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*** The start of this was posted as a work-in-progress vignette a few weeks ago.  Here's the full story! ***

“Oh my god...you have got to be kidding me,” Tom laughed as the door swung open to reveal a sea of pink and crimson.  Behind him, Travis reached down and gave his solid rear a squeeze, leaning close to whisper in his friend’s ear.  

“Want me to carry you across the threshold and make it official?”

“Yeah, right,” Tom scoffed, pulling away from his dark-haired friend.  “If anyone’s the bride in this situation it sure as hell isn’t gonna be me.”  

Travis took a step back and spread his massive arms, motioning down at his burly frame.  “Hey, if you think you can actually lift me you’re welcome to try,” he said, grinning down at Tom.  The athletic brunette had an impressive, strapping build, but as he topped out at just barely 5’9”, Travis had six inches of height and nearly eighty pounds of extra mass over the other man.  

Never one to back down from a challenge, especially if it was issued by Travis, Tom rolled his neck, shrugging his broad shoulders and swinging his muscled arms to limber up.  “If you insist,” he cooed.  

“I swear to god, dude, if you drop me…” Travis warned, giving a quick look up and down the motel hallway to make sure no one could see them before throwing an arm around Tom’s shoulders as the shorter man hoisted him precariously off the ground.  

“The fuck...you...been eating…” Tom grunted, his fitted jeans straining as his sturdy legs fought to support the awkward load.  He staggered over the threshold, turning so that he and Travis would both fit through the doorway.  

“Oh shit!  I didn’t think you’d be able to do it,” the bigger man said, tousling Tom’s short, chestnut hair.  “Good job, stud.”  

The lumbering man stumbled over to the bed with a last groan of effort before collapsing in a heap of tangled limbs on the heart shaped bed.  “Fuckin’ who needs a fitness center when your fat ass is around,” he panted, rolling off of Travis’s bulky frame.  

“If it’ll finally put some muscle on those bones I’m happy to help,” Travis said, clapping Tom on the thigh as he sat up and took in their surroundings.  “Gotta be honest, though...not sure I’d consider this an upgrade…” 

“It’s not my fault they fucked up the reservation.  I made that shit like three months ago.”  Tom folded his arms behind his head and stared up at the mirrored ceiling, admiring the way his thin t-shirt accentuated his oversized pecs and tapering waist.  

“Didn’t say it was your fault, but I didn’t think we’d be spending the weekend in the honeymoon suite,” Travis said, running his hand over the red silk sheets.  “I didn’t think they even made rooms like this anymore.”  

Tom looked around at the faded pink carpet and the worn, matching wallpaper and shook his head.  “I think this place was made a long time ago,” he laughed as he hopped off the bed and pulled their bags out of the equally dated hallway.  He couldn’t tell which had more stains, the walls or the floor, but he hadn’t expected much to begin with.  They’d only be in town for a couple nights for a basketball game, and as a pair of recent college graduates a luxury stay wasn’t an option.  The run-down hovel just outside the city was the cheapest place he could find, and he’d been expecting an absolute pit of a room, so, regardless of how embarrassing, he wouldn’t turn down any kind of upgrade.  “Oh!  Uh...I think they must have left this before they saw us.”  Closing the door revealed a small alcove in the wall that held a pair of folded satin robes the same color as the sheets, along with a bottle of champagne in a heart-shaped ice bucket.  He picked up the included note and shrugged.  “They said sorry for the mix up.  These are on the house, and they hope we have a romantic stay.”  

“Free booze is free booze,” Travis said as he lurched off the bed to inspect the bathroom.  Like the rest of the suite it was a rosy explosion, tiled in pearlescent pink with a heart-shaped hot tub in the middle that was just big enough for two.  “And a hot tub?  Okay...this is lookin’ up,” the big man nodded to himself, returning to find his friend stripped down to his small grey briefs.  “Or at least it was,” he grumbled.  

“What?  It’s too late to drive into the city tonight...might as well get comfortable,” Tom said as he slipped the small robe over his sculpted torso.  The thin fabric strained across his broad shoulders, highlighting the deep, exposed valley between his smooth, bulging pecs before accentuating his tapering waist as Tom cinched it shut.  He turned to admire himself in the mirror, grinning at the way the shiny red fabric bubbled out around his perky rear, coming to a stop just above the middle of his toned quads.  “Huh...I think I see why people like these.”  

“You are such a weirdo,” Travis laughed as he watched Tom inspecting his athletic frame in the small robe.  The sight of Tom in his underwear was one he’d seen plenty of times, though the shiny red robe was a new addition, and the big man found himself admiring his friend’s impressive body.  He always gave Tom a hard time for not being as large as himself, but, watching the way his friend’s solid arms and broad upper back moved and shifted, and how the bottom of the robe lifted tantalizingly close to the other man’s stuffed briefs, Travis suddenly found himself thinking of Tom’s build as absolutely perfect.  He blushed and looked away when his friend turned away from the mirror, unaware of how long he’d been staring. 

