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It wasn’t where Trent ever thought he’d wind up.  At twenty six, he should have been well on his way to the top of his military career by this point, not standing naked behind a wall of glass while people debated whether or not to purchase him and take him home like a pet.  Some of the other guys in the cages around him had volunteered their futures, but the choice hadn’t been his to make.  It was in the fine print of his enlistment papers.  Sometimes you simply got kicked out of the service, other times you wound up for “adoption.”  
It wasn’t a punishment, he was told, just that his strengths would be better suited aiding the civilian population.  After so many complaints from his unit and his reputation as being a terror of a Sergeant, Trent knew that was a polite way of saying the higher ups were sick of him but didn’t have anything on him to take action.  Under other circumstances he would have viewed such a response with pride.  Unfortunately, instead of recognizing his talents the superior officers had seen him as a threat.  He was too smart to blindly follow orders and simply do what he was told.  Trent knew he was right and that’s all there was to it.  He didn’t compromise.  It’s how he rose to the top of his class both physically and academically, and it’s what made the strapping man such an imposing sight looming naked behind the glass.  It’s also what got him put up for “adoption.”  Instead of kicking people like him out and letting them potentially become a threat, they were sent to the Kennel where they’d be bonded to a master.  He’d still be just as smart and just as aggressive, only now there’d be a controlling hand keeping him at least somewhat in check.  
It was a tough sell.  He was handsome, an adonis of a man, but he also looked like he could break you in half.  Trent’s buzzed scalp, tanned skin, stern features and hulking, muscled frame made even the impressively athletic jock sharing his room look small.  
“Oh man, I thought today was the day for sure.  Oh well, always tomorrow, right?”  
Trent looked over at the boisterous young man as the workers on the other side of the glass closed up shop for the night.  The athletic blonde couldn’t have been more than nineteen or twenty and was a Jock in every sense of the word.  He was covered in bulging, sculpted muscle, with broad shoulders and prominent pecs above his tight waist, a smattering of wiry blonde hairs coating the solid flesh.  He had strong, chiseled arms and sturdy legs, with a round, perky ass behind and a girthy, heavy package swaying in front of him.  The young man’s boyish face was always smiling, a reflection of his perpetual excitement and goldfish brain.  Whoever he used to be, the young stud didn’t remember his name or much of his previous life, just that he was there to be adopted.  
Unlike the older man, the young blonde had made the choice to opt for a future of physical sensation and being owned.  Trent didn’t understand.  Looking at his athletic friend, the other man was the exact kind of kid he’d whip into shape.  A few weeks with him and the young bundle of muscle would be putting that energy and enthusiasm to good use.  Instead he’d opted to have his brain fried and his hormones amped up, his fit, youthful body dictating his every action.  The horny jock didn’t seem embarrassed in the slightest to be humping a giant pillow in full view of a crowded room, or presenting his perky bubble for Trent to hammer into.  
The bigger man could only resist so much.  His brain hadn’t been melted like the blonde jock’s had, but he’d been given his own chemical cocktail.  It caused his already sizeable muscles to inflate further, leaving him with a shelf of a chest and pistons for arms.  His stomach was a shredded tank tread, his thighs granite tree trunks.  Unlike the other man’s perky rear, he had a set of mammoth, muscled globes and a thick, nine inch hose swaying proudly in front of a pair of fat, heavy balls.  His already booming voice had been made even deeper, coming out as a low, bassy rumble when he spoke.  Trent still had his shrewd intellect, only now it was at war with the hormones and impulses surging through him.  He was constantly primed, like he’d just finished a good workout, and his girthy monster was ready to spring to life at a moment’s notice.  
It was a constant distraction.  He’d been straight before getting thrown into the adoption program and he still thought of himself as that way, despite knowing that it could all change depending on his new owners.  As it was, with his ramped up libido and the pheromones pumping out of the horny jock, he couldn’t always stop himself when his blonde friend wagged his cheeks against him.  It was an instinct.  Before he even knew what he was doing he’d be hammering into him with reckless abandon.  There wasn’t any technique or attempt at skill behind it; just a desperate need to get off.  The young man had tried to mount him once, but Trent pinned him painfully to the ground.  He might not be a sergeant anymore, and they might be naked in the same room, but an Alpha was still above a Jock.  There would only be one person mounting him like that, and until that person showed up to claim him Trent’s ample rear was off limits.  
“I hope so,” Trent rumbled.  “It’s getting boring in here.”  
“What?  No, it’s great in here!” The blonde jock scampered over and sprawled out onto the large beanbag cushion that served as their bed, stretching and stroking absently at his solid pecs.  It wasn’t long before the thick cock flopped over his thigh twitched to life and he was excitedly humping one of the ports.  
