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Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 4

  • Carter is trapped in a sculpted, foggy-brained body like Randy, but with a tiny, shrunken package.. 3
  • Oliver uses the warp in reality to force Carter to walk around exposed and willing while everyone acts as though it's normal. 5
  • Carter is warped into a hairy, disproportionate brute. 13
  • Carter is regressed to the age of his students and forced to feel the effects of what's happening like the rest of them. 9
  • Carter's muscles are stripped away, leaving him a lithe little twink. 5
  • 2018-06-03
  • —2018-06-06
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 4', 'choices': [{'text': 'Carter is trapped in a sculpted, foggy-brained body like Randy, but with a tiny, shrunken package.. ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Oliver uses the warp in reality to force Carter to walk around exposed and willing while everyone acts as though it's normal.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Carter is warped into a hairy, disproportionate brute. ', 'votes': 13}, {'text': "Carter is regressed to the age of his students and forced to feel the effects of what's happening like the rest of them.", 'votes': 9}, {'text': "Carter's muscles are stripped away, leaving him a lithe little twink. ", 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 6, 21, 41, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 3, 21, 42, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 35}


Kainen hurried down the hall, his hands fumbling with his keys amidst the plethora of grocery bags.  The small jogging shorts he had on didn’t have any pockets, which made running errands difficult.  If it had been up to him he would have stuck to his usual cargo shorts instead of the thin, revealing garment that left nothing to the imagination.  The built-in underwear couldn’t contain his hefty equipment and thrust it uncomfortably forward.  

He also would have preferred to wear one of his usual t-shirts instead of the cut off tank-top that left the bottom half of his firm stomach and all of his stuffed shorts exposed, but it wasn’t up to him anymore.  It was up to Jimmy.  His skinny roommate called the shots now whether he liked it or not, and if Jimmy wanted his beefy body on display, then that’s what Kainen would do.  He was embarrassed by the large bulge his meaty package caused, and by the way his round, solid cheeks practically hung out from the bottom of the shorts, but he knew that was the point.  Despite the ample muscles on his blonde, stocky frame, he wasn’t the big guy in the apartment anymore, and Jimmy was driving that point home.  

Kainen still wasn’t sure what was even happening.  All over campus men seemed to be changing.  On his nightly runs he passed gorgeous, glistening adonises that made him hard on the spot, an odd reaction for a straight guy to have.  Even more odd was the fact that no one seemed to care about his thick, rigid tool tenting out his shorts, or that he was but one of many having a similar reaction.  It was the same in class.  His psych professor, an average, dumpy looking thirty-something, suddenly showed up one morning looking ten years younger and sculpted from granite.  It was impossible, he knew that, but he could neither deny what his eyes were telling him nor what his body desperately wanted.  Kainen left each class ready to blow and had caught some of the guys around him actively jerking off while they all oggled the somehow beautiful man at the front of the room.  

And then there was what happened to Jimmy.  Kainen had come home from class a few days ago to find his skinny roommate standing naked in the middle of their apartment sporting a rigid cock the size of his forearm.  Having been friends since childhood, Kainen was well aware of how Jimmy’s body should have looked.  Despite having the more handsome face of the two, Jimmy was the thinner one, with a tight, defined body as opposed to Kainen’s solid bulk.  His lean friend also should have been the smaller of them between the legs.  Kainen’s thick beast pushed eight inches, dwarfing Jimmy’s thin five, but his friend had somehow nearly tripled in length and width.  

Jimmy just stood there in a daze and when Kainen approached, the rigid monster sprayed without warning.  Torrents of sticky fluid splattered all over his arms, neck and chin as he tried to cover himself.  The sudden release seemed to bring his shocked friend to his senses, but while Jimmy began frantically recounting what happened, Kainen felt a strange rush hit his veins.  The warm liquid was absorbed, seeping into his skin and leaving the burly blonde in a haze.  Each of Kainen’s plentiful muscles was relaxed, but at the same time he felt alert and energized.  He was floating on a sea of endorphins like he’d never felt before.  

