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Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 3

  • Unaltered men across campus become addicted to the enlarged men's cum, turning to each other when their supply runs out. 6
  • Once absorbed, the men become dependent on a steady supply or they start to lose weight and muscle. 5
  • As more is absorbed, the addicted men start to lose their willpower, becoming submissive and eager to be controlled. 17
  • Once absorbed into the skin, men can't get off on their own without a soaking from one of the enlarged cocks. 7
  • 2018-05-27
  • —2018-05-30
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nightmares, ch. 3', 'choices': [{'text': "Unaltered men across campus become addicted to the enlarged men's cum, turning to each other when their supply runs out. ", 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Once absorbed, the men become dependent on a steady supply or they start to lose weight and muscle. ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'As more is absorbed, the addicted men start to lose their willpower, becoming submissive and eager to be controlled. ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': "Once absorbed into the skin, men can't get off on their own without a soaking from one of the enlarged cocks. ", 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 30, 23, 43, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 27, 23, 44, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 35}


Owen was trapped behind his desk.  The panicking young grad assistant had been feeling off all afternoon, a sensation that only got worse as the day went on.  It was almost hard to believe that the day had started off normal enough.  Owen had gone through his first few classes without issue, but partway through the last there’d been another mysterious screeching noise like the one a few days prior.  Since then, he’d felt dizzy and feverish.  He’d barely managed to stumble to his desk in the back of the large, open bullpen before it felt like his legs would have given out on him.  

The weariness was fortunately quick in passing, but it left Owen feeling shaky and oddly uncomfortable in its wake.  He first noticed his constant shifting.  The blonde young man couldn’t get comfortable in his chair.  His fitted slacks felt tighter than they should, and his normally comfortable boxer briefs kept binding and bunching.  When he unexpectedly came for the first time, he hadn’t even realized he’d been hard.  

He’d been trying to focus on the tests he needed to grade when a familiar, though unanticipated, shudder ran through him.  His eyes went wide and he let out a quick grunt as a series of warm, wet spurts spread down his leg.  Owen’s lean, pale face went purple with embarrassment when he looked down at the growing wet spot.  Staring at the rigid pole outlined in his pants, the uncomfortable tightness suddenly made sense.  

What didn’t make sense was why it happened in the first place, or why he didn’t feel it coming.  Owen hadn’t felt anything out of the ordinary.  He didn’t even know he was hard.  One second he was sitting at his desk like always, the next he was cumming uncontrollably in his pants.  Alarmingly, the release didn’t appear to have any effect on his suddenly eager cock.  The thick six inches stayed hard and throbbing even after the last globs of fluid had leaked out.  

Owen didn’t know what to do.  There were only a few other people in the office, but the wetness had spread more than he could easily cover.  He figured his best bet was to wait for them to leave and then try and make a break for it.  It wasn’t a bad plan, but his body had other ideas. 

The minutes passed like hours while Owen frantically tried to figure out what was going on.  His aching cock hadn’t softened in the slightest.  If anything, it felt like his pants were only growing tighter than ever.  The athletic young man cursed himself for buying the tight slacks.  He ordinarily liked the way they showed off his toned legs and perky bottom, but at the moment they left nothing to the imagination.  His solid poker stood out like a neon sign under the thin fabric, outlined in all its glory for everyone to see.  It was while he was thinking about his impending humiliation that he came for the second time.  Like the first, there had been no warning, just a sudden spraying from his untouched member.  

Owen cringed as he felt the second bout of fluid, seemingly more than the first, spread warmly across his lap.  The horror that he’d felt grew when he looked down to survey the damage.  His cock was still rigid, but was significantly larger than the six inches it should have been.  The surprised young man stifled a gasp and stared at the large, unfamiliar organ snaking along his leg.  It had to have been at least eight inches and was noticeably thicker.  

He started to panic, weighing his humiliation against his desire to run for help.  There was only one person left in the office then, but the thought of them seeing him run, soaking and hard, out of the office was too much.  Despite his fit build and good looks, Owen was modest at his core.  Changing in a locker room or going bare chested at the pool was one thing, walking around in wet, tented pants was another.  

Still, he needed help.  Without any other good options, Owen had bit the bullet and sent a text to his friend Chris.  They’d known each other since high school and he could at least count on his friend to bring him a change of clothes.  The exchange was awkward and confused, but after a few minutes the other man agreed.  It was good time, since he came for a third time as soon as he put the phone down. 

