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“Why are we doing this again?”  Scott had a bad feeling about the entire plan, and the sprawling estate unfolding before them as their Uber pulled up wasn’t making him feel any better.  

“So we don’t go to jail,” Ben said.  

“I mean, WE wouldn’t necessarily go to jail,” Adam added, shooting a dirty look in Chad’s direction.  

“Hey, fuck you guys,” the lean blonde spat, waving off their ride.  “You were all in the car...you’re not hanging me out to dry on this one.”  

“Yeah, but YOU were supposed to have been the DD...it’s not our fault you decided to drink too much,” Scott said, rolling his eyes.  “We’re just lucky you didn’t hurt anyone, or us.”  

Ben folded his meaty arms across his chest, nodding.  “And that this guy was cool with us working off the damage instead of calling the cops right then and there.”  

Chad spun on the bigger man, slapping him in the shoulder.  “Hey assholes, I don’t see any of you ever getting stuck with DD duty on a Friday night.  I sit in class all week just like the rest of you...I wanna have some fun, too.”  

“I still don’t like it,” Scott said, eyeing the keypad next to the tall gate closing off the driveway.  “This guy doesn’t need a bunch of college kids to do work for him.  He can clearly afford to pay.  You saw the car he was driving... the repairs are nothing to a guy who can afford to live here.”  

Adam shrugged.  “Don’t get paranoid, dude.  He was an older guy...probably just trying to teach us responsibility or something.”  

“Or something is right,” Scott sighed.  “Four good looking young guys coming out to his house to do ‘work’?  I bet he’s a creep.”  

The dark haired man looked over his friends, rubbing his goateed chin.  It wasn’t just arrogance behind his statement.  Chad, who’d gotten them into this mess, was lean and chiseled, with a mop of shaggy blonde hair and a boy-next-door face, while Ben, the lumbering wall of muscle next to him, was a stocky giant, a furry teddy bear whose gentle features made up for his imposing build.  Adam was the shortest of the bunch, but the budding bodybuilder made up for it with his sculpted, adonis-like physique.  That left Scott, with his toned, athletic frame and razor cheekbones.  Standing as they were in their tank-tops and gym shorts made for an impressive picture.  Each of them may have been differently built, but there wasn’t an ugly guy in the group.  

“Let’s just get this over with,” Chad barked, hitting the call button on the keypad.  There was a long pause and a chirp of static before a smooth, friendly voice sounded from the speaker.  

“Right on time!  Come on up to the house and I’ll meet you out front.”  The gates swung open and the four made their way up the winding driveway, all silently impressed by the broad, perfectly maintained lawn and massive house that loomed larger and larger as they approached.  

Scott’s suspicions grew when they finally reached the house and saw the smiling, shirtless man waiting for them.  It had been hard to tell in the dark the night before, but in the light of day the man didn’t seem as old as he remembered, looking middle aged at most.  He was also in fantastic shape, with a lean, ripped body, washboard abs, and a full head of wavy brown hair.  He had on a small pair of swim trunks and a tight, shell necklace and nothing else, leaving most of his tanned skin on display.  

“Sorry for the casual appearance,” the man said, anticipating Scott’s concerns with a friendly smile.  “I was just about to get in the pool.  I’m Edward.”  

The four introduced themselves, ushering Chad to the front.  “Look, I’m really sorry about what happened,” the young blonde said, looking as remorseful as he could.  “If I could take it back…” 

Edward cut him off with a wave.  “Look, guys, it wasn’t so long ago that I was in your shoes.  I remember what it’s like” he smiled, his eyes sweeping over the group.  “I also know potential when I see it, and I’d hate to derail a successful future over something so minor.  But you all need SOME sort of lesson, and I really could use some help around here.  You guys help me out and we’ll call it square.  Sound good?”  His smile broadened as they nodded.  “Great!  Follow me.”  He led the group over to a garage bigger than most houses they’d seen, laughing at the stunned looks on the young men’s faces.  “Impressive, right?  They could use a good wash and wax.  Start with this and come find me by the pool when you’re done.”  

The four young jocks stood in stunned silence staring at the pair of cars as Edward walked away, knowing they each cost a small fortune.  

“So, uh, I guess we get to it, then?”  Chad pointed over at the pile of buckets, sponges, and cleaner off to the side.  

“I’m afraid to even touch these things,” Adam whistled, admiring his reflection in one of the windows, his grin suddenly dropping.  “What if that’s the plan?  We do this and then he says we fucked up his cars and he comes at us twice as hard?”  

