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Jacob turned the small statue over in his hand, tracing the veins of color that ran through it with his fingers.  He still wasn’t sure what had possessed him to take it in the first place, or what it was even supposed to be.  It was made of clear glass, or possibly crystal, and stood in the shape of a twisting spire.  Brilliant shades of red and gold swirled upwards through the interior, looking like a flickering flame as he turned it over in his hands under the light.  

It was the similarity to flame that had caught his eye in the first place since he and the rest of the crew had been called out to the house on the edge of town after reports of smoke.  It still didn’t make sense.  The house was in the middle of nowhere; it was so remote they missed the overgrown turnoff twice, and the truck had almost gotten stuck on the winding dirt road that led from the street.  When the trees finally opened up into a clearing they saw the small hut, but there was no smoke or fire in sight.  Even if there had been, the forest around the hut was so dense and the neighbors were spread so far apart that Jacob doubted anyone would have noticed.  

Being the youngest guy on the squad, of course they’d sent him in to check it out.  It was a convenient excuse, and he knew it.  They’d arrived an hour after sunset and it was pitch black in the small clearing.  The only illumination came from the fire truck’s headlights, and the flashing sirens overhead that made it look as if shadowy creatures were darting through the trees around them.  The other guys were just as creeped out as he was.

It was clear the hut had been long abandoned.  The moss-covered roof was full of holes and the glass in the windows had long since been shattered.  The remains of a screen door hung at an angle from the sole remaining hinge and fell away completely when Jacob pushed it aside.  

The interior was just as dilapidated.  There were only two rooms, both of which were filled with crumbling furniture, forest debris, and the carcases of various birds and squirrels.  There was such a dense layer of dirt and leaves on the floor that it was hard to tell where the forest outside ended and the hut began.  A few moldy books sat on a table next to a rotting mattress and it was clear that there hadn’t been a fire out there in a long time.  

It was when Jacob had turned to leave that he saw the statue.  It was backlit from the lights of the truck, making it look as if it glowed with its own internal radiance.  He knew he shouldn’t have taken it, even from a place that was so clearly abandoned, but before he knew it he was sticking it in his pocket and heading back to the truck.  

“The fuck is that?”  

Jacob nearly dropped the statue when a rough, heavy hand landed on his shoulder.  He’d been so focused on it that he hadn’t heard Frank lumbering up from behind which, considering the older man’s massive size, was saying something.  “Dunno,” Jacob said, reluctantly looking over his shoulder.  The longer he stared at the statue the more captivated by it he was, especially when the alternative was the sight of his burly friend’s naked, dripping body.  The forest of salt and pepper hair that covered the older man’s barrel torso and beefy arms still glistened from his recent shower, the towel around his waist looking ridiculously small as it struggled to contain the brawny wall of muscle.  

They were at opposite ends of the spectrum.  Frank, at 49, was the oldest and biggest of the bunch, while Jacob, at 22, was the youngest and smallest.  Though Jacob could have fit comfortably inside Frank’s broad frame, “small” wasn’t entirely accurate.  The young man’s athletic body was covered in a solid layer of lean, defined muscle.  Years of sports and the benefits of youth kept his smooth skin tight and chiseled, something his older partners never tired of harassing him about.  With his shaggy, auburn hair and youthful, boyish face, they ribbed him relentlessly.  

He was never called by his name.  It was always “junior” or “kid”, and when they did use a name it was “Jakey”, not Jacob.  It didn’t matter that he had a long, thick seven inch hose between his toned thighs.  It didn’t matter that when he wasn’t on duty at the firehouse he was hopping from one woman’s bed to another.  He wasn’t a stud here, he was just a kid.  Even Ben, who was only five years older, treated him like a toddler by comparison.  Jacob knew it was just because Ben was grateful to no longer be on the receiving end, but he’d always hoped the other man would back off since he knew how annoying it was.  Jacob wasn’t that lucky.  

“What ya got there, junior,” Ben asked, coming up behind Frank with a smug, shit-eating grin on his lantern-jawed face.  The blonde stud had been as impressively built as Jacob at one point, but as he approached thirty and discovered how difficult it was to maintain such a shredded body he’d switched his focus to beefing up instead.  From what Jacob could see, it was working.  Ben’s formerly lean muscle was steadily growing thick and bulky, the smattering of wiry blonde hairs on his thick pecs working in conjunction with the buzzed ones on his scalp to give him a rugged, masculine appearance.  Looking at Ben standing shirtless in a pair of straining grey sweatpants that used to be loose and baggy, Jacob couldn’t help but feel a stab of envy.  