Trent had lost count of how many times the young man had done it throughout the day, feeling a slight stab of envy at his lack of inhibition.  It was a sight to behold.  The young blonde’s muscles flexed as he held himself upright, his perky bubble shaking wildly as he slammed his hips into the bag over and over with a dazed, ecstatic look on his face.  
Watching his young friend go at it brought all of Trent’s new impulses surging to the surface.  He could hold back when there was a crowd, but now that it was just the workers and the other guys up for adoption he let his resistance drop.  Without saying a word he draped himself over the muscled blonde, wrapping his thick arms around the other man’s torso as he lined himself up.  At 6’2” he was taller and broader than the other man’s athletic, 5’10” frame and could have had his way with him whether the other man wanted him to or not, but it wasn’t as if the young jock was going to resist.  He moaned excitedly as Trent clutched his solid pecs, shoving his bubble back against the other man’s rigid beast.  
“OOOaaaaoooOOOHHH!” the blonde howled when Trent plunged inside, his own impressive hose still pumping in and out of the port in the cushion.  The bigger man was as silent and stoic as always, at most letting out a quiet grunt as each of their muscled bodies shook from his rapid thrusting.  There was still a part of him that was always embarrassed by how quick he came, but that was only after the fact, when his head had cleared.  In the moment all that mattered was slamming into the slapping cheeks in front of him.  Trent could see workers out of the corner of his eye, but instead of being mortified at the thought of people watching, he felt a primal thrill at others witnessing his domination of the young jock.  
“NNNnggg…” Trent gave a quiet grunt as he came, exploding into the writhing stud.  The sturdy blonde arched his back and tensed, wiggling his cheeks to work every last drop out of Trent even as he exploded into the cushion.  
“Yyyeeeessss…” he groaned, a beaming smile on his face.  “Oh man!  That’s so fun!  How can you be bored?  Wait!  Do you smell that?  I think it’s dinner time!”   
Trent just sighed and shook his head as his hyper young friend got up and darted out the back of their room, hoping tomorrow would be the day.  
“An Alpha? I dunno...aren’t they supposed to be a bit...rough?”  Vince looked up at the ripped, naked hunk on the other side of the glass.  The man was standing with his arms behind him like a granite statue, presenting himself for inspection.  At a thin, wiry 5’8” the chiseled figure was more than a little imposing as he towered over Vince.  “He looks kind of mean…” 
The salesman waved a dismissive hand.  “Trent?  No, he’s a big teddy bear.  He looks tough, but that’s what Alpha’s are supposed to do.  They can be a little uptight, but they come pre-disciplined, not like the Jocks,” he said, motioning to the blonde busily humping a pillow in the background.  “And once you get ‘em to loosen up you won’t find a smarter or more loyal companion anywhere.  They’re great for protection, and if you want them to they can even help get you in shape.  They make great trainers and coaches and are pretty low maintenance once you establish a routine.”  
Vince ran a hand through his short, dark hair, his eyes lingering on the thick, dangling hose as he looked Trent up and down.  He’d come looking for a Jock, but watching the blonde mindlessly hump his bed had changed his mind.  The young man was cute, but he seemed like more work than Vince was looking for.  At twenty four Vince had hoped for someone younger, and while he’d never thought about an Alpha as an option, the towering wall of primal masculinity in front of him was hard to refuse.  
The smaller man adjusted his glasses and folded his lean arms over his stomach awkwardly.  “Uh, what do you say, big guy?  Want to come home with me?”  
The sculpted giant tilted his chin slightly, his arms still folded behind him.  He didn’t exactly want to go home with a skinny runt of a man, but anything was better than being kept in a cage.  “If you’ll have me,” he barked, his booming voice shaking the glass in a test of dominance.  
Vince’s olive skin broke out in goosebumps, his cock throbbing at the sound.  “De...deal,” he stammered bashfully.  
“Great!  You two’ll be perfect together,” the salesman smiled.  
By the time they’d left, Vince still had his doubts.  The bonding process had been an overwhelming blur, and Trent didn’t seem excited in the least to be going home with him.  The brawny giant’s dour expression had barely changed at all during his transfer.  Even when he’d been given the shot to bond him to Vince, and his massive cock sprung to life and sprayed like a hose, the ripped bull of a man had simply grunted.  Trent’s stone mask of a face remained just as flat on the walk through the crowded mall at the end of a leash, wearing nothing but an olive green jockstrap that barely contained his meaty package.  It was the biggest one they had, but the burly man’s ample rear and heavy, girthy equipment nearly proved too much.  
After twenty minutes of awkward silence in the car, Vince couldn’t take anymore.  “So, uh, what made you volunteer for the Kennel?”  
“I didn’t,” Trent said, his voice as emotionless as his features.  
“Wait, what?”  Vince flushed, then went pale at the thought that he’d just bought someone against their will.  “But I thought everyone in there…” 
“Army loophole,” Trent shrugged.  “It’s in the fine print.  They can kick you out, put you in jail, or put you in there.”  
