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Climbing the Ladder, ch. 7

  • While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that causes his muscles to inflate to bodybuilder proportions.. 24
  • While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that regresses him to a thin, hung, eighteen year old twink. 20
  • While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that leaves him with a massive gut. 11
  • While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that gives him a set of large breasts. 8
  • While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that ages him to a rugged forty-something. 13
  • 2019-08-15
  • —2019-08-22
  • 76 votes
{'title': 'Climbing the Ladder, ch. 7', 'choices': [{'text': 'While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that causes his muscles to inflate to bodybuilder proportions..', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that regresses him to a thin, hung, eighteen year old twink.', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that leaves him with a massive gut.', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that gives him a set of large breasts.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'While investigating the Tower, Duncan is exposed to uncontrolled energy that ages him to a rugged forty-something.', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 22, 16, 0, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 15, 20, 38, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 76}


Shawn absently stroked Cayden’s broad, slumbering back, his friend’s face buried against his chest as he slept.  He’d been startled at first to wake up with another man’s naked body sprawled across his own until the memories of their night together pushed through the groggy haze.  It was a sweaty, confusing blur of grunting and thrusting and squirming bodies and pleasure like he’d never felt before.  Cayden had been a beast, writhing and bucking, begging Shawn to keep fucking him for what seemed like hours.  The dark haired stud had been all too happy to comply, his own insatiable cock not caring what hole he jammed it in, as long as it got him off.  

Shawn had been telling himself that his strange new attractions and constant arousal were just because he hadn’t gotten laid in a while, but now, with Cayden’s slow breath warm against his chest and their solid cocks wedged together, he wasn’t so sure.  He’d never been a big cuddler, regardless of how hot the girl was, and he’d only reluctantly agreed to let Cayden push their beds together, yet the last thing he wanted to do was slide out from under his stocky roommate.  Instead of repellant, the other man’s solid, hairy bulk weighing down on him was like a comforting blanket.  He even found his lips brushing against the top of Cayden’s scalp as he gazed down at the slumbering slab of beef.  

“Mmm...wha’s...goin’ on…” the groggy brunette grumbled, his eyes fluttering open.  He grinned sleepily and pressed his face harder against Shawn’s sculpted chest, weaving their legs and grinding their rigid poles together.  “I told you this was a good idea.”  

Shawn shivered at the sensation of Cayden’s scrubby stubble scratching against his skin as he let his hand drift down to squeeze the other man’s plump cheeks.  “You were right,” he laughed when Cayden instinctively pushed his ass back against the hand like a baby seeking a bottle.  “Wearing each other out probably didn’t hurt either.”  

“No it did not,” Cayden sighed, his eyes still closed.  “If I didn’t say it last night, fuck, dude, that was...wow.”  

Shawn flashed a smug grin as his hand slid back up to tousle Cayden’s messy hair. “Oh, believe me, you said it.  Over and over,” he added, mimicking one of his friend’s desperate whimpers that turned into a legitimate yelp when Cayden bit down on one of his tiny nipples.  

“You’re not exactly quiet,” the stocky man purred, cutting off Shawn’s retort by sliding up and pressing their lips together.  

Shawn tensed, his eyes going wide, before instinct took over and he returned the gesture, forcing his tongue into another man’s mouth for the first time.  His stomach fluttered and his hands trembled as they pulled Cayden over on top of him while his mind raced to keep up with what was happening.  The surprise of the unexpected intimacy jarred him back to his senses, making him fully aware of just how bizarre his behavior really was.  In a matter of days he’d gone from jerking off with another guy to being constantly aroused by them, then fucking, and now making out with, one.  For someone who’d never so much as had a gay thought in his life it was a lot to take in all at once.  Shawn didn’t think he’d been repressing his feelings this whole time, but the way his body was responding made him wonder.  Maybe graduating and moving and starting a new job hadn’t simply been the catalysts to push him over the edge?  It was a logical explanation, just not one he could bring himself to believe.  He was actually disappointed when Cayden broke off the kiss and sat back on his stomach, straddling him with his meaty thighs.  

“We’ve got time, right?” the burly brunette asked, reaching behind to tug on Shawn’s long, eager cock.  

“For whaaooohhhh….!”  the prone jock arched his back and groaned when Cayden deftly maneuvered his cock into position and impaled himself on it in one smooth motion, his furry globes forming a vacuum seal.  

“Now...who’s the...loud...one…” Cayden grunted, wriggling his hips.  “Fuuuuuuuuuck that’s nice,” he sighed, running his hands through his short brown hair as he rocked on Shawn’s lap.  

The dark haired man folded his arms behind his head, content to watch.  Cayden’s squirming felt fantastic on his ever-eager cock, but more than anything he loved the open mouthed look of pure ecstasy on his friend’s face.  He reached down and tugged on the fat, wide cock sliding against his abs but Cayden barely seemed to notice, so focused instead on the sensations coming from his ravenous hole.  

