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"Did you think I wouldn't notice, Alex?  Did you really think I just sat up here all day, oblivious to the inner workings of this little empire?" He fixed Alex with his piercing eyes. "You're already caught...honesty can only help you at this point."

Alex weighed his options. His reflex was to lie, but his gut cautioned against that. "Of course I thought I could get away with it," he said almost casually. The boss was right: he was already caught. They already had all the evidence they needed. What he couldn't figure out was why this conversation was even happening. "I saw what I thought was an opportunity and I took it."

"And that's what makes you such a valuable employee. But you know that already."  He looked Alex's perfectly fitted suit up and down. "That effort you put into stealing from me is the same you put into your appearance, into your work...into whatever it is you think that will get you ahead."  Crenshaw shook his head and sighed, his stern mouth curling into a slight smile. "I can appreciate drive, Alex. I seek it out in the people who work for me. I'm interested in people who won't back down from a challenge. I didn't, and look around. This is what you want, right? Money. Power."

"Yes," Alex nodded.

"We all start with such bland ambitions, don't we?"  Crenshaw sat back in his chair. "You know what all this gets you, Alex? Boredom. Oh, it's fun for a while. The access to whatever and whoever you want is intoxicating. But when you live as long as I have you see these things for what they are."

Alex was starting to question his boss's mental state. Crenshaw didn't look like he could be much past his early forties, but he was talking like he'd been around forever. "I can pay back the money I took," he started.

"This isn't about the money," Crenshaw said, waving a hand dismissively. "I have more than enough of that."

Alex blinked and was suddenly staring at a stack of money on Crenshaw's desk that hadn't been there before. "How...?"

"I don't do this for the money," Crenshaw continued, "I do it because it passes the time."  Alex just stared at the pile of money while his boss talked about running an international corporation like it was just a small hobby to stay busy. "How old do you think I am, Alex?"

Alex forced his eyes from the money. "42?"

Crenshaw smiled. "Really?  That old?"

Alex shook his head and looked again. Why did he think his boss was that old? The fresh faced young man couldn't have been out of his 20s. "No, sorry, 26."

Again, a smile. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Alex."

Alex felt nauseous as he looked at his boss's wrinkled, aged face. He had to be in his late 60s. "Oh, no, 66....wait...what's happening here?" Alex had to grip the armrests. He felt dizzy and lightheaded.

"I've been around for a long time, Alex. And I'll be around for a long time yet to come," Crenshaw said, back to his starting appearance. "This world seemed so promising at first....but once you learn how it all works..." he spread his hands and gestured around the large room.  "You still see an office. Walls, floor, ceiling, furniture.  What do I see?" Crenshaw's half-smile spread into a wolfish grin. He looked Alex up and down again, cocking his head to the side. "I see someone who would look better as a blonde."

Alex officially had no idea what was going on. He'd expected to be brought into Crenshaw's office and arrested, not sir and listen to insane ramblings. He hoped he could use it to his advantage. "I'll take that into consideration," he said, his tone bordering on condescending.

"No need. Tell me what you think."  Crenshaw pulled a small mirror out of his desk and slid it over to the other man.

It took several long moments for Alex's brain to put together what he was looking at. His chocolate brown hair was now a bright, almost platinum blonde. He had to put the mirror down to hide his shaking hands. "Is this a trick mirror?"

"You tell me."  Crenshaw turned his monitor to show Alex's employee photo, which had the same bright yellow hair. "By all means, be thorough. Check your phone."

Without looking away from Crenshaw, Alex fumbled his phone out of his pocket. He pulled up his facebook page and saw a profile picture with the same hair. All of his photos had it, going all the way back to his old high school photos. Even the ones he'd taken on his date last weekend had it. "What....what is this?"

"The true nature of the world around us, Alex. Everyone thinks of reality as set in stone, when "threads" are a much more apt comparison. With enough drive and dedication you can learn to see them and eventually manipulate them."  He tapped the picture on the monitor. "You see your hair, but is that the only thing that changed? And if the world changed to match, would you even know?"  Crenshaw's eyes gleamed maliciously as Alex paled and started trembling. "Threads, Alex. You can weave any tapestry you want with them. Or," he said, reaching over and pinching Alex's shirt sleeve between his thumb and forefinger, "you can unravel them."

