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Nick walked the boardwalk, fuming as he thought about the mess he’d come home to.  He’d spent all weekend cleaning, only for Mike and Jake to turn the house into a pigsty in less than twenty four hours.  

“Certainly have enough goddamn time on their hands,” Nick spat to himself.  “Maybe a fuckin’ job wouldn’t hurt.”  

The trio was fresh out of college.  They’d graduated a year earlier and decided to keep living together so they could afford a place on the coast.  They had a spacious condo overlooking the beach and the boardwalk, but even with the three of them splitting bills money was tight.  It didn’t help that Nick was the only one who’d gotten more than a part time job.  He’d been able to find an advertising position relatively quickly, and he knew Mike and Jake had equally marketable skills, but his friends were too busy fucking their way up and down the beach to look for a better job.  

A part of Nick envied them.  Hell, he wanted to spend his time chasing girls and screwing around on the beach too, but he knew he had to grow up sooner or later.  And the novelty was starting to wear off.  They’d spent their college years hopping drunkenly from bed to bed, and as much fun as it could be, it was beginning to get old.  The routine of sleeping until the afternoon, hitting the gym to get a pump before going to a bar, and staying out all night was just as much of a prison as a nine-to-five.  At least with the job there was a paycheck attached.  

Nick still kept up on the working out part just as much as his two friends, and it showed.  The trio always drew looks when they were on the beach together.  They all stood within a few inches of an even six feet tall and were covered to varying degrees in lean muscle.  Nick was the biggest of the three, but neither Mike nor Jake could be considered small.  They had an eighteen-pack between the three of them, and all sported firm, bulging pecs.  His years of swimming meant Jake had the biggest wingspan, with the broadest shoulders and the longest, toned arms, but Mike’s penchant for wrestling left him with the sturdiest legs and thickest rear.  Nick had been a baseball player, so he’d built his upper and lower halves in equal measure.  He had large, solid biceps and a set of wide, sturdy quads.  When they were in nothing but their small swim trunks, especially Jake, with his long, thick cock, it was no wonder that the men landed girls so easily.  

Just thinking about it annoyed Nick.  He actually wanted to try and make something of himself, and he wished there was some way he could force his friends to change their ways.  If not, he knew it would be time to move on.  

“That’s a troubled face if I’ve ever seen one.”  Nick looked over at the woman who’d interrupted his brooding.  She was sitting outside one of the countless stalls that lined the boardwalk, under a sign that read “Jarella’s Fortunes.”  She looked to be in her early forties, with long, black hair draping down her lithe, tanned shoulders.  She had piercing green eyes that almost seemed to glow, and a smooth, velvet voice.  

“Sorry, not interested in a fortune right now,” Nick said as he kept walking.  

“Did I say anything about a fortune?  I thought you’d maybe want to do something about those annoying roommates of yours.”  There was a loud tinkling of metal as her countless bracelets and cuffs clinked together when she waved her arm dismissively.  “But suit yourself.”  

Nick froze in his tracks.  He didn’t believe in the supernatural, but her words were too spot on to be a coincidence.  “How’d you know what I was thinking?”  

“The same way I know the question you really want to ask is what can I do about it.”  Her full lips just barely curled with a slight grin as she raised an eyebrow.  

Nick’s heart started beating a little faster.  Her voice and eyes, coupled with the jangling of her jewelry, were mesmerizing.  It suddenly seemed like the salty, ocean breeze was blowing directly from her stand.  “And just what CAN you do about it,” Nick asked with a laugh.  

She stood, her movements fluid and steady.  Her body was slender but she radiated a strength that took Nick by surprise.  He’d been wrong.  It seemed like the salty, ocean breeze was blowing directly from her, not her booth.  “That depends on what you’re looking for.  And how much you want to spend,” she said, looking Nick up and down for the first time.  Nick puffed his impressive chest out on instinct before it occurred to him that her emerald eyes were hungry in a literal sense.  

She motioned, and the awe struck young man followed her inside.  She was wearing a scent that was spicy and musty as it worked its way up Nick’s nose and made his head swim.  Outside, the waves pounded rhythmically on the shore.  He found himself sitting, without remembering having done so, and staring at her from across a small table.  The room was lined with shells and all sorts of washed up detritus, looking like a cave on the bottom of the sea.  

