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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 2: Nice Trunks

  • An arrogant young fisherman crosses a siren and finds himself suddenly irresistible to the men in town, whether he wants to be or not.. 25
  • After swimming where they shouldn't and taking cursed pirate loot, a trio of men find things being taken from themselves. 25
  • Tired of being constantly bullied on the pier, a man gets revenge by shrinking his tormentors and stealing their size for himself. 13
  • Wishing for youth, a weathered sailor starts being treated younger than he wanted, even though his rugged body and mind stay the same. 10
  • 2019-12-12
  • —2019-12-15
  • 73 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 2: Nice Trunks', 'choices': [{'text': 'An arrogant young fisherman crosses a siren and finds himself suddenly irresistible to the men in town, whether he wants to be or not.. ', 'votes': 25}, {'text': "After swimming where they shouldn't and taking cursed pirate loot, a trio of men find things being taken from themselves.", 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Tired of being constantly bullied on the pier, a man gets revenge by shrinking his tormentors and stealing their size for himself.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Wishing for youth, a weathered sailor starts being treated younger than he wanted, even though his rugged body and mind stay the same.', 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 15, 17, 0, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 12, 1, 55, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 73}


Sarah didn’t see her actions as messing with her customer’s lives so much as improving them.  She’d certainly never use the word “ruin” to describe what she did, not that she’d ever told anyone, or that they’d believe her if she did.  All anyone saw was a formerly failing business that had managed to turn itself around, an impressive feat for a local business in such a small, out of the way town like Kingsbury Harbor.  And if anyone noticed some of the more dramatic changes to their friends and neighbors, no one said anything to her about it.  

She’d been ready to close her doors for good, grudgingly accepting the fact that her little corner of the town’s relatively meager economy, with its ocean-themed knick knacks and souvenirs, just wasn’t sustainable.  The locals didn’t need any of it, and there wasn’t a steady enough stream of tourists to keep the lights on, especially with the larger department stores on the way into town undercutting her prices at every turn.  It was only a matter of time before she’d have to find something else, though she had no idea what that was.  With her petite frame and almost complete lack of coordination she wasn’t cut out for working on a boat, and she’d already been fired from every kitchen in town.  This meant she’d very likely have to swallow her pride and go work for one of the beasts that crushed her, but she wouldn’t let her pride stand in the way of a paycheck.  It was either that or move, and the latter was unthinkable.  She’d been born and raised in Kingsbury.  The air in her lungs was the salty breath of the sea and the blood pumping in her veins was the surf crashing against the rocky shore.  She couldn’t just walk away so easily, and she still had a sliver of faith that her beautiful Kingsbury wouldn’t let her down.  

The sea had a way of providing.  Sarah wasn’t as well versed in her city’s history as some of the other folks in town, but she remembered reading back in elementary school that the seeming abundance was the reason people settled this spot in the first place.  Between the bountiful fishing in the waters just off the coast and the fertile hills ripe for planting, the secluded region was a paradise compared to the harsh, rocky coastline of the surrounding area.  While other settlements were barely scraping by, Kingsbury Harbor became a thriving trading port, known for the gold and other strange artifacts that washed ashore with an improbable frequency.  Sarah knew the other legends about the town’s founding, about witches being forced out of the villages to the south, and the unholy bargains they made with things that lived deep in the ocean, but she’d always thought of them as nothing more than fairy tales meant to scare unruly children.  Until she’d met the salesman.   

Sarah still couldn’t remember exactly what he looked like.  He smelled of salt and musk and his eyes were iridescent abalone shells, but whether he was short or tall, or fat or thin, or even a “he” at all, was hazy.  They talked about selling a line of exclusive swimwear in her shop, and how it would turn her business and customers’ lives around.  It all sounded a bit dramatic to Sarah, but she was too focused on the way her head body tingled at the deep, resonant voice while she listened.  And what did she have to lose?  As promised, once the unassuming swimwear was put on the shelf, things began to turn around.  More and more people began filtering in, none of them leaving empty handed.  Not all the customers were interested in the swim trunks and bathing suits, but her store had a sudden magnetism, pulling in everyone who passed.  

