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Make It A Double, ch. 5

  • Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into an eager cuntboy. 15
  • Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a powerbottom twink. 8
  • Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a heavy, chunky bear. 13
  • Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into his submissive slave. 6
  • Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a ditzy, horny prettyboy. 18
  • 2019-02-04
  • —2019-02-06
  • 60 votes
{'title': 'Make It A Double, ch. 5', 'choices': [{'text': 'Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into an eager cuntboy. ', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a powerbottom twink. ', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a heavy, chunky bear. ', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into his submissive slave. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Intending to undo the damage later that night, Ben instead turns his homophobic jock neighbor into a ditzy, horny prettyboy. ', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 6, 17, 0, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 4, 0, 53, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 60}


Ted gasped, a sharp jolt of tension running across his solid pecs.  The sizeable mounds burned and ached as if he’d just spent the past couple hours pounding out rep after rep at the gym, not drinking and dancing.  He started to worry if what he was feeling was the beginning of a heart attack.  At 47 he wasn’t as young as he used to be, and he’d messed with plenty of steroids over the years to build the bulky muscle he loved to show off.  

As he turned to look for his friends, Ted’s fear that he was having a heart attack was put to rest, replaced by another kind of terror.  There was a sudden release of tension along his bulging pecs, like a bubble bursting, as the meaty shelf expanded outwards.  The already-large piles of muscle inflated like balloons, pushing out at the sides and puffing forward until they completely obscured Ted’s view of anything below them.  Looking down, all the stunned man could see were the round, granite slabs, like someone had strapped pumpkins to his chest.  Had he been wearing his shirt, the impossible growth would have torn it to pieces.  

“Wha...what the fuck…” Ted stammered with a shocked laugh.  He stood in place, afraid to move lest something else change.  When his body stayed as it was a few moments later, he finally reached a shaking hand up to the enlarged lumps, already noting how the sudden growth limited his range of motion.  His meaty paw could barely palm the small mountain of muscle.   “This can’t be reeeeaauuuuhnhhhnnn….” he groaned, his knees going weak as soon as he gave a tentative squeeze.  The surge of pleasure was like nothing he’d ever felt before.  “Oh...oh shit…” he panted, his stout cock achingly hard in his pants.  He looked down instinctively to see if his tent was visible, only to come face-to-face with the cresting piles on his chest.  He couldn’t even see his ample muscle gut, or his large feet, just the oversized pecs and the barest tips of his solid, nubby nipples.  

Ted had to get off the dance floor.  Obvious erection or not, his tight jeans were already plastered around his thickly muscled thighs and they didn’t leave much room for his throbbing cock.  His heavy balls and stubbornly rigid organ were painfully confined, pinching and squishing with each lumbering step.  The new weight across his chest threw off his balance, forcing him to adopt an arched-back stance that only further accentuated his top heavy look.  He was starting to notice people staring as he made his way through the crowd, gasping and shuddering every time his sensitive new pecs brushed against someone.  

Just when Ted thought he was going to burst from the constricting pants, there was another release of tension.  He let out a relieved breath when the pain at his crotch faded, replaced by a growing confusion.  There was a sudden rush of air against the tops of his stocky quads as if his pants had torn, and he could feel his solid cock bouncing free in front of him.  He couldn’t see over the new growth at his chest, but reaching down he felt his stout rod and heavy balls covered in a loose, soft material as they hung on display outside of his jeans.  

Desperate to see what was happening, he barreled his way through the rest of the crowd, gritting his teeth against the surges of lust washing over him.  “This...can’t be happening,” he gasped when he finally broke free and came face-to-face with his altered reflection in a mirrored wall.  Seeing how they looked compared to the rest of his brawny frame, Ted paled at the comically large pecs strapped to his torso.  They were unnaturally huge, bigger than anything that could be built in a gym, giving his beefy frame an unbalanced look as they hovered above his muscled gut.  His powerful arms and broad shoulders were an afterthought next to the granite heaps, his full, rugged face looking small as it appeared to sit directly on top of them.  

Adding to the horror were the alterations below his waist.  The plastered on denim had been dramatically tailored, a large hole appearing where his fly should have been.  They still buttoned across his firm abs, but underneath was a gaping opening that spread to both legs, allowing his stiff pole and plump balls to hang free while also giving a tantalizing glimpse at the hairy thighs inside.  Even more confusingly, instead of the briefs he should have been wearing, all Ted saw was what appeared to be a dark purple sock or pouch covering his girthy equipment as it bobbed and swayed when he moved.  

The older man blushed as he realized he’d just pushed through a crowd with his package on display, but it occurred to him that no one reacted as if it was odd, a fact that was reinforced when his friend Derek made his way over.  

