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***** Finally finishing this one!  If you click the "wishcandle" tag at the bottom you can find the previous chapters.  The reading order is "current vignettes," "day 3, part two," "day 4," and then this one.  I'm going to give it all a fresh edit and release for everyone at some point, but at least it has an ending. *****

Dylan stirred, his beefy arms tightening around Jeff instinctively.  He watched a troubled expression cross his friend’s sleeping face and felt the other man tremble in his grip.  Normally he wouldn’t be into cuddling like this, but Jeff had been so distraught the previous day that he was worried.  

His friend had shown up in his favorite purple jock, insisting that it wasn’t his and ranting and raving like a lunatic about how the world was all wrong.  He’d been doing it all week and Dylan was starting to worry.  Jeff had been adamant that his fucking by the cop that afternoon was absolutely crazy, and no amount of reassurance by Dylan could calm him down.  He’d tried to remind Jeff of all the times they’d fucked in public, that it was totally normal, but there was no consoling him.  Eventually he stopped trying to convince his friend and they just went at it when Jeff finally stopped arguing.  The buff blonde had been voracious, like he was channeling all of his anxiety into the bedroom.  As much as Dylan didn’t mind that part, he was still concerned.  

“Mmm...oh...hey…” Jeff grinned sleepily up at his brawny friend, a wave of relief washing over him at the sight.  He’d been having the candle dream again.  The giant version of himself continued to melt while the other one continued to grow.  It was starting to take the shape of a person and Jeff had a sinking feeling he knew who it was.  He buried his face against Dylan’s shoulder and ran a hand through the wiry hairs on his friend’s bulging chest, relaxing against him.  No matter how freaked out he was, being near his friend helped calm him down.  

“How’re you feeling this morning?”  

The look of concern on Dylan’s face made Jeff’s stomach flutter.  “I don’t know…” the sleepy blonde said, unable to look away from his friend’s stubbled cheeks and deep brown eyes.  The bigger man’s thick cock was hard against his thigh while their legs tangled together.  “I...wait...why don’t I know?

Dylan laughed and squeezed his friend.  “You know you get confused sometimes.” 

Jeff was too focused on the sound of Dylan’s deep, rumbling voice to pay attention to what he actually said.  Without thinking, he raised his head and went to kiss his friend.  

“Whoa, hey, bud, you know the rules,” Dylan said, turning his face at the last minute.  “No mouth-to-mouth.  You can put your lips anywhere but on top of mine.”  

Jeff blushed at the rebuke.  “Sor...sorry,” he stammered, burying his head against Dylan’s shoulder again.  

“Ooookay, fine,” Dylan sighed, nuzzling his face against Jeff’s.  “If it’ll make you feel better.  I don’t want you pouting all day.”  

Jeff didn’t process his friend’s condescending tone until well after the other man stopped talking.  By then he’d pressed his mouth against Dylan’s and was busily exploring the inside of his friend’s mouth.  He didn’t realize how different it would feel.  For the past week he’d been nothing but a hole or a toy to be used.  Now, wrapped in Dylan’s bearish embrace, he felt like a person and not an object.

“Alright, alright,” Dylan laughed, finally breaking off the makeout session.  “You’ll keep doing this all day if I let you.”  

Jeff just grinned down at his friend while the other man squeezed his huge, ample cheeks.  Dylan’s strong fingers biting into his jiggling globes felt fantastic, until it occurred to Jeff they bit in a bit too much.  

“I’ll go make us some breakfast,” Dylan said as he rolled off the bed and stretched his thick, hairy body.  Jeff couldn’t take his eyes off his friend’s naked bulk as Dylan slid on a pair of grey boxer briefs and lumbered out of the room.  

Once alone, the addled blonde was afraid to leave the bed.  Something felt off that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  He sat and stared, blinking down at his naked body when he finally mustered up the nerve to kick the sheet free.  His bulging chest, ripped abs, and sturdy legs all looked the same, but he didn’t know why the smallish, rigid cock between them looked wrong.  The four inches weren’t freakishly small, but Jeff didn’t know why he felt like it should be bigger.  