She didn’t make the connection between her store and the striking new folks around town until she saw the effects firsthand.  A short, heavyset man had gone into a fitting room to try on a pair of tight, navy blue trunks covered in a pattern of nautical ropes and ships’ wheels.  She’d heard a loud gasp from behind the closed door that caught her attention and she’d listened, her heart racing as something started scratching at the back of her mind.  When the tall, strapping adonis stepped out a few moments later and asked for her opinion she thought she was going crazy.  None of the other customers who’d seen the man enter were at all alarmed by the ripped stranger who exited in his place.  Several heads turned to ogle the gorgeous stud who bulged appealingly out of the small trunks, and Sarah could only nod in shock, feeling a mix of horror and wonder as she stared up at the man who, just minutes earlier, had stood level with her five and a half feet.  

For the first time in her life, Sarah experienced true panic.   She thought about the strange salesman and the dark legends and bizarre occurrences she’d spent the last thirty years trying to ignore.  She’d seen things that didn’t make sense, anyone who lived on the coast long enough did, especially in Kingsbury, but nothing like this.  Her first instinct was to kick everyone out and tear the garments from the shelves and go dump them in the harbor before anyone else could stumble into the trap she’d unknowingly set.  She was sick with the knowledge that the sometimes bizarre looking visitors that she didn’t remember seeing, but who were wearing familiar swimwear, had been birthed in her store.  

Then she’d looked at the stuffed cash register and the ample pile of receipts from the day’s sales. She’d pictured getting in her car every morning and making the hour long trek to a soulless, fluorescent department store so far from her lovely little town, feeling a second pit in her stomach at how it would feel to walk by the empty storefront she’d worked so hard on.  

She left the swimsuits on the shelves.  Sarah had told herself that none of this could be wrong.  Impossibly strange, yes, but not wrong.  She’d asked for help, and Kingsbury had simply provided for one of its daughters the way it always did.  And she wasn’t forcing her wares on anyone.  The people who came to her shop did so of their own free will, guided, she was convinced, by the same tides that sent the salesman to her in the first place.  Sarah didn’t need to understand the ocean’s mysteries to benefit from them, and neither did her customers.  


“You see the way she was looking at us?  She was definitely interested,” Skyler laughed.  The toned, wiry jock’s bicep inflated with corded muscle as he flexed, a smug grin stretching his sharp features.  “Can you blame her?  A little older than I normally go for, but I wouldn’t say no.”  

“You can have her,” Shawn said, rolling his eyes as he looked at his shirtless, dark-haired friend.  As expected, once they were back at their hotel room it had taken the other man less than five minutes to strip down to nothing but his fitted boardshorts.  “We JUST got to town, bro...I’m not settling for anything yet.  Bad enough you let her talk us into these gay-ass trunks.”

“They’re not so bad,” Skyler said as he picked up a pair of trunks and held them against his waist.  They weren’t as small as a speedo, but the square-cut swimwear still wasn’t as large as the boxer briefs he normally wore.  “And what’re you worried about?  Gotta show ‘em what we’re workin’ with, right?” he laughed, flexing his washboard abs and squeezing his girthy bulge.  “She said they’re the style around here.  When in rome, dude.”  

Looking at the small trunks resting against his friend’s midsection, with their powder blue fabric and life preserver print, Shawn still wasn’t convinced.  He’d picked out an orange pair covered in surfboards for himself, hoping the color would pop against his soon-to-be-tanned skin.  He knew Skyler was right, that with his athletic frame and handsome, boy-next-door face he didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about, but Shawn didn’t relish the idea of strutting around a beach so exposed.  Even with his broad shoulders, toned pecs and prominent abs he was modest about his looks, especially when it came to his below-average endowment.  Skyler always just called him uptight, which Shawn thought was a little too easy for his overly-hung friend to say.  “I dunno, man.  I might stick with my…” Shawn winced when the other man cut him off, reaching over and tousling his short, chestnut hair.  He averted his eyes when Skyler’s shorts and underwear hit the floor shortly after, his friend’s long, thick hose and low-hanging balls swinging free.  

