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The old man at the small, ramshackle stand had been so convincing.  David had seen the stall littered with antiques from across the street, his eyes immediately drawn to the stone statue of some Aztec adonis.  The small figure was covered in literal, chiseled muscle, clad in a small loincloth and adorned with intricate ceremonial gear.  The level of detail was striking.  David could make out each of the many skulls and strange animal heads that made up the figure’s macabre outfit, the stone retaining the fine lines as if it had been carved yesterday.  He’d actually wondered if the statue perhaps wasn’t an antique at all, but he hadn’t seen anything like it anywhere so far on his travels.  Even the stone itself was odd, feeling light and airy but incredibly dense all at the same time.  At roughly a foot in length the glaring, stern-faced statue should have been heavy, but David felt like he was holding something made of foam.  

“Strong magic,” the man had said, his thick accent making his broken english even harder to understand.  “Old magic, that one.”  

“Is it supposed to be some kind of god or something?” David asked, not liking the sinister, knowing grin that split the old man’s weathered face.  

“Not god.  Priest.  Power came from old ones.  People make offering and if he accept, he work magic.  Love, sickness, death...all within his power and more.”

David had smiled at the old man and raised an eyebrow, not buying a word of it.  “Sounds impressive.”  

The man’s expression darkened as he reached out and tapped the statue.  “Is no joke.  Power still inside.”  

“Yeah?  How’s it work?”  David’s heart sped up when the old man produced a small obsidian blade about the size of a letter opener whose handle bore the same carvings as the statue’s outfit.  He was suddenly reminded of his status as a young, blonde, blue-eyed American traveling alone in another country where it was just as easy to get stabbed and robbed as it would have been back home.  Only here no one knew where he was supposed to be if he went missing.  With his trim, athletic build David was sure he could take the older man, or at least make a run for it if he had to.  He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the man flipped the blade and handed it to him hilt-first.  

“Drink the tea, make the offering,” the man said, making a drinking motion and miming the blade pricking a finger that he held over the statue.  “It know what you want.”  

David smiled and played along  “Does just any tea work?”  

The man turned and rummaged under his table, eventually producing a small corked bottle filled with no more than a few grams of a dark, powdery substance.  “Tastes awful, but works,” he smiled, shoving the bottle into David’s hand.  The confused young blonde stood with the statue in one hand, and the knife and vial in the other, feeling like he was about to be taken for a ride.  He knew how these street vendors could be, but before David could even ask for a price the man tilted his head and looked him slowly up and down, his eyes narrowing as if he was listening to something.  “Five dollars,” he finally said.  David had paid it without question.  The young tourist didn’t believe any of it was true, but he told himself if nothing else he’d scored a cheap, unique souvenir that came with a hell of a story.  

It also came with dreams.  From the first night, David found himself dreaming of the carven figure made flesh, a towering, sculpted man who was equally beautiful and terrifying.  David felt his cock throb even in his sleep, his eyes tracing the long, thick hose bouncing under the imposing figure’s small loincloth while the gorgeous man’s blazing eyes bored into him.  All David could remember of the dreams at first was a sense of awe, a lingering lust that caused his cock to twitch whenever he looked at the statue sitting on his shelf.  But as the nights passed the details emerged with greater clarity until each morning David could vividly recall the blissful, nightly torment.  

It started with him standing naked before the towering priest, feeling small and insecure despite his own impressive build.  None of his ripped, ample muscle or handsome features mattered in the face of such awe inspiring beauty as it radiated off the dark skinned apparition.  The figure was alluring and horrible, the eyes of the many skulls he wore glowing as they hung off his broad shoulders and dangled from his trim waist.  The mouths of the strange creatures that made his headpiece and bracers seemed to move, a hazy fog issuing forth and enveloping them.  

