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The beach was one of my favorite hunting grounds.  On a lovely, balmy evening like this it was perfect, littered with people of all shapes and sizes from end-to-end.  I stood at the top of the stairs and surveyed my options, not an easy feat with the sheer amount of teeming potential, but it was the two men tossing a football at the far end that immediately stood out.  

I’ve been at this long enough to recognize the signs when I find a mark, and that gut instinct bore out as I drew closer and could get a better view  They were certainly a mismatched pair.  The one that had his back turned stood out the most, and even from a distance I could see what an impressive specimen he was.  He looked like he could have been an athlete or a model in nothing but his striped board shorts, his tanned skin glistening in the fading sun.  He stood well over six feet tall, and had broad, striated shoulders and large arms that showed each individual muscle at the slightest movement.  The hands that gripped the football were wide, with long, solid fingers, and his v-shaped back flexed with each toss.  His clinging board shorts bulged out at the back to accommodate the wide slabs of muscle that made up his apple-shaped bottom, causing them to hang loose around the toned, solid thighs that melted down into rocky calves.  When he turned to chase a missed catch he exposed a front half that was even more impressive.  His pecs were a shelf of bulging muscle that hung over a defined six pack, complete with a set of obliques that trailed suggestively into the low-cut shorts.  It didn’t look like he had an ounce of fat on him.  His face was what I thought it would be: high cheekbones, firm chin, full lips, and bright eyes, and his jet black hair, absent on most of his deeply tanned skin, was cropped short and neat.  It wasn’t until I got within range of his deep, smooth voice that it became clear he wasn’t as young as he first appeared.  There were flecks of gray in the black hair, and his handsome face had a few wrinkles around his piercing eyes.  I was even more impressed, though that wouldn’t change what was about to happen.  

His friend, on the other hand, looked considerably younger.  And shorter.  If the man with his back to me was over six feet, the young blonde facing me was at least a head shorter.  He was also considerably wider, looking like a blonde brick wall.  He didn’t have the striated body of his taller friend as his looks were all bulky muscle.  He had plenty of definition, but his body had a roundness to it that the other man’s lacked.  His shoulders, pecs and arms all swelled with solid brawn.  His stomach was flat and firm but stuck out due to the arch in his back, looking like a counterbalance to the huge globes that strained against a pair of shorts similar to those his friend wore.  But where the taller man’s had some give, these were plastered on the blonde’s thick, heavy thighs like a second skin.  His face carried the same full look as the rest of him, with puffy cheeks and a square jaw beneath his shaggy mop of hair.  

I couldn’t figure out the dynamic.  They weren’t a couple, and they didn’t look related.  There was also a tension that belied their laughing and tossing of the football that was absent in most friend pairs.  Once I was close enough I let my perception shift free and dove in, examining their thoughts and memories the way I’d been inspecting their bodies.  I wasn’t above rearranging things based solely on a person’s physical appearance, but it was always more fun knowing the internal workings were also a match.  

As it turned out, the tall one was named Anthony; the short one Kyle.  And I’d been right – they weren’t friends, but coworkers.  More specifically, Anthony was Kyle’s boss.  I’d also been correct about the age difference.  Anthony was 38, whereas Kyle had just turned 25.  They worked for a large accounting firm downtown, and Kyle, only a few years out of college, was quickly working his way up.  Anthony saw to it to take him under his wing, but after only a brief search of the man’s thoughts it was clear that mentoring the young man was hardly the agenda.  Hazing the competition was more appropriate.  

Anthony delighted in bossing the young man around.  Kyle wasn’t at the beach by choice, but Anthony always insisted on similar, physical activities.  Jogging, going to the beach, working out together; he took every opportunity he could to lord his impressive physique over Kyle the way he did everyone else.  To make matters worse, Anthony was incredibly smart and could be incredibly charming, though more than a few women at the firm had been disappointed to learn that the personality behind the man’s handsome smile wasn’t as pretty as the rest of him.  He was too self centered to be in anything resembling a relationship, but he had no difficulty whatsoever when he didn’t feel like sleeping alone.  

Which isn’t to say that Kyle was innocent.  He was well aware of the situation but was waiting for his opportunity to make sure Anthony’s first big screw up would be his last.  Instead of calling his boss out on some of the terrible things he did, he kept his mouth shut since it didn’t yet benefit him.  He let Anthony step on people and continually harass women, not caring what happened to them unless he thought he could use their suffering to nail the older man’s coffin shut.  From what I could see, once he managed to get his boss out of the way Kyle would be worse than Anthony ever was.  He didn’t know that yet, but that seed was already planted and growing.  

