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As soon as Garrett shifted under the thin sheet and felt his curly new forest rub against the bed, he knew it hadn’t just been a terrible nightmare.  The young jock reluctantly opened his eyes, his stomach dropping at the sight of the furry pecs sticking out above the covers.  He took a deep breath and tossed the sheet aside, blushing at the unexpected appearance of his solid cock.  He normally slept in his boxer briefs, but he’d been so stunned the night before that he’d passed out naked on his bed in an exhausted heap.  His tight frame burned with shame at the thought of what he’d done and how much he’d enjoyed pumping away on that same rigid cock knowing that someone was watching.  

“Oh god…” he moaned, the aching organ throbbing at the memory.  “This can’t be happening...what did I do to deserve this…” Garrett whimpered, a hand drifting through the curly carpet coating his torso.  No matter how much he wished otherwise it felt fantastic, and before he could stop himself he imagined it was the cute barista’s hand tugging on his chest hair, not his own.  

The confused young hunk started pumping at the thought, tempted to follow through on the command from the night before.  Garrett felt a stab of guilt as he considered picking up the phone and telling the handsome brunette all of the things he wanted them to do together, surprising himself with how quickly he embraced the depraved thoughts.  He came at the image of himself on his knees, his face buried between the other man’s perky bubble, launching a sticky explosion into the dense covering on his abs.  

The sight of the glistening fluid trickling through the unwanted hair made his stomach turn as much as the unwanted fantasies.  “No...no!  I can’t give in to temptation like that.  I have to be strong...I’m better than this…” he mumbled, staggering out of bed and down the hall to the shower.  He cranked it on cold and jumped in, bracing himself for the frigid shock.  It helped clear his head, but try as he might he couldn’t scrub away the film of dirty lust that seemed to be covering him just as much as the freshly grown hair.  His dangling hose seemed ready to spring to life at a moment’s notice, his thoughts riding the edge of the abyss he was so desperate to keep them out of.  

Garrett winced as he lathered himself, feeling more like he was shampooing a dog than taking a shower of his own.  He had no idea how he was going to explain his new appearance to everyone, or how people would even react to his suddenly hirsute new look.  He’d just stood in front of a crowded coffee shop the night before with significantly less hair, and that eager, lustful part of himself that he couldn’t quell was well aware of how much attention people were paying to his athletic frame.  Showing up with tufts of chest hair sticking out of his tight t-shirts wouldn’t go unnoticed.  

“Wait...is that...that can’t be…” as he finished his shower, Garrett discovered his list of concerns was growing.  He’d just rinsed the shampoo from his thick blonde hair and as he reached to turn the shower off he noticed his hands were covered in the golden locks that should have been on his scalp.  Reaching up to run his shaking hands through the damp hair only made it worse, with more clumps of the soft strands falling free.  

“No!  Not that too…” Garrett moaned, darting from the shower to inspect his thinning mop.  His knees went weak, his tanned skin going pale at the large, noticeable bald spot on the back of his head.  It started where his cowlick should have been, a glaring patch of bare scalp that only appeared to be growing as more and more of his precious mane fell away at the slightest touch.  

Garrett was mortified.  The handsome young man always told himself he wasn’t vain, that he didn’t really care about his gifted appearance, but staring at his furry body and balding head he knew he’d been lying to himself the whole time.  He didn’t think of himself as vain because he’d always taken his stunning features, and the attention they brought him, for granted.  Now, watching himself turn into someone else altogether, he felt hideous.  

“That’s a bit dramatic,” the Man In The Green Suit sighed in Garrett’s head.  “You’ll still attract plenty of attention….just a different kind,” he said, his voice dripping with amusement.  

“Why?  Why are you doing this to me?!” Garrett cried.  

“I told you what would happen.  You chose not to text that cute boy from the coffee shop like I told you, and this is the result.”  

“You’re a monster,” Garrett growled, his hands clutching the edge of the counter.  

“And you’re a liar.  Isn’t that a sin?”  