As much as he enjoyed staring at the gorgeous being, the first night he’d heard the figure speak had brought David to his knees.  The dream began like always, with his athletic frame standing naked and bashful before the judging eyes of the priest until the figure finally opened its mouth.  The deep, booming voice rattled him to his core, lighting up every nerve ending and pleasure center all at once.  David’s sturdy legs gave out as his thick cock rocketed to attention, spraying like a geyser at the deep, rhythmic chanting.  He didn’t understand the language or any of what was being said, he could barely process the awe and torture of it, like being fucked by thunder.  

The dreams were different after that.  Instead of simply standing naked, David debased himself.  The eager blonde would jerk off, making a show of groping his smooth, muscled body or slipping a hand between his perky bubble to hungrily finger his tight hole.  As a gay man he didn’t find it odd to be dreaming about a muscled adonis, but in the following days he started to notice a change in his behavior.  Fit body and handsome features or not, David wasn’t much of an exhibitionist, even at home alone.  But the horny blonde gradually found himself wearing less and less until the first thing he did after arriving home from the office was to strip completely nude.  It felt so natural and comfortable that he didn’t even give it a second thought until the night he’d sauntered out onto his patio and gave his neighbors a show, realizing for the first time that for the past several nights he’d been wandering around naked in front of his wide open windows.  After that he at least remembered to draw the curtains and stay inside, but the urge was ever present.  

So was the urge to use the statue as he’d been instructed.  He’d been home for several weeks and the idea had been growing like a tended garden.  The old man had planted the seed, the dreams had watered it, and being back in the office around Chris was the fertilizer.  Even just thinking about the shorter man filled David with a mix of anger and longing.  The frustrated blonde thought he’d gotten over being used by the charming liar, but the fact that his thoughts immediately went to what he could do to the other man if the statue’s power was real told him otherwise.  

David still felt foolish when he thought about what happened.  The true motive for Chris’s attention should have been obvious from the start, but he was too naive to see it.  If nothing else he thought they could be friends since they’d both just turned twenty five, they both liked to work out and ride bikes around the city after work, and they were both up and coming in their careers.  So when Chris flashed his charming smile and started flirting, David was too caught up in the moment to wonder if his new friend was just using him for a career move.  When Chris’s hand would linger on his thigh during one of their ambiguous “dinner and a movie” nights, or when the ripped, sandy haired stud would strut around the locker room of the company gym in the tiny briefs he “bought just for David,” the excited blonde thought things might be going somewhere with the handsome little hunk.  

Then Chris got his promotion based on David’s recommendation and promptly began treating the other man like he was crazy for thinking he could be anything other than straight.  He still acted like they were friends, but the flirting had stopped and Chris seemed to go out of his way to brag about his almost nightly conquests to David.  The taller man just grinned and played along, not wanting to admit his hurt feelings or let them show.  

At first it had just been a fantasy, but when David found his thoughts seriously wandering to how he could use the statue’s supposed power on Chris, he felt ridiculous.  Bizarre dreams and strange behavior aside, he still didn’t believe there was really any magic in the antique carving; he just thought he was horny.  

But now, having watched Chris traipse around the office in his tight slacks and fitted dress shirt while wrestling with the idea, David had finally been worn down.  

“Can’t believe I’m actually doing this,” the athletic blonde laughed awkwardly, his exposed cock twitching.  He’d gone through his usual routine of stripping naked as soon as he walked through the door, feeling more eager than usual after an hour spent watching Chris’s muscled body hang out of his gym gear during their workout.  Hearing the short, sandy haired stud go on about yet another random girl he’d fucked the night before pushed David over the edge.  Ridiculous or not, he had to try.  

His hands shook as he poured a pinch of the dark powder into a mug of hot water as he’d been instructed.  The old man had been careful to point out that there was only so much powder, so he needed to be careful with it.  Based on how it smelled, David wasn’t sure what would be worse; slicing his finger open with the small knife or downing the foul smelling liquid.  

