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Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 10

  • The wave makes random men around campus grow large, buff and eager. 17
  • The wave randomly increases some endowments while shrinking others, all the while making the afflicted insatiably horny. 5
  • The wave makes random men around campus lose muscle and become increasingly femme. 5
  • The wave randomly leaves men unchanged physically, but mentally they can't get enough of each other and don't know why. 5
  • The wave affects people randomly, causing disproportionate growth and shrinking. 12
  • 2018-05-01
  • —2018-05-12
  • 44 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 10', 'choices': [{'text': 'The wave makes random men around campus grow large, buff and eager.', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'The wave randomly increases some endowments while shrinking others, all the while making the afflicted insatiably horny. ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'The wave makes random men around campus lose muscle and become increasingly femme.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': "The wave randomly leaves men unchanged physically, but mentally they can't get enough of each other and don't know why.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'The wave affects people randomly, causing disproportionate growth and shrinking. ', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 12, 1, 32, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 1, 1, 32, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 44}


Randall hated the blissful sensations coursing through his muscular, oversized frame.  He currently had a wiry, tattooed young man bouncing on his lap and working his aching cock with an absolutely massive rear end.   The old Randall, the elderly professor, was both amazed and repulsed by the statue’s handiwork.  The young man’s disproportionate growth was far from natural, and his tattoos were clearly fresh.  He had one on each plump cheek and what looked like growing sleeves of various naked men traveling down each toned arm, starting at the shoulders.  “Heartbreakers” was written in cursive script on his lower back, just above his shelf of an ass, and it looked like his thick eyebrows were tattooed on as well above his full, pursed lips.  In the days that he’d been coming and going to the house, Randall had seen the scattered pictures of what all the men used to look like laying about, and the inked, seductive power bottom was a far cry from the smiling, shaggy haired man he should have been.  

Randall wished that he could make the young man stop.  He wished that he could at least want the young man to stop, but that was the last thing Randy would have liked.  The dull, muscular hunk that Randall was trapped inside of was all too happy to let Grady work his magic, and as far as he’d been able to see, the young man showed no signs of resistance.  None of them did, save for the increasingly short, increasingly hung Landon.  The former giant now stood at eye level with his blonde, micro-dicked bodybuilder friend, Mark.  Randall dreaded what he’d find upon arrival each day as he watched the ebony skinned hunk go from towering, to average, to short, and all the while his already sizeable package grew larger and larger.  The seemingly always hard organ was well over ten inches at this point and nearly as thick as a beer can, looking obscenely large on Landon’s dwindling frame.  

He never gave voice to his concerns, but Randall could see the fear in the young man’s eyes.  Unlike the others, the trapped older man could sense a spark of awareness still clinging on.  Landon’s blonde, panty-clad friend seemed all too happy about his current circumstance, as did the overly-developed Ethan.  From what he’d been able to gather, the young man he’d passed a few weeks ago had been the one to unknowingly start it all.  Randall cursed himself for ever letting the statue fall from his hands.  Looking at the handsome man’s too-big chest and too-big rear, both always exposed, he couldn’t help but feel responsible.  

In the days since his recent awakening he’d been trying in vain to wrest some measure of control from his new body, but so far all he could do was watch and helplessly share in all the joy his altered self experienced.  It was a sensation that Randall hadn’t been able to entirely wrap his brain around.  He constantly felt the humiliation that his limited new intellect brought, no small consideration for the former Ph.D., mingled with a constant, giddy lust.  Even in his younger days all those decades ago, Randall had never been anything close to the eager exhibitionist that Randy was.  Now, he was never happier than when he could prance around in as little as possible, much to Randall’s mortified sense of modesty.  

The worst was when Carter called him back home, though Randall didn’t think his former partner knew about his recent awakening.  He continued to go on at length about his plans while pumping Randall for information.  The older man wished he could hold back many of the details, and for the first time was glad of his current, goldfish-like memory.  But the worst was after the interrogation ended, and Randall found himself wrapped in Carter’s firm arms, loving how the other man’s rugged, hairy chest felt against his smooth skin.  He wanted to use his newly acquired bulk to break Carter in half, not whimper like a dog in heat while the other man filled him from behind.  

Just thinking about his handsome tormentor’s thick pole inside him was enough to push Randall over the edge.  He heard himself let out a loud moan before nearly bucking the lean young man off his lap.  

“Whoooaaaa,” Grady laughed as he was tossed about.  He was facing Randy and clung to the other man’s broad shoulders as he felt the torrent of fluid unleash against his insides.  He purred and squirmed, grinding his own cock against Randy’s washboard stomach while he worked the last of the juices out of his new friend’s iron rod.  He hadn’t cum yet, but he didn’t want to.  “Glad you started comin’ around, big guy,” he sighed as he stretched on Randy’s thick thighs, letting the other man soften inside him.  

“Me too!” Randy chirped, running his meaty hands down Grady’s tapering back to squeeze the squished cheeks.  The smaller man pulled himself off and hopped free, grinning at the amount of liquid that started running down his legs.  His still-solid cock stood aching and proud in front of him.  He wanted release, but he knew he needed to do the dishes, then the laundry, and then mop the floors.  When he was done, and only then, would one of the other guys let him get off.  

“I’ll see you around,” Grady winked before sauntering into the other room.  

