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Pete slid the soft, pink cut off shorts up his supple thighs, still not used to the feeling of his exposed ass hanging out the bottom.  It seemed like more and more of his ample cheeks hung out each day, but it was hard to say.  He wasn’t sure how long things had been like this.  He looked at his trim, hairless body in the mirror.  Hadn’t he been hairier?  Shouldn’t his thin, soft arms have more muscle?  Shouldn’t the package outlined in the tight shorts be bigger?  Didn’t he have a beard?  The lithe shoulders, flat chest, curvy stomach, and jiggling thighs felt wrong.  Did he really dress this way?  He remembered loose pants and boxer shorts, not the revealing, brightly colored piles of fabric on the floor around him.  He remembered playing a different sport each night of the week with his friends.  He remembered a girl and a house and a job that should have been his.  Didn’t he?  Was that another life?  If that was real, how did he get here?  Did he even really know where here was?  His terrified heart started beating fast in a sudden rush of panic at the realization that none of this should be as it was.  He looked around, wide eyed with terror, and ran for the door.  

If he got outside he could see where he was.  The air was warm and smelled of the ocean, but he didn’t live near the coast, did he?  He ran for the sliding door, his altered body feeling wrong as it shook and bounced in places that should be solid.  

Outside was sand and palm trees and in the distance a crystal ocean.  If he could just get away from the house maybe he could find a boat or a phone to…to…what?  He stopped running.  What was he doing?  It was important, wasn’t it?  His breath and heartbeat slowed, the warm island breeze blowing a dim contentment over his mind.  Pete stood hypnotized by the sound of the rolling surf.  His fear and anxiety melted away.  What was he so worked up about?  

“Getting some morning sun?”  

Pete spun around, another moment of panic punching through at the sound of the familiar voice.  Tobias stood, yawning and stretching in the doorway, naked except for a pair of small, bright green briefs.  “I…I think so?”  Pete’s heart remained fluttering, but for an entirely different reason.  Why would he be scared of his friend?  

Just the sight of the other man drove him wild.  He loved Tobias’s dark features and deceptively thin frame.  From a distance the other man looked skinny, but when you got close you saw the lean, whipcord muscles etched and outlined under the olive skin and the black, wiry hairs that were dusted over his tight body.  Pete knew from experience how much strength was packed into that lithe frame.  

He sighed when Tobias came over and stuck his hands down the back of the soft shorts, palming each of his cheeks.  The hairs on Tobias’s solid pecs prickled his own smooth skin when the other man pressed a long kiss against his lips.  This was right, wasn’t it?  This felt too good to be wrong, so why did a part of his brain scream against it?  

“You still with me?”  

Pete realized he was looking at Tobias’s grinning face, not kissing it anymore.  He didn’t know why his brain felt like it was moving through molasses.  

“Don’t worry,” Tobias smiled, cutting off Pete’s struggle for words and seeming to read his thoughts, “I don’t love you for your brain.”  

Pete smiled back, his body responding faster than his confused head.  He was smart, wasn’t he?  He remembered a Master’s degree?  Maybe?  Then why was he so…the thought trailed off when Tobias’s hands, still in his shorts, gave his ass another squeeze.  

“Don’t try so hard, babe.  I can see those wheels trying to turn.  You know you’re not good at that.  It’s okay!”  

Tobias’s condescending, cheerful tone filled Pete with delight.  He grinned from ear to ear and squirmed against his friend’s steely frame.  He was practically overwhelmed with desire.  It was the one thing he seemed to be able to focus on.  Pete half-noticed his still-soft cock but was too worked up to focus on the fact that the only things firm in his shorts were Tobias’s iron fingers.  The pink fabric that seemed so revealing just a few minutes ago suddenly felt like a full body suit.  

“Are you guys, like, starting without me?”  

The lisping, high pitched voice sent another thrill through Pete’s curvy body.  Over Tobias’s shoulder, he saw their friend Zack watching from the doorway.  He hesitated again.  Why did he think that stranger was Zack?  He’d known Zack since elementary school, hadn’t he?  Zack was broad and stocky, with shaggy, brownish-blonde hair and a deep, booming voice.  He was good looking, but rough around the edges.  

