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Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 5

  • Men around campus start shrinking, losing inches in height. 6
  • Men near each other swap body types, their bodies changing to match the man next to them. 14
  • People remain unchanged physically, but men all over campus start acting increasingly femme. 4
  • Older men around campus start growing younger, their brains regressing to match. 13
  • 2018-06-10
  • —2018-06-13
  • 37 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 5', 'choices': [{'text': 'Men around campus start shrinking, losing inches in height. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Men near each other swap body types, their bodies changing to match the man next to them.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'People remain unchanged physically, but men all over campus start acting increasingly femme. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Older men around campus start growing younger, their brains regressing to match. ', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 13, 19, 9, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 10, 19, 10, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 37}


Carter watched his powerful muscles flex and strain uselessly against the invisible bonds that held him in place.  He’d run out of arcane tricks to try and break free, which only left the old fashioned method.  Oliver stood off to the side, shaking his head slowly with a look of disappointment on his face.  

“Carter, please, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep that up.”  The lean man’s tone was gentle and condescending.  “Or maybe you like to watch yourself strain?  You always were a bit caught up in your looks.”  

Carter’s face was turning increasingly red, the veins on his neck and forehead popping out beneath the growing layer of sweat.  For all his impressive, brawny muscle, the frozen man couldn’t so much as twitch a finger.  The irony wasn’t lost on him.  His mind flashed back to the countless times he’d had men bound in similar fashion before him.  

“That’s been your problem this whole time,” Oliver continued.  “Try as I might to expand your vision, you’ve always been focused on the physical.  Wealth, sex, power…so small and meaningless in the face of infinite knowledge.  It’s even more disappointing knowing that you’ve seen what’s out there and still chase after such pointless diversions.  Ah well,” Oliver shrugged with a slight sigh, “you’re far from the first to fail in such a fashion.  Still, you can serve a purpose.”  

Oliver stepped forward and placed a slender hand on Carter’s hairy chest.  The bound man stopped struggling and instead focused on his reflection, trying to burn the image of his ruggedly handsome looks into his brain.  He knew what was coming.  There was a sensation of pressure building all over his body, as if the unseen hands that held him in place started squeezing.  Then there was pain.  

Carter’s vision blurred and he let out a wordless hiss of agony as his body started changing.  The manicured layer of hair that coated Carter’s shapely torso exploded into a dense forest, spreading up his chest and over his shoulders before flowing downwards across his back.  The silky carpet was becoming so dense that it obscured the flesh underneath, but not before Carter saw the changes taking place.  His firm, defined abs vanished when his stomach started pushing outwards.  The flat surface gave way to a growing roundness, giving him an almost pregnant look until his shoulders started expanding to match.  The already-broad spheres of muscle rippled, sending a growing wave of flesh towards his neck and down his arms.  

Carter watched his sculpted appendages become thick and round while his neck was obscured to the point where it looked like his head sat directly on his torso.  The hairy pistons that had replaced his arms stretched under the extra weight, growing longer as well as thicker.  While Carter watched his hands drop closer to the floor, the mounds of muscle at his chest started pushing outwards, plumping up and rounding to match the beach ball of furry muscle they sat upon.  

Like his arms that stretched towards the floor, the extra weight on his torso seemed to be more than his lower half could handle.  Carter’s perspective suddenly shifted as his powerful legs gradually shortened.  The meaty quads pushed together and his calves became jagged, rocky lumps of muscle.  His legs were losing inches in length but none of their mass.  Carter felt his perky backside push ever outwards while his heavy package started changing to match the rest of him.  His hairy balls inflated, puffing and growing to massive proportions beneath a cock that stretched farther and farther down his squished thighs.  Now the size of small oranges, his balls fell, hanging low and heavy along with his unwieldy member.  

Carter’s handsome features were the last to go.  The warped man knew Oliver had intentionally saved those for the end, giving him the opportunity to see his attractive face on his mutated form.  It was only a brief vision before Carter’s forehead expanded, sloping his brow dramatically and pushing his hairline back.  His prominent nose flattened and his thick, full lips thinned above a jaw that became exaggeratedly square, leaving his head with an oddly rectangular shape.  

And then it was done.  Carter groaned and staggered forward, his dangling package swaying wildly when the invisible bonds released without warning.  He squirmed against his altered flesh as he felt himself rub together in strange new ways.  The dashing professor was no more.  In his place stood a creature that looked like someone had sculpted a mix between a powerlifter and a gorilla and then pressed down on top of the clay before it set.  He was still solid with muscle, but his tapering, sculpted torso was now lumpy and round.  He looked too long in some places and too short in others.  His handsome face was misshapen and primitive, and a curly forest had sprouted over nearly all of his twisted flesh.  

