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“You’re sure this is safe?”  Jason asked, shivering as another layer of the frigid gel was slathered over his exposed backside. 

Victor took his time working the chemical into the other man’s taut, solid cheeks. “Safe...ish.  We’ve talked about this...I’m confident the process won’t be fatal, but beyond that, no promises.”

“Is there a reason I can’t be doing that?” Jason squirmed awkwardly at the sensation of the other man’s hands kneading his perky bubble. He was already embarrassed enough to be standing around naked without another man rubbing his ass for twenty minutes.  It didn’t help that he already felt insecure around the older man.  Victor had the kind of huge, chiseled body he longed for.  Looking at the other man’s straining polo and plastered on jeans, he couldn’t wait to be that size.  

“It’s all about variable control. This is an experiment, after all. By doing this myself I’m eliminating possible influencing factors,” Victor lied. There really wasn’t any reason Jason couldn’t have applied the gel himself. He just didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to get his hands on the young man’s cheeks in their original state. “I’m done anyway,” he said, giving the slick back side a quick slap. “Thanks for your patience….I know that was awkward.”

Jason blushed and grinned bashfully.  “It’ll be worth it if this works.  But why my ass?”

“Safest to start with a meaty part.  No vital organs down there to worry about like with your torso.  Don’t worry...you might be a little bottom heavy for a few days, but only until we repeat the process with your upper half, right?”  

“I can’t believe this is even possible,” Jason said, looking down at his toned bubble and trying to picture it bigger.     

Victor grunted and shook his head.  “That’s what the naysayers at the University said, too.  But we’re about to show them!”  He looked the naked stud’s athletic body up and down with a silent, approving nod.  Jason was exactly the kind of candidate he’d been waiting for.  The young man’s six foot frame was already covered in a lean layer of sculpted muscle, but he wanted more.  Jason wanted his already broad shoulders to be wider.  He wanted his softball biceps big and burly.  Instead of feeling proud over the way his waist tapered inwards at his washboard abs, he felt thin and scrawny.  His toned quads were lanky chicken legs in his mind, nothing like the meaty trunks he wanted.   With his wavy auburn hair and a trimmed, matching beard covering his handsome features, Jason didn’t care that he already had a body most men would kill for.  He just wanted to be bigger.  

Victor had sensed the younger man’s desire and started grooming him almost immediately.  He owned the gym and had watched Jason workout for hours every day, increasing his tone and definition but never making the gains he was looking for.  Most of Victor’s clientele were brawny meatheads who’d been lifting and cycling for years until they were covered in lumpy ‘roid muscle.  He supplied many of them with his own brand of home brewed supplements, but with Jason he was ready to try something else altogether.  

He’d been working on the process for years, and if it all went according to plan, Victor was going to revolutionize fitness as people knew it, among other things.  His gym wasn’t filled with free weights like most lifter gyms, but with machines of his own design.  Many of the guys were skeptical when they saw the machines at first, until they got a good look at the man who built them.  At forty, Victor still looked like he could have passed for half that age.  He still had a full head of jet black hair that spread over his olive skin in a sparse coating, accentuating the ample muscle that hung off his broad frame.  He was as big as the thickest powerlifter but as chiseled as Jason, with dark, brooding features that made him seem ageless.  

The added mystique of his appearance only enhanced his charm.  Victor could talk his way out of, or anyone into, just about any situation.  His quick smile and impressive looks were simultaneously disarming and intimidating, something that he took full advantage of.  And if they didn’t do the trick, his multiple doctorates were usually enough to convince even the most ardent of skeptics.  

After watching Jason’s frustrated struggles he’d made sure to casually cross paths with him in the locker room, letting the younger man get a full view of his own massive, sculpted body.  That had been enough to get Jason’s attention, and a few conversations later the hook was set.  Victor explained how he’d used prototypes of his machines to enhance his own build, something he could also do for the aspiring young meathead if he was willing to act as a guinea pig for the newer models.  