“Everything okay,” Derek shouted above the music as he watched his top-heavy friend stare at himself.  

“I...don’t know…” Ted stammered.  He’d fully intended to plead for help, but as soon as he opened his mouth the thought seemed ridiculous.  Nothing was really wrong, was it?  He looked down at his muscle tits and motioned to the exposed sock poking out of his pants.  “Do I...look weird?”  

The other beefy man grinned, folding his thick arms across his huge, if plausible, pecs.  “For you?  No, everything looks like it should.”  

Ted didn’t know why he wanted to argue.  Looking at Derek’s shirtless, proportional build, he didn’t know why he felt they should look more similar.  “It’s weird, man...I kinda freaked out for some reason,” the burly man said, smiling bashfully.  He still didn’t feel normal, but the odd panic was fading.  

“You just need to get laid, dude,” Derek laughed, clapping his friend on a meaty shoulder.  “Speaking of…” he nodded over to the lean young man watching them from a distance.  “Go get ‘em,” he winked, turning and making his way back out onto the floor.  

Ted grinned as the other man approached.  He recognized him as one of the bartenders, and while he normally didn’t go for lean, wiry guys, his aching cock just needed a release.  “Hey,” he said, his head nodding as best it could on his missing neck.  

Ben smiled and made a deliberate show of looking Ted slowly up and down.  “Hey yourself,” he grinned.  “Everything okay?  I saw you beeline off the dancefloor…” 

“Just got a bit claustrophobic out there,” Ted shrugged, shivering slightly as even that small motion caused little jolts of pleasure to shoot from his shifting chest.  

“I can see how spaces would get tight quick with those,” Ben whistled, his eyes glued to the older man’s hulking mounds.  

“They’re a bit unwieldy,” Ted laughed before returning the same slow, up and down look in Ben’s direction.  “You show this level of service with all your customers?”  

Ben nodded over his shoulder to a closed door.  “This is nothing.  I’ve got a break if you want to see what our VIP treatment is like.”  

That was all Ted needed to hear.  The older man lumbered awkwardly behind, each bob and wag of his exposed cock making him doubt again whether something was wrong, but as soon as they were in the small break room he didn’t have time to worry.  The younger man was on him in a flash, whipping off the purple sock and tossing it aside.  

“Clock’s ticking,” Ben grinned, peeling out of his tight t-shirt and pressing their bare torsos together.  

“NNNNnnnggggnnnnnnhhhh…!”  Ted hissed when he wrapped his beefy arms around the smaller man and felt Ben’s defined body rub against his chest.  The younger man bent down and tongued the massive mounds, nearly bringing Ted to his knees with the sensation of his stubbled chin dragging across the heaving pecs.  It took all of his focus just to fumble the other man’s pants open and pull them down, barely even registering that his wide pole was being stroked the whole time.  

“Someone’s about to pop,” Ben laughed, lubing Ted’s eager rod with the slick juices oozing from the leaking head.  He groaned when the older man’s fumbling hands tugged on his own aching pole, but he guided them away as he turned.  “Mmmmm…that’s better.” he sighed when Ted wasted no time worming a few fingers into his eager hole.  He’d had fun with Adam the other night, but after watching Tim’s show he was in the mood to go for a ride.  

Ted was just as eager.  He kneaded the young man’s solid little bubble with one hand while working him open with the other.  Ordinarily he preferred to hook up with meatheads and gym rats like himself, but he was always willing to show someone what a real man was like.  “There it is…” he sighed, his voice an arrogant growl when Ben grunted at his entrance.  His hands gripped the younger man’s trim waist like a vice as he guided him deeper onto the wide pole.  

Ben moaned blissfully as he bent forward against the wall and pushed his ass back, bracing himself as the burly stud behind him started pumping in full.  His lean body shook from the force, his quiet whimpers lost in the rough sound of slapping flesh.  He’d chosen well.  Ted was a beast, rolling his hips and thrusting with expert precision.  He’d pegged the older man as the dominant, top kind, and he hadn’t been wrong.  He couldn’t wait to see how Ted reacted to what came next.  

“FFuuuuuuuck yyyyyyeeeeeesssss….” Ben groaned after a few minutes of silent fucking.  It was taking all of his effort to hold himself back as Ted pounded away.  “Yo...you’re….really...good at this…” he grunted.  

Ted’s smile faltered as he thrust against Ben’s shaking rear.  The longer he fucked the younger man, the more he started to notice how different things felt.  The waves of pleasure were coming from his bouncing pecs, not the throbbing cock sliding in and out of Ben’s tight hole.  The mounds of muscle slammed up and down with each of his thrusts, causing him to whimper and moan, but the sensations from his stout cock were tepid at best.  