This person in the doorway couldn’t have been more different.  His platinum blonde hair was coiffed into a pompadour above a pretty, perfectly featured face, and there was nothing stocky about him.  His broad, boulder-like shoulders exploded outwards along with a bulging shelf of muscle that made up his chest.  Below that, his torso tapered in an almost exaggerated “V” before exploding out again at his trunk-like thighs.  He looked like he could have stepped out of the pages of a 1950s “physique” magazine.  The only thing reminiscent of his friend’s previous self was the huge, thick cock hanging between Zack’s muscular legs.  Unlike Pete, the long hose was rock hard.  The confused man thought it looked bigger than it should, but he couldn’t be sure what was normal anymore.  

“Wouldn’t dream of it, hun,” Tobias smiled.  He pulled a hand out of Pete’s shorts and wrapped an arm around Zack’s impossibly trim waist.  He gave the buff man a peck on the cheek, eliciting a lilting giggle.  

“Hi sweetie!” Zack chirped, giving Pete a bashful smile.  

Pete leaned over and pecked the other cheek, getting the same giggling response.  He searched Zack’s ice blue eyes for signs of the intelligence he thought should be there, but only found the same dim look his own eyes must have. If his friend felt any of the panic he kept getting, it didn’t show.  At Tobias’s suggestion they walked toward the shoreline, Zack bounding ahead like an excited puppy.  Once again Pete felt his body ignite with desire.  He watched his friend’s perfectly round, solid ass shift with each loping step towards the water.  The blonde man didn’t hesitate and splashed right in.  

“What’re you waiting for?” Tobias pulled Pete’s shorts down and gave his ass a swat, sending the supple man out into the wave.  He relished the sight of the two men out in the water.  It was the culmination of years of work.  First there’d been the years of planning, then the months of conditioning and physical changes.  He still couldn’t believe how relatively easy it had been.  The process was a lengthy one, but with money and patience, both of which he had in abundance, anything was possible.  

Pete had been the first to arrive all those months ago.  He’d come down on an invitation to check out the other man’s new vacation house.   He still couldn’t believe that Tobias, his stoner friend from college, had struck it rich.  He’d known his friend was smart underneath all that weed smoke, but he had no idea just how smart.  

“Dude!”  Pete hurried down the exit stairs and across the tarmac to wrap his friend in a bear hug.  “You look good, man.”  

“Gobs of cash’ll do that,” Tobias laughed.  “Living in paradise doesn’t hurt, either.  How was the flight?”  

“Not bad, except those assholes on the mainland lost my luggage.”  

Tobias motioned to the ramshackle airport around them and laughed.  “I’d be glad that’s all they lost.  I’m sure it’ll turn up in a few days.  Besides, once we get to my place it’s not like you’re going to need much more than a swimsuit anyway.  Worst case scenario you can always wear my stuff.  We still look like we’re around the same size.”  Tobias stepped back and looked Pete up and down, squeezing one of his solid arms.  “You been bulking up?”  

“Been trying to.  It’s a pain in the ass.”  

Tobias smirked.  His friend had no idea.  They left the airport and made their way by dune buggy through the sparse buildings that constituted the “town,” catching up with each other while they drove.  The two still talked, but mostly via email and social media.  It had been a few years since they’d actually seen each other face to face.  Pete knew his friend had struck it big with some kind of bioengineering something or other, but he didn’t know the details.  Tobias kept it surface level, leaving out the parts where most of his money had actually come from.  

“Man, when you said this place was off the grid you weren’t kidding,”  Pete said as they drove down the bumpy sand road without any other buildings in sight.  

“I know.  It’s great, isn’t it?”  Tobias turned the dune buggy down another sandy road and the house came into view.  

“Holy shit!  This is your “vacation” house?”  Pete stared, open mouthed, at the sprawling estate in front of him.  It was a single level, but it made up for that by having multiple wings, most of which were open air.  It looked like a mansion that had a midlife crisis and decided it wanted to be a tiki shack after all.  

Tobias downplayed it.  “Yeah, I’m pretty happy with it.  Cost a bit, but I can’t complain.”  

