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“A photo booth?  Really?  What, are we on a date?”  Jason laughed and shoved his friend’s arm away as it crept towards his shoulder.  “Bad enough I’m stuck spending Friday night with a meathead instead of gettin’ laid.”  

“Would you say yes if I sucked your dick afterwards?”  The blonde jock leaned in close to his friend, bumping the other man towards the booth.  “Dude, come on, how often do you see these things anymore?  And what else are we doing?”  Vince motioned to the empty boardwalk stretching off into the darkness.  The games and rides had all shut down for the evening, letting the rhythmic crashing of the waves in the distance fill the silence.  “Place was dead tonight.  Not even any tail worth chasing.”  

“Fine,” Jason sighed, not wanting to hear about it for the rest of the night.  The dark haired young man knew how persistent his friend could be.  “But you’re paying.”  

Vince beamed with triumph, pushing the curtain open and ushering them inside.  “I was just kidding about the blow job.”  

“Too late, you said it,” Jason shrugged as his friend fed a series of quarters into the machine.  He shuffled aside to make room for the two of them in front of the lens, but with their broad, athletic builds it was a tight fit.  “Hey!” he yelped when Vince reached down and gave his firm bubble a squeeze just as the flash went off.  The shutter clicked in rapid fire succession, catching Jason’s expression as it went from surprised, to annoyed, to reluctantly amused.  “You’re such a creep,” he laughed.   

“Can’t wait to see that look!”  Vince flashed his charming smile and scampered out of the booth, folding his chiseled arms over his prominent chest and tapping a foot impatiently.  The athletic young man shifted his weight from leg to leg, his sturdy quads flexing beneath his fitted jeans as the machine hummed and whirred while it processed the photo.  

“How’s this look?” Jason gave his friend the finger with one hand and grabbed his crotch with the other.  Having been friends since their high school football days he should have known Vince would try and pull something.  The brawny blonde was always finding new ways to push his buttons, only to charm his way out of it afterwards.  “You gonna post it above your bed so you can stare at it every night?”  

“Nah, I just sneak into your room when I wanna do that,” Vince winked.  “This is going in...the…” he trailed off with a short, shocked laugh when a damp photo dropped into the slot.  

“Isn’t it supposed to be a bunch of pictures?”  Jason leaned over his friend’s shoulder to get a better look.  “What the fuck?  Is that us?  Does this thing have a filter or something?”  If he looked hard enough, he could see their features lurking on the two strangers.  The one with dark hair standing in his spot had the same lean, muscled build, while the blonde hunk standing next to him was every bit as meaty as Vince, but that’s where the similarities ended.  

Instead of wearing a plain red t-shirt and jeans, the Jason in the photo was wearing a tight Super Mario Bros. shirt so small it looked like it came from the kids’ section and a pair of khakis that left nothing to the imagination.  The thin material of the straining shirt showed off every inch of his modest pecs and defined torso underneath, while the front of his khakis bulged noticeably at the fly.  As shocking as the altered clothing was, his appearance from the neck up was even worse.  His goofy smile showed off the obvious braces on his teeth and a pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.  Above, the short, dark hair on his head had lengthened just enough to leave a messy cowlick sticking up from the back of his scalp.  The contrast of the ripped, athletic body in the nerdy trappings was jarring.  

The Vince in the photo had been equally altered, but in the opposite direction.  Instead of a plain black t-shirt and jeans, the blonde jock had a white shirt with “Daddy” written across his bulging pecs and a pair of baggy track pants hanging off his meaty legs.  And as with Jason, it looked like the changes went beyond their clothes.  Instead of a short fade, the strapping blonde’s hair was shaggy, with several days worth of stubble coating cheeks that should have been smooth.  The white shirt bore noticeable sweat stains in the armpits of the straining sleeves and in the valley between his friend’s impressive pecs, giving the impression that the bigger man had either just left the gym or hadn’t showered in a while.  