“Having fun up there,” Shawn finally asked, his hands stroking through the wiry hairs on Cayden’s thighs.  The other man could only nod, his thick pecs heaving as he gasped and rocked.  “That’s good...but I’m getting kinda bored,” Shawn said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around the stocky man to resume their earlier kiss.  

As soon as their lips made contact, the floodgates were opened.  Shawn’s hands explored every inch of Cayden’s back, holding him tight while the other man’s fingers laced through his thick, dark hair to keep his head in place.  It was like they were trying to merge into a single being, their tongues completing the circuit started by Shawn’s long rod sliding deep into Cayden’s insides.  

No longer content to be a passive participant, Shawn flipped them over so that Cayden was pressed beneath him, the other man’s beefy thighs still wrapped around his tight waist.  Never breaking off the kiss, he started pumping and rolling his hips in full measure, swallowing Cayden’s screams of pleasure until he felt the warm spattering erupt against his chest and the bottom of his chin.  Shawn gave a few final, deep thrusts before exploding into his friend, not breaking off the kiss until every last drop had surged out of him.  

The dark haired stud couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed, wide-eyed look of bliss on Cayden’s face when he pulled away.  “You okay?”  

Cayden nodded emphatically, struggling for breath.  “Guuhhn...yu...yeah...yeah...I’m good,” he finally managed.  “Holy...holy shit...I’ve been doin’ this wrong my who...whole life…” he laughed.  “Never thought being the one to get a dick would feel this good.”  

“Maybe it’s just the dick you’re getting,” Shawn grinned, giving his friend a quick peck on the nose and rolling off to silence the alarm clock as it screeched to life.  He stretched and scratched at the patch of hair on his abs, blushing at the amount of sticky fluid trickling down through it.  

Cayden laughed and heaved his legs over the edge of the bed.  “We sure made a fuckin’ mess.  No...pun...intended…” he trailed off when he stood, blinking and shaking his head as he stared at the bottom of Shawn’s chin.  “Fuck!  I was fuckin’ right!”  

“Wait...wait...but that’s not…” Shawn stammered, backing away.  He’d always been taller than his roommate, but not by this much.  

“I’m fuckin’ shrinking!”  Cayden cried, pawing at his hairy muscle as he inspected every inch of himself.  From his perspective everything seemed the same; it was only when he compared himself to the world around him that he could tell a difference.  

“But people don’t just shrink...that doesn’t just happen…” Shawn could only mumble under his breath as his mind raced to make sense of what his eyes were telling him.  

“Then how do you explain this?!”  Cayden pressed himself up against the wall where Shawn had drawn a line the day before, the top of his head stopping at least two inches lower.  

The taller man blinked and rubbed his eyes as a wave of dizziness washed over him.  He wanted to panic like Cayden, he felt like he should have been just as horrified, but instead a voice in his head kept trying to tell him that everything was fine.  “So...so how tall were you before?  I don’t have a measuring tape.”  

“I was 5’9”....so does this mean I’m only 5’7” now?!  What the fuck?!”  Cayden’s stocky body went pale as he darted over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of pants.  He pulled the fitted slacks on expecting them to pool at his ankles, but instead found them to be a perfect fit.  “Wait...these shouldn’t be so tight…” he muttered.  His eyes went wide and he dropped back down onto the bed when he pulled them off and looked at the tag.  

“What?  What is it?”  Shawn sat next to the shorter man and threw an arm over Cayden’s broad shoulders, noticing for the first time how much the size difference turned him on.  

“These aren’t the right size…” Cayden said, his voice quiet.  “I should be a 32/30.  These are a 30/28.”  

“But you got ‘em from your dresser, right?  It’s not like the laundry service screwed it up like they did mine.”  

“Fuck!”  Cayden pulled out of Shawn’s grip and jumped up off the bed, glaring at his friend.  “I’m not fuckin’ crazy, man.  I know what size clothes I wear.”  

“Whoa, whoa!  Easy, dude.  I’m not saying your crazy.  Maybe you just didn’t pay attention?  I was super out of it last night...maybe I fucked up when I drew the line?  That all makes way more sense than you suddenly shrinking and someone sneaking in here and replacing all your clothes. What would even be the point of that?”  

Cayden turned away to inspect his reflection in the mirror, still not convinced.  “I know what I feel, man, and I’m tellin’ you...something’s off.”  

Shawn stood and wrapped his arms around the other man’s waist from behind, resting his head on the shorter man’s as he stroked through the wiry hairs on Cayden’s firm abs.  “Hey, I get it, I’m out of it too.  I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore.  I mean, shit, look at us,” he laughed.  “Look at what we just did.  I’m not complaining, it’s just not...my normal.”  

The beefy furball sighed and leaned into Shawn’s embrace, his thick cock twitching to life.  The frantic panic was fading, gradually replaced by a growing realization of just how much he enjoyed the sensation of Shawn’s solid body towering over him.  “Yeah, you’re right,” he finally said.  “I don’t know what got into me this morning…” 

Shawn laughed and pushed his own half-hard cock against the other man’s back.  “Really?  I do.”  

