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"I think we're ready."  

"No more sticking me with needles then?"  Dylan was grateful for the reprieve, though he couldn't argue with the results.  When he saw the flyer at the gym for the experiment he'd been dubious, but after meeting Bryan and the other guys he felt confident they were harmless.  And he needed a place to stay that semester.  Free room and board to work out, which he already did, and test a new steroid?  Sure.  The multiple injections each week weren't that bad, but the almost daily measurements took some getting used to.  They needed to measure all of him, which meant spending a good chunk of time naked in front of the group.  

Still, there was a part of him that enjoyed even that.  At 6'3" and 240lbs, he was a well-hung sculpture of a man.  Whatever was in the experimental steroid, it worked.  Dylan had been in shape when the experiment started, but in just those first two months he'd made gains like he'd never seen, and it wasn't just in his muscle mass.  His package had grown noticeably with the rest of him, his cock getting longer and wider while his balls inflated to match.  His facial features had altered slightly as well, and while he'd always had a strong jaw and a handsome face, now his lips puffed and his cheekbones were high and defined.  He'd gone from "cute" to "model,” looking like he’d had plastic surgery.  

The brawny man never paid much attention to his appearance before, but he’d grown to enjoy the lustful stares and the constant feeling of being checked out wherever he went.  It certainly didn’t hurt that he was getting laid more now than he ever thought possible, his new equipment being put to the test.  The nerdy guys in the house seemed jealous, but they were also interested to hear about his increased virility and staying power.  

"It's worth reminding you that, at this point, we don't know exactly what's going to happen when we add the catalyst to your system."  Bryan prepared a syringe with the new solution while he spoke.  

Dylan shrugged his broad shoulders and grinned down at the skinny man in front of him.  "Too late to back out now.  What’s this supposed to do again?"  

"We hope it will create a fast acting version of what we've been giving you.  Since you've done all the heavy lifting, literally, you've prepped the solution in your system.  This should merge with that, and then we can use the combined formulas to create a more rapid serum.  Imagine going from me," he motioned down at his thin frame before patting one of Dylan's meaty pecs, "to you in a matter of weeks.  If not sooner."  

The big man raised an eyebrow.  "Is that safe?"  

"That's what we're going to find out.  Ready?"  

Dylan nodded, and then the world went black.  


"Gguuuhhh...." Dylan groaned and struggled to open his eyes.  He'd had terrible nightmares that he couldn't remember exactly, but he woke up with the feeling that something had gone horribly wrong.  He tried to sit up, his whole body aching.  

"Take it slow," a deep voice said from across the room.  

"Wha...what happened?"  Dylan was immediately aware that his voice sounded different, whether from sleep or something else he didn't know, but he didn't think about it much as his attention was focused on the nearly naked adonis sitting at the desk in the corner.  Dylan stared at the man, unsure why he seemed so familiar.  "B...Bryan?" It finally registered.  The broad shouldered, sculpted hunk was the once-scrawny nerd.  "How...?  How long have I...?"  Dylan couldn't take his eyes off Bryan as the other man stood and put his pen down.  The newborn stud’s briefs were stuffed to capacity, stretching tight over his muscular thighs and enlarged ass.  Dylan didn't know why his stomach fluttered so much at the sight.  "It...worked?"  

Bryan grinned.  "It sure did."  

He came over and sat on the bed, towering over Dylan.  The other man just looked up at him, stunned.  "How big did you get?  You're huge!"  

"I did get taller...but there were some...unforeseen...effects.  For all of us."  

Dylan's fuzzy brain was starting to put together exactly what was wrong.  His heart started racing and he tried to sit up again, but Bryan held him down with a hand that felt much too large, and too strong, on his chest.  "What...let me..."  In his squirming he managed to get an arm out from under the blanket, the sight making him freeze.  All he could do was stare at the short, thin arm and stubby fingers in shock.  Slowly, Bryan pulled the blanket aside so he could see everything, giving the prone man a sympathetic look.  

Dylan screamed, his body unrecognizable as his own.  His meaty pecs were gone, replaced by a flat chest with just a hint of definition, while below that his ripped abs had deflated into a soft, supple belly.  His thighs were round and seemed just as soft, and the recently enlarged cock had shrunk to a small nub with small, matching orbs underneath.  

Looking up at Bryan it was clear he'd lost a significant amount of height along with the muscle; the problem was that it didn't appear to be proportional.  He kicked his new legs that seemed too short compared to his long torso, and his arms didn't reach where he wanted when he poked and prodded at his yielding new frame.  He felt like he was going to pass out.  In a daze he fought and thrashed against Bryan who finally just pulled him onto his lap and held him in a vice grip until Dylan wore himself out and started to calm down.  It both helped and confused the shrunken man that the sensation of being pressed against the much larger, solid Bryan was as comforting as it was terrifying.  Settling against the broad, solid body, it felt like a wave washed over him.  