Tom tossed the other robe at Travis and grabbed the pair of glasses in one hand and the bottle in the other.  The champagne was as cheap as their surroundings, but, as the bigger man said, free booze was free booze.  “We making this official?”  

“I don’t know, man…” the robe looked ridiculously small as Travis held it up in front of himself.  He had no desire to put it on, but as soon as he looked up at Tom’s expectant grin his resistance cracked.  “Dude, for real, no one ever hears about this,” he warned, shaking his head.  He peeled out of his tight t-shirt, revealing a brawny torso with a smattering of dark, wiry hair that ran across his thick chest and down his abs.  The hairy trail disappeared beneath the black boxer briefs that were exposed inch by inch as Travis slowly dropped his jeans and donned the tiny robe.  “Not really a one-size-fits-all situation is it,” he said, blushing as the robe was spread open to the waist by his wide upper body.  The bottom third stayed closed just enough to obscure the burly hulk’s stuffed bulge, so long as he didn’t raise his arms.  On his taller frame the bottom of the robe hit even higher on his meaty thighs, leaving the bottom of his boxer briefs poking out from underneath.  “Happy now?” 

“When in Rome!” Tom cheered, shooting the cork off the champagne.  He filled both glasses and handed one to his friend, giving the bigger man a slow look up and down as they drained the fizzy contents.  

Travis downed his glass, shifting uncomfortably under his friend’s gaze.  “Why’re you looking at me like that?”  

“You look a little ridiculous with your shorts sticking out the bottom like that,” Tom laughed, reaching down to snap one of the elastic leg openings.  

Travis felt a strange shiver run through him at Tom’s touch, confusingly thinking of his friend’s smile as charming.  Objectively, they both knew how good looking the other was, but Travis had never felt that knowledge worm down his spine the way it currently was as he looked at his handsome friend.  He gave a short laugh and tried to at least sound like he was protesting.  “You just want me to drop my shorts so you can get more embarrassing pictures of me.”  

“Does this make you feel better?”  Tom set his glass down and turned his back, wiggling his trim hips as he reached into the robe and slowly worked the briefs down his legs.  He stepped out of them and turned back to face his friend, flashing a smug grin as he slingshotted the briefs towards the taller man’s head.  Travis was too busy watching the long, thick hose bouncing against the front of Tom’s robe to move out of the way.  He flinched when the musky cotton hit his face, telling himself he didn’t really want to grab it and hold it there.  “Just fuckin’ relax, man.  This is supposed to be a fun trip, remember?” Tom said as he refilled their glasses.  “Since when are you so uptight?  We JUST fucked those girls in the same bed like two months ago.”  

Travis’s heart started racing at the memory.  Normally when he thought back on the encounter he tried to block out the image of Tom’s rigid cock, and the way his friend’s hips rolled so seamlessly, but now it was all he could think about.  “Fine, if you want me naked so bad,” he sighed, puffing his heavy chest out as he threw his head back and downed the second glass.  Unlike Tom he didn’t turn away, but instead glared at his friend as he reached into the robe and tugged his boxer briefs down.  

The burly jock regretted it immediately.  As soon as the underwear hit his knees an unexpected throb shot through him, causing his cock to rocket to attention.  Unable to do anything else, he stumbled out of his discarded underwear and righted himself, his face matching his robe as his club of a cock stuck out and pointed at his friend.  

“Oooohhhh,” Tom laughed, looking down at the other man’s rigid organ.  “Feelin’ the vibe a little too much, is that it?”  He shrugged and gave Travis’s cock a quick bounce.  “Whatever, bro.  I know how eager the big guy is.”  

Travis couldn’t hold back a quick gasp when Tom’s hand connected with his aching member.  The brief contact lit him up like a circuit, overwhelming the impulses that told him he should be putting himself away or at least trying to cover himself up.  But as he gawked at the grinning brunette, all he could think about was how much he wanted Tom to do it again.  

Travis’s eyes were glued to the shorter jock’s shifting cheeks as Tom walked over and flipped a switch on the wall, replacing the harsh fluorescents with a dim mood lighting that cast the room in a rosy glow.  

“That’s better,” Tom said with an approving nod.  “If we had some Isaac Hayes this’d be perfect.”  

“I could...there’s always Spotify,” Travis stammered, rooted in place.  The blushing hulk swayed drunkenly, feeling more affected than he should after only a few glasses of cheap champagne.  His head swam and his whole body hummed with a pleasant tingle that kept the anxiety of their bizarre circumstances at bay.  He was dimly aware that something strange was happening; he just couldn’t do anything with that knowledge.  

