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Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 6

  • Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben strips an arrogant pair of bodybuilders of their muscle. 4
  • Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben shrinks a lean runner into a short, bulky meathead. 16
  • Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben turns a group of jocks in the shower into oblivious cuntboys. 14
  • Joining his new friend Logan at the gym the next day, Ben causes the various machines to over inflate specific muscle groups. 25
  • 2019-02-11
  • —2019-02-13
  • 59 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 6', 'choices': [{'text': 'Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben strips an arrogant pair of bodybuilders of their muscle. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben shrinks a lean runner into a short, bulky meathead. ', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Joining his new friend at the gym the next day, Ben turns a group of jocks in the shower into oblivious cuntboys.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Joining his new friend Logan at the gym the next day, Ben causes the various machines to over inflate specific muscle groups. ', 'votes': 25}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 13, 17, 0, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 11, 1, 10, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 59}


Ben felt nauseous over his actions at the club that night.  He was disgusted, replaying the events in his head while he drove, the book looming like a physical presence in the passenger seat, taunting him.  Even now he wanted to pull over and start writing.  It was a compulsion; it didn’t matter who the subject was.  His knuckles were white around the steering wheel and his heart a jackhammer in his chest.  He would have thrown the book out of the window if he could have trusted himself to touch it.  As it was, he knew the second he made contact he’d flip the cover and start scribbling.  

His plan had been to undo all the damage as soon as he got home, but now he wasn’t so sure.  If nothing else, he was determined to at least put Adam and the older man he’d just fucked back to normal.  He could live with the former straight bros and Tim staying as they were, but his rationalizations crumbled when it came to innocent victims.  Though even then he knew, deep down, that leaving the others as they were was a crime of cosmic proportions.  He’d somehow warped the very fabric of reality, upending everything he thought he knew about how the world worked.  It was fun at first, a rush of pure, overwhelming power, but as time passed the full weight was starting to sink in.  If something as foundational as reality could be twisted by an average man with a simple disposable pen, what did that say about the true nature of the universe and his place in it?  

There was a second, growing voice happy to answer Ben’s question.  If reality was so malleable, it whispered, why shouldn’t he change it to suit his needs?  If nothing was set in stone in the first place, where was the harm in making a few tweaks?  He hadn’t left anyone miserable or significantly worse off than they had been.  Different, yes, but concepts like “better” or “worse” were all a matter of perspective.  Things needed to be shaken up every so often to keep from going stale, the voice told him.  

It was too much for Ben to sort through.  He’d clearly gotten in over his head and he was starting to look for a way out.  He wasn’t interested in the building blocks of reality, he just wanted to put things back to normal and get rid of the book for good.  

“Okay...you can do this,” Ben said to himself as he parked the car and looked over at the book.  He picked it up with shaking hands, his clenched fingers refusing to give in and open the cover as he hurried for home.  The short trek across the dark parking lot felt like an unending desert, the humming streetlamps overhead casting tantalizing pools of light that reflected off the sleeping cars.  He could stop in any one of them, the voice said, and start writing.  He didn’t even need to wait until he was inside.  

“No...not gonna happen,” Ben spat.  He bit down on the urge and successfully made it to the sidewalk, stepping up onto the cracked pavement when he heard a familiar voice behind him.  

“‘Sup, homo?”  

Ben tightened his grip on the book, desperately clinging to his quickly fading resolve.  “Not now, Logan.”  He kept walking without turning around, his eyes focused on the door to his building.    

The brawny man reached out and put a hand on Ben’s shoulder, purposely giving it a rough squeeze.  “Awww, what’s wrong?  Couldn’t find anyone to fuck your faggot ass tonight?”  

Ben pulled out of the grip and spun on the other man, his rage building at the sight of Logan’s smug expression.  “I did, actually,” he said, looking around the otherwise empty parking lot.  “What’s your problem?  Couldn’t find a girl drunk enough to come home with you?”  