They were a perfect match for each other, both physically gifted but smug and terrible in their own ways.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, the new reality writing itself as I let the energy flow.  


Anthony jumped up and caught the too-high pass, his tall, sculpted body making it look effortless.  “Alright big guy, I’m gonna float for a bit,” Anthony said, smiling at the flash of annoyance on Kyle’s face.  The younger man hated being called big guy, but he’d purposely thrown that pass too high so Anthony wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity.  

He dropped the football and splashed out into the calm water.  The lake was shallow here, and he was a good distance from shore before it even reached above his waist.  It was high enough for Anthony to float on his back and soak up the last of the warm sun, which he relished almost as much as the fact that he was messing up Kyle’s plans.  He knew the young man wanted to leave.  It was Friday night and the brawny blonde was planning on scoring that evening, if he could ever get his boss to leave.  That’s why Anthony had insisted on driving.  He’d float for a while longer, then maybe they could go.  But there’d probably be a stop at Anthony’s huge house on the way to Kyle’s small apartment.  

He was so busy planning the young man’s torture that he didn’t see the wave coming.  Anthony was calmly floating one moment and upside down underwater the next.  He felt himself scooped up and slammed under the force of the wave, leaving him dazed and disoriented.  His head broke the surface a few times but he couldn’t seem to find the bottom or get his feet under him.  Panic started to set in as his sputtering air ran out.  He could hear someone yelling as his vision started to tunnel.  

“Tony!”  Anthony felt strong hands on him, pulling him to the surface.  “Tony!  Hey…hey…easy, I’ve got you.”  Still panicked, it took Anthony a few minutes of hacking up water before he stopped struggling, his breath coming in ragged gulps while his vision cleared.  Kyle was holding him above the water, but something seemed off.  The young man’s arms seemed absolutely massive around him.  

Calming slightly, Anthony went to stand but his feet still didn’t reach the bottom.  “How…how far out did that wave knock me?”  He thought his voice sounded off but blamed it on all the water he’d just coughed up.  

“You know you shouldn’t be this far out by yourself,” Kyle said, his voice stern but gentle.  

Anthony’s confusion grew as he tried to figure out why his young apprentice was taking such a condescending tone.  He squirmed in the other man’s grip until Kyle loosened it enough for him to turn, making him feel like he was hit by a wave all over again.  Kyle’s face, and the top of his chest and shoulders that stood out above the water, loomed much larger than they should have.  And from what he could see, Anthony was also much closer to shore than the depth suggested.  He blinked and shook his head, trying to figure out how the shorter man could be standing if his own longer legs couldn’t reach the bottom. 

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, really,” Kyle said again, gently bobbing when he felt Anthony’s heart start racing.  “Oh man, you lost your trunks and everything,” Kyle laughed, shifting his grip so that he had a wide hand on Anthony’s bare bottom.  

The older man was in shock.  He couldn’t shake the dizzy haze, which made putting together all the impossible sensory input a Herculean task.  He tried to take it piece by piece, but his normally quick brain refused to run at anything close to full speed.  He was dimly aware that he was naked in Kyle’s arms, but for some reason his addled mind didn’t see that as odd.  Even more confusing, the young man’s gentle voice and solid body actually WAS calming him down.  

What wasn’t helping to calm him down was how large Kyle seemed.  There was no doubt that the stocky man was standing, and not even in that deep of water based on how close to dry land they were.  But if that was the case, that meant Kyle couldn’t have gotten bigger.  And if Kyle didn’t get bigger, Anthony knew that meant he must have gotten smaller, which should have been impossible.  “What…what happened?  How did I…?”  Anthony’s stomach dropped when he heard his voice.  It hadn’t just been the water he’d coughed up.  There was no denying that his normally deep, smooth voice was noticeably higher and softer.

“Man, you really took a hit didn’t you?”  Kyle ran a hand up and down Anthony’s back, and the older man didn’t understand why it felt so good.  “Come on big guy, let’s get you back to shore.”  Anthony was so dazed he barely registered the “big guy” comment while Kyle waited for the beach to clear out a bit before lugging the naked, shrunken Anthony out of the waves.  