“We have got to go get cleaned up or we’re never going to make it into work,” Cayden grinned, reluctantly slipping out of his friend’s embrace.  

Shawn didn’t hesitate when Cayden grabbed their towels and opened the door, casually strolling naked down the hall behind his equally bare friend, his thick cock throbbing to life on the way.  It was just the morning routine.  Along the way their neighbors were stumbling out, most in the same undressed state of disarray.  That quiet voice in Shawn’s head kept trying to tell him that this was all wrong as they milled about, most of them naked and hard, in the showers waiting for an available slot to open.  It was too familiar.  Too casual.  They all looked at each other like they might start fucking at any moment, only there was no tension in the air and nothing to prove.  There was no need to flirt or preen or put on a show; it was as if it had already happened, or was a looming inevitability.  

And then there was Cayden.  Watching his stocky friend amongst the crowd, Shawn knew without a doubt that his friend actually was shorter.  Despite the voice in his head telling him it was impossible, that everything was as it should be, he was certain the hairy jock hadn’t always been the shortest guy in the room.  Cayden hadn’t always had to crane his neck to look up at everyone, and he’d never done it with such adoration in his eyes.  The brawny stud had always had a laid back, casual arrogance about him.  Now he looked up at the naked men around him with eyes that bordered on desperate, his fat cock just as hard as Shawn’s.  

“You’re lucky.  He’s a cute little thing.”  

“Huh?”  Shawn started at the unexpected voice, blushing when he realized he’d been openly staring at Cayden a few stalls over as he showered.  “Oh, uh, sorry, spaced out there,” he said, smiling awkwardly at AJ.  He couldn’t help but steal a glance at the barely present nub sticking out from between the towering adonis’s thighs, but the sculpted hunk didn’t seem to mind.  

“Nothin’ to be embarrassed about.  He’s cute.  He’ll be even cuter as he gets smaller.”  

“I mean, he’s…” Shawn stopped mid-lather, his jaw dropping when AJ’s words finally registered.  “...what’d you just say?” 

The handsome man smiled and rinsed the shampoo from his hair as if they were having a normal conversation.  “You’re right, you know.  He is getting smaller.  They want you to think he isn’t, but you know that’s not true; just like you know none of this is right.  The way you’re acting?  Hard in the shower gawking at other men?  That what you always did?  Hell, I’m going to reach over and start jerking you off right here and you’re not going to stop me, are you?”  Shawn gasped when, true to his word, AJ reached over in full view of everyone and began tugging on Shawn’s thick pole.  The dark haired man went crimson as heads began to turn in his direction, but no one reacted as if anything was out of the ordinary.  “See?  You don’t want to stop me either, do you?”  

Shawn opened and closed his mouth several times before a weak “no” finally made its way out.  

AJ cocked his head to the side, his sparkling eyes boring into the flustered Shawn as he kept pumping.  “I don’t know what’s in store for you but I’d get used to stuff like this.  Something tells me people are going to be seeing a lot of you.”  

Shawn bit down on his groan but couldn’t stop his body from tensing and spasming noticeably when he came a few pumps later.  “I don’t...I don’t know what that means…” he stammered, mortified.  He’d just gotten used to being naked and hard, but being jerked off in front of an entire room was a line he wasn’t ready to cross.  

“You will,” AJ said as he turned off his shower and grabbed a towel.  “Just try and remember what’s real, not what they want you to think is real.”  The muscled giant looked down at his tiny member before wrapping the towel around his waist and strolling off, leaving a stunned Shawn to wonder what just happened.  

“That looked like fun,” Cayden said when Shawn stumbled out of the stall a few moments later.  “Too bad he’s so little...I’d love to let that guy get a piece.”  

Shawn blinked rapidly, searching his friend’s face for any acknowledgment of just how bizarre his last statement was.  His head was pounding and he wanted to get as far from the tower as he could, but already he could feel the siren call of Cayden’s furry muscle.  “He’s got hands,” Shawn said with a shrug.  

Cayden grinned and slapped Shawn’s perky bubble as they headed back to the room.  “Big ones, too.  And he clearly knows how to use ‘em.”   

Shawn blushed again at the thought of all the people who’d just witnessed what happened, only this time the thought came with an unexpected fluttering in his stomach.  All of those eyes watching his naked, muscled body squirm and whimper, helpless to stop another man from getting him off in front of everyone.  It made his cock ache for more.  

“That he does,” Shawn sighed, grabbing a bright pair of his skimpy new bikini briefs.  He pulled them up and over his aching pole, not even thinking about the obvious tent or the noticeable underwear lines in his tighter slacks as he finished getting dressed.  “Alright man, I’ll catch you laterrmmmmmph…”  Shawn was cut off when Cayden grabbed his tie and pulled him close for one final kiss before they parted ways.  

“Don’t get started without me if you get home first,” the shorter man winked and waved goodbye, jogging down the hall.  Shawn watched until his friend disappeared into the elevator, his lips still tingling from the kiss as AJ’s warning echoed in his addled skull.  

“What the fuck is even happening,” he muttered, closing the door and heading for the office.  


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