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Until that morning, Forest lived a charmed life.  By all accounts, in his brief twenty four years on the planet, the handsome young man had never experienced a truly bad day.  His athletic, six-foot frame was more the result of good genes than discipline.  The appealing bone structure, the symmetrical features, the full head of sandy blonde hair; like his money, they all came from someone else’s hard work.  He’d been born into a family fortune larger than the gross national product of some small countries, and had never had to work a day in his life.  

It would be unfair to hold these things against him if it weren’t for his attitude.  He could no more control the blessings he was born into than other people could their curses.  The problem was that Forest didn’t see his easy life as merely a twist of fate; the arrogant young hunk saw it as getting what he deserved.  In his mind the world revolved around him, the center of all universes.  

This manifested in Forest’s younger days as a vicious bullying streak.  Anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path without paying proper respect usually found themselves laid out on the floor or slammed into a wall.  Considering his natural athletic prowess even back then, that was far from a painless process.  He was relentless.  Anyone smaller, less attractive, or less wealthy earned his constant ire.  

This streak followed him into college and beyond.  With his family fortune behind him he never actually planned on getting a job, meaning he spent four years partying and fucking his way across campus as opposed to studying and applying himself.  He was the alpha of his frat house, the bruiser of the college republicans, and a known womanizer.  The only reason he didn’t get kicked out was the large sum of money that his family donated to the university each year.  

It was the same money that kept people around. Forest didn’t have friends as much as he had lackeys. There were plenty of guys willing to put up with his abuse if it meant they could ride the athletic young man’s coattails and take at least partial advantage of his posh existence.  Andy and Devon were perfect examples.  They all knew they weren’t really friends, but his two frat brothers were content to pick up Forest’s scraps, and the handsome blonde was happy to have a pair of punching bags when he needed to make himself feel better.  

After graduation he let the two men move into his massive estate with him so they could continue their privileged, hedonistic existence.  They spent their days working out and their nights partying, without a single care between the three of them.  

That morning began like so many others, with Forest watching a forgettable hookup leave his palatial estate. 

“So she was fuckin’ hot,” Andy whistled, punching Forest’s bare shoulder as the small red sports car winding its way down the long driveway grew smaller and smaller in the distance.  

“Dumb as hell, too,” Forest said with a smug grin.  “But aren’t they all?”  

“You bring her home to talk?”  Andy laughed as they turned from the window to make their way towards Forest’s well-equipped gym.  

“Fuck no,” the shirtless blonde laughed, flexing his tight abs as he reached down to grab the bulge in his mesh shorts.  “All her mouth needs to worry about’s right here.”  

Andy nodded in agreement and scratched sleepily at his equally bare, sculpted pecs.  The two men looked like they could have been brothers with their similar, chiseled bodies, smooth skin, and short hair.  Andy did have a slightly larger build, something that Forest always managed to punish him for despite the fact that the extra muscle came from Andy’s extra dedication to his lifting.  The other man’s work didn’t matter to Forest; all he saw was someone with something he didn’t have.  

When they reached the gym, Devon was already hard at work.  The tall, lean man shelved his weights and wiped the sweat from his shirtless torso as his friends walked in.  “I got impatient,” he shrugged.  

Forest flexed a bulging bicep and slapped Andy’s stomach to get the other man to do the same.  “It’s cool...your skinny ass needs a head start,” he laughed, heading towards the bench press.  “Who’s gonna spot me?”  

“I got you,” Andy said, a glazed look suddenly falling over his expression.  He blinked and opened his mouth a few times before speaking.  “I heard you hit four hundred on the bench press yesterday,” Andy finally said to Forest, admiringly.  

Forest stopped in his tracks, certain he’d misheard his friend.  “What?  What’re you talking about?  I…” he turned to face the ripped brunette standing behind him and his world shattered.  There was a tingling at his chest, and in the few moments it took for him to stop and turn, his sculpted pecs ballooned outwards.  Somehow, his entire upper body inflated.  His shoulders grew thick and round while his already sizeable arms packed on extra inches.  The additional mass made his shredded stomach and tight waist look even smaller, and in the mirror behind Andy, Forest watched himself go from looking like a handsome pretty boy to something closer to a rugged meathead in the blink of an eye.  His long neck looked significantly shorter as it was swallowed by the encroaching muscle on his shoulders and upper back, and his jaw had taken on more of a squared off appearance than he felt it should.   He was still chiseled, the extra muscle being as lean and striated as it had been to begin with.  There was just much, much more of it.  

Forest wanted to scream.  His heart started racing and his mind was a hurricane of panic.  He looked back up at Andy and opened his mouth in shock, the mere seconds that passed feeling like an eternity until he spoke.  “...of course I did,” he said with casual smugness, flexing his impossibly acquired bulk.  He looked top heavy and misshapen on his toned legs, but Forest also realized he was bigger than Andy for the first time, something his alpha brain couldn’t let go.  Despite his terror, there was still room for an arrogant swell of pride that his biceps were bigger than the other man’s.  