“No way, man.  We paid a lot of money for these and I’m not going to be the only one wearing ‘em.  Now let’s go,” Skyler barked.  “I want to hit the beach before it gets dark.”  

Shawn sighed and turned around, peeling out of his tank-top and reluctantly dropping his shorts.  Despite Skyler’s casual exhibitionism he’d have preferred to change in the bathroom, but in the ramshackle motel there was barely enough room for a toilet and a tub.  Even the sink was out in the main area next to the single bed they shared.  Still, as two broke college students they counted themselves lucky to have found such an affordable getaway as Kingsbury Harbor in the first place.  For such a picturesque little town it was an astonishingly cheap place to visit, making the two wonder why they’d never heard of it before.  From what they’d seen so far it was every bit as nice as the more popular tourist destinations, if not nicer.  

“Here goes,” Shawn muttered, pulling the trunks up his muscled thighs as he heard the elastic of Skyler’s snap into place behind him.  He had just enough time for a quick, admiring glance at the way the tight swimwear accentuated his trim waist before a wave of vertigo nearly knocked him off his feet.  He stumbled back against the bed, spinning around towards Skyler just in time to see his friend turn into a stranger.  

The lean, olive-skinned stud had a stunned look on his face as he stared down at a body that was rapidly inflating.  The tank tread abs, split down the middle by a thin, dark trail of hair, seemed to melt away as Skyler’s tight waist began to expand outwards in a prominent gut.  The effect spread outwards in all directions, stripping most of the definition from his wiry frame as flesh piled on top of flesh.  Toned pecs bulged outwards into a round, thick slab that rested heavily on the newly-sprouted gut, a pair of beefy logs replacing the whipcord arms on either side while the already tight trunks became ever more so.  Skyler’s small, solid bubble ballooned into a set of huge, supple globes that matched his chunky new thighs, obscuring the long cock snaking off to the side.  The last to change was his face, which lost most of its sharp angles as his chin softened and his cheeks became as full and round as the rest of him.  

Shawn tried to call out to his friend, but his voice was frozen as his own body underwent a striking set of changes.  When his modest chest began pushing outwards he was initially afraid that he was going to balloon up like his friend, but that fear quickly turned to astonishment when he watched his pecs settle as a pair of bulging, chiseled mounds.  They looked even more impressive compared to a waist that had tightened even further, shifting what little fat he had to fill out his now-ample rear.  Like Skyler, the plump cakes matched Shawn’s widened, sculpted quads that thrust forward a rapidly enlarging package.  The stunned blonde watched his smallish cock puff and twitch, a tingle shooting through him as the lengthy organ fought for room in the confining swimwear, and he couldn’t believe his eyes as he reached for it and saw the ripped, steely pistons his hands were now attached to.  

Then, as quickly as they started,  the changes stopped.  The vertigo that nearly floored Shawn passed, leaving the two men to stare at themselves and each other in stunned silence.  There was a brief moment where they were almost able to give voice to the terror flooding their brains before, like their bodies, their memories began to change.  All Shawn could do was let out a quiet, confused whimper as he turned to look in the mirror and saw his lengthened, platinum blonde hair and deeply tanned skin, suddenly wondering why he’d ever think of his jacked, surfer build as wrong.  The same went for Skyler, whose terrified expression softened as he rested a hand against his gut, his grin slowly returning as he stared at the adonis next to him. 

“Brah, like, did you just feel waaaay weird,” Shawn asked, his eyes momentarily widening at his drawling new surfer-boy speech.  He shook his head and ran a hand through his shaggy, platinum mop, flexing a massive bicep and plump pec in the process.  “That was totally trippy,” he said with a broad, eager grin.  