“I found it at that house earlier,” Jacob said before his brain sent the message to keep his mouth shut.  

Frank’s eyes narrowed as he glared down at the younger man.  “You took it from a call,” he growled.  

“Oohhhhh, someone’s in trouuuubbbbllleeee,” Ben sang, shaking his head. 

“What?  That place was super abandoned!  No one had been there in years,” Jacob protested.  

“Kid.  Listen to me.  We.  Don’t.  Take.  Things.  From.  Calls,” Frank spat, slapping Jacob in the back of the head to punctuate each word.  “I don’t care how abandoned you think a place is.  Our job is to help people, not rob them.  Am I clear?”  

“Cut the kid some slack, Frank.”  Before the older man could respond, Scott grabbed the tenuous towel and pulled it free, leaving Jacob eye level with Frank’s stout cock and hairy, heavy balls.  “There.  Punishment enough, I think.”  

“Aww, man, but what’d I do,” Ben laughed, looking away from Frank’s exposed package.  With surprising speed, the hairy bull’s piston arms shot forward and tugged Ben’s sweats and boxer briefs down, letting the brawny blonde’s smallish package flop free.  “Hey!  Come on, dude,” Ben yelped, blushing and reaching down to cover himself.  

“What?  Was there even anything there?”  Frank crossed his arms over his slab of a chest and thrust his crotch forward, apparently not bothered in the least by his sudden exposure.  

“Frank’s right, though,” Scott said, tousling Jacob’s hair.  “You gotta think these things through.  Someone called us, so someone’s keeping an eye on that place.  Might notice something like that going missing,” he said, nodding towards the statue.  

“I know!  I know!  I’ve never even thought about taking something from a call before.  Honest.  I just...I saw it sitting there and next thing I know I’m shoving it in my pocket.”  Jacob was sheepish as he looked up at Scott, actually feeling like a kid now that he was surrounded by all of his partners.  Like Ben, Scott’s meaty frame was clad only in a pair of sweats, but unlike the younger blonde, Scott’s body bulged with the kind of thick muscle Ben dreamt of.  Having a five year head start on the younger man, he’d taken Ben under his furry wing, helping the blonde hunk go from pretty boy to muscle bear.  Scott wasn’t sure there was anything Ben could do to get a forest of hair like the chocolate carpet that covered him, but he could at least help with the muscle.  “I won’t do it again.  I promise.”  

“See?  That’s all it took,” Scott said.  The beefy bear gave Jacob’s hair one final tousle, his full, stubble covered cheeks split by an easy grin as he watched Ben pull his pants back up.  “Seeing you two without your pants on is enough to scare anyone straight.”  

The furry giant gave Scott the finger and stomped off towards his locker, giving everyone a full view of his ample, shifting cheeks on the way.  He pulled on a pair of worn, plaid boxers and dropped down onto his bed, folding his thick arms behind his thinning, salt-and-pepper hair.  “Wake me if we get a call,” he grumbled.  

Scott ran a hand through his short brown hair and slapped Ben on the arm.  “Wanna go hit the weights?”   

“Sure,” Ben nodded, giving Jacob’s head a rough shove.  “Junior Klepto here can be on monitor duty.”  

“Fuck you,” Jacob said, pulling his head away.  As soon as the other two were out of the room he gave his radio a quick check to make sure it was on and went back to inspecting the statue.  

He quickly lost track of how long he sat there.  With Ben and Scott downstairs and Frank sleeping, an encompassing silence fell over the old, brick building.  Being in the rural part of town, the lack of noise wasn’t uncommon, but the accompanying stillness was odd.  There wasn’t so much as a single chirping cricket or rustling breeze, and even the white noise hum of the building’s internal workings seemed muted.  

Not that Jacob paid it much mind.  His attention was focused solely on the statue and the way it seemingly flickered in his hands.  The longer he looked at it the more it seemed to glow, to produce heat the way a real flame would.  It was hypnotic.  The reds and golds swirled and danced, sucking him into their swaying rhythm until the young jock felt like he was falling forward, tumbling head over heels into the flame he held.  The statue didn’t just look like flame; it WAS flame.  Jacob gasped as he rocketed towards the towering inferno that grew larger and larger on his approach.  The heat grew unbearable.  He felt it wash over him in a searing wave, consuming him to his core.  He screamed at the lapping flames and fought against them while his body was reduced to cinders and his brain floated untethered through the glowing void.  