And then there was the pose.  The Vince in the photo was still grabbing Jason’s ass, but there didn’t appear to be anything playful about it.  The unkempt stud was looking over at his dark haired friend with pure lust in his eyes, leaning in for what looked like a kiss.  The way his large bicep flexed showed the force with which he clutched the other man’s tiny bubble, but there wasn’t a hint of annoyance on Jason’s face in the photo, only giddy excitement.  

“It must be built in photoshop or something,” Vince shrugged, not sounding convinced.  The details were too vivid to be a simple filter that was overlaid after the fact.  

“Maybe we got someone else’s picture?  These things went out of style for a reason,” Jason laughed, trying to shake the image from his head.  He punched his friend in the shoulder and turned away from the booth, wanting to put as much distance between it and them as possible.  “Well, congratulations sweety,” he cooed, “you got a picture of our date.”  

“Fuck off,” Vince sighed, shoving the picture in his back pocket.  He’d wanted to throw it away, but something changed his mind at the last minute.  “Let’s just go home before this night gets any weirder.” 

“You still owe me that blowjob.”  

Vince sighed, his head dropping back on his broad shoulders as he looked up at the stars overhead.  “I regret every decision I’ve ever made.”  

“Aw, come on,” Jason said, plucking the picture from the other man’s pocket.  “He looks like he wants to.”  

Vince snatched it back.  “He looks like he wants to..” he trailed off, blushing.  

Jason turned just as red when he finished Vince’s sentence in his head.  “Uh, yeah, nevermind,” he said with a shiver.  “Let’s just call it a night.”  

The two made their way back to their spacious apartment in silence, the mood dampened by the strange photo.  Whenever they tried to change the subject or even make pointless small talk, the conversation inevitably took a suggestive turn.  By itself that wasn’t out of character for the two straight jocks, but the joking tone was missing.   When Jason made a crack about a blow job it sounded like he really DID want Vince to follow through, and when the meaty blonde made a comment about Jason getting fucked, it sounded like he was offering.  

They’d parted ways as soon as they were inside, each of them darting off to their respective rooms to try and cleanse their mental palettes before falling into fitful, restless sleep.  Both men tossed and turned, sharing a similar dream about the two strangers in the photo.  Jason could feel the heat of Vince’s burly bulk next to him, could smell the musky body odor and feel the strong hand clutching his rear.  In the next room over, Vince’s cock surged to life as he felt his friend’s solid little bubble against his palm, the sight of the shiny braces and thick glasses driving him wild.  They weren’t a pair of smug ladies men anymore.  They were a twisted parody of the Jock and the Nerd, only instead of fighting each other, their energies were clearly directed elsewhere.  

“Ugghh...that was the worst night of sleep ever,” Jason finally groaned when the strange dream had fled.  The lean man forced his eyes open, lifting his face from his pillow and rolling over onto his back to stretch some life into his sleeping limbs.  “Never should’a taken that damn...photo…” He paused when he scratched at his washboard abs, feeling the thin cotton of a t-shirt instead of his normally bare torso.  His first thought was that he’d simply fallen asleep without removing the shirt from the night before, but that theory was shattered as soon as he looked down.  “SHIT!  WHAT THE FUCK?!  What the fuck!”  he shrieked, his blood running cold when he tossed his sheets aside and saw an unfamiliar pair of briefs where his boxers should have been.  The tight, blue Superman briefs matched the small, clinging Superman shirt perfectly.  The “S” shield was stretched tight across his lean pecs while the bottom stopped above his navel, showing off the lower third of his chiseled stomach before his smooth skin disappeared into the unfamiliar bottoms, the tiny briefs leaving nothing of his thick hose and heavy balls to the imagination.  “FUCK!  VINCE!”  

There was a loud thud, followed by plodding footsteps as a dazed, groggy Vince burst through the door.  “Wha...wha’s goin’ on..?” the muscled blonde stammered, blinking and shaking his head to force the sleep from his eyes.  He stared at Jason for a few silent moments before he realized what was out of place.  “Dude?  What the fuck are you wearing?”  