“Ugh…” he cringed, shuddering after knocking back the tea in one gulp.  It was by far the worse of the two.  His stomach turned and he immediately felt dizzy, barely registering the prick on his finger when he slid the razor sharp stone across the tip.  David didn’t know what to expect as he forced out a drop of blood onto the statue, but it certainly wasn’t a loud sizzling sound.  Like in his dreams, a dense cloud of fog seemed to issue forth from the figure’s ceremonial dress, obscuring David’s view as the crackling noise grew until it sounded like he was frying a pound of bacon.  

“Wha...what the fuck…” David laughed, thinking he had to be hallucinating.  When the fog drifted away the naked blonde wasn’t looking at a stone figure, but a perfectly rendered, miniature version of Chris.  The small version of his friend was equally naked as it grinned up at David and ran it’s small hands seductively over his tiny muscles in a display that the larger man had fantasized about countless times.  Before the stunned blonde could issue a command or focus on a desire the twelve inch stud seemed to read his mind, turning in a slow circle before twerking his tiny bubble in David’s direction.  The shocked man couldn’t be sure at first, but as he watched the solid little cheeks bounce, David noticed them begin to grow.  Their shaking and jiggling became more pronounced until the pintsized, sandy haired hunk was clapping a set of mammoth cakes together that were nearly three times the size they had been.  

It was too much for David.  His untouched cock exploded as he stared at the miniature fantasy, covering the twerking man in ropey strands.  As soon as the sticky cum made contact it sizzled like the blood, releasing another cloud of fog that blocked David’s view of the dancing stud.  When it cleared he was back to looking at a statue that showed no signs of his blood or other bodily fluids.  If it weren’t for the small gash in his finger and his softening, dripping cock David would have thought he’d imagined the whole thing.  

As it was he spent the rest of the evening convincing himself it had all been a drug induced hallucination.  He told himself the tea had to have had some kind of psychotropic herbs or other substance in it that made him see what he wanted to.  Not that he was complaining.  He’d jerked off two more times at the memory of the small man’s stout, wide cock slapping up against his firm abs while the perky bubble he so loved to stare at grew and grew.  The details had been perfect.  The light dusting of sandy hair across the other man’s sculpted, modest pecs, his broad shoulders and solid arms, the sturdy thighs; everything had been plucked so perfectly from David’s memory that it was like watching actual footage.  Even though he’d never seen Chris’s exposed package before, he had no doubt that the heavy, hairy balls and short, thick cock were exact representations.  

By the next morning David had written the experience off as nothing more than a pleasant high.  He’d had his usual dreams of the beautiful figure, a fitting nightcap for his evening of fantasizing about his crush, and was ready to move on.  Which is why he didn’t believe his eyes at first when he ran into the other man.  Their paths usually crossed early in the morning, and as always David’s gaze instinctively dropped to his friend’s perky rear, finding it much perkier than normal.  Chris’s fitted slacks were full to bursting, stretched so tight around the inflated cheeks that David could make out the lines of his boxer briefs straining against the fabric.  Seeing them on a foot-tall version had been one thing, but seeing the enlarged cakes in person on a full size Chris was enough to make David question whether or not he was still high.  The extra bulk emphasized the other man’s tight waist and short stature at the same time as it loomed overly large, giving his athletic build a disproportionate look.  

“Uh, hey,” David stammered, forcing his eyes upwards as he resisted the urge to reach out and confirm what he was seeing with his hands.  

The look of embarrassment on Chris’s face told David he wasn’t imagining anything.  The other man blushed and adjusted his glasses, his enlarged cheeks flexing noticeably as he awkwardly shifted his weight.  “Hey,” he said back, forcing a smile in a futile attempt at acting casual.  

Instead of backing off or making small talk the way they had since Chris’s intentions became clear, David pressed the issue.  “Everything okay?  You seem tense.”  

The compact hunk ran a hand through his short, sandy hair and nodded a little too quickly.  “Yeah, everything’s fine.  Just got a lot on my plate this morning.”  

David’s eyes dropped to Chris’s stuffed slacks and back up.  “I bet,” he grinned.  The longer he looked at his friend, the more he noticed that the other man’s awkwardness wasn’t just due to his altered backside.  The normally confident little stud seemed genuinely nervous and bashful, almost visibly squirming under David’s roaming gaze.  As the tall blonde’s eyes moved up and down the other man’s tight frame, he caught Chris’s doing the same to him.  “But hey, I’m glad I ran into you. We still lifting after work?”  

