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“This is your fault, ya know.”  The large man wiped the torrent of sweat from his brow and threw a clump of dirt at his friend.  

“Bobby, I swear to god if you say that one more time…” Chuck swatted the dirt away and kept working.  He knew better than to antagonize the other man when he was in a bad mood.  “Look, I said I was sorry, alright? I didn’t think we’d get caught.”  

“Oh, Bobby, this plan is foolproof!  The old man has waaayyy too much land to notice a few weed plants,” Bobby mocked, mimicking his friend.  “Now look!  It’s 100 degrees out and we either work for the old man or he turns us in to the cops!  You know I can’t get in any more trouble.”  

“How the hell could I have known he’d find the plants?  Or that he’d be waiting for us to come back?”  Chuck still couldn’t believe the old man had found their tiny plants out of all his countless acres, let alone been vigilant enough to wait for them to come claim them.  “Besides, it’ll work out.  All we have to do is clear some of his fields and he’ll forget the whole thing.  C’mon, this can’t be that hard for a big guy like you.”  

“Kicking your scrawny ass won’t be hard for a big guy like me either,” Bobby said menacingly.  At nearly six and a half feet tall, he was a bull of a man who knew how to use his size to his advantage.  He’d played on every sports team he could before being kicked out of high school, and subsequent years of working construction had ensured that the 26 year old was nearly as wide and solid as he was tall.  His large size and commanding voice meant that he could boss around just about all the guys in his small town, while his sandy blonde hair and boyish face meant he could have his way with just about any of the women.  Bobby did both on a regular basis, which didn’t earn him any friends in the local police department, or with anyone else for that matter.  He was already on his last warning with the law, so if the old man turned him in he knew he’d finally be looking at some real jail time.  “And you had to pick the hottest day of the year to get us caught, didn’t you?”  Bobby pulled his abandoned t-shirt from the waist of his sweat soaked jeans and wiped his dripping face and torso.  

“At least you can work on your tan,” Chuck laughed, ducking aside as Bobby made a makeshift whip out of his sopping t-shirt.  He and Bobby had known each other since elementary school, and over the years Chuck had been the only one willing to put up with Bobby’s abuse on a consistent basis.  It wasn’t pure altruism; having someone as big as Bobby on his side meant that no one came after him when one of his plans didn’t quite work out.  Where his friend was tall and burly, Chuck had the lean, wiry body of a scrapper.  He stood just under the six-foot mark, and his jet-black hair and sharp facial features were a direct contrast to his friend’s blonde, boyish good looks.  He could hold his own when he had to, but while his large friend was always using his fists to get what he wanted, Chuck came up with scheme after scheme, most of which failed miserably and landed him in hot water with someone.  Their current situation was a prime example.  “Besides, if we work quick it shouldn’t take us more than a few days to get this cleared.”  Chuck tried to sound optimistic, but after just a few hours he was already as sweat-soaked as his friend.  But unlike his smooth friend, Chuck had to deal with a layer of hair that covered him from the neck down and wasn’t helping matters in the heat.  He’d long since shed his t-shirt, but the matted hair on his chest made it feel like he was wearing another one.  

“A few days…fuckin’ great,” Bobby growled.  “You owe me so goddamn much for thi…”

“Shh! Do you hear that?” Chuck cut off his friend with a wave and cupped his ear.  “Do you hear an engine?”  

“What?  I don’t hear anything,” Bobby said after a few silent moments.  “Now get back to work so we can…oh.  What is that?  It sounds like a mo…” before he could finish the sentence the approaching noise was on top of them.  Both men threw themselves on the ground as a low flying plane zoomed overhead, trailing a noxious cloud in its wake.  

“SHIT!” Chuck coughed, trying in vain to cover his mouth against the lingering cloud.  

“Wha…what the fuck is this stuff?” Bobby coughed.  The chemical burned his throat and eyes, and his skin tingled as the strange substance settled in a fine layer.  

“Fuckin’ crop duster!” Chuck wheezed.  “Probably the old man’s idea of a joke.  Fuck you asshole!” he yelled at the plane that was quickly disappearing in the distance.  

“Yeah, but what is it?  This shit itches!” Bobby was trying to wipe the chemical off but found that it was turning into a muddy paste as it mixed with the sweat on his skin.  Instead of brushing it away, the large man was only succeeding at covering himself in the goop.  