“Don’t you dare try and call me a…” 

“What would you say if I told you none of this would happen if you didn’t really want it to?”  The Man In The Green Suit interrupted Garrett’s pending tirade.  “If I told you to do something that you really didn’t want, nothing would happen.  Would you believe that?”  

“No!  You’re a deceiver...a tempter!  You’re just trying to get me to...to stray…” 

“You’re right...I AM trying to get you to stray from the path you’re on,” the voice said, sounding tired.  “Staring down a future of lies and denials, but I’M the bad guy for trying to make you honest.  How self deceptively righteous you are…” 

“What...what are people going to think when they see me,” Garrett stammered, changing the subject.  He didn’t want to admit how close the voice in his head came to making him crack with doubt.  

“You’d be surprised, but then there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?”  The Man In The Green Suit laughed at Garrett’s surge of fear at the thought of being seen.  “I thought you liked being the center of attention?  Don’t worry, you’re going to jump into the deep end...literally.  You still have your speedo from your swimming days?  Grab it and go to the address on your phone.  Change when you get there.”  

“What?  Hello?”  Garrett asked after a moment’s silence.  “Hey!  You can’t just….FUCK!” he finally snarled, blushing at the echoing sound of his expletive.  Like the good boy he told himself he was, the young jock hardly ever swore, a rule that suddenly seemed pointless given his current circumstances.  

He wanted to resist.  A part of him wanted to run for the nearest church and beg for help, but one look at the growing bald spot made him wonder if it was worth the gamble.  What would he even look like by the time he made it to the sanctuary doors?  He didn’t have a choice.  

Garrett grabbed his speedo and threw it in his gym bag, feeling like a man marching to his own execution as he drove across town.  The entire time he tried to tell himself he wasn’t really excited at the thought of what was to come.  He did his best to ignore the way his eager cock stirred whenever he thought about parading his furry muscle around in a speedo, feeling himself slipping faster and faster towards an outcome he desperately wanted to dread.  

That excitement only grew when he walked through the doors of the seedy building in an even seedier part of town.  It was an old rec center, but based on the scantily clad men, and only men, he saw, Garrett quickly realized as people stared that working out wasn’t the intended goal.  He thought back to his days on the swim team when he walked into the open, tiled locker room, any hopes of privacy quickly dashed.  There was a wall of lockers, a wall of shower heads, and little else.  Even the few toilets were out in the open, leaving Garrett with nowhere to hide as he reluctantly stripped down as instructed.  He did it fast, managing to pull the speedo up over his furry bubble just as a pair of naked men walked in from the pool area.  Their eyes immediately landed on the babyfaced cub with the stuffed speedo as he hurried past, blushing.  

Walking out, Garrett immediately felt overdressed.  Small groups of naked men of various shapes and sizes lounged around the primitive concrete pool that was nothing like the immaculate, olympic sized ones he’d trained in, while a pair floated in a large hot tub off to the side.  A few guys splashed around in the pool itself while Garrett watched pairs disappear into the old fashioned changing rooms lining the opposite wall.  Since they had nothing on and nothing in their hands, he assumed they weren’t going to help each other get dressed.   

Not knowing what else to do he dropped his towel on a nearby bench and jumped in, grateful for the obscuring water even as he felt like a wet dog with his copious new hair.  He was aware of every head in the room turning in his direction and tried to tell himself it was just like an old swim meet.  He was used to being in nothing but a speedo in front of large groups of people, and this was no different.  

Except it was different.  No matter how much he wanted to deny it, Garrett loved the thought of the men staring at him.  He felt a vain swell of pride at his impressive looks, hairy and balding or not, the thought causing his cock to twitch against its confines.  After a while he even began to relax, flashing coy, charming smiles at the men he caught ogling him.  

“Drop the speedo and give them a real show.”  The Man In the Green Suit’s voice jarred Garrett out of his reverie.  The hairy young man floundered in the deep end, turning his back so the men wouldn’t see him talking to himself.  

“What?  I can’t!”  

“Of course you can.  Look at them!  You’re the only one in here wearing anything,” the voice in his head laughed.  “Let’s just rip the bandaid off, shall we?”  