“Sure!” Chris said, looking surprised by both the speed and force of his reply.   

“Great, we’ll meet in the usual spot?  You gotta tell me your secret for squats, dude,” David added at the end, pointing to the prominent globes.  Chris smiled nervously, blushing so hard he almost turned purple.  

“I, uh, guess I got a little carried away,” he stammered, confused.  

It took all of David’s willpower not to smile when he saw the other man’s cock twitch in his slacks.  As tight as his pants were stretched, Chris’s thick bulge was almost as visible as his rear, and the flustered man apparently enjoyed the attention his cheeks were bringing him.  He stammered out an excuse and hurried off, leaving David to sit in his office, head spinning.  It shouldn’t have been possible, yet the stunned blonde had physical proof that there really WAS magic in the statue.  After twenty minutes of painful poking and prodding David finally convinced himself that he was, in fact, awake, and he was relatively confident that he was no longer high on any strange drug since the rest of the world was as dull and ordinary as always.  Somehow, he really had changed the other man.  

As the day went on it became clear those changes went deeper than merely the physical.  Chris kept finding reasons to visit David’s office, seeming nervous and awkward every time.  The handsome executive tried to resume his smooth, flirtatious ways but fumbled and blushed his way through lines he used to drop without effort, seeming more like an inexperienced teenager than a practiced lady’s man.

It was also clear that the growth hadn’t stopped.  David thought it was just his imagination at first, but he’d stared at the shorter man’s tight ass long enough to know the obvious bouncing and jiggling hadn’t always been there.  Every time he saw the other man Chris’s slacks were tighter and tighter until he was sure they’d burst at any moment.  To the amused blonde’s disappointment they survived the day, but by the time they were changing in the locker room there was no question that Chris’s oversized cheeks had inflated further.  Like with his slacks, the plump mounds were squeezed so tightly into his normally loose gym shorts that he might as well have been wearing spandex as they formed a shelf for the back of his shirt to rest on.  The tight yellow fabric had the added benefit of showing off the stout bulge, but as he’d done all day Chris just blushed and acted oblivious.  

He was the only one that didn’t notice.  Every head in the gym turned in the short man’s direction as soon as he walked out of the locker room with his ample cheeks bouncing.  David fed into it, suggesting they work on leg day so that everyone could watch the fit, bottom heavy man squat and lunge his oversized rear around the floor.  Despite being clearly uncomfortable with the exercises that only drew more attention to his thick thighs, Chris was nothing but eager to do whatever David suggested.  And throughout the entire workout Chris kept finding excuses to touch his friend, either assisting with his form or brushing against him as he purposely stood too close.  The taller man pretended not to notice, the same way he’d pretended not to see Chris staring at him when he’d stripped down to his briefs when they’d changed earlier.  

The fun almost came to an end when David nearly got caught in his own trap.  He’d suggested they end their workout with a quick run on the treadmill, and the sight of Chris’s clapping, bouncing mounds made his cock throb, a precarious situation with nothing but his small shorts for cover.  The shorter jock could clearly tell something was wrong as his gait was thrown by the jiggling weights and the way his widened thighs rubbed together, but he ran on as he was told.  

“That was fun,” Chris panted when they were done, resting his hands on the trim hips that now led around to the pillowy cheeks.  His sweat soaked t-shirt clung to his ripped torso, outlining each defined muscle as he stood and smiled up at David with longing eyes.  “You know,” he said, swallowing hard, “we haven’t just hung out in a minute...wanna come over to my place for a movie later?”  

This time David didn’t bother to hide his triumphant smile.  “Yeah, I’d love to.  I’ve gotta make a quick stop at home first, but I can head over in a couple hours.”    

“Great!” Chris beamed, the seductive stud now an eager puppy.  

