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Gary stirred in his sleep, rolling over onto his back.  His heart was racing and beads of sweat glistened on his burly chest, matting the silver hairs that spread across the firm mounds.  The details of his anxiety inducing dream were already fading, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.  In his more than fifty years on this planet, he’d never felt quite like he did in that moment.  Something in his head was sounding an alarm bell.  It was a primal fear, more instinct than intellect.  For someone as strong and brawny as Gary, who’d spent more than his fair share of time in dangerous situations over the years, it was an odd sensation.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt real fear.  

Which made his fat, throbbing cock tenting the sheets even more confusing.  His whole body was lit up like an electrical grid.  In his waning years, Gary’s once-impressive libido had been slowly ebbing.  It had been months since he’d hooked up with a woman, and that had been disappointing for both of them.  He just didn’t have the drive that he used to.  Jerking off only happened a couple times a week and it was a rare occurrence for him to wake up this hard. 

He yawned, his round, muscled gut rising and falling slowly, while he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  He blinked against the light filtering in through the windows as he scratched the scrubby stubble on his weathered face.  His thumping heart had just started to slow when the burly man finally realized he wasn’t alone in the bed.  

“Christ!” Gary jerked, startled, when he turned and saw another man’s face sleeping soundly inches from his own.  The alarm bell started ringing again.  All he could do was blink in shock, trying to wrap his head around why he was in bed with his son-in-law.  

He’d never been particularly comfortable with his son Craig being gay, let alone marrying another man, but he did his best.  For an old fashioned “man’s man” like Gary it was a struggle.  He’d always wished that at least one of his sons would have been more like him.  When he’d been in his late twenties he was unstoppable.  He’d been athletic and masculine and quite the ladies’ man.  

Craig and his brother Tyler were anything but.  Craig at least had a successful career, but the thin man had always had a feminine streak that Gary could never get him to shake.  Gary’s dreams of having a star athlete for a son were clearly not meant to be.  He’d always longed for a son that he could share his love of sports and cars with.  He had the classic dad fantasy of them working on a car together, drinking beer in the driveway and talking about girls.  Instead, he got Craig who was into books and Tyler who wasn’t into anything.  His youngest son had been the perpetual slacker, always doing the bare minimum to get by.  It drove Gary crazy.  

Deep down, Gary could deal with Craig being gay, he just wished his son could be a bit more of a man about things.  The same went for his son-in-law.  Jonathan wasn’t a bad guy, but he was just as thin and meek as Craig, and Gary always joked to the guys on his crew that if you put the two of them together you’d still only have half a man.  Being fully straight himself, Gary never understood the attraction between Craig and Jonathan.  The thought of being intimate with another man was repulsive.  

Or at least it should have been.  Looking over at Jonathan’s sleeping face, Gary felt his ample stomach flutter.  Everything he knew about the younger man started to feel wrong.  His memories of Jonathan and Craig were becoming increasingly cloudy.  It suddenly felt ridiculous to think of them as married.  Craig wasn’t married, was he?  Even if he was, it certainly wasn’t to Jonathan.  Jonathan was his.  

Gary froze at the thought, his heart racing again.  He tried to focus on what was real and what wasn’t, but he was having a hard time deciding which was which.  His brain was telling him that none of this was right, but his body longed for the young man next to him.  He no longer viewed Jonathan as thin and meek, but handsome and surprisingly confident.  Physically he looked the same, but something about the smaller man seemed different.  As he gazed at him from his new perspective, Gary started to wonder why he thought of Jonathan as small in the first place.  The slumbering young man wasn’t as beefy as he was, but his body was still covered in plenty of firm muscle.  And try as he might, it was impossible for Gary to think of Jonathan as meek when just being next to the young man was making him tremble.  

“Mmm...hey…” Jonathan mumbled sleepily, briefly opening a single eye.  It shut quickly and he scooted closer to the confused bear of a man next to him.  

Gary’s eyes went wide when Jonathan nestled close, draping an arm over his chest and tangling their legs together.  He quickly learned they were both naked under the sheets when he felt the other man’s long, equally solid cock dig into the side of his stomach.  Instead of pulling away, Gary shifted a burly arm under Jonathan’s head and pulled him in closer.  He stroked the young man’s back, trying to understand why any of this was happening.  He’d never once thought about the size of Jonathan’s package before, but feeling it wedged against him, Gary was surprised to find it larger than his own. 