Ben sighed and lumbered over to the hose, filling a bucket.  “You sound like Scott, dude.  What would be the point?”  

“I don’t know man, rich people are crazy!  He’ll probably hunt us for sport or some shit,” the short, buff young man continued.  

“Why don’t you yell that a little louder,” Chad hissed.  “He’s a solid dude doing us a favor.  Quit being a dick and let’s get to work.”  

“Fine,” Adam grumbled, shooting a commiserating look in Scott’s direction.  His goateed friend just shrugged and walked over to grab a bucket.  

“You and Scott can take the sporty one on the left,” Ben laughed, tousling Adam’s short hair and nodding over at the SUV.  “It’ll be easier for you to reach.”  

“Keep it up, dick,” Aam laughed, bumping into Ben and causing his bucket to slosh water on the front of his bigger friend’s shorts.  The burly bear’s long, thick snake was immediately outlined as the now-damp material clung to his meaty legs.  

“Ohhhhh, you are gonna regret that,” Ben growled, heading over to his chosen vehicle.  

“Can you two please focus,” Chad said from the other side, already scrubbing away.  “The sooner we get this done the sooner we can leave.”  

Adam made a face at Ben and got to work, taking one side of the small, sleek car while Scott took the other.  The work was easy, but in the humid summer air, it wasn’t long before the sculpted stud was sweating, his baggy muscle shirt plastering to his glistening pecs.  “Don’t think he’ll mind, right,” Adam asked, peeling his shirt free and sticking it into the back of his shorts.  

“With a view like that?  How could he,” Scott laughed.  “Probably what he’s hoping for...dudes with muscle who like to show ‘em off.”  

Adam grinned and flexed instinctively, nodding over his shoulder at Ben.  “What about bigfoot?”  

Scott couldn’t help it.  The routine of work had taken the edge off his nerves and suddenly the idea of messing with his burly friend outweighed his previous concerns.  He gave Adam a wink and lifted the hose, spraying the big man in the back with frigid water.  

“FFFuuuuuuuck…!  Dude!”  Ben whirled, getting a blast of water on the front of his shirt to match his sopping back.  He raised his hands in a futile attempt to block the water, sputtering as he was soaked through.  “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” he barked, laughing despite his anger.  

“You didn’t shower this morning,” Adam said, immediately regretting his decision when the big man shot towards him with alarming speed.  Before he could spin out of the way Ben had him pinned against him with one iron arm, the other shoving a soapy sponge down the back of his shorts.  

“Hey!  Come on, now,” Adam yelped, slipping free and stumbling away with his padded shorts.  He didn’t get a chance to pull the sponge free as Chad slipped behind and tugged his shorts down in one quick motion, leaving his damp red briefs exposed.  The startled young man tried to leap away but only succeeded in landing flat on his back when his feet caught in the shorts around his ankles.  “A little help here,” he cried up to Scott.  

Seeing his opportunity, Scott turned the hose on Chad, getting in one solid blast before the lean, nimble man was on him.  They wrestled for control, soaking each other through and laughing hysterically in the process.  On the other side of the car Adam had kicked his shorts free and lunged on Ben, stripping the other man’s shorts and underwear free, letting the brawny hunk’s massive package swing in the open air.  

Watching his soaked, nearly naked friends wrestle, it occurred to Scott that something was very wrong.  The whole scenario was becoming ridiculous, like the set up for a porn.  They were splashing and stripping each other, giggling like school girls the entire time.  Even his own shorts had found their way to his ankles, and he’d done the same to Chad, who was busy pulling his shirt off and flexing in the process.  

“Guy...guys…” he stammered, dropping the hose.  “What are doing?  Look at us!”  

The other three came to a slow stop, blushing when they finally seemed to notice their nearly naked states.  Of the four, Adam stood in nothing but his small red briefs, Ben was entirely naked from the waist down, Chad was left in just his small orange boxer briefs, and Scott was only in his boxers with his shirt pulled half off.  

“Shit!” Ben yelped, reaching down to cover himself as he frantically looked around for his missing clothes.  “What the fuck got into us?”  

“That would be me,” a disappointed Edward said from the doorway.  “I’d hoped that would go on a bit longer, but you’re more resourceful than I gave you credit for.”   The older man was still in his board shorts and necklace, watching the group with an icy smile.  

“I told you he was a creep,” Scott said, adjusting his damp boxers to hide his outlined package as best he could.  “Fuck this…I’m outta here…”  

The athletic young man reached up to adjust his shirt, his eyes going wide when he found himself pulling it off instead.  His boxers went next, unceremoniously tossed aside to join his discarded shirt. 

