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“Uh...you okay, man?  Brooks?”  Noah waved his hand in front of his friend’s unmoving face.  The burly blonde had trailed off mid-sentence and stood with his mouth open, his brown eyes unblinking.  The beer in the other man’s hand was held a few inches up from the surface of the table as if his well-muscled body was locked in place.  

Noah was so focused on his friend’s odd behavior that the silence around him didn’t register at first.  They’d just put the game on, but it was only when he reached out a tentative hand to prod Brooks’ shoulder that he noticed the equally frozen players on the screen.  A burly, padded man hung suspended in midair, his hands outstretched to receive the football that had lost its inertia. 

“What the…”  Noah hopped up from his end of the couch, backing away from Brooks like the other man was suddenly contagious.  The silence was encompassing.  There was no electric hum from the lights or appliances, no white noise backdrop for his brain to filter out.  Even his large, sneaker clad feet landed silently on the hardwood floor with each step.  The boards that normally creaked under his heavy tread seemed to have lost their voice as he made his way over to the window.  

“Jesus!”  Noah’s gasp broke the placid surface of quiet that had draped itself over the world outside.  Cars were motionless, parked in place in the middle of the road.  From what he could make out, the unmoving drivers appeared as alert as his friend.  He could see phones held to faces and arms draped out of open windows.  Two people in one small hatchback were facing each other in conversation and in another the man behind the wheel looked to be in mid-song.  Next to the sedentary street, pedestrians were locked in place alongside their pets and jumping children.  Noah could see the shaggy, windblown fur of a dog standing stagnant in the absent breeze while the shoulder length hair of its owner fanned out behind her in spider web fashion.  

“Did I pass out?”  Noah pinched a thick bicep to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.  If he was, he’d never had one as vivid as this before.  

“Oh no, you’re awake, big guy.”  

“AAAAhhh!”  Noah jumped at the unexpected voice and spun from the window to find a familiar young woman casually leaning against the doorframe leading into the kitchen.  Unlike the rest of the world, the lithe, pale-skinned redhead didn’t appear affected by the forces that brought everything to a halt.  “Denise?  How’d you get in here?  What’s going on with everyone?”  

The woman grinned and shrugged.  “I made a copy of your key.  Not my fault you didn’t change your locks.”  

Noah’s frustration was already on the rise.  He and Denise had broken up six weeks prior after a brief, passionate, drama filled relationship.  The sex had been great, but Noah wasn’t one to stick around.  He tended to get bored quick and she’d caught him in bed with another woman before he could break things off.  To him it was just another of many flings, but Denise clearly didn’t see things that way.  “Are you not seeing this,” Noah pointed to Brooks’ frozen body on the couch, “or that,” he asked gesturing at the unmoving world outside the window.     

“They’re all fine,” she said, her tone casual.  “You’re the one who’s been plucked out of the timestream for a moment.”  

“What does that even…” Noah shook his head and stomped towards his ex.  “Look, I’m not in the mood for your fucking games right now.  What?  You’re saying YOU did all this?”  He made it one more step before the thin woman waved a hand and his body stopped responding.  Noah’s brown eyes went wide with surprise, his impressive body inflating as his ample muscles tensed and strained against the invisible force.  Every inch of his 6’4” frame shook with effort.  The wide neck leading up to his sharp jawline trembled, while his prominent pecs bulged against his tank-top and veins spread across his beefy, sculpted arms.  The stitching on his already-tight jeans threatened to burst as his meaty thighs doubled in size from his vainly struggling quads.  “How…?!  What did you just do?!” he finally hissed through gritted teeth.  

“You should be more concerned with what I’m about to do.”  Though her piercing eyes pinned Noah in place, her laugh was light and carefree.  From the sound of it she might as well have been drinking mimosas at brunch instead of twisting the laws of nature.  

“Whoa, hey, Denise, I know things didn’t end well between us but isn’t this a bit much,” Noah said, flashing a charming smile and giving an awkward laugh.  On top of his impressive physique, the hulking man had a disarmingly handsome face.  His features were sharp and wolfish, with deep brown eyes that were offset by a long, prominent nose and high cheekbones that framed in his full, soft lips.  His buzzed brown hair and perfectly maintained stubble added to Noah’s eye-catching appearance, making his muscled frame seem all that much larger.  

