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****** Apologies for the delay! This is my busiest work week of the year at my day job and I just now realized I never posted a story this week.  Sorry about that! ******

“I don’t understand….why isn’t she responding?”  Matt whispered like they were breaking into a building, not walking down the familiar hallway of their dorm.  Though from the growing man’s changing perspective, it didn’t feel nearly as familiar as it should.  His normally springy step was heavy and slow, his body rubbing together in places it never had before.  And then there was the constant draft on the exposed cheeks hanging out through the large rip in his straining shorts, just barely covered by the tank-top Tim wedged in his waist.

“I don’t know, man.  Sometimes she goes on these nature trips and turns her phone off.”  Tim shrugged his bare shoulders and waved to a passing neighbor.  He watched the tall young man give Matt a brief, puzzled look before smiling and waving back.  “All we can do is wait.”  

Matt held his breath as their neighbor passed, waiting for the other man to comment on his changing appearance.  It was clear, or it should have been, that something was happening to him.  He wasn’t just hairier, he was obviously getting bigger, but like he’d experienced in the showers their friend acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.  “That’s easy for you to…” Matt started, his deepened voice booming louder than he realized.  “That’s easy for you to say,” he continued quietly, still not used to his altered vocal chords.  “You’re not the one turning into a freak!”  

Tim opened the door to their room and ushered his increasingly hairy friend inside.  “Freak might be a bit dramatic,” the blonde jock laughed.  He put a hand on Matt’s firm, expanding stomach and gave it a squeeze.  “I know plenty of guys who’d love to get jacked this quick.”

“Then give it to them!”  Matt pulled Tim’s shirt from the waist of his shorts just as another loud rip filled the room and both of his furry thighs spilled free.  The expanding young man stared down in horror at the sight of his thickened legs and the tattered shorts that were barely hanging on.  “Fuck!  Fuck!  These were my biggest shorts, dude!  I don’t have any fucking pants that fit!”  Even Matt’s boxer briefs had split, unable to contain the unrelenting expansion.  

Tim stepped forward and put his hands on Matt’s widening waist.  “Hey, hey, what’d I tell you,” he said gently, tugging down the shredded remains of his friend’s shorts and underwear.  They were an opposite pair, Tim bare from the waist up and Matt naked from the waist down.  “I said I’d take care of you, right?  You can wear some of my stuff until we figure your...situation...out,” he said, motioning to Matt’s plastered on shirt.  

Matt’s broadened shoulders sagged with his deep breath.  His thickened club was hard and throbbing towards his friend but he’d already become so used to the constant lust that he didn’t even notice.  “How are you so calm about all of this?”  

Tim shrugged.  “One of us has to be.  And, I mean,” he hesitated, suddenly bashful, “I know you’re freaked out...but this really isn’t a bad look for you.”  

“I wish I could say the same,” Matt sighed.  There was an awkward pause as he finally noticed his throbbing condition.  Tim still stood with his hands on his stomach, their faces inches apart.  “So can I ask...have you always been into guys?  I thought you were all about the ladies?”  

Tim grinned.  “I’m into whatever I like.  Guess I like this.”  He slid his hands up under Matt’s shirt and lifted it free, squeezing the hairy mounds of muscle at his chest in the process.  The chiseled blonde could hardly believe he was looking at his formerly lean roommate.  Matt wasn’t the burly beast he feared, but he was well on his way.  Underneath the steadily thickening hair, his friend’s body had filled out considerably.  His torso was wider, and while it was still rock solid, it had lost most of its shredded definition.  The same went for Matt’s long arms that had inflated from toned to beefy.  They were already the size of Tim’s sturdy guns and looked to be getting bigger, as did the hairy man’s meaty legs.  

“Fuckin’ look at me…” Matt gasped, turning his head towards the mirror.  He tried to suck in his rounding muscle gut, blushing at the absence of his washboard abs and the already fuller features of his face.  It felt like he was seeing a long lost family member for the first time.  

