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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 8

  • Duncan discovers his sudden growth was stolen from several Tower residents when he opened up the energy stream. 5
  • The burst of energy caused several Tower residents to gain weight randomly, turning some into chiseled hunks and others into beefy bears. 24
  • Ravenous after being denied for so long, the Tower begins feeding heavily and causes several guys to shrink like Cayden. 13
  • As a reward, the Tower allows Benton to direct a wave of changes and he gives several guys a massive ass and limp cock like his own. 13
  • Eager to feed, the Tower leaves most of the guys constantly hard and horny like Shawn. 17
  • 2019-09-05
  • —2019-09-09
  • 72 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 8', 'choices': [{'text': 'Duncan discovers his sudden growth was stolen from several Tower residents when he opened up the energy stream.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'The burst of energy caused several Tower residents to gain weight randomly, turning some into chiseled hunks and others into beefy bears.', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Ravenous after being denied for so long, the Tower begins feeding heavily and causes several guys to shrink like Cayden.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'As a reward, the Tower allows Benton to direct a wave of changes and he gives several guys a massive ass and limp cock like his own. ', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Eager to feed, the Tower leaves most of the guys constantly hard and horny like Shawn. ', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 9, 16, 0, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 5, 20, 57, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 72}


“Can’t believe it’s come to this,” Duncan grumbled, his eyes fixed on the ground as he stood in the crowded showers.  Two days ago he’d had a posh apartment all to himself, now he was back in the communal Tower getting naked with all the other guys.  It wasn’t a life he ever saw himself returning to, and certainly not with the dangling new elephant trunk between his legs.  His stomach dropped every time he saw another guy gawk at it, waiting for the stunned exclamation that never seemed to materialize.  Their eyes would go wide, a surprised look washing over their face, but it would always pass before taking hold, ending at most as an impressed nod.  

It didn’t make things any easier.  Duncan knew what was really going through their minds, even if only briefly, and he shared none of their forced acceptance.  He winced every time he felt the heavy beast sway, and every time he saw its reflection snaking down his leg in his tight pants.  

But the ultimate salt in the wound was the fact that it didn’t even work; at least not the way it should.  For all its size, no amount of rubbing or tugging on his part would cause it to so much as twitch.  Duncan was painfully horny almost constantly, but the only time the chiseled jock ever saw any response was when he was with Benton.  As promised, only his boss could wake the slumbering giant.  

Duncan took some solace from the fact that the older man was going through a similar experience with his massive new rear, and as much as he hated it, he'd already come to look forward to the sensation of his boss’s pillowy cheeks swallowing his girthy club.  It was cold comfort.  Nothing could possibly have prepared him for the truth he’d learned about the strange goings on at Hadley, Bowen & Lath.  He’d expected cut-throat corporate backstabbing, or maybe some white-collar crime, not reality-warping nightmares.  He thought he was just getting Mike fired, another person stepped over on his way up the ladder, not condemning him to a future in a shrunken, feminine body.  

“Guess it could be worse,” Duncan sighed, wrapping a towel around his waist and blushing at the fat trunk that refused to let the thin sheet stay in place.  He doubted he would have done anything differently in Mike’s case even if he’d known.  As shocking as his current situation was, the shrewd blonde still wasn’t convinced things were a total loss.  This was a challenge, but not one that couldn’t be overcome with a little creative thinking.  A weakness could be a strength if looked at from the right perspective.  

Still, he was glad that Shawn passed without noticing him.  Unsurprisingly, given the permanently hard cock he saw his new coworker sporting, the other man seemed more focused on the stocky furball than who else was around.  During his first stint in the tower Duncan remembered seeing the odd looking men, and the ease with which he accepted his own fooling around with them, but until now he’d never stopped to consider the possibility that an outside force had been driving his behavior.  

Duncan dropped his towel as soon as he was back in his tiny new room and gave his limp monster a few futile tugs just to be sure.  “Sure wouldn’t mind the good ol’ days right about now,” the handsome blonde grunted, his lean torso flexing in frustration when the swaying hose refused to respond.  “Fuckin’ blow as many guys as it took to get this thing off…” he muttered, wondering if his current set up was worse than Mike’s eager new opening.  He pictured Benton fucking him instead of the other way around, his boss’s rugged, solid torso looming over him as he jammed home again and again.  Then he thought about what it would be like having to parade his athletic frame around dickless in the showers and considered it a wash.  