“No, I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere,” Edward said, his tone cheerful.  

“Scott, dude, what’re you doing, man,” Chad asked, gawking at his naked friend.  

“I don’t know!  I didn’t mean to do that,” the naked jock cried, turning crimson.  

“Why don’t all of you join him?”  As he spoke, the group watched one of the shells on Edward’s necklace light up.  As it did, they found their limbs betraying them, removing what remained of their soaked clothing until they all stood naked and confused in front of the smiling older man.  “There we are!” Edward clapped, looking over the four naked young athletes with an impressed nod.  

“Look man, I don’t know what you’re doing, but just let us go and we’ll…” Chad was cut off when Edward slowly shook his head, his voice drying up in his throat.  

“I told you...there needs to be a lesson.”  

“Like what?  You get us naked and call the cops to embarrass us?”  Ben looked over at his crimson friends, trying to control his racing pulse.  “Cool.  Mission accomplished.”  

“Nothing so simple as that, I’m afraid.  The lesson here is weighing your options.”  Edward crossed his toned arms and gave the group a stern look.  “You took a gamble, and you lost.  Instead of taking your chances with the police, you walked into the lion’s den.  Which is fortunate for me, since that’s how all this works.  None of this would have been possible if you’d just never showed up or had gone to the police yourselves.  But since you came here of your own free will, well…” His hungry grin chilled the young men to their cores.  

“Hey, fuck you, man!  You think you can take all of us if we…” 

“What are you talking about?  What’s possible?”  Chad said quickly, cutting off Ben’s impotent threat.  “Look...I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m the one who hit your car.  Let my friends go and just do whatever you’re going to do to me.”  

“Ah, now here’s an interesting lesson,” Edward said, tapping his chin.  He looked over at Ben, another shell glowing.  “So much strength and power…” As he spoke, the burly man gasped, his arms flying out to the side in a double bicep pose.  His ample body shook with the strain of his flexing, his thick cock twitching in the process.  “Look at that.  Strapping manhood, and what good is it right now?  You’d do well to listen to your thin friend.  Brute strength won’t help you here.”  Edward nodded over at Chad, a shell lighting up with the motion.  “A reward for learning your lesson.”  

Without warning, Ben’s solid nine inches began twitching and spasming before slowly starting to recede towards his body.  His friends stared in shocked horror as nine inches became seven, then a short five, finally settling at just under four.  The hairy, heavy balls underneath had shrunk to match, drawing up tight against the tiny member and leaving the brawny jock with a package that looked ridiculously small on his large, muscled frame.  

“Wha...what...what’d you just do…” Ben stammered, staring in stunned disbelief at his stolen girth.  

“I think young Chad can put that to good use, yes?”  Another shell on Edward’s necklace began to glow just as the lean blonde let out a loud gasp.  Where Ben’s thick hose receded, Chad’s appeared to plump and stretch towards the ground, adding the five and a half inches his bigger friend had just lost.  

“Fuck!  What the fuck?!”  The startled blonde watched his formerly average cock inflate to a thick, dangling monster between his toned thighs.  It looked comically large compared to the rest of his wiry body.  He reached down and palmed the hairy baseballs hanging behind, blushing as they spilled out of his hand.  Scott and Adam paled as they watched, not sure if they should laugh or cry at the sight of their altered friends.   

“Give it back,” Ben demanded, pointing at Chad’s swaying club.  

“How?!” Chad cried, hefting the wide organ with a hand that couldn’t close around it.  “I didn’t want it in the first place!”  

“I don’t care how!  You can’t fuckin’ keep it!”  He reached down and covered his diminished equipment with one hand, hating how easily he could obscure himself from view, and glared at Edward.  “Give it to me!”  

Edward grinned.  “You want him to give it to you?  I think we can make that happen.”  

Another shell lit up and the burly man’s eyes went wide, a low moan escaping his lips as his shrunken member rocketed to attention.  He started squirming in place, shifting his weight from one meaty leg to the other.  “Oh...oh fuck...what’s happening to me…” he gasped, his rough paws clutching desperately at his furry thighs and bulky chest.  

“You said you wanted Chad to give it to you.  But why stop there?”  Edward motioned to the others who were busy watching their brawny friend whimper and grope himself.  Chad’s inflated beast was already twitching in Ben’s direction, and the other two young men weren’t far behind.  