“Aren’t you worried about stuff getting stolen?”  

“Not at all.  No one comes back here, and even if they did, people are trustworthy down here.”  Most of what Tobias said was true.  He left out the other part of the reason why no one on the island would even think of messing with him.  “It’s an island, remember?  It’s not like I wouldn’t see my stuff in someone else’s house.  Don’t shit where you sleep, right?”  

Pete nodded distractedly and followed Tobias on the tour, marveling at the luxurious surroundings.  It really was a tropical paradise.  His friend led him to his bedroom, a huge suite with one wall that was nothing but a screen overlooking the sprawling ocean.  The attached bathroom was just as open, with a privacy wall blocking off the toilet and and an open shower on the outside.

“Don’t worry, no one can see you,” Tobias laughed.  He pointed to the growth of tropical forest on one side and the ocean on the other.  “I know how modest you are.”  

“Doesn’t all this being open freak you out?”  

Tobias replied by peeling out of his t-shirt.  “Are you really asking that question?”  

Pete just laughed.  He knew better.  He’d lived with Tobias for a while in college and knew it was a rarity to see him with much on.  The other man was much more of an exhibitionist than he was.  “You look like you’ve been keeping in shape,” he said, looking at Tobias’s ripped torso.  “Not as many rocks to climb down here.”  

“No, but surfing and swimming are a pretty good substitute.  And there’re some pretty nasty climbs on the mainland.”  

“I can’t wait to…” Pete’s sudden yawn cut off his reply.  “Sorry.  I’ve been feeling kinda funky ever since I got that shot at customs when I left.  I didn’t know they did that?”  

“Only when you’re coming to certain parts of the globe.  Good news is you won’t need another when you come back again.  The jetlag probably doesn’t help either.  Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll dig out some stuff for you to wear?”  

Tobias left his friend and went to the other side of the house, quietly unlocking and slipping into his office, one of the few rooms that wasn’t open to everything.  He made a few quick calls to confirm the details.  His friend had indeed received the “anti-viral” injection at the airport.  That had actually been one of the easiest parts to arrange, and from what he could tell, it seemed like it was working.  He hoped so, because everything else hinged on that starter formula.  He flipped on the monitors in time to see Pete strip down to his boxers and flop on the bed.  His friend had indeed been working out.  Last time he’d seen Pete the other man had the same lean, defined build he’d always had, but now there was noticeable bulk to his arms and chest.  Tobias laughed at the sight.  That just made what was coming even better.  


Pete stirred in the warm air and rolled over on the impossibly comfortable bed.  He didn’t know how long he’d napped for, and he didn’t care.  Maybe it was the sound of the ocean, or the fresh tropical air, but he couldn’t remember when he’d felt this relaxed.  He stretched and sat up, blushing when he realized his solid cock was poking through the fly of his boxers.  He quickly looked around to make sure no one was outside, but then he remembered what Tobias said about no one coming around.  Still, he waited until he was soft enough to stuff himself back inside before he got up and went to look at the ocean.  His brain felt sluggish and half asleep, like he’d been out for a while.  The sun was still bright in the sky, so he couldn’t have slept that long.  He chalked his disorientation up to the plane ride and went to look for his friend, making it to the main room before he realized he was still in nothing but his boxers.  He started to turn back, but Tobias caught him, walking up from the beach wearing nothing but a small speedo.  

“Feel better?”  

“I think so,” Pete said, feeling awkward at his lack of clothes.  “Kinda groggy, still.”  

“You were on a plane for a long time...that’ll happen.”  Tobias feigned surprise at the sight of Pete’s bulked up build, despite having watched him sleep for hours.  “Whoa!  You weren’t kidding man.  Someone’s been hitting the weights.”  

“Thanks.  I wish it was more, but I’ll get there.  Sarah’s happy with ‘em.”  Pete flexed an arm, showing a large, defined bicep.  He broke it off with a blush when he realized he was flexing in his underwear.  