He shook his head and took a deep breath when he realized he was so horny he’d just imagined himself with a pussy.  “Better get to work,” he sighed, pulling on his baggiest pair of gym shorts and slipping into a tank-top.  The sleeveless shirt accentuated every inch of his ripped pecs and tight abs while showing off his beefy biceps, while the shorts did nothing to conceal the monster underneath.  As large as they were, the head of Duncan’s enlarged member threatened to poke out the bottom of the shorts at any moment.  He was too large for underwear, and Duncan knew the minute he sat down his lurking serpent would spill free.  

Not that he had time to sit.  He’d been tasked with checking on some equipment in the bowels of the building and he wanted to get that over with.  The more he knew about what was going on the more the Tower creeped him out, and the thought of having to go lurking through the basement was far from an encouraging one. 

“Don’t be a punk,” he hissed at himself as he scanned his keycard and the small metal plate slid to the side, revealing a button marked “SB” for Sub Basement.  He pressed it and the car whirred to life, his tight stomach fluttering at the quick falling motion.  One by one the buttons on the panel lit up as he passed, not stopping to pick up any other passengers.  He was the only one on this express elevator, and he had no idea where he was going.  

When the car passed the first floor Duncan took an instinctive step towards the doors that refused to open.  He could still feel himself going down, seconds stretching into minutes as the car continued on its jovian descent.  He started to run the numbers in his head but quickly stopped when they began to suggest the true distance he’d traveled based on what he estimated as the speed of the car.  It was an impossible depth, though looking down at the barely concealed monster in his shorts, Duncan reminded himself he no longer knew the true definition of that word.  

When he finally made it to the bottom he knew he’d reached his destination even before the car came to a halt.  A familiar tingling sensation, like the one he’d felt in Benton’s office, caused his tanned skin to break out in goosebumps.  Duncan gritted his teeth and let out a sharp gasp when that tingling crept below his waist and caused his dangling trunk to pulse with the faintest activity, replacing his fear with a faint glimmer of hope that drove him onward when the doors finally parted.  

“What the fuuuuuuuck,” he whispered, stepping out into a dark, stone tunnel.  The walls were damp and covered in lichen, with worn supporting beams that looked like railroad ties peppering the tunnel every few feet, with flickering, antique bulbs strung between them.  The anxious blonde felt like he was in a mine shaft as he inched forward, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.  He tried not to breathe too deeply of the musty, stale air, but that became a moot point when a sudden surge from his cock nearly brought him to his knees.  

“Gggaahh...whu...what the fuck…” Duncan groaned when, all at once, his massive organ sprang to life.  The untouched cock shot like a third arm from the top of the fit man’s shorts, pushing the elastic down as the rigid organ served as a dowsing rod pointing the way down the tunnel.  

Ominous surroundings or not, Duncan wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity.  He wrapped both hands around the mammoth cock as best he could and started stroking, working the aching shaft like he was greasing a utility pole as he stumbled forward.  He wanted to stop and enjoy himself, but he was being pulled along by whatever invisible force had caused his sleeping snake to rouse itself.  

The addled stud was so focused on his pumping that he failed to notice the light growing brighter ahead of him though the antique bulbs had come to a stop several yards back.  It wasn’t until he was almost on top of the machine that he even looked up at the humming mechanism.  

“Ooookay...that’s...wow…” Duncan said as he stood with his dick in his hands gaping up at the towering machine.  He’d been expecting something like a furnace or a boiler, not a looming monolith that stretched up towards the stone ceiling disappearing into darkness overhead.  It was a huge mass of twisting, root-like tendrils, looking more organic than mechanical, and seeming to sprout directly from the moss-covered floor itself like a giant crinoid organism.  

As he looked around in wonder, Duncan saw trickling streams of light flowing down the walls and into the base of the machine, which pulsed in a steady, rhythmic fashion.  His first thought was that the light was caused by bioluminescent moss, until he watched one of the flowing streams of light suddenly grow brighter and pull away from the wall, reaching out to him with glowing, phantasmal fingers.  His rigid club surged in response and Duncan spasmed, cumming like a geyser.  His bellowing howl echoed around the chamber as he watched the ropey strands hang suspended in midair before rocketing over to be absorbed by the spiraling obelisk.    

“This is officially over my head,” he panted, his cock still throbbing and solid.  “I don’t even know what the fuck this is, let alone what I’m supposed to be...looking...for…” 

Duncan trailed off when his eyes landed on what looked to be a small metal box affixed to the far wall.  The only reason he was able to see the dark object in the first place was by following the sparkling stream of energy that abruptly stopped when it reached the box instead of flowing to the base of the strange machine.  He remembered what Benton said, about there not being enough energy, as he waddled over with his oozing cock leading the way.  Just being near the pulsing statue was almost unbearably arousing, and Duncan had to fight the urge to tear his clothes free and throw himself at it.  

