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“Fuck that was good, bro!”  The sound echoed around the room when Todd gave Jason’s muscled globes a rough slap as he pulled his thick club free.  

“Ye...yeah?”  Jason sounded unsure as he looked back over his shoulder at his grinning beast of a roommate.  He still didn’t understand what was happening or how any of it was possible. As soon as he’d set foot on campus, he’d found himself in a world that no longer made sense.  Once a lean, athletic young freshman, Jason had somehow inflated into an overly hung, overly muscled, overly horny hulk.  

And it wasn’t just him.  The whole world seemed to have been turned upside down.  He hadn’t seen a single girl anywhere on campus, just massive meatheads like he’d become and lean, skinny guys that, for some reason, made his obscene new equipment ache.  Just thinking about them caused his relentless beast to throb, despite having just blown all over the wall he was leaning against from the force of his roommate’s pounding.  

It still felt wrong.  Though he had memories of being with guys, and being attracted to guys, Jason still couldn’t quite bring himself to believe it.  Just like he couldn’t fully commit to the idea of his massive, constantly leaking cock and gargantuan physique as normal, the burly young stud was convinced the memories weren’t really his.  

Not that his ample body seemed to mind.  Whether the memories were his or not had no effect on his club of a cock that constantly sought his attention.  Greg hadn’t been kidding when he told Jason that he’d need to take his pills to keep himself under control.  The addled, altered young jock learned the hard way when he’d forgotten and spent all day walking around with damp, tented shorts, having quickly soaked through the only pad he’d put in his underwear that morning.  He was mortified, but the big guys on campus only gave him sympathetic smiles, while the smaller guys stared at him like they were starving and he was a walking slab of beef.  Since then he always remembered to take his pill, and to bring extra pads, but even then it only took the edge off.  

If they had their pick Jason and Todd would be slamming the tiny nerds on campus, not each other, but their insatiable cocks weren’t so discerning.  In the absence of any other options they were all too happy to ride each other, and Jason was still shocked at how much he enjoyed it.  Fucking Greg had been one thing, but the freshly grown adonis didn’t think he’d ever forget how it felt the first time Todd slid inside him.  He thought it would hurt, especially given the equally impressive size of his roommate’s endowment, but his new body had swallowed him effortlessly, further chipping away at Jason’s resolve that this was all wrong.  

“Fuck yeah!”  Todd reached out and tousled Jason’s short brown hair with a broad, dull grin.  “Dude I’m so happy they roomed us together!”  

“Me too,” Jason couldn’t help but smile back as he watched his strapping friend chug a bottle of Nerd Cum flavored protein.  Todd was like a big puppy, his charm infectious.  He’d discovered that most of the lumbering walls of muscle, himself included more and more each day, had the same easy going attitude, only displaying aggression when their nerd territory was encroached on.  He should have been blind with panic, yet Jason could only muster a mild anxiety whenever he thought about what was happening.  Despite his best efforts to tell himself otherwise, he and the rest of the brawny hunks seemed perfectly happy to fuck each other anywhere, at any time.  

Unless one of them made a move on someone else’s nerd.  Jason was learning that once one of the smaller men had been marked, that was a line you didn’t cross.  He still hadn’t found one of his own yet, he still had a hard time even thinking that he should, and the absence was a pit constantly gnawing at his stomach.  He had fun with Todd and the other guys he’d fooled around with, but the more time that passed, the more he felt like half a person.  Watching the big guys who’d paired off lumber around campus with their skinny little partners in tow was physically painful.  It was worse than the embarrassment of parading around in his ridiculously revealing clothes, or with his massive cock so obviously on display.  He’d walk around naked and hard all day if it meant he could find his other half.  

He pulled on a pair of tiny, tight grey shorts with “Thick” and “Juicy” written across each cheek in bright pink letters, shoving an absorbent pad in the front.  The small, underwear-sized trunks were the only thing he put on before popping a pill, sliding his feet into a pair of flip flops and nodding towards the door.  

“Fuck, bro, that just worked up an appetite,” he said, still surprised to hear the new vocabulary leaving his mouth.  Jason had always been a jock, but he’d never been a dumb one.  “I’m gonna go hit the cafeteria.  You want anything?”  

His beefy roommate shook his head and dropped his hulking, naked frame onto the bed.  “Nah, I’m gonna hit the gym in a bit...then see if I can’t find some sweet nerd tail,” Todd grinned, hefting his softening package.  

