me.  But you came to MY house to cheat with MY wife in MY bed.  If you two had kept this somewhere else I probably wouldn’t have cared.  You’re not the first, trust me.  She’s gorgeous, right,” he winked, as if he and Nate were two drinking buddies at the bar.  “But you can’t blame me for thinking this crosses a line.”  

“Why...why can’t I move…” 

“Magic,” Dennis said, as if that didn’t sound entirely crazy.  

Nate started to scoff, but instead started to tremble when a golden flash lit up the other man’s green eyes.  “Okay...okay...I know I shouldn’t have done this, and I’m sorry.  Just let me go and you’ll never hear from me again.”  

“But you came all this way!  And isn’t this what you wanted?  Something new?  You told Amber you were bored.”  

“UUUUNNNnnnn…” Nate groaned when Dennis waved his arm and it felt like a hundred phantom hands began kneading and massaging his huge, muscled frame all at once.  The smallish cock that had started to soften shot to attention again under the invisible onslaught.  

“But tell me...how long were you going to keep this going with her?  Amber really liked you, you know.”  Dennis waved his hand again, banishing the spectral fingers as he shook his head.  “Something tells me, though...how many other girls are you cheating with right now?”  

Nate started speaking before his brain caught up with his mouth.  “What?  No!  I’m noaaahhhh!”  The bed shook as he arched his back and spasmed from the pain.  He could officially feel the difference.  Racing, panicked thoughts that had frantically been formulating plans came in slow and disjointed.  He had to struggle to even remember what they’d just been talking about.  

“Oooof.  That’s thirty down.  Hope you didn’t have to follow too many complicated instructions at work,” Dennis laughed, clapping Nate on a thick, solid thigh.  “Seriously though, how many?”  

Nate was practically hyperventilating.  “Ju...just a coupoooaaaaarrrghgghh!”  The sturdy giant gasped in agony, both from the pain and what it implied.  “Si...Six!  Six!”  He shouted, his vision blurred from the pain.  When Nate’s eyes were able to focus they found Dennis sitting on the edge of the mattress next to him, his hand gently rubbing his firm abs.  

“See?  Was that so hard?  For the record, that’s why I’m not too mad at Amber.  You were going to punish her enough when she found out.”  Nate just blinked, struggling to remember what Dennis was even talking about.  He felt like he was three steps behind, a distinct lag between what Dennis said and when his brain put it together.  “Forty points...yikes,” Dennis said, patting the big man’s stomach.  “Good thing you spit that number out when you did or that could’ve turned into a nasty feedback loop.  Pretty soon you wouldn’t understand what “six” even means.”  

“Please…” Nate panted.  “What do you want me to do?”  

Dennis ignored the question.  He slid his thin hand up to rub Nate’s bulging pecs, asking, “so those other six...do they all have boyfriends or partners too?”  

“I…” Nate’s eyes went wide with horror when he realized he couldn’t even remember half of them.  He was having a hard time focusing on much beside the pleasurable sensation of having his chest stroked.  “I think so…” 

“Is that your typical strategy?  Going for girls who already have someone else?”  

“Uh-huh,” Nate nodded, swallowing hard.  His thoughts weren’t coming in fast enough for him to lie anymore even if he’d wanted to.  

Dennis sighed and stood, crossing his arms over his modest chest.  “Well what ARE we going to do with you?”  He cocked his head to the side and looked Nate’s beefy, spread eagle form up and down.  “You can go ahead and get up.”  

Nate gasped a sigh of relief when he discovered that he could roll over.  He curled into a fetal position before sitting up, swaying on the bed as the room spun around him.  The slowed thoughts extended to the ones that controlled his limbs, making the hulking muscle man stumble as he lumbered to his feet.  He still knew enough to want to run, but as soon as he was upright he found himself locked in place again.  “Not again…” he whimpered, looking pleadingly down at Dennis who stood nearly a head shorter than him.  

“We could always keep you, I suppose,” the smaller man said, almost to himself.  “Amber does like her kink.”  

Nate’s eyes went wide when Dennis snapped his fingers and he was no longer naked.  A leather harness appeared out of nowhere, squeezing and accentuating his plump pecs as it stretched across his torso and down to a leather jockstrap.  A ringed collar was around his neck, with matching bracelets and anklets on his arms and legs.  

The burly man blushed as he stared down at himself in the leather and heard the rings jingle, his emptied brain filling with images of himself in all manner of restraints.  He suddenly saw himself tied down like he had been, or suspended from a sling, or bent over in stocks, his ample muscle straining uselessly as he whimpered and whined like a caged animal.  

“Pets are so much work, though.  And you really didn’t seem to enjoy being tied up.  What about something sporty?  You clearly enjoy the gym.”  

