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Campus Nights, ch. 7

  • Liam gets taken back to the station, which is becoming increasingly filled with captive men. 6
  • Carter spots an almost naked Ethan jogging and follows him back to the house. 11
  • Mark's diminished package provokes an interesting response from the guys at the gym. 17
  • 2018-04-10
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'Campus Nights, ch. 7', 'choices': [{'text': 'Liam gets taken back to the station, which is becoming increasingly filled with captive men.', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Carter spots an almost naked Ethan jogging and follows him back to the house.', 'votes': 11}, {'text': " Mark's diminished package provokes an interesting response from the guys at the gym.", 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 10, 0, 51, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 34}


“OOOooohhh...fuuuuuuck….fuck yeah…” Mark groaned.  His steely arms flexed as he folded them behind his head.  The buff blonde was stretched out on his bed while Grady bounced up and down on his lap.  “Seriously dude...how...how are you...so good at this…” 

“Natural talent,” Grady purred, reaching down to tweak the tiny nipples on Mark’s bulging pecs.  

The prone man let out a loud groan and brought his arms down to clutch at Grady’s wide, solid thighs as they straddled him.  He thought back on it and couldn’t believe how much the other man had changed in such a short amount of time.  A week ago, Grady had been an average, athletic goofball.  Everyone knew that a handsome young man lurked under his shaggy hair and nondescript clothing, but no one anticipated the force with which that handsome man would make his appearance.  

Things had only continued to spiral since the afternoon he’d come home with his new haircut and tattoos.  His raven hair was now always perfectly styled into a tight pompadour, and his high cheekbones were constantly covered in a light stubble.  The combination accentuated his striking features and left him with a dark, brooding look that was offset by his surprisingly plump lips.  

Along with his newfound interest in his appearance, what little clothing Grady still wore was far from nondescript.  Shorts and t-shirts had been replaced by lycra and tank-tops, and if he wore jeans, they were never more than a short pair of daisy dukes.  As long as it was form fitting and revealing he’d wear it; otherwise he went without.  The fun loving spaz had turned into a sultry stud.  

Mark had originally only intended to act on their bet and make Grady complete all the menial, daily tasks he hated, but his friend had other ideas.  The morning after Grady had stripped Mark down to do his laundry, the bottom heavy young man joined his friend in the shower.  Mark hadn’t asked him to; Grady just tossed the curtain open and started lathering his muscular torso up.  He was so caught off guard that he didn’t realize his fat seven inches had sprung to attention until Grady was stroking it, then sucking it.  

One look at his friend’s tight, defined body on its knees was all it took.  Since then they’d been going at it constantly, to the point where Mark had started wearing less and less so they wouldn’t be slowed down.  The short man’s baggy muscle shirts draped down below his waist and he’d taken to wearing them like gowns.  His meaty pecs and bowling ball shoulders hung out through the sides, and he exposed himself whenever he reached for something or sat down, but he didn’t care.  If Ethan and Grady could walk around mostly naked, he wasn’t about to worry.  

Even Landon was finally getting in on the changing mood.  Mark caught his tall friend openly jerking off all the time now.  The first time he’d stumbled across him, Landon had been standing in the hallway outside Ethan’s room, stroking and watching while their other friend toweled off from a shower.  For his part, Ethan didn’t seem to care and even looked like he was egging it on.  Since then, Mark had caught Landon watching him and Grady multiple times, to the point where Grady had even taken to doing strip teases for the muscled giant.  They’d asked if he wanted to join them, but Landon only seemed interested in watching.  

Ethan was another story.  The handsome, sandy-haired hunk didn’t hesitate to join in when Grady asked.  Mark still got hard at the thought of what it had felt like to be in the middle of that sandwich.  It was the first time he’d ever bottomed.  Ethan’s endowment rivaled his own, and while Grady squirmed on the end of his large rod, Mark grunted in pain while his virgin hole was split open by the other man’s meaty cock.  

He hadn’t expected to enjoy it as much as he did.  Once the pain subsided, the sensation of Ethan’s thick pole sliding in and out of him was electric.  Mark had always thought of himself as good in bed, but now he wondered.  Ethan had made him feel things he’d never thought possible, and since then he was almost as eager as Grady to have his granite cheeks stuffed.  He didn’t know if it was just the result of their recent bedroom romps, but Ethan was somehow seeming to grow hotter by the day.  Mark had never noticed how expansive his friend’s pecs were, or how big and round his solid rear was.  

Despite Ethan’s ample bottom, Grady still had everyone beat in that department.  The lean man’s bouncing cheeks seemed absolutely massive against the rest of his tight, wiry body, the one soft spot on an otherwise solid frame.  As much as he also enjoyed being on the receiving end, Mark couldn’t get enough of the bouncing pillows, loving how Grady alternated between submissive and dominant.  His thinner friend would beg to be ordered around, but then when the action started it was unclear who was fucking who.  Grady loved being on top, and the large, round globes almost formed a vacuum seal while he used his hole like a third hand.  

