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Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 7

  • Everyone reverts back to normal. 3
  • Everyone stays in their current form, but their minds fully clear. 14
  • Everyone stays in their current form, thinking they've always been that way with no memory of recent events. 9
  • 2018-07-01
  • —2018-07-05
  • 26 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 7', 'choices': [{'text': 'Everyone reverts back to normal.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Everyone stays in their current form, but their minds fully clear. ', 'votes': 14}, {'text': "Everyone stays in their current form, thinking they've always been that way with no memory of recent events.", 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 5, 0, 3, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 1, 0, 3, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 26}


The two stunned men stared at each from opposite sides of the doorway.  Liam couldn’t get his head to wrap around the identity of the short, hung man on the other side.  He knew it was Landon, but that was impossible.  Landon was tall and built.  The man in front of him was short and lithe, with an exposed package that was significantly larger than his friend’s already massive endowment should have been.  “La...Landon?”  

Likewise, the shocked little man was having a hard time accepting that it was his missing friend standing before him.  Liam had always been big and beefy, but the mountain of flesh spilling out of his ill-fitting clothes was larger than the burly man could have possibly become in the time he’d been gone.  “Liam?  Is that really you?”  

The huge man nodded his round face as best he could on his meat-obscured neck.  “What the fuck’s going on around here…” he stammered, his voice trembling as he stepped inside.  

“Where the hell have you been, man?  No one’s seen or heard from you in weeks!”  

He stared down at the man who should have looked him in the eye, a baggy t-shirt draping off him like a gown while his huge, monstrous cock twitched to full mast and lifted the bottom.  “What...happened to you…” 

“Me?  What happened to you?!”  Landon reached out and prodded Liam’s massive gut that stood out as though he had an exercise ball strapped to his front.  Where the smaller man’s shirt was oversized, Liam’s meaty frame had been squeezed into a shirt that barely covered his bulbous pecs, the bottom resting on top of a gut that defied gravity and logic.  The same went for the too-small sweatpants that had already torn at the back and thighs, letting Liam’s mountainous rear and chunky legs spill free.  

“UUUnnn….” Liam let out an unintentional moan at Landon’s touch, his sensitive gut still sending waves of pleasure through him.  Somewhere between his massive legs his cock stirred, but it had long since ceased to be the main source of his ecstasy.  

Landon felt guilty under Liam’s embarrassed gaze as he pulled his hand away.  “Sorry, man.  We’ve all...people are...everyone’s changing,” he said, struggling for words.  

“I know,” Liam said flatly, lumbering over to the couch.  The straining sweatpants gave out entirely when he sat, the loud ripping sound competing with the groaning furniture.  He absently pulled the remains free, his protruding stomach resting on his legs while his thick round arms hung at an angle from his sides when he was done.  “Fuckin’ look at me.”  

Landon did his best to keep his face neutral as he stared.  The last time he’d seen Liam his friend had been burly and bearish, with a solidly thick, yet still athletic, frame.  Liam was heavy, but he needed to be in order to tear down a football field with any effectiveness.  His bulk was muscle, pure and simple.  

Now, there didn’t appear to be anything simple about the big man’s plus-sized frame.  He somehow looked both soft and solid, round but firm.  It was like someone had taken a power lifter and a power eater and combined them into one, massive being.  Liam’s muscle tits and oversized gut didn’t sag, but stood out firm and proud between the undefined, granite logs that were his arms.  It was most telling in his friend’s face that had become so round and full it lost any semblance of a chin and had swallowed most of Liam’s prominent nose.  The glimpse he’d had of the other man’s legs made them seem large enough for Landon to hide inside of, with an ass that kept going, and going, and going.  

“Sorry...I can’t with this shirt anymore,” Liam said as he reached up and ripped the tiny t-shirt from his mountainous torso seemingly without effort.  It gave Landon a view of his plump pecs and huge, solid nipples while confirming that there was still plenty of muscle in there somehwere.  “They just threw clothes at us from the pile of peoples’ stuff…” 

“Who?  Where have you been,” Landon asked gently, more concerned by the pained look on Liam’s face than the changes to his friend’s body.  Given what he’d been through, the shrunken man had long since stopped being shocked by that.  

