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Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 4

  • He regresses in age, losing his muscles in the process until he's a young, eager twink working the streets. 9
  • Johnny's body stays the same, and he uses it to serve the neighborhood men. 6
  • Johnny answers a call, only to discover that he's become a stripper in costume, not an actual officer. 25
  • Like the man from the first night, Johnny starts shrinking until he's half the size he should be. 15
  • 2018-10-07
  • —2018-10-17
  • 55 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 4', 'choices': [{'text': "He regresses in age, losing his muscles in the process until he's a young, eager twink working the streets.", 'votes': 9}, {'text': "Johnny's body stays the same, and he uses it to serve the neighborhood men.", 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Johnny answers a call, only to discover that he's become a stripper in costume, not an actual officer. ", 'votes': 25}, {'text': "Like the man from the first night, Johnny starts shrinking until he's half the size he should be. ", 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 17, 21, 54, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 7, 21, 58, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 55}


“Greg?”  Tank appeared dazed, his meaty chest heaving from a sharp gasp when he looked down.  Instead of his smallish package he saw an impossibly long, plump cock and massive balls sprouting from the base of his muscled stomach.  “Fuck!  What is that?!” He yelped and grabbed at it, his stomach dropping when he could barely close one of his wide hands around the girthy appendage.  

“Are you...okay,” Greg stammered, still caught off guard by the sight of his friend’s enlarged equipment.  Even with as many hours as he’d spent in locker rooms over the years, he’d never seen one so large.  

Tank’s eyes threatened to shoot out of his skull as he looked back and forth between his friend and his altered body.  “No!  What the fuck just happened!?”  

“Everything alright over there?”  Mark, a fellow officer, stuck his head around the corner at the commotion.  The balding, heavyset man clearly saw Tank’s exposed, freakish endowment but didn’t seem bothered by it in the least.  

The shocked, naked stud spread his powerful arms and thrust his hips in the older man’s direction, too stunned to be embarrassed.  “My fuckin’ dick is huge!”  

Mark just shook his head and rolled his eyes.  “Ha. Ha.  Very funny,” he said flatly.  “Yeah, we all know, big guy.”  

“The fuck you guys goin’ on about,” A shirtless, dark skinned giant the same size as Tank came up from behind Mark and joined in the staring.  Terrell had on a stuffed pair of boxer briefs, showing off a bulge that would have seemed huge in other company.  

“Tank’s pretending to be freaked out by that donkey dick of his,” Mark sighed.  

“Shit, man, I would be too,” Terrell laughed, grabbing his own heavy bulge.  “There’s big, and then there’s THAT.  Don’t worry...we’re not judgin’,” he said with a shrug of his burly shoulders.  “We’ve all seen it enough by now.”  

“What?  That doesn’t make any…” 

“Ignore him,” Greg laughed, interrupting the bigger man and waving the other two off.  He put a hand on his friend’s arm and pulled him towards the lockers.  “Not here,” he whispered.  “Let’s get the fuck outta here and then figure this out.”  

“But...what just...the fuck am I even supposed to do with this thing?”  Tank winced with each step, his dangling club swaying and bouncing heavily.  Like Terrell and Mark, the other men who could see him didn’t seem the slightest bit surprised at his new third leg.  “The fuck is this?  Am I at the wrong locker?”  

“What do you mean?” Greg didn’t like the surprised look on Tank’s face as the burly man rummaged through his locker.  

“I should’ve had a pair of jeans in here, not sweats.  And where the fuck is my underwear?”  Tank frantically emptied out his locker while Greg did his best to cover.  He knew in his gut that this all had something to do with the strange events he’d stumbled on the night before, but the last thing he wanted was for everyone to think his friend was losing it.  

“Just put something on and let’s go,” he hissed.  

“No, you don’t understand, I can’t walk around like this,” Tank stammered, pulling the joggers up his thick legs and blushing at the outlined monster straining against them.  It stood out for everyone to see, and even through his embarrassed shock the brawny man doubted that he’d have been able to stuff it in his underwear even if it had still been there.  

“I know it sounds crazy, but based on what Terrell and Mark just said I think you can,” Greg said, trying to remain calm as he looked at the gigantic lump snaking down Tank’s leg.    

“Could you at least not stare at it like that,” Tank spat, pulling on his t-shirt and grabbing the rest of his things.  

“Sorry, man, it’s just...a lot,” Greg blushed, leaving out the part about how the sight made his own, much smaller, cock throb.  

“Why does everyone think this is normal?  This isn’t even possible!” Tank blushed again, dreading the thought of parading past everyone on the way out.  “And why am I not having a total meltdown right now?”  