“I bet she is.  We’ll have to arm-wrestle later,” Tobias laughed, flexing his own steely arm.  He could barely contain his excitement.  Between his friend’s groggy expression and the behavior he was already exhibiting, the formula appeared to be working.  “So what do you wanna do?  Feel like hitting the beach?  Your pasty ass could definitely use some sun.”  

“Sure! Uh, do you have a swimsuit I can borrow?”  

“Loads.  It’s pretty much all anyone wears around here.”  

Pete followed Tobias to his bedroom and blushed when his friend opened a drawer, revealing several small speedos like the one he was wearing.  “Do you have anything a little more, uh…”

“Sorry dude, this is the style around here.  You can go naked, too.  I do that all the time.”  Tobias pulled down the back of his speedo to display the lack of tan lines on his solid, perky rear.  He couldn’t help but laugh at his friend’s discomfort.  “Dude, who else is around?  Besides, what’s the point of all those muscles if no one sees ‘em?  Just put it on.”  

Pete reluctantly took the wad of bright red fabric.  Like when he’d left his bedroom, it wasn’t until he’d stepped out of his boxers that he realized he’d just stripped naked in front of Tobias.  He hurriedly pulled the speedo up, his blushing skin taking on the same red tone as the tight material.  “Sorry about that.”  

Tobias pretended not to notice anything out of the ordinary.  “Sorry about what?”  He looked Pete up and down and whistled.  “Damn dude, you fill that out better than me.”  

Pete looked at his reflection and would have blushed even harder if he wasn’t already crimson.  The speedo left nothing to the imagination.  For as lean and skinny as he’d always been, he’d somehow always had a large, round behind, something that the speedo accentuated.  He tugged at the tight fabric uncomfortably.  He was a boxers guy, so the speedo felt confining and revealing.  “I look ridiculous.”  

“You look great!  Loosen up, man,” Tobias said, snapping the waistband of Pete’s swimsuit.  

Pete laughed and chased Tobias across the beach to the water, tackling his friend into the waves.  He untangled from the other man and swam out, floating in the warm, crystal clear water.  It didn’t take long before he forgot all about what he was or wasn’t wearing.  “Do we need to worry about sharks or anything?”  

“Nope.  I don’t remember the specifics, but something about the reef formation keeps them away.  There’re little ones, but nothing we need to worry about.  Makes for awesome snorkeling.”  

That was all Pete needed to hear.  He relaxed even more, losing himself to the sun and the rhythm of the ocean.  That feeling of supreme contentment he’d had since waking up washed over him in full.  

“Yo!  Earth to Pete,” Tobias laughed, splashing the other man.  

Pete started and sputtered.  “Huh?  What’s…” he noticed the sun sinking on the horizon.  “Whoa.  How long have we been out here?”  

“A while.  You went into pretty heavy relaxation mode.”  

Pete shook his head, still feeling the same mental sluggishness.  “Wow.  Yeah.  Sorry about that.”  

“It’s cool man, the same thing happened to me when I first came out here.  But I’m starving, so I say we head in.”  

Pete followed Tobias back to the house, not giving his revealing swimwear a second thought until they were sitting down to eat, and even then he found himself not caring.  He stuffed himself full of tropical fruit and grilled fish, especially liking whatever “traditional” island drink Tobias made him.  The sun dropped quickly while they ate, the sudden twilight not helping with Pete’s ability to focus.  

“Dude...this is gorgeous,” Pete laughed in disbelief, pushing himself away from the table and leaning back in his chair. Though the sun had gone down, the temperature was as warm as ever.  

Tobias beamed proudly.  “Glad you’re enjoying it.  It really doesn’t get much better than this, dude.”  He nodded out towards the beach again with a smug grin.  “Except for the sky out there once the sun goes down all the way.  There’s no light pollution down here, so it’s pretty spectacular.  But you probably want to get cleaned up first, right?  You go rinse off and I’ll pull something out for you to wear.”  

Pete nodded absently and headed for his room while Tobias made for his office.  Once again he observed his friend, this time watching as Pete pulled off the speedo and hesitantly stepped outside to shower.  He could tell that his friend was clearly uncomfortable by being so exposed, but after a few minutes under the warm stream he saw Pete’s shoulders relax, the tension melting away even as the other man’s thin cock started twitching.  