“So...your roommates,” she said, leaning back in her chair, her eyes pinning Nick in place.  

“They’re my best friends, really.  They just can’t seem to grow up.”  Nick heard himself opening up to this stranger without knowing why he was doing it.  He continued, filling her in on their history and all the resentful thoughts he’d been keeping to himself.  “I just wish they’d see things from my perspective.  Hell, ANY perspective would be nice at this point.”  

The woman’s eyes twinkled at that.  “Ah, now there’s an idea,” she said with a wry smile.  Nick watched her get up and rummage through a cabinet before returning with a small deck of cards.  

“Tarot cards?” Nick asked, unimpressed.  

“Does this look like instagram?”  Her expression and tone were flat as she motioned to the room around them.  “These cards don’t tell your future; they represent archetypes.  Think of them as different points of view.”  She turned the cards over and showed Nick the pictures on the other side.  Each one bore a different type of person.  There were men in suits, construction workers, doctors, waiters, various athletes; every kind of person you could think of.  It was clear the cards had been handmade, as some were little more than cut outs from magazines that had been taped to thicker card stock.  

Nick looked confused.  “So how does this work?  Do I just pick the ones I want?”  He didn’t want to insult her, but the cards seemed like little more than a poorly made collage.  

She shook her head.  “No.  We shuffle and the deck picks for us.”  She turned the cards back over and gave them several thorough shuffles.  “Don’t let their appearance fool you.  This is powerful, ancient magic and you have to be absolutely sure.  There’s no guarantee this will turn out any better than what you already have.  Things could end up worse.”

“That’s hard to believe,” Nick sighed.  “So what’re you saying?  I pick a couple cards and my friends….what?  Turn into them?”  

“They’ll adopt the characteristics, but on some level they’ll still be themselves.  Think of these cards as the molds used to reshape them.  Your friends provide the source material, the cards provide the framework.”  Nick told himself it was a trick of the light that made it look as if her eyes suddenly blinked inwards from the sides while she spoke.  

He thought she was crazy, but he’d come this far.  “Okay.  So what happens after I pull the cards?”  

“You’ll need to get a piece of hair from each, bind it to each of their cards, then burn it all together.”  She spread her hands wide and shrugged.  “Then you wait.”  

Nick hadn’t noticed himself leaning further across the table while she’d been speaking.  He laughed nervously and pushed back in his seat.  “Magic cards?  A strand of hair?  This sounds like hokey nonsense.  I want to go on record as saying I don’t believe in any of this, but….okay,” he finished quickly as the green in her eyes appeared to spread outwards towards the edges.  If nothing else, Nick thought it would be a funny story to tell the guys about later.  “So I just pick one?”  At her nod, he reached out and pulled one card, then another, setting them down without turning them over as he’d been instructed.  He stared at the gold, interlacing design on the backs and told himself he’d just imagined the cards vibrating in his hands.  

Her expression was smug, like a cat sunning itself.  “Let’s take a look.”  

Nick couldn’t suppress a smile at the cards he’d chosen.  One depicted a man in tight denim, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket.  He had slicked back hair and large boots on his feet like some greaser from the fifties.  Right away he knew that was the card for Mike, while his gut said the one next to it was perfect for Jake.  The second card showed a toe-headed man standing on the beach in a small swimsuit, surfboard in hand.  Given Jake’s love of swimming, his friend should enjoy it just as much as the rough-and-tumble Mike should enjoy being a delinquent.  “I mean...I don’t know that these’ll be any better, but it would definitely be different.”  

The woman put the rest of the cards aside and gave Nick a serious look.  “Bear in mind, there’s always a connection to the person who calls the work down.  You might walk away from this with a new perspective as well.”  

“I was waiting for the catch,” Nick laughed as he picked up the cards.  Since he didn’t really believe any of this he wasn’t concerned.  “It’ll be worth it to see the looks on their faces.”  After paying what felt like an exorbitant amount, Nick walked away from the small shop with the cards in his pocket.  

He made his way for home, starting to feel foolish and debating whether or not he was actually going to go through with this.  It seemed ridiculous and impossible on the surface.  He didn’t even know why he was seriously entertaining the idea, or why he’d just shelled out so much cash for a ridiculous prank.  There had just been something about the woman that was irresistible.  Not in a sexual way, though she’d been pretty, but in a literal sense.  Now that he was walking away, Nick felt like he’d been in a trance.  His head was foggy as if he’d just woken from a nap.  