Garrett blushed when he felt his cock shoot to attention, filling the tight swimwear beyond capacity.  It was painfully snug, but despite enjoying the thought of men looking at him, being confronted with the reality was another matter entirely  “Look, can’t I just...juhhh!”  The young man gasped when his body erupted in a familiar tingling, more pronounced than before.  It went deeper than the surface, seeming to reach all the way to his bones as it rattled him to his core.  

At first Garrett couldn’t tell what was happening.  Being in the water both obscured his vision and prevented him from immediately feeling the new mass weighing him down.  It wasn’t until he felt his toned thighs start to brush together that the horrified young jock realized he was growing.  He watched, terrified, as the rippling surface of the water further warped his changing body.  Garrett tried to convince himself it was just a trick of the light and water making his pecs seem to expand the way they were.  His washboard abs weren’t really widening out into a beefy muscle gut, and the thick, furry girders hanging off his broadened shoulders weren’t really his arms.  

Garrett’s denial lasted until the speedo gave out, his meaty thighs and ample new rear finally stretching it beyond capacity.  A rush of relief accompanied the fear, washing over him as his strangled, inflated cock and plump balls floated free.  He pawed at his aching new muscle under the water, his altered shelf of a chest rising and falling rapidly on the verge of a breakdown.  

“Why don’t you go soak those aching muscles in the hot tub,” the voice suggested in a friendly tone.

Garrett didn’t fight.  He’d been pushed beyond his limit and simply stumbled up out of the pool in front of everyone, his rigid club bobbing between his furry, tree trunk thighs.  He felt his inflated rear shift heavily with each step and almost laughed out loud when he caught sight of his new reflection.  His youthful, boy-next-door face looked entirely out of place on the thick, balding wall of muscle he’d become.  He wasn’t heavy like a powerlifter, but his lean, tapering build was gone, swapped out for a broad, stocky model.  He practically fell into the pool, dropping beneath the surface like a boulder as he sat in a shell-shocked daze, barely noticing when a man followed him in a few moments later.  

“Oh! Heh...neat trick,” the man laughed, raising an eyebrow as he looked the stunned Garrett slowly up and down.  “With that hair and those big, furry shoulders you looked older from behind, but…” he grinned, the lust obvious on his face as he gawked at the baby-faced, doe-eyed beefcake.  “I’m John,” he said, slipping under the water and sliding over next to Garrett.  

“Ga...Garrett,” the young man stuttered.  He cleared his throat at the deep, bassy rumble where his smooth tenor should have been.  

“You okay, Garrett?” the man asked, not breaking eye contact as he scooted closer.  “You seem nervous.”  

The normally confident young man felt himself blush, his exposed cock throbbing as the brawny stranger came closer.  “I just...uh...I mean it’s been a…” 

John’s smile grew, his eyes glowing with hunger.  “First time, huh?  I thought you looked new...I’d definitely remember those...and that,” he said, nodding to Garrett’s furry new slab of a chest and down at the blushing man’s rigid pole under the water.  “No, it’s okay,” he purred, stopping Garrett from covering himself.  “That’s why we’re all here, right?  Just relax…” 

Garrett’s heart was a hummingbird in his inflated chest as John wrapped a rough palm around his aching cock.  He let out a soft whimper, a pained expression on his boyish face as his brutish new body tensed under the other man’s probing fingers.  

“I don’t know where you’ve been, kid, but you’re a hell of a lucky guy.  Face like that with a body like this,” John sighed, his fingers laced through the damp hair on Garrett’s chest, squeezing the ample muscle underneath.  He leaned in close and brushed his lips against the razor cheekbones that were a sharp contrast to the rest of the young man’s beefy body, tweaking a large, solid nipple.  “Hang around here and you’ll have any dick in the room.”  

