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“Bro, seriously, don’t be so nervous.  You’ve got that deer-in-headlights thing goin’ right now.  We’ve got your list of supplies...I’m not gonna leave you hangin’.  It’s my job to make sure you freshmen get situated.”

Jason winced but smiled as Greg’s massive hand clapped him on his back.  Though an athletic five-foot-ten, the nervous brunette felt small and overdressed in his jeans and t-shirt next to the giant wall of boisterous bulk spilling out of a bright muscle shirt and filling his straining mesh shorts to capacity.  “Thanks, man.  It’s just a little overwhelming, you know?  Moving into the dorms, trying to figure out where everything on campus is...it’s a lot.”  

“We’ve all been there, bud.  But when you get to senior year like me you’ll look back and laugh for ever having been so nervous.  Trust me, by the time we get outta here you’ll feel like you’re well on your way.”  

Jason couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as they grabbed a cart and walked through the sliding doors, the fluorescent lights overhead shining off Greg’s bare scalp.  The big man’s enthusiasm was infectious.  Jason hadn’t seen the easy-going smile leave his new friend’s face once, though he figured being laidback was probably easier when you were someone Greg’s size, but looking around the store as they entered, he saw that the hulking man had plenty of competition.  Everywhere he looked there were men equally built and similarly dressed, some in even less, while a few had smaller guys like himself in tow.  The lean jock’s eyes went wide when a shredded, lantern-jawed giant lumbered by in nothing but a pair of small lycra shorts and sneakers, his thick, massive cock clearly outlined against the clinging material.  

“There a gym nearby?  Lots of big dudes in here,” Jason stammered, watching the scantily clad man’s meaty cheeks shift and bounce as he passed.  

Greg seemed surprised by the question, raising an eyebrow.  “Of course.  There’s actually one in the store.  There’s one in every JockMart.  Where else are guys like us gonna shop?”  

It was the smaller man’s turn to raise an eyebrow in confusion.  “JockMart?  I thought we were at Costco?  What’s a...Jock...Mart…” Jason trailed off and shook his head, clinging to the cart as a wave of dizziness washed over him.  He closed his eyes, a loud rushing filling his ears while the ground seemed to drop out from beneath him.  It only lasted an instant, the confusion fading by the time he opened his eyes a few moments later.  Now, looking around, the jacked muscle beasts made perfect sense.  Of course they’d be at JockMart.  When he looked over at Greg the bald hulk was watching patiently with the same smile on his broad, full face.  “Sorry...got a little dizzy there for a second.”  

“Just nerves.  Happens to a lot of guys when they first get here,” Greg said encouragingly, shrugging his bowling ball shoulders.  He nodded off to the right and pushed the cart in that direction.  “Come on, let’s start with the pharmacy so we can get the basics.”  

Jason followed absently behind as they wove their way through the crowd of teeming muscle.  The hulking brutes were everywhere, coming in all shapes and sizes.  Some appeared to be about his age while others were clearly well into their fifties and beyond.  Some were shredded and stage-ready, with striated muscle and nary a spare ounce of fat, while others were thick and beefy, like powerlifters, and some were perfectly tanned and entirely smooth, while others were covered in dense tufts of fur that spilled out around whatever small articles of clothing they wore.  It was the one thing they all shared in common.  Regardless of their age or build everyone seemed eager to show off their brawny frames, making it impossible for Jason to ignore the various bulges looming in every direction.  The young jock checked out the passing men the way all guys did in the locker room, seeing everything from petite lumps to massive clubs.  

“Alright, here we are.  First thing on the list is lube.  Gonna need the gallon size for a dick that big if you plan on usin’ it,” Greg laughed as he pulled a small bucket off the shelf and into the cart.  

