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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 14

  • Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by shrinking his cock. 14
  • Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by making him act in a femme, flamboyant manner. 4
  • Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by warping his handsome features. 8
  • Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by fattening him up. 10
  • Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by changing his clothes to nothing but fetish gear. 15
  • 2019-11-04
  • —2019-11-06
  • 51 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 14', 'choices': [{'text': 'Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by shrinking his cock.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by making him act in a femme, flamboyant manner.', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by warping his handsome features.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by fattening him up.', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Aware that Shawn knows more than he should, Duncan tries to get the info out of him by changing his clothes to nothing but fetish gear.', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 6, 17, 0, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 4, 1, 38, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 51}


“The fuck would someone even be sabotaging in an old records building?  It’s just paper.  This stuff’s all been backed up, right?”    

Davis shook his head at Kent’s question and gave the younger officer’s granite arm a backhanded slap.  “You’re still new here, kid.  You’re gonna learn real quick not to ask questions like that.  Boss says to check out the records building, so we check out the records building.”  The bald bulldog didn’t bother to hide his annoyance.  He was twice Kent’s age with twice as much experience, but like most men in their early twenties, his young trainee had something to prove, constantly questioning and wanting to poke his pretty-boy face where it didn’t belong.  Davis knew a part of it was his own jealousy.  Listening to Kent’s stories about hooking up with hot young blondes night after night only served to remind the seasoned officer that those days were well behind him, as were his days of having the kind of lean, chiseled body and rock solid abs that his protege loved to brag about.  Davis was still fit, his body solid with lumpy, bulky muscle, but he’d filled out over the years, going from tight and tapered to stocky and barrel-chested.  He’d never given it much thought until he was partnered with a smug ladykiller, and it wasn’t a sensation he enjoyed.  

Kent shrugged.  “I’m just sayin’...it doesn’t make sense.”  

“It doesn’t have to make sense.  Blowing up any building would send a message.”  

The younger man froze, his handsome face going pale.  “Whoa, whoa...they never said anything about a bomb.”  

“They said they didn’t know, meaning it could be anything,” Davis said, smiling at Kent’s obvious discomfort.  “What’s wrong?  It’s just an old records building, right?  There’s probably nothing here anyway.”  

Kent swallowed hard and tried to look calm.  “We checked out everything but this storage closet.  What’s left?  This place doesn’t have a basement.”  

“Not on record, anyway,” Davis said, pulling out what looked like a brass skeleton key and nodding at the door .  “This isn’t a closet; it’s an elevator.”  

“That’s...creepy,” Kent laughed, running a hand through his thick brown hair.  

“You haven’t seen anything yet.  Trust me.”  Davis opened the closet to reveal a set of brass elevator doors that parted to reveal the small interior when he twisted the key.  “Tight fit,” he laughed as he stepped onto the worn carpet and leaned against the back wall as Kent followed him in.  There were no buttons, but another twist of the key in an interior slot sent the car inching downward at what felt like a snail’s pace.  The car itself wasn’t any larger than the small closet suggested, leaving the two well-built men standing almost on top of each other as they slowly descended.

The air seemed to grow heavy, the dim Edison bulb overhead reflecting off the brass walls around them as they stood in silence.  The car kept going down and down, leaving them to wonder if the speed or distance was to blame, and not feeling comforted by either answer.  

Davis lost track of time, not knowing if it had been seconds or minutes as he wondered how long he’d been staring.  He hadn’t realized his eyes had been glued to Kent’s firm, perky rear until he felt his hands moving to reach out and grab it.  He’d been able to stop himself but the urge remained, as did the position of his eyes.  The older man couldn’t look away.  He was suddenly noticing the finer details of his partner’s appearance, specifically the way Kent’s polo strained across his broad shoulders and upper back, accentuating the way his torso tapered towards his trim waist before his body bubbled as a set of round, solid cheeks filling out the back of his dark pants.  Davis felt his heart start to race as he suddenly remembered all the times he’d seen Kent changing in the locker room, the image of the younger man’s smooth, muscled body in nothing but his bulging boxer briefs making his stomach flutter.  

He couldn’t shake the confusingly persistent thoughts.  Davis kept trying to get his head back on the assignment, but all he could think about was how Kent’s smooth, deep voice would sound as it prattled on about his bountiful sexual encounters.  The images in his mind shifted then, from memories of the ripped brunette in the locker room to fantasies of what that athletic frame looked like in action.  As he stared, his mouth watering, Davis pictured the perky globes flexing as Kent rolled his hips, jamming his thick hose in and out.  He’d seen it enough in the showers to know it would be impressive at its full, rigid length, and he began to wonder what it would feel like to be on the receiving end, Kent’s charming grin beaming down at him.  