He was so caught up in his internal debate and confusion that at first he didn’t know why he stopped in his tracks.  He was passing one of the many touristy junk shops on the boardwalk, only this one specialized in more “adult” and “alternative” novelties.  He stood in front of it without knowing what he was looking for until the spinner rack full of postcards caught his eye.  He laughed out loud when he realized why.  

The shop sold all manner of gay-themed kitsch, and Nick found himself looking at a postcard that bore a very different version of the greaser in his pocket.  This one had exaggerated muscles, with huge pecs bulging against his shirt and a comically large ass.  The man also sported a giant cock that was outlined against the jeans as it snaked down a leg.  His face was equally amplified, with thick, plump lips and razor cheekbones.  On the ground in front of the impossible hunk was another man who had apparently just been stripped down.  He was also exaggerated, but less so, and appeared both thrilled and afraid of what was about to happen.  “Oh...this is too good…” Nick laughed as he snatched the card.  A few slots down was another one in the same vein, only this one bore an unrealistically proportioned beach bunny, who was posing for a group of passing men while bulging out of his tiny speedo.  The drawings were oversexed, hyper masculine, and very gay all at the same time.  He grabbed the speedo-clad man as well, and an evil thought crossed his mind.  A few slots over was a picture of a  big-chested blonde in a tiny bikini.  Nick couldn’t help but think about all the times Jake had lorded his large endowment over everyone.  If he was going to give his friend a truly new perspective, he should try living without his pride and joy.  

He was paying before his new plan had even cemented in his head.  He’d burn the cards alright, but he’d throw something else in with them.  He practically jogged home, wanting to get there before his friends arrived.  Given how sloppy they were he knew it would be no problem to find a strand of their hair, and sure enough, after a few minutes of poking around each of their rooms Nick held the small bundle in his eager hands.  On each end were the cards he’d been given, and in the middle were the ones he’d purchased.  For the man in the speedo, Nick had made a mini collage.  He’d cut the woman’s bikini bottom out and taped it over the muscle man’s crotch.  He didn’t know if it would work, but he thought it was worth a shot.  He tied it all together, binding the hair to the appropriate cards, and laughed when he thought about the looks on his friends’ faces if only this was real.  

Despite not believing anything would actually happen, his hands shook as he stepped out onto the balcony.  A very small voice in his brain told him that if there was even a chance this could work, he was potentially doing a terrible thing.  He doubted that Mike would find it funny to suddenly be turned into a hulking greaser any more than Jake would enjoy being a dickless, bimbo surfer.  At the same time, though, he felt a rush of power at the thought.  To hold someone’s future in his hands was an intoxicating prospect.  

He lit the bundle and held it as it burned.  The dancing flames were mesmerizing, seeming to change color as they worked their way closer and closer to his hand.  There was a high pitch whine, like steam shooting from a tea kettle, and the bundle felt like it was vibrating in his hand.  He held on until the heat was scorching his fingers and dropped the remains onto the concrete floor of the balcony.  Seconds later all that remained was a pile of ash that quickly blew away in the breeze.  

Nick stood and stared at the small burn mark on the ground, the only evidence of his actions.  “Well….guess that’s that,” he shrugged, feeling foolish and more than a little ripped off.  He knew deep down he’d just paid for a fantasy and nothing more.  The thought left him feeling hollow and more annoyed than he’d already been.  He trudged back inside and began cleaning up the mess his friends had made.  


The next morning was slow in arriving.  Nick turned in long before either of his roommates had made it back, if they came home at all.  After completing the ritual and cleaning the apartment for the second time in as many days, he’d felt drained.  Not just tired, but truly exhausted.  His limbs had grown heavy and it was all he could do to keep his eyes open as he’d stumbled into his bed.  

Sleep didn’t bring any relief.  Nick tossed and turned all night, his dreams filled with strange and repeating nightmares.  He kept seeing Mike and Jake alternate between their current appearance and the new identities he’d chosen for them.  They’d start out looking like themselves, only to have their clothes melt away and their bodies start to change.  

Nick shuddered when he thought about how vivid the details were.  It hadn’t felt like a dream at all, but something that really happened.  It started with him in the living room watching TV when his two friends came stumbling in.  