“I say we go beat the answer out of the old man,” Chuck spat.  “Fuck this.  If he’s gonna call the cops let’s give him a real reason.”  The two stomped off towards the farmhouse, their anger growing in time with the increasing discomfort they were feeling.  By the time they finally completed the long trek in from the fields, Bobby and Chuck itched and burned from head to toe.  

“Oh my, Bill got you boys good, didn’t he?” Both men were once again surprised to see that the old man was standing outside waiting for them.  “I was afraid of that,” he chuckled.  

“You think this is fucking funny?!” Chuck screamed, scratching madly at his hairy chest.  

“No, I think it’s actually very dangerous,” the old man said, suddenly serious.  “That’s my own recipe… industrial grade and works like a charm, but not something you wanna take a bath in.  Follow me…there’s a shower at the old shack you boys can use.  It’s where you’re gonna be staying anyway, so now’s a good a time as any to get settled.”  

Both men had intended to continue screaming at the old man, but as he spoke they both felt their anger fading, replaced instead by a sudden concern at washing off the chemical.  They followed obediently behind as they were led around the house towards a small wooden shack.  “There we are,” the old man said cheerfully, pointing.  The structure was basic, with four walls, a roof, a door, and a single window.  It couldn’t have been more than one room, as the rickety outhouse next door didn’t look much bigger by comparison.  “No toilet, I’m afraid, but we did get water out to the shower.”  The old man was still cheerful, but the shower in question was not what either of them was expecting.  Bobby and Chuck exchanged hesitant glances as they looked at the rusted shower head that hung on the side of the shack above a small wooden platform.  “Hasn’t been used in a bit, but it should work.”  The old man turned a handle and the shower gurgled to life, spewing a few bursts of brown water before finally running clear.

“Umm…” Chuck mumbled, watching the few straggling streams of water that managed to break through the crown of rust on the nozzle.  “You first,” he said, pushing Bobby.  

“Like hell!” Bobby said, pushing back.  

“You boys are gonna want to get to it,” the old man said, his cheerful tone replaced by a stern command.  “You’ve had that stuff on you for too long as it is, so quit your griping and both of you get under there!”  Once again, both men found themselves doing as they were told.  Bobby was the first to kick off his large shoes and strip out of his jeans without a second thought.  He hesitated as he hooked his thumbs in the waist of his boxer briefs, but one glance at the old man’s face and he was quickly stepping out of them.  Chuck reluctantly followed suit, stopping at his boxers.  

“I’ll just wait for Bobby to finish.  Another couple minutes can’t hur…hey!” Chuck was cut off when Bobby gave his boxers a quick tug and pulled him under the thin stream of water.  

“You’ll wanna use this,” the old man said, handing Bobby a bar of soap.  “Stuff’ll clean anything.  Make sure you help each other out and get everywhere…you’re gonna want to get ALL that stuff off you.”  He picked up the discarded pile of clothes and held it at arm’s length.  “Sorry ‘bout the clothes, but this stuff is toast.  Don’t worry, I’ve got some stuff in the house I’ll bring out for you.”  With that, the old man turned and left.  

“Bobby…what’re we doing?” Chuck said, trying his best to avoid touching his naked friend.  Given the small space under the shower, it was a futile attempt.  

“We’re cleaning this shit off,” Bobby said, scrubbing himself roughly.  

“No, I mean…why’re we showering together?” Chuck pressed himself up against the wall of the shack, but even though they were alone, it never occurred to either man to step off the small platform.

“You think I like this any more than you do?”  Bobby said, looking around as he lathered himself up with the soap.  He wasn’t shy about his body, but the feeling of Chuck’s wet, hairy, frame rubbing against his was incredibly awkward, especially out in the open at a strange man’s house.  “Let’s just get this over with…here, do my back.”  

“O…okay…” Chuck took the soap and scrubbed his friend’s broad back, trying to avert his eyes but finding there was nowhere he could look without seeing a part of the large man’s exposed body.  He’d seen Bobby shirtless countless times, but this was the first time he’d seen his friend naked, and Chuck couldn’t help but be impressed.  Bobby’s rippling muscles were even more remarkable when they were all on display, and they felt like a brick wall under his fingers.  It was also hard to miss the massive package hanging between his friend’s meaty thighs.