The mechanics of the experiment may have been complicated, but the idea was simple: the machines acted as batteries, storing kinetic energy that could then be transferred to someone else to cause a rapid burst of targeted muscle growth.  While the meatheads were growing themselves with each rep, they were also charging the batteries that would grow someone else.  Victor was telling the truth when he’d said that he’d used the machines on himself, but not to the scale that he was going to attempt with Jason, and certainly not with the added effects that the young man was unaware of.  

“I think we’re just about ready,” Victor said as he began to gather and apply a series of electrodes.  

Jason gave the cluster of wires a wary look, shifting his weight from foot to foot and covering his long, thick package with one hand.  He wasn’t overly modest, but Victor’s hand was a bit too close to his dangling balls for comfort.  “How much is this going to hurt, again?”  

Victor laughed as he began attaching the pads to Jason’s rear and thighs, his rough palms coming within a hair’s breadth of the young man’s impressive equipment.  “Hopefully not at all.  That’s what the gel’s for...it should act as a carrying agent for the energy current so your bones don’t shatter and your muscles don’t just tear.”  He put a hand on Jason’s shoulder when he righted himself and gave the nervous jock a serious look.  “It’s not too late to change your mind.”  

Jason took a deep breath and shook his head.  “No risk no reward, right?”  

“That’s the spirit!”  Victor clapped the young man on the shoulder and motioned to the mirrored wall in front of them while he wheeled the cart with his laptop over.  “Take a good look at the old you.  In a few minutes you should have some extra meat on those bones.”  

Jason stared at his reflection, trying to steady his nerves.  He was both terrified and thrilled at the thought of what it would mean if this worked, and all the things that could possibly go wrong.  He ignored the voice in his head that told him this was a bad idea and instead nodded over at Victor.  

“Okay, here we go! 3...2...1…” 

“Gah!”  Jason gasped as soon as Victor hit the button and a wave of current flooded into his lower half, holding his breath for several moments until he was sure the pain he’d braced himself for wasn’t coming.  The sensation was intense, but not unbearable.  Instead of breaking bones and cramping muscle, all he felt was a vibrating, pins-and-needles tingling that seemed to be focused on his ass and thighs.  

“How’s it feel?  Everything alright?”  

Jason nodded.  “Ye...yeah, I think.  It’s just tingles….kinda feels like I’m sitting on a washing machine.”  

“Good!” Victor clapped.  “That means the gel is doing its job.”  

“How...long is this gonna take?”  Jason’s eyes were glued to his reflection, watching for the slightest signs of growth.  

“Shouldn’t be too long before we start seeing a change.  If anything becomes painful be sure to let me know.”  

Jason let out a long, slow breath and nodded.  He was trying to keep himself relaxed, hoping that if he didn’t tense up it would help the process.  He continued to stare at his reflection as the vibrations washed over his bottom, his eyes going wide when he finally saw noticeable growth.  It was subtle, but his thighs appeared to creep ever closer towards each other and his pert rear began to expand outwards.  “I think it’s working!”  

“Looks that way,” Victor said, his eyes darting back and forth between the expanding young jock and his laptop screen.  “Any pain?”  

Jason shook his head.  “No, not really.  Still just tinguuuuuUUUHHHH!”  The naked man groaned and swooned, his knees momentarily going weak at the surge of pleasure that shot through him.  

“I should have thought about that,” Victor said, as if he hadn’t really been expecting it all along.  

“Wha...should have...thought about...what…” Jason panted, his face going crimson when his head cleared enough for him to look down and see his cock throbbing at it’s full seven inches.  The intense pleasure was still coursing through him, making him squirm in place.  

“It’s just some prostate stimulation.  Nothing to worry or be embarrassed about.”  It took all of Victor’s willpower to force down his grin at the sight of the panting, rigid stud.  He’d almost added “get used to it” at the end but caught himself.  

“Oh fuck...that’s...shit that’s intense…” Jason laughed awkwardly, running his hands through his hair with a stunned look on his face.  

“Might as well enjoy the ride, right?”  

“If...you...say...soooooohhh…” Jason moaned as another stab of pleasure nearly took him off his feet.  There was no denying that he really was getting bigger, but he was starting to have second thoughts.  His perfectly proportional body was already slightly out of synch, his lower half having grown larger than the rest of him.  He was starting to look like a soccer player, with wide, sturdy thighs and a prominent ass.  He told himself he could make up for the imbalance by growing his torso, but as the expansion continued that window of rebalance started to close.  