“Oh, there you two are,” Nick said snidely over his shoulder.  “I just cleaned.  Again.  Try not to fuck it up too quick.”  

“Dude, are you just in a shitty mood all the time now?” Mike laughed, dropping his gym bag in the middle of the floor and kicking his shoes off, sending sand flying everywhere.  

“You could’ve joined us down at the beach, man,” Jake said, following suit.  “It was a good crowd down there.  How many numbers you get again,” he asked Mike.    

The other man beamed, puffing out his tanned chest.  “Four,” he said proudly.  “Not bad for an hour.”  

“Doesn’t beat my five,” Jake laughed, adjusting his bulge through his swim trunks.  

Nick finally looked over at his two shirtless friends just in time to see them high five each other.  They’d been down at the workout area on the beach, not to exercise, but to have an excuse to flex without their shirts on in front of passing girls.  While Nick was sure the women enjoyed the sight of his friends’ tanned, ripped bodies, all he saw were the mounds of sand on his freshly cleaned floors and the growing piles of stuff already scattered around the apartment.  

Mike’s smile faded and he sighed at Nick’s sour expression.  “Seriously dude, are you gonna be pissy all night?  What’d we do this time?”  

The nightmare always started before Nick could respond.  He’d open his mouth to speak, but his two friends would suddenly stiffen and double over in pain.  

“What...what’d you do to us…” Jake would beg while Mike’s eyes bored into him.  Nick would always look down and see that he was somehow holding the flaming bundle.  The flames had spread to encompass his hand but there was no pain, just a mocking laughter that rang through the apartment from an unseen source.  

“I...I didn’t...I mean...I just wanted you two…” he’d stammer just as his friends started to change.   Jake and Mike would both jerk upright, like marionettes whose strings had been pulled.  The two men were frozen in horror as their trunks vanished, leaving their sculpted bodies on display.  

It always started in the same spot.  Each of their chests bulged outwards into large, round shelves of muscle.  Mike gasped as his smaller pecs inflated like balloons, and Jake could only stare while his impressive chest grew to improbable proportions.  The growth spread over their shoulders and down their expanding arms until both men had matching sets of burly guns.  While their top halves pushed outwards, their already firm stomachs seemed to pinch inwards at the waist, becoming all the more noticeable when both of their perky rear ends exploded with flesh.  Mike’s already large bubble defied gravity as it pressed farther and farther from his lower back, balancing out the protruding pecs he’d sprouted on top.  The same went for Jake, whose tiny cheeks and toned thighs quivered before expanding into meaty quads and firm, mountainous globes.  

Nick groaned in the dream, watching his friends turn from handsome young men into overdeveloped hunks.  While their bodies changed, their facial features started taking on the exaggerated characteristics from the men in the postcards.  Thin mouths were replaced by plump, full lips, and boyishly handsome cheeks took on a razor’s edge.  Mike’s light brown hair steadily thickened and darkened, until he had a raven pompadour that matched the dusting of jet black hairs that spread across his massive pecs and down his washboard stomach.  Jake’s now-shaggy mop went the opposite direction, lightening until it was a bright blonde that left the smattering of hair on his altered body nearly invisible.  The expression of fear in their increasingly dreamy eyes slowly faded, replaced by a growing look of hunger.  

When Nick had been able to pry his eyes away, he first saw Mike’s beastly cock standing rigid in his direction.  Having lived together for so long, he was well aware of how hung the other man should have been.  Mike should have sported a short, wide rod, but now he had a girthy, throbbing club that appeared well over eight inches.  Next to him, Jake had the opposite.  The man who’d always been so smug about his huge package now had a flat, hairy mound between his powerful thighs.  The last thing Nick remembered before waking up was reaching out towards them.  

“Fuckin’ hell,” Nick groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  His athletic frame was covered in sweat and he’d kicked the sheets off his bed while thrashing in his dream.  His long, thick cock had escaped through the fly in his briefs and stood aching for attention.  Nick reached for it absently, intending to tuck it away while he tried to process the strange dream.  Instead, as he thought about the image of his altered friends, he started pumping.  His thick, six and a half inches felt almost small compared to Mike’s mammoth organ that he suddenly remembered stroking in his dream.  While one hand worked his dark-haired friend, the fingers on the other had slid into the new hole between Jake’s meaty thighs  

The thought pushed him over the edge.  He arched his back, gasping wordlessly at the intensity of the orgasm that ripped through him.  He sprayed a torrent into the air that splattered back down onto his abs and chest in thick globs.  “Je...Jesus christ…” he panted when his tense muscles finally relaxed.  It took him a few minutes to recover before he eventually wiped himself down and rolled out of bed, standing and stretching in the bright morning light.  Despite his odd dreams and poor sleep, he felt good.  The sudden exhaustion that had washed over him the night before was gone, along with the anger towards his friends.  