“Fuck you,” Logan growled, drawing himself up and sticking his prominent chest out like any schoolyard bully trying to establish dominance.  Ben was unimpressed, having witnessed the same display countless times since moving in.  Logan was his upstairs neighbor, which meant he and the ignorant meathead crossed paths with unfortunate frequency.  As soon as the other man caught wind of him being gay, the torment had been constant.  It was to the point where Ben couldn’t exit or enter the building without Logan yelling something at him.  It never escalated beyond verbal harassment, and even if it had Ben was relatively confident he could take the bigger man if it came down to it.  Now, his hands burning, he knew he had a much better option.  

“Do you want me to,” Ben shrugged.  “I mean, you’ve always been pretty vocal about NOT wanting that.  But if you’ve changed your mind...”  He cocked his head to the side, his eyes slowly traveling down Logan’s meaty frame.  The former jock had clearly been in excellent shape at one point, but his athletic build had put on some extra weight over the years.  He was the same age as Ben, but where the smaller man had kept himself lean and trim, Logan had grown thick and beefy, his lumpy bulk straining against his too-small polo and unflattering khakis.  The trimmed beard coating his full cheeks was an obvious attempt at hiding his softening jawline, just as his dark, short-cropped hair was a way of making his size seem intentional.  

Logan balled his hands into fists and glared while Ben’s eyes lingered on him.  “Just keep runnin’ that queer mouth and see what happens.”  

Ben raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a smirk.  He was only going to have a second, but all he needed to get down were a few words.  “Huh.  That’s not a bad idea.”  He flipped the book open, using Logan’s confusion to his full advantage.  The last thing the beefy homophobe had expected was for Ben to pull out a book and start writing.  

“What the fuck?  Are you writing in your sissy journal?”  

“Stop,” Ben said as Logan reached to grab it, breathing a sigh of relief when the other man’s hand froze inches from the book.  

Logan’s arrogant grin faded as he slowly realized his arm had failed to reach its intended destination.  “The hell…” he stammered, his eyes going wide when he discovered that he couldn’t move.  “What the fuck?!  What is this?!”  he barked, his arm locked in its outstretched position.  

“You said you wanted to see what happened when I ran my mouth,” Ben grinned.  “So let’s find out.  Take your shirt off.”  

Logan’s face was purple with fury as his arms betrayed him.  He reached down and grabbed the bottom of his tight polo, casually pulling it free and tossing it aside despite his brain screaming at himself to stop.  Ben watched the other man’s hairy torso break out in goosebumps against the warm night air as he eyed Logan’s thick pecs and firm, undefined stomach.  The wiry hairs spread across his plump chest and up over his broad shoulders to coat his large, hefty arms before flowing down to dust his expanding midsection.  It was solid with muscle at the moment, but Ben could see signs of Logan’s gut starting to push out with a pair of small love handles that the tight pants bit into.  

“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” the shirtless brute hissed in impotent rage.  

“No you’re not,” Ben chuckled.  “You’re going to take your pants off.”  

Once again, Logan’s eyes went wide when his body acted of its own accord.  The bulging sockets darted around the parking lot for any potential witnesses as he kicked his shoes free and undid the fly before tugging the pants down, nearly bringing his thin, worn boxers with them.  The plaid underwear stopped just before the base of the thick cock that was clearly visible bouncing around when Logan pulled the pants free, his wide, hairy thighs shaking with the effort.  

“How are you doing this,” Logan whispered, his brawny body flushing with embarrassment as he stood in nothing but his boxers and socks.  

“Magic?  I don’t actually know,” Ben shrugged, smiling at the big man’s obvious discomfort.  “Hey, come on, relax!  Let’s go up to your place and I can show you what this thing can really do.”  

Logan’s horrified expression softened as he was told to relax.  Ben gathered up the other man’s discarded clothes and they made their way for the building as if they’d been hanging out all evening.  Instead of going in the back door, Ben took Logan by the hand and led them through the front lobby, prolonging the bearish man’s humiliation as he was paraded through the halls in his boxers.  The ratty underwear was still low on the other man’s hips, letting the top of Logan’s ample backside hang free.  Given the late hour they only passed a few other neighbors, but Ben could feel Logan cringing every time.  He laughed it off to the people they passed as the burly man being drunk, knowing full well that Logan was more worried about being seen in his underwear in the company of a known gay man.  Ben didn’t help matters by winking and adding that Logan just couldn’t wait til they got home whenever they passed someone.  