“Alright, let me do you,” Bobby said, spinning to face his friend.  Chuck cringed as the other man’s sizeable cock slapped against his thigh, both out of disgust at the situation and embarrassment that his own equipment was incredibly average by comparison.  He let his friend spin him around and stood still while Bobby scrubbed his back.  His friend’s strong hands felt absolutely huge and Chuck caught himself starting to relax in the other man’s grip.  “Okay, you can get the rest.”  Bobby gave Chuck the soap and took the opportunity to study his friend’s lean frame while the other man scrubbed himself clean.  He’d always secretly been envious of Chuck’s hairy body, but after having just felt the wiry hairs prick against his skin Bobby couldn’t tell if his current feelings were jealousy or something else.  He shook his head, not wanting to think about what the “something else” meant.  “You done?”

“Yeah,” Chuck said, blushing.  It was bad enough having to scrub himself with his large friend towering over him mere inches away, but he was also aware that Bobby hadn’t taken his eyes off him the entire time.  His embarrassment grew when he suddenly found his face pressed against Bobby’s solid chest as the other man reached up to adjust the nozzle.  Chuck could feel Bobby’s soft cock pressed firmly against his hairy stomach, but it again never occurred to him to take a step back.  Instead, as uncomfortable as he was, he stood face-to-chest with his friend while the water rinsed his back.  “So…uh…now what?”  Whatever spell he’d been under cleared up once the water was turned off and Chuck leapt off the small platform.  

“Didn’t he say he was going to bring us some clothes?”  Bobby was doing his best to look anywhere but directly at his friend, who was doing the same, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying to catch a view out of the corner of his eye.  Like it or not, as the minutes ticked by in awkward silence, the memory of Chuck’s naked body pressed against him wouldn’t leave.  Bobby was having a harder and harder time keeping his eyes to himself, and it was during one of his stolen glances that he felt his sizeable cock begin to twitch.  

“What is it?  Do you see him coming?” Chuck asked as Bobby abruptly turned around.  He kicked himself when his eyes immediately went to his friend’s ample, solid behind, and it was only with considerable effort that he was able to raise them to Bobby’s broad shoulders.  

“Uh…no, I thought I did,” Bobby said, his back still turned.  

“Goddamnit! How long has it been?  I feel like an idiot standing here with my dick hanging out.”  Chuck spat angrily.  “You know, I be this is all part of a joke too…first he douses us with whatever the hell that stuff was, now he’s probably laughing it up while we stand out here naked!”  He stomped over to Bobby who was still facing the other direction.  “What the hell is so interesting over there?  I’m getting tired of talking to your ba…oh.”  Chuck blushed again at the unexpected sight of Bobby’s cock standing at its full, rigid length.  If he’d been impressed by his friend’s endowment when it was soft, seeing it push a thick 9 inches doubled that.  

“Shut the fuck up,” Bobby growled defensively, blushing harder than his friend.  Even with his large hands, there was nothing he could do to cover himself.

“No, hey, it’s cool,” Chuck said, looking away.  There was an awkward silence as Bobby tried to will himself soft, but his cock only throbbed in response.  “That’s…uh…that’s actually pretty impressive,” Chuck laughed.  “No wonder all the girls are crazy about you.”  

“I’m glad you like it,” Bobby scoffed.  “Wanna take a closer look?”  He thrust his hips towards his friend, slapping Chuck in the side with the rigid organ.  

“Oh, come on!” Chuck darted aside and tried to ignore the part of him that enjoyed what he’d just felt.  

“Not used to something so big?  Not surprising with that little guy,” Bobby laughed, pointing to Chuck’s soft four inches.  He grabbed his own solid tool to emphasize the difference and shook it at his friend.  “I oughta make you suck this thing after all the trouble you’ve caused us.”  

“Don’t even joke about that,” Chuck said, trying to muster as much disgust as possible in his voice.  “And this little guy gets the job done just fine.”  He cupped his package and tried to look intimidating but it was a futile attempt next to the naked stud.  “Alright, fuck this.  I say we march up to the house, get some clothes, and get the fuck out of here.  This is too weird…let’s take our chances with the cops.  We can always tell ‘em how the old man sprayed us with that chemical.”  

“Um…” Bobby looked down at his still-hard cock.  