The diminutive dark haired man was vaguely aware of being embarrassed by his nudity when he felt the warm air hit his bare skin, but that was immediately overshadowed by the world-shattering revelation when Kyle set him down.  Instead of standing a head taller than him, the top of Anthony’s head just barely reached the middle of Kyle’s torso.  

“Whoa!”  Kyle’s quick reflexes kept Anthony from falling over as the shrunken man’s knees went weak.  Anthony felt himself scooped up like a child in Kyle’s strong arms once again, a sensation that sent a thrill through him for some reason.  When they reached the shore Kyle set Anthony down on a beach towel and wrapped it around him like a blanket, the little man’s eyes going wide as he looked at the towel that used to wrap around his waist.  He felt Kyle’s strong hands toweling him dry as he was pulled onto the other man’s lap.  “That better?”  

Anthony’s head spun faster than ever as he looked up at Kyle.  Even seated the blonde man towered over him.  “Yeah…?  I’m just…confused?”  

“Normal confused or worse than that?”  Kyle’s grin sent another strange thrill through Anthony.  He let himself be pulled close and his head automatically rested between Kyle’s beefy pecs, surprised by how natural it felt. 

Anthony didn’t know how to respond.  He opened his mouth to speak but fragments of memory were starting to punch through his hazy brain.  It all started just over a year ago when he got sick with some kind of autoimmune disease.  He and Kyle had been out on a night like this one when Anthony had suddenly doubled over and passed out, beginning weeks of a medically induced haze while his body attacked itself.  The doctors had never seen anything like it.  His body actually shrank like something out of a sci-fi movie.  They didn’t know what triggered it, but the end result was a significant loss of size that left him inverted.  He’d been 6’3” before, and now he stood just shy of 3’6”.  Oddly enough his proportions stayed the same, just smaller overall.  If he was alone in a room with nothing to compare himself to he didn’t look any different, until another person or a piece of furniture loomed large next to him.  

And then there were the internal changes, like his voice.  His deep rumble sounded like he’d been sucking on helium, becoming a high squeak from his shortened vocal chords.  His hormones were also out of balance, and something about the process had completely rewired his sexual orientation.  This left the former womanizer completely unnattracted to the opposite sex, while also bumping up his libido considerably.  Anthony was almost constantly horny, which made his cognitive changes all the more interesting.  The doctors weren’t sure if the older man’s brain didn’t shrink at the same rate as his body, or if something else happened, but his once sharp intellect had dulled considerably, as had his inhibitions and decision making ability.  

Kyle stayed by his side when it happened, at first to see how he could spin it to his favor, but later it was out of something else.  Anthony quickly found himself completely infatuated with the now-giant young stud, and something about his former boss’s situation turned Kyle on like never before.  Part of it was seeing the smug stud brought down a peg, but that control he had over the tiny hunk gradually turned into a protective affection.  

Anthony felt a stab of horror when he remembered how the young man ended up getting a promotion to his former position when it became clear the older man couldn’t return, and how their relationship status led to Kyle also taking over Anthony’s house, car and finances.  He was mortified when he saw how he was now carted into work as Kyle’s “assistant,” completing all the menial jobs that needed done around the office.  The former executive felt a pit of dread as he thought about his new position, and how the people he used to step on and take advange of now literally towered over him.  He could see their condescending smiles leering down at him even now, all while Kyle justified it as something Anthony wanted.   

“You doin’ okay now?”  

Anthony shook his head, his old life slipping through his tiny hands like the water he’d just coughed up.  He knew all of this was wrong, that mere minutes ago he’d been something else, but he couldn’t explain any of it.  It was hard enough to hold onto even a shred of those thoughts.  “Yeah, I think so,” he squeaked.  

“Good!”  Kyle tousled Anthony’s hair, shifting him off his lap and handing the little man his t-shirt.  “Here, you can wear this home.”  Anthony slid the gown-like shirt on, trying to ignore the rush of lust at the sensation as he stumbled over the sand behind Kyle on the way to the car, marveling at how much larger everything looked.  He could feel people staring at him as he passed, and not in the good way that he was used to.  “Whoa, wrong side big guy,” Kyle laughed when Anthony instinctively headed for the driver side of the huge SUV.  