The leather disappeared when Dennis snapped his fingers again, replaced by nothing but a small yellow posing strap.  Before the big man knew it, he was breaking into a series of poses, his mind awash in images of himself at the gym.  He was similarly clad, the posing strap seeming to grow smaller and smaller as his body grew larger and larger.  Nate envisioned his already meaty frame growing so thick with muscle he could barely move, his days spent doing nothing but grunting away like a dull meathead.  

“No, that would never work.”  Dennis shook his head in frustration and rubbed his pointed chin.  “Amber likes ‘em big, but not THAT big.  What about something else entirely?  Maybe I’m going at this all wrong.”  

Nate stumbled at the third snap, thrown off balance by his new outfit.  He’d liked thinking about the gym, despite being embarrassed over his lack of clothes, but he stopped flexing when the posing strap was replaced by what looked like a lace teddy.  The sheer lingerie stretched tight and showed off each of his sculpted muscles, barely containing his smallish package as the bottom wedged like a thong between his round, meaty cheeks.  A pair of stockings were attached, flowing down his powerful legs to the tall high heels that had appeared on his feet.  The big man actually giggled at the images of himself forming in his addled brain.  All he could think about was how ridiculous he looked as he watched his body builder frame strut and saunter in all manner of panties and corsets and lingerie, his handsome, wolfish features covered by a thick layer of makeup.  

“Hmmm...I think we’re close,” Dennis said, nodding to himself.  “Yes...that’s it.  Definitely.  Good news!”  He snapped, the feminine clothing vanishing like the rest and causing Nate to sway as his feet were suddenly flat on the ground again.  “You can have fun with Amber after all.”  

“I...I can?”  Nate smiled when he looked over at the bed and saw the buxom blonde stretched naked before him.  His small cock rocketed to attention even as his addled brain tried to make sense of what was happening.  It couldn’t fit everything together in time to stop him, and the big man eagerly lumbered over and climbed onto the bed, fumbling with his less coordinated limbs.  He’d nearly forgotten about Dennis altogether as he kissed Amber’s long neck and ran his rough palms along her smooth, soft skin.  Only firing on a fraction of its cylinders, Nate’s brain managed one brief note of alarm as he lined himself up, but not quick enough to prevent him from plunging inside.  

“OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”  The hulking stud roared in surprise at the sensation of the solid organ penetrating his rear.  He looked back in shock, writhing his hips against the invisible invader when he saw that no one was behind him.  “What...uuunnggg...what is thiiiiieeee!”  

Nate shrieked when he turned his attention to the bed, only to find Amber gone.  In her place was a broad, familiar looking man, covered in solid, steely muscle.  Bit by bit, the beefy hunk’s slowed mind started fitting the sensations together; the simultaneous feeling of his hands against the person’s hips in front of him, while he felt a set of hands on his own trim waist in the exact same position.  He intended to pull away but gasped and writhed at the dual experience of his small cock both buried in someone, and something the exact same size buried in his own rear.  Somehow, he was literally fucking himself.  

“By all means, keep at it,” Dennis said.  “Amber was so impressed with your technique...maybe I can learn a thing or two.”  

Despite his horror, Nate started pounding away.  He grunted and moaned, overwhelmed by the conflicting sensations.  With each thrust, a matching jolt of pleasure shot through him, leaving him a writhing, whimpering mass of wriggling muscle.  

“What was it you used to text Amber?  I read those, by the way.  You’re good at sexting...well, you were,” he laughed.  “You always wanted to her to send pics of her ass?”  

As Dennis spoke, Nate felt the sensations begin to change.  The solid, muscled globes he was thrusting into became significantly less firm, squishing and bouncing in his grip as the cheeks expanded outwards.  The big man was confused by the feeling.  He loved the sensation of thrusting into the soft, pillowy backside, but he didn’t understand why it felt like his own cheeks were shaking so much.  

“And what else?  How short and curvy she was?” 

The softness of the cheeks seemed to spread upward.  The rough skin of the man in front of him became smooth and started to quiver just before the solid reflection started to shrink.  The broad shoulders pulled inwards, robbing the muscled torso of it’s prominent taper as the piston like arms lost nearly all of their mass.  Nate started trembling while he pumped away, wondering why it felt like he was having a hard time holding himself upright.  The strange shaking at his rear flowed down to his thighs that started jiggling in time, for some reason straining just as much as his arms.  He gawked at the former twin who had turned into a thin, delicate stranger.  What had been a tall, hulking brute of a man was now small and supple, with a huge rear and a body that felt small in his grip.  