David couldn’t resist.  “See you in a bit,” he said, reaching down to give Chris’s plump cheeks a slap.  The other man laughed, then looked confused at how much the gravity defying mounds shook from the impact, then laughed again to match David’s broad smile.  

The tall blonde sped home, stripping out of his shirt as he drove.  He didn’t care what the neighbors saw as he kicked out of his shorts with fumbling steps on his way from the car to the door, shucking his briefs before it was even shut all the way.  His thick hose was hard and aching but he ignored its pleading while memories of Chris’s warped body replayed over and over in his mind.  His hand still burned from where it made contact with one of the supple globes and he couldn’t wait to experience them in full.  

“Fuck it,” David hissed under his breath as he opened the small vial and dumped the remaining herbs into a cup of hot water.  Based on how much he’d used the night before there were another three or four doses, but the desperate blonde had already been given a taste of the possibilities and he wanted more.  He didn’t want to drag things out or use the statue on anyone else; he wanted to finish what he started.  

He fought his gag reflex as he slugged the tea back and sliced another finger open, this time not hesitating with either step.  The statue sizzled to life again as soon as the blood made contact, spewing forth a familiar cloud of spice-scented fog.  Knowing what to expect, David had the image of what he wanted focused in his mind by the time the miniature Chris reappeared.  He was pleasantly surprised to note that the small figment appeared with his massive ass intact, and he excitedly concentrated on what came next.  

Instead of twerking, the fun-sized stud gasped, raising a hand to his gaping mouth as his upper body began inflating like his lower half had.  In moments, the sculpted man’s modest pecs had ballooned outwards to an obscene degree, limiting his range of motion with the arms that had thickened to match and obscuring his view of anything south.  His already-broad shoulders widened farther, giving his torso an exaggerated taper as it led down to a twitching cock that was growing longer and thicker by the second.  The mute, miniscule Chris seemed to be making ecstatic moans as the throbbing beast hardened, settling in at a size too thick to wrap his stubby fingers around and far too long to conceal as he stared up at David with hungry longing in his eyes.  

David whimpered at the sight of the curvy, impossible little adonis.  Chris’s fit, athletic frame had been twisted into a caricature of masculinity, with a uselessly huge cock, giant muscle tits, and an ass that shook like an earthquake.  The best part was that he seemed thrilled by it all, smiling from ear to ear as he toyed with an expanded nipple on a colossal pec with one hand and tried to finger himself with the other.  

Like the time before, David blew without warning, his untouched cock unleashing a torrent of sizzling fluid onto the hourglass shaped hunk.  When the fog cleared again David was alarmed to find the statue gone.  The small vial and knife had vanished with it, but he didn’t take the time to try and figure it out.  Something in his gut told him to get to Chris’s as fast as he could, that things wouldn’t be complete until he arrived.  

He frantically sped back across town, his head still spinning from the effects of the strange herbs.  His body tingled, feeling like electricity coursed through his veins or insects crawled beneath his skin.  It was everything he could do just to keep the car on the road and make it to Chris’s in one piece.  

When he arrived, David was relieved to find Chris waiting as he’d left him.  His shorter friend opened the door clad in nothing but a tight t-shirt and a pair of ill-fitting teal briefs that left nothing of his fit body to the imagination.  Chris’s inflated cheeks spilled out the top of the small briefs while the back wedged deep between them, emphasizing the other man’s girthy package in front.  David couldn’t help but notice they were the ones Chris had teased him with before.  

The handsome adjusted his glasses nervously, blushing as he ushered David inside.  “Sorry,” he said bashfully, “I’m having some wardrobe issues.”  

“I can see that,” David laughed.  “Last time I saw you in those I don’t remember them being so tight.”  

“Right?  I mean...uh...not to be weird, but this is bigger, right?”  Chris turned and flexed his ballooning ass in David’s direction, looking back over his shoulder at the taller man.  

“Yeah, and, I mean, you know I love a thick ass...but why do you sound surprised?”  David grinned when Chris’s eyes quickly widened and his cheeks flushed a deeper red.  