“I think I have an idea, but it’s not going to make much sense.  Look...let’s go back to your place and talk about this there,” Greg said when Tank started to argue.  The big man clearly wasn’t happy about it, but he finally nodded, glaring at the smaller redhead on the way out.  

Tank tried to act casual as he strolled from the locker room and through the crowded precinct.  He waited for the surprised cries every time someone looked in his direction, but all that came were the usual friendly waves and small talk.  Even when the incessant rubbing of his joggers caused his new behemoth to twitch and harden, no one gave the large tent a second look.  Though it had only been a few minutes, Tank felt like he’d been marching for miles by the time he reached his car.  

“Jesus Christ,” he sighed, sagging against it.  “What the fuck was that?!  What the fuck is this?!”  He looked down in horror at his tented joggers, trying not to think about the fact that he’d just strutted past all of his coworkers with his cock rigid for all to see.  

“How ‘bout I drive?”  Greg took the keys from his stunned friend and tried to subtly sneak a peek at the bobbing tent when Tank dropped into the passenger seat.  

The big man seemed shell shocked, squirming uncomfortably as the rigid trunk throbbed against its confines.  “It just...everything was rubbing and it just...I couldn’t stop it…” 

“I don’t think anyone cared, at least.”  

“That’s not a good thing!  Why the fuck is everyone acting like this is normal,” Tank roared, his powerful fist slamming into the dash.  “Talk, dude.  You said you had an idea?”  

“This is gonna sound nuts, but that little guy, the one from the other night?  He said ‘I didn’t always look like this’.”  He said something did that to him.  What if he was right about something being out there that can...change people?”  

Tank dropped his head back against the seat and rubbed his face with both hands, his furry biceps inflating.  “Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?”  

“Do you have a more plausible explanation?”  Greg reached over and gave his friend’s straining tent a bounce.  “Unlike everyone else I remember how small that’s supposed to be.”  

Tank grunted at Greg’s unexpected touch.  “Come on man, don’t....it’s already worked up,” he sighed. 

“Sorry,” Greg lied, his hand tingling from the warmth of the solid club.  “But look...when you walked away from my desk right before all this happened, I had a, I don’t know, vision or something.  It’s like I could see you plain as day in the shower when it happened.”  Greg pulled out the amulet while he spoke.  “I didn’t tell you earlier but the guy last night gave me this.  He said it would help me, whatever the fuck that means.  When all this went down earlier it got real hot…”

“So maybe something came looking for you and got me instead,” Tank finished as they pulled up outside his apartment.  “That sounds completely insane, but it’s not like we’ve got a lot of other optiouuunnnnn…” he gasped when he climbed out of the car and his pants rubbed on the sensitive, aching organ.  He leaned against the car to collect himself, his face beet red when they made for the stairs.  Greg watched Tank lumber up with slow, tortured steps, equally enthralled by the thick, shifting globes stretching out the back of his friend’s pants.  

“I gotta get outta these,” Tank groaned when they finally reached the third flight, a growing damp spot spreading rapidly across his thigh.  He fumbled with his keys and staggered in, kicking off his shoes and practically tearing out of the pants with a sigh of relief.  “Fucking hell, man!  What am I supposed to do, just cum in my pants now?  Is that normal too?”  

Greg stood awkwardly in the living room while Tank caught his breath.  “Was your old one...I mean...were you always that sensitive?”  

“No!  This thing is like a fuckin’ lightning rod!  Everything just…” he trailed off when he realized they were both standing there staring at his naked lower half.  “Hold on...I’m gonna see if I’ve got something that fits.”  

Greg watched Tank stomp off to his bedroom, confusingly disappointed at the thought of the other man covering up.  It wasn’t just the massive new package that had his attention; everything about Tank’s hairy, beefy body was suddenly captivating.  The confused redhead had practically been drooling over the big man’s prominent ass on the way up the stairs, and his eyes had been fixed on the bare, furry mounds when Tank stormed out.  “Everything okay,” he called a few moments later when his friend hadn’t returned.    

Tank’s voice was barely audible coming from his room.  “My clothes are all...everything’s different…” he stammered.  

Greg hurried down the hall and found his friend still naked from the waist down, standing in front of a disheveled dresser whose drawers had all been pulled open.  “What do you mean?”  

“Fuckin’ take a look,” Tank spat, dropping down onto the edge of the bed.  Sitting as he was, the head of his oozing, rigid monster nearly reached the bottom of his bulging pecs.  