Mark’s reverie was interrupted by an unexpected building of pressure.  “Fuck...I’m gonna...gggnnnnnn….” his powerful core flexed as he spasmed and bucked the smaller man up into the air, cumming without warning.  Grady’s still-solid cock slapped against Mark’s washboard stomach as he bounced up and down like he was riding a mechanical bull.  

“That was quicker than normal,” Grady sighed.  He loved the feeling of Mark’s warm fluids hitting his insides, but he was still far from the edge himself.  

“Sorry dude,” Mark panted, feeling slightly embarrassed at his poor performance.  “Guess you were just extra on your game tonight.  I’ve still got fingers,” he offered, taking two handfuls of Grady’s hairy cheeks and giving them a squeeze.

The dark haired man leaned down and planted a long, deep kiss while he slid off his friend’s softening member.  “Maybe later...I’m gonna go see what Ethan’s doing.”  

Mark had a moment of clarity as he watched Grady scamper down the hall.  He knew without a doubt that his friend’s sizeable cheeks had grown larger, just as he knew that Ethan’s body was changing as well.  He knew all of their recent behavior was strange and wrong.  For a brief instant he could see everything that was happening to them, but by the time he sat up it was gone.  He felt like he was forgetting something as his feet hit the ground.  He shrugged it off while he stood and stretched, his attention focused on his reflection in the mirror.  Something looked off.  

He turned from side to side, flexing and prodding at himself while he tried to figure it out.  His muscles all seemed to be in their proper place, but as he examined his reflection, he noticed that his package didn’t seem to have the same heavy hang to it.  It looked shorter and thinner, and his normally low-hanging balls didn’t dangle as far.  He blamed it on his recent release as he pulled on one of the draping muscle shirts and headed down the hall.    

“Hey man,” he said, stopping in Landon’s doorway.  The bald muscle man was stretched out on his bed, his large, solid cock tenting the tiny yellow boxer briefs that popped against his dark brown skin.  

“Hey,” Landon sighed, his washboard stomach flexing as he exhaled.  He sounded as if he was in a daze and had a glassy look in his normally bright eyes.  “That sounded quicker than usual,” he said, openly rubbing the solid lump in his straining underwear.  

Mark blushed and scratched at his short blonde hair.  “Yeah...I don’t know what that’s about…” He trailed off as he followed Landon’s eyes to the package he’d exposed when he lifted a meaty arm.  “What?”  

“Is that...smaller?”  Landon sat up to get a closer look, a damp spot starting to form in the yellow fabric of his boxer briefs.  

“What?  No! Of course not!” Mark let the shirt drop, but the other man lifted it back up and grabbed his dangling equipment.  Even though he’d just cum, the short, sculpted man hardened against Landon’s rough palm.  “Dude...there’s no way it’s…”

“Oh shit!”  Landon pulled his hand away and stared in wide-eyed shock at Mark’s obviously smaller cock.  He’d seen his friend naked enough times over the years to know what it should have looked like, and the short, solid rod wasn’t it.  

Mark’s heart started to race.  “It’s not...is it really smaller?”  He quickly pulled the muscle shirt free and pawed at his lower half while Landon rummaged through a drawer.  He almost didn’t want to take the ruler from his friend, but he had to know.  “Fuck!”  the blonde stud yelped as the plastic ruler clattered to the floor.  Instead of seven inches, he topped out at barely five.  He ran to Landon’s mirror and looked at himself again, turning from side to side.  For the first time since he could remember, his rigid poker looked less massive and more proportional to the rest of his short frame.  “What the fuck?!  How is this possible?!”

Landon heard his friend’s panicked cries, but all he could focus on was the other man’s shortened member.  He couldn’t stop thinking about how different Mark looked already.  Landon gasped as he pictured Mark’s sculpted, granite body, strutting around and flexing with nothing but a tiny nub poking out between his muscled thighs.  

“Hng!” the sitting man gave a quick grunt as he came, soaking the front of his underwear when he blasted through it.  

Across the hall, the open eyes of the statue stared hungrily.  


At the same time, across town, Liam was leading his two new friends out into the woods.  He’d spotted the men from across the bar the instant they’d walked in.  The short, beefy ginger and his tall, lean partner had him hard before the door even closed behind them.  He didn’t know their names, but he’d already learned to stop asking.  It didn’t matter.  

The few times he’d been able to stop and think about it, the burly man was surprised at how quickly he’d taken to picking up guys.  As someone who’d beaten a man up for hitting on him, the sudden shift in behavior was as unexpected as it was confusing.  

It all started with Ethan.  At first his friend’s constant nudity was just annoying, until a switch flipped in Liam’s head.  Instead of being irritated by Ethan’s exposed flesh, it was all he could think about.  It was all he wanted to think about.  He tried to isolate himself in his room, but after he caught himself jerking off thinking about his friend’s naked body, he split.  He’d only been back to the house a few times when it was absolutely necessary, but it hadn’t helped.  Things were still escalating beyond his control.  He’d been staying at his buddy Alex’s apartment for a few nights after leaving the house, but his fellow football player had thrown him out when he’d woken up one morning to find Liam’s mouth wrapped around his cock.  