“What?  You mean all this?”  Denise looked around as if she was surprised by Noah’s reaction and gave another twittering laugh.  “This is nothing.  This is a parlor trick.  Face it, big guy, you missed out on something good with me.”  She stepped forward, the top of her head barely reaching Noah’s chin, and placed a small hand on his massive, straining pecs.  She sighed wistfully and let it slide down towards the tall man’s trim waist.  “I’m not going to lie, I do miss this,” she said, a hungry edge to her voice as she looked Noah’s statuesque body up and down.  “This was always a little small…” The hand at the frozen man’s waist slid further south to give his crotch a rough squeeze. “...but credit where credit’s due, you were really, really good with it.”  

“Denise...hey...come on…” Noah stammered, feeling small and helpless despite towering over the slender figure in front of him.  He felt his short, thick cock throb in her grasp, remembering all the times Denise’s soft fingers stroked along it.  

She quickly let go and stepped away.  “Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t punishment.  Far from it!  I’m doing you, and any of your future partners, really, a huge favor.  What was it you told me?  You were bored?  ‘I’m pushing forty,’ you said.  ‘I need someone who can keep up with me,’ you said.”  Her smile was wry and sinister, devoid of any humor.  “All those excuses you fed me, needing someone smarter and more assertive and blah blah blah.  Here’s the thing, Noah.  As you can seem, I’m pretty damn assertive when I need to be.  And I’m not an idiot, so save your bullshit for someone else.”  

Noah’s heart was racing.  He’d given up the useless straining and was instead trying to think his way out of this.  “What do you want?  An apology?  I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t mean to hurt you, it just wasn’t working out.”  

“That’s just it…it never does for you, does it?  Look at you!  You’re built, you’re gorgeous, you’re a great fuck...and yet, here you are, pushing forty and still whining about being alone.”  

Noah blushed.  Before everything froze he’d just been complaining, like always, to Brooks about how he could never find the right girl.  

“What you need is a new perspective,” she said, nodding confidently.  “And I’m here to give it to you.  Good luck with things...you certainly won’t be bored from now on.”   Denise winked, then turned and headed for the door.  

“Hey!  Wait!  What’s happening?!  What are you…” Noah stopped yelling when the door slammed, leaving him frozen and alone in the apartment.  “Well...fuck,” he grunted, resuming his struggles against the invisible force holding him in place.  The big man didn’t yet know what to think about anything he’d just seen and heard, all he wanted was to be able to move again.  “Never...should’ve...messed around...with...that…giiuuunnnhhh…” 

Noah’s muttering and struggling came to an abrupt end when an intense shiver ran through his body.  Each of his plentiful muscles locked in place, a creeping sensation working its way up from the floor.  It felt like thousands of invisible insects were crawling across his skin.  Noah’s stomach did somersaults as a wave of vertigo washed over him, joining his cramped muscles and itching flesh, an increasing pressure building within him.  His chiseled pecs heaved from his rapid breathing as the pressure inexorably grew.  

Just as it felt like he would pass out from the strain, it stopped.  There was a rush of cool air, and a dizzy sensation of falling.  Noah felt like an inflatable toy that had its plug pulled.  He still couldn’t move, but instead of the pressure building it was like the entire core of his being was rushing out of him.  It felt like pissing and cumming and sneezing all at once; a violent expulsion of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  

The sensation wasn’t stopping.  He tried to keep his focus but gave up with a gasp when his body was wracked by a sudden spasm.  He doubled over, unable to believe what his eyes were telling him.  As he stared at the floor, he saw that his jeans were starting to bunch at his ankles.  Not only that, they weren’t nearly as tight around his legs as they should have been.  He only had a quick glimpse before his spine straightened, pulling him upright again.  The tank-top that normally clung tight to his broad frame swayed with the motion, and Noah was able to look down enough to see that his torso didn’t fill the shirt out the way it should.  His impressive chest was flatter and smaller, his beefy arms thinner.  Worse, instead of hitting just below his waist, the bottom of the shirt was starting to hang well down his thighs.  

He barely had time to process any of what was happening.  The rushing sensation was flowing faster and faster, made all the more horrible now that Noah knew what it was that rushed out of him.  No sooner than he had the thought, Noah felt his now-oversized jeans lose their hold, falling softly to the ground and taking his suddenly baggy boxer briefs with them.  His exposed lower half tingled in the warm air, but the draping shirt blocked any view of the changes.  It fit him like a short dress, slipping down and over a thin shoulder instead of straining proudly around the broad muscle.  

Noah’s final, shocked gasp was accompanied by a loud snapping sound as the world lurched back into motion.  All at once everyone resumed their normal flow in an overwhelming din of noise and activity.  