“Oh….uh, right,” Anthony said, blushing a deeper shade when he realized he couldn’t even reach the handle.  Kyle came over and opened the door to the backseat and had to lift Anthony inside, and the shrunken man’s stomach dropped lower when he found himself deposited on a booster seat.  He at least had the dignity of buckling himself in while Kyle shut the door and came around the other side.  Anthony just stared at his shortened legs on the way home, and how they didn’t even come close to touching the ground of the car.  Kyle talked happily as he drove, but Anthony was finding it hard to pay attention for extended periods.  He loved the sound of Kyle’s voice, though, and the sight of the burly blonde’s bare torso as the younger man drove them home.  

“Home sweet home!”  Kyle pulled the SUV into the spacious garage, and while Anthony was partially relieved to see his house largely unchanged, his new perspective made everything seem totally different.  Not that he was able to pay that much attention with his attention focused primarily on the shirtless hunk.  When Kyle came around lifted him up out of the seat, Anthony wrapped his arms around the younger man’s wide neck and planted a long kiss on the other man.  Far from the confident stud he remembered being, Anthony was as nervous as he was turned on, feeling like a teenager groping another body for the first time.  “Oh, is this what we’re doing now?” Kyle laughed when the tiny adonis broke off the kiss.  He shifted Anthony in his arms and squeezed the other man’s bare cheeks with one hand while unlocking the door to the house.  Once inside he set the shrunken man down, and with one smooth motion had the oversized shirt pulled off, leaving Anthony naked.  

The older man didn’t know what to do.  He was used to being the big, strong one that towered over the other person.  Feeling so small and exposed and vulnerable was totally new, and entirely arousing to him.  Before he knew it he’d reached down and grabbed his rigid cock, the solid organ filling his hand the way it always did and not feeling any different until Kyle reached down and swallowed the entire thing in the palm of one hand.  When he’d been full sized, Anthony’s package was well above average.  He’d had a long, thick rod that pushed seven inches when fully hard and a set of heavy, full balls.  Now, compared to a normal sized adult, he had a few inches at most.  

As embarrassed as that thought made him, he still closed his eyes and moaned while Kyle kneaded his tiny equipment.  He couldn’t believe how turned on he was, and his mouth was practically watering when he finally reached over and tugged Kyle’s shorts down.  The thick, stout rod that bounced free matched the rest of the other man’s stocky build and where before Anthony’s dangling hose had been the larger of the two, now the shrunken man could barely close a hand around Kyle’s fat member, nor, he quickly discovered, could he fit it in his mouth as he went at Kyle’s throbbing pole with his hungry lips, using his hands to cover what his mouth couldn’t.

“MMmmmm…Tony you’re fantastic…at this…” Kyle groaned, pumping his hips and running his hands through Anthony’s hair.  His former boss’s size made sex much more interesting.  Kyle loved the idea that he had total control over the man who worked so hard to make his life miserable, and while he’d genuinely come to care about the other man, that part would always be there.  

The only warning Anthony got that Kyle was about to blow was a sudden tension in his legs before a warm, sticky spray blasted him in the face, bringing a punch of clarity with it.  Anthony suddenly remembered the previous night, when he’d been putting his old body to use with a stacked blonde from accounting.  She couldn’t fit his long, thick cock in her mouth the way he couldn’t fit Kyle’s now, and he’d loved the sight of her soaked face as much as he loved the feeling of his own.  Even as he had the thought he knew it was wrong.   All of this was.  He’d never even wanted to do anything with a guy before, least of all get showered by their sticky spray.  

The terrifying realization slipped away before he could grab it,  his focus cut off when the larger man scooped him up and set him on the counter.  “Oohhhhh!”  Anthony gasped as Kyle leaned over and swallowed his entire package.  He tried to hold onto the memory he’d just had, but it was hard to think about his cock not fitting in someone’s mouth when it was currently being swallowed whole.  Everything about him seemed so small.  His bulging pecs that once seemed envious felt tiny under Kyle’s much larger hands as they roamed over his torso while his formerly long, toned legs hung helplessly above the floor.  As addled as he was, Anthony knew that Kyle couldn’t have been going at him for more than a few minutes before he erupted without warning.  As wrong as it all seemed, it felt like the most intense orgasm he’d ever had.  He could only squeak and whimper and clutch at Kyle’s seemingly giant head, wondering if this was really what his life had become or if he’d fallen into some nightmare.  


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