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“Great! I’m just wrapping up at the office so that should work out perfect.”  Todd hung up the phone and grabbed his briefcase.  The plumber said he’d be there in half an hour, which should be just enough time if traffic wasn’t terrible.  His Jacuzzi tub had gone out and he was planning on using it with Sarah this weekend.  Or her friend Cheryl.  He wasn’t sure yet.  Regardless, he’d bought it for this very reason and now the pump stopped, so he needed it fixed ASAP.  The guy on the phone said it should be a simple fix, thankfully, and not too expensive.  Not that money was an issue, Todd just didn’t like paying full price for things.  The plumber had a light, effeminate voice, so Todd figured he could flirt with him and get a deal if the guy was as gay as he sounded.  

Todd made it home just before the plumber showed up.  He knew plumbers charged based on what was in the driveway so he stashed his Lexus in the garage, but there wasn’t much he could do about the sizeable house.  At 34, Todd already made more than most people would make in their entire lives.  He came from money, and his natural charm and good looks carried him when his intelligence, which wasn’t lacking, couldn’t.  He was already a senior analyst at one of the top firms in the city.  He’d just set his bag down when the plumber pulled in.  Todd watched a tall, thin man climb out.  Definitely gay, he thought as the man headed towards the door.  

“Good timing,” Todd said cheerfully, opening the door before the man could knock.  “Just got here.”  Todd ushered the man in, feeling a wave of uneasiness wash over him.  There was something off about the man.  He was wearing baggy shorts and a baggy tshirt, not uncommon for a plumber, and looked to be about the same age as Todd.  The man had a youthful face, with prominent cheekbones sticking out under his shaggy blonde hair.  “Todd,” he said, sticking out a hand.  


Todd swallowed the other man’s thin, lithe hand in his own.  On contact, all the uneasiness he felt melted away.  Chuck’s smile was warm and friendly, not cold as he’d originally thought.  He liked Chuck already.  And based on the way the other man’s eyes kept traveling up and down, Todd figured Chuck liked him in more ways than one.  “The tub is this way.”  He motioned for Chuck to follow and led the thin man through the spacious house to the master bedroom.  “I don’t know what happened.  I got home from the gym yesterday and went to use it,” he said, shucking his suit coat to expose his fitted shirt while he talked about the gym, “but the jets wouldn’t turn on.”  

“Happens all the time with these tubs.  Probably just need to swap out a hose.”  

“Great!” Todd had absentmindedly loosened his tie and undid the top few buttons of his shirt while Chuck talked.  He noticed the other man noticing.  “Alright, well, I’ll leave you to it.  You want anything?  Coffee?  Beer?”  Chuck declined and Todd let the other man get to work.  He went downstairs and grabbed a snack while he checked the mail and clicked on the news.  He wasn’t at all worried about Chuck upstairs unsupervised.  It never occurred to him that the other man was untrustworthy.  There was something about him that Todd liked.  He eventually went back up, more out of a desire to talk to Chuck than anything else.  “How’s it going,” he asked, finding Todd on all fours sticking his head into an access panel.  He looked at the man’s rail thin arms and shapeless lower half, wondering why his eyes lingered the way they did.  

“I think I finally found the problem,” Chuck said, backing out of the panel.  “Shouldn’t take too long to swap out the parts.  Sorry if I’m holding up your evening.”  

“Not at all!  Just glad to have it fixed,” Todd sighed with relief, flashing a charming smile.  Now was the time to implement his plan.  “I am going to change out of these clothes though,” he said, untucking his dress shirt.  “I can only stand these things for so long.”  

“Nice part about this job is no uniform,” Chuck said, his eyes never wavering from Todd’s tight frame.  

“So what was the problem?”  Todd pretended to be interested to drag out the conversation while he unbuttoned his shirt.  

“Compressor hose had a leak.  Just hard to get to the way they put this one in.”  Chuck watched Todd unbutton his shirt until it hung open, exposing a tight, white tank top underneath.  “Shouldn’t be long now.”  

“Take your time,” Todd said, heading out into his bedroom.  He purposely left the bathroom door open while he disrobed.  He stripped out of the button up but left the tank top.  The tight material accentuated his broad shoulders and defined pecs.  Todd wasn’t a bodybuilder, but he worked out every day, leaving his six foot frame covered in lean muscle.  He had big arms and a tapering six pack above the waist.  Below, his tight dress pants showed off a small-but-perky ass and a set of toned thighs.  He dropped his pants and kicked them free, his sizeable cock causing his boxers to bounce with the motion.  “So how long have you been a plumber?” he called into the bathroom as he hung up his clothes in a large closet.  

“Straight outta high school,” Chuck said, tightening the last of the repairs.  He sealed the access panel and looked up to see the significantly less dressed Todd in the doorway.  “We should be all set.  Let’s test it out.”  

“Awesome!” Todd cranked the water on and sat on the edge of the tub while Chuck leaned on the counter.  “Takes a minute to fill up,” Todd grinned, catching the way Chuck’s eyes locked onto his muscular legs.  

“You’re in pretty good shape for someone who sits at a desk all day.”  

“I work out a lot,” Todd said, flexing the arms at his sides.  “I played a lot of sports when I was younger too.”  

“I can never seem to put on weight no matter how hard I try,” Chuck said, sounding distant.  “I used to be a lot bigger than this though, if you can believe it.”  

“Hey, I feel ya.  I bust my ass at the gym but can’t get the gains.  My friend Brad, he touches a weight and suddenly he’s bigger.  It’s ridiculous.”  Todd shook his head and pretended to be modest.  “Not that I wanna be huge or anything, but a little something would be nice.”  Todd stood and scratched at his flat stomach, lifting his shirt and exposing his six pack in the process.  