“...the right girl eventually,” Brooks continued on the couch above the sound of cheering football fans on the tv, his beer finishing its trip to the table with a sharp thud.  “Whoa...hey...where’d you gooOOOOHHH SHIT!”  The blonde stud shot up from the couch when he looked around and saw the diminutive man standing behind him  “Noah?”

Though he could move, Noah stood rooted in place.  Moving would make what he saw real, and he wasn’t ready for that.  “Br...Brooks...something...something just happened…” he stammered, his voice sounding softer and higher than it should.  

“I can see that,” his friend laughed, walking over to inspect Noah’s altered frame.  “Shit!  Not used to seeing you from this view.”  Instead of standing the same height as they should, Noah’s head barely reached the top of Brooks’ burly pecs.  

Noah could only stare up at his friend in stunned silence.  They should have been the same size.  They’d worked out together since they’d played football in high school.  They were both tall and broad and powerfully built.  Now, Brooks could have swallowed Noah whole.  Not only did he stand an entire head taller, the blonde adonis could close his fist around what remained of Noah’s biceps.  

“Fuck...you’re a tiny little thing, aren’t you?”  Brooks reached out and swallowed one of Noah’s shoulders in a large hand, sending a shudder through the shrunken man.  

Noah focused on his confusion instead of the sudden fluttering in his stomach at his friend’s touch.  “Wait...Brooks...why are you so calm?  Look at me!”  

“Believe me, I am,” the blonde giant whistled.  He reached over with his other hand, grabbing both of Noah’s slender arms and raising them to the side to better inspect the altered man.  

“Hey!  Do..don’t do that!” Noah blushed as he squirmed in his friend’s grasp, sounding whiny instead of confident.  

Brooks grinned and raised an eyebrow.  “Why not?  You gonna stop me,” he asked sternly.

Noah promptly stopped struggling, a strange thrill shooting through him at Brooks’ commanding tone.  Looking at the way his athletic friend’s built body filled out the tight t-shirt and mesh shorts, Noah had an unfamiliar urge to do whatever he was told.  “No, no,” he stammered quickly.  “I just don’t know what’s happening.  Denise was here!  Everything froze and then I started…changing…” 

“Dude, you sound as ridiculous as you look right now.  Come here.”  Brooks pulled Noah forward, the shrunken man’s feet slipping effortlessly out of the size fourteen cross trainers and pool of denim.  Noah paled when he felt his once-firm backside shake and jiggle as he stumbled forward on shortened legs.  His hulking friend still had a grip on his arms and Noah didn’t resist as they were lifted skyward.  “Let’s get this thing off you.  There we are,” Brooks said admiringly as he looked down at Noah’s naked new body.  

The former hunk wanted to scream at the full reveal of his altered appearance.  His hard-earned muscles were almost entirely gone.  His shoulders were lithe and thin, his arms soft and slender.  Where he once had ripped, washboard abs and a tight waist he now had a soft, pinchable belly offset by widened hips that led around to his plump, yielding rear.  The jiggling cheeks were matched by the small, supple thighs that had replaced his steely thews.  Instead of a walking wall of bulging, rugged muscle, Noah was small and curvy.  Masculine was a word that no longer applied, especially when he saw his rigid, four inch cock pointing directly at his smiling friend.  

“Daaaaaaaamn,” Brooks whistled, tilting his head to the side as he looked his friend up and down several times.  He spun Noah around, giving the small man’s jiggling cheeks a rough swat that sent a ripple through them.  “You’ve got a hell of a booty back here.”  Brooks turned Noah back around before the little man could respond.  “And what’s with this little guy?  Hey there friend.”  

Noah didn’t know what felt better, Brooks’ condescending tone or his friend’s meaty paw closing around his shrunken package.  Denise was right, it had always been on the small side, but his former endowment seemed huge by comparison.  “Come...come on man...don’t…” 

“Why not?  You clearly like it, right?”  Brooks gave the aching rod a quick tug.  

“What?  No!  I donnnooowww!”  Noah yelped when Brooks squeezed.  

“Don’t lie to me, little guy,” the blonde stud growled.  

Noah squirmed and gaped up at his friend.  He’d never been more horrified or turned on in his life.  When Brooks had spun him in circles he’d looked around his apartment, feeling like a stranger.  Things that should have seemed small now felt huge, just like the towering jock in front of him.  Noah felt tiny and out of control for the first time, and he loved it.  LIke Denise said; he certainly wasn’t bored anymore.  “I...I do…” he stuttered, his face going crimson.  

