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Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 3

  • During his routine, Tim strips down to discover lingerie and a pussy where his heavy package should be.. 14
  • During his routine, Tim starts to shrink, his sculpted body becoming apish and misproportioned. 10
  • During his routine, Tim's twerking ass starts growing, and growing, and growing. 15
  • During his routine, the teasing stud starts bringing people up from the crowd to fuck him on stage. 14
  • During his routine, Tim's muscles start to vanish until he's a soft, curvy twink. 8
  • During his routine, Tim loses half his height but keeps the same athletic proportions. 15
  • 2019-01-21
  • —2019-01-24
  • 76 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 3', 'choices': [{'text': 'During his routine, Tim strips down to discover lingerie and a pussy where his heavy package should be.. ', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'During his routine, Tim starts to shrink, his sculpted body becoming apish and misproportioned. ', 'votes': 10}, {'text': "During his routine, Tim's twerking ass starts growing, and growing, and growing. ", 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'During his routine, the teasing stud starts bringing people up from the crowd to fuck him on stage.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': "During his routine, Tim's muscles start to vanish until he's a soft, curvy twink. ", 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'During his routine, Tim loses half his height but keeps the same athletic proportions.', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 24, 17, 0, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 21, 21, 52, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 76}


“Well that night took an unexpected turn,” Adam laughed, wiping down the bar.  “Have you ever seen those two in here before?”  

Ben shook his head and did his best not to let his giddy triumph show.  “No, but they put on a hell of a show.  I’m sure they’ll be back.”  

“I thought those straight guys’ heads were going to explode when they started dancing up on ‘em.  Good things those two were so jacked or that could’a got ugly.”  The tall blonde sighed and reached down to adjust the front of his jeans.  “They sure could move, couldn’t they?  Haven’t seen an ass shake like that in a minute.”  

“Shame they weren’t workin’ with much up front,” Ben said as he leaned against the counter, his hands brushing against the book.  “Gotta make up for those little guys somehow.”  

Adam tossed a towel in Ben’s direction, sticking out a plump lower lip in an exaggerated pout.  “You never complained about size before…” 

“I’m still not,” Ben laughed.  He walked over and put a hand on Adam’s sculpted chest, the other reaching down to squeeze his friend’s solid rear.  “Feel like giving me a refresher?”  The lean man was ready to pop, turned on by the rush of his newfound power and the display the former straight bros had put on for everyone.  Watching them strut and prance in their overly muscled, overly gay new bodies while knowing that just hours before they’d been a pair of average guys was a potent aphrodisiac.  

“I could be persuaded,” Adam grinned, leaning down to kiss the smaller man in his meaty arms.  He stood nearly a head taller than Ben and was twice as broad, looking like a viking with his shaggy blonde hair and ample muscle.  The strapping hunk could be aggressive when he needed to, but mostly the muscles were for show, a way to catch attention and rope the boys in.  It had certainly worked with Ben, who didn’t care about Adam’s smallish package in the least.  For all his other size, the handsome stud topped out at just under six inches at his hardest.  And despite knowing how to use every one of those inches to the fullest, Adam had always felt self conscious about his limited endowment.  

Reaching down to squeeze the small, solid lump in his friend’s pants, it occurred to Ben that he might be able to help Adam out.  “Meet me at my place,” he said, giving a final squeeze before grabbing the book and hurrying out of the bar.  

Ben sped back to his apartment, having to fight the urge to start writing as soon as he got in the car.  The book felt like a physical presence in the passenger seat, as if another person was sitting next to him.  Whispers hissed at the edges of his hearing, a buzzing, static white noise that just barely registered.  He couldn’t make out what was being said, or if it was even language to begin with, but the longer he listened the more he felt the urge to write.  

Back in his apartment, the book fell open to a blank page as soon as he set it down.  The cover lifted of its own accord, the pages fanning from a phantom wind.  Like a man possessed, Ben didn’t question any of it.  He grabbed his pen and started writing.  


“OOooof, right to it then,” Adam laughed as Ben planted a rough kiss and shoved him back against the counter, eagerly clawing at the waist of the brawny blonde’s pants.  The bigger man leaned back and sighed, stroking a hand through Ben’s thick brown hair.  “Someone’s thirsty.”  

“You have no idea,” Ben groaned, fumbling Adam’s pants open and tugging the tight denim down his friend’s sturdy legs.  His cock throbbed at the sight of Adam’s tiny blue briefs and the small bulge in the front.  If what he’d written in the book came to pass, it wouldn’t be small for much longer.  He slipped a hand inside, kneading the twitching package to get one last feel of the short rod and furry balls at their current size.  