It happened so fast Alex didn't even feel it. One second his boss was tugging on the cuff of his sleeve, and the next his entire shirt was gone. He stared down at his bare, sculpted pecs and the tie nestled between them. It took his body just as long to catch up as he saw the goosebumps break out on his six-pack abs and exposed arms shortly thereafter. Even his slight coating of body hair had changed from a dark brown to a light, almost invisible blonde.

His agile mind was moving double time. He refused to look back up until he had some semblance of control over himself. He bit down on the panic and forced his heart rate to stay steady. His developed pecs rose and fell steadily, betraying none of his inner turmoil. "Is this drugs?  Did you slip something to me? A gas?"  He finally looked up, a seed of anger growing alongside his fear.

Crenshaw was as smooth as ever. He handed Alex a large stack of files. "Do me a favor and go take those to Sandra."

"Absolutely not. You need to tell me what's..." Alex was cut off when he stood and grabbed the files.

"You don't have a choice, Alex."  The shirtless man couldn't even fight against his unwanted movements. He braced himself as he opened the door.  He wasn't at all shy about his body. He spent countless hours sculpting it in the gym. Crenshaw had been right about his dedication to his appearance. He was covered in chiseled, perfectly proportioned muscle. Part of it was genetics. His strong chin, bright eyes, pouty lips, and prominent cheek bones had been inherited. But his trim waist, broad shoulders, ripped arms, and strong thighs had all been built by him. He was rightly proud of how good he looked, especially with a tie accentuating his bulging pecs and his tight slacks showing off his bubble butt. If he was downstairs in the company gym, or if this was after hours and he was alone with Sandra he'd have no problem. But to parade through a full office like this was less than appealing.  

He braced himself and walked out. No one batted an eye. No one even gave him a second look.

"Uh, hey, Sandra," he said, smiling awkwardly as he approached the young woman's desk. "Crenshaw wanted me to give you these."  He flexed unconsciously as she looked up at him and took the files.

"Thanks," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "He seemed pretty pissed earlier. Everything okay in there?"  

Alex didn't know how to respond. Sandra's cubicle-mate, Jackie, leaned over to listen in. "Jury's still out on that," he managed casually. "I gotta get back."

"Good luck!" Sandra whispered encouragingly.

As Alex walked away he heard Jackie behind him. "I know you think he's cute, but it's so desperate the way he walks around showing off like that. I know it's not against dress code, but if I walked around showing that much skin I'd get fired."

Alex caught a few other sideways glances on the way back. Everyone was treating this like he was just wearing a shirt that was too tight.  His voice trembled as much as the rest of him when he made it back to his boss’s office.  He felt like he was walking in front of a firing squad.  “How...how are you doing this?”  

Crenshaw sighed again and shook his head.  “So disappointing.  The question you should be asking is what am I going to do next?”  

“Sir...please...you made your point.  I don’t know what kind of power you have and I won’t tell anyone, I just…” 

Crenshaw cut off Alex’s stammering with a dismissive wave.  “Do you think Sandra was always Sandra?  What if she looked like you last week?  Yesterday?  As far as everyone’s concerned you’ve always been a shirtless blonde now...what if Sandra used to be a fifty year old named Hank?  What if your cube-mate Robert used to be a twenty two year old named Tiff?”  

“That’s not...possible…” Alex stammered, going pale.  “You...you wouldn’t…” 

“I would, and have,” Crenshaw said, smiling.  “So don’t worry….I hate to repeat myself so soon when there are so many possibilities.”  

Alex watched Crenshaw tilt his head to the side and felt a sudden rush of air against his entire body.  In the blink of an eye the remainder of his clothes had vanished entirely.  His tie, slacks, socks, shoes and briefs were gone, leaving his sculpted body entirely exposed.  He stared in disbelief at the light patch of hair where his chocolate bush used to be as his heavy package dangled in front of the other man.  

“That’s impressive,” Crenshaw said, nodding towards the swinging hose and thick, round balls.  “I bet it puts on quite a show.”  

