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Vince still felt like it was all a dream.  The lean young man wasn’t used to waking up wrapped in a pair of thick, muscled arms, his face resting on a warm slab of a chest.  Trent was still asleep, or at least pretended to be, his lantern jaw nestled against the top of Vince’s head while the other man’s solid club of a cock wedged itself between them.  
The contrast was jarring.  To wake clutched in Trent’s meaty embrace like a teddy bear after Vince had spent the entire afternoon and evening sparring with the brawny man, constantly having to establish boundary after boundary whenever Trent tried to assert his dominance, left the smaller man with a feeling of whiplash.  And even though Vince was confident the imposing man was all bark and no bite, at least as far as he was concerned, that didn’t make Trent’s  booming voice or towering physique any less intimidating.  
But then there were the moments of tenderness, where Vince could see Trent’s normally domineering attitude at war with his new found adoration for his smaller, younger owner.  Already he was starting to suspect that Trent was putting up a front on purpose, that the masculine stud actually liked being ordered around but didn’t know how to admit it or fully process his new role.  
His impressive body didn’t seem to have the same problem.  After Vince had jerked him off that first time Trent’s rigid pole was solid and ready to go again almost immediately, as was his defiant attitude.  First it had been the apartment’s appearance, then it was the food options Vince had for the burly hulk, then it was the laundry.  Each time Trent would try and point out exactly what the young man was doing wrong, and each time Vince would have to remind his new friend that he could bark out orders all he wanted, but it didn’t mean he was going to listen.  
It was a training process.  Trent would puff out his chest, his impressive cock throbbing to its full length as he glared and blustered until he eventually gave in and fell silent.  At that point Vince would reward him by either helping him get off or letting him do it himself, both options that the worn out young man found equally enjoyable.  He’d loved the feeling of Trent’s pulsing rod gliding across his palm or filling his mouth, but watching the tall man’s ample muscle flex and move while he pumped away wasn’t bad either.  It was becoming quickly apparently however that Vince was going to have to get Trent a dog bed like they had in the shop or the insatiable stud was going to drain him dry.  
“Who...whoaaa...good morning,” Vince laughed when Trent’s hand began kneading his smaller, twitching cock.  Though firmly in the average range, Vince’s solid pole felt tiny in the other man’s large, rough paw.  He reached down to reciprocate but Trent stopped him, rolling over so that he was pinned under the heavy wall of muscle.  
“Let me,” he rumbled, his stubbled chin offset by the soft, full lips that made their way down Vince’s neck as he slid lower.  The lean young man loved the sight of Trent’s broad, bowling ball shoulders and piston arms flexing as he held himself upright, working his mouth over Vince’s firm stomach to swallow the eager cock.  
Vince groaned, his fingers biting into the sheets, his back arching as he squirmed.  Despite the multiple times he’d assisted Trent in getting off the gruff man had only returned the favor once, jerking Vince off when they’d finally gone to bed the night before.  It had been grudging since Trent was pouting over not getting his way yet again, but once Vince was in bed next to him the big man couldn’t help himself.  
Vince didn’t want to force it.  He really wasn’t comfortable with the idea of owning a sex slave, regardless of what Trent may or may not have signed up for, but if the chiseled hunk initiated things he wasn’t in any hurry to stop him.  
“Fuck...Trent...you’re...so good...at...this…” Vince hissed, trying to hold back.  Trent’s warm tongue was like a third hand, stroking and squeezing in time with his bobbing head until Vince finally grunted and spasmed.  He let out a quiet whimper as his spurting cock shot load after load down Trent’s throat, the bigger man not spilling a drop.  “You want me to take a turn?” he asked when Trent finally lifted his head and sat back on his meaty thighs, straddling Vince’s tight frame.  
Trent looked down at the snaking club resting heavily on Vince’s stomach, his stern expression taking on a bashful edge.  He clearly wanted to say yes, but he didn’t want a blow job; he wanted to pump and buck his hips like he was fucking.  The only problem was that he couldn’t bring himself to ask his new master for something like that.  It went against every part of his altered nature.  Vince would be the one fucking him, not the other way around.  
