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Bruce steered his car into an open spot and looked at the expansive house in front of him.  His extracurricular activities had taken him to some classy establishments before, but a vineyard would be a first.  With a grunt of effort he pried his brick wall frame from the too-small hatchback.  

“Fuckin’ rental cars…” Bruce muttered, stretching.  It had been a two hour drive through the mountains of Virginia to reach this place, and while it was beautiful country he was interested in more than the scenery.  He loosened his tie and marched towards the main entrance, the gravel crunching loudly under his feet.  

Tucked away in the shady valley, the only other noise Bruce heard was the wind rustling the treetops and the soft chirping of crickets getting a head start on the approaching evening.  He paused at the porch, checking his reflection in the nearest window and noting with smug satisfaction his still-impressive frame.  At 39, he’d put on some weight since his college football days, and his short brown hair was starting to thin, but his ass still looked good in his slacks and his arms still bulged in his shirt sleeves.  

“Hello?” Bruce called out in the dim room as the massive oak door creaked slowly shut behind him while his eyes struggled to adjust to the dark interior.  

“Hi there,” a man said, emerging from a door on the far side.  “I’m Todd, the owner here.  How can I help you?”  

“Bruce.”  He eyed the older man suspiciously as he shook his hand.  He was always a little nervous when utilizing an establishment that had a dual purpose.  

“My, you’re a big fella,” Todd laughed as his wrinkled hand was swallowed by Bruce’s meaty paw.  “Are you here for a tasting?”  

“No, uh, actually, I was told to give you this.”  Bruce pulled a card from his pocket and presented it to the smiling gentleman.  

“Ah, yes, Bill called and said you’d be coming.  Said you were looking for something…’unique’.”   Todd’s smile made Bruce slightly uncomfortable.  

“Yeah…he said you could provide something I’ve never experienced.”  

“We like to think so.  What exactly are you looking for Mr…”  Todd led them to one of the aged leather sofas and took a seat.  

“Bruce is fine.”  Bruce said, settling against the worn material.  “Look Todd, I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been to a lot of these places, and if you can think of it, I’ve tried it…”

“I can guarantee you’ve never been to a place like this,” Todd interrupted in a friendly tone.  “Bill wasn’t exaggerating.  We can provide a completely unique experience, but I have to warn you, there’s no going back from this.”  

“It’s that good, eh?”  Bruce said, his tone sarcastic.  Bill was the guy that owned the “Adult Bookstore” off the interstate that Bruce had stopped at last night.  Whenever work sent him to a new town, Bruce made it a point to seek out the seedier side.  He could always count on the guy at the porn shop to know where to look.  After hearing Bruce’s background, Bill immediately recommended the vineyard, using the same “there’s no going back” line.  Bruce was immediately intrigued.  His work as a traveling salesman for DexChem had taken him all over the country, and he’d sampled quite a few unique “delicacies” on his employer’s dime, but he was starting to feel like he’d seen it all.  

“Something like that,” Todd smiled.  “So, are you interested?”  

“Of course, but what exactly am I interested in?”  Bruce let his gaze wander over the plush room.  As a vineyard the set up was impressive, but as anything else Bruce remained unconvinced.  

“We find that a small element of surprise makes the experience more meaningful.  If that makes you uncomfortable you’re free to leave.”  Todd’s friendly tone had been replaced by a more serious one, his eyes never wavering from Bruce’s face.

“No, that’s fine.  I’m game.”  Bruce was still unimpressed, but his curiosity was mounting.  

“Excellent!”  Todd stood and motioned for Bruce to follow.  “Come with me and we’ll get you settled in.”  Bruce followed the older man through the large house, quickly becoming disoriented by the winding hallways and seemingly endless staircases.  They’d already gone down three different sets of stairs and he wondered how many basements were in the place.  It wasn’t uncommon for Bruce to find himself underground, but something about this vineyard was different.  Bruce was certain he heard people behind many of the closed doors, but there were no other cars in the parking lot.  

“So, do you live here and work here?” Bruce asked, trying to be nonchalant.  

“Yep.  It’s the off season, so there’s not much by way of staff around today.”  Todd finally came to a stop in front of an open door.  “Here we are.”  He flipped on the light and Bruce found himself standing in a large, ornately furnished bedroom with a massive, four-post bed in the center and a large bathroom through a door on the far side.  “Please, make yourself comfortable.”  

“This is a nice room,” Bruce said, genuinely impressed.  More often than not he wound up in seedy motels or dirty basements, not luxurious suites.  The lack of windows was the only thing giving away their subterranean location.

“Thank you.  This house has been in the family for generations and we pride ourselves on maintaining it.”  Todd pulled a large bottle of wine from a small cabinet and poured Bruce a glass.  “Here.  Drink this while I finish getting things ready.”  Bruce accepted the glass while Todd went over and readied the fireplace.

“Ah, I get it now,” Bruce said, sniffing the dark, crimson liquid.  “I’ve tried every aphrodisiac you can think of.”  