The next thing Kainen knew, he was pumping away on his stunned friend’s massive pole while fumbling out of his clothes.  It was instinctual.  He needed more of the glorious liquid on his skin.  He tore his shirt free and pushed his pants and boxers down as he dropped to his knees.  His own solid cock bobbed achingly untouched while he worked his friend, but the rush he got from Jimmy’s salty spray made an orgasm seem weak by comparison.  He rubbed the gushing fluid all over his burly pecs and down his flat, muscled stomach.  He smeared it along his wide, hairy thighs and around the mounds of his flexing rear.  He gasped almost in pain as he finally lubed his throbbing cock with it, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure he felt as it was sucked into the thick organ.  

Jimmy had resisted at first but quickly gave in, letting Kainen use his spurting nozzle as a shower.  When Jimmy had released what seemed like gallons of liquid his enlarged monster finally softened and stopped spraying on its own.  Kainen held his panicked friend in his powerful arms, feeling giddy and intoxicated as they lay naked on the floor.  Jimmy was as straight as he was, but his friend seemed in no hurry to disconnect their bare flesh.  His long, thin fingers danced through the sparse hairs on Kainen’s bulging chest and down to the blonde man’s pulsing cock.  There was a strange look in Jimmy’s eyes as he watched Kainen’s huge rod finally erupt, spurting out a seemingly meager spray that sat on his friend’s skin as opposed to sinking in.  

Since then, they went at it constantly.  Kainen needed Jimmy’s cum like a junky needed their fix.  At first his skinny friend had been happy to give it to him.  Jimmy needed the release as badly as Kainen wanted it, and half the time his unwieldy appendage would spray on its own anyway.  Gradually, though, Jimmy was imposing conditions.  His hulking cock was no longer a free, open tap, but a commodity.  If Kainen wanted it, he’d have to earn it.  

At first, the eager blonde thought he was just helping his friend out.  Even soft, Jimmy had a hard time fitting his girthy hose in his skinny jeans.  It was outlined like a third arm snaking down his leg and was unpredictably sensitive.  The rubbing caused by shifting underneath the fabric sometimes only caused it to surge to life, but others it sprayed wildly.  As such, Kainen had taken to running the errands.  Anything that required leaving the apartment was left to him.  He’d offered to buy Jimmy some new clothes, but surprisingly his roommate had declined, instead suggesting that Kainen be the one to update his wardrobe.  Without fully knowing why, Kainen agreed.  

That was the new trend.  Whatever Jimmy wanted, no matter how embarrassing, Kainen eagerly provided.  Shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry; he did it all.  And if Jimmy wanted him to do it in a leopard print thong that left most of his heavy balls and twitching cock exposed, that’s what he’d wear.  If Jimmy wanted him to flex and strut and dance for him, he’d do it.  His smaller friend seemed to be relishing their new size difference, and the control he had over him.  Jimmy wasn’t being cruel exactly, but he was definitely taking advantage of the fact that Kainen was hooked on something only he could provide.  

“Hey man,” Kainen said as he stumbled in the door.  Jimmy was just coming out of his room, his dangling new hose hanging out through the fly of his worn boxers.  “I got everything on the list.”  

“Good job,” Jimmy said, his bearded cheeks dimpling when he smiled approvingly at his friend’s appearance.  “Aren’t you forgetting something,” he asked when Kainen began putting the groceries away.  

“Oh!  Sorry,” Kainen blushed, looking bashful as he hurried over to his friend.  He leaned in for a long, deep kiss that made his stomach flutter.  Though he regularly slathered himself in his friend’s cum, something about the simple act of kissing still made him nervous.  There was an intimacy to their tongues touching that their dicks touching lacked.  That was purely physical, an extension of the macho horsing around they used to do.  Kissing was something else.  

As soon as their lips parted, Kainen immediately stripped out of his skimpy outfit.  His cock was hard and aching before him as he flitted around the apartment putting the groceries away, but he knew better than to touch it unless Jimmy told him to.  Those were the rules.  He was to be naked unless told otherwise, and the only person that should touch his little cock was his friend.

“Much better,” Jimmy said approvingly.  He crossed his toned arms across his small pecs and watched the way his friend’s burly, naked body flexed while it moved.