“Believe me, I am,” Tim winked.  “I like what’s going on up here,” he said, running his fingers through the patches of thickening hair on Matt’s shoulders.  The furry carpet was spreading up from the other man’s chest and had started to cascade over onto his friend’s back.  

“Oh, gross,” Matt winced, turning around to get a look at the dusting that had sprouted across his upper back.  

“I’m into it,” Tim purred.  He leaned in close enough for their foreheads to touch but pulled away before their lips made contact.  “How about I go get you something to wear?  Otherwise we’re gonna be doing this all day.”  He picked up his discarded shirt and pulled it back on, giving his naked friend a once over.  “I’ll get it a few sizes too big so you’ll have room to grow into it.”  

Matt watched his friend hurry out of the room, unsure of what felt worse; the fear over his changing appearance, or the disappointment over his untouched lips.  He sagged down onto his bed, cringing at the sound of the frame creaking underneath his increasing weight.  Even the simple act of sitting felt oddly foreign.  The extra flesh on his hairy legs squished towards each other, and it seemed like gravity held him in a stronger grip as he lowered himself down.  

“This is too much…” he sighed, falling back and rubbing his face with widened hands.  His enlarged cock still throbbed painfully, though he hated the sight of it looming beyond the forest of hair he’d sprouted on his inflating torso.  The thought that an equivalent forest was currently growing on his back did nothing to lessen his fear.  He didn’t understand what Tim liked about any of it anymore than he understood his sudden interest in his roommate.  

Just thinking about the sculpted blonde was enough to make his stomach flutter.  He knew on a logical level that his feelings were the result of whatever was happening, but that didn’t make them any less intense.  There was a small part of him that was even willing to accept what was happening if it meant Tim would be happy.  He pictured it, his beefy, furry frame in all its bulky size eagerly bottoming for the chiseled jock.  

Matt was stroking before he even realized it, the sensation of his forearm brushing against the new hair on his stomach making him cringe a little.  It was easier to focus instead on how his thin hose had grown into a thick club that filled even his enlarged hands.  He imagined Tim bouncing up and down on top of him, his friend’s athletic thighs straddling his furry beach ball gut while Matt’s rough paws clutched his tiny, solid rear.  He switched again, this time remembering how good his friend’s warm, pulsing rod had felt in his mouth.  He wondered what it would feel like to have his bearded cheeks buried between the powerful legs that had just been wrapped around his waist, practically hearing Tim’s whimpers of pleasure already.  

He realized the whimpers were his own at the same time that he realized his fear was gone.  His heart still started racing at the thought of what he was becoming, only now it was more from anticipation than fear.  He’d always been so terrified at the thought of turning out like the brutish bears in his family that he never once stopped to consider the benefits.  If it could make someone like Tim look at him the way his friend had been, maybe it was worth it.  

He came just as the blonde stud he’d been fantasizing about walked back through the door.  “Whoa!  I see you’ve been keeping yourself busy,” Tim laughed.  

“Wha...whoa…” Matt panted, no longer embarrassed at the rain of cum that splattered onto his chest.  At this point, Tim had seen it plenty of times already.  At first he thought his friend had just forgotten something, but seeing the bags in Tim’s hands told him he’d been going at himself for longer than he realized.  “Fuck, dude, I totally lost track of time.  How long were you gone?”  

“Almost an hour, man.  Have you been doing that this whole time?”  

Matt was stunned.  Instead of blowing at the slightest touch like he had been, his stamina had caught up with the rest of him.  “That was...that was just the one time,” he stammered.  

“Impressive.”  Tim said with a casual grin as he dumped the bags out onto his bed.  “I wasn’t sure what to get, or, you know, how big, so I went with stuff that would be easy to grow into.”  

