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Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 9

  • Randall gets the statue out of the house and back to Carter, who begins experimenting with it on other guys. 7
  • Landon, in a moment of clarity, manages to break the statue, unleashing a wave of random changes across the entire campus. 20
  • A mysterious stranger who seems to know what's happening arrives on campus, forcing Carter to increase his efforts. 1
  • 2018-04-24
  • —2018-04-27
  • 28 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 9', 'choices': [{'text': 'Randall gets the statue out of the house and back to Carter, who begins experimenting with it on other guys.', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Landon, in a moment of clarity, manages to break the statue, unleashing a wave of random changes across the entire campus. ', 'votes': 20}, {'text': "A mysterious stranger who seems to know what's happening arrives on campus, forcing Carter to increase his efforts.", 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 27, 20, 52, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 24, 20, 54, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 28}


Landon wiped the fog from the mirror and stared at his reflection, his eyes wide with a horror he couldn’t name.  Somewhere inside him an alarm bell was ringing.  As he stood naked in the middle of the open bathroom, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the room was just slightly off.  Everything looked the same, but seemed just out of place.  The memories stored in his ample muscles betrayed him, jamming his hand into a wall instead of grabbing an item off a shelf, or tangling his feet when he went to take a step.  

It wasn’t just the bathroom, either.  He was out of sync with the entire house, knocking over dishes in the kitchen and tripping when he hurried up the stairs.  At first he’d blamed his constant, insatiable lust for the distraction.  The dark skinned hunk was hard almost all the time now.  The slightest of lustful thoughts or the gentlest rubbing had his long, thick member rigid and throbbing in the blink of an eye.  He’d stopped wearing anything on his lower half because it was too much for him to handle.  He oozed through his tight boxer briefs in no time at all, and just wearing his baggy basketball shorts wasn’t any better.  

And they just slowed him down.  One of the muscular man’s strong hands was always attached to his aching pole lately.  He stroked almost absently as he wandered around the house in a daze, naked from the waist down.  The first time he’d caught himself openly jerking off while staring at one of his friends had been humiliating, but he couldn’t help himself.  The more he thought about them watching him, the more he ached.  For their part, his friends had only seemed mildly amused at first, and didn’t even give it a second thought now.  Landon would walk in the room, pumping away while they went about their business like everything was entirely normal.  

He’d tried to stop himself.  He knew it wasn’t his regular behavior; none of their actions lately had been.  First was Ethan shedding his clothes, then Liam disappeared, then Grady couldn’t stop shoving things up his ass, and now even Mark, his workout partner, had fallen prey.  Landon had felt the strange thoughts creeping more and more into his own head and had tried his best to fight them.  He thought he’d been succeeding, until the day he looked down and saw his dick in his hand while he stood in the hallway, staring at Ethan.  Somehow they’d gone from a house full of straight, athletic frat bros, to something else entirely.  Landon had struggled valiantly in his futile terror, but only at first.  

Now, standing in front of the mirror, the concern he felt was only an echo of what it had been.  He’d stopped feeling embarrassed around the same time he’d decided to stop wearing any clothes at all.  Now the sculpted, ebony adonis wandered the house bare, letting his increasingly sensitive skin absorb whatever sensations it could.  It wasn’t just his dick that had become twitchy; the slightest touch anywhere on his body sent electric shivers through him.  It was why he didn’t participate with the other guys, even when they frequently asked him to.  They either wanted a crack at his own round, solid globes, or they wanted his lengthy cock inside them.  He’d obliged Grady one time, and had nearly passed out in the process.  The short, wiry man had swallowed him with his bouncing cheeks and Landon saw stars.  He could barely breathe while Grady squirmed and writhed on his lap, and the next thing he knew the other man was sliding free and he was hoarse from the relentless, ecstatic screams that tore out of his throat.  

Since then, he kept to himself, sitting off the side and watching while his friends went at it, the whole time knowing deep down that something was wrong.  Tugging on his eager cock had become a way of relieving anxiety, like a baby sucking a thumb.  It was this familiarity that made Landon start to think that his body was betraying him like the house was.  The spurting hose that he was so intimately familiar with started to feel different in his hands.  It felt like it filled his fist more, and that he had a further distance to stroke when he pulled on it.  

He would have thought it impossible, if it weren’t for the other changes to his friends.  Ethan’s proportional, moderate build had somehow sprouted a massively oversized set of pecs, and what was once a perky, firm rear had inflated to rival Grady’s.  That was saying something, since Grady’s already sizeable backside now looked like a pair of basketballs had been strapped to his lower half.  Landon felt his cock pulse at the thought of his two friends going at it.  Whenever Ethan plowed into Grady, they both bounced and jiggled.  Grady’s pillowy cheeks were like shock absorbers, rippling with each of Ethan’s quick thrusts, while the blonde man’s own plump rear twerked wildly.  The contrast between the supple globes and the rest of their rock hard bodies was more than Landon could bear.  

