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Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 6

  • Now off duty, Ben and Paul get propositioned by Liam at a local bar. 9
  • Back at the frat house, muscular Mark's hefty package starts shrinking. 11
  • Back at the frat house, an insatiably horny Landon starts losing inches in height. 4
  • 2018-04-03
  • —2018-04-05
  • 24 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 6', 'choices': [{'text': 'Now off duty, Ben and Paul get propositioned by Liam at a local bar.', 'votes': 9}, {'text': "Back at the frat house, muscular Mark's hefty package starts shrinking. ", 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Back at the frat house, an insatiably horny Landon starts losing inches in height. ', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 5, 16, 32, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 3, 1, 34, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 24}


Nick drove back to the station, feeling a mixture of frustration and relief.  His conversation with Carter was enough for him to scratch the professor off the suspect list, and while this left him no closer to finding the real culprit or the whereabouts of the missing older man, Nick was glad.  He’d written Carter off as another pretentious desk jockey, but after their conversation he was starting to warm up to the other man’s rugged charm.  

Nick had been right about having another conversation away from Carter’s office.  Speaking with him at home had allowed the older man to drop his guard and Nick literally caught him with his pants down.  Even the fit, younger detective had to admit that Carter was an impressive sight in nothing but his speedo, even when compared to the impossibly built Randy.  That one still threw Nick for a loop.  He didn’t care that Carter was gay, he just hadn’t been expecting a nearly naked wall of blonde muscle to be what greeted him on the other side of the door.  

“Good for him,” Nick whistled, muttering to himself in the car.  The two men’s relationship seemed to be inverse, with Randy lacking the brains that Carter had in abundance, but making up for it with his sculpted, hung frame.  It was clear they were each getting what they wanted out of the arrangement, so Nick wasn’t going to judge. All he’d been interested in was pumping Carter for more information about the statue.  After seeing the professor’s house and the sheer volume of artifacts it was easier to buy his dismissive attitude towards the missing relic.  There really wasn’t a shortage of priceless antiques, and after talking about upcoming expeditions, Nick learned that there were plenty more to come.  

Still, it chafed him.  His instincts told him the statue was important, he just didn’t know how it factored in yet.  He thought it over as he made his way through the skeleton crew at the station to his desk.  Like the campus itself, their numbers were lower over the summer since it was generally quiet during those months.  Add to that a Saturday night and the few officers that were on duty were out rounding up drunks, leaving only a handful of other people in the station.  

“Any luck?”  A short, burly pitbull of a man waddled over, his huge arms hanging at an angle from his wide torso.  

“Struck out,” Nick sighed, dropping down into his chair and looking at the mound of notes and files scattered across his desk.  He leaned back and folded his hands behind his head.  “I just don’t get it, Len.  I’ve never seen a missing person case with so little to go on.”  

Len shrugged his beefy shoulders, the motion pulling his shirt even tighter across his shelf of a chest.  Tufts of hair stuck out from the exposed patch of skin behind the open top button.  “Maybe he didn’t go missing.  Maybe he just left.”   

Nick knew the other man could be right.  Len had a decade on him and the older man’s hunches were usually correct.  “I thought so too, but it’s entirely out of character.  Entirely.  This guy didn’t even take a shit without telling his secretary first.”  

“Looks like you keep diggin’,” Len smirked, handing Nick a mug of coffee.  

The younger detective shivered when his hand brushed against Len’s as he took the mug.  As soon as he made contact with the older man’s rough skin a tingle shot through him.  He shook his head and blinked rapidly, noting that Len was doing the same.  “Th..thanks…” he stammered quickly.  Len was just standing in silence, looking down at him.  

“If you wanna clear your head let me know.  I was gonna hit the gym in a bit,” the older man finally rumbled, his usual smirk replacing the look of confusion.  

Nick nodded.  “Sounds good.  Give me a couple minutes to jot down some notes and I’ll come snag you.”  He turned in his chair and started writing, but stopped after a few minutes when Len hadn’t budged.  “Did, uh, you need something else?”  