He walked out into the kitchen and started making coffee like he did every morning, yawning sleepily and scratching at his abs.  He heard one of his friend’s doors open behind him and gasped, unprepared for what he saw when he turned around.  A yawning and stretching Mike was groggily stumbling towards him, but it wasn’t the Mike he knew.  It was the one from his dream.  Nick’s eyes went wide at the sight of his friend’s altered, impossible body in person.  He’d never seen a set of pecs like that in his life, nor had a man’s face ever made his stomach flutter like Mike’s currently was.  His friend’s darkened hair was messy from sleep, and Nick couldn’t believe what his eyes were telling him as they traveled down the other man’s altered torso. Instead of the usual black or grey boxer briefs he always wore, Mike had on a pair of classic, stark white briefs that bulged out obscenely against the weight of his hefty new package, and couldn’t even begin to cover all of his expansive new rear.  

“Mornin’ Nicky,” Mike said, his full lips curling into a sleepy smile.  He raised an eyebrow as Nick stared at him in silence.  “Whassamatter with you?”  Nick didn’t know how to respond.  He knew his jaw was hanging open as he stared at his friend, but he couldn’t look away.  His friend just laughed and shook his head.  “Ain’t you just a big tickle this mornin’.  Pile up too many z’s last night?”  

‘I...uh…” Nick’s head was spinning.  He didn’t know what was weirder; hearing Mike talk like he’d just walked out of nineteen fifties’ Brooklyn, or the fact that he understood what his friend was saying.  “Ye...yeah, guess I’m not awake yet.”  Nick had to suppress a whimper when Mike turned his back to reach for a mug and he got a full view of the massive, partially covered ass.  His friend’s tanned, golden globes were faintly visible beneath the straining white cotton.  

“You must have some serious smog in the noggin’ this mornin’,” Mike laughed in his sneering new accent when he turned back and caught Nick staring.  “You forget how your threads work?  You’re really peelin’ off the line down there.”  

Nick followed Mike’s eyes down and saw that not only had his cock escaped his briefs again, it was rock hard.  “Oh! Shit! Sorry,” he said, blushing.  

Mike reached over and gave Nick’s ass a squeeze.  “Fer what?” 

Nick froze, his cock throbbing at the sensation of Mike’s hand on his ass.  It wasn’t just the unexpected touch that caught him off guard, but the fact that he felt his friend’s palm on bare skin.  He looked back and his knees went weak.  Mike and Jake weren’t the only ones to have undergone a change.  In his grogginess, Nick hadn’t noticed that the back of his briefs had shredded when his own small bubble nearly tripled in size.  He suddenly understood why his cock kept escaping through the fly of his straining briefs.  Nick frantically looked himself over and saw that the rest of his body still appeared as it should.  He suddenly remembered the other man that had been in Mike’s postcard; the one on the ground with his large, pillowy cheeks in the air who’d looked both eager and scared of what was about to happen.  

“Whoa! Like, you givin’ it to him already, Mikey?”  A dull laugh filled the room and Nick spun in Mike’s grip to see the Jake from his dream coming towards them.  His friend now had the golden blonde hair, impossible muscles, handsome face, and flat mound between his legs that he’d had in Nick’s nightmare.  The blonde adonis had a shell necklace on and was clad only in an impossibly small speedo that vanished almost entirely between his huge, bronzed cheeks, and left nothing of his missing endowment to the imagination.  

“He’s the one with the razzed berries,” Mike laughed.  Nick couldn’t hold back a gasp when Mike reached down and swallowed his cock, bouncing it up and down in front of Jake.   

The now-brawny blonde gave Nick the same puzzled look when he saw the tattered briefs.  “Brah, d’you like, shrink those or something?”  