“Good luck,” Jason winked as he headed out the door.  The inflated jock still felt a rush of embarrassment every time he set foot in public with so little on, but the waves of humiliation were fading faster with each passing day.  It was like his acquired bulk was an outfit of its own, wrapping itself around the smaller, real Jason inside.  The only difference being that he couldn’t take the muscle off.  

Walking across campus, though, the confused young stud had to keep reminding himself that he should even want to.  The bright sun and warm air on his heaping pecs and washboard abs felt fantastic, the sense of raw power brought by each heavy footfall an aphrodisiac.  Like his days in varsity, looking around at the other lumbering meatheads came with a sense of brotherhood and solidarity.  He wasn’t a freak; he was a member of a team.  He just needed to let the lingering anxiety go and he could be content.  

The idea of letting go became an impossibility as soon as he stepped into the busy cafeteria.  The large, circular room was filled with the usual mix of strapping jocks and scrawny nerds, but the last thing Jason expected to see was a face he recognized.  For the first time since arriving on campus, he had no doubt that he was looking at someone from his past life, his real life, as he stared at Mark sitting on the far side of the room.  The lean, wiry blonde was surrounded by a trio of boisterous, bare-chested giants who he stared at with a confused, uncomfortable expression that they seemed oblivious to as they flexed and posed.  

Jason had gone to high school with the now-smaller man, but he’d never fully paid attention to just how handsome he was.  With his sharp, angular features, full, soft lips, and tight, defined build, the interest from the three brutes made perfect sense.  Even from across the room, his cock throbbed as he looked at the modest, toned pecs outlined under Mark’s t-shirt, and the way his lean arms inflated deceptively as he moved.  

Spurred on by a sudden protective instinct he hurried over, brushing one of the beefy men out of the way with a broad shoulder.  Like dogs vying for dominance the shorter, stockier man glared at him, but as soon as he locked stern eyes with Jason he knew he was outmatched.  The trio exchanged a wordless glance and quickly turned on their heel, leaving Jason and Mark to stare at each other in shock.  

“Ma...Mark?”  Jason stammered, his confidence suddenly fleeing.  Seeing someone from his past life made everything that was happening seem real.  The haze clinging to his memories lifted, and Jason knew without a doubt that, somehow, he really had been thrust into another world.  And he apparently wasn’t the only one.  He looked down at his bare, muscle-bloated torso and blushed at the visible outline of his thickened tool pressing against his skin tight shorts that had “Thick” and “Juicy” written on each cheek.  He watched the skinny blonde’s eyes go wide as the other man stared, his stunned gaze lingering on Jason’s prominent bulge.  

“Holy shit, man…you’re huge!”  Mark stammered.  “I mean, you were always a jock, but...damn…” he blushed himself when he realized he was staring and forced his eyes away, motioning to the bustling cafeteria around them.  “Do you have any idea what’s going on?  Why are you...why is everyone...like this?  The last thing I remember was getting ready to move onto campus, but now everything’s...fuzzy….” 

Jason nodded.  “Like you don’t know which memories are real?” 

“Yeah!  I remember things I couldn’t possibly have done,” the wiry blonde said, his eyes dropping to the ground.  “This whole nerd and jock thing...the world’s not really like that, is it?”  

“I didn’t think it was, but…” Jason shrugged, his massive arm and pecs casually inflating as he ran a hand through his short hair.  The longer he watched Mark blush and squirm the less embarrassed he felt, his body’s new instincts kicking into full gear.  “I guess it’s not so bad.  I mean, the whole being into dudes thing is new...”  

“For you,” Mark said, realizing his mistake as soon as he lifted his eyes from the floor and saw Jason’s smug grin beaming down at him.  

“What?  Things not being so bad?  Or being into dudes?”  

Mark got up from the table and nodded towards one of the food lines.  “Both?  You at least got that body.”  

Jason’s cock throbbed at Mark’s mere mention of his body, his mouth already watering as he imagined drinking the Nerd Cum straight from the source instead of in supplement form.  “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” the shirtless hulk muttered, bashful.  “And it’s not like you look bad, dude.  You look the same to me as you always did.”  

Mark blushed and stood a bit closer to Jason than he needed to, letting their arms brush together.  “Never really imagined what you’d look like with all that muscle…” 

“So you used to think about what I looked like?”  Jason interrupted, puffing out his slab of a chest.  