“I think I like horny Ben,” Adam groaned, peeling off his muscle shirt to expose his tanned, chiseled torso.  His plump, round pecs broke out in goosebumps when the other man leaned in and began licking at one of his tiny nipples, his hand slipping out of the briefs to stroke his washboard abs.  

Ben lapped at Adam’s chest, backing off and raising his arms only long enough to let the other man lift his shirt free.  Adam’s tiny briefs were tented by the small rod that was begging for release, but Ben wanted to draw things out.  If he’d written it correctly his friend wouldn’t start changing until the briefs were pulled down, and he wanted a few more minutes with the old Adam.  The knowledge that his friend was literal putty in his hands, to be shaped and molded however he saw fit, was intoxicating.  

“You know that’d...be...easier...if you...took ‘em….off…” Adam grunted, overwhelmed by Ben’s eager assault.  The smaller man was squeezing and rubbing him through his briefs to the point where he was ready to blow.  Normally when they hooked up Ben was reserved, almost shy, not a frenzied whirlwind of hands and mouths.  He didn’t know what had gotten into his friend, but he wasn’t complaining.

“You’re right,” Ben grinned, wrapping a hand around Adam’s throbbing little pole while he tugged the briefs down with the other.  As soon as the tight underwear slipped over the cresting mounds of Adam’s ample rear, he felt the change.  The small cock seemed to throb, growing longer and thicker in his grip.  When he let go, both he and Adam stared down at the now-eight inch rod with wide, hungry eyes.  The furry balls underneath had grown to match, inflating and dropping with their new weight.  

“MMMM…..that’s better,” Adam purred, a slight shudder running through him.  Ben watched his friend for any other reaction, breathing a sigh of relief when the big man remained calm.  He’d written things so that Adam would accept the changes as normal, but he still worried.  He didn’t fully understand how all of this worked, which meant his friend was just as likely to panic.  

“It definitely is,” Ben laughed, stepping back and staring at Adam’s naked body.  With his new above average endowment, the muscled blonde truly was an adonis.  Sparkling eyes, lantern jaw, broad shoulders, tapering waist, solid bubble and meaty thighs, Adam was walking perfection.  

“Are you just going to stare or are you gonna join me?”  

“This is about you right now, big guy.”  Ben crossed his toned arms over his flat, bare stomach and grinned.  “Work that thing for me,” he said, nodding at Adam’s inflated member.  

For the first time that Ben could remember seeing, Adam blushed.  “What?” he laughed awkwardly.  

“Come on...bounce it around, make it wag, thrust it,” Ben goaded, making a pumping motion with his hips.  

“You ARE in a mood…” Still blushing and grinning bashfully, the chiseled blonde shook his hips, causing the aching club to slap noisily against his thighs and up against his ripped stomach when he began thrusting.  The slapping grew louder as Ben watched the bobbing organ inflate again, pushing out to a fat ten inches with plump balls the size of small oranges as Adam shook the size into it.  “That what you wanted,” Adam asked, still oblivious to the extra weight between his meaty thighs.  

Ben’s only response was to drop to his knees and swallow as much of the oversized hose as he could.  The bulbous head just barely fit into his mouth as he clutched at Adam’s solid cheeks.  He bobbed his face back and forth, only managing to fit a fraction of the powerful rod before he started to choke, and then only briefly.  After a few moments of being worked by his rapidly aching jaw, Ben had to pull away as Adam underwent another growth spurt.  The growing club shot out another few inches, until it topped out at just over a foot.  Ben pumped the enlarged cock with both hands, running his tongue along the underside of the wide beast while kneading the balls that had grown large enough to spill out of his palm.  

Looking up at the whimpering wall of perfect muscle, Ben couldn’t help but wonder what Adam would think if he knew.  Would he be happy?  Or would this be too big?  It was occurring to the kneeling man that he hadn’t entirely thought things through.  At his current size, there was no way he’d be able to take Adam, and he doubted that there were many who could.  And they still had more to go.  

“Oohh...fuck, Ben...you’re...on a roll...tonight…” Adam moaned, rocking his hips to work his third new forearm against his friend’s face.   “What’d I do to...deserve...this…”  

“Just thought I’d help you out,” Ben grinned, rising to his feet and pulling Adam along by the enormous cock.  He shoved his friend down onto the mattress when they reached his bedroom, the enlarged organ standing rigid and tall as the brawny man sprawled on his back.  The lean young bartender finally shucked his pants and underwear before climbing on top of his friend, the throbbing club wedged between them as they kissed.  Ben pumped his hips, working the rigid organs together, his six and a half inches looking pitiful compared to Adam’s oversized monster.  “Feel like helping ME out?”  