“Why don’t you go in and make yourself comfortable and I’ll grab us some drinks,” the sandy haired man said, ignoring David’s question.  He didn’t wait for a response before waddling off into the other room without turning around.  

David lingered for a few moments before sticking his head around the corner to see Chris leaning against his bar, his back turned towards the door.  He watched his friend’s shoulders rise and fall slowly as the blushing man took several slow, deep breaths.  “Something wrong,” he asked.  

Chris started and looked back, still not turning around.  “Oh! Sorry, yeah, I just, um…” he trailed off when David came up from behind and looked down over his shoulder at the solid cock tenting the tiny briefs.  

“That for me?” David asked, stepping so close he pressed against Chris’s back.  

“I don’t even know anymore,” the flustered man sighed.  “I juuuunnnnhhh…” Chris gasped when David suddenly wrapped his arms around him, his hands sliding up under the small t-shirt to caress his abs while the taller man leaned down to nuzzle his neck.  

“That why you kinda ghosted on me?  Scared that you wanted this the whole time?”  

“What?  No!  I’m...I’m not gaaaauuuhh...ah...ah..aahahhh…!”  The trembling little hunk let out a series of short, gasping laughs when David slipped a hand down into his straining briefs and fished the wide, six inch rod free.  “Daaaaaamn,” Chris moaned, leaning his head back against David’s chest while his friend pushed the briefs down.  “That...that feels...mmmm….”

The taller man smiled and pulled Chris’s glasses off, motioning for him to raise his arms so he could pull the shirt free.  The panting, bottom heavy man obliged, breaking out in goosebumps as he rested against David’s athletic body wearing nothing but his tiny briefs pulled down around his meaty new thighs.  

David was so turned on it hurt.  Chris’s wavy, light brown hair was messy from having his shirt pulled up and the excited blonde loved how vulnerable his friend’s handsome face looked without the glasses.  He was like a dog when you took its collar off, all big eyes and goofy grin.  “What was that you were saying,” David asked, nibbling on Chris’s ear while the buff little man squirmed in his grip.  

“I don’t...oh...oh fuck...fuuuuuck…” he moaned, clutching David’s hands against his chest while the other man kissed his neck.  

“You sure seem to want to,” David whispered, grinding his tented shorts against Chris’s wriggling bubble.  His friend didn’t seem to notice that he’d been aggressively shoving it back and working the plump cheeks against David’s crotch since the taller man had wrapped his arms around him.  “Do you want me to?”  

Chris just panted, wide eyed and confused as he wormed around in David’s solid embrace.  He nodded his head a few times but couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.  “OOHHHHHHHHHH!”  Instead he howled at the sensation of David’s probing fingers, going up on his toes when they slipped inside his virgin hole.  The muscled executive grunted and tensed in his friend’s arms as he was fingered, his cock twitching violently.  

“How about now?” David purred.  

“Yuuhh...guuhh...yes….yes!”  Chris begged, nodding like a bobblehead.  

David wasted no time.  He peeled out of his t-shirt and shucked his shorts and briefs in one pull, his aching seven inches vibrating with anticipation.  Wrapping his arms around Chris and clutching his friend’s chest, he plunged inside, writhing their naked frames together.  Chris threw his head back in a wordless, open mouthed shriek, his full, soft lips eventually softening into a drunken grin.  From behind, David could feel his friend relaxing into the sensations, gradually working his clapping globes in time with his thrusting.  

It was everything David had ever wanted, and then some.  In his wildest fantasies he’d never imagined what it would feel like if Chris’s solid little bubble had been replaced by a set of enormous, supple mounds that gave and squished against his firm abs when he slammed into them.  

David also never imagined that he’d be fucking Chris while someone fucked him, but the tall blonde let out his own howl of surprise at the unexpected sensation of a large, solid club plunging into him while he pumped into his friend.  Before he could turn around he looked down and saw a set of huge, dark hands clutching his chest, a familiar, spicy musk filling his nostrils while he did his best to breathe into the pain of having the massive organ inside him.  The figure had never actually fucked him in any of his dreams, but now, wide awake, David writhed on the end of the steely organ, feeling like someone had attached a live wire to the end of a baseball bat and shoved it inside him.  