“Did I do good,” Kainen finally asked when everything had been put away.  His eyes were fixed on the semi-hard obscenity sticking out of his friend’s boxers.      

“Could have been a little quicker...and you did forget about the rules when you got back.”  

Kainen’s heart dropped at Jimmy’s stern tone.  “I’m sorry!  It won’t happen again, I promise!”  

“It’s okay,” Jimmy said gently, patting Kainen’s wide back.  He gave a short laugh and shook his head.  “When we started rooming together a couple years ago I never thought we’d end up like this.”  

Kainen shrugged.  “At least we’re not in a tiny dorm anymore.  I think you saw me naked more back then than you do now.”

“How many girls did you use to bring home each week?  All those times I had to pretend to be asleep while you were getting laid on the other side of the room…”  Jimmy reached down and gently tugged on Kainen’s rigid cock, the thick organ filling his hand.  “All the time with girls saying ‘oh it’s so big’ and ‘oh Kainen you’re huge!’” Jimmy mocked.  Kainen heard what his friend was saying, but his attention was more focused on the twitching he saw from the exposed monster.  “Doesn’t seem so big now, does it?”  

“No,” Kainen said quickly, knowing the question wasn’t rhetorical.  His friend liked him to talk about how small his dick was whenever he had the chance.  He squirmed while Jimmy looked him up and down, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.  

“It just occurred to me that the little guy hasn’t seen much action lately.  Wouldn’t want him to get rusty.”  Jimmy gave another tug, this time pulling Kainen along behind him to the blonde man’s bedroom.  He motioned towards the bed and had the beefy man lay down on his stomach.  “I never did peek back then, you know?  All those times I was awake and trying not to listen, I never looked.  I’m curious, though.  You always used to brag...let me see your technique.”  

Kainen’s face went beet red even as he lifted himself up with his steely arms under his friend’s penetrating gaze.  He slowly started rolling his hips, grinding his oozing cock gently against the sheets.  He thought back to all the times there was a soft, feminine form below him and blushed even harder when he realized he didn’t miss it.  He started pumping faster, jamming his cock deeper into the imaginary body while his round cheeks flexed and bounced with the force of the movement.  The bed shook from his humping onslaught, and just as Kainen thought he couldn’t be more humiliated he turned and saw Jimmy holding his phone, filming the display. 

The sight of his friend’s enormous cock at full mast kept him going.  He sped up and slowed down, alternating between jack rabbit stabbing and gradual thrusts, watching Jimmy start to stroke himself out of the corner of his eye.  Kainen’s deep voice came out in a desperate whimper, not from his own actions, though he was close to blowing himself, but from what was about to come.  He worked himself into a frenzy, pumping so hard that the mattress was shaking off the frame until Jimmy’s looming cock blossomed.  Kainen groaned as the warm, blissful rain landed on his exposed back.  It trickled between his shoulder blades and slid down into the valley of his ass, coating his thighs and calves.  There was only a moment’s pause before the tingling set in and the fluid was absorbed, sending him drifting off on waves of pleasure.  

Kainen heard his friend say something about uploading the video, but in that moment he didn’t care.  He’d hump the bed in public if he had to.  He’d do whatever Jimmy told him, as long as the same reward awaited him at the end.  


“That’s always been your problem.  You’re too impulsive.”  

Carter glowered at the impeccably dressed man examining one of the many glass cases in his library.  “I didn’t call you for a lecture, Oliver.”  

“No, you called me for help,” the man said dismissively, his attention focused on the case in front of him.  “This is an impressive piece.”  

Oliver’s arms hadn’t moved, yet when he turned around to face Carter he held the large bone dagger that had previously resided inside the case.  Instead of being surprised, Carter took the hint.  Not only had Oliver seemingly taken the item without actually moving, he’d also managed to do so without setting off the many layers of arcane defenses placed around the cases.  Arrogant as he was, Carter was fully aware that Oliver had him outclassed.  Though his associate looked to be a fit young man in his early thirties, Oliver was far, far older.  Carter had initially met him over twenty years ago and the man hadn’t aged a day since.  In conversation with other members of their inner circle Carter had heard rumors that the man’s true age could be measured in centuries, and though he currently went by “Oliver Walden” his true name was a closely guarded secret.  