"There we go," Bryan said, gently stroking Dylan's back.  "Better?"  

Dylan was having a hard time focusing.  His panic was turning into something else altogether.  He felt like he was drunk.  "Yeah..." he gave a short laugh and shook his head.  "What....what's going on?"  

"Let me start at the beginning.  You've been out of sorts for about a week."  Bryan let that sink in.  Especially in his dazed state, he knew the tiny man would have a hard time belieivng that both of them had been so altered in such a short time.  "We gave you the catalyst and almost immediately you started changing.  I don't know what went wrong," he motioned to the papers on the desk.  "That's what I'm still trying to figure out.  I don't know why you changed the way you did.  The good news is that the changes have stopped.  The bad news is...well...you see the bad news."  

"How much did I...?"  

The brief-clad stud laid it out as calmly as he could.  "You're currently forty inches tall, and about thirty two pounds."  

Dylan’s jaw dropped.  The number seemed impossible.  That was only 3'4", which meant he'd lost nearly half his height along with all his muscle.  

"The reduction wasn't proportional as you can see.  If you're feeling up to it we can go to the mirror."  

Dylan nodded, blushing as Bryan picked him up and set him on the ground.  The disproportionate former hunk only took a few tentative, waddling steps before stumbling.  Bryan reached for him, but Dylan waved him way as he fumbled back upright and continued, eventually settling into a functional walk.  With his too-short legs his balance was almost non-existent. As if that wasn't bad enough, each rough step reminded him of his soft new frame as it jiggled.  

He gasped and paled when he finally made it to the mirror and came face to face with his new look.  It was worse than he thought sitting in the bed as standing upright he could see just how small he really was.  Where he'd once been sculpted, now he was soft and round.  Even the angular features of his face had been swallowed by puffy cheeks.  He'd started as an adonis and ended as a cherub.  He turned away in disgust, face planting into Bryan's stuffed pouch with his first step.  The sensation was electric, intensifying the drunk feeling ten fold.  

"Whoa!  Easy," Bryan caught Dylan as he stumbled and carried him back to the bed.  

Dylan was confusingly aware that this tiny new cock was rock hard.  He'd never had a gay thought in his life, but something about Bryan was driving him crazy.  He should have been terrified and panicking, but instead he was more turned on than he could ever remember.  The sensation of being small and manhandled by the larger man just made it achingly worse.  

Dylan groaned as Bryan set him on the bed.  "Oh god...what..." he panted, staring wide-eyed at the chiseled wall of muscle.  

"That's the other part," Bryan said almost sheepishly.  "Something happened with the pheromones...it happened to us, too, but with the amount of serum coursing through your smaller frame it's going to hit you harder.  There's also something about you that seems to..." he trailed off and looked Dylan's squirming body up and down, letting the diminished man see the large tent in his tight briefs.  "The short version...sorry…” he apologized awkwardly, sticking his foot in his mouth.  “...basically we can't keep our hands off each other, and something about you drives us completely wild."  

Dylan’s eyes went wide.  "Ev...everyone?"  

"I should probably just show you.  Think you can walk?"  Dylan took a few deep breaths and nodded, trying to get himself under control.  He let Bryan help him down off the bed and waddled towards the door, marveling at how, from this new perspective, everything seemed gigantic and alien.  

That sensation only grew when they rounded a corner and Dylan once again found himself face-to-crotch with a bulky bull of a man.  As with Bryan, it took a minute for the grinning, bearded face to sink in.  "Shawn?"  Dylan was stunned.  Shawn had been an overweight, average looking tech guy when he'd last seen him.  Now he looked like a powerlifter.  He was broad and solid, bulging with bulky muscle that forced his piston arms to hang at an angle next to his muscle gut.  Dylan’s stunned eyes traced each and every one of Shawn’s ample new muscles as they made their way to the small blue trunks that, like Bryan’s briefs, were stuffed to capacity with a thick, girthy package.  

"Hey!  Look who's up!"  Before Dylan could react Shawn reached down and scooped him up.  "Goddamn...look at you," Shawn whistled, squeezing Dylan's soft, ample new bottom as he held him.  Dylan just groaned and clutched at the hair on Shawn's bulging chest, his body practically vibrating from the confusing new lust.  "Shit...sorry...you're probably still getting used to all this."  

"Ye...yeah..." Dylan panted.  He gawked at the two giant men in disbelief, his little nub of a cock throbbing and oozing.  "How...?  You’re...jacked!"