“I mean, your mouth is watering, dude,” Brooks laughed.  He lifted the bottom of his t-shirt to expose his ripped abs, a sight Noah had seen countless times before, but never while Brooks had a grip on his throbbing cock.  “Oh, you liked that,” Brooks sneered.  It was a statement, not a question.  He let go and took a step back, folding his huge arms across his chest.  “I mean, this IS a good look for you.  Little weird, but that ass is choice.”  He toyed with the bottom of his shirt again, a mischievous smile spreading across his handsome face.  “You want me to take it off?”  

“Uh-huh,” Noah nodded so fast he made himself dizzy.  

“What do I get, though?  You’re already naked, so this isn’t really a fair deal.”  

Noah surprised himself by how eager he was to ask.  “What do you want?”  

“Let’s take it piece by piece.  You want me to lose the shirt, you flex for me.”  

The crimson on Noah’s face spread down across the rest of his supple, naked body.  He was mortified at the thought of flexing his nonexistent muscles, but he was equally desperate to get Brooks naked.  He broke into a hesitant double bicep pose, fighting back the urge to cry when he saw shapeless, slender arms instead of striated muscle.  His friend’s hungry expression drove him on, though, and he went through his usual routine.  He tried to tell himself it was just like before, when they’d flex and inspect each other’s work in the gym, but the twitching lump in Brooks’ shorts made that hard to believe.  Whatever forces were affecting him were clearly altering his friend’s behavior as well.  “Was that...was that okay,” he asked bashfully when he was done.  

Brooks was smug.  “Not bad for a little thing like you.  This is what it’s supposed to look like, though.”  The muscled blonde peeled out of his shirt, flexing his pecs and popping his abs before spreading his chiseled arms wide.  He went through the same routine, his huge, granite body driving home how much Noah had lost.  As the shrunken man watched, he wondered if this is how other people had felt looking at him.  Brooks radiated strength and confidence, something he almost entirely lacked at the moment.  It made him pause.  The thought that he wasn’t one of the jocks anymore was as arousing as it was devastating.   “Want me to drop these,” Brooks asked, sliding a hand down his ripped abs to toy with the waist of his shorts.  Noah swallowed hard and nodded, unable to find his voice.  “Let me see you work those cheeks.  You always did have the better ass,” the blonde giant rumbled.  

Noah was mortified even as he turned in place and started shaking his hips.  The bouncing, heaving weights at his lower back were entirely alien.  He should have had a matched set of rock hard globes, not a liquid set of pillowy cheeks.  Still, he shook and bounced them, hands behind his head while his solid cock flopped around in front of him.  When he turned back around there was an obvious, solid lump in his friend’s shorts.  

“This is a MUCH better look for you,” Brooks sighed, motioning towards his shorts.  “Enough big dudes like me out there...nice to change it up.”  

Noah darted forward, tugging Brooks’ shorts and underwear down in one motion.  He was desperate to get a look at the long, thick hose he knew lurked underneath.  

“Hey!  That’s cheating,” Brooks laughed as his solid rod sprang free.  Noah felt even smaller at the sight, his current endowment seeming pitiful.  Brooks seized on the same thought.  “Well?  Go ahead.  Have at it since you’re in such a hurry.”  He had an arrogant smirk on his face as his friend wrapped a shrunken, tentative hand around it.  “Tell me what you think while you do it, though.  This still ain’t free.”  

“It’s...it’s so big,” Noah stammered, crimson faced.  “Fuck...I never noticed how hung you were before…”


“Thick...it feels good…” Noah’s stroking grew faster, his own little rod oozing steadily.  His friend’s cock in his hand felt absolutely massive.  He knew it was partially a result of his reduced perspective, but having only ever held his own, Noah was surprised at how different Brooks’ pulsing monster felt, and how much he enjoyed it.  “Fuck...it’s so hot…” he muttered under his breath.  “Mine’s so small…” 

“It always was,” the big man laughed.  “What do you want me to do with it?”  Noah froze mid-stroke.  He suddenly knew exactly what he wanted, he just couldn’t bring himself to say it.  “Nothing?  Okay,” Brooks casually said, pulling out of Noah’s little hand.  

“No! Wait!” Noah’s softened features screwed up into a mask of frustration.  He shifted his weight from one jiggling thigh to the other, reaching towards his friend.  His need was as desperate as it was unexpected.  Now that the thought was in his head, it was all he wanted.  He just had to say it.  “I...I want you to...put it in me.”  

Brooks raised an eyebrow and wagged the solid organ in front of his friend.  “You want me to fuck you?”  