“Well this is about as gross as I thought it’d be,” the smaller man sighed when they finally reached Logan’s messy apartment.  It was a mix of worn, mismatched furniture, sports memorabilia, and empty liquor bottles as decoration, the scent of cheap cologne lingering in the air.   “You actually bring girls here?  Eh, I guess if they’re drunk enough to go home with this,” he said, patting Logan’s hairy gut, “the bar’s been set pretty low already.” 

Logan tensed at Ben’s touch, his relaxed expression never fading.  “Okay man, you made your point.  I’m sorry...I won’t fuck with you anymore.”   

“I appreciate that, but we’re not done yet.”  Ben pulled Logan along into the bedroom, shaking his head at the piles of dirty laundry on the floor.  He rooted through the big man’s dresser, pulling out old boxers and gym shorts before doing the same with the drab clothes in Logan’s closet.  “Wow...this is all...so boring.”  Ben let out a deep breath and gave the big man a sympathetic look.  “You know that’s what you are, right?  Just another unremarkable man living an unremarkable life doing his best to make other people feel as shitty as he does.”  He sat on the edge of the bed and opened the book on his lap, tapping the pen against his chin.  “But don’t think of this as punishment.  Think of this as a fresh start.”  

“What...what’re you do…” 

“Don’t talk,” Ben interrupted, pointing to the mirror on the back of the closet door.  “Just watch.”  He waited for Logan to shuffle across the room, mulling over the infinite possibilities.  “First things first, that hair’s gotta go.”  

There was a tingling sensation at his scalp and Logan’s jaw dropped open when his short, dark brown hair lightened to a golden blonde as it thickened into a full, coiffed pompadour.  He tried to protest, but his voice wouldn’t come.  All he could do was watch while his trimmed beard and wiry body hair lightened to match.  The beefy jock’s humiliation at being turned into a blonde against his will only grew when all of the newly golden hair south of his eyebrows vanished.  In a matter of moments he went from furry to nearly entirely smooth, a small, blonde bush poking out of his boxers all that remained of the former carpet.  Arms, legs, chest, ass, armpits; everything was perfectly shaven, as if the hair had never been there in the first place.  

“Alright...now we’re getting somewhere,” Ben said, watching Logan’s wide eyes travel up and down his pink, hairless frame.  “Gotta do something about that body, though.  The bulky look wasn’t bad with the fur, but now that it’s gone we can do better.”  

Logan tried to beg Ben to stop, but his voice still wouldn’t come.  All he could manage was a stilted gasp when the tingling broke out again, this time over his entire body while, bit by bit, his burly build shifted and reshaped itself.  His wide gut and budding love handles sucked inwards, a set of defined abs sprouting over his now-trim midsection as the plump pecs above solidified into a chiseled, granite shelf.  Logan felt a moment of panic as his arms appeared to shrink, the excess weight vanishing until all that remained were the sculpted biceps and triceps hanging off his broad shoulders.  The process repeated itself at his legs, the meaty thighs shrinking slightly until a matched pair of shredded quads sat above his defined calves.  Unlike with his arms, the extra flesh didn’t vanish as much as it pushed upwards, puffing out his ample backside into a round, supple bubble.  

“Muuuuuuch better,” Ben clapped.  He stood and let a hand drift down Logan’s tapering new torso, pinching the solid muscle beneath the smooth, tight skin.  The boxers that had been tight now hung loose around the altered man’s tiny waist, only held in place by the inflated rear.  

Logan gave a stunned smile as he stared at the athletic body he hadn’t seen in years.  He wasn’t thrilled with the hair, or with the size of his pillowy backside, but he’d gone from burly to shredded in the blink of an eye.  What had started as a nightmare was becoming a dream come true.  Or so he thought until Ben continued speaking.  

“Now let’s do something about that face.”  

Logan’s stomach dropped from the whiplash he felt at his growing relief plummeted back into dread.  Already he looked like a stranger.  His thin lips puffed and inflated between cheekbones that went from barely present to exaggerated cliffs, his flat, wide nose shrinking into a petite button.  All the while his horrified, dark brown eyes lightened to a bright, sparkling blue beneath his softening brow until what had been a rugged meathead was replaced by a doe-eyed pretty boy.  