The older man felt stuck.  He had no idea what to do.  On the one hand, he hadn’t woken up with someone in his arms like this since his wife left him years ago and he’d forgotten how good it felt.  On the other hand, the person in his arms was another man who was supposed to be his son-in-law, and Gary couldn’t shake the sensation that despite his larger size and advanced age, he was the one being held.  

He dozed with Jonathan in his arms, trying to ignore the headache that was brewing from all the conflicting thoughts and memories swirling in his brain.  If he closed his eyes and didn’t overthink it, everything about what was happening felt familiar and natural.  His heart stopped pounding and Gary started to drift off again until a sudden jolt of pleasure surged through him.  

“Whoooaaaa!” he gasped, laughing when Jonathan started squeezing one of his large, nubby nipples.  “Sneaky...I thought you were sleeping.”  

“I know,” Jonathan said with a smug grin as he gave another squeeze.  

Gary groaned from Jonathan’s expert fingers and melted at the sight of the young man’s grinning face.  His wavy brown hair and handsome, boyish features filled Gary with a pang of lust like he hadn’t felt in years.  He leaned over and kissed the top of Jonathan’s head as the other man’s hand worked down his hairy belly to grasp his aching cock.  “MMMmmnnnnnmmm…” Gary’s moan was long and low when Jonathan’s hand wrapped around his wide cock and started tugging.  He arched his back off the bed and whimpered pathetically, feeling a stab of shame when Jonathan tossed the covers aside.  The old Gary fought his way briefly to the surface at the sight of their naked bodies pressed together.  There was a momentary pause to his aching need until the older man’s eyes came to rest on Jonathan’s long, solid cock.  

The overwhelming desire caused the old Gary to lose his grip and go tumbling back into the abyss.  He kept looking back and forth between his own short, stout member and Jonathan’s long, powerful rod, his mouth watering.  Before he even knew what he was doing he’d rolled over, pinning the younger man beneath him.  Jonathan’s gasps of pleasure as Gary worked his stubbled face down his flat stomach filled the older man with a kind of eager joy he never could have imagined.  He ran his tongue around the insides of Jonathan’s thighs, along the hairy balls, and up the underside of the rigid pole, his tongue flitting around the wide head before promptly swallowing nearly all of it.  

Gary’s bobbing face felt perfectly natural as he worked Jonathan’s cock like it was second nature.  The sensation of having the warm, oozing organ in his mouth was comforting, as was the musky scent filling his nostrils as he swallowed the young man all the way to the base.  He loved how Jonathan’s fingers felt running through his thinning, silver hair as the other man writhed and groaned quietly.  

“O...okay babe...enough warm up…” Jonathan panted, guiding Gary’s head free.  Without fully understanding why, the older man slid his brawny frame off to the side while the smaller man climbed around behind.  The old Gary was screaming at himself to get up and run as he hefted his bulk up onto his knees.  He knew what was coming; he just couldn’t decide whether or not he wanted it to happen.  

Jonathan decided for him.  The young man lined his long, thick cock up and wormed his way between Gary’s round cheeks.  “OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH….fffuuuuuuuuuck….” Gary howled, his stubby fingers clutching at the mattress.  Jonathan’s laughing voice behind him only turned him on more.  He was humiliated and mortified and filled with so much painful need that he thought he’d explode.  The rugged older man who could never understand the attraction between two guys was suddenly desperate for the cock inside him to get to work.  He pushed his ass back against Jonathan on reflex, blushing when he felt a stinging slap land on the side of his ass.  

“Someone’s impatient this morning,” the younger man said arrogantly.  “But if that’s the way you want it…” 

“HHHHNNNNNN….!”  Gary grunted blissfully when Jonathan started slamming into him.  He howled and bellowed while his bulky frame shook from the impacts.  He was whimpering and moaning constantly while his young lover stoically pumped in and out, clutching at his broad, hairy back.  Gary felt his stout cock slapping around uselessly between his jiggling thighs, but he didn’t care.  It suddenly seemed pointless in comparison to what he was feeling.  What good was his own fat, stubby rod if Jonathan’s could bring him this much pleasure?  He had a flash of memory as countless images of himself in a similar position flooded in.  He saw himself on his knees, or on his back with his legs in the air, or on his side, or gyrating on Jonathan’s lap, all while moaning and whimpering like a rutting dog.  There was another surge of embarrassment when he felt a breeze of fresh air and realized the bedroom windows were open, but he couldn’t stop.  He kept screaming ecstatically knowing full well the neighbors could hear the pounding he was receiving.  Strangely, the thought that everyone knew how the smaller young man reduced the big, burly bear to a pile of lustful moans didn’t seem out of the ordinary.  Of course everyone knew.  