This time the spraying had been accompanied by a sharp stab of pain that took Owen’s breath away.  It felt like he’d been punched in the crotch.  To his growing horror, his cock continued expanding.  It looked to be pushing ten inches and had grown so thick it threatened to tear out of his pant leg.  Though it wasn’t comfortable in its own right, Owen learned that the majority of the pain was coming from his equally inflating balls.  He’d been so focused on his wet pants that he hadn’t noticed until the hairy orbs had grown beyond capacity.  The thought was absolutely mortifying, but Owen didn’t have a choice other than to pull them free.  

Fortunately his last coworker had just left, though the open door meant he still had to be careful.  He did his best to subtly pull himself free, going pale when he finally saw his growing monster.  His former endowment had matched his athletic, 5’10” frame perfectly.  It had a nice hang to it that he’d always been proud of, and he knew how to use every inch in the bedroom.  Now, somehow, he fished free a bulbous club.  The rigid beast pressed against the top underside of his desk and the heavy sacks he pulled out felt impossibly large.  

Owen didn’t know which was worse, his fear over what was happening, or the fear that someone would find him so exposed.  Every time a person passed by in the hallway he pictured them walking in and discovering him.  He’d be branded a pervert and kicked out, tanking the effort he’d put into his degree.  The nightmare scenarios played over and over in his head for what felt like an eternity.  He was trapped at his desk, helpless until his friend arrived.  

After what felt like an eternity, a bearded face finally poked through the door.  “Hey man,” Chris said, looking around the empty office before striding in.  “I brought your...whoa...you okay?  You look like shit.”  

Owen’s voice shook and he forced an awkward smile at the sight of his friend.  “I...uh...can you shut and lock the door?  Everyone’s gone for the day, but just in case.”  He watched the other man do as instructed and tried to steel himself for the inevitable reveal.  

“Shit...I was ready to make fun of you for spilling something on yourself but this seems serious,” Chris said, weaving through the empty desks to the back of the room.   

Owen took a deep breath.  “Okay...this is going to be super weird and I’m really freaked out but I didn’t know what else to do.”  His face going crimson, he pushed his chair back and stood, wincing at how heavy his lengthened cock felt.  

Chris’s eyes went wide with shock and he took a step backwards.  “FUCK!  What the fuck?!  You too?!”  

“I don’t know what’s happening!  It just...wait...what do you mean ‘you too’?” The wind was sucked out of Owen’s sails at his friend’s unexpected declaration.  The last thing he thought Chris would say is that this was happening to someone else.  

Chris reached up to adjust his backwards baseball cap, his toned arms inflating in the process.  “I was at the gym,” he said, motioning to the baggy muscle shirt that left his hairy pecs hanging on display. It was still damp with perspiration and his mesh shorts and tennis shoes made it clear he’d just been working out.  “It’s been weird there the past couple days, you know?  You’ve seen it.  Dudes are acting weird all over campus.  I’ve seen guys hard in their shorts pretty regularly on the floor, but today the dude next to me just blasted out of nowhere.  He was lifting, and yeah, he was tenting pretty good, when all of a sudden he just starts cumming.  Hard, too.  Like, sprayed through his shorts…” Chris trailed off bashfully, blushing slightly.  “I thought I was just seeing things...I don’t…” the bearded young man struggled for the words.  “Okay...looking at dudes’ dicks isn’t something I normally do, but under the circumstances I was staring.  And I swear to god, dude, I watched it get bigger.”  

Owen was stunned.  He knew what Chris was talking about, at least in part.  Over the last few days there had been a bunch of unfamiliar faces at the gym and popping up all over campus.  Guys who were insanely built started showing up out of nowhere, and everyone was acting funny.  As much as Owen hated to admit it, he’d been one of them.  Just yesterday he’d been showering at the gym before class when one of those strangely muscled men took up the spot next to him.  Owen normally checked the other guys out, they all did, discreetly, but this was different.  The man was expecting him to stare, and he did.  Owen couldn’t take his eyes off him.  For the first time in his life, the sight of another man’s naked body had him achingly hard.  

Modest or not, Owen still knew he looked good.  He worked hard at staying fit and had the sculpted pecs, flat stomach, and burly arms to prove it.  His legs were strong but not bulky, and he was proud of his firm little bubble.  He had no problem getting laid, and he’d put his symmetrical features up against another guy’s without hesitation in a contest.  But the muscled adonis next to him made him feel small and weak.  He’d wanted to do things he’d never even imagined.  He’d wanted the man to do things to him he’d never even imagined.  And then the man was gone, leaving Owen hard and alone in the showers.  He’d been hearing similar stories all over campus, but nothing like what he was experiencing at the moment.  

“So...so what happened to him,” Owen stammered.  