Randall tried to pry his eyes from the shifting, hairy globes as the young man walked away, but all he could do was sit and stare and wish that he didn’t desperately still want Grady on his lap.  After a few moments he took a deep breath and got up to make his way upstairs.  Randall still blushed internally as he casually wandered naked through a strange house, something he’d hardly ever done in his own home before everything happened.  

He paused as he passed by one of the empty bedrooms.  He’d overheard the other guys talking about their absent friend Liam, and Randall suspected the worst.  No one had seen or heard from the burly man in over a week now.  Randall kept thinking back to Carter’s meeting with the detective, and the arcane time bomb he’d sent back to the police station.  For what felt like the thousandth time over the past few days, Randall cursed his helplessness.  If his suspicions about the police station were true, countless others could be in danger and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it.  

Lumbering out of Liam’s room, he paused again in front of Ethan’s open door to stare at the accursed statue that was causing all of this.  In his state of dual awareness, Randall could actually see the sickly green and black energies pouring off the ancient creature.  He didn’t even think of it as a statue anymore, but saw it for what it really was: a fragment of a living, terrible being of awesome power.  It wasn’t carved from stone, but from a scale that had dropped or a small fleck of its hide.  Like humans unaware of their shedding skin and creating dust, the eldritch abomination that was already wreaking so much havoc was nothing but a cast off.  Even in his unaltered state, Randall would have had a hard time wrapping his head around the sheer scope of the forces at work.  There was another surge of anger as he thought about Carter and his hubris, and the sheer arrogance it took to even attempt at meddling with such powers.  

Randall turned and walked away, grateful to no longer be staring at the squat, hideous object.  Ethan was out for a run and Mark was at the gym, so the house was relatively quiet.  The only person he hadn’t seen yet was Landon, but as he turned the corner, he literally ran into the other man, bowling him over.  

“Sorry!” Randy said with an exaggerated frown when he sent the naked Landon sprawling to the ground.  As the shaken man stood, the old professor felt his stomach drop. Instead of looking him in the eye as he knew the other man should, the top of Landon’s head just barely reached Randy’s sculpted pecs.  

The shrunken man shook his head with a dazed look.  “No, it’s cool,” Landon said, his hand reflexively dropping to the cock it could no longer wrap entirely around.  

Randall could still see that spark of recognition in the other man’s eyes as they stared at each other.  Reaching out to put a hand on Landon’s small shoulder, he almost felt like he could speak as himself.  “Are you o...okay…” he managed before trailing off, a shudder running through him.  There was a moment of quickly growing tension, the kind that lingered after a fuse had been lit, and then a sudden explosion as an invisible force threw them apart from each other.  They were like two similar poles of a magnet as they each slammed into an opposite wall.  

Randall was dazed from the impact.  Even his new body had a hard time shrugging off something like that.  It occurred to him as he tried to get his bearings that he hadn’t actually touched Landon before.  The smaller man liked to watch more than participate, so he and Randy had never made more than a brief, passing contact.  Looking over, he could see that the awareness in Landon’s eyes had grown from a spark to a raging fire.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...it’s real...it’s really real….” the altered man stammered as he looked down at himself in horror.  “It felt like a nightmare….but it’s…” he looked over at Randy, his shrunken chest heaving.  “You...you too.  It got you too.  Just like it got everyone else.  It did this to us!  It turned us into these freaks!”  

Randall staggered to his feet after Landon, trailing the now-small man down the hall to Ethan’s room. 

“You fucking monster!  Look what you did to us!” he raged at the silent idol.  “I had a life!  I had plans...I had...I had a body that wasn’t this horny little...creep!”  Landon’s shortened arms shot out and grabbed the idol.  It looked larger than it should in his tiny grasp as he ran down the hall to where a door led out to the house’s second-story porch.  

Landon didn’t stop to get dressed.  He ran naked outside onto the balcony and Randall saw him shot-put the cumbersome object over the edge.  The older Randall wanted to scream out a warning, but the new Randy could only watch, confused by Landon’s strange actions as the statue crashed onto the concrete below, shattering into a thousand pieces.  

There was a deafening shriek, like a jet plane flying low and fast over the ground, followed by a blinding flash of light and gust of wind.  Both men gagged at the foetid stench that washed over them like a cloud as they watched the broken fragments melt into the ground.  With his new sight, Randall could see a large, jagged tear hovering a few feet in the air.  It was the same sickly green and black color that he’d seen before, looking like an open wound in the fabric of reality itself.  Beyond, he could see countless, swirling stars and a large, looming shape.  He could hear Landon’s panting breath next to him once his ears stopped ringing, but before he could look over at the other man there was another flash and what felt like a pressure wave.  Their bodies tingled as it passed without seeming effect, but as Randall watched the glowing energies continue over the rest of campus, he knew things weren’t over.  They were just beginning.  

********** The original guys' stories will still continue in Campus Nightmares, but things at the university are about to get more interesting.  What does the wave do first? **********



The eldritch aspect really adds depth to the story. It also makes the events far more sinister but also darkly seductive and even sexy. Campus Nights is a great read and each chapter is really distinctive. This is one of my favorite stories that I've read and am reading in the last months!


Thanks so much! We’ll pry more into Carter’s plans and what he’s been doing in this next installment for more of that sinister goodness.


I love how Carter’s name evokes Howard Carter, the famous archaeologist (and treasure hunter) who people say unleashed a terrible curse when he opened Tutankhamen’s tomb!