Bryan couldn’t hold back a smug grin.  "Everyone seems to respond differently.  Some look more like me, some look more like Shawn.  There's always an increase in overall height and muscle mass, though how it manifests varies."

"We're all studs is what he's trying to say," Shawn laughed reaching over with his free hand to slide it into the back of Bryan's briefs.  

“The other...consistent...is an increased arousal and same-sex attraction.  Along with some behavioral changes,” Bryan sighed, his thick rod twitching and hardening out the top of the small briefs.  "Inhibitions are definitely lowered, and overall mood seems to be elevated..."  

Dylan only vaguely heard what Bryan was saying as the gorgeous man kept talking.  The only thing he could focus on was the warmth of Shawn's hand on his backside and the solidness of the arm he was learning against.  He’d felt drunk already, but now the room was officially spinning.  His heart was pounding and he could feel himself sweating, a familiar pressure building.  

"You still with us big guy?"  Bryan reached over and stroked Dylan's hair, pushing the naked little man past the tipping point.  Dylan heard himself let out a high pitch squeal as the room went hazy, only a small part of his brain still aware enough to be shocked by the situation.  He'd been shrunk down, stripped of his physique, and was cumming while being held in the arms of a formerly pudgy, now ripped, bear of a man.  It should have felt like a nightmare, not a dream come true. The thought melted away as Dylan swooned, the room going dark around him.  

"Looks like it worked."  Shawn said quietly, handing the sleeping Dylan reluctantly back to Bryan.  "Did you tell him?"  

"Of course not," Bryan laughed.  "It wouldn't have done any good.  When he wakes back up he probably won't have enough working brain cells left to understand anyway."  

A guilty look flashed across Shawn's face.  "I feel kinda bad..."

"Don't," Bryan said firmly.  "We were upfront that we didn't know what was going to happen."  

"But we DID know this would happen."  

"We thought it MIGHT happen," Bryan shot back.  He motioned down to the thick, solid cock still poking out from the top of his briefs. "Look at us; clearly we didn't know everything that was going to happen."  

Bryan flexed a beefy arm, a satisfied smile spreading across his bearded face.  "Still worth it."  

"Of course it was.  Don't feel too bad for him...this is why we chose the person we did. No family or real friends to speak of.  The only thing he lost is a crappy part time job.  It's not like we're kicking him out.  He's going to wake up happy with a house full of gorgeous men at his disposal.  If he was that smart to begin with he wouldn't have agreed to this in the first place."  

Shawn was hesitant.  "Still...."

"Forget about it.  Right now we need to focus on phase two and start making money off this."  Bryan gave Shawn a peck on the cheek and carried Dylan back to his room, gently setting him on the bed and tucking him in.  He'd already learned that if the other man's naked body was exposed he wouldn't be able to concentrate.  It was hard enough just being near him.  

As far as he could tell, this aspect had something to do with Dylan being the source material.  They were now genetically predisposed to be attracted to the curvy little man, regardless of what he looked like or how big he was.  It was also why they drove each other wild.  The serum surging through their powerful new bodies was a beacon, signaling each other and the men around them.  Bryan wasn’t sure where that last part had come from or why, but he was starting to suspect that maybe Dylan hadn’t been as honest with them or himself about his sexuality  He’d said he was straight, and they’d certainly seen the hung beast of a man hook up with enough women, but it was the simplest explanation.  

“Fuck,” Bryan sighed, rubbing his perfect face as he sat at his desk.  These unforeseen aspects were going to make the serum much, much harder to market, but he hoped that further research would be able to sort out the kinks.  Fortunately, unlike with Dylan, their intelligence wasn't affected at all.  He knew it shouldn’t have been, he'd purposely built that part into the serum Dylan was given, but it was an experiment after all.  Even though it was his idea, Bryan still felt a stab of guilt thinking about what was going on in the sleeping man’s head, but there wasn’t any other choice.  Otherwise the shrunken hunk would have been hysterical.  

“Damnit...not again…” Bryan grumbled.  He’d gotten up from the desk without realizing it and had been standing next to the bed for several minutes now, just watching Dylan sleep.  He couldn't help himself.  Any time he thought about the softened jock he inevitably found himself drawn near.  

He pulled back the sheet and stared down at the small, altered body.  Even he had a hard time believing that just a few days ago Dylan looked like him; tall, ripped and hung.  And now, in a house full of guys that had become equally gorgeous, the one they couldn't get enough of was the stubby, pudgy little man.  The irony that Dylan was the object of attention before the change, and still was after the change despite his new look, wasn't lost on him.  Still, it didn't stop him from pulling out his large new rod and stroking while staring down at Dylan's sleeping form, spraying a sticky explosion onto the slumbering cherub of a man.  He could study his notes later.    


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