“Guys...why’re you...lookin’ at me like that,” Ben panted, wincing at the heavy weight missing between his writhing legs.  The shrunken equipment poked pitifully forward beneath the curve of his solid, muscled gut, barely registering at all against the painful throbbing at the base of his spine.  “Christ…” he hissed, one hand reaching up to clutch at his buzzed scalp while the other stroked through the patch of hair on his chest, his piston arms flexing in the process.  “...this fuckin’ hurts…” 

“Want some help,” Chad finally asked, grinning from ear to ear.  

The smile made Ben furious.  He was already humiliated and terrified, he didn’t need his friends making fun of him on top of it.  He opened his mouth to scream at the thinner man, but instead only managed a desperate, “please!”  

Chad strolled forward, his inflated hose wagging impressively with each step.  “You’re going to have to help get me ready first,” he said, his eyes dropping to the semi-hard beast.  “Most of this used to be yours, so you know what it likes, right?”  

Ben’s desperate need held any hesitation at bay.  The stocky man dropped to his knees, his lips finding their way to the impossible cock with lightning speed.  The fat, shiny head was too wide to fit in his mouth, so he ran his tongue along the underside instead, stroking the ever-increasing length of the thick shaft and kneading the oversized balls in time with his frantic licking.  

He was well aware that they shouldn’t be doing any of this.  Even in his anger he knew Chad wasn’t any more in control of his actions than he was, but that didn’t change the fact that he was on his knees giving an eager tongue bath to another man’s cock, a cock that was artificially inflated with his stolen size.  

His stubbled cheeks burned with embarrassment when Chad slid the girthy, spit-slick monster against his face until it was achingly hard.  As crushed as he was at this part, Ben knew what came next would be even worse.  

“Okay big guy, you got it ready,” Chad laughed, batting himself like a club against Ben’s face.  “Show me where you want it.”  

Ben grunted and spun around, gritting his teeth as he presented his large, furry cheeks to his friend.  

“I don’t know if this is gonna fit, dude,” Chad said, dropping to his knees and working himself against Ben’s back.  He lined himself up and wedged the oozing fist of a head against his friend’s virgin hole, giving Scott and Adam a confused look.  His friends were each as hard as he was, their attention focused solely on him and Ben and not their tormentor.  

“Don’t worry,” Edward nodded.  “You’ll find your friend quite...malleable.”  

The lean blonde looked at his friends and shrugged, slowly forcing himself inside the panting Ben.  The beefy man’s eyes went wide, his stubby fingers clutching at the ground so hard he nearly left grooves.  His back arched and there was a moment of tense silence before he let loose an echoing howl.   

“OOOHHHAAAAAHHHHuuunnnnnnnn….uuunnn….uuuuhhhnnnn…..!”  He bellowed, shaking his broad shoulders and writhing on Chad’s invading organ.  As his thinner friend pushed in deeper he started bucking his hips, slamming his shaking cheeks against his friend’s flat stomach and swallowing more and more of the blissful rod.  

“Holy...holy shit…” Chad gasped, clutching Ben’s wide hips.  He hadn’t expected his friend’s ecstatic reaction.  The stocky man was grunting and moaning like a man possessed.  “This is like...riding...a bull….” 

“Beauty and the beast,” Adam laughed in a daze, slapping Scott’s arm.  The other man gave a faltering smile, his brain still fighting against the haze that was keeping them from panic.  

“Now THERE’S an idea” Edward clapped.  Another shell lit up at the sound, and both men on the ground let out quick yelps of surprise.  Their frantic pace never slowed, but their shocked expressions made it clear they could feel something happening.  

Scott and Adam had a better view, their artificially smug expressions fading when they saw the new changes their friends were going through.  Little by little, Ben and Chad’s faces started to change.  Ben’s brow suddenly widened and sloped forward, his hairline pulling back.  His prominent nose flattened and his jaw widened, giving his cute, teddy bear face a brutish, neanderthal appearance.  

Behind him, Chad was experiencing the opposite.  His features sharpened, a set of high, prominent cheekbones forming on either side of his increasingly symmetrical face.  Thin lips plumped below an elongated, distinguished nose, and his eyes went from a dark brown to a bright, sparkling blue.  Unlike his friend, his blonde locks seemed to thicken, settling into a stylish, perfectly parted mane.  

“Holy shit…” Scott stammered, his eyes darting back and forth between a rough looking Ben and a model-caliber Chad.  