Greg didn’t know what he was looking for, but he had to guess that the complete lack of underwear wasn’t normal, nor was the prevalence of joggers and tight lycra.  Instead of shorts and jeans, Tank seemed only to have elastic sportswear.  Even the uniforms hanging in his closet had changed, the dark slacks swapped out for skin tight leggings.  “Oh...oh shit…” he stuttered, dropping down next to his friend.  It seemed everything Tank had was made for showing off, not concealing, his impossible new growth.  

“What am I gonna do, man?  What am I even supposed to do with this thing?!  I’d split someone open with it,” Tank moaned.  “I’m a fuckin’ freak!”  He fell back on the mattress, the painfully hard pole standing straight up next to Greg. 

“Dude, you’re not a freak,” Greg said, putting a hand on Tank’s bare, hairy thigh.  “We’ll figure this out, okay?  If there’s a way to fix it, we will.  I promise.  I’m not going to let this one go, so just give me a...little while...to…” Greg trailed off when he heard Tank’s quiet whimper and looked down to see that his hand had drifted higher, his fingers nearly brushing against the undersides of the beefy man’s tight, huge new balls.  “Shit!  Sorry man, I wasn’t paying any attention.”  

“No, it’s okay, I don’t…” Tank’s heavy chest was rising and falling rapidly.  He’d slid a hand up underneath his shirt to stroke his furry torso, exposing his firm stomach in the process.  “Sorry Greg...I can’t...I can’t help it,” he whimpered, sounding almost drunk.  “Maybe it’s just ‘cause it’s bigger but I’m ready to…”he trailed off with a laugh, squirming.  “Fuuuuuck this is intense…” 

Greg had no idea why the sight of his hairy, muscle bound friend groping himself and writhing on the bed turned him on the way it did, but watching Tank’s broad, whimpering body and impossible cock nearly made him cum on the spot.  He couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and closing a shaking hand around the throbbing trunk, adding in another when Tank moaned and arched off the bed.  “Sorry man...it’s just so…” 

“Oh fuck, dude, don’t stop,” the big man whined, clutching at the sheets when Greg started pumping both hands up and down the impossibly long shaft.  The addled ginger paused only long enough to fish his own seemingly meager cock out, his otherwise impressive rod feeling tiny and insignificant by comparison.  

Greg knew he shouldn’t be doing any of this.  He should be getting Tank help, not getting him off, but he kept pumping, picturing the big man in his revealing new clothes.  Greg whimpered at the thought of Tank’s meaty lower half squeezed into the leggings of his new uniform, with a nightstick shoved down a leg and his friend’s huge, round cheeks equally accentuated in back.  He thought about how the thick organ would grind against a person every time they were cuffed, wondering why he suddenly wished he could be in their shoes.  

As with earlier, Greg saw it all with crystal clarity.  He could see his friend walking down the street in the spandex bike shorts, his thick, furry thighs and impressive ass on display.  More than just being tight, his friend’s new clothes were small in general, barely containing Tank’s hose as it snaked up and off to the side while his enormous balls bulged out the front like someone stuck a grapefruit in them.   

Greg felt a stab of guilt at the thought that his friend had been caught in the crossfire.  With the way his friend’s bulging, muscular torso strained against his t-shirts nothing about Tank was left to the imagination.  Though he was clothed, the big man might as well have been strutting around naked, and it was potentially his fault.  Something had come looking for him, but had found his friend instead.  

Or at least that’s what he told himself.  He didn’t know how any of this really worked, or what was really happening.  All he knew for sure was that his behavior was as strange as Tank’s new body, and neither one of them could do anything about it.  When he leaned in and began running his tongue along the underside of his friend’s pulsing shaft and around the fist-sized head, he wasn’t concerned; he savored every musky second.  And when Tank finally exploded in geyser-like fashion, he sighed contentedly as if he’d been caught in a pleasant, Spring rain as the sticky fluid showered down around him and his own cock launched its pitiful load.  

“Holy shit,” Tank panted, gazing in shock at the mess he’d just made while his spent monster gradually softened against his furry stomach.  He was soaked from head to toe by his own explosion, the ropey strands reaching even to the ceiling above them.  At the end of the bed, he saw Greg’s regular-sized cock oozing its way limp below his dripping friend’s stunned expression.  

Greg wiped the salty fluid from his face and felt it running into his mouth as he sat in slack-jawed silence at the intensity of his friend’s release.  He knew his own cock was hanging out through his open fly but he made no move to put himself away.  If anything, he wanted to peel out of his wet clothes and curl up next to his beefy friend, but the release had cleared his head enough to give him some control over his actions.  “What did we just do,” he whispered, the medallion burning against his chest.  

**** When Greg returns to work that night Johnny (from ch. 2) is the next to feel the medallion's power.  What happens to him? ****


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