“So what?  Let the old man have a look…fuck, you can use it on him for all I care, I just wanna get out of here.”  With that, Chuck stormed off towards the house with a reluctant Bobby in tow, the large man’s cock swinging wildly with each heavy step.  

“This place IS startin’ to give me the creeps,” Bobby whispered.  The sun was setting, and the large farmhouse looked ominous in the fading light.  It seemed to get bigger as it got darker, and neither man could see any lights in the windows.  Not that Bobby was looking at the house; his eyes were fixed solidly on Chuck’s hairy, bouncing behind.  

“Hey!  Open up!” Chuck pounded on the back door when they reached the house while Bobby peered in through a window.  The sound of the banging echoing through the dark house did little to ease their growing sense of dread.  It was finally dawning on them that they were in the middle of nowhere, at least 20 miles to the nearest town, naked, and seemingly at the mercy of the strange old man who lived in the dark house.  “Where the fuck is he?”   

“Search me…I don’t like this, man,” Bobby said as he instinctively took a step closer to his friend.  “Let’s go check out the…shit, sorry,” he apologized, his large cock poking Chuck roughly in the back.  “Let’s go check out the front,” he continued, pretending nothing happened.  

“What the fuck is this?” On the front porch, the two men discovered a tray of food and a note with an assortment of items on the ground next to it.  Chuck strained his eyes in the fading light before crumpling the note and throwing it on the ground.  “FUCKER!” He yelled, punching one of the porch columns.  

“What?  What’d it say?”  

“The old man said he had to “go to town” and that we should make ourselves at home in the shack.”  

“What?  I didn’t hear him leave.”  Bobby again peered in through the windows at the dark house and tried the door, but discovered that it was locked.  He lunged at it with his shoulder a few times but the solid door barely shook. “What about some clothes?”  

“You’re lookin’ at ‘em,” Chuck said, holding a pair of white briefs in each hand.

“Seriously?  That’s it?”  Bobby asked in disbelief.  

“Note said he’ll give us more when we’re working.”  Chuck’s anger was starting to give way to a defeated tone.  

“No way man, we’ve gotta get outta here.”  Bobby stomped off the porch and looked around.  “Do you remember which way takes us to the road where we left your…car…” he trailed off as it occurred to him that Chuck’s keys were in his jeans.

“No keys, dude,” Chuck sighed.  “Even if I did have ‘em, it’s getting dark and we don’t know which way to go.  These fields are huge…we could be wandering around out here all night.”

“So what?  That’s it then?”  Bobby couldn’t believe his friend was giving up so easily.  

“Read the note for yourself.  Let’s just play along tonight and jump him when he gets back.”  Chuck stepped into the briefs while his friend read the discarded note, quickly discovering that they were too big.  His cock barely made an outline against the roomy fabric and the baggy waist fell to one side on his trim hips, threatening to wind up around his ankles at any moment.  

“Well, fuck,” Bobby sighed, finishing the note, “I guess we’re…” he stopped when he finally looked up and saw Chuck standing in the too-big briefs.  The sight of his friend’s lean body in the oversized underwear caused his cock to throb and twitch violently, something that neither man missed.  “You mighta put on the ones meant for me,” Bobby laughed awkwardly.  

“They’re both the same size, asshole,” Chuck said, tossing a pair to the other man.  “I don’t know if those are gonna fit.”  

“Definitely not with this thing.”  Bobby held the briefs up to his waist and knew it was going to be a tight fit even without his rod standing at full attention.  The muscular man had been trying unsuccessfully to will himself soft, but his large cock remained solid, even through his growing concern about their predicament.  Instead of easing over time, it seemed that his cock was demanding more of his attention with each passing moment.  

“Still goin’, eh?  You must see somethin’ you like,” Chuck laughed.  “All those women just a cover up?”  

“FUck YOu,” Bobby tried to snarl menacingly, but the unexpected cracking of his voice ruined the threat.  “Let’s just get back to the shack before it gets any darker.” He tried clearing his throat, but his voice kept cracking.  He caught the smile that Chuck was trying desperately to hide at the sound of his voice but decided to let it go for the time being.  