“UUUnnnnnnhhhhh!”  Alex grunted when his cock rocketed to life, springing to its full seven inches in an instant.  Each of his ample muscles tensed as his balls churned like he was having the best sex of his life.  His skin tingled and he heard himself gasping quietly until his untouched rod erupted in a violent spray of sticky fluid.  “Wh...what was that,” Alex panted, mortified.  

“I think that would be obvious,” Crenshaw laughed.  “And I was right...that WAS impressive.  Let’s give everyone a chance to see that, shall we?”  

Alex went plae, then bright red.  His cock was still rigid and throbbing despite his fear and humiliation at the thought of leaving the office naked and hard.  “You...you can’t be serious…” 

“Does anything about what’s happened make you think I’m joking?”  

“Look, I’ll do anything, just don’t…”

“We’re well beyond the point of you talking your way out of this, Alex.  I told you this wasn’t about the money.  It’s about alleviating even an ounce of this boredom.”  

“There has to be another way tooooOOOHHHH!”  Alex’s protests were interrupted by another shuddering orgasm, his aching cock spewing harder than ever despite having just cum minutes before.  As his head cleared from the unwanted bliss, Alex’s horror grew at the thought that not only would he be naked and hard in front of everyone, he’d be cumming uncontrollably.  

“Back to work!  Come see me at the end of your shift.”  

With that, Alex found himself turning on his heel and marching towards the door, his oozing cock leading the way.  His heart was racing in his bare chest as he strutted casually in front of everyone.  Like before, other than a few sideways glances, no one seemed overly shocked at his naked appearance.  

“Still alive, I see,” Robert laughed when Alex stumbled back to his desk.  The other man didn’t even blink at the throbbing pole and hairy balls bobbing in front of his seated face.  “You were in there a while, man.  Everything okay?  You look shaken up.”  

“Yeah...yeah...it’s, uh, fine,” Alex mumbled, fighting desperately against the pressure he felt building already.  “He just has me on a….special project.”  

“Hey, as long as that project’s not the unemployment line,” Robert laughed, spinning his chair back to his monitor.  

Alex dropped in his seat, wincing when he rolled up to his desk and smashed his erect member against his tight abs.  He blushed and worked it under the edge, shivering as the oozing tip rubbed along the underside.  Even as he had the thought, he exploded again.  “UUUOOOHhhh!”  He groaned and spasmed in his chair, pumping out load after load under his desk.  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Robert typing away, acting as if he hadn’t even noticed.  The newly blonde man fumbled with the tissues on his desk and wiped his meaty thighs as clean as he could, his stomach dropping when his cock only throbbed ever harder.  

The day dragged on in a horrifying series of uncontrollable explosions.  Alex couldn’t make it ten minutes without his untouched cock spraying like a hose, nearly bringing him to his knees each time.  It happened when he was at his desk, when he was walking down the hall, and, most embarrassing, when he was leading the afternoon planning session.  He’d stood naked in front of a dozen coworkers, pausing multiple times throughout the meeting to turn away and groan ecstatically while his impressive rod sprayed like he hadn’t cum in weeks.  Each time, his colleagues would give him the same sympathetic looks they’d give a person who’d been hit with a sneezing fit.  He caught a few of them, male and female alike, checking his naked, chiseled body out, but he felt none of the arrogant pride such a discovery usually brought him.  It was one thing for someone to check out his firm bubble when it was covered in his tight slacks.  It was another thing entirely for them to stare at it in all it’s round, bare glory while he was helpless to do anything about it.  By the time his shift was up and he was making his way back to Crenshaw’s office he’d never felt more defeated.  

“Ah, right on time,” Crenshaw smiled from behind his desk as Alex staggered in.  

“You’re a monstuuuUUUNNNN!”  The now-blonde stud arched his back and sent a ropey spray towards the other man, the liquid disappearing in midair as it approached the broad desk.  

“Why are you even upset?  You get to show off that physique you worked so hard for and get off all the time without anyone knowing any different!” Crenshaw looked like he was genuinely confused.  

“But I know it’s different,” Alex spat.  

Crenshaw shrugged.  “So?  What good does that do if it’s normal to everyone else?”  