He watched his changing reflection as his lower half went from a soccer player’s to a wrestler’s.  His quads were growing by leaps and bounds and his ass had already doubled in size, losing none of its bubbling roundness as it pressed ever backwards.  As it stood now, even if he bulked up his chest and arms he’d always have a slightly oversized rear.  

“O...okay!  That’s...big enough…” Jason gasped, his head still reeling from the overwhelming pleasure coursing through him.  “Turn...turn it off!”  

Victor crossed his beefy arms and shrugged.  “I can’t.  Once the process starts it has to run its course.”  

“But...that’s too big!”  Jason cried.  “I don’t waaauunnnhhhh…” he broke off in a hiss, nearly brought to his knees.  The more he grew, the more flesh there was to vibrate and jiggle.  The more he vibrated and jiggled, the more intense the bolts of pleasure.  All he could do was stare in open-mouthed, bliss-filled terror at the misshapen beast he was turning into.  He was already comically disproportionate, with his chiseled, athletic torso sitting on top of an ass that made the biggest rugby player’s look small.  His cheeks were like a pair of globes competing for space along with thighs that were nearly the size of his waist.  His cock ached the whole time, horror mingling with ecstasy until he wasn’t sure where one stopped and the other began.  

“Aaaaaand that’s the last of it,” Victor finally said, pressing a button and bringing the unrelenting vibrations to a stop.  

Jason struggled to catch his breath as he stared at his bottom heavy new reflection in disgust.  “I look like a fucking freaking!” He winced when he spun on his heel and felt his fleshy cheeks ripple wildly with the motion, sending familiar darts of pleasure to his oozing rod.  “What’d you do to me?!”  

“What you asked for,” Victor said calmly as he walked over to inspect his creation.  He slid a hand down Jason’s tapering back, smiling at the shudder that ran through the younger man when his palm made contact with one of the oversized mounds.  “You wanted to be bigger.”  

“But...but I can’t make up for this!  No matter how much I grow my upper body it’ll always be way too big!”  

“Is that a bad thing?”  Victor pulled off the electrodes, palming each of Jason’s inflated cheeks and clapping them together.  The young man tensed at the thrill it sent arcing through him and whimpered as he saw how small Victor’s large hands looked against his pillowy globes.  “You don’t seem to mind.”  

“No!  This isn’t...I don’t want tooooOOHHHH!”  Jason gasped again when Victor gave one of the mounds a rough slap.  Even the smooth skin covering the added mass was hyper sensitive.  “What am I supposed...to do with…” He could hardly speak.  The throbbing from his inflated rear was relentless, filling him with an unfamiliar ache that he couldn’t ignore.  His cock oozed desperately, looking slightly smaller against his inflated thighs as they rubbed together.  

Victor smiled at the younger man’s desperate writhing.  “I have a few ideas,” he said, slowly undoing the fly of his tight jeans.  He was eager to see if the reprogramming had fully taken hold.  

“What?!  What’re you…” Jason’s voice dried up in his throat as soon as Victor’s jeans fell open and he saw the stuffed red briefs underneath.  Watching the denim slide down the other man’s massive thighs, the unfamiliar ache Jason had been wrestling with grew to unbearable proportions.  His sculpted pecs started heaving, his breath coming faster and faster until he was practically hyperventilating.  Jason let out a pained groan when the older man teased him, tugging down the front of his briefs to flash a view of the plump, long hose underneath.  

“Is there something you want,’ Victor asked, peeling out of his tight polo to let Jason gawk at the rest of his rippling, bodybuilder frame.    

“Please...I need it…” Jason begged, a hand drifting back behind to start toying with an overgrown cheek.  As captivating as the rest of Victor’s granite, striated muscle was, the young man was focused on one thing and one thing only. It didn’t matter that he was terrified.  It didn’t matter that he knew he shouldn’t want it.  It didn’t matter that he was mortified.  Jason had never been starving, or dying of thirst, or hooked on drugs, but in that moment it felt as if he was experiencing all three of those things, and only Victor’s thick, twitching rod could bring him relief.  