Garrett gasped, reflexively reaching out and wrapping an arm around John’s shoulders.  He couldn’t believe what was being said about him, nor how much he wanted it to be true.  The formerly lean young man was still horrified by his warped, enlarged body, but even through his fear he couldn’t deny the rush of power it brought.  His toned arm should have seemed small against the older man’s beefy body, but instead he held his own, every bit the ball of brawny muscle.  Not only did he have the same size, the hair he’d so dreaded earlier now left him feeling masculine and superior next to John’s relatively smooth frame.  He wasn’t mortified at having been confused for an older man; he was proud.  The knowledge that his thick, hairy body had sucked in a stud like John, and the other man’s expression when he saw Garrett’s handsome, boyish face, filled the altered man with the kind of vain, arrogant pride he’d always tried to deny.  

Their mouths pressed together, and before Garrett could stop himself he turned and straddled John’s lap, grinding their solid cocks together between them.  The sensation of the other man’s rugged, solid body writhing against his damp forest of hair was overwhelming.  Garrett clutched at the older man’s broad back while his own furry cheeks were squeezed in a death grip.  

“Come...come on…” John panted when Garrett finally let him up for air.  “Let’s take this outta the tub…” 

Garrett grinned like a giddy teen and lumbered behind.  He didn’t care about the people who saw his naked new muscle or his aching rod as he followed John to one of the curtained booths.  It may have served as a changing room at one point, but now the small space had one purpose as the two men resumed their frenzied pawing.  There was a small voice in Garrett’s head that screamed at him to stop, that begged him to think about what he was doing.  It told him to be horrified, not thrilled, when he looked over John’s broad shoulder, past the curtain that didn’t come close to covering the entire opening, and out at the people watching their lustful display.  When John dropped to his knees, swallowing his thick pole, and Garrett saw the pair of men jerking off, he should have been filled with shame, not lust.  

“Let...let me try…” Garrett begged, pulling John to his feet.  He felt a sickening swell of pride at the thought of the people watching him bob his head back and forth on the older man’s stout, oozing pole, loving the warm, salty taste.  He even loved the sensation of John’s hands on his entirely bald scalp, too caught up in the untethered fantasies that were now flowing free and unrestricted through his mind and body to care.  Licking along the underside of the older man’s wide shaft and heavy balls, Garrett felt foolish for ever having tried to deny what he really wanted.  It was thinking about the skinny, self righteous charmer lying to everyone in the room that turned his stomach, not the musky scent wafting from between John’s thighs.  The grunting young man actually laughed around the leaking pole in his mouth, feeling embarrassed by how much he’d always thought he’d wanted the giggling co-ed’s meaningless attention.  

“Damn...kid…” the older man groaned, “...you sure...this...is...your first...time…?”  

Garrett pulled his mouth away and smiled up at John, a hungry look in his eyes.  “Could be my first time for a lot of things,” he snarled.  

He was tugged to his feet in a flash, letting John manhandle him against the wall.  Garrett’s inflated body trembled with anticipation as he felt the other man’s cock slide through the hair on his lower back and ample cheeks while a rough set of hands groped the muscled gut that replaced his former washboard.  

Garrett was ready to burst with anticipation when one of those hands slid around his widened waist and slipped between the hairy globes of his ass.  “Holy shit…” John laughed as Garrett went up on his toes when he pressed a few fingers into the younger man’s tight hole.  “You weren’t kidding...this is my lucky day,” he purred, nuzzling Garrett’s furry shoulder.  

The burly young man could only gasp and grunt against the alternating waves of pain and pleasure.  John’s stubby fingers had felt like they were splitting him open, but as the older stud rooted around his untouched insides the pain was steadily giving way to bright bursts of toe-curling bliss.  “HHHOOOOOooooooooo….!” Garrett howled, both hands gripping the meaty paw that clutched his plump, hairy chest when John hit a sweet spot.  

“There it is,” he laughed, giving Garrett’s chest a rough slap.  “Someone’s ready.”  

Garrett nodded furiously.  “Uh-huh...please...fuckin’ give it to me…”  The whimpering wall of hairy muscle barely had time to finish begging before his vision exploded in a sea of stars when John plunged inside.  Each tiny point of light twinkling in his blurry vision was a fiery seed of ecstasy that grew into a raging inferno.   “UUUUhhhnnoooaoaaaahhhhooo!”  Garrett’s deep new voice echoed around the pool as it rang out in a smooth, bassy roar.  His thrashing, piston-like arms tore the curtain open, giving everyone an unobstructed view of his eager desecration.  It was like a baptism in reverse, the horny, masturbating strangers bearing witness to his rebirth.  