When there was nothing left of him but a disembodied consciousness, the flames changed their shape.  The tower of fire parted down the middle, the two sides pulling away from each other and drawing upwards to form a pair of floating orbs.  The rough edges of flame smoothed away until a set of mammoth, glowing red eyes glared down at Jacob’s floating awareness.  

“Wha…!”  Jacob started awake in his chair so hard he nearly fell out.  The young man’s chiseled torso was covered in sweat and his heart was racing.  He looked around the room in a disoriented daze, trying and failing to remember what it was that had him so terrified.  “Fuck me,” he panted, shaking the sleep from his head.  “Hope I didn’t miss a call...wonder how long I was...out…” his mumblings trailed off when he looked at the clock on the wall.  It read a quarter after midnight, but Jacob had been certain that it was nearly one when Ben and Scott had left to go workout.  He checked the radio and was greeted with a soft, buzzing static.  

“Guess it wasn’t as late as I thought,” he mumbled sleepily as he stood and stretched, scratching sleepily at his ripped stomach.  He gave himself a quick once over in the mirror, flexing his smooth, sculpted pecs and giving the perky cheeks beneath his cotton shorts an approving nod.  He felt slightly off, but nothing looked out of sorts.  At least on him.  

When Jacob turned from the mirror, he had to clap a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.  Frank was still sprawled out on his back, slumbering at the far end of the room, but what caught Jacob’s attention was the stout, rigid pole that had escaped through the fly of the older man’s boxers.  Not one to miss a chance for future blackmail, Jacob grabbed his phone and crept over to Frank’s bed.  He knew the burly giant would murder him if he was caught, so he quickly and quietly raised his phone to snap the picture, only to find that it wouldn’t turn on.  He tried a few more times, sure that he should have at least half a battery left, but it refused to respond.  


Jacob froze like a deer in headlights at Frank’s quiet moans, afraid that any movement would cause him to wake.  Certain of his imminent demise he watched the beefy man shift in his sleep, a meaty paw drifting down from its position across Frank’s stomach to wrap around the solid organ that had slipped free.  Eyes still closed and apparently sleeping, Jacob couldn’t believe what he was seeing when Frank’s hand started to pump up and down along the wide member while his other one stroked absently through the dense patch of hair on his plump pecs.  

His plans for revenge having turned into something else entirely, Jacob slowly backed away and tip-toed out of the room to go check on Ben and Scott.  He tried to shake the image of what he’d just seen from his head, but the sight was burned into his brain.  

“That was fuckin’ weird,” he muttered, confused by the emotions the memory stirred in him.  Even in his sleep, Frank radiated a raw, primitive power.  Normally Jacob was intimidated by that overwhelming presence, but watching the older man tug away on his throbbing pole, the young jock had been hit with an urge to crawl into bed with him.  For just a moment as he turned away, Jacob wondered what it would be like to feel those thick, hairy arms wrapped around him.  

“Holy shit I need to get laid,” he laughed to himself as he felt his cock twitch at the thought.  He forced the image from his mind as he reached the bottom of the stairs.  He could hear the showers hissing down the hall and figured Ben and Scott must be finished with their workout.  Eager to tell his friends about the embarrassing scenario he’d just encountered, he hurried towards the bathrooms, slowing his steps before he even realized it as he approached.  

The young man paused outside the doorway, unsure why he was hesitating until he noticed the splashing.   There was a pattern to it, a structured rhythm that suggested something that shouldn’t be.  He snuck inside and stuck his head around the corner to peek into the tiled room lined with shower heads, his stomach dropping at the sight.  

There was Ben, leaning forward against a wall with his meaty rear pressed backwards against Scott, who was plunging into it over and over again.  Jacob watched the bearish brunette’s body shake with each forceful thrust, a series of quiet groans ringing above the hissing water.  In front of him, Ben’s face was twisted into a mask of confused ecstasy.  The blonde’s eyes were wide with shock, his mouth open in a constant whimper as his solid, five inch rod bounced up and down between his thick thighs.  

Jacob couldn’t process what he was seeing.  He knew without a doubt that his two friends were as straight as they came.  There was no possible way he should have been watching them fuck each other.  Yet there Ben was, his strong fingers clutching at the slick tile as Scott slammed into him.  It didn’t make sense.  

He told himself it was his confusion that held him rooted in place.  He didn’t even register that he was hard until he stepped out from around the corner to get a better view, and by then what he was seeing made his own embarrassment irrelevant.  