Sandwiched between his two friends, Nick felt like he had whiplash.  He didn’t know who he wanted to stare at more; Mike, with his stuffed briefs, or Jake, with his flat speedo.  “I...I guess so…” he muttered, blushing again when Mike let go of his aching cock and tousled his hair.  

“Ferget about the spaz, Jakey” he said, giving Nick’s ass a quick swat.  “How were the submarine races last night?  You play a lil’ backseat bingo with that dreamboat or was it a fake out?”  

The overly-muscled blonde leaned against the counter with a smug grin.  His huge triceps popped as they held him up.  “Oooohhh man,” he laughed.  “It was bingo, like, fooooor sure.  He beat it up, brah.”  Jake reached down like he always did when he bragged about getting laid, but instead of hefting a meaty package, his hand slid against the flat mound.    

Nick staggered away while his two friends talked in their new, foreign languages.  If Mike, now Mikey, sounded like a delinquent from the streets of New York, Jake sounded like a California surfer dude straight out of the eighties.  It wasn’t just the way they talked that confused him, but what they said.  Nick knew it was odd for his two friends to be talking about Jake hooking up with a guy, he just no longer knew why.  He was trying to remember how they’d gotten to this point.  He knew he’d done something, and it had clearly not turned out the way he wanted, but already he was hazy on exactly what.  His dream, if it even was a dream, was starting to fade, taking the key to their new lives with it.  As he stumbled around in a daze, Nick started to notice the other changes that had taken place.  Their apartment looked entirely different.  What once was clearly a bachelor pad, with sparse furniture and unframed sports posters on the wall, now looked like a mix between a fifties diner and a tiki bar.  There was chrome and mid century modern furniture everywhere, accented with bamboo and island accessories.  Hotrods and surfboards; leopard print and grass skirts.  

Nick pulled his tattered briefs off, not remembering why he’d put them on in the first place since they clearly didn’t fit.  He turned in front of the mirror, bouncing his jiggling cheeks and wondering why the massive mounds hanging off his otherwise ripped body made him uncomfortable.  After all, Mikey and Jake loved his oversized booty, and he loved making his friends happy.  It’s why he did the cooking and the cleaning and generally took care of the other two.  

“Yo, Nicky!  If yer gonna shake that tank do it where we can see ya.”  

Nick grinned bashfully when he realized he’d been standing in front of his open door where Mikey and Jake could see him.  “Sorry Mikey!”  

The other man ran a hand through his jet black hair, flexing a huge new arm in the process.  “Hey man, go ape.  Just do it out here.”  Mikey shot Jake a mischievous grin.  “Hey, Jakey, put a slice on.”  

The blonde stud smiled and grabbed his phone.  A few seconds later the apartment was filled with brassy, vintage strip tease music.  

Nick felt a rush of embarrassment as he looked at his friend’s expectant faces, but that didn’t stop him from slinking out of his room, swiveling his hips and bouncing his cheeks in time with the music.  He flexed his strong arms above his head and pursed his lips while his rigid pole slapped around wildly.  All at once he felt mortified, like he’d never done this before, and perfectly calm, like this was all part of his routine.  

Mikey and Jake certainly seemed to be enjoying it.  Nick watched Mikey’s monster club start to twitch in the stuffed briefs while Jake’s fingers had already slid inside the front of his small speedo.  Knowing that the buff blonde was fingering himself when he should have been jerking a long, thick cock nearly pushed Nick over the edge.  He writhed his way over to the other man and tugged the speedo down, relishing the sight of Jake’s strong fingers disappearing between the hungry new lips.  

“Fuuuck duuuude, you’re like, sooo hot right now,” Jake breathed heavily as Nick brushed against him.  That was all it took.  Nick found himself buried against the blonde’s hulking new chest when Jake’s meaty arms wrapped around him.  Before he knew what was happening, he’d slid inside the other man.  

“Oh...oh fuck...oh fuck…” Nick stuttered.  He couldn’t wrap his brain around the conflicting sensations of Jake’s entirely masculine body pressing against him while he pumped in and out of a very feminine hole.  His friend’s deep, booming groans of pleasure only further muddied the waters.  

“Make room for one more, cats.”  Nick gasped when he felt Mikey’s soft, plump lips on his neck while the other man’s weighty cock rested against one of his massive cheeks.  The combined attack of Jake’s altered body against his front and Mikey’s altered body against his back was driving him wild.  