“Well...it’s not like...there weren’t a lot of out guys for me to think about in that podunk school,” Mark said, fumbling for the words.  

Jason pinned him with a hungry gaze, stepping close enough so that his thick bulge bumped against the smaller man.  “And which do you like better?”  

Mark’s face was crimson as he fought the strange new instincts coursing through his own body.  Like Jason, the smaller man’s hesitation over their altered world was pushed aside when confronted with his new genetic imperative.  “Th...this one,” he said, swallowing hard and laughing awkwardly.  “I’m not gonna lie...kinda glad my first time’s gonna be with one of you...guys…”  Mark trailed off when he noticed several large heads turning in his direction, his admitted virginity like blood in the water.  

“With ‘one’ of you guys?” Jason said, glaring at the others as he threw a thick arm around Mark’s trim shoulders and pulled him close.  “Like I’m gonna let someone else take a crack at that cute little thing?”  

Mark yelped and leaned into Jason’s broad frame when his bigger friend gave his ass a rough squeeze.  Everything was happening faster than his addled brain could process, and instead of feeling insulted like he thought he should at Jason’s condescending tone, all the smaller blonde felt was thrilled at the prospect of having a jock of his own.   “Really?  You want to?”  

“Of course,” Jason said, taking Mark by the hand and leading him back to an empty table when they reached the end of the line.  He sat first, the bench groaning under his weight, and patted his lap expectantly.  “Well?  If we’re gonna make it official...”  

Mark’s heart was racing as he looked around the room, his hesitation letting up only when he noticed the sheer number of smaller guys like himself perched on their bigger partner’s lap.  He still felt ridiculous as he hopped up and leaned against Jason’s impossible chest, but he couldn’t deny the thrill it sent through him.  “Better?”  

“Much,” Jason purred, leaning down to nuzzle Mark’s neck while he stroked a skinny thigh.  His cock ached as he felt the small man shiver on his lap, but he did nothing to try and hide or conceal the rigid pole when it began pressing up against Mark’s bottom.  “Alright, get to it then...that shake’s not gonna lift itself into my mouth,” he laughed, giving his friend’s crotch a squeeze.  

“OOhhhh...okay…” Mark stammered, flustered.  A part of him resented being treated like a servant, but a bigger part of him just wanted Jason to keep kneading his throbbing cock.  The average organ seemed absolutely tiny in Jason’s meaty paw, especially when compared to the thick monster practically lifting him off the big man’s lap, but Mark wasn’t embarrassed by the revelation.  It seemed right, like the way things should be.  

He fed Jason his supplement, feeling content in the knowledge that he was doing his job and keeping his jock full of juicy protein.  It didn’t matter that he was on a nearly naked man’s lap getting a hand job through his shorts in front of a crowded room.  It wouldn’t have mattered if Jason had decided to strip him naked and fuck him right there on the table.  Whatever the big man wanted, it was his job to provide, just like it was Jason’s job to look out for him and keep him safe.  

“Uh, Jason...I think you might need a new pad,” Mark said, squirming on the bigger man’s lap.  He could already feel the dampness spreading up through his own shorts and underwear from Jason’s constant leaking.

“Huh?  Shit!”  Jason blushed, still feeling like he’d wet himself in public every time he found himself in such a situation.  “Sorry man,” he said, his expression falling but his cock throbbing when he saw Mark’s soaked backside.  

“It’s okay, I know you guys can’t help it,” the blonde said, taking his turn at a condescending tone.  “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”  This time he led Jason by the hand to a changing room similar to the ones at JockMart, pulling the embarrassed stud past pairs, or more, of grunting men in each of the small stalls.  “Alright, this looks like a goooommphh!”  Mark was cut off when Jason swallowed him in his bearish embrace and mashed their mouths together.  His friend’s rough, massive hands were all over his body, stripping him down and manhandling him as though he weighed nothing.  “Wha...what’re you...doing…” he panted as his underwear was pulled down, letting his small-by-comparison cock spring free.  “I’m supposed to be...helping...you…” 

“I want a taste first,” Jason said, dropping to his knees and swallowing every one of Mark’s six inches.  The big man was in heaven.  He’d enjoyed messing around with Greg and Todd, but having Mark’s perky little ass in his hands while he drank in the smaller man’s musky scent was like nothing he could have imagined.  The sound of his friend’s whimpers mingling with the warm, salty fluid hitting his tongue filled him with a kind of contentment he’d never felt before.  