And when he got out of bed, he didn’t know why the huge, round globes of his ass felt like they had the opposite problem.  They were too big.  He studied his reflection, feeling confident that everything was as it should be despite the growing pit in his stomach. His sculpted frame and handsome face were the same, and when he flexed, his biceps and triceps bulged in all the right places.  But he couldn’t shake the feeling he was missing something obvious as he pulled on a pair of tiny red bikinis and lumbered out to the kitchen.  

“Do I...do these look right?”  He asked Dylan, spreading his arms and sticking out the pouch that didn’t feel tented enough.  

Dylan laughed and raised an eyebrow.  “They sure do!  You’re pulling out all the stops for more makeouts, huh?”  He came over and bent down to give Jeff a peck on the forehead, snapping the elastic of the underwear.  “You know I can’t resist those.”  

Jeff froze as he came eye-to-chin with Dylan, finally realizing what was off.  His friend’s body had felt a little too huge against his own that morning.  Dylan had always been slightly taller, but he shouldn’t tower over Jeff quite as much as he did, and looking around the kitchen, the stunned blonde began to notice that he was seeing everything from a shorter perspective.  

“Hey, still with me?”  Dylan slipped a hand down the back of Jeff’s underwear and gave a squeeze.  

“Uh, ye...yeah, sorry,” Jeff said, shaking his head.  “Damn...I’m out of it this morning…” 

“How’s that different than any other morning,” Dylan laughed.  “Oh, I’m just teasing,” he added quickly at Jeff’s blank expression.  “I know you can’t help it.”  

“I can’t?”  Jeff watched his friend dart around the kitchen while he made their breakfast, quickly losing track of what Dylan was doing.  He felt like he should have been able to follow the steps more closely, that they should have been routine and simple, but he couldn’t get the thoughts to gel.  It was like he was moving in slow motion, a step behind the rest of the world.  One minute he was watching Dylan’s solid rear while the bigger man cooked, the next his friend was laughing at him for spacing out while they ate, and then he was standing at the too-tall counter drying the dishes they’d just used.  It was all registering in quick flashes of awareness with obvious gaps in between.  

“...are you ready?”  

“Huh?”  Jeff blinked and saw Dylan standing in his fitted slacks and straining dress shirt.  He didn’t remember his friend getting dressed at all, and the sight brought a rush of embarrassment when he looked down at his tented bikinis and bright sneakers.  Something about his lack of clothes made him uneasy.  

“You’re going to Tyler’s, remember?”  

“I am?”  Jeff wracked his brain for who Tyler was.  It sounded familiar, but in his addled state he couldn’t remember a face to go with the name.  “Don’t I have to go to work?”  

Dylan crossed his arms, cocking his head to the side as he stared down at his shorter friend.  “Are you sure you’re okay?  Since when do you ‘work’?”  

“What do you mean?  I work at…” Jeff trailed off, suddenly drawing a blank.  The words were on the tip of his tongue, fading before he could get a hold of them.  “I…” his heart started racing, a surge of fear welling up out of nowhere as he looked at his exposed, compact frame and back up at an apartment he no longer recognized.  He’d assumed it was his, but looking at it now, the nearly naked man had no idea where he was.  “...is this my place?”  

Dylan sighed and shook his head, tousling Jeff’s short blonde hair.  “Our place,” he said, emphasizing the ‘our’.  “Someone’s gotta take care of you.  C’mon, man...keep it together until you get to Tyler’s.  I’ve got a meeting this morning that I can’t miss.”  

Jeff wanted to argue further but was pulled along out the door with his friend.  He stumbled on legs that felt too short, blushing as his bare cheeks shook and jiggled wildly in the open air.  The people on the sidewalk all seemed huge, everyone standing at least a few inches taller than him.  Something in his head was telling him that the view was wrong, that he should be closer to their height, if not taller, but it sounded ridiculous even as he thought it.  

“Here we are.”  

“Wha?” Jeff stammered in a daze, having lost track entirely of where they were headed.  He felt a slight rush of fear at the unfamiliar realization that he had no idea where he was.  It had been a relatively short walk, but as far as his limited attention span was concerned it might as well have been miles of labyrinthine twists and turns.  He leaned in close to his towering friend, suddenly insecure and nervous.  Standing on the elevated stoop, the short, bottom heavy stud was increasingly aware of how exposed he was.  