“Yeah dude, I heard you crushed the squat and deadlift records too.”  

Forest didn’t even have time to turn and face Devon.  As soon as the taller man stopped speaking he felt his legs explode, his toned quads growing and twisting into thick, sturdy trunks.  The expensive, perfectly fitted mesh shorts suddenly plastered around his inflating rear like spandex.  They pulled up his widening thighs, drawn higher and higher by the backwards expansion of his steadily growing globes, his firm, perky bubble quickly becoming a set of huge, pillowy cheeks.  They loomed large and almost perfectly round in their defiance of gravity, stretching his shorts so much that his equally-straining boxer briefs hung out through the bottoms of the leg holes.  

The confused young man could only stare at his reflection in terrified shock.  In a matter of seconds his precision sculpted body had been swallowed by an impossible amount of muscle.  He didn’t simply look athletic anymore; he looked like a bodybuilder.  His shoulders and upper arms were broad, corded lumps of muscle and veins.  A shelf of bulging, rock hard flesh sat between them above a tapering stomach that looked like a shredded tank tread.  The sensation of his meaty new legs pressing together was as disorienting as their thickened appearance, and Forest could feel his soccer ball sized cheeks shifting with the slightest motion.  

“Fuck yeah, man!  Who else has legs like these?”  Even as he said it, Forest felt himself calming.  He knew on a logical level that something horrifying was happening, he just couldn’t bring himself to get worked up about it.  He gave his legs a shake and flexed each mighty quad, his shorts nearly ripping against the solid expansion.  

“Or an ass like that,” Andy laughed, giving Forest’s plump new rear a swat.  “I heard you had to wear jocks or thongs ‘cause nothing else would fit around those cakes?”  

“Whaaa…!”  Forest gasped when he felt the straining boxer briefs quickly change.  They pulled up his legs towards the waistband while the back melted away entirely.  Beneath the skin-tight shorts Forest could see the outlined straps of a jock tracing around his tree trunk thighs and further accentuating his already eye-catching rear.  He blushed at the way the shorts sunk down between the now-bare valley of his ass, prominently separating each spherical mound.  He tugged down the waist of his shorts in surprise, blinking at the newly acquired, bright blue jockstrap as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.  

“Dude, I didn’t say I wanted to see it,” Devon laughed as Forest looked down into his shorts and back up at his friends with a blushing, stunned expression.  “What’re you so surprised about?  I mean, I heard they called you donkey dick ‘cause you’re hung like one...figured you’d be used to it by now.”  

Forest let out a wordless hiss of surprise.  The bright blue pouch had already been nicely stuffed by his hefty package, but as he watched, the jock filled beyond capacity.  His balls puffed and inflated, spilling out the sides as his girthy cock thickened and pushed outwards.  Hard, Forest topped out at just under seven inches.  Now he looked about that long soft, his monstrous new member weighing down the pouch of the jock to the point where the base of his thickened organ was exposed.  

“Well, that and the other thing,” Andy laughed, slapping Devon on a lean shoulder.  “I heard they called him donkey dick ‘cause he sounds like one whenever a dude’s givin’ it to him.”

“Oooohhhh, right,” Devon nodded.  “I heard that’s how they figured out he was gay, right?  That and I heard he gets hard at just, like, the sight of a dude.” 

Forest felt like he was falling.  Too much was happening at once for him to keep up with.  He had no idea what his friends were talking about or why their faces looked so odd.  He was still trying to process the changes to his body when suddenly his head started filling with new memories.  His body tingled at the thought, glowing pleasantly as he recalled all the sizes and shapes of men he’d been with over the years instead of the countless women.  He saw himself in all manner of positions, becoming alarmed as he realized that, in each case, he was always the one on the bottom.  His face burned an even deeper shade of red as he thought about the feeling of his huge, heavy cock slapping against his abs while he bellowed and bellowed on the end of another man’s dick.  He could hear his whimpering, cracking voice helplessly moaning and groaning and feel his massive cheeks bouncing and rippling from the force of the thrusting he was receiving.  

“See?  What’d I tell ya,” Devon laughed.  

Forest was mortified when his head cleared enough for him to notice that his monstrous, rigid pole had escaped the pitifully small confines of his jock.  He stood with his nearly eleven inch soda can throbbing towards his friends, unable to take his eyes off the other men.  It was like he’d never seen them before.  His mouth watered as he pored over Andy’s ripped, muscular body.  The brown haired stud was built like he should have been, tight and athletic without an extra ounce of fat to be seen.  Forest couldn’t decide what looked better, the outlined bulge in Andy’s gym shorts or his friend’s boyish, grinning face.  Or maybe it was Andy’s abs that were the best.  Or maybe his strong arms.  