He didn’t want to let go.  He kept rolling the other man’s softening member against his tongue ong after Mark had erupted down his throat, savoring every second.  

“Oh...okay...I think you got it all…” Mark finally laughed, stroking his hands through Jason’s short, chocolate hair.  

“Sorry,” Jason said when he reluctantly pulled away, his eyes going wide at the sight of Mark’s naked, wiry body.  He had his shorts pulled down and his cock in his hand before he even knew what he was doing.  He couldn’t help himself; it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.  

“Why don’t you let me do that,” Mark said, picking up where Jason had left off by dropping to his knees and wrapping a hand as best he could around the leaking, massive trunk of a cock.  There was no way he could fit his friend in his mouth, so he did his best by running his tongue along the broad underside of the shaft and around the wet, bulbous head.  Though Mark had blown guys before, like Jason, he found himself experiencing a kind of bliss he never thought possible.  The salty, sour smell wafting off Jason’s churning balls was intoxicating, as were the sticky strands coating the sides of his face from where he’d nuzzled the other man’s rigid beast.  

“Gonna...gonnn...nnuuuuhhhhh!”  The sticky strands on Mark’s face became a dripping mask when Jason exploded.  The copious release was like being sprayed with a hose, stinging the lean man’s eyes and coating his hair as not a single inch was left uncovered. 

“That was...a lot…” Mark sputtered, instinctively licking his lips to lap up as much of the warm fluid as he could.  He blinked and rubbed at his eyes, pulling his ruined contacts free as he felt the excessive release waterfall down onto his shirt.  

“I had some inspiration,” Jason said proudly, reaching down and tousling Mark’s hair into a sticky mess.  He shoved a fresh pad inside his still-damp shorts while the smaller man wiped his face in a daze.  

Mark stood and looked around when he’d wiped as much of the quickly-drying liquid from his face as he could  “Damn...I can’t see anything without my contacts.” he laughed awkwardly, trying not to think about what he must look like with his messy hair and cum-stained shirt.  

“That’s alright, we were gonna have to update your look anyway if we’re making this official.”  

Mark had no idea what Jason meant, but he followed along when the big man grabbed his hand and started walking them through the student center.  The confusing new world was a blur to him, but as long as his hand was swallowed in Jason’s rough mitt he wasn’t the least bit concerned.  “Uh, where are we going?”   

“The University store.  Gotta get you set up.”  

“Set up with what, exactly?” Mark asked, his nostrils still burning with the sweet cum stench.  Part of him was elated to hear the note of excitement in Jason’s voice as they made their way through the store, but the part of him still wrestling with current events knew it probably didn’t bode well.  

“These, for starters,” Jason said, shoving a few wads of fabric in Mark’s hand.  The blurry eyed man could tell they were t-shirts and briefs, but he couldn’t quite make out what was on them.  “Aaaand these..” 

The blonde man stood in place while Jason put several pairs of glasses on him, nodding when the big man finally landed on the right prescription.  Mark blushed as soon as he saw his sticky, messy hair and stained shirt, his disheveled appearance keeping him from immediately noticing the thick rimmed glasses offsetting his lean, sharp features.  “Glasses?  But I usually wear contacts…” 

“The glasses are way sexier,” Jason purred.  “So are those.  Go put ‘em on,” he barked, nodding to the shirts and underwear in Mark’s hand.  The smaller man opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he saw the stern look on Jason’s face.  Instead he shuffled back to a dressing room, emerging a few moments later in a bright Spider-Man t-shirt that was at least two sizes too small. The red, clinging cotton accentuated Mark’s wiry, defined torso and left his abs from the navel down exposed, while a small patch of matching red elastic stuck out from the top of his shorts.  

“Is this bett..hey!” Mark yelped when Jason reached out and undid his shorts, tugging them down to reveal a pair of matching Spider-Man briefs.  The underwear was equally small, making his average package seem huge as the skimpy underwear accentuated his small, solid bubble.  

“Much!” Jason grinned.  “Almost official.”   

As Mark bent down to pull his shorts back up, the shirtless adonis sprayed the shorter man with an aerosol fogger.  “What the hell was that?!” Mark coughed, the cum stench burned into his nostrils suddenly magnifying.  He turned bright red when he realized he could smell it wafting off him like a cologne, his humiliation tempered by the stomach-fluttering knowledge that he’d officially been marked as Jason’s.  The revelation was enough to outweigh the embarrassment he knew he should feel at walking around in ill-fitting clothes adorned with comic characters, reeking of cum while a pair of chunky glasses hung off his otherwise handsome face.  