“Hi guys!”  Jeff’s rigid little rod throbbed at the ripped young man who opened the door.  The sculpted body, shaggy brown hair and handsome face were all vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place where he knew the athletic stranger from.  Dylan was acting like they were all good friends, and his instinct was to follow suit even with the small voice in the back of his head telling him this wasn’t right.  

“Hey, man,” Dylan said to Tyler, giving Jeff a gentle push forward.  “He’s having a weird morning, just a heads up.”  

Tyler shrugged and gave Jeff’s short blonde hair a stroke.  “That’s alright, I’m used to it.  I was just gonna take him with me to the gym this morning, so nothing major.”  

“Great!  I’m running late, so I gotta split.”  Dylan squeezed Jeff’s plump cheek on the way down the short flight of stairs.  “I’ll see you later, bud.”  

Jeff was torn.  One the one hand he was thrilled to see Tyler, but on the other he was oddly terrified.  Without the safety net of his burly friend standing next to him, the strange feeling that he didn’t actually know the other young man hit him with full force.  He didn’t know why the two had been talking about him like he wasn’t there, or like he couldn’t understand, but he was having a hard time focusing enough to argue.  

“Come on in,” Tyler said, guiding Jeff inside with a hand on the smaller man’s back.  “I’m sure you’re very confused by this point.”  

“You are?  I...am?”  Jeff said, more a question than a statement.  

“You’ve had a rough week, haven’t you?”  Tyler’s tone was friendly, but even in his hazy state Jeff could hear the implied menace.  

“I don’t understand,” Jeff managed, rubbing his face with his hands.  “My head feels so weird this morning...like it’s slow.  I shouldn’t be this slow!”  

Tyler nodded, a sympathetic look on his face.  “You’re right.  You shouldn’t.  Do you remember me?  We just met a few days ago.”  The understanding smile turned into a smug grin as the young jock looked down at the confused blonde.  “Go ahead and think about it.  I’ll wait.”  

Jeff rummaged through his disorganized thoughts as he followed Tyler into a large living room, his attention constantly pulled to the solid, shifting globes in the fit young man’s tight gym shorts.  They made his mouth water, but more and more he felt like his own shaking bottom should be similarly solid.  His brow furrowed as he stared up at Tyler, the memories slowly making their way through the fog.  “Oh!  I know you...we met a few days ago when I…” Jeff trailed off, his eyes going wide and his skin going pale.  “Oh...oh god…” 

“There it is!”  Tyler clapped.  “It takes a minute, but you’ll still get there eventually.”  

Jeff started shaking as he looked down at his altered body, finally remembering how tall and perfectly proportioned he should have been.  There was no longer any doubt that his shortened frame, inflated rear, and diminished cock were all wrong.  The events of the past week crept in at a glacial pace, making his initial hook up with Tyler seem like a few years, not a few days, ago.  “Fuck!  What...why am I...no no no…!”  Jeff stammered, shaking his head like a wet dog, as if the motion would speed his slowed thoughts back up.  Gradually losing his clothes throughout the week had been bad enough, but to find his body and mind changing was terror on another level.  This wasn’t just a matter of finding himself suddenly into other guys; this was him literally losing his mind.  

“Easy, easy,” Tyler laughed, putting a hand on Jeff’s shoulder.  “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”  

Jeff’s chiseled pecs heaved on the verge of hyperventilating at the sudden revelation.  The old parts of himself were horrified at the thought of the condescending conversations all morning, and the new knowledge that he wasn’t just unemployed, he was essentially helpless on his own.  “Wait...how do you know what’s happening,” the smaller stud asked when the pieces started at least brushing together in his brain.  “All week everyone’s been acting like I’m crazy!”  

“Because to them, you ARE acting crazy.  The world’s been reshaping itself over and over to adjust to the new you.  You should be flattered.”  Tyler laughed again when Jeff just blinked at him, the words slowly sinking in.  “Magic.  That wasn’t a chance meeting we had the other night, I wanted to make sure it was working.”  