That electric sensation gradually moved up his spine, and just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, David felt it shoot into Chris.  His friend gasped and tensed in his arms as the changes started.  His hands still clutching Chris’s solid pecs, David felt the modest mounds begin to expand and push outwards against his palm.  Like someone using a bike pump, the muscle surged forward in waves until Chris’s chest was a jutting slab of muscle.  

“Whaaaaa…!  What...what the fuck?!  What’s happening?!”  Chris cried, prodding his juicy new pecs.  He was wide eyed with fear as he realized he couldn’t see beyond the cresting mountains to the rest of the changes that were taking place.  

“It’s okay,” David groaned, taking one of Chris’s hands in his own and sliding it across his new chest.  “You’re just becoming the new you.”  He moved their joined hands lower, wrapping Chris’s around the inflated beast his cock had become.  

“AAAAHHHH!  What the fuck is that?!” he shrieked as his short fingers failed to close around his new club and seemed to travel an impossible distance as he stroked back and forth.  Even his already-heavy balls had grown, spilling out of his hand before he could attempt to grip them.  “What...what’s happening...to...meeeeiiIIIEEEEE!”  

David joined in Chris’s bellow as the phantom figure exploded inside him and the trio came simultaneously.  The spasming blonde’s vision blurred and he saw sweeping vistas of mountainous jungle.  Massive stone temples broke through the canopy, hordes of people crawling around their apex like insects in a hive.  From his aerial vantage point David couldn’t make out the specifics of the terrible rites that caused the sides of the temples to run crimson, but the massive, towering shapes that seemed to move in the clouds above were all too clear.  A deep, bone-shaking laugh echoed up from the temple’s peak, rattling him to his disembodied core and causing his vision to blur once again.  

When it cleared he was back in Chris’s house, staring at his stunned, curvy caricature of a friend.   


“Uhhhnnn...uh-huh….uh-huh...yeuuua….yes...yessssss…” Chris wailed, toying with his huge nipples while his massive cock slapped loudly against his torso as David plunged into him.  He pursed his lips and worked his ecstatic expression for the camera, knowing there were just as many people who enjoyed watching his handsome face twisted by pleasure as they did his colossal globes shake and jiggle.  “Huu...harder….harrrddddder…” he begged.  

“If...you say...so…” the taller man grunted, all too happy to comply.  He picked up the pace, slamming into his friend like a jackhammer and setting all of Chris’s newly acquired muscle to bouncing, a sensation the short stud loved experiencing as much as their many viewers loved witnessing.

Listening to Chris’s wailing squeal of pleasure, David still couldn’t believe how much their lives had changed in just a few short months.  When he’d picked up the statue, never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that it would end with him fucking his friend for a massive, online audience.  They made more now than they ever did at the office, but the formerly modest David would have scoffed at the thought that he’d even get the opportunity to be with Chris, let alone get paid for it.   

Though realistically, they didn’t have many other options.  While Chris may have undergone a drastic change, the rest of the world remained exactly as it had been.  To everyone they knew, Chris still should have been a straight, handsome executive, not a disproportionate, freakishly hung bottom.  Like the short man’s inflated rear, the changes at this scale were even more impressive.  Chris’s formerly proportional frame had become a muscled hourglass, sporting what looked like a pair of soccer balls strapped to his chest and a softening wine bottle dangling between his meaty thighs.  The sum of the changes emphasized his short stature rather than masked it, making his status as a curvy little adonis impossible to ignore.  It was the kind of body that could only be built with surgery, never in a gym.  And while his friend’s handsome face remained untouched, the exaggerated proportions seemed to accentuate his striking features, making his high cheekbones and full lips stand out even more than before. 