“You know, come to think of it, you can be someone else’s problem.  You’re not really Amber’s, hell, or even my, type anymore.  Good luck,” he heard Dennis whisper in his ear.  

“WhaaaaooooOOOOHHHHH!”  Nate screamed ecstatically when half of the dual sensations were abruptly cut off, magnifying the intensity of what remained.  He still felt the presence of a large, solid body behind him, but he no longer felt like he was the one doing the fucking.  All he’d been left with was the shaking and the whimpering as a solid rod slid in and out of his oddly bouncing rear.  

“Dude, keep it down, man.  The neighbors are gonna complain again.”  

The already-addled Nate was confused to hear his roommate Dave suddenly laughing behind him.  He gasped, his heart racing when he looked back over a thin shoulder and saw his burly, naked friend pumping his hips against him.  The former giant let out a low moan as he took in the rest of his appearance.  Seeing his thin, shapeless arms and flat chest, he understood why he was having difficulty holding himself up.  He couldn’t see his lower half from his current vantage point, but he could feel his huge cheeks and yielding thighs rippling with motion.  

The revelation was too much for him.  His arms gave out, but before he hit the mattress Dave’s gym-calloused hands were on his chest, pulling him upwards.  The shrunken man groaned again as he felt his friend’s seemingly huge arms wrap around his slender torso, the strong fingers biting into his softened stomach.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” Nate panted, writhing against his friend’s granite chest.  Now that he was upright, the diminished hunk discovered that he’d lost more than muscle.  He should have been significantly taller than Dave.  Nate couldn’t recall the specific numbers anymore, but he knew he was the bigger of the two.  Now, the top of his head came to a stop just below Dave’s stubbled chin.  “Dav...Dave...fuck...fuuuuuuuuuu….!”  Nate whimpered as Dave tweaked the sensitive nipples on his flattened chest, trying desperately to make sense of what was happening.  He remembered being somewhere else, on another bed.  He’d been tied down and his head hurt, but already the memories were becoming hazy.  For some reason he felt like what he and Dave were doing was wrong, but everything about it felt entirely right.  His friend’s wide, stout cock was lighting up every inch of his supple body with pure bliss, and Nate loved the sensation of being wrapped in the stocky man’s meaty arms.  

“OOOoooaaaAAAoooohhhHHHH!”  Nate’s voice was a high, cracking wail as he tensed and spasmed, his untouched cock erupting.  The spraying, wagging organ had been left as it was in the change, the five inches looking larger on his shriveled form than it had on his previous, hulking physique.  He felt a stab of embarrassment at the piercing sound, wondering why he thought it should have been deeper and smoother.  

“That never...gets...old…” Dave laughed, grunting as he picked up the pace.  Nate’s body shook in his arms as he buried his face against the smaller man’s thin shoulder and gave one last, deep plunge before spraying into his friend’s ample bottom.  Nate purred, wriggling his hips reflexively to pull out every last drop.  The two eventually collapsed in a heap on the bed, leaving Nate to stare in confused, wide-eyed wonder at his now-larger friend.  

“What...how did we get here…?” Nate asked, staring at a dainty hand that looked tiny against his friend’s furry, protruding pecs.  

“Uh, we live here,” Dave laughed.  “Don’t tell me I actually fucked your brains out...there wasn’t much there to begin with.”  He bent and gave Nate a quick peck on the forehead, eyeing his friend when the other man just kept staring at him.  “Seriously big guy, you okay?”  

Nate didn’t know why Dave’s condescending tone made his stomach flutter.  “I...think so?”  The fluttering turned into a full body tingle when he watched his beefy friend roll off the bed and stretch.  The sight of Dave’s thick cock and bulky muscle made his mouth water.   

“Let’s get some food in you and see if that helps.”  Nate let Dave help pull him up off the bed, his friend’s hands closing easily around his formerly thick forearms.  He blushed when noticed his new arched-back posture and altered body language, his inflated lower half shaking and jiggling at the slightest movement.  Though he’d been in his friend’s room countless times, seeing it from his shrunken perspective made everything seem new.  “Uh, those are probably too big for you, stud,” Dave laughed when Nate instinctively reached for the grey boxer briefs on the ground.  

“Oh...yeah...that’s right…” Nate stammered when Dave took his underwear from Nate’s hand and swapped it for a pair of small, lavender briefs.  Nate pulled them up his softened legs, wincing as he felt his ass spilling out the rear.  He had time for one brief stab of envy at the sight of Dave’s masculine body straining against the boxer briefs before all he felt was an eager, giddy lust.  He was having a hard time focusing on much of anything for more than a few seconds at a time, especially with the rugged man’s stuffed bulge and muscled globes straining against the underwear Nate could no longer picture himself wearing.  