Jason was slow in responding, his attention focused on a passing young man whose perfectly round, mammoth cheeks hung mostly on display out of a pair of denim cut-offs.  “Wait, what’d you just say?  Lube?  Why would I need...my dick’s not that…” 

Jason gasped when stab of pain hit his groin, the circulation to his package feeling like it was being cut off by his constricting boxer briefs.  Before he could look down or respond a familiar wave of dizziness hit him, the store blurring as his vision was suddenly filled with recent memories.  Now when Jason remembered changing in the locker room, it came with taunting voices as the other guys mocked him for his mammoth cock.  He’d always had it, ever since puberty hit, his long, thick hose making him feel like a freak until he was old enough to appreciate it.  

The pain was gone by the time his vision cleared, but Jason was confused by the rush of air he felt on his legs.  “What the...where’d my jeans go?!” he yelped when he looked down and saw that his fitted denim had been replaced by a pair of mesh shorts that left the bottom of his toned, hairy thighs on display.  He started to look to Greg for help but froze, his eyes going wide, when he finally registered the outline of the dangling beast swaying beneath his shorts.  The thick monster bounced noticeably with the slightest movement, threatening to snake out the bottom and making it clear he wasn’t wearing any underwear.  

Jason shook his head at the thought, suddenly wondering why he felt like he should have boxer briefs on.  He’d learned long ago that there was no fitting his eleven inch monster and fat, heavy balls into something so tight.  Hadn’t he?  

Greg watched the blushing young man stare at his swaying cock and new shorts until it seemed like the confusion passed.  The crimson drained from Jason’s sharp cheeks and the younger man’s wide blue eyes gradually shrank back to their normal size.  “Okay, next on the list are the pills.  Believe me, horny dude like you is gonna need these to keep that thing under control so you can actually get some work done.  Looks like you skipped your dose today, huh?”  

“UUNNnnhhh….!”  Jason let out a deep grunt, his monstrous new cock rocketing to life.  His lean muscles tensed and he shivered as the sensitive beast rubbed against the tented fabric, a rush of air wafting up to caress his churning orbs.  

“No problem, stud.  I know how hard it is to think about anything other than those sexy little nerds with their tight, scrawny bodies.  You’re gonna be like a kid in a candy shop on campus...fuckers are everywhere.  And eager.  I know you need to get off a ton, and they’ll be all too happy to help.”  

Jason couldn’t respond.  He couldn’t speak.  He could barely breathe.  It was taking all of his willpower not to reach down and start tugging on his aching club as the memories shifted again.  He blushed, mortified at the memories of his constantly cum-stained clothes and sheets when his libido kicked into overdrive.  He got off so often and had been walked in on so many times he’d finally just put a sign on his door.  But more confusing were the recalled thoughts during his copious eruptions.  Instead of big-titted redheads or blondes with fat, supple asses, Jason began picturing lean, nerdy guys.  Glasses.  Comic book t-shirts.  Awkward laughs.  He remembered checking out the other jocks in the showers, his huge cock always hard, but what he really craved were thin arms, tiny waists, and small, perky bottoms.  

Greg threw a heavy arm around Jason’s shoulders and pulled him along when he saw his younger friend struggling.  “You’re gonna need the right scents if you want to draw ‘em in,” the big man said, grabbing a variety of soaps and deodorants from the shelf.  “Locker Room Sweat” is always a good one, so is “Just Jerked Off.”  My personal favorite is “Dude Bro”...the mix of beer, weed and cum let’s ‘em know you’re just lookin’ for a good time.”  

Jason’s stomach fluttered when a potent mix of musky body odor and pheromones filled his nostrils with the now-familiar scent of Locker Room Sweat.  It was his favorite, reminding him of how it felt to sweat and flex his muscles and bask in the funk of naked guys who’d all just done the same.  

“Great!  That covers the basics.  Now let’s figure out your supplements.  Can’t stay that big without a little help, right?”  