Gary’s stocky cock had long since sprayed by the time Jonathan finished.  The older man was drifting pleasantly when he felt Jonathan tense and give a final stab before unleashing like a geyser inside him.  “Goddamn...I love...that….ass of yours…” Jonathan laughed, winded.  He collapsed on top of Gary just long enough to give him a quick peck.  “Come on, let’s get cleaned up.  I’m starving.”  

The addled older man followed in a haze, loving and hating how it felt to have Jonathan’s cum running down his hairy thighs as he lumbered behind to the bathroom.  He scrubbed the younger man down almost reverently, savoring how Jonathan’s smooth skin felt against his rough, hairy frame.  After the pounding he’d just delivered, the young man had become the portrait of masculinity in Gary’s eyes.  He had the perfect amount of muscle, and the dangling hose between his slender thighs could do things that only a real man could.  

That feeling only increased as he watched Jonathan slip into a pair of boxer briefs and gym shorts after they’d toweled off.  Gary was beginning to feel lucky and grateful that such a handsome young man was even interested in an old, hairy brute like himself.  “Hmm...so what’ll it be today,” Jonathan said to himself as looked down into an open drawer.  He rubbed his pointed chin and rummaged through.  “Can’t go wrong with a classic…” 

Gary’s face went red when he saw the white lace thong in Jonathan’s outstretched hand.  The older man only ever wore standard white briefs.  The thought of parading around in something like a sheer lace thong was humiliating.  Still, he took the small wad of fabric and slid it up his meaty thighs, blushing even harder when he felt the string disappear between his plump cheeks and saw his package through the skimpy lace pouch.  

“You’re so cute when you blush,” Jonathan laughed.  “Don’t forget this.”  

Gary turned around as instructed, his eyes going wide when he felt Jonathan start to slide the matching bra on.  He could see his reflection in the mirror and could only watch in dumbfounded shock as the lace garment stretched across his hairy slab of a chest.  The contrast was jarring.  His body bulged with fury muscle.  He had pistons for arms and a beachball of muscle for a gut.  His legs were tree trunks and his face was a rough, rugged mask of manliness.  And then there was the lace.  

“There’s my pretty,” Jonathan cooed, giving the stunned Gary a quick peck on the lips.  The older man wanted to cover himself up further, but instead he pulled the sheets off the bed and hurried to catch up with Jonathan, the young man’s desire outweighing his embarrassment.  

The morning was a series of new events for Gary.  He found himself getting breakfast started and then throwing in a load of laundry.  Afterwards, he cleaned up the dishes and set about tidying up the rest of their house, all while wearing nothing but the matching thong and bra while Jonathan watched.  Instead of being married to Craig, Gary learned that he and Jonathan were together.  It was still the house he was used to, only now it was filled with items belonging to both of them.  Pictures of the two of them were scattered all over, along with photos of Craig and Tyler.  The pictures of his sons gave him pause, but he couldn’t dwell on it for long.  

Memories of his new life were making any thoughts of his old one next to impossible.  He remembered his wife leaving, only this time it was because he’d been caught cheating on her with another man.  She’d come home to find Gary tied to the bed with a young man slamming into him.  He knew that memory was wrong; he just didn’t know what was right anymore.  Shortly after he’d met Jonathan and they’d been happy ever since.  For the first time in his life, Gary could stop pretending to be the macho tough guy and let his true self out.  He didn’t want to dominate, he wanted to be dominated.  He wanted to be controlled and told what to do.  Of course he loved how the neighbors heard him scream and how he was forced to prance around in the feminine outfits.  He wanted to be humiliated and embarrassed.  He’d spent his whole life pushing people around because of his size when all he wanted was to be conquered.  He’d gone from a “man’s man” to the woman of the house and he couldn’t be happier.  

Gary spent the rest of the morning flitting around in his lace, taking care of the domestic duties while Jonathan messed around on his computer on the couch.  He interrupted his cleaning to bring the young man whatever it was he asked for, eagerly waiting on him hand and foot.  Gary learned why he was so eager to please when, after bringing Jonathan a beer, the young man surprised him by abruptly sliding a few fingers into his eager hole.  