Jason wanted to reply, but he was too focused on the other man’s naked body.  Like himself, Vince always slept in a pair of boxer briefs, but now his friend stood naked and hard in the doorway, seemingly unaware of the rigid club hanging on display.  It wasn’t anything Jason hadn’t seen before, but in that moment his friend’s bare flesh was hitting him like a physical force.  “I...uh...you…” he muttered, his stomach fluttering and his face turning red.  

“Huh?  OH!  Uh, whoops,” Vince laughed when he looked down and finally noticed his lack of clothing.  He grinned bashfully and scratched at the patch of fur on the base of his stomach, not trying to cover himself.  “Guess I took my shorts off…” 

Jason shook his head and hopped off the bed, spreading his toned arms and turning in a circle.  “Where the fuck did this come from?  I don’t own anything like this!”  He blushed even harder at the way his long hose snaked off to the side, practically as visible as his naked friend’s, while a rush of air danced across the exposed backs of his barely covered cheeks.  

“Not a bad look,” Vince said, his eyes going wide.  He hadn’t meant to say it, but one look at Jason’s shifting globes brought the words out on their own.  

“Would you quit staring at my aaaaAAAAHHH!”  Jason shrieked again, recoiling from his dresser drawer as if it was full of vipers.  Vince hurried over, his solid club wagging like a tail as he bounded across the room.  

“What?  What’s in...oh!”  he gasped, just as stunned by the foreign clothes.  His friend’s dresser was full of nothing but comic book and video game related clothes.  Shirts, underwear, shorts; everything bore some kind of character.  He knew Jason had always enjoyed those things more than himself, but his friend had never taken it that far.  “O...okay...we can figure this out.  We just need to….what?”  Vince’s heart started racing when he turned and saw the stunned look Jason was giving him.  

“You...your hair.  It’s...longer,” Jason said, reaching out with a shaking hand to slide his fingers through the noticeably thicker hair on the bigger man’s head.  

“What?  FUCK!”  Vince reached up and did the same, his hand mingling with his friend’s.  The two stood in stunned silence, inches apart from each other.  The tension was palpable, each of them shivering with a strange anticipation.  Vince’s slab of a chest was heaving, his exposed cock throbbing as he stared at his friend.  He was leaning in for a kiss before he even realized it.  

“The picture!” Jason yelled, pulling away just before their lips met.  “Oh shit...it’s the picture!”  

Vince let out a growl of frustration and followed his friend into the main room, his eyes still glued to Jason’s bouncing rear.  He didn’t notice when he wrapped a hand around his aching rod and started stroking until the other man pointed it out.  “What?” he shrugged.  Instead of the embarrassment he’d expected to feel he just kept pumping.  “I’m fuckin’ horny this morning.”  

“I…” Jason licked his lips as he watched his friend tug on the long, thick rod, his own cock twitching in response.  “Look,” he said, finally prying his eyes away  “We’re turning into these guys!”  

“What?  How is that even possible,” Vince asked, taking the photo with one hand and jerking with the other.  

Jason was trembling from a mixture of dread and growing excitement.  “I don’t know man, but look at me!  Look at you!  Look at what you’re doing!” he cried.  Vince gave the horny brute in the photo a quick glance, but his attention was more focused on the ripped geek next to him.  He started pumping faster, remembering how the other man’s tight bottom had felt against his hand in the dream.  “Aw, come on dude, don’t jerk off to a pic of me like that,” Jason whined, plucking the picture from his friend’s hand.  

“Alright, I’ll settle for the real thing,” Vince said, a smug grin on his face.  “Lose the briefs, nerd.”  

“Wha...what?”  Jason froze, torn between wanting to punch Vince in his face and throw himself into his friend’s arms.  

“You heard me.  Drop ‘em.  Now.” he barked.  

“I...uh…o...okay...” without fully understanding why, Jason found his thumbs hooking in the tiny briefs and pulling them down, his hardening rod springing free.  He stepped out of the bright pile and stood awkwardly under his friend’s hungry gaze, his own impressive cock pointing directly at the burly man.  