“Like, oh my god!  What even happened,” Chad cried, reaching up to feel his altered features.  He seemed oblivious to his odd speech as he giggled like before.  “Oh wow!  I’m, like…” 

“Pretty,” Ben grunted, his eyes wide with fear as he ran a hand over his rugged face.  Even as terrified as he was, he kept bucking his hips into Chad’s lap, the fear only bringing him slightly out of his animalistic frenzy.  “Am I as ugly as I think?”  

Chad cooed and gave Ben’s ass a swat.  “Honey this is all that matters.”  

“Why’re you...talking like...that…” he whimpered, captivated by Chad’s striking new features.  

“Blonde and pretty...it felt appropriate,” Edward answered.  “You two are quite a pair.”  

Ben groaned, knowing full well that was an understatement.  He could only imagine how his rough, new bulldog face looked twisted by pleasure while his throbbing micro dick oozed pitifully on his thick, beefy frame, while Chad blissfully pumped away as a horse hung, pretty boy bimbo.  

“Now we can’t let your friends have all the fun,” Edward said, turning his attention to Scott and Adam.  He cocked his head to the side and examined Scott’s chiseled, athletic frame.  “What was that you were saying about muscle, earlier?  Since you seem so fond of your friend’s, why don’t you borrow some?”  

The two naked young men barely had time to register the glowing shell, let alone beg for mercy.  Adam’s mouth fell open in a wordless hiss as the sculpted adonis felt a horrible sucking sensation.  It was like putting his hand over the end of a vacuum, only it covered his entire body.  Each of his ample muscles tensed and ached as though he’d just worked out for hours as he gritted his teeth and fought against the strange pull, feeling a rush of relief when, little by little, the burning tension began to relax.  That relief was quickly shattered when he dropped his eyes and discovered the reason his muscles weren’t as tense was because he didn’t have nearly as many as he should.  As he watched, his prominent, granite pecs deflated, pulling towards his body while his bowling ball shoulders and impressive triceps withered.  He could feel a growing gap between his once-powerful quads, and the washboard abs he’d worked so hard to maintain had already faded to a quickly disappearing outline.  In a matter of seconds he’d already become thinner than Chad’s lean frame and his muscle was still fading.

The shrinking man didn’t need to look far to discover where it was going.  Next to him, Scott was putting on every pound he’d lost.  His stunned friend was inflating like a balloon, but where Adam’s bodybuilder frame had been perfectly proportional, the stolen muscle seemed to be gathering where Scott was already built.  The goateed young man had an appealing set of pecs and big, eye-catching upper arms above his tapering waist, and a round, perky bubble below.  Those features had always stood out against the rest of his lean body, and there’d be no missing them now as they all started to grow.  

Scott’s chest and shoulders shot outwards, the pecs ballooning off his body until they hung like a shelf, while on either side his arms expanded into sculpted pistons, with cannonball biceps and huge, pumped triceps.  His waist looked impossibly small beneath the disproportionate top, seeming to pinch inwards even more when his toned thighs and perky bubble exploded into a pair of pillowy, bouncing cheeks and meaty, supple trunks.  

The twisted jocks gawked at themselves and each other in horror.  Adam’s hard-earned muscle was almost gone entirely, leaving his short frame lithe and twinkish.  Where he’d once been covered in striated muscle, there was now only the faintest hint of definition.  And like Ben, he clutched at a diminished package that had shrunk to match.  The formerly thick, stout cock and heavy balls were now as short and petite as the rest of him.  

Scott was equally terrified.  The handsome young stud had expanded into a caricature of a man, with pecs so large he couldn’t see over them and thick arms that felt like they hung miles away from his tapering waist.  The slightest shifting of weight caused his enlarged rear to shake and jiggle, sending little jolts of pleasure to his plump, heavy new package.  He couldn’t see the dangling organ, but based on how it filled his hand he could tell his six inches had grown significantly.  

“Yo! What’d you do to us, bro?”  Scott’s eyes widened further at the sound of his voice.  “The fuck?  Bro!  Why’m I talkin’ weird?”  The formerly articulate young man rubbed at his throat as if it would bring back his normal speech pattern.  

“I...I’m so small…” Adam stammered, staring at his shrunken hands.  He could close them entirely around his upper arms without much effort.  He looked over at Scott, his little cock throbbing at the sight of his friend’s oversized muscle.  “You...you’re…” 

“I’m a freak, bro!”  Scott spread his exaggerated arms, straining to see over his protruding pecs.  “This is fuckin’ bullshit,” he barked, glaring at Edward.  “Make us normal, bro!”  