Noah knew where this was going and headed it off.  “I...I want you to fuck me,” he nodded, before Brooks told him to say it.  

Brooks reached out and ran a hand over the scrawny man’s buzzed scalp.  “Looks like we’ll finally get to see who’s better in bed!”  Without warning he reached down and scooped his smaller friend up in his iron arms, carrying him into the bedroom and depositing Noah on the mattress in a heap.  The diminished stud only groaned, nearly cumming all over his friend when he was picked up off the ground at the thought of how small he’d become.  Brooks stood over the bed, looking down triumphantly at Noah’s panting, curvy frame.  “How many women have you fucked in this bed?  Bet you never thought you’d be on the receiving end, eh?”  He waited expectantly, arms crossed.  “Well?  You gonna roll over or not?”  Noah eagerly flipped over onto his stomach and raised himself up on all fours, hating how weak his thin arms felt as he pushed his plump cheeks backwards.  

Brooks didn’t waste any time.  He climbed up onto the mattress, gave Noah’s cheeks a swat before spreading them, and plunged inside.  

“OOOOHHHHHHHHNNNNnnggggg….!” Noah yelped as his friend’s mammoth pole wormed its way inside.  It didn’t hurt nearly as much as he’d feared, but the sensation was more intense than he could handle.  His weakened arms gave out and he fell face-first into the bed, clutching at the sheets while Brooks started pumping back and forth, sending waves of force through his ample rear.  He heard his friend laugh and then felt the other man’s burly arms wrapping around his chest, lifting him upright.  Noah was humiliated at having to be supported by someone else while getting fucked, but he loved squirming against Brooks’ solid torso while wrapped in his friend’s arms.  The sensation of being manhandled, of being helpless and entirely out of control, was the hottest thing he’d experienced in years.  “Oh fuck...oh fuuuuuuck…” he whined, clutching at Brooks’ chiseled arms while his little cock swung up and down from the rhythmic fucking.  

In the mirror across from the bed, Noah saw for the first time how much his face had changed, softening from its sharp, wolfish features to a cute, button-nosed cherub.  It occurred to him that he looked younger as well as smaller as he noticed the complete lack of hair on his softened skin.  He didn’t look like a weathered hunk pushing forty, he looked like a twenty year old little twink.  His friend’s massive, muscled body behind him, holding him up, only drove that impression further home.  

Whimpering ecstatically, he looked around his room in aroused horror, everything from the furniture to the color on the walls to his now-massive clothing reeking of his stolen masculinity.  Noah knew that life wasn’t his anymore.  He envisioned small, revealing outfits that accentuated his lack of size rather than showing off a buff, brawny physique.  The only muscle and manliness he’d experience from now on would have to come from someone else.  

The thought made him cum.  He pictured all of his friends as he sprayed, suddenly eager to see them.  They were built like Brooks, like the way he used to be, broad and solid.  Noah could practically feel their chiseled bodies on top of his while he whimpered and groaned underneath them.  He saw himself flitting around the gym with towels and water bottles instead of lifting weights.  He imagined himself bathing his friends in the showers after they finished a rough workout and basking in their musky laundry as he cleaned for them.  

Something in his head told him they’d have a similar response as Brooks.  He still didn’t fully understand why his friend was acting like this was all normal or why the usually laid back man was so intent on tormenting him.  Clearly Brooks knew he shouldn’t look like this, but the fact that he did apparently didn’t bother his blonde friend in the slightest.  All either of them seemingly cared about was the rush of arousal they felt around each other.  Noah was humiliated by all of it, but his desire to be dominated and controlled outweighed anything else.  It was all he wanted.  He didn’t know why Brooks was bossing him around, but he knew he didn’t want the other man to stop.  

“Looks like...I win…” Brooks grunted, clutching Noah’s flattened, softened chest with one hand and guiding his friend’s face to look back at him with the other.  He leaned down and pressed their lips together, still sliding in and out of Noah’s shapely rear.  

Noah stopped trying to fight it.  As soon as their tongues touched, the altered little man knew it was all over.  Even more than Brooks’ solid cock inside him, this was the connection he’d been missing.  He’d been big and dominant his whole life and never realized how tired he’d grown of it.  All the kinky sex in the world couldn’t change the fact that he was still the big, tall strong one.  Though part of him longed for his former bulk, the thought of returning to his old life suddenly seemed horrible.  He was ready to let someone else take charge, to experience something new.  

Noah gazed longingly into his friend’s eyes, leaning his head back against Brooks’ shoulder while the big man finished.  “If...you say...so…” 


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