Gary gasped and went up on his toes when the young man pushed the string of his thong aside and slid in.  His wide cock quickly tented out the small underwear until Jonathan reached around and pulled the front down, letting the stout organ spring free.  Gary stood squirming in place, whimpering while he was fingered.  The older man gasped when Jonathan stood and unhooked the back of his bra, feeling an unexpected rush of exposure as the unusual garment fell free.  Instead of the casual ease with which most guys walked around shirtless, Gary suddenly felt naked and vulnerable as his hairy chest was exposed.  He hadn’t realized how natural the lace top had felt until it was gone, leaving him feeling like his pants had just been pulled down.  He writhed in Jonathan’s embrace while the young man worked his chest with one hand and his ass with another until, for the second time that day, Gary’s untouched cock exploded.  The younger man didn’t even want anything in return.  He just liked watching Gary get off, leaving the older man feeling even more exposed and embarrassed as he returned to his domestic chores.  

A short while later Jonathan closed his laptop and hopped up from the couch.  “I’m gonna go next door and see what Dave’s up to.  Did you want to come?  It looks like Craig’s working on the car outside.”  

Gary had another stab of anxiety at the mention of his son’s name.  He apparently still lived next door as he had with Jonathan, but there was something in the back of his brain that made him nervous.  “Yeah, of course.”  

“You gonna go like that?” Jonathan laughed as Gary headed for the door in his bra and thong.  “I mean, I’m not complaining…” 

The older man blushed as he realized what he’d almost done.  “Oh! Uh, right…” he stammered, following Jonathan back to the bedroom.  He covered himself up in a pair of tight gym shorts and a tank-top that left the straps of his bra visible while Jonathan pulled on a t-shirt.  When Gary lifted his arms it showed off his lace whale tail, but he couldn’t bring himself to change.  He didn’t even hesitate when he opened the door and stepped outside.  

“Hey Craig,” Jonathan waved, stopping Gary in his tracks.  

Instead of his thin, wiry son, he found himself staring at a strapping, nearly naked jock washing a sports car in the driveway.   The only thing Craig had on was a small, bright blue speedo that left nothing to the imagination.  As he moved, the well muscled young man’s deeply tanned skin glistened from the misty spray of the hose.  

“Johnny!” Craig waved as he turned to face them.  Gary couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  The sculpted hunk had his son’s facial features, only with the addition of a lantern jaw.  When he waved, Gary watched Craig’s striated arm inflate dramatically, his washboard stomach flexing and his quads puffing as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.  This was the athletic, manly son he’d always wished for.  “‘Sup, dude?  I heard you givin’ it to my pops this mornin’.”  Craig smiled and winked at Gary, who felt his stomach drop.  

The shock of hearing his son joke about him being loudly fucked by another man was enough to jar the old Gary back to the surface.  Looking at Craig’s dull smile and hearing the change to his son’s speech, the older man understood the anxiety he’d felt.  This was indeed an athletic version of his son, but not the way he’d wanted.  The smart, bookish Craig no longer existed, replaced by the very definition of a dumb jock.  Gary’s head swam with new memories again.  He remembered Craig barely graduating from high school, his prowess on the football field the only thing that got him through.  Gary knew that his sweet hunk of a son may have had impressive looks, but he was far from the sharpest tack in the drawer.  Thankfully he had Tyler for that.  

“Hi guys,” the older man’s attention was pulled to the lean young man that came out to greet them.  He was built like Jonathan and looked to be about the same age, but with jet black hair and dark features.  

“Hi David,” Gary smiled, confused to find himself checking out his son’s husband.  

“Yo, pops, that one’s mine,” Craig laughed, coming over and punching Gary on a beefy shoulder.  

“I can still look,” Gary said coyly, feeling his face turn red.  

“Good job on the car, hon,” David said, thankfully changing the subject.  The dark haired man walked over and snapped Craig’s speedo before giving him a kiss.  

Craig beamed, puffing out his granite chest at the compliment.  “I needed to get some sun before my shift tonight anyway.  Don’t wanna be too pale up there.”

“You’re going to have tan lines,” David said, his hand still lingering on the speedo.  

“Shit!  You’re right!”  Without hesitating, Craig quickly pulled down his speedo, exposing his large, round cheeks and powerful legs.  He held the wad of fabric in front of his heavy package, mostly succeeding in keeping it covered.  “What?” He laughed awkwardly at David’s exasperated look.  