Edward laughed and shook his head.  “This IS normal for you now.  Are you just jealous of your friends?”  He motioned over to Chad and Ben who were still going at it.  The burly man had devolved back to his mindless grunting and groaning while Chad pursed his puffy new lips and whimpered dramatically.  “We can fix that.  All that testosterone making you so aggressive...let’s funnel it somewhere else, instead.”  

“Whooaaaaaa,” Scott laughed, his tan skin breaking out in goosebumps.  He rolled his small-looking head on his overly large shoulders, the surge of anger fading entirely.  “Fuck, bro, I gotta cum,” he sighed, his muscled chest heaving.  The eight inch soda can dangling between his widened legs twitched and bounced to attention as he started absently tweaking an enlarged nipple.  “C’mon, bro, help me out,” he laughed, looking over at Adam.  

The smaller man blushed, looking small and coy.  “What...what do you want me to…” he stuttered, his mouth watering.  His muscles may have been stolen, but he still had an overwhelming desire for firm, solid flesh.  Only now he’d need to experience it vicariously through someone else.  Just looking at Scott’s warped masculinity nearly made him erupt, and he knew, no matter how much he wished otherwise, he’d do whatever his larger friend told him to.  

“Suck it, bro,” Scott commanded, bucking his hips towards Adam.  The softened man did as he was told, dropping to his knees and swallowing as much of the thick organ as he could.  Unlike Chad’s monstrous hose he could at least fit Scott in his mouth, and he eagerly went to work.  His thin hands clutched at Scott’s huge thighs and kneaded the massive globes of his rear as he bobbed his head back and forth, hating how his weakened legs were already struggling.  

“Oohh...fuck, bro,” Scott moaned, his eyes half closed.  “Bro your little hands feel so fuckin’ good…” he reached down and swallowed one of Adam’s thin hands in his own, guiding it to the deep valley between the jiggling mounds.  “Finger me, bro,” Scott whined, mortified at his own words.  The way he said it was bad enough, but the knowledge that he was asking his friend to finger him while blowing him at the same time was almost more than he could handle.  Like Ben, though, he was desperate.  Where his friend’s need had been focused on his furry bottom, Scott’s whole body demanded attention.  His fat new cock begged to be worked at the same time his excessive rear wanted to be filled, and the whole time he kept toying with the nubby new nipples on his shelf of a chest.  

Those mountainous mounds prevented Scott from seeing the confused look in Adam’s raised eyes, but the smaller man complied, equally eager to explore his friend’s stolen bulk as Scott was to have it worked.  He worked his hand around until he could slip a few fingers into the other man’s tight hole, the hungry orifice sucking them inside.  

“Brrroooooooooo….! Yes, bro,” Scott purred, arching his back and thrusting against Adam’s throat.  He let out a guttural moan as each of his new additions got the attention they sought, finally pulling out of the kneeling little man’s mouth and turning around.  He stopped Adam when the smaller man reached up to resume his fingering, spreading his cheeks instead.  “Eat it out some bro,” Scott begged, pushing his ass against his friend’s face.  

Adam was disgusted by how quickly he grabbed the parted pillows and plunged his face between them.  The sensation of being surrounded by his friend’s impossibly large cheeks pushed him over the edge, his shrunken, untouched cock spurting wildly as his tongue licked the other man clean.  

While Adam bathed his aching hole, Scott started pumping away on himself with one hand while the other continued working his chest.  “Yeah bro...yeah bro...yeah broouuuunnn…!”  The altered jock exploded, spraying cum in geyser-like fashion hard enough that it splashed up off the ground to land at Edward’s feet.  

The older man stepped back and looked at the four panting jocks with a satisfied nod.  Chad and Ben had finished, but already the brawny bear was squirming, looking for another person to fill him, while the pretty blonde toyed absently with his impossible new organ.  Scott and Adam struggled to catch their breath, the former bodybuilder staring at his larger friends with adoration, his arms and legs burning from the minimal effort he’d put forth with Scott.  Meanwhile, the exaggerated hunk kept purring and tweaking a nipple while he pumped out every last drop.  

“Guys...oh fuck, guys,” Ben moaned, running his hands over his roughened features.  He was horrified as he gawked at his unrecognizable friends, his body burning with insatiable need.  “What do we do now?”  

“What you came here for,” Edward interrupted, a shell glowing.  He motioned to the expansive grounds with a sinister smile and kicked an overturned bucket towards the writhing brute.  “There’s still plenty of work to do.”