Or maybe it wasn’t Andy that was the best, but Devon.  Forest felt foolish for ever thinking of his tall, tanned friend as thin.  Devon wasn’t as bulky as Andy, and he certainly wasn’t as big as Forest’s altered body had become, but the lanky man’s frame was hard as granite.  The arms that Forest had thought of as shapeless were suddenly appealingly long, able to wrap around his expanded frame without issue.  The nearly naked man let out a sigh as he started to think about how good that would feel.  He imagined himself pressed against Devon’s smooth body, feeling small despite his muscle as the other man towered over him.  

The shock was enough to cut through the odd contentment he felt.  Forest had to fight against the pride he felt at the sight of his statuesque frame compared to his friends.  He had to tell himself that he shouldn’t feel proud, he should feel horrified.  It was all he could do to hold onto the knowledge that this wasn’t how things were supposed to be.  

“Guys...guys...something’s...something’s happening…” he stammered.  “This...this isn’t me...I’m not…” 

Andy raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to Devon at Forest’s stammering.  “He seems real confused?”  

The taller man nodded.  “Yeah, he gets that way,” Devon said quietly.  “Not to sound like a total dick, but I heard he’s pretty dumb.”  

Forest’s stammering trailed off, his eyes going wide.  The handsome, inflated stud felt a fog settle over his thoughts, like someone had draped a blanket on his brain.  In a flash he forgot what he’d just been so worked up about and found himself staring, slack jawed at his friends.  “What...what were we just talking about?”  He reached up and scratched his head, a massive bicep inflating in the process.  He looked down when he felt the motion cause his exposed rod to bounce, but instead of covering himself he just grinned bashfully at his friends, happy to be in the presence of such handsome men.  The sight of his reflection behind them, standing erect and on display in his impossibly built, impossibly hung body, sent a stab of fear through him, but it passed too quickly for his slowed thoughts to latch onto.  

“I don’t know, big guy.  You started to say something,” Andy said, a condescending edge to his voice.  

Forest’s brows furrowed with concentration.  “I did?”  

Devon leaned in towards Andy again, his tone sympathetic.  “See?  I heard this is why Emerson has to take care of him.”  

Once again, though much slower this time, Forest’s head filled with new memories.  He saw the sharp, spectacled face of a bookish young man he’d used to particularly torment in college.  Emerson had always been small and meek, almost too easy a target for the arrogant stud’s bullying.  Just the sight of the wiry ginger had been like blood in the water, sending the much larger Forest into a practical frenzy.  

Now, Emerson’s face provoked an entirely different response.  Merely thinking about the other man made Forest smile, a warm, safe contentment washing over him.  Emerson took care of him.  He wasn’t smart enough to manage his money or live on his own, so the other man took care of all that.  He took care of everything, in more ways than one.  Forest’s huge member throbbed as memories of Emerson riding him like a mechanical bull flooded in, his uncontrollable bellowing ringing in his ears.  

There was a part of the altered young man that still felt like he should be embarrassed by that.  Something told him he should be humiliated at the thought of bottoming for anyone, but especially a sniveling little punk like Emerson.  He’d always been bigger and stronger, but now he positively dwarfed the smaller redhead.  He could tear him in half if he wanted to.  

“What ARE you guys up to in here?”  

As the first tones hit Forest’s ears from the doorway, he quickly realized ripping Emerson in half was the last thing he’d ever want.  His heart started beating faster and he grinned from ear to ear as he watched the other man enter.  Emerson was the smallest of the three, but as far as Forest was concerned, he towered over the rest.  The small, defined arms hanging out of the tank-top, the modest pecs, the perky little rear bubbling out the khaki shorts; they might as well have belonged to a god. “Hi Em!” Forest chirped, waving excitedly and loving the smug, half grin that spread across the redhead’s lean, sharp face.  He felt at once like he’d just seen the other man, but at the same time he felt that he hadn’t seen him in years.  He couldn’t tell which was real, and like an eager puppy he bounded forward, ripping the tight shorts around his thighs to shreds in the process.  

“Whoooaaaa, hey hon,” the smaller man laughed between Forest’s frantic kisses as the addled adonis swallowed him in his muscular grip.  “You’re in a good mood this morning.”  

“I heard he’s excited about dancing at the club tonight,” Andy said, crossing his sturdy arms over his bare chest.  

“That’s right!” Emerson said, giving one of Forest’s bare cheeks a squeeze.  “I heard how much you love being naked up there.”  

“I heard you’re really good at it, too,” Devon added.  