“We have neighbors, sweety.”  

“That’s why I’m keeping it covered,” Craig said flatly, as if he didn’t understand David’s hesitation.  “Nothin’ you haven’t seen.  He’s seen it,” he said, motioning to Gary and turning towards Jonathan.  “And he’s come to the club a bunch so he’s seen it too.”  

“I...nevermind…” David sighed, patting Craig on a bulging pec.  

Gary did his best to keep his jaw from falling open.  Instead of his successful tech career, he saw images of Craig gyrating on stage, his mostly naked body flexing for a sea of hungry men.  It was good money, something that was hard to come by for someone with Craig’s brain, but he always worried about his son.  Craig may have looked imposing with all his muscle, but Gary knew how trusting he could be.  He’d been thrilled when Craig met David, who was all too happy to take care of him.  Like himself, Craig just wanted someone to tell him what to do.  He didn’t want to have to figure things out, he just wanted a man to take control.  Like father, like son, he thought proudly.   


Tyler lounged on his plush sofa, still basking in the sight of his luxurious new townhouse.  All these weeks later, it was almost hard for him to remember why he’d even been angry in the first place.  He was just so sick of his dad harping on him, and his brother lording his perfect job and perfect marriage over him.  They were always telling him to be something or to get up and do something, but even when he tried it was never good enough.  He’d spent his whole life dealing with his dad’s macho, tough guy act and watching Craig breeze through school.  He was sick of it.  

When he’d first found the book he didn’t even know what it was.  It just looked like an old brown journal filled with random gibberish.  He’d flipped through it at a thrift store and put it back on the shelf, only to find it in his bag when he got home.  When he went to look at it the next day, the gibberish suddenly made sense.  He’d pored over the passages, trying to imagine the descriptions he found inside.  They all seemed to be people making changes to other people, and usually not for the target’s benefit.  

It was exactly what he needed.  Tyler felt like a man possessed as he scribbled out his vision.  He’d be the successful one with the good job and steady money now.  Let his dad feel what it was like to have his macho act turned on its head.  He’d always heard growing up how much his dad wanted a jock for a son, so now he could have one.  Let Craig fill that role.  His brother had always been skinny and awkward, so let him see what it was like on the other side.  He didn’t hate his brother, not really, he was just so tired of being compared to him all the time.  He’d written in David after the fact when he’d started feeling guilty.  The same went for his brother’s husband.  Jonathan wasn’t a bad guy, Tyler just knew how much his dad would hate being subservient to him.  He’d made sure to include that Jonathan was as happy bossing the older man around as his dad was with being told what to do.  

And it worked.  Tyler woke up in his posh new life and found the rest of his family exactly as written.  He still loved making surprise visits to his dad’s house, always catching the older man in nothing but a teddy or some ill-fitting lingerie while Jonathan bossed him around.  On more than one occasion he’d shown up to hear his dad’s booming voice ringing throughout the neighborhood while his former brother-in-law, now stepdad, fucked the beefy man senseless.  He’d felt slightly guilty about Craig, but his brother seemed perfectly content with his limited new intellect and impressive new body.  He’d made sure that David took good care of him, and watching Craig writhe around on stage in front of large crowds of men, he was still plenty successful in his own right.  

Tyler had been slightly afraid to learn that the book hadn’t come with him.  He’d spent days searching his new home for it but eventually gave up, settling on the knowledge that this was all permanent.  He couldn’t take any of it back, not that he wanted to.  He doubted that he’d ever get tired of watching his formerly macho father fill the role of eager housewife.  Every time they were out in public and a bit of the older man’s lace underwear peeked through brought him no end of joy.  Seeing the bra outline under his tight t-shirts, and the strange looks the burly man got from others, was infinitely fulfilling.  And the more time that passed, the more natural all of this felt.  Their life before seemed like a dream, and in this new world they were finally one big happy family.  Why would he want to change that?  



I like it everyone is happy and well fuck.


I wonder what other “hidden passages” are written in that book! I loved the gradual identity death of Gary. Did that occur during the process if Tyler writing it out?


Given how resentful Tyler was, I imagine that he spelled it out so that Gary wouldn’t have too easy a time with it. He wanted the satisfaction of knowing that Gary was aware things weren’t the way they should be, but without the ability to do anything about it.