“MMMMmmmmmm….” Landon moaned quietly as his cock sprayed at the mental image of Ethan giving it to the always eager Grady.  Mark had been the one to set the bottom heavy man on that path, but lately the short, buff blonde had taken to receiving more than giving.  While their other two friends had grown, the compact muscle man had lost size, specifically between his legs.  Mark’s long, wide cock should have more than made up for what he lacked in height.  Next to Landon he’d been the biggest in the house, but seemingly overnight, Mark’s package had started to dwindle.  He lost inches along with stamina, spraying almost instantly whenever his increasingly small rod was touched.  

Landon had just seen his former workout partner that morning, sauntering down the hall in a woman’s thong.  The purple lace popped against Mark’s tanned skin, and from behind he looked every bit as masculine and built as always.  The thin purple string disappeared between the granite mountains that formed his ass, but when Mark turned, all Landon saw was a small, petite lump pushing out pathetically between his friend’s wide, solid quads.  

Landon had cum on the spot.  He wasn’t horrified at his friend’s dramatic change, nor was he embarrassed at his own uncontrollable behavior.  All he could think about was how hot his friend’s sculpted, bodybuilder frame looked as it simultaneously radiated masculinity and femininity.  Despite being significantly shorter, Landon knew that Mark could put him through a wall.  But watching his friend prance down the hall in the lacy underwear, the last thing he seemed was dominating.  Even kind, gentle Landon felt an urge to humiliate his friend.  

Though he’d just sprayed, thinking about Mark had the naked man’s cock hard again as he walked out of the bathroom and saw Ethan at the other end of the hall.  

“Hey man,” Ethan waved, causing his massive pecs to bounce in the process.  

“Mornin’” Landon smiled back, casually stroking away at the sight of Ethan in nothing but a pair of small, green bikini briefs.  The sandy-haired man’s pouch was filled almost beyond capacity, and the small patch of fabric at the back was useless when it came to containing his friend’s altered rear.  “Any word yet from Liam?”  

Ethan shook his head.  “None.  I’m starting to get worried.  Before it at least looked like someone had been in his room, but now it doesn’t look like it’s been touched in days.”  

“Damn.  He’s a total dick, but I hope nothing...bad...happened…” Landon trailed off when Ethan stepped close.  They both blinked at each other for a moment while they tried to process what seemed different.  

Landon’s heart started to race again, only this time he could name his fear.  Instead of towering over the six-foot Ethan, the bald man found himself staring his friend in the eye.  There was a flash of realization as Landon suddenly understood why everything in the house seemed just slightly off.  He looked down at the cock in his hand and knew he wasn’t just imagining that, either.  It really was larger.  He looked back up at Ethan and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a knock at the door.  


Randall felt nervous as he knocked on the frat house door.  He didn’t like being away from Carter.  When they were out of the house he had to wear clothes, which he hated, and he didn’t have someone to take care of him.  Carter made him feel safe, and the longer they were apart, the more anxious Randall became.  The stunning, muscular giant knew he wasn’t good at figuring things out or paying attention, but Carter had told him to come here, and he wanted to keep his friend happy.  If that meant he had to wear a pair of confining little shorts and a skin-tight tank-top, he would.  Randall liked the bright colors of both, but even this small amount of fabric made him feel like he was tangled in ropes.  Carter told him his new friends would let him take it all off once he was inside, and he shifted his weight from one thick leg to the other impatiently until the door opened.  

“Hi!” Randall chirped, a wave of giddiness washing over him when a handsome, nearly naked young man opened the door.  Randall’s eyes immediately dropped to the stranger’s huge chest and tiny waist, before settling on the sandy-haired stud’s bulging underwear.  He watched the other man look him up and down and smile back. 

“Uh...hey there.  Can I help you?”  

“I’m Randall,” he said, sticking his hand out as he’d seen Carter do when meeting someone.  

“Ethan,” the other man said, sounding slightly confused as he grasped the meaty paw.  

As soon as they made contact, Randall wanted to scream.  He was no longer a dull, cheerful hunk, but an elderly professor trapped in a nightmare.  He remembered everything.  The flight from his office as he started to change replayed in his head, and he recalled bumping into the young man that now stood in front of him, or at least a version of him.  His stomach dropped when he thought about all the things that Carter had made him do.  In his head, he remembered them as he should have looked.  He saw himself as an old man bouncing up and down on Carter’s lap, or burying his face between the other man’s legs.  He saw his original body parading around in tiny underwear, not the dull, gorgeous giant he’d become. 

Having felt them before, Randall could feel the statue’s energies pulsing throughout the house.  He knew that was why Carter had sent him in, just as he knew his former associate was much more powerful and dangerous than he ever could have imagined.  This research had all been history and theory to him, but to Carter it had been a very real practice.  He knew the other man had terrible things in store if he ever got his hands on the statue.  As Randall thought back to watching Carter paint strange symbols on a frozen, naked detective, he knew the other man already had powerful artifacts at his disposal.  But they all paled in comparison to the statue.  

