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Hi Everyone,

Those of you who frequent the Gay Spiral probably already saw this, but I recently released a collection of all the Wrong Number stories as an e-book.  I posted it over there first because these didn't need a lot of cleaning up, so if you're at the $5 tier and already read them here, there's no need to purchase this unless you want them all in one spot with a fancy cover.   But if you haven't read them and are interested in picking up a copy, here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Wrong-Number-Titus-Moorhead-ebook/dp/B081DB5PX1/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=titus+moorhead&qid=1574715173&sr=8-6

As always, thanks for reading and for the support!




Also, the model in this photo is more or less exactly how I pictured the guy in the original Wrong Number story looking (at least at first).


Is this new or it s old story in a book?


These are the collected Wrong Number interactives from a while back, along with a few of the other ones that have been posted. So if you read them on here then you’ve already got them.