Jeff felt his rage build in slow motion as he processed what he heard.  “You!?  You did all...this…” he said, gesturing down to himself, flushing with rage and embarrassment.  

Tyler nodded.  “It was me the whole time, squirt.  Speaking of, how’s that going?”  He reached down and fished Jeff’s aching cock free, swallowing the smaller rod in his fist.  Jeff gasped and whimpered but didn’t try to pull away while the younger man tugged, letting out a loud moan moments later when he exploded into Tyler’s hand.  “About the same, I see.”  

Jeff was too overcome by the intensity of the release to be embarrassed, more focused on the way his cock was already hardening again.  “But...but why?!” he cried, his solid cock still hanging out of the bikinis.  “I don’t even know you!”  

“No, but you knew my friend Erykah,” Tyler said, the friendly tone dropping from his voice.  “And I think we can both agree you should have treated her a little better.”  He smiled, his voice going chipper again.  “But if it makes you feel better...me and you?  We’re best friends now.”  

Jeff didn’t know what to say.  He could barely keep up, let alone fully understand.  “I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to...I don’t even…” after some of the earlier changes that erased his previous sex life, he couldn’t even remember who Tyler was talking about.  

“It’s okay...I know you don’t remember anymore.  Neither does Erykah since you two were never technically a thing in this new reality.  But I still do.  Trust me when I say you had this coming.”  Tyler stroked Jeff’s hair affectionately, the back of his hand tracing down the older man’s sharp facial features.  “You ARE a looker,” he sighed.  “There were a lot of ways we could have gone, but they all felt like such a waste.  I mean, your attitude wasn’t entirely unjustified.  This way we all win.”  

Jeff felt like he should pull away, but all of his instincts wanted to press against Tyler’s muscled body, not run from it.  “How?  What are you doing to me?!”  

“It’s just about over, now.  Look at yourself...you still have all your muscle and your pretty face, we just made some adjustments.  You always acted like such a big shot, now you can see what it’s like being just less than everyone else.  At 5’5” you might not be the shortest guy in the room, but you will be the second shortest for sure.  Same with that eager little squirt gun.  Four inches won’t be the tiniest dick in the locker room, but it’s not far from it.  And up here,” he said, patting Jeff on the top of the head, “isn’t the slowest it could be, but let’s just hope you weren’t much of reader.”  

Jeff looked down at his exposed package and snapped the waist of the bikini.  “But...my clothes…why all that?” 

“You loved the attention!  I’d hate to make you stop showing off what you’re workin’ with, especially back here,” he said, giving the inflated mounds a rough slap.  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you!  You get to spend the rest of your days showing off and fucking, two of your favorite things!  Me and Dylan and the other guys can do all the thinking and the boring day to day stuff, and you get to just be you,” he grinned.  “For everyone to see, for the rest of your days.”  Tyler pulled the stunned man over to a bookshelf and pointed at a large pile of wax with a faint, flickering flame on the verge of going out.  “I know you’re upset now, but don’t worry.  As soon as that flame goes out?  Your old life will start to seem like a dream.  I just wanted us to have this conversation while you could still appreciate it.”  

Jeff was horrified, images of his old life dancing in his mind like the faltering flame.  He had a successful career with a promising future.  He should have been taller and fully clothed, envied not objectified.  He was a hung, sought after ladies’ man, not a whimpering, pencil dicked quick shot.  If what Tyler said was true, he was about to spend the rest of his life as a dull little muscle bottom, perpetually on display and ready to be used, and he was going to love every second of it.  “Tyler...please...wait...I can fix this!  Just give me a chance to…!”  

On the shelf, the candle went out.  


“Come on….just ooonnnneeee more,” Fred said, his rough hands hovering above Jeff’s head in case he needed to grab the bar.  The burly, hairy man laughed and shook his head when the short blonde on the bench hesitated.  “Are you just dragging this out so you can be close to my junk?”  Jeff grinned, his eyes glued to the stout lump pushing out the front of the older man’s shorts inches above his face.  “Give me one more rep and you can have it,” Fred growled, squeezing his bulge.  