His mind was awash in every fantasy he’d ever had, as well as many new ones, all wrapped up into a single point of aching bliss.  He could feel his inflated organ spraying over and over as he forced his jerking steps onward, never wanting the ecstatic eruptions to stop.  It was only by sheer force of his impressive will that he was able to reach out and grab the item on the wall.  It wasn’t a box at all, but an engraved metal cube.  

Not wanting to fail on his mission, Duncan pulled the cube away from the wall.  His vision went white at the sudden flash and electric current that shot through him when the disrupted beam of light flowed like a dam being opened.  It washed over his tense frame, covering him from head to toe in the familiar tingle.  As his eyes slowly cleared, Ducan let out a sharp yelp as he watched his gigantic rod slowly recede.  

He had time for one fleeting moment of triumph as he thought the changes to his pride and joy were being undone, until he realized his cock wasn’t shrinking; his body was expanding.  What he originally thought was his monster organ pulling back towards his body was in reality his chest and stomach pushing outwards.  His toned pecs inflated like a pair of muscled balloons, shooting outwards and cresting into a pair of granite mounds that rested thick and heavy on an increasingly distended roid gut.  The hands clutching his spurting pole were having a difficult time holding on as the arms they were connected to grew like the rest of him, hanging at an exaggerated angle from his ever-widening back.  There was a loud tear as his tank and shorts exploded almost in unison.  Duncan’s expanding thighs had grown like the rest of him, pressing firmly together while his tight bubble billowed out from his back as a shelf of solid muscle.  

It happened so fast the stunned young man barely had time to register that he was changing before he found himself looking down at his swollen frame.  He hadn’t lost any of his definition, but instead of a tapered, athletic build he had the massive, ‘roid-fueled body of a lumbering meathead.  His newly acquired muscle rubbed together constantly, restricting the formerly nimble man’s range of motion as he struggled to bend and pick up his badge before staggering back towards the elevator.  

“Oh god...this can’t be real…” he grunted, his voice a deep, bassy rumble.  He couldn’t see his reflection, but reaching up Duncan felt a face that had been drastically altered.  His jaw felt too wide, his forehead too broad and sloping.  The image of his cro-magnon features was clear in his mind as he’d seen them plenty of times over the years on the inflated juice heads at the gym.  He groaned at the loss of his pretty boy face but forced himself onwards with slow, trudging steps.  The extra muscle felt like lead weights had been strapped to him, and already Duncan figured he was at least a hundred pounds heavier, if not more.  

His thickened fingers fumbled with his keycard at the elevator and he nearly fell inside when the doors finally opened.  The whole car shook from the force of his entry but held, lifting Duncan back up from the unfathomed depths.  The newly sprouted hulk wasn’t sure whether he should be relieved or not when his mammoth cock went limp the farther up he went.  Both decisions were tinged with the knowledge that if it weren’t so large he wouldn’t be able to see it at all anymore.  His protruding muscle tits obscured everything below them, and only his cock’s impossible size kept it visible.  To Duncan’s further humiliation, his meaty new thighs only served to thrust the gargantuan organ forward, making it even more noticeable than it already was.  

Duncan was like a penned bull on his ascent, his massive pecs heaving, flattened nostrils flared, as he forced himself to take long, deep breaths to keep from panicking.  He’d finally caught sight of his new reflection in the shiny doors and it was worse than he’d imagined.  As he’d feared, he’d inflated to heavyweight bodybuilder proportions.  His body hadn’t just sprouted muscle, he’d grown so wide he’d have to turn sideways to fit through doors.  The arms that hung at an awkward angle sported biceps the size of large melons, and his ass looked like a pair of prize winning pumpkins had been strapped to his back.  And the broad, blunted face that appeared to sit directly on his cannonball shoulders was a perfect match.  

When the doors opened on his floor he didn’t have time to worry about whether anyone would register a change this severe or how they’d react.  He stomped down the hall, the floor shaking with each of his plodding steps until he barreled into his room, slamming the door so hard behind him it nearly shattered.  His bed almost followed suit, the small frame bending when he dropped his heaping new body onto it.  

“Fuck….fuck!  Why’s everything so fuckin’ small!” he growled as his enlarged fingers fumbled with his phone.  Far from fear this time, his massive frame shook with rage at the thought of what had happened to him.  As soon as he knew who or what was responsible, Duncan was already planning to put his new muscle to use.  “Just a setback…just a setback...one more hurdle, that’s all…” he muttered over and over until he was calm enough to dial.  “Mike?  I mean, Taylor?  Fuck, I don’t care, just put Benton on the phone.  Now.”  


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