“Then come over here and get it ready,” Victor said, motioning to his straining pouch expectantly.  “I can’t do anything with it like this.”  

Jason bolted over, staggering against the foreign, shifting new weights attached to his lower back.  Each lumbering step sent them bouncing against each other until he dropped to his knees and tore Victor’s briefs free.  He didn’t hesitate in the slightest.  As soon as the older man’s dangling monster was exposed Jason had it between his soft, full lips, his beard scratching against Victor’s thighs while his other hand reaching up to knead the bigger man’s heavy balls.  The voice in his head telling him he shouldn’t be doing any of this was like a whisper in a hurricane, completely drowned out by the roaring need driving him on.  

“That’s better,” Victor sighed.  He pumped his rigid club against Jason’s tongue, reveling in his victory.  The sight of the ripped, athletic young man’s upper body sitting on his thick, oversized lower half was better than he could have hoped for.  

Victor had no doubts that the machines would work.  He’d told Jason the truth when he said he’d used them to grow his own hulking physique.  He’d simply left out the part about the gel being the real focus of the experiment.  Had he told the eager young hunk that the goal was to see if he could be reduced to a desperate, disproportionate power bottom, he may not have been so quick to sign up.  And based on what he’d seen so far, Victor knew the reprogramming gel had more than done its job.  Jason wasn’t showing the slightest reluctance, and his overwhelming desire was clearly evident.  “Ready for the rest,” he asked, stroking his hands through Jason’s thick brown hair.  

“Yeeuuu...eeesssss,” Jason pleaded, his voice cracking.  He was little more than lust made flesh at this point.  He scrambled into position when Victor told him to kneel, his fingers digging into the tile floor in pained anticipation.  

Victor dropped to his knees and clutched Jason’s tiny waist just above where his ass exploded outwards as if it belonged to someone else.  “Here we go,” he said, his voice overpowered by the other man’s animalistic bellow.  

Jason was like a rodeo bull, his entire body spasming and bucking against Victor’s steady pounding.  He could feel the ripples cascading across his clapping cheeks as the other man slammed into him again and again, each hammering thrust eliciting its own grunting moan.  He’d never felt anything like it.  He’d never even imagined he could feel anything like it.  Every sexual encounter Jason ever had up until that point was rendered meaningless.  The young stud thought he’d had great sex before, but even his most intense orgasm was a pale imitation of the consciousness-raising dick he was receiving.  Jason didn’t feel like he was being fucked, it felt like he was ascending and being reborn.  He was shifting onto a plane of pure bliss, his oversized cakes the gateway that brought him there.  His altered, meaty thighs and impossible cheeks were vessels of ecstasy, not horror.  

Until he came.  With a piercing wail, all of his newfound enlightenment rocketed out of his pulsing cock like a shotgun, splattering up off the floor to coat his washboard abs.  His head clearing slightly, Jason was brought crashing back down to the reality of his distorted new frame as Victor finished hammering away.  “Oh...oh fuck...what...what have you done…” he stammered, finally realizing the changes went far deeper than his appearance.  He was already desperate to be filled again, his need making any other thoughts difficult.  

“I’ve built my finest creation,” Victor grunted, giving one last, deep thrust before exploding inside the younger man.  He relished the wide-eyed, shocked expression when Jason looked back over his shoulder, locking eyes as it happened.  “Just think,” he purred, wiggling his softening cock around before pulling out and falling against Jason’s back.  He ran a hand down a tapering side, tracing it slowly around the ever widening mounds that made the young man’s waist seem even smaller than it already was.  “You’re the first...the prodigal son.  Now that I know it works we can shape you in so, so many ways.  We can even build you a friend or two!”  

Jason’s horrified moan was drowned out by Victor’s deep laugh as it echoed around the room.  



I’m happy people have been enjoying this one! Tons of possibilities for future stories and it was fun to write, so we’ll probably see more of the good doctor in the future.


Oh gods yes please. A cock one from the good doctor would be amazing!.