The big man’s lack of context wasn’t putting Vince at ease.  Not only had he potentially bought someone against their will, he’d bought a potential criminal.  “Oh.  Um, so you…” 
“Asked too many questions and pushed my recruits too hard.  Turns out I’m better at giving orders than taking them.  Strongest, fastest and smartest, but here I am.”  
Seeing Trent smile for the first time after that sentence was far from comforting for Vince.  The smaller man started to reach a hand towards Trent’s meaty thigh but stopped himself.  “Hey man, l wasn’t trying to get someone that didn’t wanna be in there.  If you want to go back I can…’
“They already bonded us, so it’s too late for that,” Trent shrugged, his striated bowling ball shoulders sagging.  “Besides, I didn’t have a choice.  If I put up a fight they would have just melted my brain like that humping blonde and stuck me to one of my men.  Didn’t exactly want to wind up a base dog in front of the people I used to order around.”  
“That’s...that’s heavy.”  
“If that’s not what you wanted I’ll understand if…” 
“No, no,” Vince said quickly, shaking his head.  “It’s not too much, I just don’t want you to feel like a prisoner.”  
Trent took a deep breath, his slab of a chest expanding as he rolled his head on his shoulders.  “Doesn’t matter what I feel like.  This,” he said, motioning to his nearly naked frame, “is where I’m at so this is what I’m working with.”  He cocked his head as he looked at Vince, a sly, genuine grin curling the corner of his mouth for the first time.  “Could be worse.”  
Vince blushed, his stomach fluttering.  He could already see how Trent rose through the ranks.  Even in nothing but a collar and a jockstrap the chiseled man radiated confidence and authority to an overwhelming degree.  He pictured Trent barking out orders to his unit, calm and cool in the face of danger.  
“You’re cute when you blush.”  Trent gave a short, rumbling laugh when Vince turned an even deeper shade.  “How old are you, kid?”  
“Twe...twenty four,” the lean man stammered, having to remind himself that he was the one in control, not Trent.  “You?”  
“Twenty six.  We’ve still got time to whip you into shape,” Trent laughed, reaching over to wrap a rough paw around Vince’s wiry arm.  “You’ve got good tone...wouldn’t take much to bulk up.”  
“Eh, not really my thing,” Vince said, shivering at Trent’s touch.  The big man felt it and flashed a smug grin.  
“You can touch me,” he said, nearly causing his new friend to swerve off the road.  “I’m yours now.  Here…” Trent took Vince’s hand and held it against the top of his thigh, close enough that the tips of the smaller man’s fingers brushed against his straining pouch.  “You can pet me.  Or,” he dropped his voice to a husky whisper, “I can pet you.”  
Vince’s heart was beating out of his chest.  Trent’s charming confidence was disarming in a way he hadn’t expected, and he quickly felt like he was losing hold of the situation.  Then he remembered what the salesman had said about Alpha’s and establishing control.  “Ooookay, enough of that for now,” he said, pulling his hand away and taking a deep breath.  “Not while we’re driving.  We can figure that out when we get home.”  
Trent grunted and looked away sullenly, his thick hose half-hard in the too-small jock.  It took all of Vince’s willpower not to reach out and grab it the way Trent offered, but he kept his hands glued to the steering wheel until they reached his apartment.  
“This place is a mess,” Trent said as he walked inside and looked at the piles of junk mail on the table and the accumulated dishes next to the sink.  The small one bedroom was far from filthy, just cluttered and in need of a good cleaning, but to a rigid perfectionist like Trent it looked like a pigsty.  
“Welcome home I guess…” Vince muttered under his breath.  
“What was that?” Trent barked, folding his massive arms over his heaping pecs as he fell back into his old role.  
The smaller man knew it was now or never.  They’d told him at the Kennel that the first hours with an Alpha were the most important.  If he didn’t establish who was the boss right off the bat, he never would.  He’d seen Trent’s attempt at seduction for what it was in the car, and now he was seeing the big man try and use his superior size to intimidate him.  “Hey!” he shouted, his voice shaking.  It went against every fiber of his being.  Vince wasn’t aggressive.  He didn’t get into fights, he didn’t even like raising his voice.  Which was exactly why he needed an Alpha like Trent around.  “You don’t give me attitude,” he said, drawing his trembling frame up as much as he could as he locked eyes with the taller stud.  “This is my house.  I’m in charge, not you.  Got it?”  He waited a moment before raising his voice a level.  “I said: Got it?”  