The problem was that, in his eagerness, David hadn’t fully considered how they’d explain the dramatic change in Chris’s appearance.  For his part, the altered man was fully aware that he’d changed, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to feel the panic he knew he should.  Every so often David would see a look of wild fear in Chris’s eyes, but it never lasted long before turning into a confused wonder.  Instead of being horrified he was just horny, a slave to the urges of his new form and eager to do whatever it was David told him to.  

It had all been part of the plan.  When David focused on what he wanted it wasn’t a terrified, shell-shocked version of his friend.  He didn’t want to torture Chris or make him suffer if he could avoid it, and he didn’t want to have to look after a dumb, mindless slave, either.  He wanted his friend’s charming personality mostly intact, but genuine.  He wanted all of the flirtatious fantasies Chris had teased him with to be real.  And it worked.  The curvy stud was infatuated with his tall blonde friend, hanging on his every word like a lovesick teenager.  

Unfortunately, David hadn’t given thought to how the strange forces might affect him in this process.  Since the night of Chris’s change, the odd behaviors he’d been exhibiting since bringing the statue home had become set in stone.  He no longer stripped down immediately after coming home from work because he didn’t go to work in the first place.  It was hard to hold down a job when he couldn’t wear much more than his smallest pair of briefs.  Whenever he tried, his body was wracked with a pain like he’d been set on fire.  It took him a few days to piece together, but David eventually realized that, like the statue of the priest, he’d offered himself up as a vessel.  And like the priest, his body was the instrument of worship.  It was an affront to cover it, and he understood why he couldn’t wear much more than a loin cloth like his predecessors.  He could make it to the beach in a speedo for a while, but even then he had to be careful since he never knew when his seven inches would spring to life.  With his chiseled body and impressive package it made him very popular in very specific circles, but it made a normal life nearly impossible.  

His other new behaviors, the near constant arousal and his need to debase himself in front of others, certainly didn’t help either.  They were urges he couldn’t deny, reaching to the very core of his being.  It wasn’t enough to just bury his face between Chris’s giant cheeks or to work his friend’s huge, churning balls until he was showered in the shorter man’s cum.  It needed to be witnessed.  

Chris was embarrassed and hesitant when David suggested they set up a site online, but the sandy haired man was in no position to argue.  He was well aware that six weeks ago he’d been rocketing up the corporate ladder and now he was twerking an oversized ass for horny men on the internet, but it made David happy so he went along with it.  His former arrogance resurfaced after a few weeks, and now Chris loved nothing more than to have David fuck his juicy muscle tits for their rabid fan base that grew by leaps and bounds with each video.  

“hhooOOOHH...ohhhh..fuck...dude...I’m gonna cum, man…” Chris moaned as his huge club of a cock started leaking like a faucet.  Their audience loved the way he still talked like a straight bro, using “dude” and “man” instead of “babe” and “honey.”  

David wasted no time.  He pulled out and flipped Chris over just in time to take a full blast of sticky fluid right to the face.  He gasped, opening his mouth to catch the next blast before angling his friend’s copious release to cover his chest and shoulders.  His vision blurred with each impact, images of crowded temples and jungle canopy floating before his half-closed eyes.  It was almost as if he could feel the individual releases from their masturbating viewers as his own cock finally erupted all over Chris’s enormous bubble pecs.  

Chris stretched and smiled up at David, reaching out to stroke the other man’s toned thigh.  “I fuckin’ love how intense you look when you cum, dude,” he laughed as his friend blinked and shook his head.  “So do they,” he said, nodding back at the camera.

David sighed and wiped the cum dripping down his chin, seductively licking his finger clean as he looked at the camera.  With the altered Chris stretched prone before him in full view of the world, he felt charged and powerful, ready to release all of that energy back into his friend.  But he had to wait.  He needed to let it build and ripen within him before sending it back out in the world to bring new worshipers.  

“Thanks everyone.  New video will go up tomorrow,” he said, waving at the camera before clicking it off.  



The forced exhibitionism was a nice twist. Always fun when the curser gets a bit of rebound.