Skyler nodded, biting his lower lip.  “What were we even just talking about,” he asked, the hand resting on his gut beginning to drift up and down in a slow stroking motion.  His eyes hadn’t left Shawn’s stuffed trunks, and he didn’t seem to be aware of his own rod twitching between his widened thighs.  

Shawn wasn’t nearly as oblivious as he watched his friend’s fat cock swell and tent the tiny swimwear biting into his hefty midsection.  “I thought you were, like, stoked on hittin’ the beach,” he said, wondering why he hesitated to step forward and squeeze the thicker man’s small lovehandle.   

“I was,” Skyler purred, his round cheeks turning an embarrassed red as he felt his friend’s hand bite into his softened flesh.  “But then I saw how hot you were in these trunks.  I told you they were a good ideeee…!”  He broke off in a yelp when Shawn’s hand slipped into the front of his trunks and wrapped around his rigid pole, shaking his head at the sudden urge to pull away.  It was the last thing he wanted.  

“Beach isn’t goin’ anywhere,” Shawn grinned as he leaned down to begin licking at one of his friend’s inflated nipples.  The sound of Skyler’s quiet moan and the feeling of his lover’s meaty frame against him easily drowned out the hazy, dreamlike images of two similarly built young men that were stubbornly refusing to leave.  They kept making Shawn feel like he was doing something wrong as he dropped to his knees and gripped Skyler’s jiggling globes before swallowing nearly all of the other man’s wide, throbbing member.  Bobbing his face and rubbing his shaggy hair against the bottom of Skyler’s adorable belly that he loved so much, Shawn couldn’t imagine a world where he didn’t relish the sensation of burying his face between the other man’s chunky thighs.  

“Fuuuuuuuuck, babe,” Skyler groaned, running his fingers through Shawn’s soft mane, “how are you so good with your mouth  AND your ass?”  

“Like, practice, duh,” Shawn laughed, climbing to his feet.  In one agile motion he tugged his trunks down and fell back on the bed, throwing his muscled legs into the air.  He let out an unaccustomed gasp at the loud slap caused by his ten-inch rod bouncing against his abs, but Skyler was on him before he could think about it.  “MMMmmmm…” he groaned, squirming at the feeling of the other man’s beefy torso pressing into the undersides of his legs as Shawn hefted his thighs onto his shoulders and lined himself up.  

There were no words when the two locked eyes, sharing one last look of hesitant confusion before Skyler’s new impulses took over and he plunged inside the golden stud that used to simply be his friend and wingman.  Now, plunging in and out of the whimpering pile of muscle, Skyler felt his memories gel, recalling how thrilled he’d been when the gorgeous hunk had approached him.  Shawn may have been all body and no brain, but Skyler certainly wasn’t going to complain.  Nor was the blonde adonis unhappy with the dark-haired man’s thick, beefy frame, being perfectly content to let him do the thinking in their relationship.  Skyler could spend his days in class if he wanted; all Shawn needed was the sun and water on as much of his bare skin as possible.  

Shawn arched his back and gasped, a shudder running through his bouncing muscles.  “Du...dude...dude...gonna...gonna cummmMMMMNNN!”  His face a contorted mask of ecstasy, the ripped blonde’s inflated cock sprayed like a hydrant, soaking his impressive pecs and lantern jaw.  He sighed and gazed up at Skyler, his cum-covered lips resuming their perpetual grin as the other man finished.  The broad man’s meaty frame shook as he grunted and hammered until his fat cock erupted inside his friend, the last of his nagging doubts shooting out with the rest of his sticky fluid.  

He dropped Shawn’s legs from his shoulders and fell on his friend, mashing their mouths together in a passionate battle of tongues.  “Told you these trunks were a good idea,” he grinned.  



Can we have all of them? For Christmas? :p