The two gathered up the food, the few kerosene lamps, and a box of matches before reluctantly making their way back to the shack.  Bobby carried his briefs, his exposed cock continuing to pulse every time Chuck had to quickly reach down and grab his briefs to keep them from falling down.  What little daylight remained when they’d left the farmhouse was all but gone when they reached their unwanted accommodations.  The small shack looked even more rickety in the dark and neither man was looking forward to what they were going to find inside.

“Are you serious?” Chuck groaned as he opened the door to the small room.  It was nearly pitch black inside but that hardly mattered as there wasn’t much to see.  There were four, loosely slatted walls, a rough wood floor with several holes in it, a tin roof, and little else.  Against one of the walls was a single metal cot, not much larger than a twin bed, with a thin, bare mattress on top.  Otherwise the room was empty.

“I call dibs on the bed,” Bobby said, ducking through the low doorway and dropping onto the bed.  The cot springs squeaked loudly under his weight and the tall man’s long legs hung off the end.  But after being on his feet all day, he’d take it.  He let out a loud sigh and stretched before remembering that his cock was still slicing straight upwards.  Had there been any light in the room, Chuck would’ve seen his friend turn a bright shade of red.  “Uh…go ahead and light the lamps…I’ll be right back,” he said, quickly sitting upright.

“Whatever you say,” Chuck laughed, knowing full well what his friend was going to do.  He lit the kerosene lamps and settled onto the bed, his head swimming at their current predicament.  Of all the messes he’d gotten them in, this one was shaping up to be the worst.  It was certainly the most confusing.  He shook his head, trying to clear away the fog that had settled, and to try and rid himself of the lingering images of Bobby’s naked body.  It would’ve been hard not to notice under any circumstance, but Chuck was concerned that he’d been paying a little too much attention to it.  He’d also caught Bobby’s eyes on his own hairy frame a few too many times for his liking.  Coupled with the fact that both he and his friend were so willing to listen to this stranger, he knew something was being done to them.  He just couldn’t figure out what it was.  The thought should have filled him with a sense of terror, but instead he simply knew he should be scared without actually feeling the emotion.  

He let his head fall back against the wall, hoping that the growing chorus of crickets and cicadas would help his focus, but was startled by movement in the corner of his vision.  Through a hole in the loose slats of the shack, Chuck could see his friend’s bulky body just on the other side of the skeletal wall, rocking as he vigorously pumped on his long cock.  Chuck knew he should look away, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the other man.  In the growing darkness Bobby was little more than an outline, but Chuck could make out the detail of his friend’s large cheeks dimpling while he flexed and bucked his hips, and he could hear the occasional quiet moan escape from Bobby’s throat to join the growing insect din.  

Despite how much he wished it wouldn’t, Chuck’s cock quickly sprang to its full five inches while he watched.  By the time he saw Bobby shoot stream after stream of thick, ropey fluid into the darkness his cock was throbbing painfully.  The baggy briefs obscured the tent slightly, and Chuck hoped that extinguishing one of the two lamps the darkness would do the rest. Glad of his small endowment for the first time in his life, he sat on the floor and settled against a far wall just as his friend came back in.  

“I feel like these things’re cuttin’ off circulation,” Bobby sighed, adjusting the tight briefs as he entered.  Where the underwear was loose on Chuck, on Bobby it was full to bursting.  His large cock, still softening from his recent release, was clearly outlined while the back was stretched so thin over his muscular ass that it threatened to give at any moment.  

“Blood flow down there didn’t seem to be a problem a few minutes ago,” Chuck laughed, hoping to distract from the twitching tent he was sporting.  Like Bobby experienced, the sight of his friend’s large, barely contained body in the tight garment caused Chuck’s cock to pulse.  

“Keep it up, see what happens,” Bobby coughed.  “Man…what is up with my voice?”  The usually deep rumble was offset by high pitch bursts as he spoke, and no amount of clearing his throat would make it stop.  

“You swallowed a bunch of that stuff when he sprayed us…maybe your throat’s just dried out?”  He tossed his friend one of the water bottles from the tray of sandwiches.  

“I hope that stuff didn’t do any permanent damage.”  Bobby sucked down the water bottle and cleared his throat again.  “Hmm…nope…still doin’ it.  Fuck!  This is bullshit!” He stomped a heavy foot, causing the whole building to shake.  