Matt wiped himself off with his too-small shirt and lumbered up onto his feet.  Even in the short time that Tim had been gone, he’d grown even larger.  His pecs seemed to stick out farther and there was a more pronounced curve to his muscled stomach.  “Dude...really?”  

“I think what you meant to say is ‘thank you’.” 

“No, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it...but…” Matt reached down and picked up a large muscle shirt with thin straps, a scooping neck, and open sides.  “...this isn’t exactly going to hide anything.”  

“Correct.”  Tim’s expression was flat.  “I hate to break it to you...hiding is probably out of the question.  You might need to lean into it.”  

Matt let out a slow breath and dropped the muscle shirt, his face going red when he picked up one of the crumpled jockstraps.  “What the fuck is this!?” 

“In my defense, your legs are already pretty big and boxer briefs seemed like a bad idea,” Tim said with a grin that was equal parts charming and mischievous.  “Also I think you’ll look hot as hell in those.”  

Matt couldn’t help but smile back.  “This is what I get for letting you go shopping.”  

“Hey, if you wanted to squeeze into some of my clothes and go out I wouldn’t have said no,” Tim said, his eyes fixed on Matt as his friend hesitantly pulled the jock up his brawny legs.  “Yep, I was right about the underwear,” he said with a whistle.    

Matt just rolled his eyes and pulled on a pair of the baggy basketball shorts Tim brought home.  According to the label they were two sizes bigger than he normally wore, but they didn’t fit like it.  They hung loose on his hips when they should have been falling off entirely, and they both knew it was only a matter of time before even that looseness went away.  The same went for the draping muscle shirt.  Though Matt looked like he swam in it at the moment, he could already imagine what it would feel like resting against the carpet of hair as it stretched tight across his chest.  

“I look like a goddamn gorilla,” he sighed, blushing a deeper shade of red when he finally looked at himself.  The scooping neck of the muscle shirt seemed to accentuate the thick patches of hair on his chest and his no longer smooth upper back, and the open sides only served to show off the steady protrusion of his once-flat stomach.  

The hungry look in Tim’s eyes told Matt his friend clearly didn’t feel the same.  “You look like a man,” Tim said, stepping forward and cupping the stuffed bulge in his shorts.  “Especially with this thing.”  

Matt gasped as his friend hefted his heavy package.  “So what now?”  

“Here,” Tim thrust a pair of flip flops into Matt’s hands, “put these on and let’s go find the guys.”  

“What?!  No!  I’m not…” 

“I wanna test a theory.  Rob didn’t bat an eye when he saw you in the showers earlier, and neither did Chad when we passed him in the hallway on our way back.  I’m curious if anyone will react.”  

“What if they freak out?” 

“Maybe one of ‘em can come up with a way to fix this, then.  You’re gonna have to leave the room sooner or later, man.  Nancy hasn’t responded, which means she probably doesn’t have her phone with her.  It could be days, dude.” 

Matt’s expression fell as he looked at his completed outfit, hating what he saw.  Flip-flops, basketball shorts, and a muscle shirt; he was dressed like one of the meathead bros from the gym he used to mock.  With his expanding muscle and newly acquired body hair, he looked the part, too.  But Tim had a point.  He was equally curious about how everyone would react, and he couldn’t hide in his room forever.  

“Fine,” Matt finally relented, following Tim down the hall and out of the building.  

No longer in the safety of his room, the growing, hairy stud was insecurity given flesh.  Matt was hyper aware of the way his newly acquired bulk shifted and bounced as he walked with heavy, lumbering steps.  The exposed hair on his back and shoulders were like weathervanes, picking up the slightest passing breeze as they grew.  The trek from their dorm helped Matt get used to the way his changing body worked, but he still felt like everyone was staring at him as they made their way towards the bustling student center in the middle of campus.  

To his surprise, even in the thick of the crowd no one gave the burly young man a second glance, unless it was to sneak a hungry look at his ever beefy frame.  It was clear he was still growing.  He’d already had to loosen the drawstring on his shorts, and just in the time since he’d put it on the muscle shirt wasn’t nearly as billowing.  He may have hated his new clothes, but his blonde friend had chosen wisely.  