The growth started before Greg even finished speaking.  Jason only had time for a short gasp as his body felt like it was being turned inside out.  He could feel the air on his exposed torso, but the startled young man was too focused on the painful aching wracking his body from head to toe to wonder where his shirt went.  Not that it would have fit.  Jason knew that was a constant struggle, the memories of his countless hours spent lifting and working out filling his head.  He didn’t see his body change in an instant but watched it grow overtime, gradually towering over everyone as the years passed.  

When the rush of memories died away, Jason wasn’t looking down at the body of a stranger but one he was all too familiar with.  He wasn’t surprised to see his toned pecs replaced by a thick, bulging slab of muscle with a small patch of hair in the middle any more than he was surprised to see a set of beefy pistons instead of toned arms.  His washboard abs were still present, but now his bulging muscle gut had the curve he remembered, perfectly matching his ample, meaty cheeks and wide, powerful thighs.  Traveling down over his rocky calves, even Jason’s broad feet and stubby toes radiated strength as they spilled out of his flip-flops.  

The inflated hunk rubbed his squared-off jaw and ran a hand over the buzzed scalp that had replaced his shaggy mane as he stared down at the bulbous head of his cock sticking out from above the waist of his now-plastered on shorts.  “Wait...something’s wrong…” he stammered in a deepened voice.  Despite his altered memories, a shrinking part of the old Jason was desperately trying to hold on.  

“What?  This?” Greg reached down and gave the exposed tip a gentle rub, sending a shiver through his burly young friend.  “Nah, it’s cool in here.  You gotta watch it around campus, but as long as you don’t whip it out in class you’re usually good.  We’ll get to clothes in a minute, though.  What kinda protein you want?  They’ve got the standard chocolate and vanilla, but I like the more exotic flavors.  Sweaty Jockstrap is my personal favorite, but you’re probably looking for something along the lines of Geek Cum, Nerd Rear, or Dweeb Dick.”  

“I...I don’t…” Jason stammered, too busy running his hands over his budding ‘roid gut to pay attention.  The way his stubby fingers felt at once perfectly normal and entirely foreign tracing along his ample muscle was jarring.  He could vaguely remember another life, having a body that was smaller, that wasn’t entirely controlled by his gargantuan member, but such thoughts were beginning to make him feel like he was going crazy.  The past he could clearly remember was the one that led him to JockMart in the first place, with constant workouts, cumming, and a giddy desire to fuck as many scrawny guys as he could.  “Ne...Nerd Rear,” he finally said, bashfully.  

“Good choice, bro!  Don’t be embarrassed,” Greg laughed with a wink, “I’d eat those tight little asses out all day if I could.”  

“Right?” Jason nodded, ignoring the voice in his head that made everything seem so wrong.  It told him he shouldn’t be lumbering along in an overly muscled body with his oversized dick hanging out in public, but no one else was reacting like anything was wrong.  All the guys he passed eyed his barely-covered bulk up and down, smiling encouragingly at him and exchanging knowing glances with Greg.  Many of them were just as hard and just as exposed as he was, and looking down at his protruding slab of a shelf, Jason was increasingly convinced that there was no possible way he could have entered the store as one of the scrawny, fully-clothed guys he saw being led around by brutes like himself.  The mere thought of covering himself up was painful, and he was relieved as he followed Greg to the clothing section and saw plenty of revealing options.  

The bald hunk waved a beefy arm over with a smug grin.  “Clothes make the man, right?”  

Jason nodded excitedly, feeling none of the embarrassment the voice in his head told him he should.  All around him the racks and shelves were filled with clothes the likes of which he never would have dreamed of wearing.  Bright jockstraps, revealing briefs, skimpy posers, tiny shorts, draping muscle shirts, and lycra gear made up the majority of the “clothes,” and the closest thing he could find to the jeans he barely remembered owning were denim patterned leggings that had words written across the ass like “juicy,” and “daddy,” and “eat up.”  