“Nah, I was just kidding.  You know that’s not really my style,” Tom said, casually undoing the front of Travis’s robe as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.  His triceps inflated impressively when he leaned back, the bottom of his robe lifting to expose the heavy balls and twitching cock between his spread thighs.  He cocked his head, licking his lips as he stared at Travis’s exposed bulk standing awkwardly in front of him.  

The big man’s chest heaved as he shifted under the crushing weight of the unspoken expectation.  As impossible as it was he knew what he was supposed to do, though he wasn’t sure if he could actually bring himself to do it.  Desire wasn’t the issue.  His every, ample muscle ached with hunger as he stood beneath Tom’s piercing blue eyes, his embarrassment only fueling his lust.  

“I mean...I did carry you across the threshold,” Tom said, undoing the front of his own robe as his cock slowly surged to life.  “Kinda feels like you owe me one.”  

Travis heard the quiet whimper that left his trembling mouth as he dropped to his knees, his body vibrating with anticipation.  His hands slowly stroked Tom’s hairy thighs, his nostrils filling with the same familiar musk he’d smelled from his friend’s briefs as he ran his prominent nose along the underside of the other man’s throbbing organ.  The quiet voice telling him this was all wrong became more insistent when his tongue flitted against Tom’s shiny head, becoming drowned out completely by the tidal wave of bliss that washed over him when he swallowed the entire organ.  

“Fuuuuuuuuck dude…” Tom sighed, his head falling back on his shoulders as Travis’s stubbled cheeks began scraping against his thighs.  

Travis sighed contentedly, a strange sense of familiarity settling over him at the sensation of Tom’s fingers dancing through his dark hair while his head bobbed and his tongue responded with muscle memories that they shouldn’t have.  He’d never even thought about blowing another guy before, and yet he felt entirely at home on his knees with Tom’s oozing cock hitting the back of his throat.  He didn’t even gag as he swallowed the entire six and a half inches to its base, nuzzling against his friend’s trimmed, chestnut bush.  Travis’s own eight inch beast ached painfully, begging for release, but he didn’t want to take his hands off Tom’s toned body.  

Instead of wanting to pull away, Travis was disappointed that things were over so soon when he felt his friend tense and his mouth was suddenly filled with a warm, salty explosion.  He guzzled the copious release with expert precision, letting only the smallest trickle run down his lantern jaw as he sucked Tom dry.  

“Have I told you lately how good you are at that,” the panting brunette laughed as he fell back on the bed and folded his arms behind his head.  Travis wanted to question the statement since that was the first time he’d ever blown anyone, but he smiled proudly instead, slipping out of the robe as he climbed up next to Tom on the bed.  The sight of his bulky, naked body pressed against Tom in the mirror overhead nearly pushed his oozing pole over the edge.  Before Travis could give voice to the storm of questions swirling in his addled brain, Tom turned his head and pressed their lips together.  His friend’s warm tongue suddenly wrestling against his own made conscious thought an impossibility as Travis swooned, losing any semblance of control.  

“That...that was nice…” the big man stammered, staring at Tom’s boy-next-door face with wide, doe eyes.  He was aware that he’d just complimented another man on kissing him, but the realization didn’t bring the sense of wrongness that he’d expected.  

“Glad you liked it,” Tom said, sitting up and giving Travis’s ample rear a swat.  “Come on...let’s go test out that hot tub while I recharge.”  

The big man was frustrated by his own rigid club as he followed the smaller stud into the bathroom.  A part of him wanted to reach down and finish himself off, but another part of him knew it would be even better if he waited.  Tom had never let him down before.  “Tight squeeze,” Travis grunted as he lowered himself into the tub and threw a heavy arm around Tom’s shoulders when his friend followed behind.  

“I wonder how many kids got their start in this tub,” Tom laughed, his legs tangling with Travis’s beneath the bubbling surface.  

“Glad we don’t have to worry about that,” Travis sighed, loving how the other man felt wrapped in his arms.  His hands were on autopilot as they ran along every inch of the familiar body, exploring all the intimate areas he’d always avoided when they’d horsed around.  He’d brushed against Tom’s cock in the past, but now he was very intentional as he slipped his hand between his friend’s thighs, hefting and squeezing the girthy package.  He traced a finger up along the other man’s abs, loving the sound of Tom’s deep laugh when he started toying with his friend’s small nipples.  

“Someone’s feelin’ handsy,” Tom laughed, twisting in Travis’s grip so they faced each other.  

“Can’t help it,” the dark-haired jock said, his hands latching onto Tom’s perky bubble as his cock wedged up between them.  “You know how eager I am.”  