Things moved quickly after that. Since then, Liam had been hopping from bed to bed, picking up a different guy, or multiple guys, every day.  He liked to think he was good at it, but the big man had noticed that other men seemed drawn to him.  His beefy body and bulldog face weren’t unattractive, but they were far from irresistible.  It shouldn’t have been so easy to land so many guys, and once he did, he shouldn’t have been so good at it.  His mouth, his hands, his ass; Liam suddenly knew how to use all of them to reduce a guy to a moaning puddle.  

And the more he did it, the more he wanted to keep doin it.  He didn’t even care what the guy looked like anymore, or what they wanted to do.  In this strange new world he’d entered, Liam was just desperate to experience as much of it as he could.  

“This spot should be good,” Liam said, coming to a halt in a wooded clearing.  A shaft of bright moonlight illuminated the surrounding forest as he turned to face the two men.  “So what do you guys wanna do,” the burly man purred, sounding almost coy.  

The stocky ginger adjusted the large bulge in his tight jeans as he looked up at his taller friend.  “What sounds good to you?”  

The lean man raised an eyebrow as he looked Liam up and down.  “Something tells me you’re really good with that mouth of yours.”  

Liam shrugged his giant shoulders.  “I don’t like to brag.”  

“We got a cocky one,” the shorter man laughed.  

“We’ll see,” the taller one said smugly as he opened his jeans. 

Liam didn’t wait.  He fell to his knees and zeroed in on the shorter man.  He had the man’s pants open in a flash, swallowing the fat cock that shot free.  While the thick pole filled his mouth, he used his other hand to fish out the taller man’s long, thin rod and started stroking it.  A loud sigh hummed out around the invading organ in Liam’s mouth as his body lit up.  It was like a drug and this was his fix.  As soon as the buff little man’s cock hit his tongue, Liam was soaring.  When he pulled his mouth away to switch to the other man he rubbed his cheeks against the spit-slick rod like a cat scratching its face on a door frame.  

“He wasn’t...kidding…” the short one panted, grinding his cock into Liam’s stroking hand while the kneeling man’s pug face bobbed in and out of the tall one’s crotch.  

“Hoooo boy he sure wasn’t,” the thinner man grunted.  “Come on big guy...let’s get a look at you.”  

Liam obeyed, raising his thick arms above his head and pulling his mouth away just long enough to let his shirt be lifted free.  He flexed his brawny chest while his pudgy fingers fumbled his jeans and underwear open as he resumed working the dripping rod in front of him.  

“Football player?”  The shorter man walked around and stroked the back of Liam’s head with his rigid cock.  “You’re definitely built like one.”  

“Ye..yeah…” Liam gasped as he turned and switched back to the other man. The mention of being on the football team sent a rush of embarrassment through him that somehow drove him on even more.  

“I bet the guys love that,” the taller man said, catching his breath.  “Fucking a real football player?  Big burly thing like you?  Do the other guys know what you get up to?”  

Liam’s face burned from the taunting question.  “No...I mean...probably not…” he stammered as the shorter man pulled away.  

“Do you want them to?”  Liam’s stomach dropped when the tall man pulled out a badge.  

“Oh...oh fuck...wait a minute...I’m not…” the big man’s heart was racing as he tried to desperately talk his way out.  

“You’re not what?  Exposing yourself in the park like some pervert?”  Liam shuddered as the shorter man ran a booted foot along the thick cock he’d loosed when opening his jeans earlier.  

“But...but you guys...you’re also…” 

“We just stood here.  You’re the one that did all the work,” the tall man shrugged.  “On your feet.”  

“Wait!  Please!  Just let me…” Liam was cut off when he stood and found his hands immediately cuffed behind his back by the shorter man, who promptly sent his jeans and underwear tumbling around his ankles.  

“Kinda small for a big guy, isn’t he?”  The tall man laughed, cocking his head and looking at Liam’s short, stubby cock.  

“Eh, there’s plenty of the rest of him,” the stocky man said, giving one of Liam’s ample globes a squeeze.  He laughed and squeezed harder when he heard the bigger man’s quiet moan.  “I bet you’re just fuckin’ desperate for this, aren’t you,” he asked, rubbing his cock against the thick man’s exposed rear.  

“Come on, man, you can do that at the station once we book him,” the lean one said impatiently.  

The redhead gave Liam’s smallish cock a quick tug as he ground into him again.  “He can’t just leave us like this, though.”  

“Oh, yeah, he’s definitely finishing what he started.  I’m just sayin’ don’t get too crazy out here.”  The tall man stepped forward as Liam was pushed down to his knees.  The cuffed, naked man hated how badly he wanted to keep going.  Even under the dire circumstances, he wanted nothing more than to get the long, throbbing rod back in his mouth.  “Do a good job and we’ll make it easy for you.”  

“Like fuck we will,” the little ginger laughed, slapping his friend on the arm.  

“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that.”   

Liam whimpered lustfully and kept going, terrified and strangely thrilled at the thought of what was to come.  


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