“Jail.  At least it was supposed to be jail,” Liam sighed, reaching up to rub his buzzed scalp as best he could with his limited new range of motion.  

“The fuck?  How’d you end up in jail?”  Landon hopped up next to his friend on the couch, his massive pole standing straight up in front of him.  “We’ll get to that.  You first,” he said with a humorless laugh as Liam gaped at it.  

“It started with Ethan.  Remember how he was acting all weird around me?  I...it got to me, man.  I don’t know how, but it did something.  I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  I kept seeing him in my head without his clothes on and it got me off harder than anything ever had. Then I started thinking about you guys and I almost…” he trailed off, blushing.  “I had to bolt.  I started hooking up with dudes left and right.  Didn’t matter who they were.  All day and all night….I couldn’t stop.”  The big man had a faraway look in his eyes as he remembered what those confusing days had been like.  The beefy jock hadn’t known why he was so cock hungry, just that he couldn’t deny the need.  His embarrassment at being recognized as a member of the football team while sticking his furry, formerly solid ass in the air to be stuffed didn’t matter.  

“Then one day I met these two guys,” he continued.  “We went out into the woods and it turned out they were cops.  I knew something was up from the start, but they had me.  I still fuckin’ blew ‘em….then they stripped me down, cuffed me, and threw me in a squad car.  Dude...I…” he hesitated, looking down at his thick hands with the now-stubby fingers.  “Even then, cuffed and naked in the car, I was begging them to fuck me.  The whole ride to the station.  Even when they trotted me naked and hard in front of everyone, all I could do was beg for it.  When they threw me in a cell I got what I asked for.  From all of them.  I knew I was locked up and something awful was happening but I loved it.  Until it stopped.  Once they took a break and my head cleared I saw how fucked up things were in the station. There weren’t any women anywhere, just guys, and they clearly weren’t doing things the police should be doing.  More and more guys were brought in and stripped down and thrown in cells.  Once they filled up the cells, they started chaining guys to desks.  Those guys would spend their days blowing whichever officer sat there while they worked and everyone just acted like it was totally normal.”  

Landon’s eyes were wide as he listened.  “Holy shit….I don’t even know what to say…” 

“I haven’t even gotten to the fucked up part,” Liam sighed, seeming humiliated yet still excited to talk about what happened.  “It wasn’t just how everyone acted.  We...the people they had locked up...started changing.  Of course they all zeroed in on my size.  They said since I was such a big guy and on the football team I needed to keep my weight up.  I ate constantly.  I can’t even say they forced me to because at the time I wanted to.  I wanted to so bad.  The more I ate the more they’d fuck me.  Eventually they just put a trough on the floor so that my ass was against the bars and I could do both at the same time.  I spent so much time on all fours that I didn’t even realize how much I’d changed until I went to stand.  Even then, seeing the start of all this,” he motioned to his gut, “I didn’t want to stop.  The bigger I got the better it felt.  And it wasn’t just me.”  

Landon tried not to think about the mental image of Liam’s powerful body steadily growing larger and rounder.  Despite his efforts, his cock throbbed at the thought of the other man’s inflating body on all fours, desperately stuffing his face while he was eagerly filled from the other end.  

“There was already a naked guy in the cell next to mine when I got there.  Good lookin’ guy, too.  Built, probably in his thirties...from what I could make out when the other guys taunted him he used to be a detective, but he’d done something to get himself locked up.  He spent most of his days on his knees, cuffed to the front of his cell with a guide holding his mouth open.  Guys would come along and help themselves and he seemed just as happy about it as I did.  Maybe it’s ‘cause he used to be one of them, but they were really giving it to him.  He had some kind of cage around his dick that kept him from getting hard and these rings around his balls that they’d tug on.  They put these weird suction looking things on his nipples, too.  Guy was kept so worked up he begged for it each time someone came along.  But then he started changing too.  It was like we were made of clay while we were in there.  Dude was hung when I first got there, but the cage around his dick kept getting smaller and smaller while his balls kept stretching lower and lower.  When they took the suction off, the guy’s nipples were like thumbs poking out of his chest.  I saw him when I was leaving and I don’t think he even still had any teeth, just smooth gums perfect for blowing guys.”  