“Easy, man, we don’t want this thing falling down on us,” Chuck laughed nervously, but his initial amusement at his friend’s vocal predicament was turning into genuine concern.  He knew it was entirely possible that the chemical did do permanent damage to both of them.  Again, Chuck knew he should be scared but couldn’t muster any real fear.  

“Fuck…” Bobby sighed, shaking his head.  Like Chuck, he knew he should be scared, but he didn’t feel much of anything, and what he did feel was too confusing to deal with.  He looked around the cramped room, eager to think about something else.  “Why didn’t you light the other lamp?  It’s dark as hell in here.”  

“I, uh, thought maybe we should save one, just in case,” Chuck stammered.  He had his legs drawn up towards his chest to hide the fact that his cock throbbed harder with each break in Bobby’s voice.  

“Whatever, man.  Just toss me a sandwich.”  The two ate in silence, scarfing down the sandwiches in a feeding frenzy.  When the food had been devoured to the last crumb, Bobby fell back on the bed and resumed his earlier stretch, this time without the embarrassing pole.  “Goddamn dude, this might be the biggest mess you’ve ever gotten us into.”  Bobby looked over towards his friend when he didn’t get the expected retort and saw Chuck staring at him with a dazed expression.  “See something you like?”  

“Huh? Oh,” Chuck stammered, “the bed…it looks comfortable.”  He tried to think of something to cover the fact that he’d practically been drooling over his larger friend.  

“It does?”  Bobby knew what Chuck had really been looking at and decided to try an experiment.  “Gah…how do people wear these things?”  He made a show of shifting uncomfortably on the bed and pulled at the bulging pouch of his briefs.  His suspicions were confirmed as he watched his friend practically lick his lips.  “Well, anyway, you can’t have it.  You got us into this mess, so you’re taking the floor.”  Bobby looked away but he could still feel Chuck’s eyes on him.  More than just his voice, he knew something was happening to the two of them.  He was having just as hard a time keeping his eyes off Chuck, and when he’d been outside relieving himself, it was Chuck he thought of.  Even now, he was wrestling with whether or not he wanted to share the bed with the other man.  “Alright…I say we call it a night.”

“Should we sleep in shifts or something?  What if that old man tries something in the middle of the night?”  

“What else is he gonna do?  If he was gonna hurt us he’d have done it by now.  You can stay up if you want, just turn that lamp off.”

“G’night then,” Chuck sighed, disappointed that he could no longer see his friend once he snuffed the light.  He stretched out on the cold, rough floor and knew it was going to be a long night.  The only thing harder than the cock begging for attention between his legs was the floor of the shack.  Chuck wanted badly to relieve himself, but the occasional squeaking of the rusty cot springs told him that Bobby was still awake.  He listened to his friend toss and turn in the darkness for agonizing minutes that felt like hours.  It occurred to him that he could just go outside like Bobby had, but he had no desire to go out into the darkness by himself.  He couldn’t tell if it was the growing cold or the thought of running across the old man that made him shiver.  

“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Bobby sighed, startling Chuck, “but do you wanna share?  It’s getting fuckin’ cold in here.”

“Uhh, sure,” Chuck said, trying not to sound too eager, “it beats the floor…not any warmer down here.  Is there gonna be enough rooOOMPH!”  He stumbled towards the bed but tripped over Bobby’s discarded water bottle, sending him sprawling onto the other man.  

“Don’t get too excited,” Bobby laughed as Chuck landed on top of him, catching the other man in a meaty embrace.  “Um…no, seriously man, don’t get too excited.”  

“Wha…” Chuck was horrified to realize that not only had the tumble caused the briefs to lose their precarious hold, the hard cock he was trying so desperately to hide was now wedged firmly against his friend’s solid stomach.  “Shit! Sorry man…it happened earlier and I…” he tried to push himself off his friend but Bobby held tight.  The other man’s large hands traveled up and down his back, kneading his ass roughly.  “Bobby…c’mon man…what’re you doin’?”  Chuck squirmed in his friend’s grip, but the motion only caused him to rub his cock further on Bobby’s stomach.  He was confused, but he couldn’t deny that what he was experiencing felt fantastic.  “Seriously man…we’re actin’ like a couple’a queers…”  the only response Chuck got was Bobby roughly flipping him over so that he was now flat on his back on top of his larger friend.  Bobby’s hands resumed their travels, running over every inch of Chuck’s hairy torso until one of them wrapped around his aching rod.  “No…c’mon Bo…Bobby…don’t…” he laced his arms through Bobby’s, but the feel of his friend’s ample muscle only weakened his resolve.  