None of what Forest heard sounded right, but he was in no position to argue.  As he stood in nothing but the jock, whatever remained of his humiliation melted away, replaced by a growing happiness at the thought of the others seeing his exposed, chiseled body.  He started having flashes of himself up on a platform, gyrating and moving in time to loud, pulsing music as a sea of hungry faces stared up at him.  He smiled at the new memory, loving how happy his naked body made everyone.  

Emerson rubbed one of Forest’s bulging pecs absently.  “Wanna give us a preview?”  

Forest beamed and nodded quickly.  “Sure!”  He reluctantly let go of his smaller lover and stepped away as his friends queued up the music.  

His body moved as soon as it started.  He raised and folded his giant arms, his biceps becoming boulders behind his head as his tiny waist started swiveling.  His washboard abs were a sea of motion as he squirmed, rotating in place to give everyone a better view of his bouncing rear.  The rhythmic up and down motion of his thick cheeks grew faster and faster until Forest was twerking them wildly.  It occurred to the gyrating young man that he shouldn’t be good at this.  He shouldn’t relish it as much as he did.  He shouldn’t long to be up on stage in front of other guys, working his twisted new body for their pleasure. 

But he was good at it, he did relish it, and he could hardly wait until there was more than just his three friends watching his naked body flex and bounce and bend.  He pursed his lips dramatically as he slowly pulled the jock free, rubbing it down the valley between his mammoth pecs before flinging it towards a grinning Andy.  

“Good job, bud,” the other man sighed when the music eventually stopped.  “Even I’m tempted by that ass of yours.”  

“He may not be the brightest, but he’s got all sorts of talents,” Emerson said proudly, his hungry eyes glued to Forest’s naked body.  “You guys are welcome to it.  He wears me out and you know how much he loves getting stuffed.”  

Devon adjusted the lump in his shorts.  “You don’t mind sharing?”  

Emerson shrugged his thin shoulders. “With friends?  Not at all.  Besides, Forest knows where home is.  I heard you never really forget where you came from.”  

Forest’s heart started racing again.  The muddled memories of his former life took on razor focus next to the terrifying images of his new one.  He was trapped.  He was suddenly awake in his own body, but helpless to do anything other than watch.  The arrogant, straight stud screamed and thrashed against his unwanted new life, trying desperately to claw his way back to consciousness.  As he watched Devon and Andy drop their shorts and whip their hardening cocks out, he tried to do anything other than scamper towards a bench and eagerly bend over.  At the very least he wished he could force the giddy smile from his face, or stop himself from making the loud, lustful cries of pleasure when Devon pushed himself in.  

Even the old Forest had a hard time resisting the wave of bliss that washed over him while Emerson and Andy watched.  He knew it was far from the first time he’d been fucked in front of an audience and he hated himself for how much he loved that thought.  He worked his ass like a seasoned pro, bringing his tall friend to the brink over and over while simultaneously wishing it would stop and that it would never end.  

The constant back and forth was dizzying.  One moment he was lost in his limited, sluggish new brain, and the next he was perfectly aware but unable to do anything about what was happening.  The pattern repeated itself when Devon sprayed inside him and Andy took over.  It repeated itself all afternoon as he followed Emerson around like a lost, naked puppy.  Besides working out, there wasn’t much else he could do.  There’d been a fresh wave of horror when Forest realized how much he’d lost.  He couldn’t read anymore, and something simple like operating a microwave had become a task that required his full focus.  

By that night, when he was grinning and grinding up on stage, he wished he could forget.  He wished he could stop seeing himself in his old body writhing around on stage in a glittery thong that his rigid cock had long since escaped.  Even if it meant losing himself, anything would be better than knowing what he’d become while remembering what he’d lost.  

Forest couldn’t forget all the people he’d stepped on and bullied over the years, and he wondered if they’d enjoy seeing him like this.  Only now, when it was too late, did the spoiled young man realize how much he’d squandered his gifts.  He’d acted like nothing more than a dumb, horny brute, and that’s essentially what he’d become.  

None of his internal struggle showed.  To the crowd, he was a golden, smiling stud.  It’s what he tried to force himself to believe.  Forest did his best to block out everything, but he still heard the two men talking up against the stage.  

“Get ready,” the one man said, his voice barely audible above the loud music.  “They call him splash zone for a reason.  I heard he goes off and cums like a geyser all the time,” the man yelled.  

The old Forest hit a new low as he felt his untouched cock explode like a shotgun, blasting streams of fluid into the cheering crowd.  He let out his standard bellow, his deep voice lost in the laughter and clapping.  Even after what felt like gallons had sprayed out, his mammoth organ stayed hard, the pressure already building again.  

Forest wished he could plug his ears as he saw the other man lean over and yell towards his friend.  “Whoa! You weren’t kidding!  You know, I heard….” 


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