“There’s Bryan and Dave,” Tim said, interrupting Matt’s self conscious inner monologue with a slap on the arm.  Before the changing man could change his mind, Tim waved and pulled him over to their friends’ table.  “‘Sup, fellas,” he waved, slapping Dave’s backwards baseball hat from his head.  

The shaggy haired man aimed a punch at Tim’s crotch as he bent to pick it up.  “Where the fuck have you two been?  I’ve been texting you since...yesterday…” he trailed off, finally noticing Matt.  “Jesus!  Look at you!”  

“Fuckin’ shit, man!  When did you become such a beast?”  Bryan hopped up from his chair, the bulky football player no longer dwarfing the formerly thin man like he should have.  

Matt tried to sound casual as his friends stared at him.  He shrugged his officially furry shoulders and scratched absently at a thickened arm.  “I’ve been working out for a bit...decided to give up on all the shaving all the time.”  

“You’re such a dick,” Bryan laughed, shaking his head.  “I’ve been trying to bulk up for months.  Good for you, dude.”  

Matt smiled awkwardly until the topic switched over to the usual subjects of women and sports a few minutes later, everyone accepting his impossible transformation as if it was totally normal.  There was still a small part of him that wanted to lash out, to yell at them that he needed help, that this wasn’t possible.  He was turning into a hairy, beefy brute of a man and he couldn’t stop it.  But then he saw Tim beaming at him like a proud coach and that voice faded into the background. 

The pattern continued for the rest of the day.  Whenever they ran into someone they knew there would be a brief burst of surprise, followed by total acceptance.  Even towards the evening, after Matt had continued to grow, no one questioned it.  The drawstring on the once-baggy shorts wasn’t tied at all anymore, and the muscle shirt was plastered across his barrel chest just as he’d imagined.  He’d literally become twice his previous size in less than two days, not to mention the dense carpet of hair he’d sprouted over his entire body, and all anyone had to say was “good for you!”.  

It was becoming difficult for Matt to cling to his previous dread.  Whether he was just getting used to the idea, or a result of seeing how people didn’t freak out, he felt foolish for ever having feared this in the first place.  There was a part of him that even enjoyed being bigger than those around him.  It was something he’d never experienced.  He’d spent his whole life being smaller than the men in his family, and he’d thought that was a good thing.  Now he was gradually realizing how wrong he’d been.  His size made him feel strong and powerful and confident.  The wind blowing through the hair on his back didn’t make him a freak, it was simply a sign of his superior masculinity.  

And it was turning him on.  By the time they were heading back to the dorm it was all he could do to keep from ripping Tim’s clothes off.  

“See?  That wasn’t so baaaahhh!”  Tim yelped when Matt scooped him up in his piston-like arms as soon as they were back in their room, landing in a heap when the big man dropped him on his bed.  The blonde jock’s shorts were already tented as he gazed up at the hairy wall of muscle towering over him.  His lean, swimmer roommate was truly gone, replaced by a burly, powerlifter of a man.  Tim tried to picture the bearded, beefy version of Matt squeezed into a speedo but he doubted his friend’s enlarged club would even fit.  “Still want me to try and get Nancy,” Tim panted as he eagerly peeled out of his shirt.  

“Nah,” Matt said, shaking his head.  He ran a hand over his furry chest, his full, bearded cheeks breaking out into a smug grin.  “I think I can get used to this.”  


“Oh, you liked that, huh?”  Tim laughed and rocked his hips again, eliciting another deep, wall-shaking groan from Matt.  The bassy rumble vibrated up his straddling thighs from the other man’s furry gut, sending a shiver through him.  The blonde stud’s cock oozed into the forest of hair on the broad, muscled platform that it nestled against.  