“Ha!” Todd laughed without a trace of humor.  “Trust me son, we’re beyond any of those paltry drugs you’ve experienced.  What you’re holding is a specially engineered vintage that doesn’t exist outside of this room.”  

“Hmm…if you say so.”  Bruce unceremoniously chugged the wine.  “Not a bad flavor.”  

“I’m so glad you enjoyed it,” Todd sneered.  “Now please, make yourself at home.”  With that, the thin, older man left the room, pulling the door shut behind him.  Bruce was slightly alarmed to see that there wasn’t a door knob on his side.  

“Something I’ve never experienced…” he said under his breath.  “Drugs and whores.  Might be dressed up, but it all boils down to the same thing.”  He kicked off his shoes and sprawled his brawny frame on the large mattress, his head starting to swim from the strange wine.  He felt his broad shoulders relax as a growing warmth spread through his body, centering on the bulge between his legs.  Before he knew it, he was out cold.

“Ohhhh man…” Bruce moaned, struggling to open his eyes.  It hadn’t been his intention to fall asleep and he had no idea how long he’d been out.  He started to sit up when he realized a hand was massaging his furry chest.  

“About time,” a voice said next to him.  Bruce turned to find a young man clad only in briefs sharing the bed with him.  His shirt had been unbuttoned, but he was otherwise still fully clothed.  

“Like what you see?” Bruce asked casually, laying back down.  He’d been expecting women, but he was flexible.  By no means did Bruce think of himself as gay, he definitely preferred women, but he’d long ago decided that a hole was a hole.  And as the saying went, any port in a storm.

“Not bad so far,” the young man purred, dancing his fingers through the dusting of hair on Bruce’s sculpted chest.  “I like my men with meat on ‘em,” he said, patting the small layer of fat on Bruce’s firm stomach.  Before Bruce could respond, the young man leapt on top of him, straddling his thighs and flexing his own smooth,chiseled arms.  “What about you?”  

“Eh,” Bruce said indifferently, getting his first full view of his bedmate.  Right away he noticed that his new friend couldn’t be older than his early twenties, his boyish face offset by pouting lips and a small goatee.  The next thing he noticed as he ran his rough hands over the young man’s soft skin was that the kid was cut.  He wasn’t built like himself, but the young stranger didn’t have an ounce of fat on his lean, hairless frame.  And Bruce couldn’t ignore the sheer size of the bulge resting on his midsection.  At eight inches, Bruce was no slouch, but this thing looked like the kid had a coiled snake stuffed in his shorts.  “We’re gonna have to reverse roles, kid.”  He said as he sat up to shift the man off his legs.

“Call me Gabe,” the young man said, not moving.  He pulled Bruce’s shirt free when the older man sat up.

“Alright, Gabe, we need to get one thing straight…I don’t…don’t…” Bruce trailed off as Gabe went to town on his neck, the feel of the young man’s goatee sending confusing bolts of pleasure through his body.  He normally never did this sort of thing with other guys.  With them it was strictly bend over or start sucking, none of this cuddly stuff.  Currently, however, all he could do was tilt his head back and moan while Gabe’s tongue made short work of his chest.  

“What were you saying?” Gabe asked, stopping his tongue bath when Bruce was panting heavily.  

“I don’t…my ass isn’t…” Bruce could hardly speak.  The tingling in his crotch was stronger than ever, overwhelming in its intensity.  

“Don’t worry Bruce,” Gabe said, pushing the large man back down on the bed.  “It’s not your ass I’m interested in.”  Bruce let out a sigh of relief while Gabe undid his pants and pulled them free.  The younger man took a moment to familiarize himself with the older man’s hairy, trunk-like thighs, slowly running his hands up their meaty length.  Bruce closed his eyes when Gabe’s fingers slid under the waistband of his boxer briefs, enjoying the sensation of the cool air on his bare, hairy flesh.  “You’re better than I expected,” the young man said, taking in the naked, stocky slab of beef beneath him.

“Thanks,” Bruce said, assuming Gabe was referring to his sizeable package.  “You’re not bad eiEEEEEE!” Bruce screamed in pleasure as Gabe’s mouth fell to his crotch.  He’d received more blowjobs then he could count, but this was incredible.  His every muscle tensed from the sensation of Gabe’s tongue between his thighs.  He bucked his hips unconsciously, feeling something odd.  Through the haze of lust he lifted his head and stared.  It took several moments to register that Gabe was working his tongue ferociously in and out of an unexpected opening instead of up and down a thick, log rod. “WHAT THE FUCK?”  Bruce tried to sit up but Gabe was on him immediately, pinning him down.  “WHAT’D YOU DO TO Memmmphhh…” his cries were cut off when Gabe planted a long, rough kiss.  Bruce returned the gesture instinctively, a familiar, feminine flavor greeting his tongue. 

“How do you like the way you taste?” Gabe asked with a smile as he broke off their tongues’ embrace.  