“Those abs look like a little something.”  Chuck reached over and placed a hand on Todd’s firm stomach.  

Flirting was one thing, but Todd wasn’t anticipating physical contact.  He started to pull away, but the room began to spin.  “Whoa…” he said, leaning against the counter.  

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about this.”  Chuck put his other hand on Todd’s trim waist and ran them up his sides.  

“Sorry about…what…” Todd stammered, feeling an electric jolt go through him.  “What…what’s happening…” Before his eyes, Chuck’s thin frame went from a guy he felt sorry for to the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.  He was dimly aware that his cock had shot to attention and burst through the fly of his boxers, but he was too busy reach for Chuck to care.  He grabbed the other man’s bony waist and tugged the shorts down, letting a surprisingly large cock spring to attention.  “What’re we…what am I doing…” Todd panted.  

“For what it’s worth, it gets easier.  It seems terrible at first, but a guy like you with resources like this…you’ll be fine.”  

“Fine?  Why am I gooohhh…” Todd groaned when Chuck reached down and wrapped his bony fingers around his oozing cock.  

“I was confused at first, too.  Big guy like me suddenly chowing down on some dude’s dick?  Then I woke up like this and it’s the only thing I want to do.”  Chuck let go of Todd’s cock and pushed down on the other man’s broad shoulders.  

“I don’t understand…” Todd’s eyes were starting to glaze as he dropped to his knees.  He knew what was about to happen but couldn’t stop himself.  Not that he wanted to.  When Chuck entered his mouth he felt bliss like he couldn’t imagine.  

“Not that it’s hard.  Guys will seem to find you, no problem.  You’ve gotta be careful, though.  Pick the wrong guy and things could get complicated.  Always gotta have a plan ‘cause sometimes it just happens.  Like now.  I didn’t plan this, but sometimes it just takes over.  I think it has a mind of its own when it wants to.  I don’t know why it wanted you big, but that’s what it got.  Then you go and find a guy and he gets little.  Then he makes a guy big, then that guy makes a guy little, and so on and so on and so on.  No one knows why.”  Chuck sighed.  “I don’t know how much’a this you heard but there’s no going back.  I guess that’s the good news.  Can’t change or get changed more than once. Just…remember…”

Todd didn’t hear the last part as the world around him exploded into a supernova of pleasure before he blacked out.  

The light was bright against his eyes as he stirred.  Todd didn’t remember going to bed, or why he felt so sore this morning.  Just shifting on his large bed made him wince.  Must’ve slept funny, he thought.  He dozed for a few more minutes before giving a large yawn and stretching.  “Did I kick the blankets off?”  Todd realized he was laying on top of his covers.  “What did I even do last night?  I remember coming home from work but then…?”  He scratched at his hairy chest while he thought back.  “Was someone here?  I don’t…” his eyes shot open when he realized what he was doing.  Hairy chest?  Todd was always naturally smooth.  He had a dusting on his chest, but not the wiry carpet he felt.  He raised his head and almost passed out at what he saw.  The body he looked down at wasn’t his own.  The lean, athletic build had been swallowed whole by a thick, hairy beast.  “What…what…what…” He struggled upright, feeling unnaturally heavy.  “This has to be a dream.  I’m dreaming…” he stammered, looking down.  His defined pecs were now a hairy, bulging slab of meat across his chest.  The trim waist and sculpted six pack had exploded outwards into a furry, muscular gut.  He couldn’t tell if his cock had actually shrank or if it just looked smaller wedged between the thick thighs that were firmly pressed together.  He managed to turn his head and look at the now-huge arms that had lost much of their definition but had nearly tripled in size.  His massive new frame shaking, he lumbered out of bed.  Everything felt wrong.  The slightest move caused all of his new flesh to rub together in unfamiliar ways as newly acquired muscle shifted with each motion.  He took a few steps but froze, feeling an extra bouncing.  He reached behind with thickened fingers and palmed the two round, meaty globes that had taken the place of his perky bubble.  Frantic, he hurried into the bathroom, letting out a loud gasp when he stood in front of the mirror.  This couldn’t be his body.  His neck was just as thick as the rest of him, and his rounded cheeks were covered in a shaggy beard.  Rounded was the only way he could describe it.  Instead of the fit, lean build he should have had, he was bulky like a power lifter.  His new body was solid, but it was bulging and thick and covered in hair.  The combination made him look ten years older than he was.  “No…no…no…” Todd cleared his throat, but the deep rumble that his voice had become remained.  He didn’t know how any of this was possible, but deep down he knew this wasn’t a dream.  He had vague memories of someone being here.  Someone explained what was happening.  He could almost picture it, but then it faded.  He stumbled out of the bathroom in a daze, unsure of what to do?  Already his rational mind was kicking in.  Call an ambulance?  And tell them what?  He woke up like this?  They’d just think he was crazy.  He hadn’t been to a doctor since moving to the city, so he didn’t have any medical records anywhere.  Even if he showed ID, they’d probably just lock him up and assume he stole it.  He paced around the house, his mind racing.  If he could just remember who was here he could…he froze.  There was a note on his kitchen counter.  

“Sorry to have to hit you with the drugs, but I can’t have you remembering me.  Piece of advice, keep some on hand in case you get into a sticky situation.  Yes, this is real.  No, you’re not changing back.  One change per person.  Big little, big little.  It’s not as terrible as it seems once you get used to it.  Good luck.”  


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