The older man’s round face was stretched by an awkward grin.  “Shit! Sorry...spaced out there.  I’ll be over at my desk.”  

Nick watched Len’s broad back the entire time as the other man navigated the sea of desks to cross the room.  Something about the way Len looked as he trudged was catching his attention.  He’d never noticed how much the shorter man’s body radiated a feeling of barely restrained power.  Len’s thick, chunky muscles suddenly seemed like an explosion just waiting to go off.  Nick looked away just as his older friend sat, but he could feel Len’s eyes on him the entire time he wrote.  When he stole the occasional glance, Len didn’t even bother to look away; he just kept staring.  

It was enough to distract Nick.  Though the conversation with Carter was fresh in his mind, he couldn’t seem to organize his thoughts enough to get them down on paper.  He thought he’d been jotting down notes the whole time, but as soon as he left the professor’s house and got out to his car he realized his notepad was still blank.  

“Fuck it,” he sighed, pushing away from his cluttered desk.  “He’s in the clear anyway.  Yo, Len,” he called across the room, “you ready?”  

The older man nodded and lumbered to his feet, jerking his head towards a lean, sandy-haired officer who’d just come in with his beefy, redheaded partner.  “Ben and Paul just got off shift.  They’re gonna join.”

Nick walked over and shook the thinner man’s hand.  “Hey Ben...long time no see.”  He shivered again and watched the same glassy eyed look flash across the young man’s face that he’d seen on Len.  The uniformed man seemed to shake it off quicker, grinning as he let go and made room for Paul to do the same.  “How’d it go out there?”  

The dazed, beefy ginger blinked rapidly and let go.  “Oh...uh, you know.  The usual.  Some drunks...a few fighting couples...busted tail lights.  Not the most exciting shift.”  

“It never is during the summer.  You boys’ll learn that soon enough,” Len said in his deep, bassy rumble.  

Ben laughed and clapped Len on the back.  “If I’d have known how boring it was this time of year I would have gone out of my way to give you guys more to do when I was still in school.”  The young man flinched when Len’s meaty hand shot out and punched him on the arm.  “Hey! That’s assaulting an officer.”  

Len reached up and gave the back of the taller young man’s head a shove.  “No, it’s slapping a rookie.  There’s a difference.”  Ben and Paul were the youngest members on the force, something that the other guys liked to point out constantly.   

Nick usually joined in the ribbing, but he was distracted as the group made their way down to the basement.  The three other men stood close, constantly brushing against him, and he was having a hard time looking away from the younger, uniformed officers.  Lean, tall Ben and wide, beefy Paul were quite a pair.  They were like younger versions of himself and Len, and Nick found himself admiring the different  ways in which the two filled out their uniforms.  

The addled detective tried to focus on anything else once they were in the sparse locker room.  One end was a large, locker-lined rectangle with a few benches in the middle, while the other had a wall of showers and sinks.  Nick had never paid attention to exactly how little privacy the room provided.  He was far from shy about his impressive body and had strutted around naked plenty of times without giving it a second thought, but now it was all he could think about.  

He opened his locker and started unbuttoning his shirt while he thought about all the times the other guys had watched him while he undressed and showered.   He knew that they weren’t actually “watching” him anymore than he was watching them doing the same, but he couldn’t shake the idea of all those eyes on his naked body.  

“Yo, earth to Nick!”  

Paul’s laugh snapped Nick’s attention back to the present.  He looked over and saw the grinning redhead standing next to him in a pair of straining blue boxer briefs.  Paul’s pale shoulders were broad and freckled, with a set of large, plump pecs resting between them.  The young man’s brawny arms loomed large and powerful next to his flat, firm stomach, and a slight trail of ginger fur drew the viewer’s eye down to the thick bulge between his sturdy quads.  “Sorry,” Nick said, acutely aware of Paul’s boyish, handsome face and bright blue eyes for the first time.  “Lost in my head.”  