“What...do…” Carter was further horrified at what he heard.  Instead of his deep, bassy rumble, his voice was squeaky and hoarse.  “Look...wrong…” he said, his large brow furrowing.  The thoughts were coming as normal in his head, but something was preventing him from getting them out.  He stared up in frustration at Oliver, who he now looked in the chin instead of the eye due to the inches stolen from his legs.  “No….leave….this…” Carter grunted, scratching at his furry chest with a too-long arm.  

“I think I will leave you like that, actually,” Oliver laughed.  “I personally don’t see much difference.”  

Carter hadn’t realized his scratching had turned to absently rubbing his chest until he felt his lengthened cock start to twitch.  Instead of standing proudly before him, the shrunken man’s altered rod jerked to its full eleven inches, jutting to his left and hooking upwards at the end.  He reached for it instinctively, feeling a fresh wave of humiliation when he discovered he couldn’t stop tugging on it, letting out quick little grunts whenever his fist reached the upwards curl at the head.  Carter was trying to ignore the mental image of himself jerking off in front of Oliver in his apelike new body.  Unlike Randall he was still entirely aware of who he was and what had happened, he just couldn’t get his thoughts to gel.  Despite his absolute horror, he told himself not to panic.  Though he was trapped in a twisted body, he could still come up with a plan.  

Oliver watched the brutish man grunt and pump away, smiling at the look of determination in Carter’s eyes.  “You just might find a way out of that,” he said, knowing what the other man was thinking.  “You’ve certainly surprised me before.”  

“Won’t...stay...this…” Carter tried to sound forceful, but it was mitigated by his desperate stroking.  

“We’ll see.  For now, we’ve got your mess to clean up.”  


Grady stared at himself in the mirror, trying to find the source of his growing anxiety.  He’d felt so good about his new look, but over the past several days that was starting to change.  Now, staring at his plump, collagen lips, inflated backside, and risque tattoos, the sultry young man wasn’t so sure.  The sight of his jiggling cheeks hanging out from the back of his small daisy dukes felt wrong.  And while he remembered getting the many tattoos that covered his shirtless torso, he couldn’t remember why.  Looking at the sleeve of old school, naked sailors lining his arm, Grady wasn’t nearly as confident in them as he had been.  

He felt the same about his roommates.  Should they look like that?  Landon was now thin and as short as he was, with a monstrous cock he wouldn’t stop touching.  Why did Grady think of him as tall and muscular?  His friend kept saying they were all wrong, that something had been done to them, but he couldn’t say what.  Grady ignored him at first, but Landon was chipping away at his resolve.  And where was Liam?  Why was Mark walking around in panties, and why was his dick so small?  The blonde muscle man hadn’t said anything, but Grady could see the same growing spark of confusion in his friend’s eyes.  

The only one who seemed unbothered was Ethan.  Just thinking about the other man’s endless pecs and perfect ass made Grady groan.  Should that happen?  Grady was starting to question his constant hunger to have another man inside him, except when it came to Ethan.  The other man had always been a pretty boy, but now it was like he was something else entirely.  He was desire made flesh, a walking fantasy that needed to be seen.  Last week, the thought of Ethan’s new job as a dancer seemed perfectly normal, but now, picturing his friend gyrating and stripping naked in front of people seemed as odd as the changes to the sandy-haired man’s body.  Grady had tried to bring it up after one of their numerous fuck sessions, but looking in Ethan’s eyes, he had the strange thought that he didn’t see any trace of his friend.  They may have had a version of Ethan’s body, but the man in bed next to him suddenly felt like someone else entirely.  

Grady didn’t know what that meant or what to do about any of this.  His body was still acting on the impulses that now felt so odd, and there was still a foggy haze over his brain.  In his more lucid moments he felt like two people trying to fight over one body.  He’d think about Ethan and become scared, knowing without having the words that his friend had fought a similar battle and lost.  Then he’d start thinking about Ethan’s thick, rigid cock and how good it felt inside him.  Thinking about anything else after that was a challenge.  

His nightmares weren’t helping, either.  Grady kept dreaming about a huge monster in front of their house.  It looked familiar, though he couldn’t remember where he’d seen it before.  The insect creature would scream over and over again, each time causing the people on the sidewalk to change in horrifying ways.  Eventually it would scream and the sky would crack, letting in a swarm of smaller creatures that devoured everything in their path like a plague of locusts.  

It was a sound that had followed Grady into the waking world over recent days.  He’d heard the scream twice, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that the buff strangers walking around campus and the odd behavior he was seeing in other guys were all somehow related.  He’d tried to ask Randy, their new friend that had just shown up one day, but the sculpted blonde only shrugged.  Grady always had the impression that the handsome stud wanted to say more than he did, but they usually ended up going at each other before they had much of a chance to talk.  

“No...not again….” Grady whimpered, feeling a familiar tingle in the air.  He’d noticed it the other day, right before hearing the second scream, a static energy that made the hair on his toned arms stand on end.  Though awake, he had visions of a vast, starry expanse and a massive being writhing and shifting below him as he floated in the void.  He covered his ears and closed his eyes just as a shrill sound cut through the house.   


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