It was hard to tell through the steam and water at first, but as he watched his friends go at it, he noticed Ben’s body starting to change.  It was subtle, but with each of Scott’s deep thrusts the buff blonde seemed to be inflating.  Ben’s eyes would go even wider as his body rippled and pushed outwards.  Perhaps due to the proximity of the source, Jacob watched Ben’s sturdy quads go from solid, to thick, to huge.  With each thrust his friend’s meaty legs would expand towards each other until he could barely see the tip of Ben’s solid cock wagging up and down.  The same went for his already ample cheeks, which shook and jiggled a little more with each plunge as the flesh was piled on.  The growth spread up his back and around to his stomach, his body losing its athletic taper as it widened.  Jacob watched Ben’s flat, firm stomach start to press out towards the floor, growing more and more round as if Scott’s cock was an air pump.  When the blonde’s former abs had been replaced by a curvy muscle gut the growth spilled down over his shoulders, thickening his arms into a pair of beefy girders and swallowing what little neck he had left as his pecs exploded outwards into a meaty shelf.  His square jawed features softened slightly when they filled out, his whole head taking on a round appearance that was accentuated by his buzzed scalp.  

When the muscle growth slowed, the hair took over.  Spreading up from his now-bouncing cheeks, an increasingly thick layer of silky golden hair sprouted from Ben’s lower back.  It flowed up from his invaded rear as though Scott’s furry abdomen was contagious, draping over his shoulders and down his arms.  The forest spilled south across Ben’s inflated pecs and over the crest of his solid new gut to coat his trunk-like thighs.  The small cock that Jacob had lost sight of gradually reemerged, with more and more of it slapping into view as the oozing organ inflated like the rest of his body until it looked like he’d grown a third forearm.  

His stunned friend finally noticed him standing there.  Ben gave him a desperate, pleading look as his newly acquired muscles shook from Scott’s relentless pounding.  The beefy blonde seemed larger than the man behind him now, who pumped cluelessly away.  Even from a distance Jacob could read the horror in Ben’s eyes as his furry new bulk responded in unwanted ways.  He knew his friend wanted to get bigger, but not this big.  He’d become a walking wall of muscle, a furry, over-hung caricature of a meathead who seemed to love getting fucked by other guys.  

Jacob turned and ran.  He didn’t know what else to do.  He ignored his own oozing cock bobbing in his tiny shorts as he sprinted up the stairs to wake Frank, hoping the older man would have some clue as to what was happening and how to stop it.  

“There you are.”  

Jacob turned the corner at the top of the stairs and slammed into a solid, furry wall.  The young man would have bounced off and landed on the ground if a pair of solid arms hadn’t quickly wrapped around him.  

“Frank!  Fuck, man, I’m glad you’re awake!  Something weird’s going...on…” Jacob trailed off when he finally noticed that the older man was still holding him, his rough palms running up and down his smooth back.  The smug look on Frank’s face made more sense when Jacob felt the other man’s still solid, still exposed cock dig into his washboard stomach.  “Frank...what’re you doing…” he stuttered, his smooth skin breaking out into goosebumps.  

“I don’t...know...” the older man rumbled, grinding his throbbing cock against Jacob’s tented little shorts.  “I just have to.”  

“N..no!  Listen...Ben and Scott are downstairs...they’re...they’re…” Jacob broke off in a gasp when Frank bent down, his scratchy, stubbled cheeks a sharp contrast to the soft, warm tongue that began exploring his neck.  He groaned, his resistance slipping.  The part of him that wanted to melt into the older man grew stronger, nearly drowning out the voice in his head that told him to run.  

It was just as he was relaxing in Frank’s bearish grip that he felt it start to happen.  The goosebumps turned into a full-body tingle as the hair on Frank’s brawny frame seemed to come alive.  Jacob could practically feel it squirming against him.  Each salt-and-pepper follicle was a separate dart of pleasure.  And then it spread.  Like the flames in his dream, the hair seemed to wash over him like a wave.  Only it wasn’t Frank’s hair.  It was his own.  All at once his athletic body erupted into a chestnut carpet, as if being called to the surface by Frank’s thick coating.  Jacob gasped as the growing layer of hair spread across his chest and down his solid abs to mingle with the older man’s jungle.  Instead of feeling rough palms on his smooth back, the young stud felt the older man’s fingers sliding through a dense, curly forest.  Out of the corners of his eyes he could see the hair spreading over his shoulders and down his arms, and he could feel it rubbing on his thighs.  

“Oh god…” he moaned when Frank spun him in his arms and he came face to face with the reflection of the furry stranger.  Jacob’s stomach turned at the sight.  Unlike Ben he’d never wanted to be bigger, and he certainly didn’t want to be hairy.  He liked his smooth, sculpted body and wanted to keep it that way.  