“Ben was asking about the Martin case,” Len said as he stepped out of his pants and stood in nothing but a pair of small white briefs.  The bleached cotton popped against Len’s hairy, olive skin and did nothing to conceal the thick, heavy package it contained.  The stocky older man was a brick wall of lumpy, unsculpted muscle that matched his personality perfectly.  

Ben nodded.  “Yeah...anything you want us to keep an eye out for?”  Like Nick, the lean young man had stripped out of his shirt, giving everyone a view of his smooth, defined torso and deceptively strong, ripped arms.  He stood with his pants open, exposing a patch of his grey briefs underneath.  

Nick stepped out of his shoes and shrugged.  “I don’t even know what I’m looking for yet.  I thought I had a lead with that other professor, but everything checked out.  Puts me right back at square….whoooaaa!”  Nick broke off, his face turning red.  He’d been undoing his pants while he spoke and had let them drop, only to find that he had nothing on underneath.  The black boxer briefs that he always wore were nowhere to be seen, leaving him naked and exposed in front of the other men.  

Next to him, Paul laughed and gave his bare cheeks a quick swat.  “Forget to put something on this morning?”  

“I...uh...I guess so…” Nick laughed awkwardly, his cheek stinging from Paul’s strong hand.  He stared down at his dangling package, confused.  He’d turned to face the other men while he spoke but didn’t try to cover himself.  

“Are you going to put something on now?”  

Nick shook his head again and finally turned towards his locker when he heard Ben’s laughing question.  “Fuck!  Sorry fellas, I don’t know where my head’s at.”  

“Hey...what was that you said earlier,” Nick heard Len ask with a wry laugh.  “Assaulting an officer?  Does that make this indecent exposure?”  

“You know, I think it does.  Should we book him?”  Ben’s voice didn’t sound like he was joking.  

“I mean, the law’s the law, right?”  

Nick started to turn at Paul’s loud laugh, but he’d barely moved before Len grabbed his arms.  In a flash, the naked detective’s hands were cuffed behind him as he was pressed against the lockers.  “O...okay...very funny…” he stammered, overwhelmed by the presence of Len’s hairy, solid body pressing against his bare back.  

“Funny?”  Nick gasped when Len shoved against him again.  The older man had pulled on the cuffs, twisting his arms roughly, but all the bound detective could focus on was the sensation of the stuffed briefs smashing against his perky bubble.  “So you think it’s funny to break the law? What do you think, boys?”  

Nick’s head was a whirl of confusion when Len spun him around.  He tried not to think about his long, thick cock slapping against his thigh in the process.  “Guys...what the fuck…” he said, his sculpted chest heaving as his breath came fast and heavy.  Ben and Paul stood next to each other, arms flexing as they folded across their bare chests.  The eyes that Nick had imagined watching him were now actually staring in his direction with a lustful hunger. 

“Hey man, you’re the one exposing yourself,” Paul said, casually adjusting the twitching lump in his boxer briefs.  

“Okay...you’ve had your fun...joke’s overuuuuhhh…” Nick was mortified at the groan that escaped his lips.  He’d been struggling against the cuffs when a surge of pleasure washed over him.  His dangling cock rocketed to attention while he was helpless to do anything about it.  The more his athletic body struggled against the metal bonds, the more his rigid pole ached.  

“Damn...I think he likes it…” Len said, giving the cuffs another tug and eliciting another confused moan.  

“I think he does too,” Ben laughed.  He dropped his pants and briefs in one motion, wagging his trim hips and smiling as Nick’s eyes followed his swaying hose.  

“So what’s the word, Nick?  You actually get off on this?”  The cuffed detective gasped and struggled for breath.  His heart was racing from a mixture of fear, embarrassment and overwhelming lust.  Len’s presence was overwhelming and arousing at the same time, making it hard for him to think.  “I asked you a question!”  

“UUUnnnnn….ye...yes!”  Nick moaned when Len roughly spun him around and shoved him against the lockers again.  He didn’t know why he said it; the words had just come out on their own.  He knew something was affecting all of them by the glazed looks behind the lustful stares, but the other men didn’t seem any more in control of their actions than he did.  