Whatever remained of the old Garrett shattered as soon as John plunged inside.  The changes to his body aside, never in his wildest nightmares had the formerly modest jock ever imagined that he’d be losing his virginity to another man, especially in front of others.  He’d always thought he’d be the one plunging his thick pole in and out of some pretty redhead, not the one who was getting his muscled tits squeezed while he writhed at the end of a pulsing rod.  

Now he couldn’t imagine wanting anything else.  Rutting like a pair of beasts, his beefy new muscle slamming against the powerful stud behind him, Garrett was repulsed by the thought of being with a dainty young woman in some repressed courtship.  He wanted to be set free, to experience all of the deep desires he’d been holding back for so long.  He wanted to feel solid muscle against his own, to feel strong, rough hands against his furry body.  He wanted the salty taste of cum on his lips and the musky, manly scent filling his nostrils.  He wanted fucked, and he wanted people to watch it happen.  

Garrett nearly passed out when he finally came, bellowing so loud they heard it on the street.  All of the shame and guilt and fear he should have been feeling sprayed out in the shotgun blast of sticky fluid, replaced by a weightless sense of lustful pride that was pumped into him when John blew shortly after.  It was only when they were both done spraying that Garrett realized the voice in his head hadn’t told him to do any of it.  This last bit had all been him and him alone.  

“Only one thing left to do,” The Man In The Green Suit whispered in Garrett’s spinning head.  


The bald, baby-faced bull of a man was surprisingly nervous walking through the coffee shop doors.  In the week since everything happened he’d been scrambling to catch up to a new life that was already in motion.  True to their word, The Man In The Green Suit had dropped Garrett in the deep end, and when he stumbled out of that bath house a week ago it was into a world he didn’t recognize.  Everything seemed smaller now, literally and metaphorically.  All of the things he used to worry about were suddenly pointless, replaced by a craving for new experiences.  Garrett felt like he’d been asleep for years but had finally woken up, and he was desperate to make up for lost time.  

He’d gone back to the bath house daily, and John hadn’t been lying when he said Garrett could get any dick in the room.  With his ample muscle, girthy package and pretty boy face the burly young man was a hit, enjoying the kind of attention he’d always had, but with a few minor differences.  He especially loved it when those minor differences came all over his balding head or sprayed into his thirsty hole, but now he was back where it all began, about to put those differences to the test.  

He eyed the cute barista from across the room like always, only this time he didn’t look away when the handsome young man maintained eye contact.  Garrett was hoping to impress him with a new song, one that was perfect for his now-deep, booming voice.  His widened fingers still fumbled with the guitar, but it was the raunchy lyrics he hoped the other man would focus on.  This was no church song, but a thinly veiled description of all those things he wanted the two of them to do together.  

Garrett almost laughed when he thought about it.  Just a week ago the idea of telling the other man what he wanted had seemed terrifying, and yet here he was about to get up on stage and sing a song about it.  The crowd was different, his church days were well and truly over, but it was still a packed room.  He’d been surprised at people’s reaction when they acted as if they could clearly tell that something was different, but without the shock that his impossible transformation should have brought.  Instead they acted like he’d gotten a bad haircut or simply put on weight, the eager young girls quickly losing interest.  Garrett was fine with it; it just left more room for the guys whose eyes lingered on the hair bursting out from beneath his sleeves as they strained around his impressive new biceps.  

Despite all the things he’d done and the lines he’d crossed since everything started, his heart still raced when his name was called.  His meaty fists shook as he wove his way through the tables towards the small stage, as if he was suddenly realizing that all of this really WAS happening.  The dreamlike haze he’d been in sharpened to high definition as he looked out at the crowd, knowing that once he strummed his guitar this new life really would be his.  He grinned, excited, not frightened, by the thought.  

“Hi everyone,” he rumbled, flashing his charming smile as he locked eyes with the handsome barista.  “I’d like to dedicate this one to the good looking fella behind the counter…” 


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