Chuck wished his friend would say something, anything, as long as he made some noise to cover up the panting moans escaping from his lips.  He couldn’t believe that he was writhing around naked on top of his friend while the other man stroked him off, but he also couldn’t believe how good it felt.  The only male hand that had ever touched his cock had been his own and he never imagined that it could have felt like this.  The soft, brief-covered lump that had been pressing against his backside was now a hard bulge and he couldn’t stop himself from digging his ass against it while Bobby’s free hand ran through the carpet of hair on his chest non-stop.  

“Fuuuuck...Bobby...this is cr...crazy…” Chuck laughed awkwardly, reaching an arm up and behind to stroke the side of Bobby’s face.  The bigger man bit at the palm and slurped one of Cuck’s fingers into his mouth before wrapping both burly arms around his lean friend’s chest and sitting them both upright.  

“This might hurt,” Bobby whispered.  

Chuck didn’t get a chance to point out Bobby’s high, uncracking voice.  As soon as the big man had propped them both upright he’d leaned forward slightly and jammed himself in, his thick club having escaped from the tiny briefs.   

“GGGGOOOOOHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!”  Chuck howled and writhed in the steely grip.  He felt like he was being split in half, but there was nowhere he could go to escape Bobby’s ample muscle.  He was stuck, pinned on the end of his friend’s throbbing cock while his addle brain tried to understand what was happening.  Getting a handjob from a guy was one thing, being fucked was another matter entirely.  

“Just relax” Bobby said, laying them both back down.  “I know what I’m doing.”  

Chuck didn’t have any choice.  He grunted and whimpered, feeling like he was riding a series of waves as Bobby bucked his hips beneath him.  He clutched at his friend’s thick forearms, his eyes going wide when the pain started to give way to overwhelming pleasure.  “WWWWhhhhhoooooaaaaAAAAAaaaa,” he moaned, spasming.  

“There we go,” Bobby purred.  He would have sounded smug if not for his new helium voice.  The hulking blonde was equally confused by how much he loved the sensation of his friend’s wiry, hairy body squirming on top of his.  He could hear the high pitch to his voice, he’d just decided to worry about it later.  

“Oh shit...oh shit...oh shit…” Chuck gasped, his untouched cock wagging back and forth as he swayed in time with Bobby’s pumping.  “I’m gonna...cuuuuuhhhhnnnnnn….” The hairy man broke off into a wordless grunt as he came, spraying his largest load in recent memory straight up into the air to spatter back down onto his furry abs.  He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against Bobby’s massive chest, enjoying the ride.  A few minutes later Bobby’s grip tightened around Chuck’s lean body and he gave one last, deep thrust as he came, exploding inside his friend with a high, soft gasp.  

A wave of dizziness washed over both of them as soon as the sticky fluid hit Chuck’s insides.  The small shack felt like it was suddenly adrift on stormy seas, rocking and spinning on phantom waves.  

“Fuck...Bobby...I feel weird…” Chuck gasped, rolling off of his friend and landing on the floor with a loud thud.  

“Me...too…” Bobby panted, staring up at the rusted ceiling.  His body refused to respond, leaving him prone on the rickety cot, increasingly feeling the weight of his bulky muscle.  He suddenly felt like he was made of lead, his skin crawling and his muscles aching.  It wasn’t until the big man felt his ankles brushing against the thin mattress that he was able to force his head upright.  His beefy legs should have been hanging over the end.  They had been while he’d been plowing into Chuck, but now he saw his feet a few inches from the end of the frame.  The rest of his body appeared more or less the same, leaving his increasingly shortened legs looking more and more out of place.  They grew even meatier as his feet pulled towards his knees, losing inches in length but none of the muscle.  “What...what the fuck…” Bobby squeaked, desperately examining the rest of himself.  His stomach dropped when he turned his head and saw his arms undergoing a similar transformation, growing short and thick while his torso remained the same length.  