“It’s always you pretty boys,” Len said, almost in disgust.  “You guys are always into that weird shit.  So….what?  You get off every time you cuff a guy?  You sit at home jerkin’ it wishing it was you?”  

“No!” Nick shook his head as best he could with Len pressing him against the locker.  

The older man dug his briefs against Nick’s bare cheeks again.  “You sure about that?  You sure seem to be enjoying this.”  

“Yes!  I mean...no!  I mean...I don’t know!”  Nick whimpered, reflexively pushing his ass back against his friend’s bulge.  

“I dunno, Len.  Maybe some time in a cell would help clear his head.” The brawny ginger’s stout cock was tenting out his boxer briefs while he watched Nick get roughly manhandled against the lockers.  

Len laughed and stepped back to let Paul take his place.  “Alright, rookie.  You know the procedure...make sure he doesn’t have anything on him.”  

“MMMM….” Nick closed his eyes and groaned at the sensation of the younger man’s rough hands working their way over his bare skin as he was patted him down.  It was like his entire body was one giant nerve ending, the slightest contact making his knees go weak.  

“Don’t forget the cavity search.”  

Before Nick could process what Ben just said, Paul roughly spun him around and shoved him forward, jerking his arms upright behind him.  Nick had no choice but to bend forward so that his shoulders wouldn’t dislocate, and as soon as he did, a pair of thick fingers worked their way inside his tight, virgin hole.  “HHHHNNNNGGGGG!”  

Nick saw stars.  Every one of his ample muscles tensed like he’d just stepped on a live wire while Paul’s strong digits rooted around inside him.  “Ahh..aha...ahhhooo...oh...oh fuck…” Nick whimpered.  “Fuuuuu….fuck...that’s...that’s good…” He was actually disappointed when Paul finally pulled his fingers free.  

“He’s clear,” the young officer laughed smugly at the sound of Nick’s desperate voice.  

Len walked over, his now-tented briefs inches from the bent over detective’s face.  “So what’s it gonna be?  Do we need to keep you in a cell or did Paul jog your memory?”  He rubbed his straining briefs slowly against Nick’s face.  

“He...he did…” Nick stammered, his mouth reaching for the older man’s tented bulge on instinct.  

Len held his crotch tantalizingly close, but just out of reach.  “So you DO get off on being cuffed and treated like a common criminal?”  

Nick was screaming in his head.  He knew he shouldn’t enjoy any of this.  He should be thrashing and fighting his way free.  Even with his hands bound behind him, the fit detective was confident he could still put up a decent struggle.  The problem was that he didn’t want to.  The only thing he wanted was the fat, solid cock being held just inches away.  “YES! Yes...god...please...just let me…” 

Len’s tone softened as he suddenly took on the role of “good cop.”  “That’s all you needed to say, bud,” he said, stroking Nick’s thick brown hair.  With the other hand he pulled down the front of his briefs, letting his solid member spring free.  “Whooaaa….get ready fellas,” Len laughed, “he’s eager.”  

“I’m more interested in this right now,” Paul said, giving Nick’s ass a squeeze.  “Got him all loosened up and everything...be a shame to waste that.”  

Nick barely heard both men over the sound of his humming groans.  He’d never felt more content or turned on than he had the instant Len’s cock hit his tongue.  The older man filling his mouth made him feel better than he ever thought possible.  At least until Paul joined in.  “HHHHMMMMMMM!”  Nick’s eyes nearly bugged out of skull when the buff redhead’s thick, short cock split him open.  He squirmed and writhed as the squat organ worked its way in until he felt the other man’s fiery bush tickling his bare cheeks.  There was a moment of pure shock as Nick tried to wrap his head around the fact that he was being stuffed from both ends.  Out of the corner of his eye he could see Ben watching, stroking away the entire time.  