“No need to show off.” Carter watched Oliver turn the dagger over in his hands.  The handle had been intricately carved in the shape of a great, insectoid being.  It was similar in style to the statue but more refined, created at a much later date though the bone itself belonged to a creature that hadn’t walked the earth’s surface in millenia.  “We need to talk about closing the tear.”

“Closing?” The dagger blurred and vanished before reappearing in the case.  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”  Oliver’s ice blue eyes seemed to glow as the bright sunlight streaming in through the large windows dimmed, his raven hair merging with the growing shadows around him.  “You should have alerted one of us as soon as you lost the statue.  Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”  

“I had the matter under contro…”

“Clearly you didn’t!”  Oliver’s velvet tenor never rose, but his voice still hit Carter like a physical force.  “I took a walk around campus before coming here.  The whole place is radiating like Chernobyl with that frat house at the center.  Anyone with even a hint of sensitivity can sense it from miles away.  We all felt the tear happen.  I was on the other side of the planet and it put me on the ground.  You can be assured that others are coming...it’s only a matter of time.”  

“I don’t understand...it shouldn’t have happened…” Carter stammered, unaccustomed to feeling intimidated in someone else’s presence.  Physically, his burly frame was larger than Oliver’s thin build, but there was no question as to who was actually stronger.  “The statue should be indestructible.”  

Oliver sighed and shook his head, rubbing his pointed chin with a free hand.  “How is it that you’ve come so far, yet know so little?  It didn’t break, you fool.  It completed the ritual on its own.  You said one of the young men from the house threw it?  They’re his acolytes! They bear his touch!” Oliver’s voice finally rose and the room around them went dark as midnight.  “You know the statue’s true purpose and you still tried to deny it.” 

“No!  I was just trying to learn how to…” Carter’s voice dried up in his throat with a wave of Oliver’s hand.  

“You hid it from us.  You were so concerned with your own petty quest for power that you lost sight of our objective.  These relics,” Oliver said, motioning to the room around them, “are one thing.  Use them however you see fit for whatever shortsighted goals you have in mind.  But the statue?  You were going to use it for what?  Money?  Pleasures of the flesh?”  

“I would have...told everyone…” Carter hissed, struggling to force the air up through his beefy chest from his lungs as an invisible vice held him in its grip.  

Oliver laughed.  “When?  Once you’d had your fill?  We both know that day never would have come.”  His sharp features dropped, a look of genuine sadness replacing his anger.  “I thought you were better than that.  You showed such promise.  Like all the rest, once you had the key you faltered.  Just because it can, it’s not a toy to reshape the world in your image.  It’s a key to open the door.  We serve them!  We open the way for them!  Even now, when the stars are right, they need us to open the door.  You had the key in your grasp and you lost it because of your greed!  You should have called us.  We should have performed the rite and ascended.  But you tried to keep the power for yourself and an unwitting pawn managed to at least partially succeed where you utterly failed.”  

Carter couldn’t respond.  The invisible bonds were squeezing him so tight it was all he could do to remain conscious.  

“Now I have to see if I can force the fissure open.  Since the young man gracious enough to assist us didn’t actually know what he was doing we only have a sliver of an opening, not a gateway.  Thanks to your incompetence we’re forced to sit and watch their power come through in random spurts instead of a glorious tidal wave of chaos.”  

Carter was desperately trying every trick he knew to break Oliver’s hold.  He’d always wondered what would happen if it came down to a fight between the two of them, and he was quickly learning that his impressive occult knowledge was no more useful than spitting into a forest fire.  Carter could control minds and shape flesh and slow the hands of time to a degree, but Oliver was on another level entirely.  Watching his dapper form blur and his shadow twist on the ground, Carter wasn’t even sure the other man was still human.  And now it was too late.  

Oliver casually waved a hand, Carter’s clothing disintegrating in the process.  Without warning the fabric turned to ash and fell away, leaving his burly, hairy body naked and frozen.  “You need to be punished, Carter.”  


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