Frank had other ideas.  While Jacob was staring in horror at his unwanted fur, the older man tugged down the back of his shorts and plunged inside.  “OOHHHHnnnnnnnuuuhhhhh!”  Jacob grunted and saw stars.  If it weren’t for the burly arms wrapped around him he would have hit the ground as his knees went weak.  He clutched at Frank’s thick forearms, squirming and whimpering in a mix of terror and bliss.  His tented shorts still covered his aching cock and he watched a growing damp spot form as Frank slid in and out of his now-furry bubble.  He was mortified, but even through his humiliation he was nearly overcome by how good everything felt.  Jacob was confused when it finally occurred to him that his squirming wasn’t an attempt at escape since he didn’t actually want to pull away.  Instead, he pressed back against the wall of hairy muscle that was the older man, quickly falling into a rhythm as if this wasn’t the first time he’d been on the receiving end.  

Behind him, Frank was silent save for the occasional grunt and groan.  The bigger man had an equally confused look on his face, as if he was being compelled by an outside force.  Jacob was trying to figure out what his partner had meant when he’d said he “had to”, but the thick, pounding cock splitting him open was making it difficult to focus.  The young man was at least able to notice that the clock was still frozen at twelve fifteen, but more alarming was the absence of the glass statue.  He’d left it on the table when he went downstairs, and while Frank could have moved it, something in his gut told him things weren’t that simple.  

“Fr...Frank…” Jacob panted, “...did you move...the...statuuuUUUUUU!”  Before he could finish, the smaller man felt a shudder run through him.  It was as if all of his muscles were seizing up at once, locking him in place.  He couldn’t even give voice to his horror when, like Ben, he watched himself start to grow.  

As with his friend, the growth started at his lower half where he was connected to Frank.  Little by little he watched his athletic legs expand, his thighs pressing towards each other until his shorts ripped apart.  For a moment he was comically bottom heavy, his sculpted torso sitting on top of a set of furry trunks with a plump, shaking rear, but it didn’t last.  The growth rocketed upwards, and Jacob could only watch as the washboard abs he worked so hard to maintain disappeared before his whole stomach pushed outwards.  His perfect pecs followed suit, growing round and prominent as they rested on the new muscle gut he’d sprouted below.  He tried to will the growth to stop as his shoulders inflated, swallowing most of his neck and giving a round fullness to his face that made his boyish features seem at least a decade older.  His arms rivaled Frank’s as they clutched at the older man, and looking at his inflated, furry new body, Jacob wasn’t sure where his ended and his partner’s began.  They were both hulking, beefy furballs, radiating a primal masculinity to an almost exaggerated degree.  Jacob’s rigid cock didn’t look quite as large compared to the rest of his altered body, but it was still bigger than most and suited his thick new frame perfectly.  

Jacob had been resisting the changes as best he could.  He’d been clinging to his sense of self as he watched his body change, holding tight to the knowledge that this wasn’t how he was supposed to be.  He didn’t know what was happening or how any of it was possible, but he knew it had to do with the statue.  Something had lured them out to that hut on purpose, knowing they would find it.  Now, with the statue gone, the young new bear wondered if there was any going back.  

He dreaded the thought of being stuck in a furry, bulky body.  He was humiliated as he pictured himself bulging against whatever clothes he wore, tufts of hair escaping through all the openings.  He didn’t know why he was suddenly interested in men, but the way he already craved more of what Frank was doing to him, he doubted this would be a one-time occurrence.  He pictured his burly body on all fours while a cut young guy like he should be plowed into his ample new rear, clutching fistfuls of his back hair while he grunted like a beast.  

He erupted at the thought, the station suddenly awash in a reddish glow just as he came.  Instead of the night sky, the windows lit up with swirling reds and golds, as if the world was on fire around them.  As in his dream, Jacob knew their old lives were being consumed.  Wherever this fire had come from, it was burning up the men that were, leaving the altered group in their place.  

Whatever remained of Jacob’s hope faded with the glow.  The flames vanished as quickly as they appeared, leaving two sweaty, breathless piles of muscle and fur clinging to each other as the night seemed to lurch back to life.  The sudden reappearance of the missing white noise, the hum of the fluorescent lights overhead and the crickets outside, was like a siren shattering the oppressive silence.  On the wall, the clock read twelve sixteen.  

Jacob looked over a burly new shoulder at Frank’s confused face, both of them whimpering quietly at the thought of what they’d just done, and what they wanted to do again.  



This was amazingly hot, man. And really well-written.