They’d been fucking for hours.  Tim was in his favorite spot, riding Matt’s wide lap with the furry beast of a man stretched out beneath him.  This position gave him the best view of his friend’s powerful frame, and he never tired of the lustful expressions that washed over the bearded hunk’s face.  He reached down and clutched handfuls of the dense hair on Matt’s shelf of a chest as he started gyrating his hips again, working the massive rod with his own solid bubble.  They took turns riding each other, and while Tim loved burying his long rod between Matt’s plump, furry globes, it wasn’t the same.  Writhing on Matt’s lap was like hiking up a volcano that was about to erupt, or surfing a tsunami just before it crashed into shore.  His burly friend was like a force of nature, brimming with potential energy just waiting to come exploding out.  

It was hard for him to believe that as recently as a few weeks ago, Matt was a thin, hairless waif of a man.  His friend had been in good shape, but he was small and lean and had a meekness to him.  Ever since he’d first seen a picture of Matt’s family, Tim knew what he had to do.  One look at the mountain of masculinity his skinny friend could become was all it took.  He’d started hatching the plan with Nancy months ago, waiting patiently for her to gather the proper ingredients and for the stars to land in the right position.  It had taken weeks of subtle prompting to get Matt in the right frame of mind to agree to Nancy’s help, and even Tim was surprised at how it had all come together at the last minute.  He’d been worried that Matt would just call him crazy and forget all about it, but he’d worn him down just enough.  

It worked perfectly.  Within hours his friend had started to grow.  First his cock, then the hair, then the rest of him.  In a matter of days he’d watched his confused friend inflate from a smooth, thin young man to a burly, hairy stud.  He’d gone from wearing medium sized shirts, to XL, to XXL, before finally topping out in the triple-x range.  Even for the men in his family he was huge, which suited the new Matt just fine.  He seemed to enjoy being bigger than everyone around them, and as the spell promised, no one questioned any of the changes.  

Tim was impressed with how quickly his friend had adapted to his new perspective.  He got hard just thinking about how the bashful giant slowly grew more confident as he grew in size, coming to love the hairy frame that he once loathed.  Now, instead of being uptight and meek, Matt was calm and confident.  Tim especially loved how his big friend took control in bed, relishing the size difference between them.  Having been a closeted athlete who was more built than everyone around him his entire life, the blonde jock wasn’t used to feeling small, especially in bed, and it got him off harder than anything ever had before.  The one thing Tim hadn’t planned on was Matt dragging him out of that closet, whether he was ready or not.  But like his friend’s altered appearance, no one acted surprised or bothered by their new relationship.  

“I know...that look…” Tim grunted as Matt’s eyelids drooped.  He flexed his sculpted arms behind his head while the big man tightened his grip on his perky rear and groaned.  Tim let out a low hiss as Matt’s heavy, churning balls unleashed like a fire hose.  He’d been close himself and the intense rush of liquid pushed him over the edge.  His spurting hose was meager by comparison, the spraying liquid getting lost in the silky forest coating Matt’s chest. 

“Fuuuuck, dude,” Matt rumbled, running his hands up Tim’s tapering back while he pumped out the last few drops.  “I still feel like I should be pissed at you holding out on me for so long.  If I’d known you could get me off like that…”

The blonde man leaned down and cut Matt off with a rough kiss, loving the sensation of his friend’s trimmed beard against his face.  “For someone who was always so worried at turning into a big hairy guy, you seem to have adjusted okay,” he said when he lifted his mouth free.  

Matt gave a smug grin and folded his thick arms behind his head, letting Tim nestle into his chest.  “Can’t fight it forever,” he shrugged, letting a meaty arm drape down over his friend.  “Besides, there are worse things I could become.”  

Tim buried his triumphant grin against Matt’s furry pecs.  “Hate to say I told you so,” he murmured as he stroked a hand through the hair on the other man’s brawny stomach, drifting off into a contented sleep.  


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