Adam smiled, his huge hands swallowing Ben’s perky bubble.  “It’s not like you can ride this thing,” he said, jamming his cock up against the other man’s wiry torso.  

Ben made a mental note, surprised to discover that not only did the other man treat what was happening as normal, his brain was adapting on the fly as if he’d always been like this.  It wasn’t abnormal for them to switch off, neither of them were locked into a top or bottom role, but now Adam was acting resigned, like he didn’t have a choice.  “I’ll make it worth your while,” Ben said, feeling a slight stab of guilt as he hefted Adam’s heavy legs onto his shoulders.  

The hulking blonde grunted and arched his back when Ben worked himself inside, clutching at the sheets as he gazed longingly up at his lean friend.  “I can’t...tell you..how..muuuuuhh...much...I appruuunnn...appreciate...you..notttuu...not...being...freaked out...by this…” Adam whimpered, his heavy pecs bouncing as Ben slammed into him.  Even as he spoke, the blonde beefcake’s weighty cock wormed its way further up his torso, sliding into the valley between the muscled mounds of his chest before finally stopping just below his chin at an impossible sixteen inches.  It was like an extra arm, as thick as wine bottle with balls the size of grapefruits that shook and jiggled as Ben plunged in and out of his solid rear.  

The smaller man was torn, equally thrilled and horrified by the sight.  When it had all been theoretical, the thought of Adam with a monstrous package had seemed fun, but seeing it in person was another matter entirely.  Ben felt another rush of guilt, knowing full well that his friend’s behemoth was just as useless as the tiny nubs he’d given the bros at the bar, even worse because of its cumbersome size.  Adam may have lamented his smallish cock, but he’d been a stud in every sense of the word, able to make Ben scream regardless of its size.  Now, all the freakish organ could do was pulse and ooze against Adam’s prominent chest while he was forced into the role of permanent bottom.  

“Of...of course…” Ben moaned, reaching down to cup the oozing head and give the heavy pole a stroke.  It was leaking like a faucet, leaving the chiseled blonde increasingly covered in a sticky layer.  “I louuu...love this….thing…” 

“Feeling’s...muh...ohhhh fuck….mutuaaaauuuunnnn!”  Adam grunted and spasmed, his eyes going wide as he erupted in volcanic fashion.  He blasted all over his gorgeous face and shaggy hair, pumping out load after load.  He was still cumming when Ben reached his own breaking point, barely registering the meager stream that hit his insides.  “Whooooo….sorry about the mess,” Adam blushed, wiping the dripping cum from his face when the tide had settled.  The bed was as soaked as he was.  

“Worth it for a show like that,” Ben laughed, pulling out and letting his friend’s legs drop.  His eyes were glued to Adam’s dangling beast as the other man rolled off the bed and began stripping the soiled sheets.  Even soft, the obscene hose dangled a foot long, nearly reaching Adam’s knee. It was made all the more prominent by the way the hairy bull balls thrust it forward, causing it to sway like an elephant’s trunk.  

It was at this point that Ben had intended to undo the changes.  He’d had his romp and given Adam a taste of the other end of the spectrum, so now it was time to put his friend back to normal.  But staring at his friend’s freakish, swaying pendulum, the copious release dripping down Adam’s bulging pecs and broad shoulders, he suddenly changed his mind.  He told himself he could always undo it later, and since Adam saw this as normal there really wasn’t any rush.  

He followed his horse-hung friend into the bathroom, loving the private show of Adam scrubbing his plentiful muscle clean.  

“Ugh,” the blonde groaned, “I just remembered tomorrow’s amateur night.”  

“Oh, great.  All the wannabe go-go boys,” Ben sighed, secretly amazed at how quickly Adam was adapting to his oversized hose bumping into the shower walls.  “Think Tim’ll show up?”  

“Of course,” the big man spat.  He cranked off the shower and stepped out, hefting the massive organ as he toweled off.  “He’s gotta feed his ego somehow.  Like, yeah, we get it, you’re hot, but that’s no reason to be a dick to all the other guys.  And you’re kind of a shitty dancer.”  

“Who knows,” Ben grinned. “The way things have been going….could be an interesting night.”  



Sooooo good . You are missing a top option...