Jason breathed deep, his ever-ready cock already snaking off to the side in his tiny shorts as it hardened.  “Now we make it official.”  


“Mmmm…” Mark stirred slowly, relaxing against the heavy weight holding him down.  He could feel Jason’s warm breath on his neck as the other man’s massive chest rose and fell slowly against his back.  He fumbled for his glasses, the giant tub of lube sitting on Jason’s dresser the first thing he saw when the world came back into focus.  His body tingled, both at the memory of riding Jason’s massive rod for the first time, and the sudden realization that it was still buried deep inside him.  He gasped and squirmed, causing the remnants of Jason’s impossible release to trickle out of his stretched hole, but with Jason’s iron grip holding him tight he had nowhere to go.  

“Where you goin’,” Jason mumbled sleepily, burying his face against Mark’s slender neck.  

“No..nowhere,” the impaled blonde groaned, feeling like he was forgetting something.  It was hard enough to concentrate while being swallowed in Jason’s muscled arms, but having the other man’s nearly foot-long beast probing his insides made it next to impossible.  

“So...is it official?”  Jason asked, loving how the small man shivered when his huge thumbs toying with Mark’s tiny nipples.  

Mark grunted, his eyes going wide when Jason bucked his hips.  “Yu...yea...yes!”  

“Not until you say it.”  There was a mischievous grin on the chiseled giant’s face when Mark looked back at him with wild, desperate eyes.  “Unless you want me to give this thing to you raw before you make up your mind?  Take a ride without the artificial lube?”  

“No...no...that’s okay,” Mark said quickly, a look of fear flashing over his eyes.  He knew Jason would never hurt him, not really, but just thinking about trying to take the big man’s obscene organ without help was a terrifying prospect.  He still didn’t understand how it wasn’t ripping him in half as it was.  There was a small voice in his head trying to tell him something that felt important, but Mark had other concerns.  He had a role to fulfill.  It wasn’t enough for Jason to simply tag and claim him, he had to tell the big man that he was his.  “I’m yours,” he said, locking eyes.  

Jason still wasn’t satisfied.  “My what?”  

“Your nerd,” Mark blushed, the words causing that voice in his head to yell even louder.  He had a brief moment where the thought of walking around the strange campus with his new look and new smell seemed terrifyingly impossible, but it passed as soon as he saw Jason’s satisfied expression.  

The big man gave him a quick peck and Mark gasped when he abruptly pulled out, rolling off the bed and stretching his mountainous, naked frame.  “Awesome!  Dude, this is so great,” Jason said with a dull, contented laugh.  “I’m so glad we ran into each other!”  He reached down and lifted Mark off the bed with one arm, giving the other man’s bare cheeks a squeeze.  “Come on...It’s time for my workout and even with the pill I can tell I’m gonna need some help getting through it.”  

Mark sighed as he watched Jason pull on a small, purple jock and a pair of shorts that weren’t much larger.  “Don’t forget this,” he said, reaching down and shoving a small pad in Jason’s overstuffed pouch, copping a feel in the process.  He gave the padded a bulge a gentle pat and stood on his tiptoes to give Jason a peck on the nose before pulling on his new Batman briefs and matching t-shirt.  The formerly stylish Mark felt ridiculous with the giant glasses on his handsome face and the too-small, comic-themed clothes, but it didn’t even occur to him to protest.  “Alright big guy, let’s go get you sweaty so I can get our homework done when we get back.”  

Jason laughed at Mark’s loud yelp when he scooped the smaller man up and threw him over his shoulder like a caveman carrying his mate back to the cave.  He still remembered flashes of his old life, but with Mark’s tight little body in his arms he couldn’t imagine being worried about anything.  He gave the skinny blonde’s ass a pat and lumbered down the hall with Mark still slung over his shoulder.  “Don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about who you belong to,” he said proudly.  

Mark felt like he should be humiliated, but he was too busy enjoying the view of Jason’s thick, barely-covered cheeks shifting with each lumbering step.  Like his now-beefy lover, the manhandled blonde couldn’t seem to muster any anxiety over his new role.  “Definitely don’t want that,” he sighed, settling in for the ride.  


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