“What did…how…” Bruce tried to struggle but Gabe was deceptively strong, his lean arms keeping the larger man at bay.  And it didn’t help that he kept grinding his hard, brief covered bulge against Bruce’s new lips.  

“Take it easy man…you said you wanted something new.  I bet you’ve never seen things from this end before.”  Gabe loosened his grip on the other man’s burly arms.  “Are you saying this doesn’t feel good?”  Before Bruce could respond, Gabe had several fingers inside him.  

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…” Bruce groaned loudly.  He wanted to panic, but the pure bliss he was experiencing prevented anything but animal desire.  His meaty hands shot to Gabe’s perky ass, literally tearing the briefs from the younger man.  “Shit Gabe…this is fucking…”

“No,” Gabe pulled his hand free and positioned his cock in front of Bruce’s tender area, “this is fucking.” he grinned, hesitating for a moment before plunging forward.  

Bruce screamed.  If Gabe was large soft, he was a monster hard.  Bruce thought he was being ripped apart inside as the young stud worked himself in and out.  “Just relax buddy,” Gabe said gently at the older man’s wincing expression.  “Give it a second and you’ll love it.  I’m good at this.”  Bruce didn’t doubt that a guy who looked like Gabe had plenty of experience, but he did doubt that this could ever feel good.  He thought back to all the times he’d been with women, unable to believe that he was now on the receiving end.  “Any better?” Gabe asked after a few minutes.  

“I don’t…I don’t know…” Bruce stammered, unable to admit that it had actually become incredibly pleasurable.

“Ha!” Gabe laughed.  “You can lie Bruce, but your body can’t.  I know you’re loving every second of this.”  

Bruce smiled despite himself.  Even through his stunned horror he had to admit this was the best sex he’d ever had.  He’d been promised a totally new experience, and this was definitely that.  Though he had no idea how, but figuring he’d be turned back to normal when this was over, Bruce decided to stop fighting what he was feeling and embrace the moment, letting himself go completely.  

He started moaning and squirming like a madman while Gabe varied his technique, his eyes going wide when the young man alternated between slow, rhythmic thrusts and jackrabbit hammering.  He did his best to respond in kind, popping his hips and squeezing with unfamiliar muscles, and It wasn’t long before Bruce was on the verge of his first cock-less orgasm.  

Gabe read him like a book, the young man’s smug grin never fading. “Uh oh, I think someone’s ready to…”

“Fuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!” Bruce bellowed as he came, his large body bucking wildly with the explosion.

“Hang on…I’m not far…behind…” Gabe said through gritted teeth.  Bruce’s eyes shot open when he felt the foreign sensation of being pumped full of the other man’s warm fluid, surprised by how much he enjoyed the experience.  “Whew,” Gabe sighed, collapsing against Bruce’s slab of a chest.  

“That...that wasn’t so bad,” the larger man panted, enjoying the sensation of Gabe’s softening member inside him.  He wrapped his steely arms around the lithe young man on top of him, already hungry for more.  

“Told you I was good at this,” Gabe said, relaxing in the older man’s embrace.  The two lay in silence, Bruce enjoying the aftermath of a new experience for the first time in years. 

“So…uh…you ready to go again?”  Bruce asked, unable to hide the eagerness in his voice.  

The two were insatiable.  Over the next several hours they fucked on the bed, on the floor, and in the shower.  Bruce was on top, on the bottom, on his stomach, and on his back.  By the time they were done, the older man was more exhausted than he thought possible, but he didn’t want to stop. He pushed himself on like he was lifting at the gym, riding Gabe’s bliss-bringing rod until he passed out.    

“It seems like you enjoyed yourself.” The gentle, amused voice dragged Bruce from his dreamless sleep. His eyes struggled open to see Todd smiling down at him while Gabe was nowhere to be seen. 

“That was in...tense…” the beefy man trailed off when he looked down at his naked body and still saw the flat area between his wide legs. “Wait...where’s my dick?!”

Todd cocked his head, looking confused. “What do you mean? You were warned multiple times that there was no going back.”

Bruce bolted upright, his piston arms flexing as they held his trembling body upright. “What?! I can’t be stuck like this!” He blushed bright red as he thought about his future, his burly frame straining against his clothes and towering over all the other guys while an empty void lurked in his slacks. 

“Stuck? Think of it as a fresh start,” Todd smiled. “You said you’d tried it all...now everything is new again.”

Bruce stared at the unwanted slit, his body throbbing despite himself as he thought back to Gabe’s solid pole sliding in and out of it. 

Todd didn’t seem concerned by the brawny man’s shock. “Either way, your time is up. You can, of course, pay for another session. Gabe’s shift is up, but there are plenty of other capable young men on staff should you be interested?”

Bruce opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, torn between terror and desire. He was staring down an entirely different future than the one he had planned, one where he’d spend his time riding man after man like the countless women he’d been with over the years.  He’d have to learn how to use his impressive bulk all over again in brand new ways like some virgin teenager. It was a thought that was as thrilling as it was mortifying. 

He took a deep breath, his voice trembling. “I’ll take another session.”


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