“What?  Go ahead and say it,” Vince prompted, reaching out to stroke Trent’s solid club.  The smaller man grinned when Trent reflexively thrust into it, nodding.  “Ohhhh….I get it...hey, feel free, I don’t mindddmmmphhh…!”  
Vince was cut off when Trent leaned down, pressing their mouths together as he began bucking his hips and grinding his cock into the smaller man’s smooth stomach.  He rolled his abs and alternated his pace between jackrabbit humping and long, slow thrusts, his heavy balls slapping against Vince’s toned thigh.  
When Trent broke off the kiss and locked eyes Vince reached up and began stroking the back of the bigger man’s head, loving the look of ecstatic hunger on the other man’s handsome face.  The low, deep whimpers slipping out of Trent’s twitching mouth drove him wild, and when the big man came, blasting all over his wiry torso, his own cock exploded not long after, adding to the sticky mess.  
“Thanks,” Trent panted, his face a mix of embarrassed longing.  He was still obviously uncomfortable with his new urges even as he stared at Vince with literal puppy dog eyes.  
“Anytime,” Vince sighed, stretching and sliding off the bed.  Before he could say anything else Trent took him by the hand and tugged him down the hall to the bathroom, pulling them both into the shower.  “Hey!  You could at least ask first,” he protested as Trent began lathering him up.  
“But you were dirty,” Trent said as if it should have been obvious.  “And it’s the morning.  You take a shower first thing.”  
“Ask next time,” Vince said, turning so that he could lock eyes with Trent.  He took it as a sign of progress that the frustrated stud didn’t argue further.  At least until he changed the subject.  
“You should really start lifting more.  You’ve got the right kind of body for it...you could get big quick if you tried.”  
“What?  You don’t like me as I am?”  Vince spread his toned arms and turned in a slow circle to let Trent get a good look at his wiry definition.  He couldn’t help but smile at the flustered, bashful look on the other man’s face when he’d completed the rotation.  
“Of course I do,” the big man said, blushing.  “I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to bulk up.”  
Vince reached out and gave Trent’s bulging pecs a gentle pat.  “Clearly,” he laughed. “But not everyone feels the need to be a meathead.”  
The big man bristled.  “What’d you call me?” he barked, his expression going hard.  
“Hey!  I’ll call you whatever the hell I want,” Vince said, forcing the edge back into his voice.  It still took effort, but watching Trent’s thick hose twitch every time made it a worthwhile struggle.  “And I was just kidding...lighten up, big guy.  You’re not in the army anymore, you’re MY meathead.”  Vince stroked Trent’s chest as the other man glared down at him.  Despite the stern expression Vince could feel the brawny hunk trembling with anticipation.  “Do you like it when I pet you?”  He slid his hand around behind, gently rubbing between Trent’s broad shoulders and down to his lower back, just above the solid, ample globes.  Trent sighed and nodded, his eyes drooping contentedly.  “Was that a yes?”  
Trent blushed, his pouty lips barely opening as he let out a quiet “yes.”  
“What was that?  I didn’t quite hear you…” 
“YES,” Trent said, his deep voice echoing off the walls.  He clenched and loosened his meaty fists, fighting the impulse to reach down and start pumping on his hardening cock.  
“Good boy,” Vince grinned, giving Trent’s solid cheeks a swat.  The big man simultaneously loved and hated that he couldn’t hold back a proud smile at the compliment.  “Everything doesn’t have to be an argument.  Look, how about we go for a run instead?  If you’re good I’ll buy you a set of weights you can use around here, alright?”  He cranked the shower off and stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying Trent before the taller man had the chance to do the same to him.  Trent stood there grudgingly, enjoying the sensation of Vince’s hands traveling over his ample muscle but feeling confused at the surge of emotions it brought.  For the first time the big man felt small and insecure, a rush of helplessness hitting him as he stared at Vince.  The smaller man suddenly seemed to radiate strength and confidence in a way that Trent wasn’t used to experiencing from someone other than himself.  It was similar to when he’d first joined the service; not so much a loss of control as a surrendering of it, a handing off to a higher power.  