Tobias was thrilled to see that, as soon as he reached his full six inches, Pete was stroking away.  The “traditional” drink was laced with a potent aphrodisiac he’d come up with that bonded with someone on a cellular level.  Essentially, Pete’s overall libido had just permanently been kicked up a notch.  Tobias had also specifically added a component that caused an arousal response to male pheromones that he could not wait to try out.  Tobias was already familiar with his friend’s smallish package from when they’d lived together, but he still enjoyed the show.  

Unaware that he was being watched, Pete’s knees almost gave out with the force of his release.  It had taken all of his willpower not to let out a moan when he came.  He didn’t know where the sudden urge had come from.  He was embarrassed at jerking off outside, but he couldn’t help it.  He hoped Tobias had been right when he said no one could see him, but at the same time, the thought that someone might sent a thrill running through him.  He shut the water off and reached for a towel, only to discover there wasn’t one.  He looked around for something he could use, but soon realized that the warm island breeze was drying him off faster than a towel would anyway.  He shrugged and went out into the bedroom, enjoying the feeingl of the warm air on his skin.

“Knock knock,” Tobias said from the doorway.  He’d been standing there for a few minutes, enjoying the view of his friend’s naked body from behind while Pete stared out at the ocean in the same half-daze he’d been under all afternoon.  “What’d you think of the shower?”  

Pete spun around at the sound of his friend’s voice, startled out of his haze.  “Oh! Uh, hey.  That’s an awesome set up!  I could very much get used to that.”  He blushed then, finally remembering that he was still naked.  “No, uh, no towels, though,” he said bashfully, letting one hand drift down to semi-cover his dangling package.   

“Don’t need ‘em!” Tobias said cheerfully, ignoring his friend’s discomfort as he squeezed one of Pete’s exposed, round cheeks.  “Dude, if nothing else, my goal for this trip is to have you loosened up by the end.”  

“Hey!  Come on,” Pete laughed and pulled away, trying to ignore the unexpected sensations caused by his friend’s hand on his ass.  

Tobias finally relented.  “Fine.  I brought you some shorts.”  

Pete eyed the small garment that was smaller than his boxers.  Tobias was an avid runner, and these were clearly a pair of his running shorts, but they were much smaller than anything Pete was used to.  He slid them on, cringing internally as they clung tightly to his beefier frame.  His larger thighs caused the sides to pull open almost to the waist, leaving his legs almost totally exposed.  And with nothing on underneath, his package was clearly outlined against the thin parachute material.  From behind, the sides of his ass were just barely exposed as the tight shorts struggled to contain its mass.  “These are…small…” Pete said, his face bright red.  

“Whatever, man, it’s what I’m wearing.”  

Tobias WAS wearing the same thing, but the shorts fit him like they should.  Pete eyed his friend, taking specific note that Tobias didn’t appear to be wearing any underwear either.  He shook his head, unsure why that would catch his eye.  “Yeah, but this is all you ever wear,” Pete laughed.  

“When in Rome!”  

Pete followed Tobias back to the main room, knowing there was no point in arguing.  Besides, he was actually starting to enjoy the way this felt.  Tobias was always trying to push him outside his comfort zones, so he was determined not to let his friend get to him.  

“Come on, you’ve gotta see this.”  Tobias came around from behind the bar with two more drinks in his hand as he led them out to a stone terrace.  

Pete eagerly sucked his drink down.  “Whatever these are, they’re delicio…” he trailed off when he stepped onto the terrace and looked up at the sky.  It seemed like every star in the universe was visible.  It was almost hypnotic.  “Wow,” he muttered, feeling dizzy by the scope of what he was seeing.  

Tobias led them to a pair of loungers and they settled back, looking up at the sky.  “Don’t get that back home.”  

Pete heard his friend, but it took his brain a moment to actually respond.  “No...sure don’t,” he sighed.  “I don’t think I’m gonna want to leave when the time comes.”  

“Glad to hear it,” Tobias laughed.  “I want people to like it here.”  Tobias picked up their conversation from dinner, but it became clear Pete was only half-listening.  