“Fuck,” Davis barked, shaking his head and rubbing his rugged face with his hands when it occurred to him that he was actively fantasizing about being fucked by not just another man, but by the annoyingly attractive rookie.  

Kent started at the unexpected break in the silence and looked over his shoulder at the red-faced wall of muscle behind him.  “Everything okay back there?”  

“Yeah, just, uh, thought of something I need to do when we’re done with this,” Davis lied.  “If this old-ass elevator ever makes it to the bottom.  You’re gonna be my age by the time we get there.”  

Kent grinned, blushing slightly as he hesitated.  “Do you feel, uh, weird at all?”  

“Weird how?”  

The younger man’s face turned a deeper shade of red as he stammered awkwardly.  “I don’t know, just...weird.”  

“You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, kid,” Davis said, his tone stern.  His initial embarrassment at potentially being caught in his fantasies was turning into a more practical concern that they could be dealing with some kind of chemical agent or other unknown substance.  “You feel sick?  Light headed?  Dizzy?  This could be important, so spell it out for me.  Weird how?”  

The younger man squirmed and looked bashfully at his feet.  “Weird like I’m about to blow a load in my pants,” he said, shifting his weight and tugging at the front of his uniform.  “It started right after we got in the elevator.  I know it sounds crazy but I’m about to pop up here.”  

Davis was silent, his meaty pecs heaving as he took slow, deep breaths to keep himself under control.  “Same,” Davis finally said, gritting his teeth against the aching need.  Hearing Kent make the same admission only served to amplify the bizarre desires coursing through him.  “Started about the same time for me, too.”  

“Is it...do you think it’s what we’re looking for?”  

“Considering I’ve never thought about you fucking me before, I’d be willing to…bet...” Davis trailed off, his stomach dropping when he realized what he’d just said.  “Now don’t let that go to your head...it’s just evidence that we’re clearly not in our right minds at the moment,” he said, hating how the sight of Kent’s smug grin made his knees weak.  

“Hey, I get it.  You’re not the first dude to want a ride on this train,” Kent laughed, then hesitated again.  “It’s just...I was thinking the same thing.  I mean, but with you…” the young stud seemed either at a loss for words or unable to say the ones he wanted to.  Instead, he took a half-step back and pressed his ass against Davis’s lap, grinding against the older man’s rigid bulge.  

“Kid...I...we’ve gotta get back and…” Davis tried, but couldn’t help himself any longer.  His hovering hands finally reached around, pulling Kent’s shirt free as they slipped inside to run along the smooth abs underneath while he licked and nibbled at the younger man’s neck.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…oh fuck…” Kent gasped and moaned, shivering against Davis’s rough hands as they reversed course and slid down from his sculpted pecs to fumble his belt and pants open.  There was a rush of air as his pants landed at his ankles and his thin boxer briefs were shoved down, his thick pole springing free.  

“MMmmm...there it is…” Davis grunted, wrapping a meaty paw around the throbbing organ that was every bit as impressive as he’d imagined.  He was dimly aware that, for the first time in his forty four years, he had another man’s solid cock in his hand, but he was in no position to worry as Kent’s bare cheeks kept pressing and writhing against his increasingly damp pants.  He still fantasized about impaling himself on the virile young man’s iron rod, and it was clear from his rooting cheeks that Kent was in the same position.  “Fuck it...I can wait…” he hissed, using his free hand to undo his fly and fish his short, wide cock from his cum-soaked briefs.  

There were no words, only a gasp and a grunt, followed by the vigorous sound of flesh slapping against flesh.  Kent whimpered and whined, his handsome face a convulsing mask of wide-eyed, slack-jawed ecstasy as he bucked in time with Davis’s rough pounding.  His now-useless cock swung wildly, sending ropy strands winging against the brass doors until the older man reached around and picked up where his rough stroking had left off.  

They were too caught up in their confusing lust to notice when the elevator stopped, sending them both tumbling in a heap when the doors opened.  The younger man’s bare knees scraped on the rusty iron scaffolding, his clutching fingers slipping through the openings as Davis continued pile driving into him.  

Kent was the first to see it.  From his vantage point below Davis, the rookie officer found his dazed eyes staring down into a black, yawning void.  He couldn’t see the bottom, and he was hit with the immediate sensation of dangling over an immense precipice.  Though they were deep underground Kent felt as if he looked down from a great height, which made the spiraling, fungal tower stretching up out of that darkness seem all the more impossible.  It spiraled and twisted, with vines shooting out towards the damp rock walls like a massive spider web.  The obelisk’s surface was covered in phosphorescent lichen that cast the immediate vicinity in a dull blue glow, adding to the dizzying surroundings.  The structure seemed to pulse, growing dimmer and brighter at steady intervals, and as he stared in stupefied, lustful wonder, Kent noticed one of the shimmering strands failing to illuminate.  He traced the darkened vine from the structure to a small metal box at the end of the scaffolding, knowing in his penetrated guts that they’d found what they were looking for.  