Jeff grunted and pushed out one more, his sweating pecs burning with the effort.  His exposed, chiseled frame glistened as he let Fred guide the bar back into place, struggling for breath.  “Thanks,” he panted, heaving himself upright and off the bench.  He rolled his broad shoulders as he stood and wiped the dripping beads of moisture from his washboard stomach.  The sweat soaked pouch of his small purple jock clung to his stiff little pole so tightly he might as well have been entirely naked.  

“You’re about to repay me,” Fred said, stretching out and taking Jeff’s position on the bench.  Instead of grabbing the bar overhead, he clutched Jeff’s thighs when the smaller man climbed up and straddled his wide muscle gut.  “Mmmm…” Fred sighed as one of Jeff’s hands slipped behind and into his shorts while the other stroked through the ample fur on his shirtless, barrel torso.  He pulled the front of Jeff’s jock aside to free the twitching little cock while the other man worked him up and fished his own fat, solid cock free.  Fred loved the look of pure bliss on the younger man’s face when Jeff sat back, his oversized rear enveloping the hairy man’s wide rod as he impaled himself on it.  

“What...did...we used to...do without...you…” Fred grunted, flexing his meaty pecs against Jeff’s clutching fingers while his own rough paws bit into his friend’s soft cheeks.  All around them people continued working out as if the two of them were simply continuing their bench presses.  

“Search...meeeuuuunnnngggg!”  Jeff arched his back and groaned when he came almost immediately, still rocking his hips to work Fred’s throbbing member.  He smiled down at the sticky little puddle on the other man’s stomach, his cock already twitching.  He felt bad for guys like Fred and Dylan and Tyler who only came once before needing a break while he could blow over and over again.  He knew he’d cum at least two more times before Fred did, each one more intense than the last.  One time Tyler fingered him for what felt like hours because he said he was curious how many times Jeff could make it.  The muscled blonde couldn’t remember the number, just that he kept cumming over and over until he’d lost his voice and was so tired he could barely move.  It was one of his favorite days  

Jeff smiled at the thought and looked over at the mirrors, admiring the way his glistening muscles flexed as he moved.  He was glad that everyone could see them and didn’t understand why no one else walked around nearly naked like himself.  There were plenty of guys who looked good, and who he’d like it if they did, but he was always the only one.  He’d love it if Fred wore little bikinis like his, but the older man would never agree, no matter how many times he asked.  He’d finally gotten Dylan to give it a try, but his friend would only do it at home, and never when anyone else was around.  Tyler already wore cute underwear, but he could never get his handsome young friend to leave the house in nothing but his bright little briefs.  The closest he could get was when they went swimming, but Jeff still didn’t understand their reluctance.  He couldn’t imagine being so uptight and covered all day.  

“UUnnnggmmm…” the bouncing blonde groaned, thinking about his two friends.  His impulse was to hop off and run across the gym to them, but he knew he wasn’t supposed to leave Fred hanging.  Instead, he waved eagerly over at Tyler and Dylan while the two hefted free weights, his cock exploding again at the thought of one of them underneath him.  They’d both already fucked him twice that day, but Jeff could never get enough.  The only thing he didn’t like was when Tyler would want to bottom instead.  Jeff loved his friends round, solid cheeks, but he could never get more than a few pumps in before exploding.  He didn’t see the appeal.  He’d much rather be the one bouncing up and down on a dick than be the one getting bounced on.  

Whenever he said that to Tyler he always felt like the other man was laughing at him, but he knew that was crazy.  Tyler was his friend and took care of him, just like Dylan and Austin and all the guys he got to hang out with.  He might not always understand the things they talked about, but they were always happy to have him around, especially when he could make them all cum so much.  He didn’t understand why they never wanted to help each other out the way he did, but as far as he was concerned that was just more for him.  

It was all perfect, really.  He couldn’t wish for anything more. 



Wow. Somehow I'd missed this series. It was great to get to read them all together. I loved all of the elements of this transformation: the reality shifting, the mental changes, and, of course, the physical changes. Thanks for adding this to the library!


Thanks for reading the whole thing! It got posted sporadically over the course of about a year, so it’s an easy one to miss. I’m looking forward to editing it and putting together as a complete package.


The beginning of this story is why I joined your Patreon! Not leaving, but it's cool to see it finished!