He had to warn these young men.  He had to warn everyone.  The statue’s effects were already very apparent and could start spreading, but if he could get to his office and find his notes he might be able to do something.  His burgeoning plan was dashed under a fresh wave of horror when he spoke.  Instead of warning the handsome young man of their imminent danger, he only managed to say, “You’re pretty!”  

Ethan raised an eyebrow and cocked his head as he stared at the large lump in Randall’s tiny shorts.  “Coming from you, that’s a compliment,” he laughed.  “Do you want to come in?”  

Randall tried desperately to turn away.  Their possible salvation was just across campus in his office, but he was quickly discovering a new layer of torment.  Where before he’d been oblivious to what was happening, now he found himself a helpless, aware passenger in his altered body.  “Sure!” he said with a torturous smile as he stepped inside and the door slammed shut behind him.  


“Not bad, Detective.”  The young officer’s voice dripped with sarcasm, but Nick wasn’t in a position to do anything about it.  He didn’t even know who it was.  Nick knew the man was hung, with a thick, wide cock, but from his kneeling vantage point he couldn’t move his head enough to look up and see.  He was chained to the bars of the cell on his knees, his arms, neck, legs, and cock all held in place.  He’d been that way for what felt like days.  There was a guide in his mouth, forcing it open, and every so often another man would come along and casually take advantage of the waiting hole like they were going on a smoke break.  

It would have been an absolute nightmare if Nick didn’t love it so much.  He’d been confused and angry, but that was gone now.  He didn’t understand what was happening that first night when he’d been stripped and thrown in the cell, cuffed to the bed.  Something in his head had told him to fight what was happening, but by the time he’d gotten to the third man, he was begging for another to come in and fill him from behind.  Now, his ample muscles were stiff and sore from being stuck in the same position, but he loved the discomfort.  His bound cock throbbed at the thought of himself, the once-forceful detective, being used as nothing more than a cum dump.  

He wished he could see what he looked like.  They’d shaved his blonde head, along with the rest of his body, and through the growing haze, what remained of Nick’s old self knew that something dramatic was happening.  In addition to the constant chains, they’d attached clamps and suckers to his nipples and weights to his aching balls, and already he could see that they were changing.  He could feel his heavy, formerly hairy orbs hanging lower than they should, and his normally tiny nipples seemed huge and nubby.  He was starting to feel like clay that was slowly being molded into something else.  Whatever was happening, he knew the handsome, thirty-something detective that had entered the cell wouldn’t be the person who left it.  

It certainly seemed true for the young man in the cell next to him.  He’d been just as confused as Nick had when he first arrived, but like the bound detective, he seemed to be settling in.  Whoever he was, he was beefy.  Nick figured him for one of the football players based on his burly build, but if he had been a member of the team, it looked like those days were over.  The young man was currently bound to the front of his cell like he was, but facing the other direction.  Instead of his mouth, the men would come by and take advantage of the ample rear that was growing larger and softer by the day.  

Because of the young man’s already large size, the officers thought it was funny to make him eat.  They mocked him, telling him he had to fuel up to keep his size while they forced him to down plate after plate.  Like what was happening to his own changing body, Nick could see the effects already as the man was ballooning up with fairytale speed.  What had been a solid muscle gut was looking rounder and rounder, and the strong pecs that had loomed above were losing their definition.  His arms were still huge, but they weren’t the steely pistons they had been, nor were the chubby thighs that increasingly obscured his smallish cock.  The man’s wide, lantern jaw had been swallowed by a growing chin and puffing cheeks.  Like Nick, he’d been shaved from head to toe, only accentuating his rounding frame.  

Whether or not the young man was aware of the changes, he certainly looked like he enjoyed them.  He howled and grunted with pleasure when the men would squeeze his belly or jiggle his softening chest.  He’d been a beast of a man when he arrived, but watching his chubby body shake and bounce on all fours, the young man was literally starting to look like one.  

Nick could hear other men, too.  The cells were starting to fill up and there was already talk of them having to share.  He didn’t mind.  As long as he could keep doing what he was doing, he didn’t care if they put six people in his cell.  Part of him wanted them to.  

“UUUUnnnnn….uuunnnn…” Nick groaned blissfully when the random officer pulled his cock away and sprayed all over his face, trying to catch as much of it in his mouth as he could with his limited range of motion.  He whimpered as the man left, already eager for the next person to come by.  

***** At this point, since we've put the original guys through their paces and set some things up, I'm leaving it up to all of you to decide how we kick off the next phase of the story, "Campus Nightmares." We'll still resolve the original four's stories, but it'll broaden the scope. *****


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