The problem was in communicating his discovery.  Since tumbling out of the elevator, the lustful haze had only intensified.  It was all Kent could do to keep from howling like a cat in heat, and an added tingling sensation had draped over him.  At first he’d thought it was just goosebumps from stumbling out of the warm elevator into the cool, damp air, but the longer they were on the creaking platform, the more they seemed to glow like the structure’s mossy surface.  It was hard to tell with his eyes blurring from Davis’s pounding, but Kent thought he could see a thin blue strand arcing out from them to the strange tower.  

From behind, the older officer hadn’t noticed any of their bizarre surroundings yet.  His attention was focused solely on the beautiful body squirming at the end of his dick, and the waves of pleasure washing over him.  It was this attention that first clued him in that something was happening to them.  As he pumped away on Kent’s oozing pole, it felt like the throbbing organ was getting bigger.  He could no longer close his fingers around it, and his hand seemed to cover more distance from the silky bush to the bulbous head with each stroke.  At the same time, the young stud’s virgin hole was clenching tighter, gripping his own cock like a vice.  

Kent finally noticed, his back arching as a stab of pain shot through him.  “Ah!  Fuck!  What’s...whaaaAAA!  Ow!  Owwww!  Davis...take it out...take it out!”  

The older man had to force himself away, shoving off Kent’s prone frame and falling back as a significantly larger cock slapped up against his muscled gut.  The mammoth organ left a long streak of cum as it bounced against his polo, reaching well above the navel.  “What...what the fuck…” he gasped, watching the formerly five inch organ continue to inflate before his stunned eyes.  It was already twice as long and nearly as thick as a wine bottle with no signs of stopping.  

“Aaaahhh!  Shit!”  Kent’s shriek echoed into the darkness of the cave as he rolled over and discovered his eight inch cock now resting just below the ridge of his pecs.  His stomach dropped as he gawked at the impossible organ and the equally inflated, grapefruit-sized balls that now wedged between his toned thighs.  “Davis...what’s happening…” he choked, looking up to see the older man frantically scrambling out of pants and briefs that could no longer contain the small melons dangling from the third leg jutting up against his stomach.  

“I don’t know!  Oh fuck...I don’t...I don’t know!  How is...it’s huuuuGGGNNNN!”  Davis’s stocky frame spasmed as he instinctively clutched at the throbbing girder that now reached the middle of his chest.  His beefy arms hugged it against him as he started writhing, working it against the fabric of his shirt and leaning down to lick around the shiny head that matched his bald scalp.  

“No...no!”  Kent yelled, more to himself than Davis.  He watched the older man go at himself with glassy eyes and had to fight the urge to do the same as he struggled to his feet.  He swayed at the unusual weight pulling at his midsection but managed to lurch forward on unsteady legs, supporting his rigid monster with one hand while grabbing Davis’s maglite with the other.  Acting on pure instinct, he slammed the heavy flashlight into the metal box on the wall, shattering it and sending the pieces tumbling down into the void below.  

The strange tingling and glowing ceased as soon as the box was gone, the darkened vine lighting up instead.  Kent staggered back to where Davis was still going at his altered body and slumped to the ground, gasping when he felt his own wet fist of a tip brush against the bottom of his chin.  He started to do the math in his head of just how impossibly large his cock had become but quickly lost himself to the overwhelming need still burning in his veins.  


Benton breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the steady, unimpeded flow of data on his screen.  They’d managed to find the box before any significant damage could be done, avoiding another shockwave like last time but unfortunately losing the evidence in the process.  Though as frustrated as he was, Benton couldn’t blame the two security officers.  He’d seen to their removal himself, and even he was taken aback by the monstrous appendages that would now be dictating every waking moment of the unfortunate officers’ lives.  

It could have been worse.  The two affected men were both single and didn’t have much family to speak of, which would make their fading away into new lives a much simpler process.  They also had the kind of alterations that fetched a high price on the open market, so he had no doubt that they’d both soon be happy in homes that appreciated their unique new qualities.  With the profit from their sale it could almost be called a win, except for the minor detail of their mysterious saboteur.  

But that would have to wait until tomorrow.  He was nearing the end of his “day shift” and could already feel Timmy scratching at the doors of his mind.  He’d caught himself swaying his inflated cheeks absently, and focus was becoming harder and harder with each passing second.  In a matter of minutes he’d go from shrewd executive, to a dull, giddy dancer, helpless to stop himself from doing whatever a man wanted.  

He sighed and shut off the monitor as the door to his office swung open, revealing a noisy bar instead of the hallway outside, an eager grin spreading across his face.  


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