“Something...wrong…” Ben asked, his defined body vibrating as Ted started hammering at a rapid pace.

“I’m not...sure…” Ted grunted.  “This usually doesn’t...take...so long…” 

Ben righted himself and slid off the other man’s thick organ.  “Let’s try a different position,” he said, shoving Ted down onto the couch and climbing on top so that he straddled the older man’s muscled stomach with his toned thighs.  He grinned as he sat back, impaling himself once again on Ted’s frustrated member.  “How about this?”  

“OOHHHHHHHooohhhHHHOOOO!”  Ted howled when Ben reached down and started squeezing his enlarged chest.  He spasmed and bucked his hips, causing the younger man to clutch his chest even tighter as he became a writhing bull.  It was like nothing he’d ever experienced.  His hands dug into Ben’s thighs so tight he was going to leave bruises but he couldn’t help it.  All he could do was moan and writhe ecstatically against the young man’s soft hands.  All technique was forgotten as he thrust his hips with wild abandon, barely even registering that his cock was being worked in the first place.  The sensation of being buried between Ben’s little cheeks paled in comparison to what was happening to his chest.  “Do...don’t stop….don’t stop...!” Ted begged as he stared up at Ben with wide, shocked eyes.  He had just enough awareness left to register the irony of his situation.  Ben may have been riding his cock at the moment, but he was clearly the one getting fucked.  His deep rumble came out as a wailing shriek when Ben started pinching and thumbing his nubby nipples, his forgotten cock finally erupting.  

The sight of Ted’s overwhelmed expression caused Ben to blow moments later more than anything the older man’s spasming rod was doing to his insides.  The spewing hose felt wonderful, but it was the sudden surge of power that really got Ben off.  “Seemed like that...did the trick…” he panted, finally letting go of Ted’s sweat-slick tits.  

The older man shivered as even the slight sensation of Ben’s cum trickling down into the deep ravine of his chest sent a jolt through him.  “Sorry if I was rough,” he said, nodding towards the thighs he couldn’t see over the muscled piles.  

Ben slid off the couch and smiled when Ted spasmed as he wiped the cum from the older man’s torso.  “No complaints here.”  

Ted watched the younger man get dressed as he caught his breath, momentarily confused by what he felt.  Though he’d just blown harder than he could ever remember, his cock was still as rigid as if nothing had happened.  It finally occurred to him that he still had his jeans on, too.  With the new access port in the front, he hadn’t needed to remove the straining denim at all.  “Thanks,” he said as he sat up and took the purple sock from Ben, feeling like he was pulling on his underwear as he slid it back over his stout pole and furry balls.  “Should probably put this back on too…” Ted reached around and pulled his shirt from the back of his jeans, looking at the tight lycra as if he’d never seen it before.  His brain told him he should have a loose muscle shirt, but even as he had the thought he knew that was ridiculous.  The skin-tight lycra was bad enough against his sensitive chest, a loose, constantly rubbing muscle shirt would have him cumming all over the place.  He took a deep breath and shivered as he pulled the shirt on, the clinging material showing off every inch of his thick, curvy torso and the large, solid nipples underneath.  “Thanks for this,” he said, smiling over at Ben as the younger man watched him get dressed.  

“No, thank YOU,” Ben laughed, waving Ted off as the older man left to rejoin his friends.  Watching the purple sock bounce and the impossible pecs shift beneath the lycra tank top, Ben suddenly felt sick to his stomach.  The triumphant glow faded and he started trembling, the full realization of what he’d just done sinking in.  

He knew nothing about Ted.  He’d simply seen the burly, middle-aged man with the thinning, salt and pepper hair and matching mustache from across the bar and decided to take him for a spin.  He usually didn’t go for the ‘roided out types, but he was curious about Ted’s veiny bulk and all the things he could do to it.  Ben didn’t know if Ted was a nice guy or a total asshole, but he did know that from that moment on, the older man would spend his days walking around with his permanently hard cock on display beneath his obscenely large pecs.  Whether that meant the other man would be strutting around the office with a sock-covered package sticking out of his slacks, or fumbling around a construction sight with huge pecs always getting in the way, he didn’t know.  Ted could still be a top if he wanted, but the beefy man wouldn’t be getting off unless his tits were worked.  On the other hand, he could now get off JUST by having the meaty mounds fondled.  If Ben walked up behind and gripped them, it would only take a few moments of tweaking and toying before the thick hunk’s cock would be spraying like a fire hose.  

“Oh god,” Ben stammered, dropping to the couch.  His hands burned, already eager to write someone else into a new reality.  “What did I just do?”  


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