He saw the struggle behind Trent’s dark eyes.  The muscled giant’s jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists as he glared down at Vince, who prayed that the salesman had been right and that he wasn’t about to be murdered.  He’d been told that the Alpha’s liked a stern hand and needed to be commanded, but the stormy expression on Trent’s face made him wonder.  Until he saw the stuffed jock twitch.  “You know what?  You want to act like you’re still on base somewhere?  Fine.  Drop and give me thirty.”  He waited again as Trent continued to glare down at him, unmoving.  After a defiant moment he took a half step forward, barking, “now!”  
Vince hid his relief as best he could when Trent reluctantly uncrossed his arms and dropped to the floor.  The heady, unfamiliar rush of power coupled with the strapping man’s bare backside flexing as he repped out the push ups drove him wild, but he kept his composure.  “And when you’re done with that you can clean this place up since it’s such a mess,” he spat.  The smaller man was surprising himself with how quickly he was falling into an authoritarian role, and how much he was already enjoying it.  
When Trent stood, barely winded, a few moments later, it was clear Vince wasn’t the only one enjoying himself.  The glaring hunk had a confused look on his face at the way his rigid cock throbbed free of the jock, standing straight out between them.  His old instincts were clearly at war with his new ones, and it was a losing battle.  
“Take that thing off,” Vince ordered, nodding at the jock.  “You don’t wear anything around here unless I put it on you, understood?”  Trent nodded as he bent and slowly pulled the jock free, a slight flush rising to his tanned face when he righted himself, fully nude save for the collar.  His slab of a chest was heaving, the glare in his eyes replaced by a lustful hunger.  “Did I stutter?  Get to work,” Vince said, turning and walking away.  
He waited until Trent busied himself with cleaning to wander down the hall and collapse onto the edge of his bed, a bundle of frayed, horny nerves.  He’d been on the edge of marching them to the car and driving to the mall to take Trent back until he’d seen that last look on the naked man’s face.  Vince tried to tell himself that this had to be even more overwhelming for his new friend.  If Trent had been telling the truth, the rugged man was used to barking out orders and being in charge, and now he was naked and hard cleaning a strangers apartment.  Vince knew he couldn’t expect things to go perfectly smooth.  And that last look of excitement, not anger, gave him hope for where things were headed.  
He steadied himself and went back out to check on the big man, catching him just as he was about to wrap a fist around his still-rigid club.  “Ah-ah!  No, absolutely not,” he hissed, surprising even himself.  “You have to earn that.”  
Trent glared again before his expression softened and he let go to resume his cleaning.  
“Good,” Vince said flatly, his heart racing at the slight smile the word brought out in Trent.  He watched the other man finish cleaning, having to remind himself that he wasn’t just imagining the naked muscle god with the massive cock tidying up his apartment.  It was everything he could do not to rip his own clothes off and throw himself at the thick wall of muscle.  He kept his eyes glued to Trent’s shifting, mountainous cheeks until the big man finished and stood motionless before him.  
“Done,” Trent barked, folding his arms behind his back and sticking his massive chest out.  
Vince made a show of going around to inspect the other man’s work.  He was impressed.  Trent’s perfectionist tendencies left his apartment spotless, with not a single object out of place or dirty dish remaining.  “Good work,” he said, making a slow circle around Trent.  The cheeks he’d been staring at for so long were thrust in his direction when the big man jerked his hips, an unintentional whimper escaping his lips.  “You haven’t earned that just yet,” Vince said, stroking one of the muscled globes.  “But you WERE good and deserve a treat…” 
Trent’s whimpers grew when Vince reached around and began tugging on his oozing pole.  The big man kept his piston arms folded behind him, his cock thrust forward as his master’s smaller hand struggled to reach all the way around it while the other kneaded his churning balls.  The moaning whimpers escaping his pouty lips were uncharacteristic for the brawny hunk, growing to a crescendo before he jerked and came, spraying wildly all over the floor he’d just finished cleaning.  
Vince nearly came in his pants when the big man blew, then hastily dropped to his knees to clean up the mess he’d just made.  He hadn’t even been ordered; he’d just done it.  Trent stayed on his knees, gazing up with a look of adoration on his otherwise stern, flushed face.  
“Thanks,” he said.  Trent wasn’t trying to be seductively charming or aggressively dominant, but Vince was still nearly bowled over by his overwhelming presence.  
The younger man knew it was going to be a struggle.  At least for the near future, Trent would constantly be testing his boundaries until Vince’s dominance was established.  It’s what Alphas did.  But the lean man had just been given a glimpse of what else an Alpha could do, and he couldn’t wait to experience more.  
He gazed down into Trent’s adoring eyes and grinned, stroking the kneeling man’s buzzed head.  “Good boy.”  



Oooh. More of this please!

Hugh Michelsen

Some point in the future? Don’t be a tease lol. That’s one of the hottest things I’ve read in a long time. Nice work!


Thanks! More military types in the future for sure. (Also this is the second time I’ve attempted to respond, so apologies if things show up a bunch.)