He could aso see Chuck undergoing a transformation of his own.  The hairy man seemed to be inflating.  Already his shoulders were broader than they had been, his upper back having pressed them outwards as it piled on extra flesh.  His friend’s tight waist expanded to match, the growth spreading down to puff and plump Chuck’s formerly small bubble while his legs grew thicker and thicker.  When the once-thin man was able to roll himself over, Bobby saw a set of round, meaty pecs and a protruding beachball of a gut.  The extra flesh was unsculpted beef, matching the rounded face that had replaced Chuck’s formerly sharp features.  

“Well, well, well...guess I know what you boys been up to out here.”  They both turned to look as best they could at the laughing old man in the doorway, their bodies slowly starting to respond again.  “Looks like the formula did its job.”  

“What...what did you...do to...us…” Chuck stammered in a deepened rumble.  The inflated man sat up as best he could, pawing at his round belly and chunky thighs as he searched for the unaltered cock that he couldn’t see due to all the extra flesh.  His eyes went even wider when he looked over at the bed and saw the disproportionate muscle man struggling upright.  Bobby’s impressive chest and solid gut were the same, but his arms and legs were much shorter than they should have been, leaving the former giant with a squished, dwarvish appearance.  The one appendage that hadn’t shrunk was the thick cock that draped down almost to a knee as Bobby kicked his stubby new legs in shock over the edge of the bed.  

“Get up and let’s have a look at you,” the man said, nodding approvingly when the two altered young men lumbered upright.  

“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” Chuck growled, staring down in horror at his beefy, bearish new body.  

Bobby stumbled when he hopped off the bed onto his cumberson, shortened legs, falling into Chuck for support.  He wobbled unsteadily and went pale when he finally registered his new perspective.  For someone who’d just been six and a half feet tall, suddenly looking up at everyone from his new 4’8” height was alarming.  He pawed at himself as best he could, quickly realizing the limited mobility his stubby arms left him with.  “I’m a freak,” he cried, his high pitch voice seeming more appropriate with his new look.  “I’ll kill you!”  

The old man just laughed, grinning at Bobby’s curvy new shape as the shortened man waddled in a circle to examine himself.   “Then why don’t you?”  He crossed his arms and stood in place, waiting.  He watched both men silently glare at him with a triumphant smile.  “You can’t, so you can stop trying.  All the aggressive impulses are being run out of your systems as we speak.  Oh, I know you’re mad now, but in a few days you’ll be so docile you can’t even raise your voice.”  Bobby looked up at Chuck and exchanged a horrified glance as the man continued.  “You probably guessed that wasn’t fertilizer you got sprayed with.  It IS a mix of my own, but it ain’t for crops.”  

“Why?” Bobby squeaked.  “Just ‘cause we planted some weed on your farm?”  

The old man waved dismissively.  “Don’t give a damn about that.  I needed test subjects and you two were perfect.  Let’s be honest...if you didn’t wind up here it was only a matter of time before you’d end up dead or in jail.  I know your reputation, boys.”

“What’re you gonna do with us?”  Chuck cleared his throat, not used to being the one with a bassy rumble.  

“I wasn’t lyin’ about needing help around here.  You two can make yourselves at home in the shack.  I know you’re stressed out now, but like I said, in a few days you won’t even know anything’s wrong.  This’ll all seem like a bad dream.  And hey,” the old man said, suddenly cheerful, “you two got each other.  I thought about stripping out your sex drives, but with two strapping young men like yourself it seemed a waste.  Figured you wouldn’t mind having it kicked up a notch instead.  Doesn’t look like you minded so far.”  

Bobby couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  He looked down at his disproportionate body and up at Chuck’s thickened frame, images of their unwanted future racing through his mind.  He saw the two of them in their twisted bodies, laboring out in the fields day after day, showering outside under a rusty shower head and sleeping in a shack with no electricity, rutting like livestock the whole time.  He wanted to scream, to run, to fight, but his body wouldn’t respond.  All he felt was a growing, dull contentment.  Next to him, he saw Chuck’s now-small looking cock twitch between his widened thighs and couldn’t even feel the embarrassment he wanted when his beastly looking equipment hardened to match.  With his stubby new arms he could barely reach it even if he’d wanted to try and cover himself.  

“You two look like you wanna get back to it.  Probably want to check each other out...I get it!  We’ll talk more in the morning.”  

The sound of the rickety screen door clattering in the frame was like thunder as the man turned and walked back to his house, leaving the stunned Bobby and Chuck to stare at each other in confused, lustful terror.