The sculpted blonde couldn’t hide his anger.  “But I didn’t have a choice!  You did this to me!”  

“And what choice did I have when you stole from me?  Bit hypocritical to start worrying about other people now, don’t you think?”  

“I said I’d give it back!  You can fire me or throw me in jail, I don’t care!  You made me parade around naked and cumming in front of everyone all day!  That’s different than me taking money from someone who didn’t even need it!”  

“To you, maybe.”  Crenshaw stood and took his time coming around from behind his desk.  He had a sad, disappointed look on his face.  “But since you’re so eager to give up your money, I’ll gladly take it.”  His eyes grew distant for a moment before he continued.  “There.  Your accounts are drained.  Your assets are depleted.”  

Alex felt like he’d been punched in the gut.  “Wha...it’s all...all gone?”  

Crenshaw nodded.  “Every penny.  I’m sure with that impressive brain of yours you could just quickly make more, or steal more, and we can’t have that, not since you clearly don’t want it.  I think a different path, a fresh start, would be good for you.”  

“Wait...no, I don’t want a…” Alex broke off in a gasp.  Every inch of his bare skin felt like it was crawling off his body.  Dozens of invisible hands kneaded his muscle, forcing it into a new configuration.  He watched his impressive chest lose its dusting of hair as the mounds of muscle plumped outwards, the flat stomach beneath drawing tighter inwards.  His toned thighs spread towards each other until they touched, and there was an unaccustomed weight at his back.  Alex had a brief moment of relief when his perpetually hard cock finally softened, but it retained its engorged size.  

While his body shifted and was reshaped, he felt those same hands sink into his skull.  The room around him spun, his face tingling.  He had a breathless sensation of falling, and then confusion as he looked around the room.  Alex didn’t know where he was or why he was there.  He felt like it was on the tip of his tongue, but the knowledge wouldn’t come.  All he knew is that he was naked in an unfamiliar room in front of a man he no longer recognized.  

“Uh...where am I?”  Alex asked, something about his voice sounding odd.  When the strange man stepped aside and let him get a look at himself in the window, Alex was hit by the same sensation.  His broad shoulders, bulging pecs and huge arms felt wrong, as did the tiny waist that exploded outwards again at his huge, round backside and meaty thighs.  Looking at his thick, full lips, button nose and rosy young cheeks, Alex felt like he should be older.  He looked like he couldn’t have been more than eighteen, but something in his head told him he should be closer to twice that.  

“You’re at work,” Crenshaw said.  “Or your former place of employment.  Up until a moment ago you were a thirty three year old executive.  You had a master’s degree and a promising career until you screwed it up.  Now you’re a young little go-go boy.  No more college, no more bright career path.  Just sex and dancing for you.  Using your brain just got you into trouble….let’s see how you do with your body instead.”  

While Crenshaw had been speaking, what Alex heard was that he’d been there for a private dance.  Based on his lack of clothe and the smug grin on the other man’s face, he figured he’d done okay.  “Glad you had a good time,” he chirped in response to what he’d heard in his head.  

“The best,” Crenshaw said, stepping forward and taking a palmful of one of Alex’s plump new cheeks.  He nodded towards the pile of clothes that suddenly appeared on the floor.  “You should get going or you’ll be late to the club.”  

“Ugh, you’re right,” Alex sighed, bending slowly to give Crenshaw one last look at his pillowy backside as he slid the crimson thong up his bodybuilder thighs.  His inflated package nearly spilled out of the pouch, clearly visible beneath the thin white shorts he pulled on over top.  The bright red thong stood out plainly underneath, matching the almost non-existent muscle shirt he slid over his bulkier pecs and the bright high tops he laced onto his feet.  His cheeks bounced wildly as he hurried out of the office and down the hall, eager to get out of the stuffy office and back to the club.  He had a full night of dancing and clients ahead of him and he already couldn’t wait to get out of these clothes.  



It s pretty good but I think it would have been more fun if he simply would be so horny that he could not focus on work and people end up using him in a similar way to a coffee boy . While outside he would just be alienated.


If I develop this one further I’d definitely change up the ending. There were a couple different things I had in mind so I figured I’d start with this one, but I’m not thrilled with it.