He took a deep breath and gave Landon a sympathetic look.  “Sorry to dump all this on you.  It got bad, dude.  I don’t know what would have happened.  Some of the guys were changing in weeeiiiiiird ways.  I saw one who I thought was on his knees giving head, but when the cop in front of him moved I saw that his legs had just shrunk down.  The rest of him was still the same size, it was just his tiny legs that put his head at the right height.  There were two guys kept together a couple cells down and it looked like they were….merging.  Or maybe they just never let go of each other, I don’t know.  I couldn’t really think about much at that point.  And then all of a sudden this guy showed up and it all stopped.”  

Landon blinked, not expecting that part.  “Who was he?”  

“No idea.  He was thin and had this ugly, hairy little guy with him.  He looked around, yelled at the little guy with him, and then started moving his hands around.  The rest is….hazy.  It’s like we were drugged.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and opened the cells while we shuffled out like zombies.  They threw some clothes at us and told us to leave and…” he trailed off.  “It already kinda feels like a dream.  I mean if it weren’t for this,” he patted his stomach with a short laugh, “I’d almost think it never happened.  I mean, if it did, I’d be freaked out, right?  Look at me, I’m a fuckin’ muscle marshmallow man.  I should be worried about that, right?”

“Aren’t you?”  He asked the question, but even Landon had been feeling less worried about Liam’s predicament as his friend had been talking.  He’d been horrified for his jock friend at first, but now he regarded him with the same lust he viewed all men lately.  

The big man’s brows furrowed.  “I mean...I know I should be.  But...no?  I’m still just fuckin’ horny,” he laughed, his eyes resting on Landon’s aching rod.  “And I need a shower.  Bad.”

Landon laughed and nodded.  “Yeah, you really do,” he said, hopping down off the couch and absently tugging on his rigid cock the way he perpetually did.  “Sorry...you missed that part,” he said awkwardly, still tugging in front of his surprised friend.   “I’ll fill you in upstairs.  There’s a lot to talk about.”


“Well that’s part of the mess put to bed,” Oliver said proudly.  Carter watched the thin man examine one of his bookshelves while he bounced up and down on Randy’s lap, his crooked, hooked cock bobbing wildly.  His former colleague held him tight to his impossibly sculpted chest while he worked his shapely cock between Carter’s furry, oversized cheeks.  The furry man’s shortened legs didn’t reach the ground, but Randy had a tight grip on the tufts of hair that now covered his misshapen body.  

The former hunk of a professor hated how good it felt to have his hairy back squirming against Randy’s smooth torso.  He’d never had a problem bottoming when the mood struck him, but since Oliver trapped him in his twisted new body, he didn’t have a choice.  His mangled equipment wasn’t good for much more than the occasional tugs Randy gave it’s warped length.  “What WERE you thinking unleashing a spell like that?  On the one hand I commend your dedication to chaos, but that could have quickly spiraled out of control and let THEM in.  We certainly don’t need that right now.”  Carter opened his mouth to respond, a series of deep grunts the only sound he could manage.  

“It was rhetorical, I know you’re busy,” Oliver smiled.  “If only you could see yourself now…” his grin turned mischievous as a spectral, mirror image appeared in front of Carter.  Randy laughed in simple delight at the parlor trick while Carter’s blood boiled.  He watched his bouncing reflection alternate between his brutish new appearance and his former, handsome self as Oliver tormented him.  “Still, with the big one going back home we at least have the original group back together,” Oliver continued, turning back to the bookshelf.  “Once we take Randy over there we’ll have all the pieces in place for the ritual.  I think it’s about time we bring this to a close, don’t you?”  

***** How does the story end? *****


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