“The briefs are probably out, but you’ll definitely want some jocks.  The Bull brand is specifically meant for guys with equipment like you,” Greg said, throwing a tangled handful of straps and pouches into the cart.  “Nerds go crazy for these things.  They’ll take one look at these,” the big man gave Jason’s solid globes a slap before stroking the eager rod again, “and see the pouch full of this and lose their goddamn minds.  Puddy in your hands at that point.”  Greg followed the jockstraps with a handful of what looked like absorbent pads and pouches, winking at Jason as he dropped them in.  “These are a must if you don’t wanna be soaking through everything.  The way that thing oozes, you need something to absorb the mess.”  

“What do you meeeuuuhhh...!”  Jason hissed as his exposed head started slowly oozing, the glistening stream gradually making its way down the front of his shorts.  He looked back up at Greg with wide, horrified eyes, his former self making one last attempt at surfacing.  

“Nothing to be ashamed of!  It’s cool, bro, for real.  You’re just amped and eager, the way you should be.”  Greg was casual as he threw in a few handfuls of shorts, leggings and shirts, all of which seemed designed to show off the younger man’s body rather than conceal it.  

“Ri...right,” Jason said again, less confident this time as he remembered what it was like to grow up soaking through pants and underwear on a regular basis.  It was something he should have been used to by now, but even with his adonis physique he always felt self conscious about the near-constant emission.  

Greg put a hand on the coiled muscles of Jason’s expanded upper back and led them over to the other side of the clothing department.  “Now here’s the real fun stuff,” he said with a grin, motioning to the array of leather harnesses, collars, cock rings, and all manner of fetish and bondage gear.  “You’re for sure gonna want some of these,” the big man said absently as he pulled a series of cuffs, collars and straps off the shelf.  “If you haven’t done it yet, having one of those thin little nerds tie you down is a blast.  Don’t worry, I can show you how to use all this.  You weren’t a wrestler, were you?  Either way, you’ll want one of these.”  Jason wasn’t sure why Greg was holding up a wrestling singlet until he turned it around to show off the large cutout that would leave his ass exposed.  “Let ‘em get a look at you in that thing and you’ll be fighting ‘em off with a stick,” Greg said proudly.  He looked at the list and nodded, clapping Jason on an inflated shoulder.  “I think we did it!  This’ll be enough to at least get you started, at least for gear.  While we’re here we should probably get you changed...I can give you some pointers too, if you want.”  

“Uh, yeah, sure, that’d be great,” Jason said, not fully understanding what he was agreeing to until he followed Greg into what looked like a fitting room.  The large area was lined with booths, each of which was obscured only by a pair of swinging half doors that did little to obscure what was happening in each one.  Even if Jason couldn’t see the groups of men with the blissful, ecstatic looks on their faces, there was no mistaking the loud grunts, moans, and sounds of heavy, slapping bodies.  

“Ah, good, here’s an open one,” Greg said, ushering them inside and tugging down the surprised young man’s shorts before Jason knew what was happening.  The inflated jock barely noticed, focused instead on the sight of his altered reflection for the first time.  It was a sight the new Jason was all too familiar with, but what remained of his old self felt nothing but dread as he looked at his bulging, swollen body.  With his leaking foot-long cock and dull, hungry expression, Jason was torn between feeling disgust and pride over his blossoming status as eager muscle slut.  It was clear he was built for, and interested in, one thing only.  

“Whooooooo, they are gonna love this,” Greg whistled, wrapping his arms around Jason from behind and tugging on the leaking pole.  

“Yeah?”  The younger man shivered in his friend’s grip, loving how it felt to have a pair of strong hands work his thick shaft.  

“Yeah?” Greg mocked, grinding his exposed cock against Jason’s meaty rear.  “Like you don’t know already.  You’ve probably had more than your fair share.”  

Jason smiled bashfully, suddenly unsure.  In his eighteen years he felt like he’d fucked plenty of girls, but that thought seemed entirely wrong.  It was other guys he remembered fooling around with, but only a handful.  “Uh, I mean, not really.”  Jason’s heart started racing when Greg spun him around to face him, the sight of his friend’s beefy, naked body sending a throb pulsing through him.  It wasn’t as intense as when he thought about the scrawny boys of his dreams, but the bald man’s stout, seven inches still made his mouth water.  