Chris shrugged his round shoulders.  “No clue.  I got your text right after and dropped what I was doing to come here.”  He stepped forward again, cocking his head as he stared down at his friend’s altered member.  “I know I never saw it up close and personal before, but that’s way bigger, right?”  

Owen blushed under his friend’s gaze but couldn’t do anything to cover himself.  He’d crested the twelve inch point and had grown so thick he couldn’t even close his hand around himself anymore.  “Yeah...way, way bigger,” he sighed.  “What the fuck am I even supposed to do with this thing?!”  

Chris’s hands were fidgeting at his sides.  “Does it hurt?”  

“No...now that it’s not crammed in my pants, anyway.”  Owen rubbed his face with his hands, the shock leaving him in a daze.  His eyes momentarily covered, he didn’t see Chris reaching for him.  

“It’s just...fuck this thing is huge…” Chris laughed, reaching down and prodding his friend’s massive tool with a few strong fingers.  

“DDUUUNNnn….dude!”  The blonde man groaned, a jolt shooting through him on contact.  He didn’t like the glassy look that had washed over Chris’s eyes.  “What’re you doing?!” 

“I don’t know...I...it’s right there…and...” Chris babbled, his fingers turning into a fist that closed around as much of the thick pole as it could.  “Feels pretty good,” the hairy man muttered to himself, his other hand reaching down to knead Owen’s orange-sized balls.  

“Chris...come on man...don’t…” Owen panted, his every muscle seizing as Chris’s rough palms explored his inflated package.  

“Never...never seen one so big…” Chris continued to mutter in zombie-like fashion.  Owen could see his friend’s still-average sized cock tenting out his gym shorts as he tugged.  He had no idea what was happening.  Chris was as straight as he was, and this was clearly more than the other man being curious.  “Can’t even get my fist around it...fuckin’ huge…” 

This time, Owen felt it coming.  After only a few tugs, a familiar pressure built at the base of his spine.  He tried to warn his friend, but when he opened his mouth all that came out was a high pitched, croaking whimper.  His enlarged rod sprayed like a fire hose, soaking Chris’s muscle shirt and spattering onto the front of his shorts.  

Oddly, his friend didn’t try to move out of the way.  As Owen sprayed, Chris quickly tore his shirt free to let the sticky torrent land directly on his skin.  The altered man watched in shock as the hairy jock spread the copious fluid all over his muscular torso, matting the fur that covered his bulging pecs and firm abs.  It was as if he was bathing.  Owen gasped, still frozen in place, as his friend milked out the last few drops and smeared it on with the rest.  

Owen stared at his sticky friend with a mix of desire and disgust.  The sight of Chris’s bare, sculpted torso turned him on to a confusing degree, but he couldn’t wrap his brain around his straight friend eagerly taking a cum bath. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was desperate for Chris to keep working his throbbing club.  He wanted to strip the other man down and see how much he dwarfed his friend’s endowment, knowing it would look minuscule by comparison.  He wanted to feel Chris’s ample hair prickling against his smooth skin as they writhed together.  

Before he could act on any of this, Owen watched a change come over the other man.  Like a sponge absorbing liquid, the sticky fluid suddenly soaked into Chris’s burly frame.  Even the curly hairs on his torso were no longer matted, leaving him looking as if he’d just stepped out of the shower.  

Chris blinked rapidly, shaking his head as his bearded cheeks were split by a large grin.  “Holy...holy shit!  Dude...I feel fucking fantastic!” he laughed drunkenly.  “What the fuck did you just do?!”  He poked at his chest and flexed his arms, still grinning from ear to ear.  

Owen slowly shook his head.  “I don’t...what are you talking about?”  

“I don’t know, man.  I feel like...I’m high?  But not all fuzzy headed and shit.  Like I just got the best night’s sleep, the best workout, and the best sex all at once.”  Chris stretched and rubbed his hairy abs like he’d just gotten out of bed before stepping forward and planting a rough kiss on Owen’s surprised lips.  The blonde man resisted on reflex at first but relaxed into it, loving how his friend’s trimmed beard felt against his face.  “Goddamn!” Chris laughed triumphantly when he pulled away.  Owen could still see a glassy look in the giddy jock’s hungry eyes as Chris gave his ass a quick swat.  “I don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but if whatever just came out of there can make me feel like this, I want more.”  

Owen was too stunned to respond.  Instead of panicking over his impossibly huge cock, or his own bizarre actions, Chris was giggling excitedly like he’d just discovered a new brand of energy drink.  Owen wanted to stuff himself away as best he could and run for help, but Chris was already stroking again.  


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