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Hi Everyone,

Quick update - added all chapters of Make It A Double as well as the full text to the Dropbox and also updated the category sheet. I’m trying to keep the list updated every time something hits the page, but I added a date to the top of the sheet so you can see when it was last updated. If it’s something you’ve downloaded now you’ll know if you’re looking at the most current version.

ALSO! Super Nerd Alert - there’s actually an affordable Manly Wade Wellman collection out right now. Wellman was a huge contributor to Weird Tales back in the day and is a stellar (not to mention prolific) writer with a style all his own. A five volume set came out a while back then immediately went out of print, and now individual volumes sell for a couple hundred bucks. So to have a collection out for $20 is a steal. Plus, it’s a reprint of a collection that came out in the ‘70s where the stories were selected by Wellman himself, making these the best of the best. If you’re at all interested in the Weird fiction genre or Lovecraftian horror it’s well worth your time.

Thanks for reading and the support!



Thanks for the Manly Wade Wellman recommendation! I see that the new edition is also an illustrated one! I bought a copy right away and can't wait for it to arrive to me in Italy!


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/f0AWyu0qUhVOpVfYHfJj_rFfgux7qfq6arSZg7sxbia62K5drE1rW_vmxiMAvBBF.png?token-time=1720656000&token-hash=utMyF9kuNcGT8ka77-HYAH_6rSv3wO-zn3hfAqCSllI%3D"><br>


I just got my copy of Manly Wade Wellman and the only drawback is that at least in Europe it’s a print-on-demand book. Otherwise a great purchase!


The one I got here in the states is a pretty flimsy volume. So much good stuff in it, though! Even the super pulpy ones are at least a good time.