“One of the things I love about you,” Tom cooed, stroking a hand through his friend’s hair.  They stared at each other in silence, their eyes and bodies locked, before picking up where the previous kiss left off.  

Travis didn’t know if they were in a hot tub or floating in a vast ocean as the world around them melted away, leaving only their writhing bodies and wrestling tongues.  After all their years of friendship he knew Tom was just as skilled with his body in the bedroom as he was on the field, but his muscled friend was even better than he ever could have imagined.  The big man quickly lost track of how long they pawed at each other, their solid cocks grinding together while their moans and whimpers were swallowed by the hum of the hot tub’s motor.  

“Fu...fuck...I need...I can’t take it…” Travis finally moaned while Tom licked at his wide neck.  He squirmed and bucked against his friend, feeling the other man’s cock dig into his stomach but failing to notice that his own didn’t return the sensation.  

“I’m ready for round two,” Tom said, digging his cock against Travis one last time before hefting himself out of the tub.  

The bigger man was so caught up in the way Tom’s ass filled his hands as his friend stepped up and out that it wasn’t until he was climbing out of the tub that he discovered what was wrong.  His body still burned with a painful, throbbing need, but staring down at his dripping frame, Travis felt a stab of horror at his missing beast.  Despite the overwhelming arousal coursing through him, the rigid log was nowhere to be seen, replaced instead by a terrifyingly familiar opening.  “What’s...what’s happpuuuuhhhhnnn….”  Travis sagged, his knees buckling when Tom wrapped a pink towel around him from behind, slipping a pair of fingers inside in the process.  “Oh...oh fuck...oh fuck…” he grunted, his eyes wide as he tried to process what was happening.  He had no idea why Tom wasn’t as panicked as he should have been, or why he was just standing there watching himself be fingered in the steamy bathroom mirror instead of fleeing for help.  

“I love the faces you make,” Tom laughed as the big man squirmed in his arms, his expression a twisting mask of ecstasy.  

Travis couldn’t respond.  The gasping hulk couldn’t do anything but stand in place, slowly realizing that the terror he felt was on a purely logical level.  It was an emotion he knew he should be feeling, not one he actually felt.  There was no fear or panic as Tom worked his insides, only a desperate hunger for more.  He staggered behind when the smaller jock led them back to the bed, gasping at the sight of his sprawled, naked body with it’s hungry new lips staring down at him from the mirrored ceiling overhead.  He only had a brief glimpse before the image was obscured by Tom’s naked back, and then he saw nothing but stars when his friend plunged inside.  

“OOHHHHHHHHH!”  Travis groaned, arching his back up off the bed as his hands dug into the mattress.  He’d never imagined such bliss was even possible.  He could hear himself whimpering and whining as he gazed up at Tom with shell-shocked eyes, their bodies slowly falling into rhythm.  The penetrated hunk stared up at their reflected image, loving the way Tom’s muscled bubble flexed with each thrust.  As his head gradually began to clear he became more and more aware of what he was missing, and how odd it felt to not be using his throbbing monster.  But as the intensity began to increase, and the pressure mounted towards the breaking point, he didn’t care how impossible it all was or how the world should have been.  All that mattered was the man writhing on top of him.  For the second time that night he thought back on the image of Tom’s rolling hips and impressive cock, thrilled, not horrified, to be experiencing them first hand.   

A giddy euphoria flooded his system when the tattered remains of his fear fell away.  When he looked in the mirror and saw their discarded underwear on the floor next to the bed, he didn’t at all question the black lace panties that lay where his boxer briefs should have been.  And when he saw the sudden glint of gold on his hand, and felt the same metal band rub against his cheek as Tom gently stroked his face, Travis knew everything was exactly as it should have been.  He reached up and grabbed Tom’s head, pulling him down for a deep kiss just as the floodgates opened.  He huffed and spasmed, equal parts stunned and grateful that the compact stud could make him feel as though his entire body was melting and flooding out through his stuffed new opening.  And when Tom came a few moments later, Travis could barely wrap his head around the joy he felt at knowing he was responsible for the smaller man’s wild-eyed ecstasy.  

“Wo...wow…” Travis panted, loving how Tom felt softening inside him.  He sighed as his friend gave a few, final pumps before pulling out, leaving them to stare up at their naked bodies.  The dark-haired man was still captivated by his altered equipment, but his attention was more focused on the matching rings they wore, and on the new memories that were slowly beginning to creep in.  

Tom laughed at Travis’s stunned expression as he stroked the other man’s solid, hairy chest.  He nibbled on his friend’s ear and laced their ring-clad hands together.  “Right?  Not a bad start to the honeymoon.”  


Hugh Michelsen

Very well written, and very hot, but absolutely horrifying :)