“Come on,” Dave said, swallowing Nate’s smaller hand in his own.  Not knowing what else to do, the shrunken, former stud stumbled along behind, already forgetting what he’d just been so worried about.  

Nate stared in wide-eyed wonder at the house he no longer recognized.  As they passed the room that should have been his, he saw instead a home office for his friend.  The shrunken man was still aware enough to feel a fleeting stab of terror when he looked at the bookshelf and realized he didn’t know what any of the symbols on the books meant anymore.  He wanted to pull away, but his hand was locked in Dave’s meaty grip as he was pulled past a series of pictures of the two of them, his former, hulking body nowhere to be seen.  Instead, the photos showed Dave’s brawny arms wrapped around his short, slender frame.  He didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or relieved when he saw his new self looking small and weak as he was towered over by their friends, the same guys he used to lord his massive physique over.  Now, far from the alpha of the group, Nate saw himself clinging to Dave, the same dull, hungry smile on his face in each photo.  

The changes were everywhere.  Instead of his size fourteen cross trainers next to the door, Nate saw a pair of dainty, fashionable sneakers next to Dave’s larger shoes.  His gym bag that was always on the table was nowhere to be seen, nor were the large canisters of protein and pre-workout powders.  When they passed a laundry basket full of clothes waiting to be folded, Nate’s stomach dropped at the incredibly small, bright clothing that had replaced his formerly XXL gear.  

“Alright...what’re you hungry for?  Pancakes?”  Dave asked when they reached the kitchen.  

“Uh, yeah, su..sure,” Nate stammered, trying to wrap his head around how high the counters seemed and how large all the furniture appeared.  He winced as he sat at the table and felt his feet lift off the ground as he scooted back in his chair, quickly losing track of what Dave was doing.  He watched his brawny friend pull items out of the fridge and cupboards and knew it was a simple process, but the underwear-clad jock might as well have been performing surgery for all Nate was able to follow.  The thought was concerning, but it was quickly forgotten as the smaller man’s attention focused on his friend’s meaty rear and the way it shifted and moved as he stood at the stove.  

“Think you can start the coffee and get the juice?”  Dave asked over a broad a shoulder, smiling as he caught the little man staring at him.  

“Yep!” Nate thought he sounded far too eager as he hopped off the chair with his tented briefs.  The former giant winced at how hard he had to struggle to pull the refrigerator door open, and at how heavy the jug of orange juice seemed, and he hated the sense of pride he felt when he pressed the right button on the coffee maker after what felt like several minutes of intense thought.  

But he was all smiles by the time Dave tousled his hair and sat at the table, his stomach fluttering at just the sight of his burly friend.  He still knew something impossible had happened but the knowledge was fading, his old life feeling more and more like a dream than any reality.  

“You feeling better,” Dave asked when they were done eating, his stubble-covered grin making Nate melt.  

The smaller man nodded, scratching absently at his softened stomach.  “I don’t know what happened...guess I just slept funny.  I...I was never big and muscly like you, right?”

Dave shook his head, his smile growing.  “You’ve got just enough muscles now.  Come on...let me see ‘em.”  Nate flexed both of his slender arms, feeling like the shapeless appendages should have been covered in bulging biceps.  Dave didn’t seem concerned, though, so Nate just returned his friend’s smile as he puffed out his soft chest.  “See?  Perfect,” Dave said as he wrapped the smaller man in his arms and bent to kiss the top of his forehead.  He gave the smaller man’s fattened rear a quick squeeze and pulled him along behind again.  “Now let’s go get cleaned up so we can get to the restaurant.  It’s gonna be a busy day.”  

Nate felt like the images of himself working as a busser in the restaurant his friend managed were as wrong as everything else, but if it meant he got to stay close to Dave he was okay with it.  He tried one last time to recall the details that had flowed out of his shrunken hands like water, to give shape the feeling that he should have been bigger and smarter and independent.  It was like a phantom limb, the sensation that he should have been a handsome, virile stud, not a thin, fat-assed little twink with a goldfish memory.  He didn’t care what the house looked like or what Dave told him; Nate knew what should have been real.  There was a hazy memory of a thin man with dark hair and scary eyes, and the former hunk desperately tried to remember who he was or why he thought the man was responsible.  If he could just put that together he might be able to fix things.  

But then Dave turned the shower on and peeled out of his underwear, and suddenly nothing else mattered.  



You know ...as miserable it look . He is in the end of that love in a relation ship. Taken care for and fed. Probably to clueless to be anything more.


Definitely a darker one. It’s been a minute since we’ve had one with these themes so I wanted to put it out for those who’ve been looking for them.