“Sorry, I’m paying attention, I swear.  Keep talking,” Pete murmured drowsily when Tobias paused.  He wasn’t just being polite; he really did want Tobias to keep talking.  For some reason, the sound of his friend’s voice was music to his ears.  

“Should I be reading you a bedtime story,” Tobias asked, thrilled at what he was seeing.  So far, everything was working as it should.  He kept talking, noting that Pete’s rigid cock was sticking out from the bottom of his small shorts, unnoticed by the other man.  “Alright sleeping beauty, I think we should take you to bed.”  Tobias reached down and pulled Pete to his feet, wrapping an arm around him to keep his friend upright.  

“Huh?”  Pete was half-awake at best, hearing his friend’s voice from far away.  He tried to stand when Tobias took his hand and pulled him up, but his legs would only partially cooperate.  He leaned into Tobias when his friend wrapped an arm around his waist, the other man’s wrought iron body feeling strangely good against his.  Why had he never noticed how attractive Tobias was before now?  

Pete couldn’t stop his head from falling to the other man’s shoulder while they stumbled along.  A small part of his brain was telling him something else was wrong, and he became vaguely aware of his solid cock tenting out the shorts, but he couldn’t pull himself together enough to care.  He just stumbled along until he was deposited on his impossibly comfortable bed.  He smiled sleepily up at Tobias as the other man laid him down and pulled his shorts off.  His friend was taking such good care of him.  

Pete was dreaming as soon as his eyes closed.  Everything was hazy, and he was floating on a sea of pleasure.  His entire body was on fire with lust, and in an instant, his vision snapped into focus.  Tobias was on top of him, his strong arms straddling him on either side.  Pete was confused about what was happening, but every detail was in hyper-focus.  He could practically count the prickly hairs on his friend’s muscular chest and feel the heat from his panting breath.  Why was Tobias panting?  Whatever he was doing felt fantastic.  In his daze, Pete’s hands reached up to Tobias’s chest, playing with his tiny nipples before wrapping around to travel down his broad back.  Pete’s fingers found their way to Tobias’s ass and he kneaded the solid cheeks, finally realizing what was happening.  

Even dreaming, part of his brain told him this was wrong.  But what was wrong?  Fooling around with Tobias?  That was weird, but not what felt wrong.  It was something physical.  Pete lifted his head to get a better view, unable to comprehend what he saw at first.  His body looked the exact same, except for the hole between his legs where his dick should be.  Instead, Tobias was sliding in and out of a hungry slit.  He opened his mouth to scream, but a moan of pleasure came out in its place.  

He fell back against the bed and squirmed.  Everything was still in hyper-focus.  Tobias’s cock fit like a glove as it slid in and out, pressing his balls against Pete’s thighs again and again with each thrust.  Through the pleasure Pete could feel something else happening and watched in horror as his body started changing.  With each thrust, his body seemed to soften, shaking in places that should have been solid with muscle.  The pitch of his moans got higher and higher and soon he had soft, supple arms wrapped around Tobias’s torso instead of the firm biceps he should have had.  He wanted to pull away, but his body wouldn’t let him.  All he could do was lay there helplessly while the pleasure grew and grew until the scene exploded in a cloud of pleasure.  

“Gah!”  Pete jolted awake on the bed, his chest heaving.  He looked around with wide eyes, taking in the familiar tropical scene and early morning sunlight.  “What the hell was that?!” he thought, his head swimming from the dream.  He looked down and saw his solid cock and a sticky spot on his chest and stomach. 

Why was he naked?  His memories of the previous night were hazy.  He remembered going out to look at the stars with Tobias, but then not much else.  He sat up and stretched and saw one of the dresser drawers pulled open.  Inside was a variety of shorts and swimwear that Tobias must have brought in while he slept.  Pete felt himself blush at the thought that his friend came in while he was naked and asleep on the bed, but for some reason the thought made his still solid cock throb.  He went out to the shower to rinse the stickiness off him and it became apparent he was going to have to do something about his persistently hard rod.  He tried to think of anything else, but the only thing he could focus on while he jerked off was his dream.  He wasn’t sure if he should be disappointed or relieved that he came so quickly.  


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