“Much better,” Vince sighed, pumping away.  “Now get over here,” he ordered, patting his chest like he was calling a dog.  Jason shuffled forward, yelping when Vince lunged and pressed his armpit against his face.  His friend’s hand was latched onto the back of his head, holding it in place before he could pull away.  

Jason groaned, the musky odor filling his nostrils as the hairs tickled his lips.  It was like mainlining pure masculinity, the sensation making him feel small and weak despite having a muscled build of his own that most guys would kill for.  

“That’s right...lick it, dweeb,” Vince laughed.  “How’s it taste?”  

Jason was too busy lapping at his friend’s sweaty underarm to respond.  It wasn’t until he felt one of Vince’s fingers press against his hole that he even realized the other man had let go of his head and he was eagerly licking of his own volition.  “Taste...tastes good…” he stuttered.  

“Damn right it does,” Vince said proudly.  Instead of the irritation he normally felt, the sight of the blonde’s arrogant grin made Jason swoon.  “Only the best for my little nerd.”  

The addled, dark haired jock melted at the words.  Whatever the big man said, Jason knew he’d gladly do.  Despite being every bit the successful ladies man his friend was, Jason felt fumbling and awkward in Vince’s grip, letting the bulky blonde take charge.  That’s what he was good at.  Vince told him what to do and kept him safe, and in return he took care of he hulking stud. He really WAS Vince’s nerd.   

Jason swayed on his feet as Vince’s now-stubble covered cheeks scratched at his neck while his friend worked his tongue down to his shoulders.  His friend’s hands had slid up under his shirt, roughly tweaking his nipples while Jason’s hands were glued to Vince’s plump, solid globes.  Their equally aching rods batted together as they writhed in each other’s grip, Vince guiding them over to the couch.  

The increasingly nerdy athlete’s legs were in the air as soon as his back hit the cushions, finding their way to Vince’s shoulders on instinct as the bigger man lined himself up with the same familiar casualness.  

“OOHHHHH!”  Jason’s whimpering voice cracked from the loud moan, his fingers digging into the cushions while Vince had a death grip on his toned thighs.  His friend was insatiable, jamming his thick log in and out like he was trying to hit a home run.  Jason’s lean muscles were bouncing just as much as the couch from the rapid, forceful thrusts, a steady stream of wordless moans issuing from his mouth like the liquid oozing out of the cock slapping against his abs.  

He knew he should be horrified by their actions, but all he felt when he looked up at Vince was awe.  His friend’s ample muscles glistened from a growing layer of sweat and a musky cloud was wafting over the both of them.  Jason had never felt anything like it. 

“You fuckin’ love that, don’t you,” Vince grunted, biting the inside of Jason’s thigh.  He beamed an arrogant smirk down at his moaning friend when he saw the look of hysteric ecstasy on the other man’s face.  “Got...what you...need...right...here…” 

“OOOAAAUUUNNNgggggg!” Jason howled when his untouched cock exploded like a geyser, soaking his shirt and face from the potent release.  It was strong enough to make his head spin, blurring his vision as Vince gave a final thrust and unloaded inside him.  

“FFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK YEAH!” the blonde roared, nearly lifting Jason off the couch as he tensed and sprayed.  

The dark haired man’s stomach fluttered with pride at the sound of his friend’s satisfied bellowing, but he was more concerned with the vision that refused to clear.  He blinked and rubbed his eyes, but everything stayed blurry. 

“Uh, dude...I think something’s wrong,” Jason said, his voice shaking as Vince pulled out and let his legs drop.  “My eyes are all messed up…” 

“Here,” Vince said, purposely reaching across Jason to rub his sweaty body against his friend.  “You just need these.”  

Jason had the glasses on his face without thinking, the kind of muscle memory formed from years of repetitive motion.  “Fuck!” he yelped when the thickly framed lenses cleared his vision.  “I don’t wear glasses, man!  It’s still happening!”  He bolted from the couch, stripping out of his soiled shirt and running into the bathroom to wash the cum from his face.  