“Almost done,” Ben nodded.  “Just gotta dial in some of the details…” 

Logan braced himself when his skin started tingling again, going from a pale pink to a deep, uninterrupted tan.  His socks vanished and he would have yelped had he been able when the ill-fitting boxers shrunk into a small, bright pink thong.  The pouch popped against his newly tanned skin as it struggled to conceal his heavy package, the string vanishing completely between the large new cheeks.  As embarrassed as he was by what he was wearing, the altered jock’s heart started racing at the growing thought that the changes went beyond this one pair of underwear.  

That fear was confirmed when Ben gave his jiggling ass a swat and motioned for him to turn around.  The dirty piles of laundry and discarded clothes from his dresser and closet were gone.  Even more confusing, his bed had entirely different sheets, and instead of being bare, the top of his dresser was lined with several bottles of lotion and skin creams.  

“Take a look,” Ben said, laughing at the way Logan’s hand darted back when he opened a drawer.  Instead of boxers, it was filled with all manner of bright thongs, jocks and bikinis.  As the newborn adonis frantically pored over the remaining drawers and dug through his closet, he discovered the rest of his wardrobe had been similarly changed to emphasize his new look.  Instead of drab and plain, everything was bright, tight, and revealing.  

“Oh, right, you can talk,” Ben said when Logan began opening and closing his mouth silently.  

“Oh. My. Gawd.  Like, what did you even do to me?!”  Logan’s pretty new face flushed beneath the deep tan at the sound of his voice.  Instead of gruff and demanding, it was a light chirp.  He rubbed his neck and cleared his throat as he looked back over his shoulder at the way his ass shook when he moved, his hands reaching up to feel his jagged new cheekbones and puffy lips.  “I’m a pretty bitch!”   

“Exactly!” Ben said proudly.  “You were always so obsessed with “fags”...now you’ve got a chance to see what that’s like clear at the other end of the spectrum.”  

Logan swayed on his feet when Ben started writing again, a wave of dizziness washing over him.  His heart was racing as he stared at the other man, slowly noticing all the details he’d overlooked.  Why did he think Ben was scrawny? He wasn’t that much smaller than himself, and he had such a perky little ass to go with that cute face.  

The thought made Logan’s barely contained cock throb and twitch against the thong as he licked his inflated lips.  He felt like he’d just been worried about something, but he couldn’t remember what.  Logan laughed it off, knowing that wasn’t an uncommon occurrence with him.  He’d long ago embraced his status as a pretty face and not a thinker.  

“Whoa,” Logan giggled, rolling his bright blue eyes.  “Totally drifted off there...like, what was I saying?”  

“I was just leaving,” Ben said, closing the book.  

“Aww, babe, do you have to?”  Logan reached down and squeezed the semi-hard lump in his thong.  Without the extra weight the plump organ looked even bigger than it had.  “What am I gonna do with this?”  

Ben grinned and gave Logan’s new ass a squeeze as he held up the other man’s phone.  Logan’s new dating profile was on the screen,with a message from a man that looked the way the burly man should, saying he was on his way over.  “Did you forget?  You’ve got company coming.”  

A fresh look of horror washed over Logan’s exaggeratedly handsome features.  “Oh!  Oh my god!  I totally, like, forgot!  I have to fix my hair!”  Ben laughed as Logan scampered into the bathroom and started pulling out baskets of product where before there had only been a tube of toothpaste and a thing of deodorant.  Now there was hair gel and face masks and cleansers and foundation.  Whatever Logan’s routine used to be, it was clearly much more involved now.  “Bye, hun!  I’ll call you in the morning!”  


Ben groaned, stroking his aching cock to the sound of Logan’s slamming headboard and piercing wails.  He’d occasionally heard the other man’s deep grunts through the ceiling before, but they were nothing like his new friend’s constant stream of whimpering moans as he begged to be fucked harder.  Ben could only imagine how the old Logan would have felt knowing all his neighbors could hear him blissfully getting plowed by another man.  

“Can’t...believe...I almost...got rid of you…” Ben sighed, his other hand lingering on the cover of the book while he pumped away.  He felt like he was forgetting to do something, but the thought was drowned out by another howl of pleasure from Logan above.  


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