“OOOOoooOOOOhhhhh!”  Nick screamed and clutched at Jake’s meaty shelf of a chest.  He was nearly lifted off the ground when Mikey plunged his way in between his altered globes.  He’d never come close to being penetrated before, but the young stud somehow knew exactly what to do with his sculpted body.  He hadn’t screamed from pain when Mikey slid inside, but from the overwhelming wave of pleasure he felt.  Nick bucked his hips, simultaneously working himself deeper onto Mikey while at the same time he pounded into Jake’s eager slit.  They were a writhing, moaning mound of muscle.  Nick no longer cared how they’d gotten here.  Sandwiched between his two friends, he couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else.  


“Yo, Jakey, how’s the surf?”  Mikey stood on the boardwalk, clad in his new uniform of tight denim and a white t-shirt as he called down to his blonde friend.  His jeans were plastered on, leaving his long, thick hose clearly outlined as it snaked down a leg.  The backs were stretched near to bursting across his meaty rear and the bottoms were cuffed above a pair of shiny black boots.  His white t-shirt was equally snug, exposing a hairy patch of abs as his impossible pecs pushed it up and out, his solid nipples poking against the thin cotton.  

“Pretty boffo,” the blonde grinned, nodding his shaggy hair towards the olive skinned muscle man doing chin ups next to him.  The man’s well-built body was covered in nothing but a pair of small swim trunks and a layer of thick, black hair.  Jake raised his hands and spread them about a foot apart with a wink.  They weren’t talking about the ocean.  

Nick stood off to the back and watched his friends.  Since the change, the three of them turned heads more than they originally had, even if those heads only belonged to men nowadays.  Mikey was striking in his seductively tight clothes and perfectly slicked hair, or “nest,” as he constantly called it.  His throwback look by itself was enough to attract attention, and that was without factoring in the huge hose that was constantly on display under his jeans.  

On the other side of the coin, it was what Jake lacked that drew everyone’s eye.  The blonde surfer bro never wore more than a tiny speedo, making it impossible to conceal his lack of a cock.  Where once he used to get a kick out of letting his wet swim trunks outline his massive bulge, the laidback blonde never so much as batted an eye about perpetually showing off his flattened crotch.  

Oddly enough, no one else seemed bothered, either.  When they weren’t going at each other, his friends still fucked their way up and down the beach.  Only now it was men, gay and straight alike, that threw themselves at them.  They’d become as much of a novelty on the boardwalk as the carnival games and souvenir stands.  There was one empty booth that always bothered Nick.  Something about the lingering spicy, musty smell sent a chill down his spine, but he could never remember what.  

For his part, Nick had gotten what he wanted.  Other than his inflated rear, his day-to-day was more or less unchanged.  He’d been a little embarrassed the first time he’d gone to work with his ass billowing out hugely in his tight slacks, but he’d quickly grown used to the way he bounced and jiggled now.  He was still the main breadwinner in the apartment and still took care of all the cooking and cleaning, only now he loved it.  Far from being resentful, he was never happier than when Mikey was bossing him around in his new vernacular, unless the other man did it while filling his altered, ample backside.  Jake was even more laid back and absent minded than he had been, but his perpetual eagerness to take a ride on Nick’s rigid pole more than made up for it.  

Every now and then Nick’s sleep would be troubled by dreams of the three of them living very different lives.  Their kitschy apartment would be bare and the three of them looked, and sounded, very different.  They didn’t have their overdeveloped muscles, and Jake confusingly had a long, heavy cock.  The ditzy blonde loved it whenever Nick had one of these dreams, as the next day he’d inevitably fuck his brains out just to make sure the world was as it should be.  

“Hey, Nicky, make the scene.”  Mikey’s booming drawl shook Nick out of his reverie.  He hurried over, his ass nearly bouncing out of the tiny trunks the men made him wear.  “Let’s go check out the games...see if we can win you a new teddy or somethin’.’  

Nick smiled when he looked down and saw Jake spotting the olive skinned hunk, his empty speedo hovering inches above the man’s face on the bench.  He leaned into his Mike’s strong embrace as the other man led them away down the boardwalk, turning heads as they went.  Nick couldn’t blame them.  It wasn’t every day you saw a jacked greaser out for a romantic stroll with a big-bootied frat boy.  “Whatever you say, Mikey.”  


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