He blushed when he saw his reflection for the first time, the glasses sitting like a weight across his nose while his stubborn new cowlick stuck up from the back of his head.  “Dude!  Get dressed,” he yelled when he looked back out and saw a still naked, sweaty Vince watching him from the couch.  Now that he could see, and they weren’t actively fucking, his friend’s changes were more noticeable.  The blonde stubble on Vince’s high cheeks looked to be at least several days old, and the shaggy hair was turning into a messy mop.  He could practically smell the disheveled jock from across the room, the kind of musky body odor he hadn’t smelled since they’d lived on the all-male floor of their dorm.  “We have to go find that photo booth!”  

“Geez, calm down spaz,” Vince laughed, reluctantly pulling himself up from the couch.  Unlike Jason the bigger man didn’t try to clean himself up, he just lumbered into his bedroom and came out a few moments later in a dirty looking t-shirt and a pair of track pants.  From the way his friend’s thick hose bounced against the material, it was obvious the brawny blonde hadn’t bothered to put any underwear on.  

Jason’s stomach dropped at the “Daddy” written across Vince’s bulging pecs, and the quickly forming sweat stains.  “Oh god,” he stammered when he looked down and saw a familiar Mario Bros. t-shirt and khaki pants.  He wanted to strip them off, but there wasn’t time.  They had to get to the booth.  It was the only hope they had of undoing whatever was happening.  

“Dude, you don’t have to run,” Vince laughed condescendingly as Jason pulled him out of their building and down the boardwalk.  Far from being reluctant or embarrassed, the big man seemed to have no problem holding his hand in public, adopting an attitude that almost dared someone to say something homophobic to them.  

There was still room in Jason’s terrified brain to appreciate Vince’s loyalty.  He knew whatever was happening was hitting his friend’s brain harder than his own.  It was the only explanation for the athletic blonde’s casual attitude.  He really was turning into the horny jock brute from the photo, just like Jason was turning into a submissive sidekick.  

“I see it!  We’re almost thereeaaahhh!”  Jason doubled over in pain, feeling like he’d been punched in the mouth out of nowhere.  “Oh no...no no no…” the wincing man cried, running his tongue over the metal braces now covering his teeth.  

“What?  Are you okay?  Catch your cheek on your braces again?”  Vince leaned over and gave his friend a quick peck on the side of his face.  

It was the final push that caused Jason to start slipping.  As he raced for the booth, he was starting to forget why they were rushing towards it in the first place.  His heart was racing and he felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack, but he couldn’t remember why.  Vince’s hand made him feel safe and secure wrapped around his own, and he blushed from where his friend had just kissed him.  His whole body still tingled pleasantly from their romp on the couch, the scent of his friend still burned into his nostrils.  

By the time they got to the booth, Jason didn’t know why they’d left in the first place.  He wanted to get back home so he could play video games while Vince worked up a sweat at the gym, a sweat that he could then lick clean.  

“Okay, here we are,” Vince shrugged.  “What’s the big deal?”  

“I...I don’t know…?”  Jason blushed, looking bashfully down at the boardwalk.  

“Oh my god, dude,” Vince laughed, tousling the lean man’s hair and giving him a kiss on the forehead.  “You are such a weirdo.”  

“Sorry...it just...seemed important…” he trailed off and shook his head, giving his brawny friend a goofy smile.  “But since we’re here, wanna get a photo?”  



Great story! Well paced and with a nice satisfying transformation sequence, climax, and then comic denouement back at the photo booth. My only question is: what happens if they take another photo? 📸❓


Thanks! I envisioned the photo booth being a one time deal once it took your picture. But there may or may not be another story about a different pair of guys that will be hitting the page in the near future.


I think Aardvark is really interesting. Often times his characters end up married or in happy relationships and they are always successful men. Like Alexander said there is little to no sex. I kinda wonder what’s going through his head.


It's always interesting in this genre to see what attracts everyone to it and what they're looking for. It can be tricky to try and please a wide audience without losing those that are in it for specifics, but it's certainly fun to try.