When Vince strapped his collar on and made him stuff himself back into the small jockstrap, Trent was practically trembling with anticipation.  He’d always viewed cardio as nothing more than a necessary evil, but now the thought of going for a run with Vince seemed like pure bliss.  He didn’t even mind the leash, purposely slowing his pace to an easy trot so that he could stay close to his lean owner.  Instead of tugging on the leash or pulling him along, Trent wanted people to see what a good boy he was for Vince.  He needed to do this right to make the other man happy.  The towering hunk caught people staring at the way his muscled rear and thick pecs bounced as he ran, but there was no embarrassment, only a fierce protective urge now that they were out in public.  Trent puffed out his impressive chest and glared anytime someone got too close, crossing the line and having to be pulled away by Vince when he literally growled at a few people he found threatening.  The smaller man laughed awkwardly and apologized to the couple, but the gentle rub he gave Trent’s ample bottom told the naked stud that he did the right thing.  
By the time they made it back to the apartment Trent was ready to burst.  On a purely physical level the fresh air and warm sun against his bare flesh had been a turn on, causing his lengthy cock to throb painfully against the confining jock.  He wanted to rip it off as soon as they were back inside but waited for Vince to do it for him as he knew he should.  The overwhelming surge of affection he felt was stronger than his lust, a burning warmth in his stomach that made the granite hulk whimper.  The shift in his thinking that started earlier in the shower had continued, all of his commanding defiance turning into a disciplined love.  He may not have agreed with or wanted to do all the things Vince told him to, but more than anything he loved the act of simply doing what he was told, whatever that was.  Just hearing Vince’s soft, gentle voice was enough to set his heart racing.  
“You okay,” the smaller man asked at Trent’s quiet whimper as he undid the big man’s collar.  
Trent cleared his throat and nodded, his stern face flushing.  “Just worked up,” he said, his eyes dropping to his throbbing club.  
Vince grinned and gave the rigid organ a tug, laughing as the other man reflexively thrust it forward in his hand.  “Since you were so good on the run how about I help you with that?”  
Trent swallowed hard and licked his lips, the crimson deepening in his cheeks.  “I...instead could you…” his deep voice cracked in a desperate whimper as he turned and presented his dimpled cheeks.  It was the final surrender, the last thing he needed to do to cement their new dynamic.  
The shorter man blushed just as hard and laughed awkwardly.  “I mean...how can I say no to that?”  
Trent’s whole body trembled with excitement as he followed Vince to the bedroom.  He was worried that he got too excited when he stripped the wiry man down without being told, but Vince just kissed him on the cheek and pushed him down onto the bed.  Trent’s first instinct was to roll over but instead he hoisted his meaty legs into the air, wanting to see Vince when it happened.  
“You’re sure about this?” Vince asked as he lined himself up, running his tongue along the inside of Trent’s sturdy thigh.  The prone man nodded, wide eyed, and let out another whimper.  “If you insist…” 
Trent arched his back and clutched at the sheets, letting out a long, low moan when Vince wormed his way inside.  It wasn’t just the sensation of having the other man inside him, though Vince’s short, thin rod felt perfect; it was what the act represented.  Only his master could mount him, and if that was Vince, it meant Trent was no longer the dominant stud he’d always been.  He was still masculine and aggressive and imposing, but once more it was in service to something greater than himself.  He gasped and stared longingly up at Vince, loving the way the other man’s face was twisted by pleasure.  The small hands kneading his pecs were like iron bars holding him down as he writhed and moaned, his untouched cock spraying wildly all over his abs and chest.  He never wanted it to end, continuing to buck and squirm even after Vince had erupted inside him.  
“Whoooaaa,” Vince yelped when Trent wrapped his arms around him and pressed him against his sculpted torso, planting a long, deep kiss.  He stroked the other man’s short hair while their tongues explored the inside of each other’s mouths, finally letting his guard down around the brawny man.  “Who’s my good boy,” he asked, giving Trent a peck on his nose.  
The big man grinned and squirmed excitedly, a mix of masculine aggression and innocent excitement, before rolling over and playfully pinning Vince beneath him.  “Me,” he beamed, leaning down to pick up where their mouths left off.  


Hugh Michelsen

I loved the first part and this one was a great continuation. You did such a great job of showing Trent struggle with his new feelings.


Thanks! It was a fun challenge to try and write a chapter that didn’t have much in the way of physical transformation but focused more on the internal changes.