Then his body took over.  The handsome detective started bucking his hips and working his mouth like he’d done this countless times.  His arms were still bound and his firm abs burned as he held himself in the bent over position, but it only turned him on more.  The idea that he was getting two men off at the same time without the use of his strong arms or his long, thick cock drove him wild.  He knew there was no going back.  His relatively vanilla sex with women over the years seemed pitiful and bland compared to what he was feeling.  He never wanted it to stop.  When Paul came inside him and pulled away, he was desperate for a replacement.  He’d whimpered around Len’s cock and looked pleadingly at Ben until the other man took up the beefy man’s spot, laughing as he slid into the lubed up hole.  The tall man’s long rod felt nothing like his buff friend’s, but Nick loved it just as much, working his perky bubble until he’d swallowed all of it.  

He could feel a pressure building.  The more Len’s oozing cock slammed into his mouth in time with Ben’s steady pounding, the stronger it became.  Nick was on the cusp of exploding, but the pressure felt deeper than that, like something was about to be unleashed.  A purple haze glowed at the corners of his vision and Nick felt like things were crawling all over his skin. There was one last pause; a horrifying moment of clarity where the addled detective was entirely aware of how wrong all of this was.  Like the eye of a storm, it passed quickly as Nick came.  He let loose a long, deep bellow, his untouched cock spraying like a hydrant that had been broken open.  The purple haze that had lingered at the edges flared into a blinding flash that shot outwards from him.  The light washed over the other men, passing through the walls and up through the floor to permeate the entire building.  

When Nick came to he was in a panting heap on the cum-covered floor.  His arms were still cuffed and he looked up just in time to see his three coworkers finish getting dressed.  

“Come on,” Len barked, tugging Nick up by an arm.  The naked detective staggered on his feet, too weak to resist as Len pulled him along.  

“What...where are we going…” Nick managed to ask while Ben and Paul flanked him.  

“You’re going to get your wish and spend some time behind bars,” Len said flatly.  

“Wait...what?  No!  You guys can’t just…” Nick tried to pull away but only managed to scoot back a few feet before Paul shoved him forward.  The longer they walked the more his head cleared, and Nick was horrified at the thought of being paraded naked through the station.  They were already making their way up the back staircase, and before he could stop himself, the sculpted detective was being marched down the hall in front of the other cells.  The handful of men already in lock up whistled cat calls as he passed, and Nick was mortified to feel his cock twitching in response.  

“Be good and maybe you’ll get out early,” Ben said when they passed through a door to reach the isolation cell.  It was separate from the rest, reserved for people who were either out of their minds on drugs or having a mental health crisis.  All it had was a thin, bare mattress on the floor and a toilet in the corner.  

The bars slid open and Nick was shoved inside.  He was already hard before the door slammed shut behind him.  


At Paul’s command, Nick stuck his arms back through the bars so the cuffs could be removed.  “But...wait!  You can’t just leave me in here!”  Nick’s heart was pounding.  He didn’t know why he was letting any of this happen, but he was more concerned with why he so badly wanted it to happen.  He was naked and hard, locked in a cell with nothing to cover himself.  He’d never been more turned on in his life.   

Len gave one last look over a broad shoulder as the three men left.  “Don’t worry pal...you’ll have plenty of visitors.”  


Carter sighed contentedly, running his fingers over the wad of black fabric in his hand.  He opened his eyes slowly, still dizzy from his consciousness returning to his body.  The professor had watched Nick’s ordeal at the station from afar, and he smiled triumphantly at what his spectral eyes had seen.  The plan was working perfectly.  The sigils he’d drawn had activated on contact, and the testosterone fueled environment of the police station only sped things along.  All that pent up aggression was the oily rag, and Nick was the lit match.  He’d kept the detective’s underwear because he thought it would be amusing, but it turned out to be the spark that set everything off when the handsome man unwittingly exposed himself.  Now, not only was Nick occupied, but he’d soon spread his influence over the entire station and the other officers.  Carter felt the exploding energies all the way across town as the veils between dimensions thinned around the building when Nick erupted.  Carter knew the results could be unpredictable, but one thing was certain: the local law enforcement was going to get much more interesting.    


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