“So let’s pretend I’m one of these nerdy boys,” Greg said, dropping to his knees.  “You’re gonna want to make ‘em work for it.  You can’t just give it to ‘em or let ‘em give it to you.  They’ve gotta show the proper respect first.”  Without warning he gripped Jason’s cum-slick rod in one hand and began licking around the fat head and along the throbbing shaft.  “Now they...probably...won’t...be able to fit...you in...their mouth…” he said between licks, “but that...doesn’t mean...they can’t...try…” 

“Guuuhh...got...got it…” Jason panted, frantically trying to process what was happening.  He blushed when he locked eyes with the man in the booth across from him, the thought that he was being watched causing him to blast unexpectedly all over Greg’s face.  He let out a loud groan, eyes still locked, and sprayed like a geyser.  

“Good!  That’s good,” Greg sputtered, licking his lips clean and wiping the rest of the sticky coating from his face.  “You want to give ‘em at least one good blast in the face to remind ‘em who’s boss.  Not like you don’t have it to spare, and by the time you loosen ‘em up you’ll be ready to go again.”  The beefy giant stood and motioned for Jason to kneel this time before turning around and abruptly shoving his parted globes back against the younger man’s face.  “Two way street, champ.  You can’t just shove that thing inside someone without ripping ‘em in half.  Gotta get ‘em ready first.”  

The old Jason felt a shattering defeat as the new Jason eagerly set to work, roughly licking every inch of Greg’s musky hole.  His tongue was like a third hand, massaging and pressing and savoring the sour, salty flavor while he tugged on Greg’s twitching cock.  He lost himself in the pungent paradise until Greg stepped away.  

“Fuuuuck you’re a natural at that,” Greg sighed.  “Normally I’d say go at it for as long as you like, but we’re on a schedule here.  After you loosen ‘em up with your tongue, spread ‘em open with your hand.”  He took Jason’s meaty paw as he spoke, pressing the younger man’s fingers against his fluttering hole.  

Jason was happy to comply, slowly working the thick digits into the other man.  He slid them back and forth before adding a third, and eventually a fourth, loving his brawny friend’s deep whimpers.  

“Now….I can...take you just...fine….but you’ll...wanna go...slow with...someone...smaller…” Greg grunted.  Not needing to be told, Jason pulled his hand free and replaced it with his oozing beast, slowly penetrating deep into Greg’s ample rear.  “OOOOHHHhhhh….oh yeah...there you go….” Greg moaned, his thick pecs bouncing as Jason began thrusting in earnest.  “Re...remember...go...slow...with the...nerds….at first...don’t...wanna hurt...the little...guys…” 

Jason slowed his rapid hammering to long, gentle thrusts, moving in rhythm which Greg’s rolling hips.  “Th...that...better?”  

“Perfect,” Greg purred, his eyes drooping.  The big man let out a series of short gasps as he clutched at Jason’s hands gripping his chest.  “Fuuuuck man...you’re gonna...be a hit...fuck...gonna...cuuuhhhhnnn…!”  The muscled brute tensed and spasmed, his mouth falling open as his wide cock sputtered and sprayed.  The look of pure ecstasy on the older man’s face and the knowledge that he put it there pulled Jason over the edge with his friend.  With a groan he gave one last thrust and exploded, filling Greg so full the sticky fluid spilled out around his cork of a cock.  

They held each other in silence for a few moments before Jason mustered up the courage to speak.  “Was...that okay?”  

Greg stepped forward, freeing himself from the other man’s invading club, and turned around to rub Jason’s buzzed scalp proudly.  “Dude, that was fantastic.  With moves like that already you’re gonna make a name for yourself in no time.  Speaking of which, let’s get you back to campus so you can get busy.”  


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